Debt Rattle August 18 2024


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    Salvador Dali City of drawers – The Anthropomorphic Cabinet 1936   • Kamala Harris’ Economic Proposals Aim to Stoke US Class Warfare – Luongo (Sp
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 18 2024]


    I think this substack article on the timeline to the financial state change seems logical.

    Any thoughts or differences of opinion appreciated.
    I do feel a potential food rationing thing happening as an increased incentive for compliance. I sincerely believe that ‘they aint playing grab arse anymore’ and a great deal of research and data analysis occurred during the conformity experiment known as the pandemic. The pressure points will be fingered hard into the bruise.

    Michael Yon is dark about this new era. I’ll try and find the vid I watched with the freaked out Irish fella recently.
    He predicts a shipping container or 2 of machete action arriving and the 28% immigrant population going for it.
    Not sure but Dr John and the others advocating for food production at home are on the money.


    quick review of Kamala’s speech – Well If I’m some random dude in the bush in Oz and she is running the most powerful country in the world and I was anticipating food price increase nearly 3 years ago (with receipts as song lyrics)
    Then someone is lying or dumb or evil and it aint me. How much COVID money printing did they do!? where is all that sloshy money going to go? Into everything. Cash is becoming worthless. I know i’m stating the obvious but the next 6 months are gunna be – what the actual fk?

    Final verse…
    what did I say about the price of bread? More truth bombs upside your head
    CBDC comin’ for me – another naughty boy baby can’t you see
    Enslave the mass end privacy program use of currency
    When we go plague their aint no Hague to hide bright as the sun there’ll be no shade
    Do I sound vague?



    Formerly T-Bear

    Oxymoron (above),

    Also in reaction to the *X* also above, These arguments usually fail when the economic fact of monopsony is accounted for,; something ‘overlooked’ in MBA Econ 101 where the buyer controls the market rather than the seller, the result is little different but then you can figure it out, the result that is.


    Kamala La-la’s Food “Price Caps”

    “Every socialist experiment in human history has started with caps on food and it has resulted in bread lines…”

    I’m old enough to actually remember the Scottish communist Malcolm Caldwell and his infamous Rendezvous with Destiny


    Hilarious, it was so phucking phunny.

    To bad Kamala La-la doesn’t meet the same Fate


    Dr. D

    “Vance’s Plane Makes Emergency Landing In Second Trump Campaign Incident

    You didn’t think they’d give up, did you?

    “The Beginning Of The End? Germany To Ban All New Ukraine Military Aid

    With the theory that, whatever happens, Ukraine is lost so Germany has to make peace with Russia (and buy gas). That means they back up and reveal truth about Nordstream, then throw a bunch of blackmailed politicos to the wolves.

    “Oakland Neighbors “Take Matters Into Their Own Hands” To Fight Reckless Driving Sideshows

    Correct. They have stopped asking government and asking permission from government. They are now the government. The job is theirs. Next realization: “What am I paying taxes for?” Tax revolt as government is doing the #Opposite of everything they want and believe in. Even something as simple as issuing tickets to keep kids from getting hit in front of a school.

    Meanwhile: “California Officials Ask Schools To Construct Housing For Teachers, Students

    Because schools are now experts in the housing business? Government of course is the answer to all problems. They are also ordered to get in the Grocery business, in Chicago and elsewhere, nationalizing retail stores as was an early plank of the “National Socialist” Nazi Party.

    “Rogan And Quaid Ask: Who’s Really Running The Country?

    The question is, like the Soviet Union, THAT they have to ask. “Closing the Collapse Gap with the Soviet Union.”

    Kamala’s Speechwriters: Yes and you still don’t think this is a put on? All staged, a show? The Joy campaign, because that one is famous in campaign circles.

    Comperatore: What murder? Was there a shooting? She should call the FBI.

    Socialism: “Captialists are price gouging!!!” (They have a 1.5% Margin. Google and Lockheed have 100% margins?)

    He is wrong about some other parts though: the government has most/all farm products locked from the top. Like the Wisconsin cheese prices, and paying people not to grow. That’s above bank loan/insurance prices. They are also attempting, pushing towards monopoly in say, Milk packing, such that they set up a gateway – ruthlessly defended by government, aka arresting the Amish for milk – so that dairy farmers have no pricing leverage, but the milk packers do. So the packing companies set prices. They then pass the product on to the grocery, with a “Take it or leave it” having no need to keep prices down. Now that’s not a full monopoly, but it does show an industry as they start to build one, FIRST selling, lobbying it’s “Safer”, THEN getting the government in, the government then defends their economic moat and tollbooth, then then charge higher rates than otherwise, rig prices, and the customer pays. As they now have free “tax”, consumer’s money at hand, they then lobby and buy government MORE, and do it all over again in a feedback loop because anything having to do with government and violence gives you 10x the RoI of actually working for a living, which is hard and boring. You should never, never buy new milk machines, you should always buy a Senator instead. Then government and industry both become larger, wealthier, and more merged until such time as the consumer collapses from vampire fraud, which is universally happening now. In Health care, Car prices, Cell phone rates, etc.

    Yeah, it’s called “Fascism”. Why is this merger fascism? Because it’s so unjust they must immediately invoke violence, police state, and distract and buy off with foreign wars for it to survive an unjust state at home.

    “”Democrats still might invoke the 25th Amendment to make Harris president” (@TheHillOpinion)”

    Sure, why not? Trump said in 2018 they wouldn’t use 25A on him but someone else. Take down the country on her head. DNC not elected for a generation, like Hoover and FDR. They need “an event” to point to.

    ““It’s all an extension of the original plan, which is to nationalize all the important sectors of the economy – housing, health care, energy, transportation – that the Federal Government didn’t already control,”

    I’d ask “What sector is that?” but it’s incrementalism, Fabian plan, once you break markets anywhere, markets get more screwed, then they need MORE help, MORE intervention, which causes more problems and needs more intervention until you’re at a Soviet System. …Which they know, that’s why they meddled in Health Care by “Helping”, to break it and take it over, as we all said in 1992 and were right.

    Btw, don’t usually bother with Rickards, but he begins with “Hamilton and the American System”, and McKinley (as did Trump recently) which means it’s worth your time, not blather as so often.

    There’s a common misperception that tariffs raise prices, McKinley said “Yes for a short time, but then the wages of local production catch up and REAL wages rise faster.” You could argue that wouldn’t be true except history shows it’s almost ALWAYS true. China’s showing this right now. Aaaaaand the alternative is that we have NO production or jobs and LOW inflation? Clearly that’s nonsensical and impossible.

    [Harris and their team] “In fact, they are counting on creating shortages.” which they can point to political gain, saying they will solve this crisis (that they created).

    This would demonstrate the entire media graduated with no math skills (true), are all Socialists (true, and proud of it), and also entirely illiterate (true). This is not difficult. It’s all 6th grade. There are zero higher math skills, no deep history. Addition, subtraction, does it add? Broad strokes of history, was there ever a time and place where it worked, and what times and places didn’t “work”? Boom, done.

    “At first, they claimed there was no inflation threat. Then they claimed inflation was “transitory.” When the CPI hit 40 year highs they were forced to admit that inflation was an issue, but refused to admit the true cause …various stimulus programs”

    Oh, you’re right, I forgot. Narcissist’s Handbook: “It isn’t happening.” “If it’s happening, it’s your fault.” “I never said it wasn’t happening.” “It is happening, but that’s a GOOD thing.” Etc.

    Now you see why they use Socialism, which the Oligarchs don’t believe in either, it’s just some dumb bulls-t that they can use to get people to do things. But Socialism is a great framework, a mental structure that makes it logical and admirable to kill everyone and steal everything. That’s why it’s so popular. Again, as that OTHER culture we’re not talking about THE GUYS RUNNING “Socialism” AREN’T SOCIALISTS. They don’t believe a word of it, they’ll just mouth whatever bulls—t makes you obey, just like other narcissists.

    And they CERTAINLY aren’t Capitalists. They are just mentally ill. A hollow, greedy, rapacious, conniving, controlling death cult. They’ll say whatever they have to say, pretend to be whatever you’ll accept, in order to keep that coming and fill their essential mental illness.

    “Nixon announced, “I am today ordering a freeze on all prices and wages throughout the United States.” After a 90-day freeze, increases would have to be approved by a “Pay Board” and a “Price Commission,” with an eye toward eventually lifting controls.”

    And who set perfect, nationwide Soviet Politboro technocratic control? A Republican. Voted in with a record majority. Who gutted Welfare and unions? Clinton, a DEMOCRAT. That’s how it’s done.

    “is a clever web of lies crafted by the Americans,” Or not.

    “three months before they were finally detonated.”

    I like how they pointed out that, with each day of the automatic underwater sonar detonator, the bombs would be less likely to go off. This IS the ocean, after all. And, true to form, it appears that something happened (covered with sand?) and one set of bombs truly didn’t go off. Just like they said. So failure also explained.

    ““We still don’t know 100 percent that Russia was responsible,” said Olga Khakova, …. at the Atlantic Council.” about 10 minutes after the bomb went off.

    “We don’t know who it was! But we do know who it wasn’t!” No I am not kidding you, both they, and the entire West, are this retarded. They also never heard “Rightie-tighty, Lefty-loosey”, a Gonzalo Lira special. He would be enjoying this.

    “• Ukraine Planned Incursion Into Russia For Over A Year – NBC (RT)

    Ah, so THAT’S why they’ve been losing everywhere. They had all these tanks, men, etc, but were back at base, practicing with paintball guns.

    “NBC described the attack on Kursk Region as a “high stakes gamble” by the Ukrainian authorities.”

    You know what I’ve learned over my life? Even NORMAL gambles don’t work. High Stakes Gambles always fail.

    ““The Ukrainian government has received orders from its Western backers to “escalate as much as possible..”

    They must be neck-deep in WWIII so that Trump can’t back out of it. …Just like Cheney tried to invade Iran a month before they left. (Diplomats smoked their careers to stop him. More purges.) Joke’s on them: there will be no Trump and no election. But what do they care if they have WWIII anyway?

    So when “We” blow a dirty bomb in Russia proper – “We” being people we never voted for, nor support – and Russia then strikes the whole East coast with a Tsunami-bomb, can everyone sit the f—k down and take a breath?

    “• Italian Media ‘Whitewashing’ Ukrainian Crimes – Zakharova (RT)

    That’s a super-interesting question. They entered WITH an army, WITHOUT a passport. Yet, they are journalists, that’s what they do and have to. Hmmm.. I’m sure there is legal and military framework for this. What if they had entered and traveled with the Crocus shooters? Still okay?

    “NATO should now unleash its full military power against…. Ukraine, which had single-handedly attacked German assets by blowing up the Nordstream)

    You’re right! We need to bomb the s—t out of them as soon as we get done with Manchester.


    But we can’t get distracted: we can’t focus on leveling Kiev until every building in Manchester is flattened and the Starmer Government falls.

    “In particular, they – correctly – insist that Russia does not pose … a threat.
    “Last but not least, while the US would stay in NATO, it would push the Europeans to run – and, clearly, finance – the outfit.”

    Huh. Sounds like 100% the Trump Plan. Same with tariffs on China, EV credits, etc. “It’s not Trump when WE do it!!!”

    Why? Beacause like “America First” if you’re not a self-serving, mouth-breathing, glue-sniffing, inbred moron like the 7th sons of Harvard, you can see this quite obviously years ahead of time. More than long enough to adjust and not look like the drooling dunce you are.

    Welcome to the Party.

    Btw this video looks like a hellscape dystopia, and everyone in it looks miserable. A very poor sales job.

    “Trump and Harris are currently even in most polls, with Harris holding a lead of less than 1%”

    NPR Reporters at RT. Who believes this s—t? Russia, are you helping? Throwing the election for Harris? Crowds of 5-digits in the smallest towns all year, 8 years running, vs can’t fill a high school gym, fewer supporters than the UK has soldiers. (Burn)

    So WHEN the election is stolen – no machines or processes have been fixed; I mean since 2001 – THEN it will be “plausible” that the worst candidate in world history, who has no supporters even in the Democratic or “Black” vote, will have been duly and honestly elected.

    Uh-huh. Thanks, “RT”, you’re a pal.

    “• X ‘Immediately’ Shuts Brazil Office After ‘Secret’ Censorship Orders (ZH)

    This is being fought out as much as in the U.S. which Brazil is similar to, but younger. And with all the same murders, arrests, and plane crashes. …But we should all just pop up and get shot, start a Civil War with 10 million casualties, and/or just give up, isn’t that right, boys? Those are the “Logical” options, and by “logical” I mean, they would all certainly, definitely LOSE. …That’s why they’re on TV, same as “Walking Dead” exist to teach rednecks suicidal tactics and families to all be cross and backstab each other. If it were positive, it would be banned.

    (Look at which shows are promoted and hated: CSI Miami, Skywalker, and which are removed and banned: Gunsmoke, Firefly. “Cuties” anyone? 12-year-olds sexed on camera for a home audience? The “Rifleman” with anti-Tate messaging of sound moral values memory holed.)

    “Just as one is either pregnant or not, one is either certain or not.”

    The legal standard would be: go ahead...and if you’re wrong, your career ends, perhaps with charges. That’s the “Or Else” that gets their attention, establishes cause and effect instead of madness.

    “Yet, there is no moral, constitutional or legal authority for these killings.”

    That’s true, and they should all be arrested and hung, but there COULD be. It’s called a “Declaration of War.” That is done by Congress. And yes, we would still be constrained by treaties about the RULES of war (Mostly). All of this is normal law for 1,000 years. Erik the Red did this, he was too moral, but it’s too hard for you. None of this is rocket science. All they have to do is enforce the law. …But only a MORAL people can do that, moral in their hearts.

    Husky is remarkably strong for clearly starving to death.

    Lion: So WHO are we rooting for as animals in “Nature” eat each other wriggling and alive? Gosh if I did that people would have a meltdown.

    “Donate one kidney and you’re a hero; donate 5 and suddenly you’re a police investigation!”


    The pitiful Twat Kamala La-la having to generate fake AI crowds in her rally videos

    The Family Guy’s thoughtful response:


    Formerly T-Bear

    In general,

    It will be interesting watching the libels and slanders those gold-buggers do to fiat currency aimed at destroying currency itself. Does fit in nicely with bankster design to seize control and extract fees from all economic transactions (as done through credit cards digitally now). Only a fool would believe that this extraction does not increase the price of their purchases. The Gods must have loved fools, , there are so many of them.

    Dr. D

    Oxy, reminds me of “Gentlemen of Leisure” with Caruana-Simmons.

    Not everything, but this album was quality.

    Also as perhaps we must mock, but aren’t solutions found in the GOOD, in what we’re going to build instead? How about a rap about where we’re headed? It doesn’t have to be straight-up, “A Good Day” by Ice Cube works well enough. What is SolarPunk or any Tribe in the wilderness? The Ewoks, Rainbow people, whatever.

    The challenge is that everyone’s pain is different and interesting, while everyone’s happiness is boring and the same. There’s also a DP+5 for any “bad” event to have more emotional delivery and capture more attention. But all that is a trap, for how do you build the good by focusing on the bad?

    That’s why it’s so much fun to make fun of hymns praising God and looking to the light. Booooor-ing! What a bunch of hosers! Edgy, “real” people talk about raping groupies in the backroom after party, yo. That’s livin’. Like the “Party” video. What’s good is burned-out, extortion-money-collecting, food-free, neighborhood-on-fire feeling, high on meth for the two weeks til you get a bad dose. That’s cool and imitated.


    People saw Joe Biden get the 81 million, and said “this is completely fake,” then said “well, we just have to vote harder next time.”

    Well represented here on TAE. It is kind of pathetic that US people think they have power. Are they really that stupid; yes.

    John Day

    “Trump changes” caught my eye:

    Former US president Donald Trump has re-hired key members of his 2016 campaign team, hunkered down for debate prep with ex-Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, and tapped his sons and major donors to lead his official transition team, as polls show the Republican neck and neck with Vice President Kamala Harris.


    Oxy the problem I see in the digital future is the electricity to run it smoothly. It will be tried without doubt as it’s already being implemented in small ways. Small compared to assigning a value to everything. The energy to run this thing while running the physical economy at the same time does not appear to exist. Nor is there any viable plan to add this much energy into the system above what is already being produced and used. Try, they must, fail, they will.




    Disney is just a total Psy-op at this point. It’s not a profit making company.

    It’s entirely funded by the Satanic Deep State as a propaganda machine.

    It can loose profits until the cows come home and it will still churn out Woke garbage which is it’s true goal







    Speaking of Woke, I heard the Call of the Wild from Canazida promoting “assisted suicide” to balance the National Budget Deficit.


    John Day

    Andrew Korybko, Here’s Why The US Is Playing Dumb About Ukraine’s Plans To Invade Kursk


    Dr D. Your Eagle may currently be at this stage. Yes the bright or better possible future of the new (post fourth) turning. It may be time to talk gardening and self-effacing cock-ups for morale. I envision international cherry cultivar techniques and a return to who can make the best rum without getting busted. (my friend Speedy down next town down the road btw.)
    I guess a big topic would be – “Make Something”.
    Thanks I’ll ruminate then run with it.
    here’s your eagle. lost some former shine but still got what it takes


    TBear – Monopsony. Yes thank you

    John Day

    California Officials Ask Schools To Construct Housing For Teachers, Students
    That playground can house all 60 teachers, aides and cafeteria workers, AND GENERATE RENT INCOME!





    Who’s your perfect candidate to fix things?

    A population of citizens who individually and collectively take responsibility for their governance.
    A conscious, disciplined and honorable people.

    Is that model of society possible? Yes
    What is the probablity of that model of society emerging within western societies? Vanishingly low.


    timeline to the financial state change
    Any thoughts or differences of opinion appreciated.

    The consumers take control of the economy, Initiate demand side economics. Stop payment on all credit accounts with home mortgages being the only exception.

    There is no way possible for small personal or household items to be repossesed. What would the lenders do with or where would they store every useless toy that is being held for the lending institution by individual lending debt possessors? How would the lending institutions finance the cost of the attempt to repossess and store all of their debt collateral? A demand side revolution.

    To put things in a scriptural perspective, a Jubilee accompanied by massive deflation. More bluntly, a complete recognition that society itself is the value of fiat currency. It’s their wealth, they can lose it if they wish.
    All of the federal legislators would have an option. Feed the masses or die. The pipe bomb planting, door opening fools would not last a day in the non-narrative world.

    Be a human being or be a eunuch.
    What is the probablity of that model of society emerging within western societies? Vanishingly low.

    Every revolution requires a peace feeler. Locate every airport with personal and private corporate Gulfstreams in residence and station citizens with 12 ga. shotguns loaded with magnum rifled slugs who understand the air compressors known as jet engines. It is the intake stupid. Let em run it up to power and scatter the fan. “You ain’t going nowhere”.

    Perhaps you don’t know it, there are citizens in possesion of non-NATO rounds in the US. Won’t take long for those willing to accept unlawful orders to figure it out.

    In the United States your allegiance is to The Constitution, The Nation and Her people. Outside of those parameters you are a treasonous turncoat.
    May I offer a suggestion for your dual citzenship?

    Are You going to let the Walz boys march down Your street?

    No way to delay that trouble coming every day – Zappa


    go back to bitchin’ an moanin’ and await your fate






    Look at the bright side, I love hiking!



    Red. I’m inclined to agree with you but also see some of what Dr D has mentioned before – namely that a certain amount of available energy is politically locked up. So this could go on a ways yet. I do agree that Oil price discovery will mess a lot of shit up because very cheap available energy is basically the guarantee of future work to pay back debt – now being envisioned as a slavery model for cheap energy.
    I must admit I have become a screen slave since 2020 and have lost a lot of ground on what my property could have become but I am now getting back into harvesting sun energy in the form of food and fuel and fibre etc.
    Purchasing a new battery bank for the house up front and getting all our water (3 x 20,000 litre stainless steel tanks) sorted and the thermosyphon hot water has put my mind at rest.
    I could use a new body though. The injury count a little higher than I would have preferred and revealing themselves as dull pains but not dead yet.
    God bless you all here.
    I really appreciate the heads and heart here you know.
    My town has gone woke and masked. Still a lot of good people but gotta be careful what you say. Still the local council has booked me to publicly rant 4 of my darker raps in September (for money! yay).


    The Redactions were Guided with a Ouija Board





    Formerly T-Bear

    More than welcome.


    ” what’s your solution? What’s your master plan?”

    Solutions been tried before and found to have failed and/or had to be destroyed.

    1. “Democrats/Republicans are looking to rebrand the same agenda, breaking the “present economy,” which involves the displacement of millions of workers and the disruption of supply chains.
    2. Refused to admit the true causes of inflation, and misery, for economic failure, (helicopter money from the Federal Reserve to fund various stimulus programs the US cannot afford)
    3. Pretend that they’re fixing the problems.
    4. Leaders/Controllers/Influencers want to control complex systems that they cannot understand.
    5. “Panic/desperate and willing to try anything.”
    6. Present Plan – The bankster designed to seize control and extract fees from all economic transactions
    M.A.D NEGOTIATIONS/stalemate

    The Ukrainian incursion was to capture the Kursk nuclear power plant.
    Kiev expected its troops to be able to achieve this by August 11, he added.
    “This blitzkrieg by [Ukrainian leader Vladimir] Zelensky, which was supposed to see the seizure of the nuclear power plant in Kurchatov and the start of negotiations with an ultimatum for us [Russia] to leave some places or to do something, has failed,” Alaudinov stressed.
    A partial solution.
    Tell the truth.
    Stop making secrets.
    (In a few words.
    Yanky Go Home.)
    16 Aug, 2024 21:03

    Should the US abandon Europe?
    A refreshing idea has emerged from the American policy establishment, but it should only be
    the first step
    A Post-American Europe
    It’s Time for Washington to Europeanize NATO and Give Up Responsibility for the Continent’s Security
    By Justin Logan and Joshua Shifrinson
    August 9, 2024


    Happy Endings are so few and far between

    We should celebrate that there’s a Crack in the World

    That’s how the Light gets in…



    Hey Oroboros, y’all spelt jew york wrong on your map up there.


    Pretty Scary


    those darned kids

    stop with the commie nonsense!

    stop with the marxist nonsense!

    if they were commies, at least you’d get frikkin’ health care!¡!


    the #@@$ convention is at the UNITED AIRLINES CENTER.

    here, here’s a list of them top commies:

    Now showing
    data for the
    Democratic National Cmte
    data for the
    election cycle
    election cycle
    Top Contributors, 2024
    Recipient Total
    Jeffries for Congress $2,619,027
    Kleiner, Perkins et al $2,449,240
    Bain Capital $2,449,187
    Newsweb Corp $2,341,823
    McArthurGlen Group $2,044,103
    Alphabet Inc $1,932,816
    Meritage Group $1,924,307
    Arcadia Development $1,812,182
    Greylock Partners $1,751,501
    Microsoft Corp $1,647,854
    Choice Hotels International $1,644,052
    WndrCo $1,537,061
    University of California $1,526,856
    Granite Telecommunications $1,458,230
    Stiefel Laboratories $1,451,572
    Marcus & Millichap $1,449,397
    Renaissance Technologies $1,367,189
    Soros Fund Management $1,280,894
    Freeman Webb Co $1,253,160
    7WireVentures $1,201,207
    Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries

    marxists, every. single. one.

    “politicians don’t make decisions, they announce them” ~ tdk


    Now we have a new bargain chain store:

    The $6.66 Store

    Feel the burn Duh’merica




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