Debt Rattle April 6 2024
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- This topic has 21 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by SeaBirds.
April 6, 2024 at 8:20 am #156321Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Juan de la Corte (1597–1660) Lot And His Daughters Escaping From The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah • The “Order” Based On Made-up Rules Is
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 6 2024]April 6, 2024 at 11:01 am #156322Dr. DParticipant“Another Month of Robust US Job Growth Points to Continued Economic Strength
[T]he American economy is thought to have added 200,000 jobs in March — a more-than-respectable increase…” The Associated Press What. The. ??? This was literally a zero job for anyone except illegals. All part-time gig. Including Reporters!News for Millennials, how giving up makes you a hero: “Good Enough:
Giving up has gotten a bad rap. But Adam Phillips wants us to see that letting go can be the precondition for starting “ –The Baffler“16 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Lonely, According to Experts: If you’re feeling isolated, know that there are many ways to reclaim connection.” Good Housekeeping. Oh eeeeeexxxxxperts! Well in that case, I recommend “Giving up.” Move to Canada, they’ve got a ready-MAID solution for that, esp if you’re young and healthy.
“ Earthquake As Jews Dig Tunnels Too Deep And Unearth A Balrog” –Bbee
Funny for so many reasons.
“the Hegemon – already obsessing with The Next Forever War, against China;”
Yes, and the funny part is, Yellen is over there today begging China to keep buying her bonds. After doing everything to keep Europe afloat and crush the U.S. AND while de facto declaring war on China. I don’t see anything wrong with this plan, do you? #Brilliant!
“The “Order” Based on Made-up Rules Is Descending Into Savagery (Pepe Escobar)
“Is descending”? Like “If we don’t look out, something might happen…” No, I’m not an expert on the details of the Warsaw Ghetto, where they essentially killed every man, woman, and child for existing, but preeeeeeety sure Israel has outpaced that genocide by leagues. I don’t even remember the last time they put to the sword everyone, doctors, patients, children. Then every building, like the Jewish Temple 70AD torn down stone by stone. Like the Turks vs the Mongols? Belgium in the 14th century? Whatever “Arabs” “Palestinians” etc might have done, that’s not acceptable to anyone alive today. Except apparently US and Britain, who continue to provide bombs.
As I said, nothing to say on it, and also Israel won’t last long now. They picked their path. It will be a heck of a mess when they vanish though and not good for the area. A whole nation ceasing to exist leaves quite a power vacuum and that radiates worldwide.
“The inevitable question rings around all corners of the lands of the Global Majority: how can these de facto terrorists possibly get away with all this, over and over again?”That’s simple: if anyone responds it will precipitate a world war, which is what these self-same powers want. Why would you give them what they want? Are you stupid or just bad at tactics? Give them what they DON’T want. That doesn’t make it easy: when your neighbor goes to war with you life is never easy – but you can’t just fall for it. Israel and Europe will collapse far more thoroughly if you let them economically collapse, lacking the war that would save them.
“The Mechanism is enforced by a triad.
1.The transnational financial elite, the superstars of the 0.0001%.
2.Right beneath it, the politico-institutional layer, from the U.S. Congress to the European Commission (EC) in Brussels, as well as comprador elite “leaders” across the Global North and South.
3.The former “intelligentsia”, now essentially hacks for hire from media to academia.
This institutionalized hyper-mediatization of reality is (italics mine), in fact, The Mechanism.”And “The Mechanism” works by divide and conquer to us down here, and don’t know or care what it is that divides – make something up if you have to. And it operates by the money. There may be many approaches here, but generally if you don’t divide against your neighbor, and stop/replace the money control it all ends. As long as they have “The Money” they can buy Roberts and Speaker Johnson, provide 20,000 bombs to Israel, etc. No money, no buying “accidents” for reporters, and in fact a lot of blackmail goes unpaid and comes out like P Diddy. We mostly attack Intelligentsia, Media, Universities, “Experts”, but we’ve long since exposed all finance and government. They’re so naked they almost require no comment.
He also mentions AI Lavender. Yeah, well check this: AI has ONE job, the job is entirely written down in words, it’s financed by the biggest people and run by the foremost AI companies, high visibility, top experts assigned. …Failed at everything. Just made everything up. Lied about all things, legal or illegal. AI is merely a pathological liar, capable of nothing. So Lavender? Sure, any General can bomb all four buildings because a living human might be in one of them, there’s no genius there at all: just sheer psychopathy. The only part that matters is they can POINT to AI and say “Ooops”. That’s the only “Brains” AI is providing: “Computer said!” …Although AI does and must do only what its programmers say. Is this like the “AI: Amazon” where actually “AI” was a bunch of Indians in a Call Center watching the cameras? Wow, such genius! That puts the Great and Mighty Oz to shame.
Every minute I am less scared of AI, not more. Apparently $6 entry-level workers can outsmart it while eating Aloo Bonda.
“The minute Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, Putin will find himself at war with NATO. Russia has only a short time to knock out Ukraine, destroy the government, occupy the country and build a wall around it.”
Maybe. But again, NATO is DEMANDING that Russia “Shock and Awe” and blitzkrieg the nation….when Russia JUST SAW they had stashed entire bases of NATO gear and men in salt mines. Again, they’re supposed to run over, let NATO shoot them on the rear, 10x their casualties as “advancing” requires, then occupy Russia-hostile territory with a skeleton force. Um, NATO is just offering the same deal and advice they did originally: Hey Russia, how’d you like to join Afghanistan and Vietnam? Russia: “No thank you, we would prefer not to.”
What’s really happening? NATO is breaking up instead. We see all along, but especially in 2023, and now proven with France, nobody’s going anywhere. Not one NATO soldier is going there. And contrary to PCR, Russia just did multiple test runs: Bombed every NATO general to powder, and France, Poland, U.S. stood there and took it with no response. So sounds to me like Romania could invade with all 50 soldiers they have, Russia could kill every one of them on TV, and no one, not even Sweden would Article 5.
He’s not wrong about Armageddon though. Escobar’s 0.001% MUST have a war or die. They MUST kill all the peasants or lose control. So they won’t stop until Russia stops them. Russia therefore, is going to do something saucy, brazen, and will leave a mark. But it’s not idiotic like “Push the Red Button”. It will be clever and undefined. Probably if I were an Military expert I could even guess what that is, But I’m not and I don’t care. From my perspective we all have a common enemy in that certain slice of the 0.001% — who are also Anti-Capitalists – and who are not “American”, “British” or “Other.” They are Globalists, colonizing and extracting wealth from people who actually work using essentially a Babylonian system. Why would I be mad at Russia for fighting them? Hopefully a blow would open an opportunity to remove them here as well.
“NATO countries will soon have to send soldiers to Ukraine, or else accept catastrophic defeat,”
A couple of guys in the back end won’t do anything. In fact, at this point ALL NATO, all mobilized in the FRONT lines probably wouldn’t defeat Russia. That would take years, 4-10, to even be IN the field, as they have no shells, no jeeps, no tanks. Of course they have zero escalation dominance so it would escalate to local “nukes” of some sort, bioweapons certainly, then risk MAD nukes worldwide quickly. Depends on if you think that’s “Winning”. But the point here is ALL NATO, all conventional army, could not face Russia, not for 2-6 years. That INCLUDES mobilizing the United States, as we are unprepared, AND we can’t get f-all across the ocean as Russia will sink it, and have no ships in the first place, nor way of making any. Nor can it be moved across Europe as it would immediately be a wasteland of every bridge down and every rail broken, with no power grid anywhere. Nor will anyone fight them at all. …But again, this is the “Russian Revolution” plan for the U.S. in service. Europe clearly doesn’t care if every European dies because they murder them all like clockwork every 70 years, and Europeans glom onto their leaders again after each time. Only if the “Bankers” survive, so to speak. This all affects the entire Pacific lost, Australia down, and if you want to go that far, Hawaii too, with Alaska in peril.
So I guess it’s that every name and definition involved is slightly different from what’s presented here. No, we are going to do none of that.
“• Ukraine Plan Of Crocus Attack: Ethnic Pogroms, Civil War In Russia (Helmer)
Simple divide and conquer. They win if we go after “The Jews”. My dentist didn’t plan the crocus attack and isn’t the elite. Why you trying to kill his kids?
“pronouncements regarding the war in Ukraine set teeth on edge”
Whose teeth? I’ve pointed this out in the past where 100% of all articles are “Why WE love 90’s RomComs”, why “WE all feel this way?” We? There’s no we, buddy. You keep your weird, demented NY/LA s—t to yourself. The rest of America thinks you’re as alien as Cthulu or at least as ripe to be drowned as “The Hunger Games.” They don’t realize in their air-tight bubble that the rest of America hates their guts and they’re all in the greatest danger imaginable, protected by one tweet and one tiny chain on their front door.
As we see now, there’s no Unity even in “You”. OUR teeth on edge? YOU just broke ranks. On this and on Bill Maher’s race hustling, etc. You are not a collective, you are entirely alone and always have been. Chelsea and the other cool girls were just using you and putting you on.
“Statements like these, and Musk’s supposedly ‘alternative’ view of the crisis in general, have long invoked the wrath of mainstream media pundits.”
“Alternative” to whom? Musk agrees with Luttwak, Meirsheimer, Sachs, and a host of other diplomats and experts. He agrees with Bill Burns and Barack Obama, c. 2012. What – exactly – are you t.f. talking about? A: All lies! And the answer is more lies! Elon AGREES WITH OBAMA! How dare he have such fringe views!
““The Federal Reserve then did the only thing it knows how to do: It hiked interest rates.”
Possibly. Sounds like the #Opposite though. The Fed has two tools: 1) Print money 2) Blarney. That’s it. Raising rates isn’t either of them, and will damage everything. That’s good if your goal is to kill off your competition trying to attack and erase Wall St, out of Europe (CBDC/Central bank). Not good if it’s about your own economy or President. They may save the dollar, but barely, and only as a transition.
“That was all over by the 1980s.”
That is, like the single-income household, you’d have to be Middle Aged and retiring to be aware of it. Sort of no living worker has ever seen the world he describes, might as well describe the 1750s Colonial Economy using Pounds and Pence. We can have – and should have – no respect at all for anyone like this. It’s the weatherman posting the same daily weather from age 20 to retirement without bothering to update it or check, then expecting to be watched and paid. Bigly retirement! Gold watch! There are not enough words in the English language to lampoon these people, so I suggest holding them underwater somewhere until you scare the h—l out of them and they run, change their name, and deny they ever were an Economist, or “Expert.” Until then, no American is safe.
He is trying to be helpful and criticize exactly this, but the fact that he even CAN without hateful derision, that these guys even EXIST as a real thing, shows how complicit and far from the mark they still are.
“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can be an unhinged leftist and crackpot, but he also happens to be correct about President Joe Biden”
Thanks. With friends like this, our elites will remain in power until the sun burns out. Did you bother reading RFK’s “Evidence”? Of course not. Ignorance is Strength.
“One might even call this brand of state-corporate relationship “semi-fascist.”
Or overwhelmingly and definitionally fascist, excelling Goebbels and leaving Germany in the dust. With friends like these…
“The Democratic Party is going to pay for its treatment of RFK Jr.”
Suuuuuuure they will. You and whose army? George Bush is going to pay for throwing the 2000 election to the wrong candidate and party too, right? Well at least when we got the wrong President in — using a body who had zero authority — he didn’t stat a war!
“The Supreme Court must be much more assertive.”
Maybe not, since we see they are all Liberal to begin with. Roberts is a Statist Stalin would admire, Kavanaugh is pro-abortion, and Barrett votes core Left with dangerous complicity and compromise.
“But it has also meant that the gold price has largely been determined by investment flows rather than physical demand.”
There are several levels to this, but essentially it’s the Trust Horizon. These dum-dums actually TRUST the companies like Morgan, etc to keep their word in spite of endless and overwhelming evidence they don’t, couldn’t, and never will, have no intention of trying. Look at MF Global. Or “The Big Short” where they lost a bet, then just rigged prices as long as they pleased to escape it. Top release movie, front page, everyone knows, bailout > bigger-bonuses-than-ever. You only take a derivative when you believe the counterparty is solvent. Or at all legal. Otherwise, you ask for delivery and it’s not a derivative. Same is happening in Bitcoin now, with the battle being over WHO will lie, rig prices, and control the market. This is demanded and enforced “By law” (offices cannot keep gold under their desk or buy “risky” assets aka anything “real”) but if there were a hyperinflation suddenly they would all en masse ignore the law. There are ETFs that quite probably have assets as well. Sprott’s PSLV and his proxy-buy of silver production are two. But no one cares in the slightest. Like Crypto-kids, they’ll burn it all down for a Satoshi. BlackRock takes their $1Trillion, drives up anyone who has FAKE gold, punishes anyone real. Downstream traders obey slavishly and instantly. Whether something is real or a scam isn’t even a question I ask.
This is true all over: let’s say the P/E is the “Gold” of a real company, a going concern. No one cares in the slightest if there are any “Profits” at all, ever. They FOMO the MOMO. This happens whenever you go off sound money and print-at-will and we’re no exception. It then erases all price discovery, which then erases all “Capital Allocation” and the economy goes random and dissolves until everyone dies. Every time.
“A coincidence or not, what happened that year was that the correlation between US real rates and gold broke down and has not been restored.”
This coincides with swapping from LIBOR to SOFRA. So the U.S. could and should start making this adjustment. Could be coincidental, but I think not.
In the: “Slept on rocks and ate dirt, all humans before Chelsea and Chad”:
“Medieval Africans Had a Unique Process for Purifying Gold With Glass”, simpler process using sand that we never thought of, then entirely forgot. What else did they do better and we also forgot?
It is rumored Israel got gold straight out of the dead sea by beating it. Gold sticks together, the other metals don’t. You see in medieval texts and songs “Beaten” gold. What does that mean? And “Red” gold, which may be impure copper. And Electrum, which was almost certainly gold and silver mixed, but how and why was it special? And reputedly a “nano” powdered white gold that had health and mental effects, perhaps “Manna”. Strange? Uh, no they use gold today for many medical purposes, Chemo for instance.
Wait: here’s one now. A pigment we new knew of, then forgot:
But I thought Chad at Twitter knew everything, was a Fact-checker and also your doctor now? He also knows what everyone is thinking and everyone’s intent. How could he also not know this?
An act of terror, against two sovereign states, Syria and Iran.
Equivalent to the recent terror attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow.
The inevitable question rings around all corners of the lands of the Global Majority:
How can these de facto terrorists possibly get away with all this, over and over again?
Putin’s Road to Armageddon
the only way Putin can avoid World War III is to surrender or to terminate the existence of Ukraine before Washington elevates Ukraine to NATO membership. There is no other choice.
Vectoring DangerouslyEvents are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry chaos along.
Case in point: Antony Blinken, our Secretary of State, who announced yesterday that Ukraine will get rushed into NATO ASAP.
Do you understand that would mean a direct, automatic, peremptory declaration of war against Russia, requiring all of NATO — that is, their combined militaries — to go kinetic inside Ukraine and theoretically inside Russia, too, (a move that has not worked out well for anyone in all of history), because Article Five of the NATO charter states that an armed attack against one is an attack against all, and must be answered with counter-attack?Thus, you see, Mr. Blinken just announced World War Three.
————Authored by David Harsanyi via, F. Kennedy Jr. can be an unhinged leftist and crackpot, but he also happens to be correct about President Joe Biden’s attacks on constitutional order, particularly free expression.
Speaking to an incredulous Erin Burnett on CNN this week, Kennedy argued that Biden was a bigger threat to “democracy” than Donald Trump, a position that clashes with the media’s entire 2024 campaign messaging.
————-April 6, 2024 at 4:26 pm #156326NoiretteParticipantOn Trump’s recent statements on Israel, which have been pick-quoted, here and there, e.g on Politico.
25 March, vid 9 mins: Trump to Israel Hayom.
He is trying to balance different stances, povs. He blames Biden, and says there would be no problem in the world if he was Pres, and that he has been the most ISR-positive Pres. in History. He says that the Oct. 7 attack would never have happened if he /had been/ Pres.
Quote on the present:
“You have to finish up your war. To finish it up. You gotta get it done. And, I am sure you will do that. And we gotta get to peace, we can’t have this going on. And I will say, Israel has to be very careful, because you’re losing a lot of the world, you’re losing a lot of support, you have to finish up, you have to get the job done. And you have to get on to peace, to get on to a normal life for Israel, and for everybody else.”
Note he his sitting in a somewhat lower chair (as the camera angle is making out, the chairs are actually the same) facing two large, fattish, imposing, ostensibly Jewish figures – one makes a big deal of putting a Kippa on his head. Trump is the one on the hot seat being questioned as to his ‘loyalty’, as I see it.
The prominently displayed flag in the background is a bit mysterious, in the sense that Red + White Stripes are a representation of the USA, a symbol often used, to avoid showing the full flag (ppl might notice that), but the orange border is weird, Idk. The other background is ‘camouflage gear’ it signals WAR, ‘we support war’, right in your face.
April 6, 2024 at 5:09 pm #156327Susmarie108ParticipantRE: April 8 and beyond…
Some new concepts for the TAE tribe in this link.
Perhaps a Way to respond to all of the above chaos?Be Present
Be the Light
Be LOVEShine on Friends.
April 6, 2024 at 5:47 pm #156328thomasjkenneyParticipantre: obtaining gold
A friend-turned-enemy, 1/4 Hupa person to 3/4 Irish gobshite, once described to me his ‘placer’ technique. He’d take a denuded couch cushion, just the foam rubber part, and place it in the bottom of a gully with intermittent stream. Let it sit for a year, and go back and dig it up. Take it somewhere safe, and dissolve the foam rubber with acid. What’s left is a much higher percentage of gold than would normally be found by panning or sluicing.
Gomorrah – Jerry Garcia
April 6, 2024 at 5:48 pm #156329zerosumParticipantFreeland is in Conflict of interest, and political interference. and lying.
U.S. ‘unable to step up’ on Ukraine aid, leaving Canada to fill the gap, says Freeland
U.S. ambassador says he’s confident major aid will continue to flow to UkraineChristian Paas-Lang · CBC News · Posted: Apr 06, 2024
“In March, Canada sent $2 billion in urgent budget financing support to Ukraine at a time when the U.S. — and this is maybe something you could ask the U.S. ambassador about — at a time when the U.S. has been unable to step up and provide support for Ukraine. We were there to fill the gap,” Freeland said, after being told U.S. Ambassador David Cohen would also appear on the program.
“Canadians can stand up tall and proud, knowing that our country is absolutely doing our part to resist Russia [and] support Ukraine, which is NATO’s biggest fight,” she said.
April 6, 2024 at 6:04 pm #156330zerosumParticipantIn Israel, murder is punished by losing your job and getting reprimanded!
Israeli military sacks two officers over strikes on WCK aid convoy
The Israeli military says it has dismissed two officers and reprimanded three others for their roles in an attack in central Gaza that killed seven aid workers, saying they had mishandled critical information and violated the army’s rules of engagement.April 6, 2024 at 7:49 pm #156331SeaBirdsParticipant“PCR keeps thinking he knows better than Putin.”
Paul Craig Roberts can only understand things from within his own limited knowledge of warfare, and is not qualified to speak with authority on these matters. If he read more of Andrej Martinov and others about Russian military doctrine he might learn something. He expects everyone to fight wars in the way that America fights them. An example of someone who has become entrenched in his beliefs and way of thinking and seems to refuse to open his mind to other points of view.
April 6, 2024 at 10:27 pm #156332aspnazParticipantEuropean NATO members face a “momentous decision” because with US forces facing a growing threat of a potential Chinese attack on Taiwan, it will be up to them to provide the manpower that Ukraine needs, Luttwak said.
This guy is like an insanity tap, he is totally detached from reality. China is not going to invade Taiwan anytime soon if Xi gets his way, of course, a Chinese invasion would be a wet dream for the US govt.
NATO is helping the US govt move responsibility for Ukraine from the USA to Europe. The USA can see that the war will end badly for Ukraine and that the US public is no longer supportive, so they want to dump this turd on the Europeans so that they can be blamed.
NATO is airing the idea of sending troops to Ukraine not to help keep house behind the scenes – they could send anyone over to keep house – but to operate weapons, as in help the war effort, as in join the war they are already involved in. In other words, to make it public that they are already in the war. No change on the ground, just in the propaganda.
They are making all this very public because they want public support and they want the public to be outraged (PCR is already wetting himself) when Putin blows the heads off of their “special forces” (they won’t be special forces, they will be your average dumb squaddie). It won’t work, only their sychophants will cry foul, nobody else is interested.
April 6, 2024 at 10:31 pm #156333aspnazParticipantNATO nations can only forestall an inevitable loss to Russian forces in Ukraine by deploying their troops to the former Soviet republic, a former adviser to the US military has claimed.
Nuland is no longer saying “Fuck the EU”, her replacement is saying “Blame the EU”. Nice tactics US govt, nobody will see through the little trick you played there. It is now the EU’s fault, not the US govt fault.
April 6, 2024 at 10:40 pm #156334aspnazParticipantWayward entrepreneur Elon Musk’s latest …
Politico reveals its authoritarian roots by describing Musk as wayward. Wayward to the watching Marxist control freaks who want to bring him to heel, just another guy holding his own opinions to the rest of us.
April 6, 2024 at 11:20 pm #156335CelticbikerParticipantDropping ordinance on hospitals, refugee tents and into the laps of aid workers in not war, it’s fucking murder. No amount of jewordsalad and gaslighting can change this fact.They injected poison into billions of people.. What more will it take for people to wake the fuck up as to who and what they are up against?Your life is counting on it and the clock is ticking.
April 7, 2024 at 12:07 am #156336John DayParticipantScots Flood First Minister Humza Yousaf’s ‘Hate Crime’ Tip Line With Reports of His Anti-White Speech
April 7, 2024 at 12:33 am #156337a kullervoParticipantAn observation concerning Mr. Bryan Johnson:
– Maybe AI is the human-created god, but god won´t remain under the human thumb forever…
(… and AI-made sentient beings will be kicked out from Eden, once again.)April 7, 2024 at 1:26 am #156338AfewknowthetruthParticipantWhile politicians and bureaucrats obfuscate and lie about practically everything, the overheating of the Earth by CO2, CH4 and N2O continues at an ever-faster pace, with truly dreadful consequences now emerging.
‘Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe
An unprecedented leap of 38.5C in the coldest place on Earth is a harbinger of a disaster for humans and the local ecosystemApril 7, 2024 at 1:39 am #156339zerosumParticipantSomething out of context.
I had Copilot do a search for me. It did it fast.You
describe emergent spacetime
Emergent spacetime is a captivating concept that challenges our fundamental understanding of the fabric of the universe. Let’s delve into this intriguing idea:Background:
Our current understanding of spacetime is based on two powerful theories:
General Relativity (GR): Albert Einstein’s theory that describes how matter and energy warp spacetime, creating gravity.
Quantum Physics: A remarkably accurate framework for understanding subatomic particles and their interactions.
However, when we try to merge these theories into a single “theory of everything,” we encounter challenges. The two theories don’t play well together, leading to contradictions and infinities in our calculations.
The Emergent Hypothesis:
Physicists are increasingly converging on the idea that space and time may not be fundamental. Instead, they could emerge from more basic components of nature.
Imagine starting with tiny circles scattered across every point in space and time. As we shrink these circles, something curious happens: a new, large spatial direction emerges instead of further shrinking. This dimensional transmutation hints at the non-fundamental nature of space and time.
The radical notion is that questions like “Where?” and “When?” might not have fundamental answers at the deepest level of reality.
Quantum Gravity and Entanglement:
To reconcile GR and quantum physics, we seek a quantum theory of gravity. One approach is to eliminate the problem at its source—spacetime itself.
If spacetime is emergent, what does it emerge from? The answer lies in a special kind of interaction called entanglement within a theory known as Conformal Field Theory (CFT).
In this scenario, entanglement connects objects across vast distances, instantaneously correlating their behavior in statistically improbable ways. It’s as if spacetime emerges from this intricate web of entanglement1.
The Quest Continues:
While the details remain elusive, physicists believe that spacetime emerges at the Planck scale, incredibly tiny distances close to 10^-35 meters.
As we explore deeper into the quantum realm, we may uncover the true nature of spacetime and its emergence from more fundamental constituents2.
In summary, the fabric of spacetime, once thought to be fundamental, might actually be a beautiful emergent phenomenon—an intricate dance of entangled threads weaving the cosmos together.Learn more
how does densest packing relate to spacetime
The concept of densest packing in high dimensions is a fascinating mathematical puzzle that has connections to our understanding of spacetime. Let’s explore this intriguing relationship:Densest Sphere Packing:
Imagine identical spheres in various dimensions. The question is: How densely can we pack these spheres in higher-dimensional spaces?
Mathematicians have worked out packing schemes for low dimensions (such as 2D and 3D) and specific cases like 8 and 24 dimensions. However, in higher dimensions, some packing schemes are surprisingly little better than random approaches.
The goal is to find the most efficient arrangement of spheres, maximizing the fraction of space they occupy while adhering to fixed distances between centers.
Emergent Spacetime Connection:
Here’s where it gets interesting: The densest sphere packing problem is related to the nature of spacetime.
Hermann Minkowski, the German mathematician who introduced the concept of four-dimensional spacetime, made a remarkable observation: As we add dimensions, the highest fraction of space that can be occupied by spheres decreases by a factor of 2.
Intuitively, one might expect the rate of decrease to be slower. But Minkowski’s factor-of-2 rule has held up for over a century.
Now, consider the idea that spacetime itself might be emergent—not fundamental. If so, could it arise from more basic components, just like dense sphere packings emerge from simple rules?
The RRR Algorithm:
Physicist Veit Elser turned to an algorithm called Relaxed-Reflect-Reflect (RRR), originally used in diffraction microscopy and imaging applications.
RRR works by dividing the packing constraints into simpler constraints between pairs of spheres. It then compels the sphere copies to “concur” (be the same).
Elser’s numerical experiments showed that RRR doubles the density of the best-known packing results up to the highest dimension attempted (which was 22).
Moreover, it suggests that Minkowski’s factor-of-2 rule might be improvable.
While the densest sphere packing problem may seem abstract, it hints at deeper questions about the fabric of reality.
Could spacetime itself emerge from simpler rules or interactions at a fundamental level?
By exploring dense packing in high dimensions, we gain insights into both mathematics and the nature of the cosmos.
In summary, the quest for densest sphere packings sheds light on emergent phenomena, challenging our understanding of spacetime and its origins1.Learn more
3link.aps.orgApril 7, 2024 at 2:14 am #156340aspnazParticipantAfewknowthetruth said
While politicians and bureaucrats obfuscate and lie about practically everything, the overheating of the Earth by CO2, CH4 and N2O continues at an ever-faster pace, with truly dreadful consequences now emerging.
You lie; truly not the truth. The truly dreadful consequences will be the destruction of our standard of living for no reason at all. Then there will be the further oppression of the Africans and Indians to keep them undeveloped, extending the white man’s rule.
You criticise the establishment for not being sufficiently extreme, for not being jihadists like you; you play your role of dumb activist very well, the establishment must be very proud of you. You are so eager to kill off your fellow man, the military establishment must hold you up as a shining example of what can be done with sufficient brainwashing.
You can’t even be happy that the government and establishment is on your side, trying to reduce the living standards of most of the people on this earth and take us back to feudalism. Their brainwashing was so intense that you can’t be happy that they are working with you, they have your back, you are a government lackey, one of their faux-activist sychophants.
You quote the Guardian, which is the most blatant of all the establishment propaganda outlets; good pet activist, Soros would be proud, as would your own government in NZ.
I see you as one of the Germans cheering on the Nazis, or one of the Israelis cheering on the IDF in Gaza. You have lost your mind, you don’t care about other people, you want to oppress people which you attempt to do by coming up with the most bullshit stories, aided by your friends in the establishment Guardian.
I also notice you are still on the web, so you are not so concerned that you have changed your own lifestyle to go back to living like an African, but that is typical of climate haoxers. Do you have a mansion by the sea by any chance?
April 7, 2024 at 2:59 am #156341John DayParticipantThanks Zerosum.
April 7, 2024 at 3:07 am #156342John DayParticipant71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6
Lavrenz told the Gazette she was surprised by Thursday’s verdict, but she believes “God wanted it to turn out this way so my voice could be amplified. We have to wake up our country.”71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6
April 7, 2024 at 4:20 am #156343my parents said knowParticipantIf there were entities on a planet a hundred light years away, and we could communicate with them, what would “now” mean?
April 7, 2024 at 7:22 am #156349SeaBirdsParticipantVery good aspnaz. (Clearly you weren’t too inconvenienced by the earthquake!)
We’re going to buy a thermometer. Yesterday, weather reports for central Europe were predicting highs of 28 degs. It was a pleasant, warm day, but no way was it that hot. So you wonder that the figures are being cooked somewhat. (The follow up headlines in the MSM will be calling on everyone to ‘check on their elderly neighbours’ in case they’re incapacitated by the April heatwave..)
A question to the experienced engineers who comment here.
How easy is it for ‘experts’ to compromise a levee without being detected?? -
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