Debt Rattle June 5 2022
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- This topic has 55 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 9 months ago by
John Day.
June 5, 2022 at 8:42 am #109079
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJames Ensor The intrigue 1890 • Russia Is Winning The Economic War – And No Closer To Withdrawing Troops (G.) • US Officials Admit They Lied Ab
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 5 2022]June 5, 2022 at 9:08 am #109080oxymoron
ParticipantJacinda leaving the blackrock offices….
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden leaving the offices of BlackRock. Absolutely nothing to see here whatsoever.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) June 4, 2022
June 5, 2022 at 9:27 am #109081V. Arnold
ParticipantJames Ensor The intrigue 1890
Clicked the image and there is quite an interesting narritive about the painting…
“Russia is the only superpower with a self-sufficient economy..”
That about sums it up don’t cha’ think????
June 5, 2022 at 10:07 am #109082Red
ParticipantA bit more from Tim Morgan on the energy cost of energy. A lot to unpack at his site, I’ve been following him for seven or eight years now. Having some understanding of the energy cost of energy before discovering his site it intrigued me. The simple concept that lead me there was the idea put forth by others is that industrial civilization needed a return of some where between 1:10 and 1:15 at the well head to maintain our complexity . That’s for every barrel of oil equivalent there had to be somewhere between 10 and 15 barrels returned, surplus energy. Put simply below these numbers things like higher education and health care would start to suffer. Starving things like the military industrial complex first would save a lot but won’t happen. The stuff of tar sands is somewhere around 1:3 or less depending on whose calculations you read. Deep sea isn’t much better. So going after these sources is technically wasting high return fuels on low return fuel. It’s a spiralling decent into a nasty hole.
Understood in this way, any given quantity of energy divides into parts. One of these is the cost element, known here as ECoE. The other – whatever remains – is surplus energy. This surplus drives all economic activity other than the supply of energy itself. This makes surplus energy coterminous with prosperity.We can, of course, use this surplus wisely or foolishly, and we can share it out fairly or inequitably. But what we can not do is to “de-couple” economic output from energy or, to be more specific about it, from surplus energy.
2.1. The short versionIf you want a succinct answer to this question, it is that ECoE (the Energy Cost of Energy) is rising, relentlessly and exponentially. The exponential rate of increase in ECoE means that this cannot be cancelled out by linear increases in the aggregate amount of total or gross (pre-ECoE) energy that we can access. The resultant squeeze on surplus energy has been compounded by increasing numbers of people seeking to share the prosperity that this surplus provides.
As a result, prior growth in prosperity per person has gone into reverse. People have been getting poorer in most Western advanced economies (AEs) since the early 2000s. With the same fate now starting to overtake emerging market (EM) countries too, global prosperity has turned down. One way of describing this process is “de-growth”.
June 5, 2022 at 10:11 am #109083Mister Roboto
ParticipantSo this video was making the rounds on conservative Twitter yesterday. You really have to draw a line somewhere, and the problem with the whole wokester gender-ideology is this kind of resolute refusal to draw that line.
So the neon sign on the wall isn't an indication that this probably isn't an appropriate venue for small children and toddlers?
— Mister Nobody (@mister_nobody67) June 5, 2022
June 5, 2022 at 10:15 am #109084Red
ParticipantSpeaking of return on energy and complexity:
“This morning I am reminded of the words of the British foreign secretary Edward Grey on the eve of the First World War: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” Not, in this instance for reasons of war, but for the more mundane – though ultimately catastrophic – observation that my local council has begun to randomly turn off residential street lighting in an attempt to save on its massive electricity bill.”
In Brief: The lamps are going out… Dear Keith, leave this well alone
June 5, 2022 at 10:18 am #109085Formerly T-Bear
Participant“Russia is the only superpower with a self-sufficient economy..”
I suppose China is chopped liver.
June 5, 2022 at 10:34 am #109086Red
ParticipantDr. Morgans reply to the above post at his site.
on June 5, 2022 at 7:07 am said:
Thanks. This is certainly an interesting article, and is persuasive on the ways in which ‘the powers that be’ are trying to hold back the tide.Whilst individual politicians may be advocates of change – imagine if Britain had elected Mr Corbyn, or America Mr Sanders – systems themselves are always defenders of the status quo.
It seems pretty clear that ‘things are starting to fall apart’, and that excuses are being sought (covid, Ukraine) to explain away this process as no more than ‘a little local difficulty’.
It isn’t clear to me – at a first read – whether the article says that the collapse being held at bay is caused by capitalism itself, or by other factors (the kind of energy, resource and environmental constraints that I see as the issues).
My view is that we have reached the point at which prior growth in economic prosperity has gone into reverse. This itself is physics (thermodynamics) rather than politics. But our political and financial systems are based on the assumption of ‘growth in perpetuity’.
Extremism is seldom optimal, and our political norm is ‘extreme liberalism’, which yet – ironically – no longer holds to the tenets of market capitalism. But the same indictment might have been made against extreme collectivism in the USSR.
My hope – and I stress it’s more hope than expectation – is that what emerges is a mixed economy, balancing the best of the public and private sectors.
June 5, 2022 at 10:38 am #109087V. Arnold
ParticipantI suppose China is chopped liver.
Oops; forgot about China…
Thanks for that wake-up call T-Bear…June 5, 2022 at 10:45 am #109088Dr. D
ParticipantThere’s a reason. If you’re a “Rentier Class” and own the toll roads, what you need is for everybody to be dependent on toll roads whether that makes economic, geopolitical, even national security sense or not. “That giant sucking sound”. Then if any nation gets uppity, you cut off their oil, microchips, whatever, using BlackRock and the Banking sector. Oopsie! I guess Ecuador is just going to have to keep giving half their profit to Exxon and BP and Rio TInto after all.
Thanks to Biden however, Russia is now completely independent and interally strong. Thanks Joe! Couldn’t have done it without you.
“Policymaker Push Against Fossil Fuels Means “Will Never Be Another Refinery Built In US”; Chevron CEO Says.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out… in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying: we don’t want these products…”Much as we’re not fans of moar and moar billionaires, moar oil, he’s right. Biden is accusing oil and saying it’s greedy capitalists’ fault when we were (mostly) energy independent 3 years ago. Why? 1st act was to shut the Keystone pipeline…so we could waste diesel to move that same product on derailing trains, very ecological. He then shut off the gas pipe in MI to stop fertilizer creation. He followed with some other attacks. Therefore, the market, and the oil companies responded by correctly deducing that they were in a hostile environment where this administration and party in power would attempt to shut them down, prevent their sales, and steal their money. Which they have. To cope, they need to bank huge cash for lawsuits and problems, and since if you drilled wells they would attack them and prevent the oil from being piped and delivered, simply harbor cash, hunker down and do nothing.
I mean, if you didn’t want oil, you should really go about it a quite different way. Like with mass transit and to stop subsidizing roads so much. Solve the peoples’ problems; don’t cause more and brag about it. Joe is elated that gas is $10, it’s that exciting energy transition. …Back to feudalism, where he can sniff all the peasant girls’ hair he wants.
But unlike us deciding whether to buy a taco or new tires, a refinery is going to take 10 years and live as long as 100. So you need STABILITY. TRUST. Government by changing the rules every 2 years, and especially the tax rules, prevent everything from happening because we’re all now playing a game one side can change at any moment. It’s Calvinball against a greedy, bratty, psycho. So we stop doing, stop working, and that means stop taxing. Anyone with both money and brains then invests in stocks and not products, machinery, things, inventions. I have. There’s a lot of businesses I could start, but I can’t. There are almost no gaps in the number of ways they will extract, befuddle, and harass me should I dare attempt to work; or worse, attempt to employ and train someone else. Many people. Young people, putting down the Xbox controller and learning a trade then buying a house. So. I don’t. “I Did That!” — Joe Biden
Like Rome, I can stop this for a thousand years. If the effort vs output doesn’t work, It will make sense to live on the beach in a trailer like Jim Rockford for 10 generations. As soon as my effort vs return does make sense, I go to work again. Mostly government is the sole swing factor, the sole cause right now for the full-on stop of the real economy, the transition to exclusively bubble speculation, and keeping it wasting and dysfunctional through my whole lifetime.
And to the point of the article, certainly the STABILITY of starting something. All these things take 2-10 years to pay off. There is no visibility for even to October right now.
Maybe that’s not true: Stocks are -20%. Housing has stopped and begun to drop. Sounds like a “Bad Feeling” or a “Financial Hurricane” depending who you ask.
“Russia Is Winning the Economic War – And No Closer to Withdrawing Troops (G.) “
Withdrawing troops? They are taking the whole east. And the country will cease to exist. That map doesn’t show Poland “Policing” the West for “stability”. Like us, a “Policing” they will never, ever stop, like in Iraq and Syria, Japan and Germany. That leaves what? Kiev as a city-state the size of D.C.?
“The International Monetary Fund estimates the economy will shrink by 8.5%”
The IMF with Economists like Yellen that have never been right about anything in my whole lifetime? Okay, maybe, but I’m guessing the West will shrink by +20%. Europe will cease to exist. On this trajectory, their future is similar to African Warlords.
“Europe is only gradually weaning itself off its dependency on Russian energy”
Gradually? Like in 40-50 years when we invent zero-point energy and cut the population in half? With endless crime and poverty run by warlords?
“NATO Chief: Ukraine Shouldn’t Drop Goal to Drive Russia out of Crimea (Antiwar)”
Or at least not before we kill that last Ukrainian child. Or there are still a few taxpayer dollars left that Raytheon Fix-it-up-Chappie can suck out of our empty pockets. Profits are high this quarter. In a system where there is no voluntary purchase.
“the greatest costs will be borne by the public, if our legal proceedings become as performative and shallow as our politics.”
IF? I haven’t seen justice in decades. Everyone still acts like they have credibility and there are rules.
“COVID Vaccines Linked to 25% Increase in Cardiac Arrest (INN)“
Safe and Effective. At killing people. Everyone is still on board. Totally support this, aren’t mad or suspicious at all. Doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. They’re all just going to mysteriously die, for no reason, and no one will ask or look. ‘Cause, reasons.
“Judge Rules in Favor of St. Paul Unions over Covid Vaccination Mandate (TC)”
Only two years too late. So let me get this: they can trample your human rights even to death. You can sue if you have ten million dollars and 2-10 years to waste. They can then trample your human rights even to death again with no penalty. No damages are served or reclaimed, no restraining orders are served. No one is arrested. Oh wait: YOU are arrested for having rights, the criminals are NOT arrested for serially breaking the law and human rights leading to well-measured mass murder.
There’s a solution to this however, and you control it: do not comply. Illegal orders are not to be followed, in the government, military, or private sector.
BTW, this is why they want the guns. …Or just the guns of all people who didn’t vote blue. We still terrify them and they can’t trample all human rights so long as they retain some fear of the people. I regret to say I suspect Australia proves this theory.
Erdogan: Good point. He’s so incredibly bad at war, I wasn’t keeping track, but we can’t have this. It’s always a marvel how the Turks can be so strong and so weak at the same time, and have been for centuries.
Jacinda. I guess we know who’s really in charge. And here it’s not Biden. Would that be the private sector? 20 interlocking boards of directors most of whom are members and supporters of the WEF? So therefore we have a merger of corporation and state? Under a police state, with universal levels of social control and propaganda? With a penchant for expansive wars? Gosh, there’s a name for a political system like that…slips my mind. F-word, something.
June 5, 2022 at 10:57 am #109089Dr. D
ParticipantRed: he’s not wrong, but also not paying attention. The wells are having a low EROEI, sure. However THERE ARE UNTOUCHED WELLS WORLDWIDE. If Iran has wells, Russia has wells, Israel and Cuba and Yemen probably have wells, East Africa has wells, Iraq and Libya can’t fully recover, and the U.S. hasn’t drilled three coasts, then what you have is a geopolitical shortage and not a physical shortage.
That would mean that, rather than sending engineers to Exxon, we are going to see armies move to conquer those 50 years of untapped wells like in Iran and Russia and Ethiopia. This is exactly what we’re seeing. So there is a lot of oil left. Enough for all our remaining lifetimes. But they’re not going to work and DRILL it, no! Work is for honest men. They are going to MURDER people and STEAL the other guys’ instead.
This is critical to to the understanding of the actual oil market, his energy-return argument aside, which is no doubt true in some places and will be true someday.
Saudi pumped for 50 years nearly from a single field and kept much of the world afloat while they locked in Iran so the oil wouldn’t/couldn’t be used. Perhaps even to save the planet as that oil would just turn into more humans and more demand in the petri dish. But Iran has as much oil as Arabia still, that is, a generation’s worth. So how far out are you looking? What if the crunch isn’t until 2100? Do you understand the primacy of war now? That it’s not an accident, it’s their whole game plan for the next 40 years if necessary. McCain promised we would be there for 100 years and we’re 25 years in already. Anyone notice?
June 5, 2022 at 11:56 am #109090Oroboros
ParticipantJames Ensor The intrigue 1890
The EU ‘Leadership’ being guided by their Oligarchs on foreign policy.
Ukraine was never of a defined entity.
Sewn together over the centuries with bits and bobs.
When you gaze at a map of it’s parts,
It looks more like the Bride of Frankenstein
June 5, 2022 at 1:03 pm #109091Oroboros
ParticipantFrom Dr D:
“I mean, if you didn’t want oil, you should really go about it a quite different way. Like with mass transit and to stop subsidizing roads so much…”
Back in the day when I worked in engineering, I was in a meeting in DC, in the Senate cafeteria oddly enough having their famous bean soup. It was in the 70’s and the Arab oil embargo was in full swing. The meeting concerned the then almost completed DC Mass Transit Metro Subway System.
The Democrats had spearheaded the funding for the mass transit in DC and the Republicans of the day were lukewarm to it. So the chiefs of staff from a couple leading Demo senators were at the table. I was thinking of getting into mass transit as a career and taking more engineering courses in that direction.
So being the youngest at the table, I waited until the end of the meeting, and I asked one of the head senate staffers about future plans in Congress for funding high speed rail and mass transit systems.
He exploded that mass transit was for Socialists and Communists and that Real Americans would never buy into the concept because they would be driving there new cars to work on new highways!
This was from the side that backed the mass transit project to begin with.
He said the only reason Congress voted to build the DC Metro was because the Soviet capital, Moscow, had a first class subway at the time that they showcased to world visitors and that DC only had buses and taxis so the optics were bad that DC looked third world, which it did, and that the US couldn’t build a decent mass transit systems.
So the Congressional backing at the time was for propaganda purposes, not common sense or energy policy or anything.
This adamant outright hostility to mass transit and high speed rail, in the middle of the Arab Oil Embargo, convinced me to never pursue the field as a career and eventually contributed to me abandoning engineering in the US all together.
That was 50 some years ago and the Empire of Lies priorities are as phucked up as ever.
Mass transit might be for Socialists and Communists but Western democracies, especially Eurotardistan, are going to end up traveling by donkey cart and skateboard from their freezing apartments to wait in long lines for rationed bread.
Get Woke, go way more than broke.
Empire of Lies Mass Transit Plan
June 5, 2022 at 1:31 pm #109092John Day
Participant@Red: hanks for the Thermoeconomics input this morning. Good stuff.
@Formerly T-bear and V.Arnold, regarding:
“Russia is the only superpower with a self-sufficient economy..”
That is currently an accurate statement. “Autocratic” is the word, “autocracy”.
The USA is in a fairly distant second place, and China, requiring massive inputs of raw materials, energy and food commodities is completely dependent upon outside sources, like Russia.
That makes for a very strong alliance against the US/”west”, since Russia has more resources and China has more people and more industry.June 5, 2022 at 1:49 pm #109093Oroboros
ParticipantRussia ironically is where the Empire of Lies coulda, shoulda, woulda been had it’s blood drinking satanic oligarch class not nonstop gaslight it’s brain dead, self indulgent, inbred, Idiocracy slave to fashion and new shiny objects Proletariat Sheeple.
The Empire of Lies has painted itself into a corner on the edge of a cliff.
Not a lot of options left at this point.
The Sheeple and the Owners deserve each other.
It’s Kismet, not Karma.
Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
Funny, I thought it was Frank Zappa.
June 5, 2022 at 1:58 pm #109094John Day
Participant@Oroboros: Thanks for the historical beltway political insight.
@Dr.D: Good analysis, as usual, and the phantom of hidden oil deposits for the future…
SOMEBODY might actually have 50 year plans, but they are not public, right?
The rumor is that this was figured out during the Carter administration, that those test-wells in Alaska were big winners, but there is no way for anybody who does not already know to find out. It’s a tight secret, and always ahs been, for geo-strategic reasons.
Anybody who knows and says is a traitor and anybody who says might be disseminating, so uncertainty is maintained.
Therefore, I don’t know, even though I was never told and never knew. I don’t trust people who “know”.
I’d trust Jimmy Carter, but he was a nuclear-submariner. He keeps secrets to the grave and stuff.Individually, i have as much chance of getting dealt in on a huge oil-stash for the next millennium as I do for zero-point-energy and cold-fusion, so I can safely presume that I need to grow vegetables, and ride a bike. I’m quite pleased at the good job I did of insulating the addition, and managing all of the flow-through ventilation options. I have pretty good passive AC in the downstairs if I close it off and keep the upstairs windows open; 10-15 degrees F of cooler-downstairs when it is 100F outside.
It might save a life. Got a sleeping porch with screens around it, like in the old days.
I still need natural gas. Even though the Eagleford shale is 5 miles away, gas can be cut off.
Still need water. The original farmers caught rain water in cisterns. I have not set up the 900 gallon fiberglass tank to catch from the roofs.
It needs 2 cracks repaired and it needs painting, and I haven’t yet…
I’m puttering along, blogging, cutting 0.8 acre of grass with a nice little Honda mower every 1-2 weeks.
How would I live without gasoline?
I’m all paradoxed up after all these years of trying.
I’m in the R&D department for our species.
I’ll die whenever, and I’ll have “tried”.June 5, 2022 at 2:01 pm #109095Positive Dennis
ParticipantGuys, China is not self sufficient in energy or food.
June 5, 2022 at 2:15 pm #109096boscohorowitz
Participant“I’m puttering along, blogging, cutting 0.8 acre of grass with a nice little Honda mower every 1-2 weeks.
How would I live without gasoline?”Put that gas in a rototiller and turn it all into a garden based on permaculture methods?
Or, put goats/sheep/cattle and let them munch it down for you and turn it into meat/milk? Not everyone is a vegetarian, and anything is better than starvation<>cannibalism.
June 5, 2022 at 2:28 pm #109097zerosum
ParticipantWhat!!! Officials tell the truth
• US Officials Admit They Lied About Ukraine Success and Russian Failures (GP)
By Larry Johnson
Published June 4, 2022 1003 CommentsU.S. Officials Admit They Have Lied About Ukraine Success and Russian Failures
• Russia Is Winning The Economic War – And No Closer To Withdrawing Troops (G.)
The pie is shrinking, therefore, the number of people must shrink so that the remaining enablers do not suffer a diminished luxurious lifestyle.Zelensky said this week that between 60 and 100 Ukrainian soldiers are being killed every day.
————-June 5, 2022 at 2:40 pm #109098Noirette
Participantwillem wrote prev. thread:
I follow Edward Slavsquat (pseudonym for Riley Waggerman), who lives near Moscow. Among other commentary from the Russian side of things, he makes a strong case for Putin playing along with the WEF agenda, despite appearances to the contrary.
Thanks willem, the piece I posted by him which I found interesting had a flavor along those lines, I now understand it better. The name R. Waggerman rang a bell, here a talk on geopol & empire which I watched – I didn’t mentally link the two.
Imho, there are some ‘events’, ‘happenings’, with their attendant interpretations and ‘spins’ — these may be deliberately manipulative or ‘natural’ in the sense of lacking a strong guiding hand — that at least a good part of the population, but particularly those in charge (oligarchs, Corps, gvmts, etc.) accept as ‘real’ or ‘significant’ and ‘react’ to them.
Naturally the reactions are stronger from those in power, as they have much to lose / gain.
Ivan + Natasha, mmh.. not so much.
Plus of course Russia also has vax producers and a bunch of ppl real keen on digital passes and all that stuff. (The Mayor of Moscow was very gung ho.. Putin went against him somewhat, no details right now.) Understandably, Moscow promoted Russian vax, etc. This isn’t, in itself, going along with the WEF agenda, imho.
Putin himself has been shown to be very afraid of the /sars../ virus. Macron went to talk to him and refused to take a PCR test, reportedly because he was afraid of the Russkies getting his DNA!, so he had to sit miles away … see the pic.
Maybe Putin was just pretending, relishing making Macron look small and foolish. ? Idk.
The pandemic / ‘plandemic’ was a world-wide phenomenon, in a way the first after the 80’s AIDS. (Compare with Ebola, Zika..) Recall, Putin was one of the early world leaders to call Bush J. to support fighting ‘terrorism’ (see Chechnya at the time) while he certainly knew that no 19 Arab dopes with box cutters brought down … etc. The motives for adhering or not to these scripts can get very complicated.
June 5, 2022 at 2:47 pm #109099zerosum
ParticipantKYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia took aim at Western military supplies for Ukraine’s government with early Sunday airstrikes in Kyiv that it said destroyed tanks donated from abroad, a claim denied by a Ukrainian official. Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that any Western deliveries of long-range rocket systems to Ukraine would prompt Moscow to hit “objects that we haven’t yet struck.”
The cryptic threat of a military escalation from the Russian leader didn’t specify what the new targets might be, but it comes days after the United States announced plans to deliver $700 million of security assistance for Ukraine. Those weapons include four precision-guided, medium-range rocket systems, helicopters, Javelin anti-tank weapon systems, radars, tactical vehicles and more.
Military analysts say Russia is hoping to overrun Ukraine’s embattled eastern industrial Donbas region, where Russia-backed separatists have fought the Ukrainian government since 2014, before any U.S. weapons that might turn the tide arrive. The Pentagon said last week it will take at least three weeks to get the precision U.S. weapons onto the battlefield.
June 5, 2022 at 2:52 pm #109100John Day
ParticipantBoscohorowitz quoth:
” ‘How would I live without gasoline?’
Put that gas in a rototiller and turn it all into a garden based on permaculture methods?”Uh, with all due respect, Amigo, I do/did that, and it requires gasoline.
I use gasoline in the 1997 4 cylinder Ford Ranger to haul “composted municipal waste” and other soil amendments. I use “PLASTICS” in my gardening weed-exclusion barriers and drip irrigation (city water) systems, not yo mention batteries in the drip timers…This is complicated in practice!
June 5, 2022 at 2:55 pm #109101John Day
ParticipantAnimal husbandry requires steel fencing, too, even chickens. I’m not opposed, but I have not got the current stage mastered yet, and I’m not here every night to protect the chickens in the pen from coons and coyotes. Daytime is hawks.
Gotta’ be there for the chickens without fail, or they’ll get eaten, even if the humans aren’t hungry…June 5, 2022 at 3:01 pm #109102John Day
Participant@Zerosum: The west is testing western weapons systems against Russia with Ukrainian deaths.
Russia is testing Russian weapons systems against western weapons systems with Russian lives/deaths.What is being learned?
June 5, 2022 at 3:22 pm #109103Figmund Sreud
ParticipantDept: ‘Energy Experts Say The Darndest Things!’
“Russia’s days as an energy superpower are over.” — Daniel Yergin
The End of Energy Free Trade
June 5, 2022 at 3:52 pm #109104BoomerDoomer2
Participant@John Day We planted clover in the front yard of our .27 acre suburban home (homes built between 1910 and 1994, so not your standard burb) in NW Spokane. (The back yard is all garden.) I rented a Toro Dingo for a 24-hour period and scrapped all the sod off and then created rolling hills (mimicking the nearby Palouse) with the sod and covered them with the soil that was available. It took 8-10 hours and the Dingo burned through .8 gallons of diesel. I thought the fuel gauge was broken until I topped the tank off before returning the Dingo. I get mixed reviews on the clover — people either love it or hate it — but the bees love it.
June 5, 2022 at 4:14 pm #109105Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantJohn Day at no. 109092
@Formerly T-bear and V.Arnold, regarding:
“Russia is the only superpower with a self-sufficient economy..”
That is currently an accurate statement. “Autocratic” is the word, “autocracy”.
The USA is in a fairly distant second place, and China, requiring massive inputs of raw materials, energy and food commodities is completely dependent upon outside sources, like Russia.
That makes for a very strong alliance against the US/”west”, since Russia has more resources and China has more people and more industry.I think the word you are looking for is AUTARKY = self sufficiency which is being confounded, conflated with AUTARCHY = absolute power, despotism by an AUTOCRAT = a ruler having absolute power that forms an AUTOCRACY – an absolute government by one person (dictator, despot, monarch, etc.). AUTOCRATIC = the adjective denoting something having autocrat like characteristics. A problem arising when poorly educated are allowed to make fungible the meaning of words without correction. This fungibility of word use is also rampant in most discussion of economics, sadly to the point such discussion ends as being a useless waste of time. What is observed today is the culmination of 70+ years of cold war political propaganda. That needs undoing before any true discussion can take place with those so exposed. It pays to watch your p’s and q’s when politics, economics and law are involved. YMMV
June 5, 2022 at 4:21 pm #109106BoomerDoomer2
ParticipantShould be scraped, not scrapped… It should be mentioned that the clover means no mowing… If things really get tight, I will simply till in the clover and plant with edibles.
June 5, 2022 at 4:42 pm #109107phoenixvoice
Participant@ Red
Nice article on surplus energy. This explains why the Davos crowd want the rest of us to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels, drive electric vehicles, depend upon transient wind and solar energy sources, and lock ourselves down, while they own and/or control the remaining fossil fuel resources.
I remember Chernobyl as a child; I tend to be very wary of nuclear power. However, a good portion of the electricity that I use daily comes from the only nuclear power plant not located near a body of water. It appears that the only sources of electricity that provide enough constant power to parallel electricity generated from fossil fuel are nuclear and dam power. (Geothermal might work where the geography is there for it.) Of course, both of those have their own challenges.
Four full-size solar panels do not produce enough steady electricity at 1 pm in June (750 watts, actual) to run the fan motor (let alone start it) of my whole house evaporative cooler. My domestic partner has been experimenting with an off-grid solar system to provide us some power should there be blackouts. The system has batteries — so it can start the evaporative cooler and keep it running for quite a while…but the power generated each hour by the sun is less than the power required each hour to run the evaporative cooler. The whole-house air conditioner cannot be run, let alone started, with this system.
Solutions…none are easy. Nuclear…IS dangerous, and requires huge resource inputs. Dams…always there is someone upset about the area flooded, waterways are changed, and dam power is still dependent on rainfall upstream. Energy conservation IS logical. But the Davos crowd would have our energy use monitored as if we were rats in a cage, rewarding certain behaviors, punishing others. Building our own off grid solar system and figuring out what it can and cannot do, on the other hand, causes us to be more aware of the electricity we use, causes us to conserve without coercion, without carrots and sticks, without resentment.
Our public utility systems charge us for electricity in a way that doesn’t reward sipping energy vastly over gulping it. I’ll explain:
I also have solar on my roof, a grid-tie system that goes down with the grid. Last month I paid $141 for grid electricity. Without the solar, I’d have paid about $200. The savings isn’t that great — my solar lease is about $25/month, and the down payment I made on that lease means that my true monthly cost for solar is about $50. For the electricity that I used from the grid last month I paid about $70 — the other $70 on my bill were delivery charges, meter reading charge, billing charge, etc. No matter how little electricity I use every month, I will still pay about $70/month for the privilege of being connected to the grid. The solar credits that I get for sending electricity to the grid can only reduce the charges for electricity used, cannot defray the $70 charge for the privilege of grid connection.
Supposedly, Davos wants us plebes to cut down on our use of energy…but the local power company is going to ensure first that it gets its cut.
(I’m not necessarily suggesting that this system should be altered…there are many variables at play, and my grid-tie solar system has no batteries so I need the grid power. Notedly, a couple of weeks ago the electrical pole that my home gets its electricity from was replaced — obviously, it is appropriate that I contribute towards the upkeep of the grid. I notice the structure of the system and what it protects and prioritizes.)June 5, 2022 at 4:56 pm #109108phoenixvoice
Participant@ mr roboto
Children at adult dancer club.
Well…the dancer was much more clothed than usual…perhaps that was for the sake of the children? Making the event “family-friendly?”
Children’s minds are immature. It is the responsibility of adults to care for, guide, teach, and mold the children so that they become mature, satisfied, productive adults in the community. Children will be influenced by whatever they are exposed to. Adults are also influenced by their own exposure, but adults (generally) have the capacity (mental, physical, emotional,) to maintain their values, remove their person, self-soothe (or seek out calming methods), etc., while children’s capacity in these areas are limited.
I wouldn’t take my own children to such an event. If they want to check out the adult dancing scene, they will need to wait until they are adults. My ex thought strip clubs were great, and got me to go a handful of times. I approached it with an open mind, but the experience, to me, didn’t entertain. I’d rather read a book. It isn’t something I seek out.June 5, 2022 at 5:53 pm #109109Oroboros
ParticipantSo Lira has a way of summarizing topics that’s saves me a lot of extra reading around.
This is on a subject that’s been in the back of my mind
For my money he nails it.
What Happens To Europe When Russia WinsJune 5, 2022 at 6:05 pm #109110chooch
ParticipantField Able,
I probably should elaborate. When I am scrolling thru social media and I come across a memoriam of a killed Russian soldier, Ukrainian soldier or Ukrainian citizen I am saddened. Not as deeply as say Jeremiah the Prophet but it sets me back emotionally. How does one make sense of all this death and destruction? Placing bets, loading up on “Bombs R Us” stocks. So I am trying to look at it from different perspectives. It is difficult not to identify with the side that was invaded and does not want to be subjugated. So I am good with Putin getting his ass kicked. But the West is culpable too, so I have no problem with the West getting its ass kicked either. Even better would be Kissinger’s suggestion.
You are right regarding the Z-tard label. If I were on Eric Topol’s C19 twitter group trying to argue the importance of preserving informed consent it would probably be in my best interest not to use the “Vaccinator” label in my commentary. Therefore, I will refrain from using it in the TAE commentary.
June 5, 2022 at 6:09 pm #109111John Day
ParticipantThis article is a really good explanation of the geopolitics of Black Sea, Azov Sea, Kerch Strait and Russian waterway strategic and historical considerations.
Black Sea Geopolitics and Russia’s Control of Strategic Waterways: The Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov explanation of the 50 years of mutation in 4 years of the new global-monkeypox has the conspiracy-theory that people in biolabs did it. 5, 2022 at 6:09 pm #109112June 5, 2022 at 6:20 pm #109113Oroboros
ParticipantScything is great but you have to practice to get a smooth groove going with one.
They also make a much shorter scythe for small spaces and small lawns, same technique but less swing.
June 5, 2022 at 6:22 pm #109114chooch
ParticipantBarnum and VP (the prolific poster of clown images),
Sorry not that guy (deflationista), though I like that person and wish them the best. One of Defs M.O. was precious ego hunter. It was a painful entertainment to watch someone take it hook, line and sinker. Hard telling if it was effective or made a dent in someone’s conscience.
June 5, 2022 at 6:23 pm #109115John Day
Participant@Oroboros: I agree with Gonzolo Lira that Europe will have to side with Russia over the US, due to basic needs for fuel and food.
I’ve said so, too.
How is that going to go down?
I think “cheating” is a start, then defaulting on $US debts for the grand-finale.
There is a whole lot of cheating development going on, facilitated by Russia selling oil cheap enough for middle-men to get rich, with Russia still making a good profit.
“Win friends and influence people…”June 5, 2022 at 6:29 pm #109116John Day
Participant@Hexadec: World class scything. by that female athlete.
It can only be done in wide open spaces. I have so many fruiting trees, over 50, with boundaries.
I can take the little Honda mower around them back and forth, jumping it a bit, the whole body motion, but not as graceful as hers.
How would a novice do 0.8 acres of open field like that, which is possible?
I think you’d have to grow up doing it, and have your food-production system developed around scything, like in the old days.June 5, 2022 at 6:53 pm #109117cloudhidden
ParticipantScything…..Oh, mind the rocks…..we live in a rocky place, scything not an option. (after many years of picking them, we have piles of stones, but they do grow out of the ground. I never thought that rocks were a renewable resource! Sheep would work, but for wolves. High fencing against deer (not many, but sufficient that they will destroy garden and fruit trees.)
Getting a couple of pigs they can stay inside a high fence.
Always something, but if it’s perfect, we can’t afford it.June 5, 2022 at 7:47 pm #109118Oroboros
Participant@ John D
I think you and Lira are also on the same page in regards to back channel deals and palace intrigues. There’s gotta be a few sane players in the EU staring at the Continental Seppuku®.
The EU cannot exist at it’s current lifestyle without Russia. Period.
Hungary is not considered a ‘heavy hitter’ in the EU pecking order but they are the template for Let’s Make a Deal. They know which side their bread is buttered on unlike the French for instance.
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