Dent Rattle Aug 8 2014: Obama Argentina Italia Ebola Obama


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    Dorothea Lange Family of 4 from Taos Junction, resettled at Bosque Farms, NM Dec 1935 The Nikkei lost 2.98% overnight, European exchanges continue the
    [See the full post at: Dent Rattle Aug 8 2014: Obama Argentina Italia Ebola Obama]


    Folks; there is so much loaded information and misinformation now about Ebola, I got sufficiently irritated to write up my ideas, from someone with a bit of training in epidemiology, and a bunch in evolution.


    Ebola has displaced much media space formerly allocated to political hot potatoes like immigration, Ukraine and Iraq. But then, what ” good” crisis will be allowed to go to waste? Certainly, some embellishment of severity of threat will be forthcoming, this election year.

    Myself, I’ll be watching the single most important indicator, and the one least understood by folks. Exponentials. If any filtered info on such can be believed.

    That, and when I see quarantine barriers being erected down at the local hospital, then I’ll be fast formulating some alternate plans.


    Experimental Ebola Serum Grown in Tobacco Leaves:

    “I was worried, because in the studies in monkeys, you can save all of them if you treat within 24 hours. If you wait several days for disease to develop, you save half,” she says. She adds that researchers had their fingers crossed that it wouldn’t be too late for Brantly and Writebol, who had been infected for days before they received their doses.

    But she says that in the animal experiments, the monkeys were given very high doses of the virus, which may have made it harder to treat.”

    Let’s hope this works.


    Mining the ocean bottom. Tailings pond breach. Who’s minding the store? Toxic bacteria blooms on lakes from overuse of fertilizer and pesticides. What a world we live in!

    On Ebola, Public Health Agency of Canada says on “Modes of Transmission”:

    “Humans may be infected by handling sick or dead non-human primates and are also at risk when handling the bodies of deceased humans in preparation for funerals, suggesting possible transmission through aerosol droplets. In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated. The importance of this route of transmission is not clear.

    INFECTIOUS DOSE: 1 – 10 aerosolized organisms are sufficient to cause infection in humans.”


    Canada Quarantines Man With Ebola Symptoms (AFP)

    A Canadian hospital put a patient in isolation Friday after he arrived in the country from Nigeria with symptoms of fever and flu – possible signs he is infected with Ebola – local media said. A doctor at the Brampton, Ontario hospital, near Toronto, said the patient had a fever and other symptoms similar to those seen in Ebola cases, the news channel CP24 said. Authorities decided to place him in isolation as a precaution, though there has been no official diagnosis and there are multiple diseases that could have caused his symptoms, stressed Eileen de Villa, an official with the region’s Public Health office, according to CTV news. In addition to quarantining the patient, the hospital also enacted other strict precautionary measures, she said.



    Thanks for the link. I have been reading lots of your great blog entries and links for an hour or so. Particularly liked the stuff on miscommunication between scientists and journalists. I think like a scientist, and don’t state something unless I’m 95% sure of it in my mind. This leads to me saying less than I think. I know lots of people who think less than they say!




    The cynical part of me says that while there is no treatment to save lives, Ebola will be stopped by international efforts fuelled by fear of international contagion. If we get a good treatment which saves lives and prevents contagion, it’ll be reserved for people of the West, and Africa will be left to Ebola misery. Right now, the 1%ers may actually be at similar risk to the rest of us risk from a deadly disease they can’t avoid if it goes um “viral” They are not going to like that!



    Carbon – “1%ers may actually be at similar risk.” Yeah, one of the few times the watering hole is actually equal. If the above tobacco cure works, they’ll be busy buying out the process, patenting it, IPOing it, and charging us a fortune for it. A good old-fashioned cost of life tax.


    The Ebola epidemic shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone if it spreads across continents. A large part of the extinctions in the natural world taking place now are due to international travel both air and sea. Never in the history of the planet has there been a time when viruses, bacteria and other ‘small’ organisms could cross huge land masses and oceans so easily.

    Many many species are falling foul of this relatively new phenomenon and finding they are coming up against new predators completely out of the blue – ones which they have had no time to evolve against. As a result large numbers of species are getting wiped out.

    This phenomena only really becomes ‘serious’ if it starts impacting humans because its impact is fast and furious on the population as opposed to the slow and steady decline of the natural environment without the likes of ebola.


    Some homemade perspective from my perch.

    Something tells me this 1%, however that is categorized, have other options at their disposal than “watering” at the public trough. That aside, worrying about economic outcomes associated with an, as yet, remotely potential world wide plague seems premature at this juncture. Not that a short position in a pharmaceutical ETF wouldn’t be warranted, for other reasons.

    In my mind, with a couple patients now being treated in the US, all concerned eyes should be focused on their locations, and whether the disease remains contained there. At least as a guide to the contagious characteristics of it.

    Another consideration might be, how many months or years were these two health professionals directly exposed to this virus, before becoming infected? How many others have been, and are being exposed on a daily basis, but have not been infected?

    Might also factor in general ignorance among the population in a region where HIV and other preventable maladies have run rampant. I mean, some of these people still patronize witch doctors, for crick! Drinking the blood of the dead???

    In short, it might be better to turn concern more toward things that are nearer possible, like death by cop, or by rogue Prius that we couldn’t hear coming, while crossing the street.

    And, if economics is still of importance in the grand scheme, shouldn’t we ruminate a bit more on all the life altering consequences possible in a meltdown there, in spite of Ebola and Obama and Draghi, and Singer, and the ‘Evitas’ of Argentina?

    Perceived crisis vs. Real?

    The above said, I would still short Inter-“national” solutions to any of this. Contraire, I’d bet on anointed Princes making it all worse.

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