Debt Rattle September 13 2024


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  • This topic has 44 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by jb-hb.
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  • #168840

    M. C. Escher Relativity Lattice 1953   • How to Steal an Election: GOP Exposes Dems’ Playbook Ahead of 2024 Vote (Sp.) • Will ‘Insane’ Biden Prov
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 13 2024]

    V. Arnold

    M. C. Escher Relativity Lattice 1953

    Todays art perfectly encapsulates todays U.S. IMO…. 😉


    Stealing the Election:

    Rino Republicans will fold liie a cheap suit when it comes to voter ID since they support Democrats efforts to steal the election!

    Yeah, a few Republicans will vote to support voter ID but the rest of the Rino Republicans will vote with the Democrats to toss voter ID requirements.
    We tried.

    This is a Republican bait and switch operation against voter ID just like they did in 2020.

    All to help the Deep state steal the 2024 election.

    The only question unanswered is how the deep state will steal the election.


    Notice how Kamala cheating at the debate didn’t happen anymore than deep state trying to kill Trump.
    Never happened.

    Dr. D

    Debate highlights: no wonder I don’t listen to this stuff. Like that guitarist, I think they’re all stupid.

    “Donald Trump spent 9/11 marching into a war zone of fire & ashes with an army of his own men to save Americans”

    Yes but saving and helping Americans is evil and hate because America is an evil country that should be destroyed. Question answered.

    Judge Judy: Whyyyyyy? Oh Why? She hasn’t been a judge since 1990? That’s TV people. Anyway, Don’t care what she says, but also “Trump running on procedure”: classic DNC run, ready-made for goldfish idiots who can’t remember an hour ago. Yes. But like how all history started in 2020 or 2022, WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE? Yes, these cases – heck, even the witnesses – were stopped, forgot, didn’t remember – that the crime happened in 1990! Or in the other cases, 8, 10, years ago? At minimum (records) 4 years ago?? Then! Suddenly remembered! My homework! It’s on the kitchen table! Well, we need to start these legal cases RIGHT AWAY, 35 years after the fact! Biggest hurry-hurry ever! 3 years late, 1 year before the election! Which is illegal!

    But they put it on TV like no one will notice. Because they won’t. It’ll work perfectly and they’ll be mad if you bring it up.

    Talk about the earrings instead. This story is more important and getting around. What does it say? She won’t be President, she’ll be a robot-puppet. Who’s talking in her ear? Who’s really President if she’s elected and what would this shadow person do or want?

    Anyway, none of this matters, only the Shadow People if you can expose and name them, and what is actually DONE. Actions. Reality exists. Time exists.

    “Conservatives argue that the Democratic Party has launched full-fledged lawfare…
    during his September 10 debate with Kamala Harris, Republicans say.”

    See? That’s journalism. Was that so hard? “He said.” We the reporter are not necessarily trying, needing to find out the literal absolute truth, which would make me “Investigative” and take 9 months and a lot more money. Just these are the facts: these facts are what each side SAID, both sides. You need to know this because this is the argument, the contention, you, the American, are in the middle of. Relevance.

    And the later facts of her popularity at each point in her career vs just 4 weeks later, are all literal facts, and facts that have meaning. Now the reporter doesn’t have to SAY that’s all a fabulous, made-up lie that’s only exists because somebody spent $100 million bribing the right people, nor that this is lying is their core business practice, the facts speak for themselves. See, that’s MY ob to be a crank like that and jump to the end.

    See now I don’t do journalism like this, but this is the right class of person to hire. Thousands of them. “She SAID.”

    “and a constant fear that a third World War was not far away.”

    Here’s your problem: Americans and the entire rest of West are now so retarded they no longer fear nuclear war. All things are unreal to them now. “War? I’ve seen that a thousand times on this little blue screen.” Reality itself, when they get up in the morning and go to the Dollar Store, no longer exists. Nor is that a surprise as generally it’s hell on earth by active design, at literally every economic level. Why? It was all created by human-hating, #AntiLogos, beauty-despising, money-chasing mentally ill. Their idea of beauty is when everyone is dead and they’re king of the remaining rubble. So the people, being an the most cruel, destructive, scientific-genius prison ever designed by man, OBVIOUSLY are going to retreat into fantasy and irreality. Or they’d shoot themselves, and that includes everyone at VP corner offices, at Brown University, and the successful car dealership with three power boats.

    However, because of this ceaseless torture and everyone’s retreat into fantasy and delusion, they no longer fear complete nuclear Armageddon and the death of everyone, everything. Death would be a welcome relief.

    So bomb, bomb away I guess. Do what you have to, under our conditions and situation, you’re not going to get much more out of us at this time.

    ““It’s really hard to know what Biden and [National Security Advisor Jake] Sullivan, who are running things, really think,” he claimed. “Some of my best friends and analysts think they’re insane. And it’s really, really hard to predict what they’re going to do if they’re insane.”

    Yes. Exactly as described above, but at a higher level: they have internalized the lies and insanity, and their insanity is to stop looking and taking in information. They are minions, un-self-aware. The Social Programmers set them up, wound their clocks 20 years ago with lies, and they’re still marching. If they weren’t we’d merely have them arrested as “Dissidents.” Cranks. If they’ll march around with funny mustaches, we fund them with billions trillions.

    Who is “We” in that sentence? Ask Kamala. Who’s speaking in your ear?

    “SAVE Act – which would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote.”

    This works because like M4A, the only thing they need is for you to VOTE on it. We want a head count of who thinks it’s intolerable for the law to be followed. Then go explain that to your district.

    “shiny object attached to it will be dropped like a hot potato before passage.”

    Sounds like every other day in Congress. Maybe he’s been there too long so he recognizes all these toys.

    Does any of this matter? Not so far as I can tell: it’s background canvas. So where are real stories happening?

    “• Erdogan Demands Russia Must Return Crimea To Ukraine (ZH)

    A lot on the Turks this week. Ugh! The Turks! WHY do they act this way? They are like 99% their only enemy. He also said he’d go whole hog on saving Gaza, build an islamic head there…before doing nothing. …Again, like career-long in a row, after Turkey ALSO never did anything, ever, since Atta. Rinse, repeat, every hour of every day for centuries. So he says this. Tomorrow it will be the #Opposite and that’s okay with everyone. How does anything get done there? A: It doesn’t. Or not very well. On the base level, they’re in a position to rule the world, in every key area, every transit, every nexus of discussion and diplomacy, smart people, incredibly hard working, tough, with the largest army in Europe. Aaaaaaaand…nothing. They’re a garbage heap like I dunno, Columbia, for centuries.

    Don’t worry, tomorrow’s paper will change all this.

    “Demand Crimea and then join Russia’s club. Yeah. Being in NATO and then also join BRICS doesn’t look realistic.”

    Turks, above. Will take decades when it should take months, and drag along and poke everyone along the way. Erdogon only just poked Putin in the face, because he’s intimidated by him, respect him, and feels small. So he insults him, frustrates Putin to demonstrate Erdogan’s importance. Everyone just watches in shock, not that he’ll DO it, everyone knows for 1,000 years he’ll DO it: but that Erdogan and Turkey ARE important. The only thing he needs to do is CLAIM it and stop acting. Stop acting out and BE the thing. N. O. P. E. Never, clearly.

    “• 34 Countries Express Desire to Join BRICS in One Form or Another – Putin (Sp.)

    It’s been pointed out that, ignore the war. Ignore the West. This is what will crush the West and win. This is the pivot. The West is irrelevant. Go around them, they’ll rot away.

    “• Everything Is Going To Plan – Zelensky (RT)

    The Russians are advancing everywhere, it’s all our master plan.

    “Putin says long-range weapons for Ukraine means war with NATO.”

    Gosh I hope so. I mean, I just have to keep my sanity here.

    “Olaf Scholz Has A Sudden Moment of Clarity About Russia (Amar)

    That’s because he’s dead-losing in the elections and needs to save anything. He can’t. However that may not happen fast.

    “• Ukrainian Diplomat Claims Peace Was Possible In 2022 (RT)

    Said. “Diplomat SAYS Peace was Possible.” See how that is different? For the love of Christ, this isn’t rocket science. If you say “Claim”, you are probably on the Op-Ed page. Your yearly chance for writing that isn’t up yet. So STFU.

    Haiti: We Americans have no trouble at all imagining not being able to get food. Apparently she does if she can think of McDonald’s as a food source. And it IS happening in your community. Get out more.

    Monkeys: Okay following science we all can’t prove, part of the “Energies from space” or even our sun (Birkeland currents) is over-energizing humans? Over charging our brains? Yes, but perhaps also overcharging monkey’s brains? Making us smarter, if also unhinged, but as they are more relaxed, base state merely making them smarter? We’ve seen this with some other creatures lately, some story with whales comes to mind.

    This goes with the Yuga theory, impossibly long eras. As ALL people said in the past, 2,000, 5,000 years ago, they were the IRON age. Before them was the bronze, silver, and Golden age, deep in the past. IN the Golden Age everything was advanced, space-age and perfect. Knowledge and power. It had always been a straight-line DROP in everything. — This is the dead-opposite of the Religion of Progress, which says every day since the cave men we got SMARTER, and we’re, Chad and Chelsea are the Bestest, smartest, most moral people Evah! — Practically perfect in every way.

    Anyway, so what if it’s cyclical but on a really long timeframe? Like 24,000 years? We were once a spacefaring people, with flying cars (Vimanas ) and lightning sticks like the Ramayana Vedas. We were cross-engineering human hybrids like half-animal people as we see…well everywhere, but let’s say Greek Myth. We’ve been getting dumber every day until, I don’t know, pick a date: 2,500 years ago when we were dumb as a post, finally mere animals, having forgotten everything, and like Idiocracy, don’t even know what a “Book” is and burned them all in a pique of chilly weather. Huh. Ever hear of “Gobekli Tepe”? Or the 50 other “Tepes” in one area alone, to say nothing of the Olmecs? All predating these specific dates? Yeah, well we still have no idea how they did anything they did, so we’re retards, clearly, and Chad is wrong.

    Example: Pyramids were built before Stonehenge and there were still mammoths alive then. Give a sense of how really, really different the world was.

    So here’s the catch: we’re finally on the upswing. Since like 1600, but increasing a lot now and people are both “Their Knowledge shall increase” AND it’s driving us all insane. (The love of man grows cold) We don’t have a social structure for this as it last mattered like 18,000 years ago. Nor any “books’ that make sense of it, although we haven’t bothered to look at the Vedas and keep denying everything we find. Or rather YOU do, you retards in College. The rest of us have no problem with Tepe being 12,000 years old nor humans being in the Americas 30,000 years ago. Because we’re not science deniers. Go look: the evidence is everywhere. They WROTE IT THE F—K DOWN FOR YOU. Too complicated? Too hard? They left a WHOLE CITY, intact, in the desert and Jungle. Too hard? Not big enough?

    Denial is the size of the universe, I guess. A whole city can’t break them from it. Yup, they built the whole city with one shin-bone, official reality of guys like Harvard and Rutgers. Genius.

    Sorry, it isn’t JUST the stupidity of saying something like that. It’s mainly the raw Cowardice. And raw cowardice because they won’t be POPULAR and sit at the cool table at the Vegas Archaeologist’s convention. O.M.G. THAT is the level we’re reduced to and are supposed to respect. And don’t get me started on physics.

    V. Arnold

    The only question unanswered is how the deep state will steal the election.

    @ Wes
    This is a Republican bait and switch operation against voter ID just like they did in 2020.
    Didn’t you already answer your own question?


    Why did Biden put on a Trump hat?!

    As Dr D would say – “explain this to me in tiny words”

    The world of politics is being revealed as what it is I guess? One Party.
    The Party.
    Orwell as reality


    Everything is going to plan – Zelensky

    perspective gained during the venture into the mainstream yesterday:
    Everything is going to plan


    I propose adding a new acronym to the alphabet lexicon to be used in all the places that the flotsam seems to occupy: LQH = low quality human. There is a seemingly endless bunch of them somehow surfacing everywhere just over the past few years.

    those darned kids

    don’t forget to tune in tonight’s wet t-shirt contest between donnie “b-cup” trump and kammy “willie loved ’em” harris!


    Raygun destroyed the Air Traffic Controllers union, however

    AFGE – The American Federation of Government Employees – 750,000 members
    NFFE – The National Federation of Federal Employees – 110,000 members
    State Employment and Unemployment Services
    Re-Employment and Training Services

    firing a large number of federal employees
    Slashing billions of dollars of spending of federal employees from state’s and national economy
    Incurring litigation and separation costs
    Forcing states that include payroll taxes in general revenue to borrow to provide unemployment compensation
    Stress small business in a inflationary cycle with reduced consumer spending
    Stress credit markets with increased rates of delinquency
    Under the supervision of a non-cabinet federal commisioner who will hire federal employees to supervise the effort.

    Now tell me again how stupid the vice-president is.

    John Day

    Erdogan saying Crimea has to go back to Ukraine is a weird stunt, of course. I can’t be sure why he took such an untenable position. It’s cheap grandstanding.
    How many countries have to join before we can get SHITBRICS?
    Important meeting in DC to start WW-3 today…


    Were you paying attention? (Hidden in the Word Salad.)

    There is only one problem, money problems.

    Inflation is caused by the gov. overspending, of printing money, of Money that they don’t have.

    A “clean” funding bill that would keep the government open until December, right after the elections, without (of course) the SAVE Act.
    Speaker Mike Johnson pulls vote on stopgap bill for short-term government funding
    Public Law No: 118-22 (11/16/2023)
    Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

    There are many ways to exploit the loose voting requirements in the US.,-Calendar%20No.&text=To%20amend%20the%20National%20Voter,office%2C%20and%20for%20other%20purposes.

    A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.

    “I’m a firm NO on bankrupting the nation and a YES on election integrity.”
    Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) explains the charade we’re about to see unfold over the next two weeks:
    • 34 Countries Express Desire to Join BRICS in One Form or Another – Putin (Sp.)—putin-1120119592.html
    Putin says long-range weapons for Ukraine means war with NATO.

    • Zelensky Disappointed After Blinken Visit, Despite Getting $1.5 Billion More (ZH)


    Money Opinion?
    UK and France, like Germany, are in free fall too. France is bankrupt. All public services are going down and down, especially schools and hospitals. The debt is huge. There is no government.

    Posted by: Naive | Sep 13 2024

    D Benton Smith

    In a free and fair election most people will vote to keep their jobs. Who is the biggest employer? There’s your answer right there.

    John Day

    Dude missed the spy-earrings:
    5 Reasons Trump Is Making The Right Strategic Choice To Not Debate Again


    Explanation for dummies
    Putin’s full answer to a question from the media about long range western weapons as per the Kremlin transcript.
    Question: Over the past few days, we have seen and heard how the topic is being discussed at a very high level in the United Kingdom and the United States that the Kiev regime will be able to strike deep into Russia with long-range Western weapons. And, apparently, this decision is either about to be made, or, apparently, it has already been made at all. This is, of course, an extraordinary thing. I would like to ask you to comment on what is happening.
    Vladimir Putin: There is an attempt to substitute concepts. Because we are not talking about allowing or prohibiting the Kiev regime to strike at Russian territory. It already does damage with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles and other means. But when it comes to using Western-made long-range precision weapons, it’s a completely different story.

    The fact is that – I have already said this, and any experts will confirm this both here and in the West – the Ukrainian army is not able to strike with modern high-precision long-range systems of Western production. She can’t do that. This is possible only with the use of intelligence from satellites, which Ukraine does not have, it is data only from satellites or the European Union, or the United States – in general, from NATO satellites. This is the first one.

    The second and very important thing, perhaps the key one, is that flight tasks for these missile systems can, in fact, be made only by the military personnel of NATO countries. Ukrainian military personnel cannot do this.

    Therefore, we are not talking about allowing or not allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons. It is a question of deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in a military conflict or not.

    If this decision is made, it will mean nothing more than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, and European countries in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct involvement, and this, of course, significantly changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict.

    This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created in view of changing the very essence of this conflict.


    Kursk 2.0

    The salient shows, for the first time, a decrease in volume. On the west side of the salient, cutting off a major north-south road.

    The Ukrainians seem to have wanted Koronevko QUITE badly – “clashes” in front of it for weeks now. It is the largest urban area within reach. If they took it, that would surely be a huge headache for Russia. That n-s road led right to the point of conflict – now logistics and reinforcements will probably have to go northeast to Sudzha and then northwest on a relatively long trek. I don’t see anything like another major road leading to Koronevko from the Ukrainian side on the satellite imagery.

    The russian saleint into the kursk salient seems to be reaching for the other major road leading to Koronevko, the one coming out of Sudzha. They’re already more than halfway there. Maybe 5km left to go as of the latest map update yesterday? So already not a pleasant road to be on anymore, I would think.

    The promised kessels from like a month or so ago seem to finally be forming


    I’m surprised a wireless-charging bluetooth bone-conduction device implanted via surgery is not just standard practice for politicians at this point.

    Even tiny hearing aids that totally fit in the ear canal are now bluetooth capable. If you have hair over your ears, I don’t see how that would be caught.

    I guess each side needs to be allowed their team of techs with their own EW suite for jamming, to ensure the other side cannot wirelessly communicate? Each candidate stands naked in a faraday cage, submerged in liquid & using a snorkel?


    Asymmetric warfare?

    Course Changes Due to Snow – Val di Fassa Enduro World Champs 2024

    It’s been the worst decade in my life re: forest/grass fires here in the west US. If you can’t convince a volcano to do the work, how ’bout a bunch of sequestered carbon?

    Microwave lasers (random non-sequitur, but it keeps bugging me)

    I’ve been digging at disabling that last Scare Message System nag on my phone, the National Alert. That thing will speak any day now, and I don’t want to be within earshot.


    Israel Did 9/11

    Or on today’s Unz report as well.

    Brilliant analysis themed : “Israel did 9-11
    Text and assembly of ugliest mugs that ever came out of woman’s vagina. The same ((characters)) created quite a prosperous “parking lot” for themselves out of the NYC.


    re: the earrings

    One really strong burst of radio would break the spell, methinks.

    John Day

    Thanks Kultsommer. Dick Cheney helped Israel, too…


    OK, I don’t do memes, but the meme is she opens her mouth, and repeats ‘Pairing… Pairing… Pairing… ‘


    WES posted: (US elect.)

    The only question unanswered is how the deep state will steal the election.

    Yes. After some % of votes favoring Trump exceeds the ‘cheat’ scheme it becomes difficult. Then what happens, idk. The last election was (imho) won by Trump but manipulated, the Trump margin was not high enough. (Has to be, guessing 60 % or more.) That kind of move will happen again.

    Chart shows voters for XYZ, incl. non voters.

    Note, the non-voter % in 2020 was lowered to incredible figures, a clear sign of manipulation. (Imho.)

    US Pres. elections are a big show, and now openly don’t correspond to any ‘political’ preferences, opinions — Dems, Reps, Indies, etc. no longer can count on ‘tribes’ thought they pretend they still can, do.

    For ex. Cheney (who used to be loathed by the Dems) now supports Kakala. Those taking power (Mega Corps) are not bothering any longer with PR moves based on ‘pol. parties.’


    Yes John. Also, Clinton’s ((appointees)) are the ones who did the prep terrain for the planned event.



    I think the deep state has greatly increased the “cheat” margin for the 2024 November election from the 2020 election to between 20 million and 40 million, and maybe even higher.

    They have achieved this via open borders and weaponizing all federal agencies to automatically register everyone to vote they have encountered since 2020.
    For example, all non-American green card holders are registered to vote.

    The Rino Republicans naturally approved by looking the other way and remaining silent.


    Don’t look now but the fiat US dollar has been making new lows in value.

    Gold has not changed in value in 5,000 plus years.

    John Day

    @Kultsommer: Bush-I worked Iran-Contra cocaine smuggling into Arkansas with Governor Bill. They were old “bidness” partners…

    John Day

    Awaiting World War

    Gilbert Doctorow, Putin to reporter Pavel Zarubin: ‘NATO will be at war with us and our response will be appropriate to the perceived threat’​
    Pavel Zarubin, a journalist who seems to follow Vladimir Vladimirovich everywhere to gather material for his weekly Sunday evening show ‘Moscow, the Kremlin, Putin’ put to him the question that is as much on the minds of Russians as it is on the mind of us here in the West: how will Russia respond to the expected American and British go-ahead to Zelensky for use of their missiles to attack the heartland of Russia. Putin gave his answer speaking in a calm and deliberate tone. What he said has been picked up by global media, many of which have presented it to world audiences as being bellicose. It was not bellicose but it was open to various interpretations because its essence is that Russia’s response will be calibrated to the level of threat to itself that it sees in any coming attacks from Ukraine.
    ​ But before getting to the ‘punch line’ that everyone awaited, President Putin explained Russia’s understanding that what is at issue goes far beyond mere permission for Ukraine to use Western supplied long-range offensive weapons as it sees fit. Per Russian military evaluation, Ukraine by itself does not possess the satellite reconnaissance capability necessary to program the NATO-supplied missiles to target. For this it is totally dependent on NATO countries. More important still, Ukraine does not have the training, the skills to maintain and launch these missiles on its own. Two or three weeks training is utterly inadequate to manage these highly sophisticated weapons systems. Accordingly all of those functions must necessarily be carried out by technical people from the NATO country manufacturers of the weapons. For these reasons, Russia concludes that the missiles effectively represent NATO’s direct involvement in the conflict. The status of the conflict moves on from a proxy war to a full-blown war by NATO countries on Russia. That change in the nature of the war requires a change in the way Russia conducts itself. As Putin said, Russia will calibrate its response to any attack to the level of threat it perceives. Period.​..
    ..The fact is that Russia is mentally prepared for anything that the West can throw at it today via Ukraine, up to and including, for example, a missile attack on the Kursk nuclear power plant. Due to its unprotected outer structure, a strike there could result in a leakage of radioactivity similar to the Chernobyl catastrophe. We should not doubt that a Russian response to such an incident will be memorable if any of us survives it.​

    ​ Britain and the United States are on the verge of allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in Russia after accusing President Putin of “escalating” the conflict by accepting ballistic missiles from Iran.​

    ​ Will ‘Insane’ Biden Provoke World War III Before November Election?​ [Now being secretly negotiated in DC.]
    ​ Both countries nearly saw their worst fears realized during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when it appeared the US and USSR were unwilling to back down over the issue of nuclear missiles being placed just miles from each country’s border in Cuba and Turkey. The incident led to the establishment of a special hotline for US and Soviet leaders to communicate directly, and caused US President John F. Kennedy to remark that tensions between nuclear powers must never again rise to such a level.​..
    ​..“My fear is that [the United States] will try something really drastic like a false flag attack or maybe even a mini nuke,” said (former CIA Analyst, Ray) McGovern, concerned that the US could fabricate an episode such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident that drew the country into the Vietnam War. “Let’s see what happens the next couple of weeks. I think Putin is right. It’s only the smart thing to see who wins on the 5th of November. Till then, I’m still holding my breath.”​

    ​Simplicius, Zelensky’s Last Hail Mary Gets Off to Rocky Start
    It seems every news cycle there is now some major new development surrounding Ukraine, which threatens to plunge the war into some elevated state of risk and threat. This is by design because Zelensky and his curators need to constantly drum up a sense of advancement in the narrative, otherwise the increasingly dire situation on the front threatens to swallow the entire war effort whole.
    ​ Today that “shiny new object” meant to give UA supporters some small glint of hope is the information package surrounding permission for deep strikes into Russia.​..
    ​..Zelensky is traveling to the US to present his plan, which some sources have claimed has three points, which I outlined last time, but as reminder:
    ​ 1. Zelensky wants the US to allow long-range strikes into Russia with foreign missiles to destroy all military bases, airfields, ammunition and fuel depots within the European part of Russia.
    ​ 2. The West (US/NATO) must protect Western Ukraine with Polish and Romanian air defense systems from Russian retaliation strikes so Ukraine could transfer own air defense systems closer to the battlefield.
    ​ 3. The West must guarantee to be prepared to get more involved by sending ground troops to certain parts of Ukraine to free up Ukraine’s manpower which could be sent to the front lines. Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin’s leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal.​..
    ..However, we already have some sand to throw on the above via another breaking story, which is that infamous Russian pranksters Vovan & Lexus had just caught Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in their net. Sikorski directly addresses two of the points above, totally dispelling them. He was under the impression he was speaking to Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko as part of the gag.​ Here he plainly states that right now there is no chance for Poland, and likely the rest of NATO, in shooting down any Russian assets or joining the war​… In the slightly longer version, at the end he actually states: “We don’t want to confirm what Medvedev, Putin, and Russian propaganda has been accusing us of.” He’s saying that Poland does not want to validate the very reason behind Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is that the West intends to use Ukraine to directly attack Russia.​.. The relief, of course, is that Sikorski confirms: “There is no willingness in Europe to have a war with Russia, this is an absolute red line.”​…
    ..One of the problems is: major transnational conglomerates like BlackRock and the Soros Empire have all signed deals with Zelensky’s regime—and it’s in their great interest to keep those contracts active. Should Zelensky be removed, they know a new leader could annul their deals, causing trillions in future losses. Thus, it serves the cabal’s interests to keep as corrupt a regime in Ukraine in power as long as possible…
    ..The US will likely attempt to “sit on both chairs” by acceding to Ukraine’s demands to give them some more leeway in strikes, but still hoping to not provoke Russia into an uncontrollable or runaway escalatory spiral. This would logically entail Ukraine given conditional permission to strike certain conventional targets, but not anything even remotely sensitive, with a long list of red-line “no-gos” which would of course include things like nuclear plants, but even likely governmental or institutional structures, for instance—at the extreme end of the case—striking the Kremlin…
    ​..You’ll recall a couple reports ago I had detailed how the US itself may only have 1000-1500 total ATACMS in its inventory remaining and Ukraine was said to have received upwards of 200-300 of them… People are underestimating just how expensive the ATACMS is. At upwards of $1.5 to $1.7 million each, the total complement of ~300 would have cost around $500,000,000 dollars. The problem with this is that the US has very little military aid left to Ukraine, and its recent “packages” have been only a couple hundred million each, and that is needed to pay for a vast array of different types of ammunition for all systems​…
    ​..Of course, now there’s talk of JASSM missiles, and the above is merely the underscoring of the point I had made several articles ago where I stated that JASSMs do not represent some “new” wunderwaffe ability but rather the desperate measure of carrying over Ukrainian strike capability from the depleted ATACMS. The JASSMs are much cheaper, at reportedly $700k or so, and on top of that, the US has far more of them in stock—supposedly in the several thousands…
    ​..Lastly, let me state that despite the hubbub surrounding this, with many outlets reporting with near ‘certainty’ that permission is about to be, or has already been, granted, it seems to me like the opposite is the case, and Biden’s fear-stricken administration is flip-flopping as ever. The official statements today still resoundingly said “no policy change” is expected. My read is that they are desperately scrounging for some symbolic targets to allow Ukraine to hit, which can be approved with a secret backdoor handshake between Russia, where all parties can be satisfied.​..
    ​..One of the most significant revelations is that Sikorski states that the Trump team has privately told him Trump’s big “plan” to get Russia to agree to a ceasefire would essentially be to threaten Russia with escalation. This appears to confirm the rumors we’ve heard for a while and means that there’s no chance Trump could get Russia to actually accede because threats would be the last possible thing Russia would care about, particularly because this ‘escalation’ is claimed to be in the form of vastly increasing financial support to Ukraine. That would do nothing whatsoever—and Russia knows this—because you can print funny money but you can’t print arms, and US has little of significance left to really give Ukraine that could in any way affect the calculus of the war.​

    John Day

    ​ UK’s Starmer, Canada’s Trudeau, Pressure Biden To Escalate With Russia Despite Putin Warning Of ‘War’ With NATO
    Update(1450ET): Kirby came out on Friday and told reporters that there’s been no change in US policy regarding Ukraine using Western arms for long-rage strikes inside Russia. But the pressure is quickly ramping up: first Canada’s Trudeau said he supports greenlighting this, despite Putin making clear this would mean ‘direct war’ between Russia and NATO, and now UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is coming out in support. According to breaking reporting in The Wall Street Journal​.

    ​ Lavrov ridicules ‘divers on little boat’ Nord Stream-sabotage theory
    Those who believe such stories are “afraid of truth” and are shielding the Kiev regime, the Russian foreign minister said​

    ​ Britain saved tens of millions of pounds by sending scrapped equipment to Ukraine – FT
    ​ It is noted that a significant amount of British military equipment provided to Kyiv had little military value. However, sending such cargo to Ukraine, according to the publication, “reduced waste or costs associated with disposal.”​

    South Africa to submit Gaza war crimes evidence to UN court​, The BRICS member accuses Israel of having committed multiple atrocities​

    ​ ‘Everything around me was getting torn apart’: Israel commits another massacre in Gaza ‘safe zone’
    Israel committed another massacre in an area it has designated as a “safe zone.” The airstrikes buried entire families in the sand.​

    John Day

    ​ New video, witnesses challenge Israel’s account of U.S. activist’s killing
    The IDF said Aysenur Eygi was shot “unintentionally” during a “violent riot.” A Post analysis shows clashes had subsided and protesters had retreated.
    ​ BEITA, West Bank — It was Aysenur Eygi’s first time at a West Bank demonstration, and she was nervous.
    The 26-year-old Turkish American told fellow activists she hoped to be a “protective presence” for Palestinians at a time of spiraling violence across the Israeli-occupied territory.
    ​ “We had both decided we did not want to be near any action at all,” said Helen, a volunteer from Australia in her early 60s who was with Eygi throughout the day.
    ​ Eygi’s caution did not protect her. She was fatally shot in the head on Friday in the village of Beita, near Nablus, following brief clashes after Friday prayers. The Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday it was “very likely” she had been hit “unintentionally” by one of its soldiers. “The incident took place during a violent riot,” the statement said, and the fire was aimed at “the key instigator.”
    ​ But a Washington Post investigation has found that Eygi was shot more than a half-hour after the height of confrontations in Beita, and some 20 minutes after protesters had moved down the main road — more than 200 yards away from Israeli forces. A Palestinian teenager, who witnesses say was standing about 20 yards from Eygi, was wounded by Israeli fire; the IDF would not say if he was a target.
    ​ Citing an ongoing investigation, the IDF also declined to answer questions from The Post about why its forces fired toward the demonstrators so long after they had retreated, and from a distance where they posed no apparent threat.​..
    ​..On Friday morning, activists said, Eygi and four other volunteers hired a taxi in Ramallah, the de facto Palestinian capital in the West Bank, and drove about 30 miles north to Beita, a familiar flash point.
    ​ Palestinians there have been battling for decades to hold off the steady advance of Israeli settlers.​..
    ​..Helen slipped and fell during “the scary race down the road,” at one point spraining her ankle, she said, but the younger woman stayed with her, “being a protective strength.”
    ​ A video filmed at 1:22 p.m. shows the road next to the olive grove. A shot rings out.
    “They’re shooting with regular guns!” an activist says off-camera in Japanese. Steven Beck, an audio forensic expert who consulted for the FBI and reviewed the footage for The Post, said the pop heard on the video was consistent with a gunshot — a finding corroborated by a second audio expert, Rob Maher.
    ​ A minute later, the British activist called Eygi to check where she was, according to a call log viewed by The Post. Eygi told him she had already made it down the hill to the olive grove.​ “Stay there,” he recalls telling her.
    ​ Helen positioned herself behind a tree, she said, with Eygi to her left…​..“Gunshot!” an unseen woman can be heard screaming in the background. She pleads for an ambulance.
    In the olive grove, Helen saw Eygi drop facedown to the ground beside her. The older woman rolled her over. Blood was pouring from the left side of Eygi’s head, she said, and she was unresponsive…
    ​..During her training with ISM, Eygi had spoken about her fear that she “wouldn’t make a difference,” fellow activists said. Her death has now become a test case for U.S.-Israel relations, after 11 months of growing tensions between the two allies over the war in Gaza and Israeli policy in the West Bank.

    It certainly couldn’t have been done without them. Dick Cheney helped, too… Israel Did 9/11, W.M. Peterson

    Migrant Population In Charleroi, Pennsylvania Explodes 2,000% As Crisis Unfolds​

    Missed the special ​radio-coach-earrings at the debate, though… How to Steal an Election: US Conservatives Expose Democrats’ Playbook Ahead of 2024 Vote​

    ​ Charles Hugh Smith on our new paradoxical subjugation. What’s “Free” About “Free Speech”?
    Without being aware of it, we’ve privatized “free” speech in the form of digital monopolies.

    John Day

    Celia Farber explains Germany’s “Red Queen” court proceedings:
    Analysis By Joseph Molitorisz: Fuellmich Defense Denied Clarification Of What The Charge Against Him Is At This Point—Told To Wait Until Trial’s End?​

    ​ Another write-up about last week’s “Attack On Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back” symposium:
    ‘Don’t Eat the Bugs’: How to Reclaim Control Over the Food System
    ​ “Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back,” a two-day symposium featuring 40-plus speakers, brought together doctors, journalists, researchers, farmers and politicians to discuss what’s happened to the global food system — and how to fix it.​

    ​ They actually were not stupid, and they had both Polynesian and Native-American genetics, so the Polynesians had gotten to the New World before Columbus. European diseases appear to have killed off the islanders. Genetic Evidence Overrules Ecocide Theory of Easter Island Once And For All


    Don’t talk in your sleep.
    You could be accused of uttering threats against the gov.
    Yearlong criminal trial of ‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers comes to an end

    After 45 days of evidence and legal arguments the criminal trial of “Freedom Convoy” organizers Tamara Lich and Chris Barber is finally at an end.

    A verdict could be as much as six months away.


    Thomas Sowell: “the problem with CO2 driven warming is that the warming occurred prior to CO2 rising. “

    Fact-Check: United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.

    Dr D Rich

    What do you prefer, a memorial in Moscow or a prime cut of that $10 million?

    Here’s an oblique letter to Scott “Journalist Dissident” from X.

      US REPORTER AND ZELENSKY CRITIC REMEMBERED IN MOSCOW A memorial for American reporter Gonzalo Lira, who died in a Ukrainian prison on January 12, has been set up near the US Embassy in Moscow. Lira, a critic of NATO, the Biden administration, and Volodymyr Zelensky, reportedly faced torture, extortion, and medical neglect. A memorial poster reads: “Free speech is a threat to American democracy.” Lira, detained by Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) in May 2023, had severe health issues, including pneumonia and edema, which were ignored by authorities, according to a letter to his sister.

    Not all the comments on X are sympathetic to Gonzalo Lira’s saga especially this one:

      Lira is no hero, no journalist. before the war he was a dating guru, posting sleazy videos on youtube. he was married to a russian and lived near the russian border iirr. he was allegedly arrested for posting wartime info about Ukraine useful to russia.

    That sounds like The UN Weapons inspector.
    Is Ritter posting and publishing under a pseudonym now?

    If you get all or part of $10 million dollars, do you also get a monument in lieu of a memorial?

    Dr D Rich

    “Well, the thing is, with Fascism, sure, government and corporations merge, but they aren’t nice like Socialism, instead, they’re big meanies who don’t care about The (deplorable) Poors and….”

    …oh no.

    The National Socialist WELFARE STATE:

    for popout

    The nazis can’t be socialists because
    1) I am a socialist.
    2) I am a good person.
    3) The nazis were not good persons.
    4.) Therefore the nazis couldn’t possibly share any of my politics. As we all know, the way the world works is ‘the person who shares the most words in common with the nazis loses’. I don’t want to lose, so the nazis were not socialists and I remain a good person


    Jb hb You nailed it. I’m actually glad you joined those obvious dots for my lazy tired brain. (I’ve been playing a lot of music).
    Simple instructions like these are socialism help to destroy arguments that are being espoused waaaaaaaasay too often here in testing bed Australia.
    Our new censorship bill is fucking astonishing.

    Dr D Rich

    Where Richard Blumenthal, Roman Catholic D-Senator Conn., sets the table until kingdom come.
    Richard might even fit DeeBS and Drds definition of Liar and he demonstrated the stripes and backbone similar to Ike Eisenhower. Richard The Dick Blumenthal served out The Vietnam War in the rice paddies and exotic Vietnam provinces named Connecticut, and Washington D.C.. USMC reservist, made Man and Future Centimllionaire achieved one rank higher than Sen. JD Hamel Vance, SGT while wrapping himself in the vainglorious Dartos Tunic of combat service while, you know, never ever seving in combat.
    Richard apologized.

    So sorry.
    All’s fair in love and war.
    Catholics are wont to do that.

    Oh yeah, the table set by Richard “Richie Rich” Blumenthal:

      Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn), told reporters that lawmakers “will have a report very, very soon that I think will absolutely shock the American people about the lapses and lags in protection that was afforded that day and the breakdown in communication, failure and responsibility

    Notice, Richard is:
    1. Not naming names.
    2. Passive voice
    3. Carrying the water (Hersh, Colon Powell)
    4. Making the case for a non-apology apology noteworthy only for its emptiness.

    More about Richard Blumenthal’s bonafides for the task at hand and that is a response to Melania Trump’s public demand for a bonafide investigation into the assassination attempt on her husband. After all, the precedent was set in 1963, 1968 and 1999 as TPTB and Deep State murdered a non-Jew President and in succession his brother, 1968, and son, 1999.

    More on Richard The Dickhead Blumenthal

      From 1970 to 1976, Blumenthal served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, attaining the rank of sergeant. (((Wow! A Yale guy like JD)))

      Dick ONLY received 5 Draft deferments. (((Most of those went to Christian Catholics btw, numbers))

      A Made Man from Mommy’s Money and member of the Democratic Party, he is one of the wealthiest members of the Senate,[3] with a net worth over $100 million. He was Attorney General of Connecticut from 1991 to 2011.

      During his 2010 Senate campaign, news report videos that showed Blumenthal claiming he had served in Vietnam created a controversy. He denied having intentionally misled voters, but acknowledged having occasionally “misspoken” about his service record. He later apologized to voters for remarks about his military service that he said had not been “clear or precise”.


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