Debt Rattle July 2 2024
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- This topic has 48 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 1 week ago by aspnaz.
July 2, 2024 at 9:14 am #162611Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
René Magritte Man in a bowler hat 1964 • US Supreme Court Rules Trump Has Presidential Immunity (RT) • Trump Says Immunity Ruling ‘Big Win For
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 2 2024]July 2, 2024 at 10:08 am #162613tbocParticipant“A republic if you can keep it”
July 2, 2024 at 10:39 am #162614tbocParticipantFrom hanging chads to the televised revelation that the electoral process is an illusion.
Set up like a bowling pin
Knocked down
it gets to wearing thin
What a long strange trip it’s been – HunterJuly 2, 2024 at 10:41 am #162615OroborosParticipantIt could flip=flop but it presently looks like the Satanic Cabal will keep Presidementia Poop-pants in place.
Maybe Dr Jill asked for to much grift.
On the other hand the reason is probably that the Giant Pot of Money Pedo Jo-jo’s campaign extorted can not be transferred to any other campaign, it must by law be returned to donors for a canceled campaign by that candidate.
The spin will be that a mere 90 minutes gone sideways does not reflect the True Nature of Pedo Jo-jo.
The brain dead Sheeple will eat that upMore Joe More Dough
July 2, 2024 at 10:42 am #162616tbocParticipantWhat do Bannon and Trump have in common?
Neither is as smart as they think.
Both can be played like a cheap violin.July 2, 2024 at 10:51 am #162617tbocParticipantEveryone who believes Bannon convinced all media to give free campaign advertising to Mr. Trump in ’15 raise your hand.
The little bus will be along any minute.
July 2, 2024 at 11:05 am #162618OroborosParticipant“Even the bootlickers at CNN are bailing on Biden!”
Duh’merica’s Satanic Cabal in truth is made up of different factions, Mafia Families if you will.
Think Godfather storylines.
So the Jake ‘Off’ Tapper, major media man whore, is in the throw-Jo-jo under the bus faction.
Doesn’t mean that faction prevails or even dominates behind the scenes.
Just means the Satanic Cabal is divided.
My take is that substituting another Buttplug in as pretend president is not an easy PR hoax.
Although having a “jet airliner flying into the Pentagon’ during 911 and having no plane wreckage at the scene was a Masterpiece of Deception©
Throwing Pedo Jo-jo under the bus is similar to a Building 7 collapsing.
A lot of moving parts in this Big Lie.
Best to just lie your way through to Nov than reveal the soft coup machinery of Satanic Tyranny to the Sheeple.
Bah, Bah, Humbug
July 2, 2024 at 11:09 am #162619Dr. DParticipant“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time…” — VDH, as Linlcoln.
I’m beginning to think this isn’t true…
Bannon: Yup, almost every House Republican sent him to jail. For a subpoena that’s dumb on a committee that is illegal. So if Feinsein babbles off in a corner to arrest Taylor Swift we have to do that now? Or are there still rules and processes?
Anyway, GOP House will be way happier when they shank him in prison. What?
“Seattle Woman Charged After Trying To Bribe Juror With $120,000 Cash To “Inject Racism” For Non-Guilty Verdict
And that’s nobody fer nothin’ case. Think you could get Bannon roughed up for less than $120k? Think a group printing $1T every 90 days could find more than $120k if you want?
“Something is going on behind the scenes.”
Yes and to me, except in very broad terms, it’s not very obvious what.
“• US Supreme Court Rules Trump Has Presidential Immunity (RT)
In a “no duh” moment…at last. But the returning comments from the Left are breathtaking. “Now Biden can go mow down the entire Supreme Court with a minigun as part of his ‘official duties’.” What? What the f—? NO. That is not an “official duty”. WTF do you guys think government does??? Yes, there’s a lot of these.
Logical basis: “Well if there’s any freedom at all, then that freedom is now infinite.” What? What planet did you guys grow up on? Who taught you these things? And is complete Black and White thinking all Cluster B disorder? Again?
And their other one, “Well if there are any limits at all to [e.g. 1A, 2A] then that LIMIT is infinite.” No. For the love of Christ and all things holy, no. This is also indicated by their new love of the word “Absolute” Immunity. It’s not absolute, it means there is a PROCESS. Following process and rules is a new thing you’ve never heard of and don’t understand but bear with me here.
Here, this is still and always relevant:
Why CAN’T I kill Ryan from work? Why CAN only soldiers kill everyone? If the President has ANY power, why doesn’t that mean he has ALL power? Because we’re a Constitutional Republic, that’s why. Because you don’t want everyone to start shooting back, that’s why.“• Trump Says Immunity Ruling ‘Big Win For Democracy’ (ZH)
He’s right. Okay, suppose this was upheld: every prosecutor in Podunk would have the right to sue and stop the President. All 3,143 counties. Every minute, all four years. Both parties. What does that mean?
A: The End of the United States. Complete national dissolution.
Wow, why would someone do that? A: Europe can get the bond/capital flows, and slowly re-claim all their colonies back. It’s worth any price, any bribe, any action. It’s more valuable than gold. You think you get some loose change claiming and eating Ukraine? Killing a couple million people there? Ain’t seen nothing, the U.S. is multiples her size and wealth. What else? Ben talking about it 50-100 years. World Government. Set in EUROPE. With EUROPEAN rules. NWO.
Hey: is that what we call a “Motive” for felony bribery and treason? Of the Executive?
“US President Joe Biden has attacked the Supreme Court, urging citizens to “dissent” against its ruling that American presidents have “absolute immunity” for their official actions.”
I agree, Joe. I SAY DO IT!!! Now Luckenbach Texas can sue and arrest you, extradite you from Delaware for, well, anything they feel like and make up in their heads, and the DNC won’t have a presidential candidate.
Also don’t care, none of this is what’s really going on. Ukraine is losing 3 towns and 2k men a day, 10,000 a week. Japanese bond market is making US rates come undone. That’s not big yet, it’s like too much volatility in small blips like an EKG pre heart attack right now. It may turn into something. The Ike was shot and sent for repairs and Russia still promised to retaliate this week.
In Ukraine, I ran into a European this week, and learned really important things. Russia is on the ropes. They are fighting Ukraine with entirely Soviet equipment, and they can’t replace any of it. I pointed out that even so, killing 100,000 Ukrainians per tank means the West is your enemy, not your friend. They said, No one else would be Ukraine’s friend. Uhhhh…okay… With friends like these… “Give them what they need to win.” Yes, and instant nuclear escalation 48 hours after. Was it NATO doctrine to fight a war with zero air power? “The U.S. and so on are still dominant and would take out Russia in no time. The S400s are a joke and all they need are the Air force there.” Uh-huh. Good thinking. Again, and total worldwide nuclear exchange 48 hours later?
So there you have, a really informed person, deep level on all that. And I, um… disagree? Also them: The EU is FAN-Tastic! No taxation level is too high! There is NO regulation that is too far. They are ALWAYS beneficial. In fact, at work, he tells every customer to register a complaint and get his company sued by EU regulators. For anything.
And the EU is great and Federal level of rules for everything, and ALSO causes there to be better, more national individuality and expression BOTH! Yes! There is no downside: the stronger and more powerful the center is, the more powerful and differenter all the parts are too.
AND, it’s going to prevent all wars in Europe forever, because without the EU, there would just have to be a WWIII. Just does. …No I didn’t get a chance to point out that under Rome, or King Charles, Napoleon, or whoever else conquered Europe there was still non-stop war IN the Unified Europe. One can only do so much, and I was there to learn this sorcery.
Yup, EU: All upside, no downside! Infinity taxation and regulation = better than ever. No costs to those benefits. This is why you have to Listen. Ah, the things you learn…
(Okay, and you thought AMERICANS were stupid, dumber than a bag of hammers.)
“ Alarming Study Finds 33% Of Americans Are Dumber Than A Bag Of Hammers” –BBeeThat’s only because they haven’t talked to any Europeans in the streets yet. Reminds me of Mark Twain: “If you don’t real the newspapers, you’ll be uninformed. But if you DO read the newspaper, you’ll be MISinformed.”
Btw, that awesome, stronger-than-ever local, national expression of ethnic identity does NOT extend to Hungary or Poland, the bastards. DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD or get out. When we say “Europe” we mean the Europe — I — prefer. Everyone else should be shot.
“If Putin does not immediately use sufficient force to terminate the conflict, World War Three seems certain..”
Oh good God, again? WHY would Russia or China ever do this? The longer they wait the more the U.S. collapses on it’s own and it’s not their fault.
“The Pentagon [finally] grasped that something had happened” But like dismal, dottering dinosaurs they didn’t know what.
This is how “Insulated” the U.S. feels and why they act this way: They feel like ANYTHING they do, anything at all, will never come back on them, ever, probably a sentiment seeded to them from England. 100 Nations toppled in 100 years? And if something did? Pearl clutching, shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that cutting off Japan’s oil supplies would be considered an act of war. SHOCKED that putting nukes in Turkey 30 miles from Russia would alarm the Soviets. Why I say old chum! That’s just not cricket!
I don’t know how to pop it since they’ll go nuclear – literally — like any toddler if you pop their bubble they’ll have a tantrum that melts the earth. The PUBLIC may not feel that way, unlike the glue sniffing infants at Harvard, but then the Public doesn’t KNOW anything either. They’ve been carefully removed from all facts and knowledge for decades. You only need this nuke-window while we’re looking up from working in the iPhone mines and start looking into what’s going on. Like GWoT, we’ll find out and say no but it will take too long.
“• ‘Unipolar US Dollar’ Mutated Into ‘Politically Weaponized’ Tool (Sp.)
This article and things-we’re-not-paying-attention-to, the interest next year will be $1.7 TRILLION. We also have compounding so the debt will have to rise to $2T every 100 days. Why would that break anything? $1T/100 hasn’t. Why not $1 Quadrillion a day? $10 Quadrillion?
““The children here have not gone to school for a year, and we are under rocket fire day and night. It is a very strange situation.”
Sounds like maybe you should do something. Like also here, 100% of students fail with no competency in 100 schools across the U.S. Nothing is done, they have no competency again next year, 10-20 years in a row now.
“Oh but we spent more MONEY!!!” they say. Really, in the last 19 years did that MONEY do anything for your scores? Oh, they went DOWN??? Who failed at competency again? The Students? Or the Adults?
Like other egg-heads, Nenner is interesting. He’s an MD, lived around the world, Dutch, traded in NYC, could go anywhere, and he’s going to get nuked and die in Northern Israel now? No reason. On purpose? No, I am not kidding. That’s where he’s saying It’s not safe in NYC now. For Jews. They’re stopping everyone in the subway and making them drop their pants to see if they’re Jewish or not.
What the…???????????? No. No they are NOT. Is there always ONE weird mentally ill person doing that? Of course. Since 1910. You tell him to take a hike or you’ll sock him. But also in the U.S. the number of Jewish doctors doing what is “Scientific” since 1960 mean a sizable number of Gentiles are also circumcised. You dummy. Nothing you’re saying makes any sense. And as deadly as NYC is, it’s a joyous cakewalk in Central Park compared to Lebanon during a war. You dummy. He’d be safer in IRAN. Literally and far safer. Yeah, Iran’s after all the Jews with their sizable internal Jewish population, wtf.
He’s only nutso about this ONE thing: being Jewish and Israel. So he’s a match for Greg Hunter, who only loses his brains about Israel. Or the people here, who can understand anything logically and rationally unless you use the word “Jew” then they drop hebephrenic, foaming at the mouth, babbling on the floor. Have to race out and cave some babies’ head in in the cradle for being “born bad”.
Weird in comparison to his objective timing model, but people are odd like that. If they tie their emotion in one place, it leaks out somewhere else. Should really keep an eye on that, but if he wants to die in Israel for nothing, who am I to say otherwise? Hope he left his models to someone.
July 2, 2024 at 11:19 am #162620Dr. DParticipantSo is Nenner yet another example of the different WAY Europeans are more ignorant and dangerous than even Americans and dumber than a bag of hammers? Yes, it’s deceptive because it’s in a “Smart” way. They use way bigger words to be way dumber. But that’s not smart. That’s called “Baffled by Bulls–t”.
July 2, 2024 at 11:32 am #162621OroborosParticipantTennessee Law Allowing Death Penalty For Pedophiles Goes Into Effect This Week
– Only Democrats Oppose It
Gettin’ Real for the Pedos
Demonrats have been pushing for less punishment for pedophiles.
The Pedophile Psy-op looks like a sub-category of the Depopulation Strategy.
Get that birthrate thang’ way down below replacement levels.
The Empire of Lies is dying
The World sighs in relief
Meanwhile a strange stat about ‘feminism’ emerges
Another facet of de-population
July 2, 2024 at 11:42 am #162622CelticbikerParticipantWhile everyone oohs and aaahhs over this dismal, fake and gay puppet/muppet show, the jews are about to yank the rug out from under you by collapsing their Ponzi banking system. Won’t matter who the designated Head Retard is then. The fate of Palestine is the fate of the West. Both under the ownership and control, the boot of Shlomodemons. Hell on earth is their stated, long sought after goal.
July 2, 2024 at 11:48 am #162623OroborosParticipantContrast to Steve Bannon
The legal action came after the House Republicans last month voted to hold Mr. Garland in contempt for failing to comply with a subpoena for tapes
Why isn’t that little fuck Garland in jail?
House Republicans Sue Garland For Tapes Of Hur Interview With BidenHouse Republicans are Pussy-Posers, all hat, no cattle.
The wimpy hypocritical half of the Uni-party
Playing their “Part”
Everything is Fake in Duh’merica
Look around clowns
July 2, 2024 at 12:06 pm #162624OroborosParticipantZombie Nation
They’ve eating your brains…..
“As president, his mental decline progressed geometrically, in the sense that every three months, Biden became far, far worse than during the prior 90 days.
His handlers long ago had determined that masking his feebleness at the expense of the security and safety of the nation was a small price to pay to retain power.
What followed was the most comprehensive deceit in presidential history, analogous to insisting that frail and dying FDR in 1944 was just fine as the November election approached or that Woodrow Wilson was expertly running the country as he lay bedridden and near comatose.”
It’s not just a river in Egypt
July 2, 2024 at 12:19 pm #162625OroborosParticipantOn Pedo Jo-jo’s options
“So there is:
option one — Biden stays in the race and his medical condition will continue to deteriorate. Anyone who seriously thinks that Biden can stage a debate comeback in September is in need of incarceration in the nearest psychiatric ward. I will even pony up the bucks to buy you a strait-jacket with an embroidery of a Biden Presidential Seal in the front.
Option two — Biden stabilizes and manages to stop pooping his pants on the campaign trail. Odds of that happening? Ukraine will conquer Russia first.
Option three — Joe does not come down for breakfast (i.e., dies in his sleep) or suffers a major medical crisis before the convention. That opens a whole new can of worms. All of the money Biden raised for his campaign cannot be transferred to the eventual replacement. If Biden is dead or removed via the 25th Amendment — whether before or after the convention — say hello to President Kamala Harris.
From the sounds of it, Kamala is a Dylan Thomas fan:
“Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
She will be doing some raging, you can bet on that. And there is a bevy of women of “color” ready to back her up and insist that she get a Presidential term in her on right. Does not matter that she is unpopular and unelectable. Remember, this is the party that insists there is no such thing as a biological woman. It the world of magical Democrat thinking, all Kamala has to do is identify as President and “Bingo!” She’s it.
Option four — Joe drops out and there is an open convention. If you believe that Democracy Democrat-style is like a Mixed Martial Arts cage match with Wrestlers from the WWF then you will be ecstatic. I propose we have all prospective candidates clad in bikinis or Speedos, fully lathered up with pig grease, and force them to wrestle to determine who gets the Presidential nod. Here is an image you will have trouble erasing from your mind — Hillary Clinton in a Brazilian thong using a figure four head lock on Gavin Newsome. Yikes!”
July 2, 2024 at 12:21 pm #162626OroborosParticipantJudge Nap
Larry Johnson: How Trump Hurt Ukraine
July 2, 2024 at 12:29 pm #162627OroborosParticipantNazilensky & Wifey
Awwwww apparently Lenochka Zelenskaya bought a €4.5 million Bugatti Tourbillon(I didn’t know you could even spend that much on a car)
While Ukrainians are sent to die in a senseless conflict, Olena Zelenska splurges on the latest €4.5 million Bugatti Turbillon during a Paris visit.
The decadence amidst devastation is unfathomable.
An insider from Bugatti’s Paris dealership disclosed that a private presentation was arranged exclusively for the Zelensky couple on June 7.
This sneak peek, held two weeks before the public reveal, led Zelenska to secure the first of only 250 cars to be produced.
Journalists have obtained the invoice, confirming the staggering sum.
The car will be delivered in 2026.
July 2, 2024 at 1:09 pm #162628zerosumParticipantPANIC, CHAOS, “PLAN B”, REPLACE VP,
presidential immunity:
• Trump Says Immunity Ruling ‘Big Win For Democracy’ (ZH)• Biden Reacts To Trump Immunity Ruling (RT)
US President Joe Biden has attacked the Supreme Court, urging citizens to “dissent” against its ruling that American presidents have “absolute immunity” for their official actions.
(Biden forgot: the pot and the kettle are black.
Synonyms for DISSENT: discord, dissention, strife, friction, conflict, discordance, war,
Democrats and Republicans are in a common recognition,
Biden has cognitive decline/dementia, not a “bad debate nights”, he has neither the energy nor mental acuity to lead the country for four more years.
the president’s performance widely seen as “incoherent” and “fumbling,”
blaming his poor performance on his team and CNN, Biden family members are said to have blamed the debate debacle on three advisors: Anita Dunn, her husband Bob Bauer — who played the role of Trump in practice sessions — and Biden’s former chief of staff Ron Klain, who was in charge of the debate training.
Plan “B” – in favor of an open convention,Who has “the codes”?
Who is running the gov.?)
Bloomberg reports that the Democratic National Committee is considering formally nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to ensure that the president is on November ballots, while helping to stamp out intra-party chatter of replacing him after last week’s poor debate performance.
Democrats had already planned to nominate Biden, 81, before the convention in order to ensure he appears on the ballot in Ohio, which had an Aug. 7 deadline for candidates to be certified.
A potential date for Biden’s nomination is July 21, when the Democratic convention’s credentials committee meets virtually, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The panel is meeting to finalize procedures before the party’s convention in Chicago starts on Aug. 19.———–
• Surprise, Surprise! (Kunstler)
Since his hiding-in-the-basement campaign in 2020 “Joe Biden’s” Party of Chaos has pretended that he is fit and alert for the job and now all of sudden they pretend to be shocked to see how far gone in the head he really is.
———-First lady Dr. Jill led a cheerleading session before a roomful of partisans that went beyond cringeworthy into uncharted territory of mortification. (“You were great, Joe! You answered all the questions!”).
————July 2, 2024 at 1:39 pm #162629OroborosParticipantKaja Kallas is a Super Twat
The new head of Eurotardistan’s ‘foreign policy’ with ZERO experience with…wait for it… foreign policy.
Smooth move by the Satanists
She lies that her family was persecuted during Soviet times.
They were quite comfortable. LiesLiesLies
Batshit crazy from a midget ‘country’ like Estonia leading Euroturd policy
“It’s better to look good than to be good….”
July 2, 2024 at 1:40 pm #162630OroborosParticipantGo girl power!
No tongues
July 2, 2024 at 1:48 pm #162631OroborosParticipantPepe talkin’ to the Judge
If Ukronaziland isn’t finished before Nov, the Empire of Lies is putting 15 military bases in Finland right on the Russian border and that will go into overdrive escalation after the Duh’merican ‘election’, whatever Frankenstein Clusterfuck that turns out to be.
So Russia better think of rolling up Ukronaziland before then.
July 2, 2024 at 3:46 pm #162632zerosumParticipant
Logical emergency solution
Biden resigns, goes into care home
Kamala Harris Vice President of the United States becomes president until election
Open nomination at the party’s convention in Chicago on Aug. 19.July 2, 2024 at 4:46 pm #162633zerosumParticipantWho is responsible?
We are not seeing “musical chair”,
We are seeing “passing the hot potato”July 2, 2024 at 5:13 pm #162637NoiretteParticipantRe. PCR on French Nationalism (top post.)
Politics in France has descended into a theatrical shit-show.
The theatre is incredibly bad, boring screeching about totally irrelevant words, symbols.
A sort of cult atmosphere pertains in the 3 main camps, calling them by their leaders, Macron, Mélenchon, Le Pen.‘Extreme’ right, left, etc. is politically, socially, economically completely meaningless – what programs or promises exist are purely populist and concern internal re-distribution and the ‘immigant’ question, which is sending everyone crazy, yet any propositions that could be implemented are lacking.
(See Brexit, touted on controlling borders, favoring the natives, result, more immigrants coming in than ever, care of the Tories.)
Foreign Policy, France’s debt, its beloinging to the EU, problems in the Health system, Energy, etc. are just swept aside in the madness, or mentioned as side-issues…
The two trad parties, Socialistes, Républicains, while they still nominally exist, are dead, their remains have split and joined either Le Rassemblement National (le pen), the Nouveau Front Populaire (left-green alliance, mélenchon, glucksmann, with the ex-pres. socialist hollande joining in), or the supposed party of Macron which changes names all the time, now called ENSEMBLE > not a pol. party but a group of followers, groupies, profiteers, managers behind the scene..
The country is going down.. slowly… takes time… The MSM have even represented the election results in a fraudulent way (the exact nos. are available on Gvmt. site.) What they did is UP the grip of the – oh the horrors! – EXTREME RIGHT..
Who engineered this, on the face of it? Who is the no. 1 person responsible? Macron. Who is the winner? In his mind, Macron.
Le Monde (MSM, paper of record), published an article, right after the dissolution of Parliament, quoting him as saying,
«… Je prépare ça depuis des semaines, et je suis ravi. Je leur ai balancé ma grenade dégoupillée dans les jambes. Maintenant on va voir comment ils s’en sortent… »
I prepared this move weeks ago, and I’m delighted .. I threw a ‘live’ hand grenade between their legs. So, we will see how they manage to deal with it…
The Elysée published a meek denial, but Le Monde did not retract / correct.
Imho PCR doesn’t know much about what is going on in France though some of his ‘general’, historical, points are OK.
See also the Duran for ex. They seem to support ‘right wing nationalism’ and see Marine Le Pen as a kind of ‘good’ figure … maybe after Meloni switched on practically all issues after her election .. will have some impact?
July 2, 2024 at 5:42 pm #162638Dr. DParticipantSo Le Republic Cinquième: The pinnacle of sound and fury, signifying nothing. That sounds familiar.
What was that battle of all on all to complete exhaustion? Good thing that’s all a fairy tale.
Then Lo! Aliens appear! And they’re only here to help us and “To Serve Man”.
July 2, 2024 at 6:45 pm #162639OroborosParticipantGod Bless Duh’merica
July 2, 2024 at 6:47 pm #162640OroborosParticipantWhat a successful psy-op and Ritual Humiliation©
July 2, 2024 at 9:29 pm #162642aspnazParticipantJoe Biden is as good as gone, as Democrats assess polling data before they finalize their move to “Plan B.”
And the theatre continues … Wake up! This is not plan B, this is plan A. What is wrong with people granting the Biden regime the benefit of the doubt that they did not notice Biden was kaput. There has been no doubt for a very long time, so why grant them the benefit of the doubt? They are lying to you, it is all an act, this is plan A, this has always been a part of plan A. No wonder America is in the shit when the people cannot even see through this blatantly obvious theatre … duh’merica will only get better with more immigrants, the old immigrants are rotting on their sofas.
July 2, 2024 at 9:39 pm #162643aspnazParticipantVivek Ramaswamy said that Biden’s presentation made him wonder who runs the US government. Musk replied: “Maybe nobody.”
A second generation indian migrant and a first generation south african migrant discuss the sad state of the USA. Of course Musk does not believe what he is saying, he is not dumb enough to think that all that presidential power is being left to rot and nobody is using it.
Musk is proving his qualifications as an American entrepreneur, telling the people what they want to hear and pretending reality does not exist. Musk knows that reality exists, he had a visit from Netanyahu to remind him that reality exists, so he knows his sources of finance will quickly disappear if he forgets about reality, in which case he will drop like a stone and be another corner shop owner addicted to twitter.
Maybe second generation is the most you can achieve without completely surrendering to the pressure to be dumb in duh’merica.
July 2, 2024 at 9:49 pm #162644aspnazParticipantTucker Carlson reports that Jill Biden is keeping her husband away from people who would convince him to drop out, reports that Obama is bashing Biden behind the scenes
Obama is obviously supposed to be tainted in all this, tainted in the eyes of the Biden lovers, so I doubt big mike will be the replacement candidate. It looks like they are trying to tarnish Obama’s name just enough to make people think that he had some role in causing Biden to resign, as if dementure was not enough, and was therefore not overtly disloyal but not totally loyal. It is interesting to see the game played out.
Of course, the Biden family meeting to discuss his future is total bullshit, as is the rest of the “indecision” about what is to happen. The decision was made, probably years ago, and the new candidate has already been trained and briefed on what is to happen. As for us, we get to watch from this side of the curtain.
Democrat voters will be lapping this up, the PR people must be loving watching the sheep twist and turn as they whistle to their sheep dogs, the media.
July 2, 2024 at 10:24 pm #162645aspnazParticipantNot just ‘no longer at peace’, Russia was holding the U.S. responsible for the ‘cluster strike’ on a Crimean beach on last Sunday’s Pentecost holiday, killing several (including children) and injuring many more.
The Russians have been waiting for this moment, something that would so enrage the Russian people that they could move their plan forward. The Crocus mall attack, although more deadly, was not obvious enough to use as the trigger, but Russia knew that all it had to do was wait and the USA/Ukrain morons would do something really stupid that would allow the plan to move to the next phase.
They talk as if the new phase is a reaction to the Ukraine/USA behaviour, but that behaviour has been around for a long time, which is why the Russians knew that they could use that bad behaviour to move the Russian people and the BRICS community forward to the next phase of the plan.
Very interesting to watch as each new stage of the Russia/China plan emerges.
July 2, 2024 at 10:38 pm #162646jb-hbParticipantWeren’t we all describing Biden CAMPAIGNING for president in 2019 as elder abuse?
I’ve been telling anyone since that election cycle “Trust me. That guy isn’t in charge of ANYTHING.”
The pearl-clutching at supposed geometric-rate expansion of dementia is fake, gay, cringe, and retarded. (the 4 new horsemen of the apocalypse)
What Trump SHOULD have done during the most recent debate:
“Joe. We’ve been watching you getting lost during sentences, lost at the podium, guided around by your wife and staffers. You can’t find your way off a stage let alone set national or international policy. Can you tell us, Joe, WHO IS ACTUALLY RUNNING THE COUNTRY?”
and then no matter what is said in response
“Followup question, Joe. Whoever really IS running the country for the past 4 years… can I please debate THEM? Do you think you could arrange that?”
July 2, 2024 at 10:40 pm #162647aspnazParticipantPutin has permitted the conflict to go on and on and on, and this has enabled Washington to get more and more and more involved, thus widening the conflict. If Putin does not immediately use sufficient force to terminate the conflict, World War Three seems certain.
Paul Craig Roberts has his own make-believe plan, something economists are prone to do as they still can’t figure out how the economy really works, so make-believe has to step in. He seems to think that all the brains of the Russian and Chinese cannot work out a joint plan for the take over of power from the west. He is still in the “white man’s burden” way of thinking, not able to credit anyone other than the US with the brains to rule the world.
Well, I am sure the Russians and Chinese have plenty of experts who can easily work out the plan, they probably also have many more variables to account for than simply the war, and they have much higher goals than simply winning the war. The “win the war” mentality is the US mentality, it is retarded but seems to keep the American people happy, despite nobody asking about why they are fighting the war, or what happens when they win or lose, instead “win the war” is enough to satiate the American mind.
Outside America, countries have to take a more nuanced approach, more nuanced for a start because they have the American war machine constantly ready to pounce. America does not have to worry about being attacked, the USA and Israel are the only homicidal maniacs on the planet and they commit crimes together; they are the Jew gang. Other countries also have to bring their citizens with them, unlike America where people are told “We are fighting Iraq to spread democracy” or “they hate us for our success” etc, such bullshit doesn’t fly in other countries, in America such words are enough to make the average American lie back on his sofa.
July 2, 2024 at 10:41 pm #162648jb-hbParticipantAnd remember even WELL after the election, Biden was doing all his activities in a weird quasi MOCK-UP of the White House! Remember that? With flatscreen displays for the windows?
He wasn’t even allowed IN THE BUILDING. Remember when there was that weird wall – not the chain link fence, the super massive concrete one that got put up for a while? wtf was that? WHILE he wasn’t able to do his job from within the White House.
Nobody remember that?
July 2, 2024 at 10:47 pm #162649July 2, 2024 at 10:47 pm #162650jb-hbParticipantJuly 2, 2024 at 10:51 pm #162652jb-hbParticipantJuly 2, 2024 at 11:03 pm #162653zerosumParticipantPeople Power
Those in power are not listening to the people and Biden will be continue to be administeredJuly 2, 2024 at 11:09 pm #162654aspnazParticipantOroboros said
Meanwhile a strange stat about ‘feminism’ emerges
I have never met a Chinese-educated feminist in all my years in China, but I have met American-educated Chinese who are feminists. As soon as you hear that American accent emerging from that Chinese body, you think “Bad Parents, you fucked up your child”. You may have had the best intentions, but you fucked it up.
The Chinese definitely believe in male-female equality at work, so you will see old (70’s) women working in a road-repair gang, you will also see a similar aged woman as CEO of a company. The “feminism” in China is not feminism in the sense of what “feminism” means in the west. China has always been this way, the whole family works, men women and children, there are no female rights campaigners in China other than those educated in duh’merica.
Similarly, the LGBT people of China just go about their business, there is no LGBT movement in China other than that imported from duh’merica. It is just not a thing over here, people are way too tolerant and way too good at minding their own business for such an issue to emerge naturally. Of course, the USA is constantly trying to make it an issue, but the Chinese in mainland China are onto it, the Chinese in Taiwan are not onto it, they are changing every year, trying to turn their country culture into fucked duh’merica.
July 2, 2024 at 11:10 pm #162655jb-hbParticipantJuly 2, 2024 at 11:41 pm #162656aspnazParticipant
Duh’mericans support the Gaza genocide yet worry about abortion? What is it about American people that they can get their brains stuck on such a “none of your business” issue? Why are American people not willing to let the up-the-duff tart make the decision for herself? How does the duh’merica PR process manage to make this such a huge issue in every election?
A: It is a very simple issue, so Duh’mericans can understand it and take a side. The voters think this makes them principled and informed people. Duh!
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