Jul 112024

Henri Matisse Window at Tangiers 1912


Orban Is What Zelensky Should Have Been (Amar)
Merkel Would Have Prevented Ukraine Conflict – Orban (RT)
Trump Issues Fresh Challenge To Biden (RT)
Dem Senator Says Trump Could Beat Biden In “Landslide” (ZH)
MSM Launches ‘Muh Russia’ Election Narrative (ZH)
NATO Preparing For ‘Protracted Wars’ – Pentagon (RT)
EU Members Up Defense Spending by 30% Over Last 3 Years – Borrell (Sp.)
New UK Prime Minister Pledges Sharp Rise In Military Spending (RT)
‘Russia Will Not Prevail’ – Biden to NATO (RT)
Kiev Can ‘Never’ Get Enough Weapons – Zelensky (RT)
US Bodycount 35 KIA After Russian Missile Strike (Helmer)
Ukraine Timing Tragedies To Coincide With Important Events – Kremlin (RT)
West to Supply Ukraine With ‘Squadrons’ of F-16 Fighter Jets (Sp.)
High-Tech Western Weapons ‘Useless’ In Ukraine Conflict – WSJ (RT)
We Were “Deceived & Gaslit For Years” (Alastair Crooke)
NC Democrats Vote to Block 3rd-Party Candidates from Ballots (Turley)



Anti-Trump rally in New York City, June 3, 2017 © AFP / Eduardo Munoz Alvarez



Trump Kamala










“..Hungary’s leader does not speak for the European Union, even if his country holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. That is true, but to be frank, uninteresting. What is intriguing instead is the compulsive need to keep saying it.”

Orban Is What Zelensky Should Have Been (Amar)

When your enfant terrible is also (almost) the only adult in the room, then something is very wrong with your room. For “the room” read the EU – and the West more broadly – and, for both the enfant terrible and the adult in the room, Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, and there you have it: the shortest possible description of what the big brouhaha about his recent trips to first Kiev, then Moscow and Beijing is really all about. The EU, in reality, has no policy worthy of the name to address the single most urgent issue in Europe at this point, namely, how to end the war in and over Ukraine. As Orbán himself has correctly pointed out in an interview with the German newspaper Die Welt, all the EU does is copy America’s “policy of war.” In other words, Brussels, like Washington, has ruled out diplomacy and compromise to end the war.

Indeed, if the US and EU had engaged in genuine diplomacy, then the war could have been prevented or ended quickly, in spring 2022. Orbán may be putting too much weight on – and too much trust in – a single Western leader, but that is his larger point when he claims that the large-scale war would not have happened if Angela Merkel had still been in office as chancellor of Germany. Against this backdrop of EU non- or, really – anti-diplomacy, Orbán has dared stand out by going on what, using social media to great effect, he has loudly announced as his “peace mission.” That appeal to public opinion has, of course, angered his detractors even more: Not only has he dared speak to “the autocrats” out there, he has also addressed the masses at home in the West. Perish the “populism”!

Yet it is a traditional and legitimate move among politicians worth their salt: Before practicing the art of – back then – radio reach-out to perfection in World War II, no lesser a leader than young Charles de Gaulle, in his ‘The Edge of the Sword’, recognized the absolute need to “dominate opinion,” since “nothing is possible” without that true “sovereign.” Yet Orbán’s “populism” is not even the main problem this time. That rather has to do with the fact that he has turned his own initiative into a foil against which the EU’s mainstream’s lack of imagination, rigidity, and, last but not least, complete subservience to the US are glaringly obvious. In the EU it is now going “rogue” to do what is not only obvious but reasonable and urgently needed: seek at least dialogue instead of stonewalling. That reflects badly on the EU.

So does the fact that the Hungarian leader has a habit of realism where the EU establishment prefers fictions maintained by – aggressively enforced – group think. Orbán has no time for the silly idea that Russia is a threat to European states inside NATO, he observes – rightly – that Russian policy is rational, and he recognizes the fact that Russia cannot be defeated in Ukraine. All of this is true, and all of it is taboo in Brussels. To complete his register of sin and heresy, the Hungarian prime minister also has the temerity to cultivate a memory and a sense of history. In a Newsweek editorial, he has just reminded NATO of two essential facts: that the alliance was founded for defensive purposes (to which it has badly failed to stick) and that the recent habit of treating a future war with “the world’s other geopolitical power centers,” that is, Russia and China, as de facto inevitable can turn into a “self-fulfilling prophecy.”

When you are thin on substance, rely instead on formalities and, if need be, legalism. Much of the EU elites’ response to Orbán’s initiatives has taken that self-revealing form. As soon as Orbán dared go to Moscow, leading EU cadres, such as Josep Borrell, Ursula von der Leyen, and Charles Michel could hardly stop falling over themselves with denunciations and reminders that Hungary’s leader does not speak for the European Union, even if his country holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. That is true, but to be frank, uninteresting. What is intriguing instead is the compulsive need to keep saying it.

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Merkel Would Have Prevented Ukraine Conflict – Orban (RT)

The Ukraine conflict would not have escalated into an “international war” if former German Chancellor Angela Merkel were still in power, according to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He accused current EU leaders of lacking vision in an interview with Die Welt published on Monday. A vocal proponent of a diplomatic solution for Ukraine, Orban last week embarked on a “peace mission” to some of the countries he says are the “five main actors” to the conflict – Ukraine, Russia, China, the EU, and the US.Orban’s first stop was Germany, where he spoke to Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The Hungarian leader said “there was hardly any agreement” between the pair regarding the resolution of the conflict, noting that he “always” misses Scholz’s predecessor, Merkel, due to her practical approach. According to Orban, if Merkel were still in power, the Russia-Ukraine conflict in its current form “would never have happened.”

“She had the ability, the understanding and the skills to isolate the conflicts that are bad for Europe. We made the mistake of allowing there to be a conflict, of allowing there to be a war. And instead of isolating it, we escalated it and made it international,” he stated. Orban recalled the failed Minsk peace accords, brokered by France and Germany, which ostensibly sought to resolve the dispute in Donbass in 2014 that preceded the current conflict. The path to peace would be much easier for all parties today if similar agreements were in place, the Hungarian prime minister argued. “If you believe that a political agreement like Minsk can solve all problems, then Minsk is of course a failure. But if you see that there is a situation that is bad and needs to be resolved somehow, then the only relevant reference point is not how can it be made better, but how it can be prevented from getting even worse,” Orban stated.

“Peace does not come by itself,” he added, stating that it has to be brokered by global leaders who want it, and claiming that “unfortunately we lack those.” Orban has often criticized the West’s approach to the Ukraine conflict, calling for a diplomatic settlement through negotiations. However, his ceasefire overture to Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky earlier this month was rejected, while his EU peers criticized him for his later visit to Russia. Several diplomatic sources told Politico earlier this week that the bloc could even revoke Hungary’s rotating EU presidency, which it assumed last month.

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“Trump said he wanted to give Biden a “chance to redeem himself.”

Trump Issues Fresh Challenge To Biden (RT)

Former US President Donald Trump has challenged Joe Biden to a “no-holds-barred” debate and an 18-hole game of golf so that the incumbent leader can prove he is still fit for office. The 81-year-old Biden is facing growing calls from his fellow Democrats to drop out of the 2024 presidential race over concerns about his mental health, following his disastrous performance during a debate with Trump last month. Speaking at a rally in Miami on Tuesday, Trump said he wanted to give Biden a “chance to redeem himself.” “Let’s do another debate this week so ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden can prove to everyone all over the world that he has what it takes to be president. But this time it will be man to man, no moderators, no holds barred,” Trump said, calling on Biden to “name the place, anytime, anywhere.”

Trump also recalled that during their CNN-hosted debate, Biden had declared that he would be willing to test his skills and stamina against his rival on the golf course. “Can you believe this? Did you ever see him swing?” Trump told his supporters, announcing that he is “officially challenging ‘Crooked Joe’ to an 18-hole golf match right here.” The presumptive Republican candidate promised that if Biden won, he would donate $1 million to any charity of his opponent’s choice. However, Trump doubted that Biden would accept his challenge “because he is all talk.” Biden campaign spokesman James Singer responded to the challenge on Wednesday by claiming that the US president “doesn’t have time for Donald Trump’s weird antics – he’s busy leading America and defending the free world.” He also dismissed Trump as a “liar, a convict, and a fraud only out for himself.”

Biden himself has unequivocally stressed that he is “firmly committed” to staying in the presidential race, while White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has insisted that the incumbent is determined to serve out his full second term in office if reelected. At the same time, calls for Biden to drop out of the election have continued to grow, with many senior Democrats and party donors urging him to “do the right thing” and quit, fearing he would not be able to beat Trump. A survey conducted by CBS News/YouGov in the wake of last month’s presidential debate also found that 72% of registered voters do not believe that Biden has the “mental and cognitive health necessary to serve as president.”

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“The White House, in the time since that disastrous debate, I think, has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election..”

Dem Senator Says Trump Could Beat Biden In “Landslide” (ZH)

Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) on Tuesday became the first Democratic senator to publicly cast doubt on President Joe Biden’s chances against Donald Trump in November. “Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election, and maybe win it by a landslide, and take with him the Senate and the House,” Bennett told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday – after telling colleagues the same in private. “So for me, this isn’t a question about polling. It’s not a question about politics. It’s a moral question about the future of our country.” “The White House, in the time since that disastrous debate, I think, has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election,” he continued.

Bennet’s comments echo those of a growing number of congressional Democrats who say Biden’s reelection bid could hurt the entire party in down-ballot races this fall. As CNN reports, “Democrats, including those inside the administration, view this week as critical to Biden’s political survival, and lawmakers on Capitol Hill gathered privately for their weekly meetings on Tuesday.” “The stakes could not be higher,” said Bennett, who says his voters have “deep concerns” over whether Biden can win. Punchbowl News had a sobering take on the state of affairs for Democrats in their Wednesday AM newsletter, saying Biden has “made a mess of the Democratic party.” Senate Democrats were far from united about whether Biden is the best person to defeat Trump. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told us that Biden needs to “continue to aggressively make his case” to his fellow Democratic senators in order to “earn full support.”

New Jersey Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill issued a statement Tuesday afternoon calling on Biden to step aside in favor of another Democratic candidate. “[B]ecause I know President Biden cares deeply about the future of our country, I am asking that he declare that he won’t run for reelection and will help lead us through a process toward a new nominee.” Fellow New Jersey Democratic Rep. Andy Kim — who’s running for Senate — walked right up the line of whether Biden should get out. “What steps can we actually take right now [to replace Biden.] That’s where some of the confusion is. Especially with all the talk of what are the actual deadlines. It’s hard to kind of make a decision without fully understanding that. We need to get a better grasp on it,” said Kim.

Meanwhile, House Democratic leaders met privately on Tuesday morning with some of their most vulnerable members, for a conversation that was “honest, brutal and intense,” and left some members crying, according to sources with knowledge of the meeting. ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, meanwhile, told TMZ that he doesn’t think Biden can serve another four years. The 63-year-old Stephanopoulos sat down for a closely-watched interview with Biden last week following the president’s disastrous debate performance last month against Donald Trump. “Do you think Biden should step down?” the TMZ journalist asked the “Good Morning America” co-host and moderator of “This Week.” “I don’t think he can serve four more years,” replied Stephanopoulos after a pause.

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Russiagate 3.0.

MSM Launches ‘Muh Russia’ Election Narrative (ZH)

While the Democratic party melts down over Joe Biden’s cognitive decline – an obvious risk to US national security, the 2024 election wouldn’t be complete without a Trump-Russia narrative. To that end, the Wall Street Journal reports that the Russian government has launched a ‘whole-of-government” effort to influence the US presidential election in favor of Donald Trump – who, for some reason, Russia held off on invading Ukraine while he was president (and ostensibly wouldn’t have sent $175 billion and counting in US aid to combat). Citing unnamed ‘senior US intelligence officials,’ the Journal writes: The officials didn’t mention Trump by name, but said that Russia’s current activity—described as covert social-media use and other online propaganda efforts—mirrored the 2020 and 2016 election cycles, when Moscow also favored Trump and sought to undermine Democratic candidates, according to U.S. intelligence agencies.

Of course, Russia’s 2016 ‘influence campaign’ amounted to roughly $100,000 in Facebook ads, which “didn’t reference any specific presidential candidate, or even the election itself,” largely targeting BLM members and ‘Pokemon Go’ aficionados. Insidious. That said, the officials say that the activity witnessed so far this election cycle “isn’t on the scale or scope seen in 2016, when Russia’s actions included a hack-and-leak of Democratic Party emails, rudimentary cyber-probing of some state election systems and other actions intended to undermine Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.” Hacked emails, you say? Edit: And as ZeroHedge reader ‘The Wolverine’ notes in the comments below: ‘Remember that time Adam Schiff interviewed the President of CrowdStrike and refused to release the transcript for months and months?’

According to the new report, Russia is seeking to influence specific voting groups, including those in swing states, and promote divisive narratives while denigrating specific politicians, the anonymous US intelligence officials told reporters, without mentioning the specific voters or politicians who have been allegedly targeted. But wait, there’s more! The Kremlin “is also working to influence members of Congress and is broadly seeking to undermine U.S. support for Ukraine in its war with Russia,” according to the anonymous officials – one of whom said that Russia was the “pre-eminent threat” to the election, while Iran was a ‘lesser threat at the moment,’ and aims to be a ‘chaos agent’ by exacerbating social tensions. “We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters,” said Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, in a separate Tuesday statement.

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Neverending. And we are all hostages.

NATO Preparing For ‘Protracted Wars’ – Pentagon (RT)

The US and its allies are planning to continue ramping up defense spending, which will ensure long-term demand for weapons, US Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks told a gathering of arms manufacturers during a NATO event on Tuesday. Speaking at the NATO Summit Defense Industry Forum, the official praised NATO members for boosting their military budgets since the initial flare-up of the Ukraine conflict in 2014, and particularly after the open hostilities between Ukraine and Russia erupted in 2022. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in spending was 72%, adjusted for inflation, she said. That reversed a period when “defense industries across the Atlantic were affected by decades of inconsistent funding and blinkered demand signals,” she said. She said the current thinking is: “Production matters. Production is deterrence.”

Western arms manufacturers have the ability “not just to compete, but to out-compete and prevail” over Russia and other nations that the US considers its rivals, including China, North Korea and Iran. “That includes ensuring we are prepared for the possibility of protracted war, which every ally must be prepared for – and not just in Europe, either,” Hicks warned. Developing the manufacturing base on both sides of the Atlantic in a way that combines “information-age ingenuity and industrial-era capacity” will benefit US allies in the Pacific, such as Australia, Japan and South Korea, the official said. She claimed that Western political systems are inherently beneficial for building “arsenals of democracy,” since they foster innovation and transnational cooperation. On the other hand, “autocracies,” according to her reasoning, can’t move beyond “just landing at each other’s airfields, or sailing ships alongside each other for a few days at a time.”

The Pentagon is looking for ways “to be a better customer,” Hicks said, by streamlining its internal processes, delivering targeted investments in the defense sector, and providing security services to weapons businesses. Russian officials have described NATO as a tool of US geopolitical ambition and a way to secure a permanent market for American weapons in Europe. Moscow has cited Washington’s pledge that Ukraine will eventually join the bloc together with NATO’s increased presence in Ukraine since 2014 as among the key triggers of the ongoing conflict. Beijing has accused the US of being stuck in a “Cold War mentality” and playing “zero-sum games” with non-Western nations, including China.

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EU Members Up Defense Spending by 30% Over Last 3 Years – Borrell (Sp.)

EU member states have increased their joint defense spending by 30% in the last three years, while in 2024, the bloc’s defense spending is expected to reach approximately 2% of GDP, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Wednesday. “In the last three years, the total expenditure [in the defense sector] in Europe … has increased by 30% and this year we will be reaching almost an average all together of 2% [of GDP], it is not enough, but is much better and it is growing,” the high-ranked EU official said during his speech at the 75th NATO Anniversary Summit in Washington. The NATO summit kicked off in Washington on Tuesday and will run through July 11. In late June, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the European Union needed to invest 500 billion euros ($535 billion) in defense in the next 10 years.

The European Union “regrets” that people are dying in Ukraine, but it will continue to supply weapons to Kiev to counter Russia’s actions, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Wednesday. “We certainly regret that people are dying, but Ukrainian soldiers are fighting and dying because they are defending their country,” Borrell said during a speech at the fifth NATO Anniversary Summit in Washington. The EU will continue to support Ukraine, Borrell added. “I am happy to have heard [US] President Biden a moment ago to say that Russia cannot prevail, for that we have to increase our [military] industrial capacity, putting more money on the table, more technological development,” Borrell said.

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“..not prepared to fight in an armed conflict of “any scale” and would run out of ammunition rapidly..”

New UK Prime Minister Pledges Sharp Rise In Military Spending (RT)

The UK is set to boost its military capabilities and plans to gradually increase defense spending to 2.5% of its GDP, new Prime Minister Keir Starmer said on Tuesday as he departed for a NATO summit in Washington. Starmer has pledged to publish a roadmap for defense expenditure following calls from both the UK military and NATO states to clarify his policy, his office has said. “I am committed to that 2.5% [of gross domestic product] within our fiscal rules, but that strategic review needs to come first,” he told Reuters ahead of the NATO summit. His predecessor Rishi Sunak had promised earlier this year that London would reach this target by 2030. According to Starmer’s office, the government will launch a strategic review next week to “determine the future defense posture” of the UK and the military capabilities it needs. The timeline for the review or when the spending goal might be achieved has not been specified, however.

Many NATO states have for years struggled to reach an agreed threshold of 2% of GDP for defense spending, but the push has gained momentum since the start of the Ukraine crisis in 2014 and especially after the launch of Russia’s military operation in 2022. Starmer, who became the UK prime minister after his party’s landslide victory in the general election last week, reiterated that London’s commitment to Kiev remains unchanged. Britain has been one of Ukraine’s biggest backers in the conflict with Russia, pledging £12.5 billion (around $16 billion) in support for Kiev, including £7.6 billion (around $9.7 billion) in military aid, since February 2022. Meanwhile, recent military research revealed that Britain’s armed forces are in such a poor state that they are barely able to defend the country, with deficiencies spread across its various branches. Rob Johnson, director of the Oxford Changing Character of War Center, told the FT last week that the UK was not prepared to fight in an armed conflict of “any scale” and would run out of ammunition rapidly.

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“According to Reuters, Biden delivered his remarks without a teleprompter in an explicit and clear-cut manner..”

‘Russia Will Not Prevail’ – Biden to NATO (RT)

US President Joe Biden has delivered a forceful speech to NATO members in a bid to reassure them that Ukraine can still prevail in its conflict against Russia. However, several Western diplomats told Reuters that the US leader’s better-than-expected stage performance failed to make up for his disastrous debate with Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. In the keynote speech at the opening of the NATO summit in Washington on Tuesday, Biden touted the bloc as “the bulwark of global security” and reiterated its intention to support Ukraine with military aid, including new deliveries of air defense systems. “We know [Russian President Vladimir] Putin won’t stop at Ukraine. But make no mistake, Ukraine can and will stop Putin… When this senseless war began, Ukraine was a free country. Today, it is still a free country, and the war will end with Ukraine remaining a free and independent country,” he declared. “Russia will not prevail. Ukraine will prevail.”

Russia has repeatedly condemned Western arms shipments to Ukraine, arguing they only prolong the conflict. It has also called NATO a “hostile” bloc directly involved in the conflict between Kiev and Moscow. According to Reuters, Biden delivered his remarks without a teleprompter in an explicit and clear-cut manner, in sharp contrast to his performance at the debate with Republican rival Trump last month. The 81-year-old president’s performance was described as “fumbling” and “incoherent,” with numerous media reports claiming that the debate disaster led to prominent Democrats urging him to drop out of the race. Several unnamed Western diplomats told Reuters that Biden’s NATO speech failed to erase the damage to his public image done by the recent debacle. “We don’t see how he can come back after the debate,” one European diplomat noted, adding that the president’s remarks were scripted and could not be seen as evidence of his endurance.

“I can’t imagine him being at helm of the US and NATO for four more years,” he remarked. Meanwhile, Biden has insisted he is “not going anywhere” and intends to beat Trump in the November election. On Tuesday, the GOP candidate challenged his rival to another face-off, calling it a “chance [for Biden] to redeem himself in front of the entire world,” and suggesting that the debate should be held without moderators. Biden and Trump are already scheduled to hold another debate, which will be moderated by ABC, on September 10.

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So why give him any?

Kiev Can ‘Never’ Get Enough Weapons – Zelensky (RT)

Virtually no quantity of weapons that the US and its allies supply to Kiev for its fight with Russia will be enough, Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has said. The Ukrainian leader is visiting the US this week as the heads of NATO states hold a summit in Washington DC. Zelensky called for more arms deliveries at the Ronald Reagan Institute on Tuesday, where he participated in an event alongside US Senator Mitch McConnell. While he highlighted his determination to continue hostilities with Russia, he stressed on several occasions the disparity in military strength between the two sides in the conflict. ”It’s not enough. It’s never enough,” he said, referring to the five additional Patriot missile systems, which US President Joe Biden pledged the same day to Kiev on behalf of his nation, Germany, Romania and others.

Asked about the fate of the 31 Abrams main battle tanks supplied by the US last year, Zelensky said the number was too low to “change the situation on the battlefield.”He went on to say the number of F-16 fighter jets pledged by Western donors has been insufficient. Russia uses some 300 jets in the Ukraine conflict, while Kiev would only be able to field 10 to 20 F-16s anytime soon, he said. ”Even if we will have 50 it’s nothing. They have 300,” Zelensky said. Being on the defense, Ukraine would need a fleet of 128 F-16s for parity with Russia, he stated.

Zelensky urged the US to lift all restrictions on using American-provided weapons against targets deep inside Russia and to provide Kiev with better long-range strike capability. In late May, the Biden administration revised its policy restricting the use of American weapons inside what the US recognizes as Russian territory, but would not allow long-range strikes, according to media reports and statements by officials. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that his country may supply weapons similar to those that Ukraine gets from the West to parties hostile to the donors elsewhere in the world in case of further escalation. Moscow has described the Ukraine conflict as part of a US-led proxy war against Russia, in which NATO members take part in virtually every aspect except by sending their own troops to the battlefield.

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“Should Moscow conclude that it is now Washington policy to fight Russia, not just to the last Ukrainian, but to the last American?”

US Bodycount 35 KIA After Russian Missile Strike (Helmer)

The latest Russian Defense Ministry daily bulletin was issued on Tuesday afternoon, July 9. Since then the Pentagon and the White House have been as silent as the tomb. Make that thirty-five American tombs. “During the day [July 9],” said the Defense Ministry briefer in Moscow, “the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons on American HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems prepared for strikes on the territory of Crimea, as well as the venue of an official meeting of the AFU [Armed Forces of the Ukraine] command staff. The objectives of the strike have been achieved. Four US-made HIMARS MLRS launchers were destroyed, as well as up to 35 foreign specialists who serviced them.” Several hours later, the Pentagon briefer, Major General Pat Ryder, announced “a great kickoff to NATO summit events this week.”

General Ryder wasn’t referring to the largest number of US battlefield deaths ever recorded under hostile Russian fire. He had nothing to say about the Ukraine battlefield action, and the reporters attending failed to ask him about it. At the White House briefing which followed the Pentagon, the lead announcement was President Joseph Biden’s telephone calls to officials in Texas dealing with Hurricane Beryl; his plan to meet on Thursday with Vladimir Zelensky; and an assurance that “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine poses a threat to transatlantic security. That’s what it does. And it shows how critical the NATO Alliance is and how important it is to continue to make sure that it is strong, and that’s what the president has been able to do.” Reporters did not ask about US combat deaths in the Ukraine.

The New York Times also blacked out the report of the Russian strike on the HIMARS batteries, focusing instead on the Kiev targets of the day, and on claims by anonymous US intelligence and other officials that “Russia is unlikely to make significant territorial gains in Ukraine in the coming months as its poorly trained forces struggle to break through Ukrainian defenses that are now reinforced with Western munitions.” “You’d think in an election year,” comments a NATO veteran with Afghanistan war service, “that dead American ‘specialists’ would be an issue. This tells that they [the Biden Administration] are as committed to ‘victory’, or hiding an American defeat, as their [Trump campaign] opponents are. They are also loath to get into the role they played in getting things to this point.” That said, what interpretation can President Vladimir Putin and the Russian General Staff give after the 35 US battlefield deaths have been concealed by US officials? Should Moscow conclude that it is now Washington policy to fight Russia, not just to the last Ukrainian, but to the last American?

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“..if a Russian missile had struck the hospital, there would be “nothing left of the building”

Ukraine Timing Tragedies To Coincide With Important Events – Kremlin (RT)

Kiev is deliberately using tragedies for publicity ahead of important international events, such as this week’s NATO summit in Washington, so that Vladimir Zelensky can push for more support from the West, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed. In an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin, Peskov suggested that Ukrainian authorities are effectively organizing PR campaigns “on blood,” referring to Monday’s deadly tragedy at the Okhmatdet children’s hospital in Kiev, where a missile killed two people and injured dozens more. Kiev and its backers have blamed Russia for the incident. Moscow has denied the allegations, insisting that it has never targeted civilian facilities. Instead, it claims that the hospital was struck by a Ukrainian air-defense missile. Peskov claimed that such tragedies in Ukraine often occur right before international events that are important for relations between Kiev and the West.

“I believe that there are no coincidences in this regard,” the spokesman said, suggesting that the Okhmatdet incident had been another “PR operation.” “This is truly a tragedy, but it is being deliberately used to create a backdrop that would accompany Zelensky’s participation in the NATO summit,” Peskov said, adding that Kiev’s methodology is “quite unclean, jesuitical, well-known, and has been repeated many times.” The Kremlin spokesman also noted that it was “very difficult” for Russia to get its point across to Western audiences regarding such incidents. “They do not want to hear anything,” Peskov said, adding that the “hysteria” in Western newspapers and TV channels “is likely due to the monopolistic dominance of Anglo-Saxon media there.” Nevertheless, Peskov said Russia would continue to “tell the truth about what has happened, both domestically and in countries where the audience is ready to hear us and where we have technical means to reach them.”

Meanwhile, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, has also insisted that Moscow had no involvement in the Okmatdet incident. Speaking at the UN Security Council on Tuesday, he suggested that if a Russian missile had struck the hospital, there would be “nothing left of the building” and that “children and adults would have died rather than being injured.” Nebenzia explained that Russia had, in fact, been targeting the Artemov missile plant in Kiev, which is located approximately 2km from the Okhmatdet hospital. “There is every reason to believe that the Ukrainian air-defense missile that hit it was intended for a Russian missile that hit the plant,” he said, noting that the tragedy could have been avoided if Ukraine hadn’t deployed air defense in residential areas.

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“..Russian pilots and air defense personnel “will have new stars on their fuselages and new medals on their chests.”

West to Supply Ukraine With ‘Squadrons’ of F-16 Fighter Jets (Sp.)

Western allies intend to supply Ukraine with entire “squadrons” of modern American-made F-16 fighter jets, according to a joint statement from the leaders of the US, Netherlands, and Denmark. They announced that the transfer of the first of these aircraft has already begun, allowing Ukrainian forces to start using them this summer. “We are committed to further enhancing Ukraine’s air capabilities, which will include squadrons of modern fourth generation F-16 multi-role aircraft,” US President Joe Biden said in a joint statement with Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen at the NATO summit in Washington. The coalition, according to the leaders, intends to assist with the maintenance, armament, and pilot training for these jets. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in turn, announced that a transfer of F-16 fighter jets was currently underway from Europe to Ukraine.

“I’m also pleased to announce that as we speak, the transfer of F-16 jets is underway, coming from Denmark, coming from the Netherlands, and those jets will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer to make sure that Ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the Russian aggression,” Blinken said at the NATO Public Forum. Commenting on the development, Andrey Kartapolov, head of the State Duma Defense Committee told Sputnik that the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine will not affect the course of the special operation and will change nothing. “We have known for a long time that they would give them something by the end of the summer; they have nothing else left but the F-16. Now they will be giving them, perhaps a dozen or so, but it will not change anything at all. We have been expecting them for a long time, and we have been preparing. It will not affect the course of the special operation,” said Kartapolov. He noted that after the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine, Russian pilots and air defense personnel “will have new stars on their fuselages and new medals on their chests.”

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“The Russians have gotten really, really good” at interfering with guided munitions..”

High-Tech Western Weapons ‘Useless’ In Ukraine Conflict – WSJ (RT)

Russia’s electronic warfare capabilities have rendered precision-guided Western munitions “useless” in the Ukraine conflict, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday. With their guidance systems scrambled, some of these weapons have reportedly been retired within weeks of hitting the battlefield. When the US announced the delivery of GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shells to Ukraine in 2022, pro-Kiev outlets predicted that the $100,000-per-shot projectiles would make “Ukrainian artillery a whole lot more accurate” and “cause Russia a world of pain.” However, the Russian military adapted within weeks, Ukrainian commanders told the Wall Street Journal. Russian signal-jamming equipment was used to feed false coordinates to the shells and interfere with their fuses, causing them to veer off course or fall to the ground as duds.

“By the middle of last year, the M982 Excalibur munitions, developed by RTX and BAE Systems, became essentially useless and are no longer employed,” the newspaper stated, paraphrasing the Ukrainian commanders. The Soviet Union invested heavily in electronic warfare (EW) during the 1980s, viewing jamming technology as a crucial bulwark against the guided missiles and shells that the US was beginning to develop at the time. While weapons such as the 1990s-era Excalibur shells were used by the US to devastating effect in Iraq and Afghanistan, officials and analysts in Washington have since concluded that they are far less effective against a peer-level opponent like Russia. “The Russians have gotten really, really good” at interfering with guided munitions, US Deputy Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment William LaPlante told the WSJ.

Retired US General Ben Hodges, who once predicted that Western weapons would help Ukraine seize Crimea by last winter, told the newspaper that “we probably made some bad assumptions because over the last 20 years we were launching precision weapons against people that could not do anything about it… and Russia and China do have these capabilities.” Some of NATO’s most advanced weapons systems have met a similar fate in Ukraine. The newly-developed Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB), a joint project of Boeing in the US and Saab in Sweden, was given to Ukraine earlier this year, with Kiev’s troops firing these GPS-guided munitions before their American counterparts. However, it has since been pulled from the battlefield after it proved completely ineffective against Russian EW.

Likewise, Russian EW has significantly blunted the accuracy of Ukraine’s Western-provided GMLRS missiles, which are fired from the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system, Ukrainian soldiers told the WSJ. As with the Excalibur shells, GMLRS missiles were once described by pro-Kiev pundits and analysts as a “game changer” that would swing the conflict in Ukraine’s favor. Russia has long insisted that no amount of Western weapons systems will prevent it from achieving victory. Supplying these weapons is a “futile project” that will only encourage Kiev to “commit new crimes,” Moscow’s ambassador to Washington, Anatoly Antonov, warned last week.

Read more …

“Unelected advisers, party hacks, scheming family members and random hangers-on make the critical daily decisions..”

We Were “Deceived & Gaslit For Years” (Alastair Crooke)

Emmanuel Todd, the French anthropological historian, examines the longer dynamics to events unfolding in the present: The prime agent of change leading to the Decline of the West (La Défaite de l’Occident), he argues, was the implosion of ‘Anglo’ Protestantism in the U.S. (and England), with its entailed habits of work, individualism and industry – a creed whose qualities were held then to reflect God’s grace through material success, and, above all, to confirm membership of the divine ‘Elect’. Whereas traditional liberalism had its mores, the decline of traditional values triggered the slide towards managerial technocracy, and to nihilism. Religion lingers on in the West, though in a ‘zombie’ state, Todd avers. Such societies, he argues, flounder – absent some guiding metaphysical sphere that provides people with non-material sustenance.

However, the incoming doctrine that only a wealthy financial élite, tech experts, leaders of multinational corporations and banks possess the required foresight and technological understanding to manipulate a complex and increasingly controlled system changed politics completely. Mores were gone – and so was empathy. Many experienced the disconnect and the disregard of cold technocracy. So when a senior WSJ editor tells us that the ‘deception and ‘gaslighting’ collapsed with the CNN Biden-Trump debate, we should surely pay attention; He is saying the scales finally fell from peoples’ eyes. What was being gaslighted was the fiction of democracy and also that of America declaring itself – in its own scripture – to be the trailblazer and pathfinder of humanity: America as the exceptional nation: the singular, the pure-of-heart, the baptizer, and redeemer of all peoples despised and downtrodden; the “last, best hope of earth”.

The reality was very different. Of course, states can ‘live a lie’ for a long period. The underlying problem – the point Todd makes so compellingly – is that you can be successful in deceiving and manipulating public perceptions, but only up to a point. The reality was, it simply was not working. The same is true of ‘Europe’. The EU’s aspiration to become a global geo-political actor too, was contingent on gaslighting the public that France, Italy and Germany et al could continue to be real national entities – even as the EU scooped up all national decision-making prerogatives, by deceit. The mutiny at the recent European elections reflected this discontent. Of course, Biden’s condition has been long known. So who then has been running affairs; making critical daily decisions about war, peace, the composition of the judiciary and the boundaries of state authority? The WSJ piece gives one answer: “Unelected advisers, party hacks, scheming family members and random hangers-on make the critical daily decisions” on these issues.

Maybe we have to reconcile to the fact that Biden is an angry, senile man who yells at his staff: “During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings, some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction”.“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s very difficult and people are scared sh*tless of him.” The official added, “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it”. Seymour Hersh, the well-known investigative journalist reports: “Biden’s drift into blankness has been ongoing for months, as he and his foreign policy aides have been urging a ceasefire that will not happen in Gaza whilst continuing to supply the weapons that make a ceasefire less likely.

There’s a similar paradox in Ukraine, where Biden has been financing a war that cannot be won – yet refusing to participate in negotiations that could end the slaughter”. “The reality behind all of this, as I’ve been told for months, is that Biden is simply ‘no longer there’ – in terms of understanding the contradictions of the policies he and his foreign policy advisers have been carrying out”. On the one hand, Politico tells us: “Biden’s insular senior team are well acquainted with the longtime aides who continue to have the president’s ear: Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed, as well as Ted Kaufman and Klain on the outside”. “It’s the same people — he has not changed those people for 40 years … The number of people who have access to the president has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller. They’ve been digging deeper into the bunker for months now.” And, the strategist said, “the more you get into the bunker, the less you listen to anyone”. In Todd’s words then, decisions are made by a small ‘Washington village’.

Read more …

“Democrats are seeking to bar third-party candidates from the general election . . . all in the name of perfecting democracy.”

NC Democrats Vote to Block 3rd-Party Candidates from Ballots (Turley)

Months ago, I wrote a column about how Democrats have continued to try to block voters from being able to vote for candidates while claiming the mantle of the defenders of Democracy. This effort not only included Democratic Secretaries of State attempting to remove former president Donald Trump from the ballots, but efforts in the primary from the ballot. Many of these Democrats now calling for a “blitz primary” previously said nothing as voters were barred from having a choice in the primary. Now, in North Carolina, Democrats are seeking to bar third-party candidates from the general election . . . all in the name of perfecting democracy. The Democratically controlled North Carolina’s Board of Elections voted against giving ballot access to new parties supporting presidential candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West. All three Democrats (Alan Hirsch, Jefferson Carmon, and Siobhan Millen) voted to prevent voters from being able to vote for Kennedy and West, though the decision will have to be reconsidered.

Yet, even if reversed, they are preserving uncertainty as to whether they will be viable candidates in the minds of voters. The excuses for this action are superficial and manufactured. Chairman Alan Hirsch insisted that their organizations were “problematic” in how they gathered signatures and how Republicans may be supporting their efforts to allegedly “take away votes from Joe Biden.” They also said that they were concerned that the third-party candidates were using the new party rules to gain an easier path to ballots. That is a bizarre objection. They are opting for the best approach under the existing rules. It seems openly partisan for these three Democrats to suddenly raise concerns over the existing rules when it could harm Joe Biden or the Democratic Party. Yet, Democratic commissioner Siobhan Millen worked hard to rationalize what is a raw political muscle play to prevent voters from having a choice:

“If this board keeps rubber-stamping thinly veiled so-called parties, national operatives are going to continue to come in and keep manipulating our system. Allowing unaffiliated candidates to follow the more lenient new-party rules is allowing a blind eye to partisan mischief, potentially.” If Millen wants to see partisan mischief, she does not have to look far. She and her colleagues are engaging in precisely such mischief to deny voters choices this election to try to bolster the chances of Biden in a swing state. Democrats continue to claim to defend Democracy while resisting democratic choice and abusing the legal process. This glaring disconnect was evident when President Joe Biden spoke on the top of the Point-du-Hoc in Normandy on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Biden again used the event to suggest that democracy was in danger in the United States with the upcoming election.

Yet, Biden has overseen widespread government censorship with federal agencies targeting those with opposing views on everything from elections and climate change to COVID-19 and transgender policies. As Democratic secretaries of state sought to bar Trump from ballots, Biden refused to oppose the efforts. When liberal law professors and members demanded to pack the Supreme Court to guarantee a liberal majority, Biden refused to denounce it during the last campaign. This is why some in the country may view Biden and the Democrats as existential threats not just to Democracy, but to themselves. They see a party that is engaged in efforts to cleanse ballots (of Republicans), censor dissenting voices and prosecute political opponents. The effort in North Carolina continues this hypocritical and cynical narrative. These three Democratic board members just voted to prevent their fellow citizens from being able to cast votes for third-party candidates who are attracting increasing support among disgruntled voters.

Read more …





Dog stairs














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Home Forums Debt Rattle July 11 2024

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  • #163258

    Henri Matisse Window at Tangiers 1912   • Orban Is What Zelensky Should Have Been (Amar) • Merkel Would Have Prevented Ukraine Conflict – Orban (
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 11 2024]

    Dr. D

    “Republican Party Implements Emergency Platform Change After Seeing How Close They Are To Winning Landslide Victory

    “People Who Would Never Cheat In Elections Horrified By ‘Stop Cheating In Elections’ Bill” –Bbee

    Bonus: “You’re Perfect Just The Way You Are: Op-Ed By Satan” –BBee All for the Me Me Me Generation during Pride Month!


    You would have a lot of different dolls on that shelf.

    “The former prime minister’s suggestion is already causing a headache for the new Labour government.” POLITICO Europe

    Blair has already decided he’s the new Prime Minister, and came out within 4 hours telling Starmer what he’s going to do. Classy! One of those things was he’s going to chip all the cattle, I mean British citizens, who I’m sure won’t mind. They’re also going to chop up and sell off the National Health. Like Clinton, only the Left can kill welfare, only Labour can privatize all Government. See my article on “Political Ironies.” We’ll see.

    “Tony Blair admits UK will need ‘a little persuading’ to embrace digital ID”

    That is, “We’re going to kill all you f—ks.” Just as beta tested with Covid.

    “Blair said introducing digital IDs could improve citizens’ access to public services while clamping down on benefit fraud and illegal migration.”

    There are no public services, ‘cause: you’re broke! And ALL migration is legal, so there’s nothing to stop! That was Labour’s FIRST action, to make sure to import maybe another million people, maybe 50 million, who knows? Labour governments are acutely bad at math.

    So then Blair and Labour is ANTI-Immigration? Is that what he’s saying? That’s what I hear.

    ““we should move as the world is moving to digital ID” — Blair

    “It’s the Sound of the Inevitable, Mr. Anderson.” TINA. Actually, NO, Digital ID is being STOPPED in every government worldwide. The world isn’t movin’ nowhere. YOU are. Or trying.

    …They also lose EVERY database, EVERY time, and UK Digital ID is no different. So they ALREADY lost the name, age, and home address of every UK Child, I mean, Jimmy Saville fan/client, so what if they lose the data, home address, and service use (Venereal Disease, mental health, porn logon) on every OTHER ID, right? I’m sure that’ll be awesome. Sign me up! There’s nothing I trust more than government.

    Bot link problems

    Dr. D

    “”Partisan Mischief”: North Carolina Democrats Vote To Block Third-Party Candidates From Ballots

    Nothing says Democracy like getting rid of all choice.

    “Left in France Adopts Biden’s Tactics – Criminally Charging LePen”

    Nothing says Democracy like jailing all my opponents immediately for anything. They seem to forget the reason we don’t do this is because when you start government gets decided by guns in the street instead. Being narcissists, they believe when THEY act, no one will respond in kind, because only THEY exist.

    “George Clooney calls for Biden to step down”

    Oh my God! George Cooney says do this in politics? Everyone stop! George Clooney! I get all my opinions from musicians and movie stars. Makes me much more selective.

    “In New ‘Ocean’s 14’, George Clooney Pulls Off $30 Million Heist By Tricking People Into Giving Money To Politician Before Revealing He’s Demented “ — Bbee

    “House Oversight Subpoenas Top Biden Handlers To Find Out Who’s Running The Country

    The committee is “concerned” that each official is “one of several White House staffers who have taken it upon themselves to run the country while the President cannot.”

    How would you decide? What does that mean? Staffers ALWAYS have their own heads and do their own thing. The President doesn’t decide all things, or even most. No time. He keeps them organized and in check, so Blinken doesn’t go attack China while Yellen begs Xi for money, but that’s all a matter of degree. It’s true, but I doubt I could prove it in court. But…that’s what Congress is SUPPOSED to do: oversee the President, executive, that their laws are being enacted properly, as well as writing them.

    “What is intriguing instead is the compulsive need to keep saying it.”

    “Unprovoked” Invasion. “Stated – without evidence”. “Safe for Democracy.”
    Orban shows we don’t know what to do with this mindset yet. We haven’t found a cure.

    “• Merkel Would Have Prevented Ukraine Conflict – Orban (RT)

    Wtf? You mean the Merkel who went on camera and said they signed Minsk in order to have NATO build a 400,000 man army for genocide? No, what drove this is: Europe’s broke. They will collapse if they don’t get Iraq Libya Syria, Ukraine, Russia, and eat them.

    Here’s the Beta test on Russia, 1991. This is when the put in “The Plan”.


    Russia broken up into 99 ethnic squabbles that never existed before, each yearly funded with a billion dollars for ethnic hate. Like America! Then they extract resources from them forever like an African colony, killing as many each year as they can get away with. Like America! Lookin’ at you Ohio: how you doin’?

    “Trump told his supporters, announcing that he is “officially challenging ‘Crooked Joe’ to an 18-hole golf match”

    Been thinking about this. They aren’t talking to you. This is all a show and they’re talking to DONORS, rich people, guys who matter. THEY understand the golf jokes and analogy.

    “• Dem Senator Says Trump Could Beat Biden In “Landslide” (ZH)

    Like last time? You can’t look at the ballots, you can’t look at the machines. We boarded up all the windows, then re-started the counting 3am with only our people, where 100% of the votes turned out to be Biden’s. As said last week, that isn’t the problem: the problem is in this condition, no one will BELIEVE it.

    We pointed out all this – which was more obvious than Covid – and no one, not even Pundits like Tim Pool, BELIEVED it. So when you started the first part of the first sentence transmitting provable data, their brains shut off at word two and didn’t care. The Evil people isn’t really my problem. Turns out YOU are. The People.

    “2016 election cycles, when Moscow also favored Trump”

    DingDingDing! Just what I said this week: Putin specifically said on camera he prefers Biden. That means he prefers Trump. Sooooo….we’re payign them a million-billion dollars to STOP this election interference. And Russia still is, no problem? Sold! You’re all fired! Oh so Russia is NOT doing this? Pick one.

    “We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests,”

    You mean “anti-Israel” college protests? Yeah, um, maybe but pretty sure there’s a real beef to protest about. And Iran isn’t Russia. And Protesting genocide isn’t Iran. And…


    • NATO Preparing For ‘Protracted Wars’ – Pentagon (RT)

    Great! How are you planning to PAY for it? Or WHO is gong to fight for it since Zoomers, Millennials, and Xers hate your guts.

    • EU Members Up Defense Spending by 30% Over Last 3 Years – Borrell (Sp.)

    I doubt this is actually true. Maybe like this: GDP shrunk 12% while war spending stayed the same.

    “• New UK Prime Minister Pledges Sharp Rise In Military Spending (RT)

    Great! How? Oh you’re going to sell off and privatized the National Health! You already said. I’m sure no one will mind. Hey, Jimmy Hat: “War” requires all the downstream manufacturing you ALSO don’t have: chemical factories, gunpowder, machine screws, steel mills…

    “Virtually no quantity of weapons that the US and its allies supply to Kiev for its fight with Russia will be enough, Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has said.

    Finally. And we finally agree on something. Okay, surrender then. Today’s review is that Ukraine themselves said 1.1M are dead. Remember that? Yeah, in NOVEMBER. 6 months ago. 1.5 Million now? 1.7 Million?

    “focusing instead on …“Russia is unlikely to make significant territorial gains in Ukraine in the coming months as its poorly trained forces struggle to break through Ukrainian defenses that are now reinforced with Western munitions.”

    Russia is losing, retreating even, says Times Radio. Yup. Just like every day since Feb 2022, they’re out of all weapons (again they reported this) and are retreating by taking 2-5 towns a day. Retreating is when the map keeps showing more km of red and less of blue every day.

    “• West to Supply Ukraine With ‘Squadrons’ of F-16 Fighter Jets (Sp.)

    Western allies intend to supply Ukraine with entire “squadrons” of modern American-made F-16 fighter jets,
    “That’s World War Three, Jack.” — Joe Biden.

    And so we have 35 U.S. sheepdip in Ukr. …Or not even, since it’s impossible to give top secret weapon and satellite data to outsiders. Official U.S. soldiers. …And so why not pilots too?

    ““I’m also pleased to announce that as we speak, the transfer of F-16 jets is underway, coming from Denmark, coming from the Netherlands,”

    No sense of danger whatsoever. Don’t think they can get hit back. Totally insulated. …From Reality. Delusional violent mentally ill, break into a big Comey grin at the thought of killing us all.

    Dr. D

    “• We Were “Deceived & Gaslit For Years” (Alastair Crooke)

    Again, what do you mean? I wasn’t. And I get my information from falling newspapers under this bridge.

    “Anglo’ Protestantism in the U.S. (and England), with its entailed habits of work, individualism and industry – a creed whose qualities were held then to reflect God’s grace through material success, and, above all, to confirm membership of the divine ‘Elect’.”

    Yes, but not really. They’re fishing on this, always trying to hate and debunk all religion and especially Christianity as today’s “Cool” intellectuals must. –’Cause they’re independent thinkers, ‘natch, that’s why they always are the same. Really it’s just #Logos vs #AntiLogos. Protestantism is fine, but China can also do this and they’re not Protestants. Religion just means you have basic foundations like NOT LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING. Being self-serving, but caring about something larger than yourself. It’s a baseline. Now note also a lot of this existed in Medieval Catholic Europe, but when Protestantism appeared it was something different. What it added was more that “All men are equal” and therefore Lords were subject to the same laws and moralities, in person and in court. Once that was added, you could CONTRACT with them and they wouldn’t steal the gold out of your fillings like Saudi Princes do, destroying anything made to give it to their friends as “Patronage.”

    There’s more, but these are some of the basics. That is, PRIVATE PROPERTY. There is no private property under patronage where the EPA King just steals it.

    “However, the incoming doctrine that only a wealthy financial élite, tech experts, leaders of multinational corporations and banks possess the required foresight and technological understanding to manipulate a complex and increasingly controlled system changed politics completely.”

    Yes, this is a reversal to “The Elite”, the Lords and Ladies, to NeoFeudalist “Technocracy” – and they’re not shy about it, they say it openly, so I’m not hypothesizing anything. When Newsom goes maskless to the French Laundry with 300 guests, who are the medical board of California, this is what they mean. THEY ARE MORE SPECIAL THAN YOU. Smarter, better. Entitled. En-TITLED. As in, “I have here a Paper from the President, Jack Ryan, do YOU have one of these?” –Clear and Present Danger.

    — I – deserve 1% money, me and all my friends, while YOU pay 18% and we all bid at the same auction, because we are the “Savvy investors”. It’s all fair and equal, right?

    Okay, backtracking, WHAT makes the additional success of America, etc, the “modern”, etc? I mean, the U.S. in 1750 was “successful” but not like now, what was added? What they’re doing each day is REMOVING every stone in the foundation of success, one by one. Independence. Cause and Effect. Private Property. Free choice and control. Taxation. “You didn’t build that.” etc.

    What makes them insane is, they think the results will be the same. You constantly see this in Socialism. “No the SAME factories (built by Capital) will make the SAME products (invented by Capital). We’ll just port it over to how I (the idiotic IYI technocratic elite) own it all.” NO. You won’t. You don’t take a plant, remove the ground, remove the rain, remove the sun, remove the seed, and it grows the same. That’s stupid. You just removed all reward, forever, gave same results for success and failure, then I sat down like a mule and haven’t moved since. Who’s stupid now, you idjits?

    Things up here are EXPRESSIONS of underlying realities and conditions. Maybe I overstate my case? Nope: We’re ALREADY not prosperous, and we’ve barely got started. It ALREADY imploded, past tense, you can’t get anyone on the phone, parts never come, and when they do they’re the wrong ones, then nobody’s cares work, the process isn’t fixed, and next year it’s all worse. For 50 years.

    They are re-establishing slavery, then take the less efficiency of slave-economies over free ones, the reason the North beat the South here in the first place.

    ““He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated”

    As the whole country. This is the “Equality” versus “Lordship” I was talking about. You’ll lose, and fast. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Technocrat or a Baron, exactly the same. You lose. Then we ALL get poorer, and can’t drive our cars to Billy’s birthday party because no one can make parts right.

    If you like being poor, hungry, where nothing works, just pick Socialism, Technocracy, NeoFeudalism – all the same thing.

    “Belgian Malinois”

    “Look at me, I’m a human. I’m worrying about bills…”

    I was thinking about this with the other video: pretty sure the creators have no idea what the song is saying in English. Just sounds like an exciting techno-beat to them. They’re right, and it’s only slightly odd when you know the origin and words.


    there is a scene in To Kill A Mockingbird when Atticus does something that must be done. When the task is complete Scout and John are advised the dead animal is as dangerous dead as alive.

    how wonderful now, that someone will be among the first to “have your boy come home in a box”.

    Miller, Kirby, Hicks, Blinken – molecules of Rabies lyssavirus. There is an Atticus Finch, the world.


    who here remembers the phrase “Ugly American”?

    very early in the history of The United States we were warned of the dangers of forign entanglements and parties. Some children never learn and earn a Darwin award.


    paraphrase Ghandi

    questioner – What do you think about American capitalism
    Ghandi – i think they should try it

    Dr. D

    Whoops, it was Strozk.


    This is your Feudal Elite. Sign me up!

    V. Arnold

    who here remembers the phrase “Ugly American”?

    The American war in Viet Nam…duh?


    The WSJ article using the phrase “whole of government” about Russia sounds like a tell the article was written by MIC or intel adjacent stenos. The phrase “whole of government” is a military formulation first appearing in the US MIC in 2020, the goal being to get around the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights and the rights given by the Constitution to the states in order to impose mandates that were and are illegal. Interesting that phrase shows up again just now.

    Sasha Latypova on the “whole of government” idea.


    No Power/energy in a “heat Dome”
    No Power/energy in a “cold snap”
    No affordable Power/energy.
    No Power/energy.
    Focus or relevant details
    Peace or War
    Build or destroy
    Realism or Fiction
    Truth or lies
    • Orban Is What Zelensky Should Have Been (Amar)
    Defense is not War
    Military spending must keep up with increasing GDP
    Leveraging/borrowing is a math lie leading to default for both lender and borrower
    Best stage performance
    Biden or Zelensky
    Unchallenged lies, (dementia truth), by Biden

    Biden touted the bloc as “the bulwark of global security” and reiterated its intention to support Ukraine with military aid, including new deliveries of air defense systems. “We know [Russian President Vladimir] Putin won’t stop at Ukraine. But make no mistake, Ukraine can and will stop Putin… When this senseless war began, Ukraine was a free country. Today, it is still a free country, and the war will end with Ukraine remaining a free and independent country,” he declared. “Russia will not prevail. Ukraine will prevail.”
    ”It’s not enough. It’s never enough,”
    • Kiev Can ‘Never’ Get Enough Weapons – Zelensky (RT)
    five additional Patriot missile systems,
    the 31 Abrams main battle tanks
    F-16 fighter jets, Ukraine would need a fleet of 128 F-16s
    Four US-made HIMARS MLRS launchers were destroyed, as well as up to 35 foreign specialists who serviced them.” Several hours later, the Pentagon briefer, Major General Pat Ryder, announced “a great kickoff to NATO summit events this week.”

    General Ryder wasn’t referring to the largest number of US battlefield deaths ever recorded under hostile Russian fire. He had nothing to say about the Ukraine battlefield action, and the reporters attending failed to ask him about it.
    • Ukraine Timing Tragedies To Coincide With Important Events – Kremlin (RT)
    if a Russian missile had struck the hospital, there would be “nothing left of the building” and that “children and adults would have died rather than being injured.” Nebenzia explained that Russia had, in fact, been targeting the Artemov missile plant in Kiev, which is located approximately 2km from the Okhmatdet hospital. “There is every reason to believe that the Ukrainian air-defense missile that hit it was intended for a Russian missile that hit the plant,” he said, noting that the tragedy could have been avoided if Ukraine hadn’t deployed air defense in residential areas.
    Who is Running the Gov.
    “Unelected advisers, party hacks, scheming family members and random hangers-on make the critical daily decisions..”
    • We Were “Deceived & Gaslit For Years” (Alastair Crooke)

    “Biden’s insular senior team are well acquainted with the longtime aides who continue to have the president’s ear: Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed, as well as Ted Kaufman and Klain on the outside”.
    “It’s the same people — he has not changed those people for 40 years … The number of people who have access to the president has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller. They’ve been digging deeper into the bunker for months now.”
    And, the strategist said, “the more you get into the bunker, the less you listen to anyone”.
    In Todd’s words then, decisions are made by a small ‘Washington village’.



    248 years are invested in the current debacle it is delusional to believe the remedy can be effected in 8.

    V. Arnold, American jazz was brought to Europe after World War I by musicians who could not perform in the “right” venues in The United States. The cultural bond of affection for The United States was forged by these musicians. With the advent of The Marshall Plan more of the majority of the US population arrived in Europe and the term Ugly American came into being. This was especially true in France where the great American players blended manouche and American jazz with players such as Grapelli and Django. The lack of grace and style and the absence of souplesse differentiated the newer visitors from the pioneers.
    “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing”. May The Hot Club of France never fade from memory.


    AOC files articles of impeachment against Justices Alito, Thomas, alleges ‘unchecked corruption’

    Just the two conservative Supreme Court justices a few months before the next election, eh?

    Right after you do something about all your fellow Democrats’ unexplained millions and millions no doubt.


    This Week In US Aviation: Boeing 757 Loses Wheel, 737 Aborts Takeoff Due To Tire Failure, Near-Miss In Syracuse

    Stranded Astronauts On ISS Still ‘Confident’ In Issue-Plagued Boeing Starliner

    Wilmore and Williams blasted off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral Space Force on June 5 and docked with the ISS one day later. Both astronauts were expected to spend just a week aboard the ISS and return to Earth by June 14.

    However, five separate helium leaks in the Starliner’s thruster system and five failures of its reaction control system thrusters, critical systems for safely orienting the spacecraft into Earth’s atmosphere, were detected.

    Right, right.

    I remember when the leaks were detected …ON THE GROUND.

    I remember when they said “There’s leaks, but we’re launching anyway.”


    @ jb-hb
    Adapt/prepare to your own reality
    Don’t sweat it.
    It not your responsibility to prevent the future from happening.
    Nobody is listening to you. (or me)
    Dementia decides/determines the facts/truths.
    It’s all a stage performance.

    Hackers’ Heaven
    Digital ID
    AI is Digital


    Death Throes of the Republic: (Dan Carlin)


    This is only part 1 of a multi part series, each episode being about 4 hours. (link to more on the description) Works its way through the Gracchi brothers (The Kennedys, sort of) Sulla, Marius, and so on.

    Well worth listening to if you’ve got a roadtrip, maybe a bunch of yardwork or housework or something.

    The amazing thing that I get out of various history books, podcasts, etc is how things got so much better after Augustus won at Actium. All that was required for things to work a lot better and for people to be a lot happier was for all the things weighing people down, stopping them, to STOP stopping – the bounce-back was almost instantaneous.

    But where do we say the troubles started? Maybe with the Social War? 91BC?

    No, it should be put at the first Gracchi reform – say, around 137 or 139 bc when the secret/anonymous ballot was instituted and the first land reforms were being worked on. The problem-solving is the first confirmation of significant problems.

    Actium was 31 bc – so 108 years to get to the point OF stopping the stopping.

    The Market (or history) can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent (or live to a ripe old age) Do we regard the in-between time as mere dilly-dallying? Just a matter of when somebody fixes things, be it 1 year or 100? The actual bounce-back taking almost no time at all? I’d like to think so.


    Journalist vs Biden Test
    Truth vs Dementia
    If you don’t want to be told that Biden cannot retain the info that he should remember to make decisions, info that he has been told by his advisor.
    DON’T ASK.
    The facts about the US economy, leverage, interest, living income, the facts about war.



    Poland is about to take a dangerous step in the Ukrainian conflict. Vladimir Zelensky stated that under the terms of a recently signed pact between Kiev and Warsaw, the NATO country could use its military forces to detain Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace.

    Just a few questions for you, Mr Kinzhal and you can be on your way. Carrying any out of state fruit with you? Will your stay in Ukraine concern business or pleasure?

    Such a situation could be considered by the Russians as a case of direct participation, leading to an open war between Russia and a NATO country.

    Yeah, yeah, that’s one way to look at it. But on the other hand, what if I could shoot and you couldn’t shoot me back?

    And I remember from University that a thing exists more fully if it exists in both the mind AND actuality. It would be the most bestest thing evar if I could shoot and not be shot -, definitionally, you see. Shooting and not being shot CAN’T be bestast evar if it doesn’t exist both in my mind AND actuality – no sir, only existing in my head? That wouldn’t compute. No, sir. Go back to school and study elementary logic if you do not believe me.

    The pact, according to Zelensky, establishes the necessary conditions for Warsaw to have positions inside Ukraine and directly participate in the role of air defense, thus helping Kiev overcome one of its current main strategic difficulties. For a long time, the airspace in the conflict zone has been almost completely controlled by Russia, which has made Ukraine’s Western-supplied tanks and military vehicles easy targets for Russian drones, missiles and aircraft. Kiev is doing its best to try to solve this problem, as it is impossible for one side to achieve any military gains without a strong air defense capacity.

    Well, THAT should go well.

    D Benton Smith

    Everybody is pointing with alarm (or delight!) at the astounding article just published in the Wall Srtreet Journal. To wit, “The Editor at Large for the Wall Street Journal, Gerry Baker, says: ‘We’ve been “gaslit’ and deceived” – for years – “all in the name of ‘democracy’”. That deceit “collapsed” with the Presidential debate, Thursday’.”

    The piece is fascinating, all right, as is the relatively high altitudes (in the Pyramid of Power) of both the writer and the newspaper who place his rant front and center.

    What is just as fascinating, (and to me even MORE fascinating) is the unasked and therefore unanswered question of just who in the hell is the writer (Gerry Baker) complaining TO? Toward whom is he addressing his grievance?

    When the bosses complain UP their chain of command yo9u just have to wonder who they are complaining to, and what exactly they are complaining about. What’s Baker trying to say? Is he saying that he was “gaslit” and “lied to” by someone high enough on the chain of command that Baker was forced to turn around and gaslight and lie to his readership?

    Surely he isn’t saying that he believed any of the anti-human deadly evil lies that he wrote-up over the bast few years. NOBODY is actually THAT stupid( or at least no one smart enough to read and write).

    So who lied to you and gas liit you and MADE you get highly compensated for doing those awful things, Gerry? And more to the point, what are their NAMES?


    Hens dancing
    I think perhaps that they are on a trampoline that someone is moving to a steady beat.

    D Benton Smith

    Arson against ancient Catholic Cathedrals of inestimable value seems to be picking up speed.

    All a coincidence, of course, and with nothing to do with the vows made in the Satanic Masses held in 1960, or the fact that a Satanist Pope just excommunicated the Archbishop who is calling him out, or that the whole world is being turned upside down by Luciferian leaders who believe that BAD is actually good, or that just such an inversion of everything worthy and holy in the world constituted the essence of their vows.

    Coincidence is just one Hell of a thing, isn’t it?


    Is it an operational lemon?
    F-16 fighter jets
    The range is between $25 and $30 million, but that number climbs to as much as $60 to $70 million for the F-16V with modern enhancements added ..

    As of 2023, it is the world’s most common fixed-wing aircraft in military service, with 2145
    F-16s operational.


    Joint Statement on F-16s for Ukraine from U.S. President Joseph R. Biden, Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof, and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen

    We, the co-leaders of the Air Force Capability Coalition for Ukraine, have been working to provide operational F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

    The Danish and Dutch governments are in the process of donating American-made F-16s to Ukraine, with the support of the United States.

    The transfer process for these F-16s is now underway, and Ukraine will be flying operational F-16s this summer. We are unable to provide additional details at this time due to operational security concerns.

    We are grateful to Belgium and Norway for committing to provide further aircraft, and to the other members of the Air Force Capability Coalition for their support.

    We are committed to further enhancing Ukraine’s air capabilities, which will include squadrons of modern fourth generation F-16 multi-role aircraft. The coalition intends to support their sustainment and armament, as well as further associated training for pilots to enhance operational effectiveness.

    We will continue to coordinate jointly in support of Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russian aggression.




    “The pact, according to Zelensky, establishes the necessary conditions for Warsaw to have positions inside Ukraine and directly participate in the role of air defense”


    John Day

    GRAPHIC VIDEO: Israel Bombs Gaza School During Soccer Game
    (I did not actually watch it)
    Biden announced that he will be sending Israel more 500 pound bombs at about the same time as the explosion

    D Benton Smith

    If you perhaps believe that the Bad Guys are not literally acolytes and worshippers of Satan then you must ask yourself then why have those same Bad Guys invested so much time and treasure on destroying the Catholic Church and placing an actual Luciferian Pedophile on the Throne of Peter as Pope? Church attendance has fallen by more than half since those same Bad Guys railroaded through the blatantly “Humanist” ( that is, placing human politics above devotion to God) travesty known as Vatican II.

    I’m not trying to turn TAE into a theological college, or anything like that (although several of you might benefit). I’m just sayin!

    Read Windswept House (Malachi Martin), and The True Story of the Bilderberg Group (Daniel Estulin) and the Headlines of your local news source of choice.

    To paraphrase a certain famous Sci Fi writer, “Sufficiently advanced coincidence is indistinguishable from statistical proof.”


    We Were “Deceived & Gaslit For Years”, All In The Name Of “Democracy”; Then “Poof”, It Collapsed Overnight


    PM Trudeau Meets with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy at 2024 NATO Summit

    500 million for Ukraine + more lies + more deaths + less for where Canada needs infrastructures, roads for Isolated communities.


    Canada has given approximately $25 billion to Nato-Nazi Ukraine since 2014. This while Canadians’ healthcare, housing, infrastructure deteriorates at an alarming rate.

    D Benton Smith


    That DELIBERATE bombing of gathered children was BECAUSE they were children and BECAUSE they were gathered. I can barely imagine a more vile or evil act. Only the purposeful democide of humankind itself, or the willful hatred toward all that is good and decent could exceed it. We are at war with creatures (human and otherwise) who literally HATE all that is lovable.

    If you aim to defeat them, realize that misdirected violence is the wrong way. Misdirected violence is THEIR modus operandi, not ours. Only love of TRUTH (God) is going to get you out of this one. The perfect direction of truth (and violently lethal force, too, when actually and absolutely necessary) in the support and defense of life is the only way forward that leads to survival and victory.

    Everybody has a different role to play, but something that everybody can do is to dig up and broadcast every pertinently true thing that you can get your hands on.

    For example, despite the unfortunate fact that telling the truth will get you ostracized and cancelled, I am telling you guys the truth that the team we are up against is Team Satan, and I mean that in the LITERAL sense. that the caste of players described in Martin’s ‘Windswept House’ (many of whom are given names in the Estulin’s book about the Bilderberg Group), and whose Vatican II project and placement of the Satanic “Pope” Francis as head of the billion member Catholic Church, are all of a single cloth, the weaving of which goes back decades (even centuries) and is no more accidental or coincidental than the crafting of a fine Swiss watch.

    You have VERY little time for more homework or deep diving. The time has come for action, and that time is extremely short. “The day and the hour are not known.” But the end that COULD be soon SHALL be if you don’t get your ass in gear and start doing what you’re told. Do what is right, not what is wrong, even if that means you don’t get to serve your own selfish wants for once.


    The ‘citizens’ of Euroturdistan and the Empire of Lies are being brought to destitution through ‘military’ mafia spending and the resulting DEBT.

    The interest on Duh’merica’s debt is now larger than the budget of the Military Industrial Maggot Mafia.

    What is left of Euroturdistan’s industrial base will be diverted away from civilian domestic goods and morphed into the Rat Hole of endless war spending, ad infinitum by the way.

    Intentional depopulation and suppressed birth rates below replacement levels will exterminate the natives of Euroturdistan and replace them with even lower IQ and more compliant people. People who know how to live on next to nothing and not put up too much of a fuss.

    Euroturdistan is being willfully turned into a third world shithole.

    The recent elections will change nothing.

    Get ready for a dystopian hellhole far worse than even Orwell could have imagined.

    Ritual Humiliation by the Satanic Cabal.

    Been working for centuries for this moment.




    Ain’t it the Truth



    <img src="Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha! Ain’t it the Truth <img src=”https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSLkUBNWwAAwKDy?format=jpg&name=small&#8221; alt=”.” />” alt=”.” />

    D Benton Smith

    Please don’t wait until you are actually in the foxhole with death staring you in the face to resurrect and reconcile your connection to God. That communion with your ever-present Creator is available at ALL times. Don’t put it off until there is no time left at all. Phone home. Talk it out. I’m certain that you can work out any differences.






    Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov:
    “The first day of the NATO summit confirmed the aggressive nature of the alliance. Western countries masquerading as democracies have once again shown their desire to impose authoritarian orders on the entire world based on rules beneficial to the “golden billion.”

    In desperation from their inability to break Russia with the help of a battering ram in the form of Ukraine, NATO members blindly follow the path of escalation and, in fact, are paving the way to the third world war.

    During today’s events in Washington, we did not hear a single word about peace. The same escalation of war psychosis and furious demonization of our country.

    The geopolitical revanchism of Westerners is doomed to failure. The world will not become NATO’s domain.”

    It seems ludicrous to anyone with half a brain, but these fools will go to war with Russia. Russia is taking it seriously just as they did the ludicrous southern offensive. Orban….

    Incredible but its going to happen. They believe their own propaganda.

    Posted by: Peter AU1 | Jul 11 2024 16:47



    Poof of the lies. I did not take the time to read further than ” NATO is a defensive Alliance”
    Washington Summit Declaration
    issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. 10 July 2024


    re: Buffett and quick fix

    He’s not wrong. Someone once told me to fix the f#(<ed-up Legal Grinder of a courts system, simply pass a law stating that jury selection must happen within 24 hours (once it starts), or the case is dismissed.


    D Benton Smith

    There is a certain mindset which believes that the best way to achieve lasting peace is to go out and kill a bunch of people. Where could they possibly have gotten such an idea?

    Do I really need to say more than that? Really, do I? Okay, then, let’s review the question.

    What is the best way to achieve lasting peace?

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