Debt Rattle July 22 2024


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  • #164447

    William Hogarth Humours of an Election, Plate 2 1754   • Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Race; Resignation Calls Grow (ZH) • Biden’s Letter (ZH) • Biden
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 22 2024]

    Formerly T-Bear

    NO vote here for Donald J. Trump. As president he moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He also gave Israel the Golan Heights. Every language ever spoken in the world has a word for those who take what is not theirs to take and that word will suffice to name. The office deserves better than that.

    John Day


    The much-anticipated news that “Joe Biden” would withdraw from the presidential race spread rapidly. “Biden” is endorsing Kamala Harris for President, but the Democratic party will caucus to decide who the VP candidate will be, with an eye on 2028, as this cycle appears lost to them. Team Biden was reportedly “asking” for a $3 billion presidential library, $100 million book deal, and pardons for Joe and all family members. That seems reasonable, right?
    ​ Biden Drops Out Of 2024 Race But Will Remain Through Term; Endorses Harris As Resignation Calls Grow​

    ​Gotta’ presume this is “fixed”: Biden Removal From 2024 Election Could Lead to His Son Hunter’s Prosecution – US Activists—us-activists-1119436505.html

    ​ ‘A Total Failure’ – Donors Vent Over Kamala Harris Conference-Call Flop
    ​ The Friday call with about 300 heavy-hitter donors kicked off with reports from field organizers, who used their time to vent anger over the intra-party battle over whether Biden should be replaced atop the ticket, owing to plunging confidence in his mental health.
    ​ One participant described how organizers stalled to buy time while everyone waited for Harris to join the call 20 minutes after it started. During that stretch, the donors were “admonished” against agitating to replace Biden, and were instructed to “lock in and get behind” the faltering and frail 81-year-old.​

    “Liar”: Secret Service Busted, “Repeatedly” Denied Trump Security Requests​

    John Day

    ​ New York Times photographer Doug Mills stunned Americans with the iconic image he captured of a bullet whizzing past former President Trump after grazing his ear at a Pennsylvania rally over the weekend.​ [The first bullet arrived before the sound of the first shot. Second bullet pictured? It’s good to be “lucky”.]
    ​ The moment remains a focal point as the Republican National Convention kicks off Monday, where Mills sat down with Fox News to share his firsthand account of the shocking ordeal.
    ​ “I just happened to be down, shooting with a wide angle lens just below the president when he was speaking. There was a huge flag waving right above his head, and I just happened to be taking pictures at the same time,” he told “America’s Newsroom” in Milwaukee
    ​ .”Then, when I heard the pops, I guess I kept hitting on the shutter, and then I saw him reach for his [ear]. He grimaced and grabbed his hand and looked. It was blood, and then he went down, and I thought, ‘Dear God, he’s been shot,'” he continued.
    Mills, like many others present, failed to initially realize the sounds were gunshots.
    ​ He recalled watching as Secret Service swarmed the former president in a few “split seconds,” obstructing his view of Trump.​..
    ​..Mills said the moment he discovered he had captured an image of the bullet whizzing past Trump was a “surprise” to him.
    It happened after he was ushered into a tent and began sending photos of the former president’s now widely-circulating defiant fist pump to an editor.
    ​ “I was like, ‘Oh, hell. I remember taking pictures of him when this happened. Let me go back and look.’ I started looking at it. I started sending them right away, and I called one of the editors and said, ‘Please look at these really closely. This might have been near the moment where he was shot,’” he said.​
    “She called me back like five minutes later and said, ‘You won’t believe this.’ She goes, ‘We actually see a bullet flying behind his head, and I was like, ’Oh my gosh.'”
    lucky shot

    ​Doug Mills got “lucky” at least once before. You’ll remember seeing this other picture he took about 23 years ago.

    John Day

    Two minute video shows 3D graphic representations of lines of flight of all bullets from approximate point of firing to known points of impact.
    Illustration of Attempted Assassination of President Trump​

    This 30 minute video has several sections, and you might start at 5 minutes and still get it all. The first point is that the TV stations all showed the bullets coming from the closer (left side from Trump’s viewpoint) of the building. However, the body was photographed about 60 feet away on the right/farther side of that building, from Trump’s view.
    Behind the building with the dead shooter on it, are 2 other buildings. Most interesting is the 2-story building with an outwardly opening window on the second floor, directly above where the shooter “should have been” according to all those lines of flight which were depicted. It is clearly an open window in photos.
    The expert and the host show video of Chris Martenson Ph.D. and journalist, analyzing the graphs and sounds of the acoustic signatures (3) of the first 3 shots, the middle 5 shots and the single last shot. The first time I ever heard the recording, I heard the first 3 shots clearly, then some quieter fast shots together. Listen and look at the acoustic squiggle-graphs.
    I think the first 3 shots and the last shot sound a lot alike, myself. The last shot comes from the Secret Service sniper on an open roof, about half the distance to Trump of the dead roof-shooter, both out in the open on metal roofs.
    The rapid fire 5 shots are quieter, muffled, and hard to count. There are echoes visible in their acoustic signatures. If these shots were fired from within a room with an open window they would be much quieter, as the interior of the room absorbed almost all of the acoustic output. They could have been fired by a very fast human, or by a robotic sniper.

    Here is Chris Martenson’s commentary from his X site:
    ​ The narrative of Crooks being a “lone gunman” is 100% provably false. Which means any deflection to investigating ‘security lapses’ is evidence of a cover-up The evidence I present today comes from analyzing and then comparing the audio files from two separate video recordings, one taken right in front of Trump and the other from just to the side of the American Glass building that Crooks was spotted on. As a reminder, audio forensic experts have already concluded that the audio signatures from three weapons could be resolved from whichever audio recording(s) they analyzed.​

    Maxwell Yearick Has Gone Missing Since Trump Rally
    [Picture of dead patsy shooter on roof looks like Yearick – not shown. see blog]

    John Day

    Maxwell Yearick on April 4, 2016, Trump protesters arrested for assaulting police in Pittsburgh
    According to court documents, Kennon Hooper, 31, Lisa Cuyler, 27 and Maxwell Yearick, 29 were among more than an estimated 1,000 people outside the convention center protesting Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s visit to Pittsburgh.​


    Dr. D

    Hillary: what did I say about their system can only mean, whoever they have in mind is SO DREADFUL, every Democrat in America would throw up if they heard their name? Yup. Right again. Puts a nice bow on the narrative though. It’s all a script, and not very real. …And also she knows it or they wouldn’t have strategized this way. So your plan is to pick someone they hate and everyone KNOWS that they hate? A: Yes. Alright then, carry on.

    “The outcomes on the ground in Ukraine is terribly important to Eurpean and global security”

    Not to me it’s not; IDGAF what happens to you people. Work it out. And what’s the “Russia Problem”? From his description it’s that “Russia exists” while we also “Moved NATO 1,000 miles east to their borders when we promised we wouldn’t.” And? This is my problem why? Say you’re sorry and leave. No problems.

    He doesn’t even TRY to suggest Russia is going to take over and march to Paris. So if they’re not, (soon) so what’s the problem?

    “The problem for the White House is the glaring disconnect between pulling out of the election but holding on to the office.”

    Not really. Suppose he were 40 but was just sick of this s—t. He could refuse the Party’s Nomination. Because officially, medically, legally, there’s nothing wrong in the first place. If a DOCTOR, paid by the Congress, had determined and reported he was unfit for the race, it would be different. That’s legal and official. Biden’s just quitting ‘cause he feels like it.

    “I heard last week that he would resign at this exact time and date. It was widespread knowledge in DC.”

    Yes, and cause of their weirdo religion, the REASON it was that date has to do with arcane astrology. Yes, like fortune cookies, tarot cards, that’s how they run things. Boy I sure sleep better at night knowing they’re not using “Logic and Reason” to make their decisions! #Anti #Logos. Reason, logic, order…and Truth are their basic, root-level enemies.

    “Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation. Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans.”

    Pretty sure none of that happened. Truth is the only enemy.

    ““Kamala Harris is extremely unpopular, more unpopular than President Biden. When she ran for president last time, she got literally zero votes.”

    Yes, and so did Biden. I think they were both at 3%, which is why it wasn’t odd for Trump to “Look into Burisma in Ukraine” because Biden was not a viable, rational presidential candidate at all.

    “potential successors to Biden, according to Washington Post sources. Among the names being bounced around: Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly.”

    But Clinton killed them all, all the young talent, either reputationally or actually so they have no one.

    “He thrilled them by agreeing to “come out with a major initiative on limiting the court.”

    I cannot POSSIBLY imagine what he could mean by this. ANY action would be seen as instantly unconstitutional and a national crisis of the highest order outside of invasion. It would be an instant Civil War. So we’ve heard Biden often takes $5M to “Make problems go away” for poor saps arrested and stuck in the court system; RICH saps like Epstein or MacDougal, Patty Hearst, and Marc Rich. The twist? Biden then DOESN’T LIFT A FINGER to help. Guess what? That’s totally legal! They donated to his campaign, and it’s not bribery since he didn’t provide any services to them. Ha ha! So I expect that’s what he would do here: NOTHING.

    “I will heal you with my lies!” And no matter how often he lies, and profits from it, then SHOWS you he lied, and profited from it, you STILL believe the lies, and give him more money. …So who’s the dummy? Maybe you should have lived honest.

    “Long live the American Dream!” Alex Soros wrote”

    Yes, but Soros is ANTI American Dream. Always has been, and he writes that he is every day. Then we read it every day, and still believe him here? Nah. Pass. You could argue there is no one on the planet more Anti American Dream than Soros, but probably there are. A lot of them.

    “Liberal tycoon George Soros, who shot to infamy for crashing the British pound in 1992,”

    Bank of England, who transferred all national wealth to Soros in 1992, but wuzn’t mad about it at all, not a bit! And then Soros spent all that money and the rest of his life donating to causes that just Haaaaaaaapen to coincide with MI6 national interests. Wow, funny, huh? Meanwhile, the Hunt brothers, who did a tiny fraction – all legally – had the rules, then the laws changed on them in 12 hours to post-facto prosecute them, stole their money back, and ruined the families involved. Demonstrating that nations sure don’t mind being pimp-smacked, made to look stupid, and pay money out to others when they don’t have to. Don’t mind at all!

    ““Zakharova noted it was highly unusual to have just a screenshot of a letter posted on social media rather than a video or audio statement.”

    Well…you don’t want to see the Secret Service 9mm pointed at his temple. That’s a bad look for the nation. They have to stay off camera.

    “• Deep State Could Take ‘Another Shot’ at Trump – Two Former US Officials (Sp.)

    Guarantee. So go look at the astrology dates from these lunatics. Trump was shot on the “Decapitation” astrology day for star alignment Algol. Ra’s Al-Ghul

    “• Western Big Tech Giants Enable Israel’s Occupation (Klarenberg)

    Because they are atheists, materialists, and satanists, it’s only “Logical.” And there is no world, no basis except the material – no God, morality is all relative – so there’s nothing to add to “Logic” like us normal humans do. Essentially, that’s it, that’s the whole magic trick. Believe that, we sell our souls for pottage and inheritance for sorrow. And what you see around you is the consequence of that. Don’t. It’s not only bad outcome for others, it’s bad outcome for YOU. Let Hunter Biden be your warning, how your kids, you own family grow up and turn out with that approach.

    “If that were government you wouldn’t see that for another 50-100 years.”

    Kind of, but it also IS government. …As is nearly every other thing in America right now. There is ONLY money printing. There is ONLY market intervention.

    John Day
    John Day


    DoJ Says Children Were Raped By Staff At US Migrant Shelters
    Staff at the largest housing provider for unaccompanied migrant children in the US, repeatedly sexually abused and harassed children in their care for at least eight years.​

    ​ Simplicius looks clearly at the facts of human relationships in large groups. There is not a bureaucratic structure which can protect all of us from some of us.
    Democracy as Trojan Horse
    ​ “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” -Solzhenitsyn
    ​ More and more people in society lately are awakening to the fact that ‘Democracy’ is not only not all its cracked up to be, but that it may in​ fact even be unnatural. And I don’t mean that in the sense that Democracy has merely been institutionally diluted or perverted in the West by way of the various cultural erosions, political schemes, and overreaches we’re now so used to grumbling about. No, I mean that Democracy even in its purest form can be argued to make no sense for a modern world which has outgrown the scope for which the system was originally intended.​


    • Ireland – Mass-Immigration and the Great Reset

    Reset backwards to a hundred years ago

    Ireland has gone Full Orwell Retard

    Good, there are actually cosmic consequences for year of blind capitulation to Woketurd neo-fascist mental illness policies.

    If the current situation in Ireland was a kids book:

    Paddy Gets a Pounding by the Emerald Green Junta

    The Empire of Lies counts on it’s Anglo speaking Four-Eyes partners in crime to enforce a population replacement suicide pact on it’s respective subjects.

    Repeat after me [or else]:

    Ireland is not for the Irish!

    Ireland is not for the Irish!

    Ireland is not for the Irish!

    The beatings will continue until moral improves!




    That bear reminds me of Polynesian men. Your kung fu don’t cut it against body/mass. You need to be quick, go for the eyes (NOT the fingers) and do not get in close at all. You will get crushed.

    Also this dude reminds me of the present urgency with regards to financial safety

    survive the neo-feudal reset.

    Dr. D

    I’m sorry, Kult, but I’m of the opinion that “Time Exists.” We already know what would happen when the government takes over U.S. health care. They did. In 1987 it was showing strain, as it’s all – what? — government run, government licensed, government regulated, via insurance. So because it was having trouble, they got involved and “Helped”. Especially as 1st order of business with Hillary. 1992.

    As expected, this “Helping” put all healthcare on a track to rapid ruin, as none of their new “helping” worked at all and made almost everything worse immediately. Instead of standard, normal insurance, but where the new medical abilities had pulled up the price a bit, where any average person could afford the monthly and have a standard normal copay of $100 or so — enough not to waste their time, but still easy to come up with — it started a spiral of increasing rates and increasing copays, but slowly.

    So you’ll be able to see their “Helping” on any industry chart, where the price of everything steepens, but more importantly, health insurance profits, and ratio of insurance adjusters and administrators versus doctors starts to rise fast.

    They also set up the rules to do the thing Socialist medicine likes most: Monopolization. And with it, fringe hospitals, rural, etc, all begin to close, after being open with no problem since horse and buggy where a whole hospital might have had five doctors in 1875 and still be fine.

    This ITSELF was the reason for the health care crisis, and, JUST LIKE WE ALL SAID, ahead of time, as usual. Not Just that THIS helping would cause the problem, ANY government helping would cause this catastrophe – and kill millions over time – as a point of pure history and social theory. It has. Thanks. All the hospitals are now closed, while all the paychecks are going to NON-medical workers of every type. A thing unthinkable to the industry when I was born. They would never allow it, fought it tirelessly, and GOVERNMENT overruled every doctor with sheer force of raw VIOLENCE.

    Health outcomes are ALSO falling rapidly starting with this “Help” in 1992, and FAST, as even RFK is campaigning on today with the exact same charts. Hmmm. It’s a coincidence when I predict the sun will rise in the east in the morning, then it rises in the east.

    And we SAID that was all a plot to destroy healthcare and kill millions while transferring that money to billionaires via GOVERNMENT, but let’s assume that’s not even true and it’s all entirely well-meaning biggest coincidence since Galen.

    So the very REASON there was any Obamacare, or any need, or any public traction for it – and there barely was even then – was because they ALREADY had Obamacare beta 0.3 a few years before in 1992. Which was an unmitigated disaster and everyone ALREADY knew. Including all the doctors.

    But that’s nothing. Now we really get to see what “Socialized” medicine could be in America with the government helping. Rates rose 5x in the few years BEFORE Obamacare, in anticipation of it, but then rose 5x, again AFTER and are STILL RISING today. Drug costs which the government could now regulate using their “Purchasing power” and rules over Pharma, went up 10x. Profits for both ALSO went up. Administration expansion probably reached 50x. Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of hospitals were closed. One of the cornerstones, religious, Catholic hospital types, were driven out with a whip and rod. Health care providers, doctors and nurses, quit by the thousands, edged out, underpaid, unable to provide service, AND……….they know the system THEIR system, is killing people for no good reason, and can’t stand it. As whatever government-insurance merger SAYS, in point of fact THEY are the ones who have to get up in the morning and work a twelve to DO it. To ACTUALLY LOOK them in they eye, deny care, give them the runaround, AND be violently assaulted as the new Obamacare ALSO does not protect doctors and nurses, legally or physically. Nearly at all.

    All this was perfectly well-known and all said ahead of time. IF the insurers themselves are writing the bill, what are the odds it de-powers them? If you add 23 million people to the rolls and not one doctor – and you KNOW you’re not adding, training, paying that doctor – then I can tell by your actions your plan is to take away health care that existed before.

    So since “Time Exists” and they ALREADY have done this, now we ALREADY know the answer: From a modest amount, easily paid that covers less up front, but catastrophic more, say about $300/mo, where you can see a doctor in a few days, and have emergency room care, and most drugs cost nothing more than a few dollars, we now have a system where health case costs $20,000 a year — that is 50% of gross pay. It also covers nothing at all. Drugs are 10x. You can see a doctor in 6 months for antibiotics if you can figure out how to live that long. For anything else, they will now refer you from your primary to 2, 3, 5, 10 more doctors who will ALSO take 6 months time PER DOCTOR to do anything. …Just like Canada and UK medicine, also Socialized, so expect to die before you get a diagnosis of anything. 6 doctors = 3 years delay. We had 3 days delay before, under the “Bad” private systems, in 1985.

    AND for a while there, they would CHARGE you $5,000 for not having any money. And paying for a service you didn’t need and didn’t get. “From each according to their ability” you minimum wage worker in at the Ahoy Ice Cream chain in Iowa, WE know you don’t need health care. You HAVE to participate — that’s “Socialization”. Now where’s my money? Cough it up and IDGAF if you’re in your parent’s basement.

    Emergency rooms, therefore, are packed and inoperable. No one has insurance, no doctor, no primary, so that any medical event moves to the ER which is inappropriate place for it. Hospitals are closed everywhere, moved to a hub few cities, such that ALL medical care for some particular service might require a 500 MILE TRIP, and a hotel, or GFY you get nothing at all, due to “Efficiency” and Monopolization. Instead, they have become real estate developers, and using their monopoly profits, seem to be in the business of buying and erecting new BUILDINGS, which then have ZERO staff as all the nurses left, unpaid, real wages are FALLING, and they’re now moving into strike-breaking and industry arm-twisting. When they railroad nurses and strikebreak, well they’re the government! They also buy the judges and rig the cases, just as they did with Vanderbilt (remember them?) Health care monopoly in Nashville, TN. But this is EVERYWHERE. all over, all states all cities since they started really taking over:
    AND all worker, proletariat pay is PLUMMETING, such that nurses and doctors can’t afford a normal apartment in their own zip codes. Worker’s Unite! …Unless it’s against GOVERNMENT, then you are mandated and arrested.

    As EVERY health outcome is wildly worse overall, and they now know this system doesn’t work at all, it was a bad turn that’s radically worse even than the misery of 2004, Government – who set all this up, remember? — they HAVEN’T DONE A THING to fix it. Every listed problem gets worse every hour, and every hour people in offices send up reports that this is happening and needs to be reversed. Yet they do not. They fix nothing, and spend all day with their 500:1 administration to provider ratios to make things WORSE. See Covid, where they all work-from-home, gave themselves raises safe in their pajamas, and cut nursing staff and pay WHILE THEY WERE DYING. This is on DIRECT orders, where if you leave your shift, you can be LITERALLY arrested for neglect, etc., so if you have to work 24 hours until your replacement comes in, sucks to be you! Can’t see it from my beach house, working on Excel sheets and online shopping. Suck it up, Buttercup. All that was UNTHINKABLE before they got involved. No one would BELIEVE it. …And yet we TOLD them. Told then this would happen, 10,20,30, 50 years, if they did this. Then they did, and it did. Lucky, I guess! Pure coincidence!

    As a now MEGA monopoly, — and a move up from “very highly regulated” – you cannot open a competing doctor’s office or competing hospital. These are “Regulated” out before they start, so no matter how bad the system is, it can’t be changed, improved, and there is no leverage to make them.

    And then Covid, which we well-covered, and millions died in a plethora of ways, ALL having to do with concentration, centralization, administration, which rejected ALL attempts at doctor solution. …I heard they even fired doctors in Texas for having GOOD outcomes instead of bad ones, because that was written on the official, central, government, pharmaceutical computers, while pulling thousands, ten-thousands of medical licenses for “Trying things that work”.

    What do ALL these things have in common?

    THEY’RE ALL EXACTLY WHAT WE SAID WOULD HAPPEN. And happened, exactly in the time and ways we said they would. And what language, adjectives, nouns did we use as a paradigm to express that? Socialism, and Socialized medicine. That it would concentrate, then leave no consequences, then because the service wouldn’t work, wouldn’t be provided, and then would be defended to the death and not repaired, everyone would die.

    Statistically, they have. The medical system has never been worse in American – or even world– history. Never has so much been spent, to provide so little, even less than little, for active medical harm, all predicted and foreknowing, all installed and defended.

    …By Government. SOCIALIZED Medicine. IF ONLY we could go back to how bad it was in only 1990, when it was still 2/3 private.

    So, I think you’re going to have a tough case to make here, that OMG it would terrible if the Government took over and provided health care to poor Americans, under a nationalized, socialized health system. Because WE DID. Just a minute ago, you might remember 12 years of non-stop news articles about it, and now EVERYBODY’S DEAD. And every health provider quit.

    …But they ain’t done yet. They’re still doubling down even today.

    As we say, Socialized/not Socialized, what LEVEL of government involvement and oversight makes it a “Real Socialism has never been tried” level? We started with it already regulated since 1900. Then we added more. Then more. Then more. Then we added a lot. Then we added, “Socialism in all but in name”.

    At EVERY point, adding this DETRACTED from medicine, and medical outcomes, and ALSO transferred profits to inside players, once “private” but with a complete merger there now is no such thing. ALL medicine is legally mandated and directed by Government directives and oversight, which to me says they are all essentially privatized government workers. Like a Janitorial contractor at the Pentagon. They do EXACTLY what government says, WHEN they say to do it and nothing else. Legally, to the Supreme Court rulings, that is Government. Like the CIA can’t outsource assassinations to Blackwater and claim they’re not involved, they didn’t do it. If they pay/direct/oversee/CONTROL it, then they do it. It’s Government.

    So with medicine here, in all but name.

    My only hope as an American is now to find a Concierge Doctor for cash, who are dodging the system and laying low so as not to be audited, fined, and de-licensed for fixing my plumbing, like that superhero in the avaunt guard dada movie “Brazil”. That is, headed toward the only way to get medical care now is a “Black Market” doctor. That would unemploy 5 government workers and 10 insurance adjusters and 25 administrators though, so that’s not allowed. …Just like we said, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 years ago, and were right.

    So contrary to your claim all those poor street people in Vegas “If Only we had Socialized medicine” USED to be able to get medicine via charity ops, and now can get none at all. …Just like the rest of us.

    …And just like we said. And EXACTLY as follows our paradigm, theory, and naming. And so why are you making Ayn Rand right? Ew.

    I can write an equally long screed on The “Great Society” and welfare, “Socialism” where EVERY social and economic outcome has dropped EVERY year since LBJ started it. Every outcome, and in every racial group, but especially ruinous to the Black community, which was essentially destroyed. Same mechanism, same enaction, same results. Exactly as we all predicted, exactly true to our predictions. Now “Time Exists” and we can review the experiment, past-tense.

    How did it go? Poverty is now 20% — maybe a quadruple – and the TYPE of poverty is worse, with less support, and HALF the viable U.S. Workers are unemployed, as homelessness creeps up to upper-middle class workers in San Jose and Vegas? EVERY social outcome is WORSE. Income disparity is WORSE? And all just like we said, in the exact WAY we said, in say, 1974?

    And just LIKE we said, they STILL double down on failing, and are still increasing paychecks and transfers to themselves even as administrative overhead moves above 50% and outcomes plummet? We ran that experiment. You lost.


    Duh’mericans are apparently as dumb as the Irish

    61 years and Duh’merica never resolved the blatant-in-your-face-murder of their first Irish Cat-lick president.

    Job well done

    Now the Satanic Cabal simply dusts off the SAME PLAYBOOK and ‘a lone gunman’ pulls off another:

    Immaculate Deception


    What goes around goes around and then goes around again I guess.

    Swirling around the plughole of history

    Maybe another couple thousand years of this same old crap and homo sapien sapien will buy a clue to wake up from the Satanic Globo Homo Black Magic Spell© that’s been cast against it since the Dawn of Time.

    Some species are just very, very slow learners

    A joke of a country needs a joke of a candidate





    AI Fashion Show

    We don’t need real models anymore

    People are now OPTIONAL


    Mister Roboto

    So if Thomas Crooks wasn’t really the dead patsy on the roof, one can’t help but wonder where he is now? If he was part of the op, leaving him alive for too long would probably be a dangerous potential loose end.



    Tulsi Bitch Slaps Kamala-la

    Worth the price of admission


    The controllers have lost control of the narrative.

    The light is on/shinning on the liars/politicians for everyone to see their hysterical promises

    People want/vote for peace/prosperity and the end of wars

    Politicians/Democrats want war and defeat Trump.

    The Friday call with about 300 heavy-hitter donors and Kamala Harris were “admonished” against agitating to replace Biden and were instructed to “lock in and get behind” the faltering and frail 81-year-old.

    “Zakharova noted it was highly unusual to have just a screenshot of a letter posted on social media rather than a video or audio statement.”

    • Biden ‘Mentally Unfit’ To Have Nuclear Codes – Top Republican (RT)

    • Time To Investigate ‘Collusion’ About Biden’s Health – Zakharova (RT)

    • Deep State Could Take ‘Another Shot’ at Trump – Two Former US Officials (Sp.)

    ” … a conspiracy theorist, but these people, they don’t have much conscience if they tolerate genocide in Gaza, if they tolerate half a million Ukrainian youths being killed for their whims.”
    Roberts expressed similar sentiments on Sunday. “The real question is: will the deep state get away with its assassination attempt and will it attempt another?” Roberts said.”



    Dr D, can I credit you but copy paste most of that medical rant to substack. It was important linking and clarification.
    More need to make the socialism connection understandable in their thinking with real world examples and this screed helps.
    I know you said to me once before “sure it’s a free internet” but I sometimes post excerpted quotes to my notes in substack and feels like the right time to ask given its a bigger word count.

    Dr. D

    I don’t have a substack, and those levels are bringing me up. I don’t want the attention, I only need the ideas to get attention, and the war is nearly over, or this part of it. Hopefully, like everybody else, when King George stops screwing with us, we’ll just go back to the blacksmith’s shop and normal business, forget all about politics if we can.

    Right now as Jericho Green says, “I keep being done with the Left, but they Just. Won’t. Let me.” Stop coming down here with your harassing officers doing illegal things, and I’ll stop shooting at them. At the moment, it’s a more economical use of my time to prevent you from stealing/taxing/extorting my blacksmith’s shop, than actually down at the forge hammering. YOU did that, not me. But in a second, the Feds are going to cease to exist, everyone will just ignore them, and so I won’t need to be the Anonymous Phocion, and Publius, “Demosthenes” (Enders’Game) and Centinel posting anonymous broadsides in the town billet.

    I’ll just disappear like Cincinnatus. Sad actually. But that’s like the widow’s mite, who gives uncaring if they are recognized, all for show like the white sepulchers of the Pharisees, pure without and rotten within. What cares who I am, it’s what you DO that’s important. Maybe that was a bad choice and I should so I can set up a newspaper later or something. The NY Post.

    Speaking of, I keep hearing “The U.S. is going to break up.” No. We are not. But they can’t understand this because they’re so used to infinite centralization. What going to happen is, the States are just going to ignore Federal laws and federal dictates. Refuse Federal money. The people are going to act like Texas, or Rhode Island, and do what THEIR people want, not some washed out generic “Average American.” That’s going to LOOK like a breakup, but actually it’s the LEGAL system, moving away from the illegal one we’ve been under — suffering under — for 100 years.

    How do I know? Because it ALREADY happened. Time Exists. Past Tense. States ALREADY ignored all federal drug laws. ALREADY are suing NY for election tampering, ALREADY refusing Federal money they have to match funds they can’t afford for, ALREADY enforcing the border themselves. ALREADY jumping into investigating, suing, and arresting, prohibiting the NIH and CDC (in Florida). ALREADY leaving NY for Miami. ALREADY refusing to join the US (Federal) Army and staying in their States.

    What does that mean? Although it doesn’t look like it, ALREADY the harassing officers can’t get down to point guns and extort me at the anvil. They’re too busy harassing the States, and each other. That means I’ve ALREADY won, although it seems like it takes forever, it was almost 10 years from Yorktown to the United States government. And that looked like a s–t show all 10 years then, too. So it’s not like I can sit around, I’ll die before this is settled, but it’s already won. We probably won 4+ years ago, and I think I said as much. Every day only demonstrates them getting ever weaker, and the tide of us getting ever-stronger, so you won’t need me anymore. …Or even to read politics anymore: go do something useful.

    So then, there’s no point in writing a book, starting a paper, or whot-not. In 2000 I would have been hung, as many were. After the war is over, I won’t be hung, but I won’t need to paste broadsides at midnight either. Maybe I’ll write a book.


    The state of the medical system and it’s complete failure is part and parcel of the over all Project Depopulation.

    It’s straight forward.

    “Useless Eater” must die

    AI robots will ‘take up the slack’.

    Human overshoot will vanish.

    Grinding up every square inch of the planet for profitable product consumption will cease to function.

    Not only is the birth rate below replace in ALL the the Collective West but also in a majority of other nations, so there goes the neighborhoods!

    But babies in the West get 100+ toxic vaccines starting at birth, just to insure they will be sub-par healthy for the rest of their shrinking life spans.


    So whether the devolution of medical care was ‘planned’ or just an exponential feedback of Incompetence, the effect is the same.

    Kill off as many humans as possible

    Health care delayed is health care denied

    The Kissing Couple of “Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”



    There was a feeling of quiet before the storm when the Dems, their mega donors, and the MSM started coming out with some calls for the Bidadmin to withdraw from the race. George Clooney, Obiman’s silence, etc.

    It looked like the public was supposed to believe they were being partly informed of ‘quarrels,’ private goings-on -> ‘internal strife’… 🙂

    Keeping Biden in the game so long was, imho, a sign that They (some combo of Behind the Scene actors, Deep State if you will, incl. Dems, Uniparty, etc.) thought they could win with that candidate despite the polls / all signs.

    After all, they did it once, why not again? But the lawfare didn’t work out as expected, Trump didn’t buckle. Demonising Trump only made him more popular in some quarters.. The Orange Man just doesn’t stop..

    With Trump dead, Biden would be maintained, and the ‘Dems’ would scream the SAVE DEMOCRACY stuff etc. Trump votes would not automatically go to whatever other candidate the Reps. could put up (correct.)

    The HATE TRUMP would have suceeded. Say… yeah, Trump raped a 13 yr-old girl (I have seen many posts saying this, many ppl seem to believe it..), no wonder some young, autistic / idealistic / crazy / isolated guy, shot him and killed him, and was then ‘martyred’…too bad for him.. his family..

    Well it was a very strange botched assassination. Really weird. It is hard to dope out what the original plan was and where the mistakes, fissures, glitches, were. Idk.

    The Democrats have now conceeded defeat, or have been forced to do so.

    No way Kabala or Killary (Jones at top post) can win anything.


    The Long Emergency is about inventing an economic model that has a shrinking, contracting number of people (and babies) and shrinking demand, and shrinking production and labor shortages that can not be made up for with automation and/or lowered expectations.

    Just keeping up morale in a world like that will be a challenge.

    You haven’t seen kind of mental depression until you experience a world like that.

    Visit Japan where the number of 100 year olds is skyrocketing and the number of babies is plummeting.

    Whole neighborhoods and not a single sound of children laughing and playing.

    Like Rachael Carson’s book Silent Spring, but it’s the children who disappeared.


    Dr. D

    It’s worth the whole thing, but dialogue starts here:

    “Why didn’t you take my mask off?”
    “Cause I don’t give a s—t about who you are.”
    That is, he only cares what they DO.

    Continues here.

    Speaking of, this show was canceled 10 seconds after covering human trafficking. In this: Deep underground tunnels run by high-profile NY corporations, backed by the Chinese, which farm (We never find out, canceled) human beings, children, drugged, up and blood-drained in cages.

    NOPE! Disney pays any price to buy the next day, shuts down the most popular series on the Internet, blowing a hole in the side of Marvel Universe they’ve never recovered from. A billion dollars lost. BTW I spent an hour looking for that frame or any reference to it, and it’s been purged. I’d probably have to do a complete watch-through to find it.

    Gotta go tho, can’t waste all day, just most of it.




    I have great respect for Whitney Webb and the research that she has done. At the same time, I notice that many truth-seekers, such as Webb, such as those who comment here, are seeking for leaders with complete moral purity, according to morality as they individually see it. (We often agree about the broad strokes of morality, but often disagree on some fine points.) These purity tests cause us to reject almost every potential leader that comes up. (And I suspect that the enemies of humanity understand this and delight in propagating the flaws of those who stand against them in order to divide the populace from them.)

    If we instead look at current events on broad, historical terms — such as with the perspective of The Fourth Turning, (I really should read that book, and not simply rely on what others have said of it,) or by seeing history as mass movements flowing through human populations, it is easier to see that the tenor of a mass movement is at least as important as the leaders of the mass movement. None of our leaders are going to be completely morally pure, nor to align perfectly with the moral standards that any one of us feel are the most important ones for right now. Where does that leave us? Because mass movements do drive broad historical changes. There is a lot of history documented about the waves of change that were spurred by the Gutenberg press, which eventually led to the Renaissance and the Reformation. My high school history class didn’t discuss The City of London, but apparently that was being formed around that time period as well. Technology has changed rapidly and the effects are still rippling through society. The Elites are doing what they have always done — well-documented for the last 500 years, sketchier before then, but human nature has not changed, so I suspect it is just more of the same — consolidating their power and influence to themselves and their progeny. Perhaps the best role to play is not simply that of a malcontent, refusing to support any leader that doesn’t pass the moral purity test, but rather joining the fray and instead helping to shape and maintain a moral structure as the movement grows. There are dangerous, active phases in mass movements where morality is abrogated and innocents are oppressed — we need moral guardians to steer the masses through these messes. We want movements like the American Revolution, where the war ended and a nation was built. We don’t want a Communist revolution with Stalin or Mao at the forefront.

    As an aside:
    I don’t know what to make of J.D. Vance. I, like Brett Weinstein, would have been delighted if RFK Jr had folded into Trump’s campaign…but I also understand that RFK Jr.’s own perspectives and ego couldn’t permit that. (Although I am not fond of RFK Jr.’s Israel views, like Trump he is a public figure that I have been cognizant of for over 3 decades, and I have some confidence in my impression of who he is — which is a difficult thing in this day and age of pop-up politicians in an environment of near total propaganda.)


    I just learned a new way of becoming a polished liar.

    Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is testifying Monday in front of the House Oversight Committee.

    John Day

    Can RFK Jr. win any states? That would give him electors in the Electoral College.
    That would be the time to make a deal with Trump, and would benefit the goals that they share in common, which is probably about 2/3.


    “My question is whether they (the deep state) will take another shot at Trump,” McGovern said on Friday. “I’m serious here. There’s so much at stake. So damn much at stake.

    Let’s face it, there is nothing at stake, this is all theatre for the masses. The same people will be running the government after the election as ran the government for Biden. All theatre. The plans have been in place for years, there are no surprises to the owners, just to the audience. But, at least the US deep state is entertaining their slaves. Will Alex Soros’ laughing donkey really get the nomination? Looks that way at the moment, and we all know how the Soros Jews love America, but again, all theatre, no substance.

    Can’t wait for the Trump war against Iran, that is going to be the prize for the Soros crowd.


    Rep. Burchett to Secret Service Director: “Ma’am, you are a DEI horror story.”


    Twat Alert:

    DEI means no CONSEQUENCES for your actions

    She got that Sad Girl look that says, “Your so mean and hateful to say that!”



    God I hate these Satanic Lackeys


    Transitioning the Little Sheeple



    The Nazilensky Curse is Real

    If you hug him, you are toast



    Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America’s Global Empire

    Duh’merica’s Service Economy is huge

    Duh’merica make very little products of any type.

    The majority of the economy is monkeys scratching each other’s backs for incredibly high prices.

    Medicine, finance, education, all over priced song and dance.

    No industrial capacity

    It makes virtually zero everyday essential consumer goods.

    Like close to zero





    Where’s Joe?

    Joe Biden resignation — swore what, 24 maybe 48 hours before he wouldn’t quit, representatives of his campaign saying same? A LETTER comes out on Sunday on X, not on official letterhead, saying he is dropping out?

    And he hasn’t been seen in the flesh. My wife said maybe he is too distraught. Hell, Nixon was distraught and said a thing or two at the podium.

    People are asking – is this signature on the dropout letter a forgery?

    My question is – why is the forgery so BAD?

    One thing this guy points out is how Biden signs his signature in just a few movements whereas the “signature” in the Biden dropout letter has MANY discrete bits of picking the pen up and putting it down never seen before in a Biden signature.

    He cites signatures as recent as a month ago. He has NEVER signed it with this many separate pen strokes.

    Additionally, the signature is a good deal longer spaced than he has ever done.

    And his N at the end is jacked up, looks kinda like an S. You can see where the pen came down again to do JUST that letter and it looks weird because it’s an N rotated almost 90 degrees.

    I’ve got a simple answer to all the discrepancies:

    This is a signature by a GROUP of people standing around a desk or table. Shoving the paper around to each other, each one partially signing it. So that they share the crime equally.

    Haven’t seen this proposed anywhere yet. After a couple minutes reflection, It occurred to me it is the same dynamic as all the conspirators stabbing Caesar. Not because they wanted to stab him a gagillion times but that they’d agreed to share the crime.

    Therefore, to determine how many people are in on this “resignation,” count the pen strokes.

    (why the underline? he’s never signed with an underline ever — the underline was for the last person so there’d be enough for everybody- having to do an extra pen stroke at the end ro have enough tells you that each stroke WAS a different person)


    I count probably 7, possibly 8 people doing the Twitter/X Biden dropout letter signature


    Unless the underline is a ringleader coming back to it, sort of an “it is completed” – “it is done” gesture? Perhaps as few as 6 then.

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