Debt Rattle September 18 2024


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    René Magritte The song of love 1948   • 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel’s Pager Attack On Hezbollah (ZH) • Gunman Lurked For 12 Hours Before Tr
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 18 2024]

    Dr. D


    BlackRock commercial is fascinating, and I agree with the statistics, but like, HOW is that process done? And WHY would you put a…jobs…man into your commercials? On purpose? That’s not even like “Warming them so it’s their own fault.”

    ““The Israeli spy agency placed a quantity of PETN, a highly explosive material, on the batteries of the CIVILIAN devices, and detonated them ON CIVILIANS by raising the temperature”

    I mean, unless you can prove Hamas had their own battery purchasing company.

    Next question: how many of these batteries escaped throughout the middle east and are in purchase streams in Egypt, Jordan, Cyprus…? We just trust 1) None ever escaped and 2) The ones that escaped will never meet high temperatures? Not even at disposal factory?

    “• Gunman Lurked For 12 Hours Before Trump’s Last-minute Game Of Golf (BBC)

    Martenson was all over this guy’s astonishing arrest background (Holed himself up with an illegal machinegun, fought police for 3 hours, no charges) but did point out that OBVIOUSLY when Trump is near, you can see his security detail. Things change because of it. So he doesn’t have to know Trump, just look for the motorcade and detail. Okay, um, sure. Prove it though. That’s a lot of hours and a lot of days to sit on the side of the road with sandwiches and not get seen. We know his car was right there too, since he drove away in it. Is there unlimited free parking?

    “A quick-thinking Secret Service agent had opened fire in the direction of the suspect,”

    Uhhhh….okay, but he was shooting at a kid with a BB gun? He was firing warning shots into the air? He was DEFINITELY shooting into a busy highway otherwise. Reporters: dumber than a box of rocks and twice as active. NO questions. Doesn’t even occur to them. WAS it Secret Service? Because they didn’t speak or take credit, or was it his own grounds security, w/ USSS just on the cart around him?

    “He had been lurking there on the public side of a fence since 01:59”

    AM or PM Mr. Box-of-Rocks reporter? How do they know this? So they knew he was there all along, but didn’t pick him up until then? Not saying there’s a conspiracy here but you could add “A quick check from local Ring cameras showed he parked his car at 1:59 AM.”

    What else? Also had full-on ceramic body armor. Okay. …And then just pulled over when challenged by police and was arrested without any resistance. You’re going to fight your way out to the death and ALSO surrender like a mouse? Both. You’re going to take a long sniper shot but ALSO use a gun with a 100m accuracy. You’re going to escape (he did) but ALSO post your GoPro footage. Rightee. Well, if you’ve watched “Tiger Kings” that’s not unusual in America.

    ““It was only after she later chased reporters with a machete that the college fired Rodríguez. She was then hired by another college.”

    That’s what I want out of all my Professors. Machete skills. Only matched by nunchuk skills.

    ““There is no remaining step between firing U.S. missiles deep into Russian territory and a nuclear exchange. We cannot get any closer to the brink than this..”

    This is Russia’s point. They would win if only the missiles get close enough you can’t call on the phone and double-check. Then ANY accident…which happen regularly, or can be staged, and have…will cause a launch. Problem solved! Bankruptcy avoided! Population reduction achieved! The tiny handful of total psychos find a gap in the wall of all us normal, non-deranged people.

    “Their logic seems to be that if you goad a bear five times and it doesn’t respond, it is safe to goad him even harder a sixth time.”

    They’re not market traders. Each time a stock goes higher you’re closer to the END, not the beginning.

    “To control Ukraine’s minerals? No vital American interest is at stake.”

    No but a vital interest of LONDON, and Europe is. The Jewish crew at Jimmy Dore pointed out that “This is the perfect machine” and “you don’t end up with a perfect machine that takes decades to build on accident”. The Left is entirely knocked out of AntiWar, out of being involved, because of carefully placed, engineered, land mines installed in them over identity politics. Now they can’t protest the nuclear holocaust because, say, a Jew might be marching AntiWar in the Bronx. He’s not allowed to march with a gay there, who can’t march with a gun-owning Blue Dog, and NOBODY can march with a Republican from Staten Island.

    Answer: NO antiwar at all.

    Oh wait: there’s plenty of antiwar, plenty of vocal resistance: it’s all on the REPUBLICAN side. You can tell because people so far to the far left as Jimmy Dore, a whole leap further left than Bernie, are now “Radical Far Right” because they’re against the end of all life on earth. As are any other Leftists, moderate, Left, or Far-Left, who are antiwar. Just ask. They’ll report Bernie is a Nazi (Jacobean Mag), Bernie Bro Rogan is Hitler, Center full-support-social-programs Pool is far-right, and RFK is Putler-Hitler times a million.

    But only if they are against war, and would undo the careful tripwires they have spent since 1994 installing to specifically and purposefully cause a worldwide nuclear exchange.

    Don’t believe me? Get a pencil, make a matrix, and check the box. For: Against: If you’re FOR war, FOR worldwide nuclear exchange, FOR torture, like Dick Cheney, you’re not Hitler, you’re made of pure tolerance and love, welcomed into the Party.

    Musk: text is probably a bad idea, but it’s logically nowhere near the line. This reminds me of Sargon’s (Benjamin) text on an MP “I wouldn’t even rape her.” He was arrested for NOT wanting to rape her, and calling on his people to ALSO not and never rape her. That’s a crime now.

    Life is really hard when you have no sense of humor, can’t understand it, while normal humans are telling jokes. It’s like this incomprehensible mass, and you know they’re saying something but can’t decode it. Since lacking any and all sense of humor, in any way, they sometimes make mistakes like this. Like other scolding church ladies, it makes you mad.

    “Did you run out of mirrors?” she asked, commenting on the American allegations.”

    Ah…case in point of jokes they’ll be arrested for.

    “people will reply that she is not for price controls as such.”

    REAL price controls have never been tried. Calling for price controls is not a price control. You must have misunderstood me. When I called for collecting all your guns, it wasn’t gun control or collecting your guns. God, I’m so tired of narcissists. Can’t we commit them all already?

    “No one wants the investigation so they will comply with de facto controls. No one knows for sure what gouging is.”

    So we legally have a legal thing that is anything. All things. Classic narcissistic abuse, and slicing the salami installation of full Socialism. “Oh we just need to check the controls on yellow pencils.” Wait: to do that, we need to control the price of all lumber, all paint, all graphite, all mining, all shipping, all selling….

    “• Hillary Demands Criminal Charges For Americans “Engaged” In “Propaganda” (ZH)

    I agree. But “Propaganda” is run by Government. So you first. Human RIghts violations are worth $1M in civil court, right?

    “• Macron’s Impeachment Clears First Hurdle in Left-Dominated National Assembly (Sp.)

    Thank God something’s happening somewhere. So bored I can’t stand it.

    “how to get out of the predicament of their own making without changing course on Russia and a host of other issues, and Draghi delivered — as long as you don’t let reality get in the way. His answer? More money.”

    Ah, but it’s not more MONEY. Money is a positive asset. He wanted more BORROWING. Trillions$$$$. (And lo! Then a Miracle happened and the only way to do that is to set the EU unelected commission with unlimted taxing power.) Because they have a debt problem and are collapsing, $1 Trillion in the next 6 months is the answer!

    FBI, huh-whut? They look like guys from Home Depot, not FBI. Total randos. And then can’t even do anything obvious, legal, and procedural, like show ID? WTF? Soooo….were these guys reading his thing online and came over themselves, unbidden?

    Yeah, this is what it’s like now, but both from the FBI-attempt side and the American citizen side.

    Tiger so smart he doesn’t calculate the reaction of the human cameraman? All the time online: nobody but you, me, and the cameraman.

    Dr. D



    Election – Peaceful transfer of power

    A poll released by the University of Chicago; 26 million Americans believe “the use of force” is justified to keep Trump from regaining the presidency.

    Hate, Anger, Rage is liberating, it is righteous and passionate.

    In the name of “saving democracy.” It is the ultimate form of self-delusion that one saves democracy by committing political violence against those with whom you disagree.

    Everybody is doing it, biased approach
    Social platform, (RT), Propaganda, disinformation, and lies is spread to millions if not billions around the world,” State Department spokesman Jamie Rubin told journalists on Friday, following Blinken’s remarks.

    Meta has faced legal issues in Russia after allowing exemptions in its rules forbidding hate speech. Meta management ruled that Ukrainians were entitled to call for violence against Russians and to hail extreme nationalists fighting against Russia on its platforms. Moscow labeled Meta an extremist organization and banned Facebook and Instagram in Russia.

    Meta’s Ban on Sputnik ‘Very Bad’ and Politicized Decision – Analyst–analyst-1120173805.html
    Chose a control method
    Price controls lead to shortages of anything they touch, especially in inflationary times.

    When there is a shortage of anything, price control will prevent inflation and allow rationing, distribution control.
    Aaron Mate: “To make her, (Hillery), argument against free speech, she invokes the Russiagate scam that itself was the product of her campaign’s own propaganda.
    Amid claims that Trump is a “danger to this country and the world,” Hillary Clinton
    “EU Competitiveness: Looking Ahead”
    ( More money. Lots of it. (Inflation).He calls for massive infusions of cash into multiple sectors: green, tech, energy, and of course defense. According to Draghi, the price tag is a minimum of 800 billion euros annually until 2030.)
    The future of European competitiveness: Report by Mario Draghi


    armed with a ZIP Code data set and a US Census data set identifying a polling demographic to produce a desired result is not a major task. In the case of the 26 million in the Turley piece above, yellow jouranlism describing yellow jounalism. Linking a poll with an unkown sample size and unknown demographic to the behavior of a specific individual is low caste emotional prostitution.

    One would think that persons who are fully immeshed in media would have a better understanding of information harvesting. The social network platforms, as we know, are harvesting information for US federal agencies. Everyone who likes or shares a social network post is sharing their information with the publlic at large. Sixty six days plus today have elapsed since July 13, 2024. To believe that only the deep state or the “Swamp” are mining social networks would truly make someone worth of a Darwin Award. Someone knows the two persons in the twitter video and by the end of this week and in this day of likes and shares they will be identified. Hate and terror are one thing, the perspective of Jeffersonian populists is another.

    How does one not understand the that to constitute is a verb? How does one not understand that the US Constitution is the composition of The Nation? How does one become so self absorbed that they fail to recognize the number of families in the United Stated who have lost a son or daughter defending the Constitution, The Nation? How can a person be so lacking in intelligence that they fail to understand seeking to dissolve The Constitution of the United States is treason?

    There are humans beings who have and who will struggle against all odds to insure The United States of American will long endure. Keep broadcasting, tweeting and facetiming your treason, you make protecting and defending The Constituion much easier. You are not anonymous.

    Gov has plans for Ryan Routh, states rights vs federal bureacracy. Ron is our best since Lee Roy Collins

    Dr D Rich

    …as opposes to discriminate killing.

    I’m having a really difficult time today, you know, finding myself in agreement with DBS or DrD, both.

    DBS: pagers, cellphones, computers, automobile computer/circuitry, medical equipment, …..

    Drd: war crimes, indiscriminate versus deliberate discrimination against Anwar al-Awlaki’s children, Nawar 9yo and 16yo Abdulrahman OR discriminating against Fallujah’s children a fact known to CEO Beebe David Tam’s subordinate, Pediatric Surgeon, Sandy Tomita who was at Fallujah, Mattis’s tour de force. What happened to the pediatric specialty’s affirmative duty to report child abuse? Tell me war crimes against children don’t count as child abuse.

    I never wielded a machete or donned a clown’s suit to work. Yet my employment was compromised by ppl in clown’s suits (chief of the medical staff and directoress of nursing) and reemployment hampered for being formidable, assertive and interested in justice long before self-aggrandizement.

    So, the Israelis mostly Jews engaged in indiscriminate harm, terrorizing operations, deliberately aiming to maim or kill a targeted population. Is it so?


    Dr D Rich

    opposed vice opposes

    John Day

    Kamala Safe And In Stable Condition After Attempted Interview

    John Day

    New Wave Of Blasts Rock Beirut For 2nd Day: Hand-Held Radios Explode, Over 300 Wounded

    Dr D Rich

    It took pagers, two way radios, and other electronic devices remotely detonated by ?Israelis? to notice Society never should have entrusted power, authority and leadership to the Personality-disordered jerks, ie. Schizoids, Schizotypals, Narcissists and psychopaths.
    No better examples of this utterly predictable disaster exist beyond Bill Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Machete-wielding female Professor. Yet, here we are.

    In other news, American University in Beirut knew better.

      People on twitter are noting that this attack has much bigger implications for the safety and security of tech, and that ‘Israel’ was remarkably unconcerned with the bigger implications

    State cleared the United States. Neat-o.

    In unrelated news to which we all can relate:

      The U.S. State Dept says the U.S. was not involved in the pager explosions in Lebanon and was not aware of the incident beforehand. In unrelated news, the American University of Beirut Medical Center replaced the pagers of their doctors and staff 2 weeks ago.

    Time to go all Huawei and all Chinese.
    Can anyone trust Taiwan?


    Mario Draghi thinks the EU should load up on debt, to the tune of $800 billion a year until 2030?
    There’s that year again. “It’s 2030 and you will own nothing.”
    Is this the latest bank bailout idea from the EU?


    “Israel blew up thousands of personal radios (Walkie-Talkies) which were used by Hezbollah members in Lebanon in a second wave.
    At least nine new fatalities and over 300 injured in this second day of explosions.
    ( a Hezbollah walkie-talkie exploded during a funeral in the Dahiyeh suburb of Beiru)

    Are the 9 new ‘fatalities’ and 300 wounded sub humans? Irrelevant?


    The pagers/radios thing should be a wakeup call

    Are you the least bit inconvenient or unwanted or unnecessary in any way whatsover? Merely not in agreement and using oxygen better used by people who DO agree?

    3 letter programs to intercept packages and switch out or alter things in them were exposed years ago

    If it goes through standard carriers, it is part of this well-established program from many years ago.

    Computer? Food? Nutritional supplements? All easily re-routed. If you are the least bit objectionable to 3 letter agencies, you should probably reconsider, at the very least, vitamins and nutritional supplements that arrive via Amazon, Fedex, or UPS. And obviously, anything technological.

    “We hack EVERYBODY”


    holy fuck 50bps rate cut?

    BUT WHY?


    Could these exploding devices with lithium batteries be triggered by 5G?

    Following not quoted in the NC article about Europe.

    ‘This is not a plan to “save” Europe. It is part of the ongoing effort to recreate Europe as a neoliberal paradise for the financial sector and an anti-Russian servant to Washington.’

    Conditions may be right for the lame duck German government to give in this time. Unless they join with other hard money members of the EU and make a decisive break from those with their hands out. If they stick to their guns, Draghi and his big budget plans are dead in the water.
    EU Austerity. Sure. The drive to move money away from things like health, roading, policing etc, and put it into financial instruments for the wealthy and the MIC. Probably the bulk of it goes on armaments.

    Now for Scheherazade.


    holy fuck 50bps rate cut?

    BUT WHY?

    NOT to hep you.
    It’s to hep the investors/bankers/gov. to keep the system operating.


    The Democrat party has devolved to have no platform, essentially. They have NO plans to help the american people. None. No positive steps! And rather than re-thinking their approach when Trump was elected, they went into a fugue state and double triple quadrupled down on insanity.

    The path TO sanity and usefulness is arduous, gradual. Jordan Peterson recommends you start with making your bed, then cleaning your room. Not bad advice at all.

    As a next step, I recommend that the Democrats start extremely small. Just do some tiny, minimal thing that is helpful, constructive, and true. Then review how that made them feel. Once they make themselves useful in however small a way, I think they will find that constructive, helpful, DECENT behavior suits them. From there, they can build themselves up to better, greater, more positive behaviors.

    But where to start? As small as possible. Just ANY tiny thing that actually betters america.

    I propose they start by destroying the myth that Randy Rhodes was The Greatest Guitarist Evar.

    By choosing a helpful – but of little consequence – issue, they can experiment with, experience, the totally novel feeling of being positive, helpful, forthcomingly honest and helpful and true. Just to see what that shit is LIKE. Starting as small as possible is the first step to recovery, self-betterment.

    I finally took some time, when I had a household project, to listen to Ride The Lightning from start to finish – supposedly Metallica’s best work. My reaction: “Sir. No, sir. Sir! NO. Joe Satriani isn’t even dead, yet he is spinning in his grave. NO, sir.”

    Hammet plays “the mode.” Whatever mode his muscle memory recalls at the time. Absolutely, he spent time woodshedding, getting those modes under his fingers, every pattern on the fretboard. Absolutely he developed his chops, no doubt. But he plays ANY mode over ANY chord. I don’t think I will EVER listen to Ride The Lightning a second time.

    I decide, hey, Randy Rhodes was supposed to be the OTHER Eddie Van Halen. The Best Guitarist Evar. Let’s finally give him a listen at length.

    Same deal. Playing The Mode. Whatever mode is under his fingers, that his muscle memory recalls. Holy cow, THIS was the tragic loss of a genius? In my youth, I was cornered by overbearing persons with a boombox at parties, unavoidable social interactions, college dorm neighbors, etc almost physically pinning me down and making me listen to song after song from this dude as THE ABSOLUTE BEST. But he plays the wrong notes. Wrong! All the time. And unlike jazz cats, he never bothers to make the wrong notes right!

    After Rhode’s death, Night Ranger’s guitarist, Brad Gillis, came in with only 2 weeks to learn and rehearse, and the tour he was on resulted in the widely-recognized best Ozzy live album Speak Of The Devil. If a guy can come in with 2 weeks to prepare and be the best ever LIVE… what does that tell you???

    Rhodes himself came to Ozzy, letting him know he wanted to go to music school and study classical music. If he did go to conservatory, he definitely would have learned how to play diatonically, how to play inside the chord changes, and how to spin “wrong” notes into rightness like a jazz cat. I suspect Rhodes WOULD have done some seriously cool shit in coming years, had he not died. Gillis played diatonically, occasionally working himself chromatically into harmonic tension and then resolving that tension. I’d rather a Brad Gillis operating within the key than a Rhodes playing random modes from muscle memory.

    Once we’ve dispelled the Rhodes hologram – with sufficient recognition for his potential and actual contributions to music – we can move on to the next tiny step:

    Phil Collins was the greatest rock drummer of all time. Certainly we do NOT want to compare him to jazz drummers, but he beats out everyone else. In popularity, in versatility, in technical accomplishment. BETTER than Bruford, Peart or Palmer. Or anyone else. Able to swing or not swing. Always serving the song 110%. Absolutely killing it at pop music, prog-rock, and jazz fusion. Let us disillusion ourselves of these long held falsities. The cabbage-patch-kid-headed drummer, no matter how we liked his singing, was the best (Rock) drummer.

    RATT and Dokken’s guitarists, after a variety of events, ended up with each others’ lead guitarists, who called each other on the phone and had a decent human conversation – did this state of affairs make any SENSE? No. So as gentlemen, they agreed to switch bands. And so it was. Human beings. Doing stuff, working stuff out, person to person, solving problems automatically without some overwatch person enforcing “fairness”

    No really, the greatest rock drummer, much as it pained me to realize


    As the next democrat presidential candidate, I promise to educate Randy Rhodes holdouts by encouraging them to listen to as much Alan Holdsworth and John Scofield music as humanly possible, but as remedial listening, to study Frampton Comes Alive to develop a modal-use vocabulary – what it actually sounds like when someone plays inside the chord changes instead of diatonically or mindlessly outside the key due to sheer muscle memory. A tour de force in USING modes as opposed to merely playing modes. Seriously underrated.


    This would still be microscopically, pedantically, more positive than the current Democrat agenda


    “Could these exploding devices with lithium batteries be triggered by 5G? ”

    Having worked for a wireless service provider in many capacities including Tier 2 Tech Support, I feel fairly certain that the signal would drop to 4g or 3g or even 2g as needed. Backwards compatibility is essential. …when convenient to the entity in question.

    We even maintained legacy analog wireless for far longer than anyone would expect

    Dr. D

    It’s all in Kingsmen: The cell phone makes you attack and hate and kill anyone nearby. Then it explodes your head off.

    Gosh I love technology.

    For drummers, I’ve got one I love, Nelsson, but for all I can find, he’s a session drummer, no idea who he is. Honestly for drummers? Brubeck, Joe Morello, there’s a lot of good ones, I don’t mind if they use muscle memory if it all “Works”. Training can get in your way a lot, but if used correctly it can be leveraged. The note here is training means nothing a lot of the time. Be being untrained OBVIOUSLY does not make you a Shao Lin master.


    First time hearing Nilsson, which just confirms my theory that people tend to love stuff from 4 years before they were born to 2 years after they were born. Loved it.

    We’re now reaping a crop of kids born in the 90’s early 00’s and you can hear Buffalo Tom, Pavement, and Sun Kil Moon…


    No love for Keith Moon or Charlie Watts as rock drummers? There’s more to being in a band than just keeping time. Too bad bands are so last century.

    As mentioned, jazz is a whole different animal.
    Kenny Clarke, Shelly Manne, Peter Erskine keep the groove without taking over.


    From PepeEscobar – Telegram

    The pagers that blew up or blinded 3,200 people – including Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon – were manufactured in the Czech Republic.

    The shipment was purchased in early March by a Qatari – with delivery to Beirut.

    The manufacturing company, operating under license from the Taiwanese parent company, Golden Apollo, is owned by a – surprise! – Jewish American.

    The explosive device and the printed circuit board with the malicious code were installed still at the factory in the Czech Republic.

    The batch was shipped by sea from Hamburg to Lebanon.
    The pagers were equipped with tracking sensors. Mossad could detect where Hezbollah operatives as well as civilians were gathering and where were they going.

    Forty seconds before detonation, the pagers sounded a high-pitched alarm – and self-destructed.

    The pagers started to get very hot an hour before the explosion. A significant number of potential victims moved them away from themselves. But the 3,200 victims did not.

    Israeli Jew Zionazis, Czechs (who have historically been complete cowards and supported whomever occupied them), Taiwan (Ukraines retarded cousins) and the American Terrorist Regime (currently led by Democrats- but does it really matter when it comes to its master Zioisrael ?)

    Military Terrorism , pure and simple. This should unleash a new wave of blood bathing for the 4 mentioned Rogue nations. They bathe in human blood, they power trip, they rape and mutilate children for pleasure.

    While retarded scum addicted assholes around here chat about drummers and guitarists… No wonder the West is full of complete retards. Disgusting and stupid to the core.

    “For the people, by the people, of the people… Except the American people are fucking retards”


    citizenx said

    The manufacturing company, operating under license from the Taiwanese parent company, Golden Apollo, is owned by a – surprise! – Jewish American.

    And you can bet your ass that the person who ordered them for Hezbolah was, in reality, working for Mossad. How dumb is the leadership of Hezbolah, to not only order these devices from such a compromised supplier, but then just one day later a bunch of their radios explode?

    Hezbolah and Iran should know better than anyone that Israel is the product of terrorism, the product that proves the point that terrorism and violence works, if backed by a strong enough ally; the USA is the world’s biggest support of terrorism, just look at their deformed baby ISIS. Mind you, Israel and the USA still use terrorism on the Palestinian and other arab populations.

    You can be sure that this will be a wakeup call for many other regimes, not least the people in the USA who buy anything that could have passed through Jew hands. If they are putting explosives into devices, you are fucked. You cannot get anything delivered without US customs having access, and who runs US customs, the US government controlled by the Jews.

    Looks like Israel is trying to terrorise the whole world, except for China, where I get stuff delivered without the assistance of Satan’s Jews.

    John Day

    I’m Not Bluffing this Time

    George Galloway interviewed Scott Ritter this past weekend. Ritter said that direct strategic warfare between the US/NATO and Russia was narrowly averted last Friday.
    Seventy-two minutes to end the world​

    ​Yesterday Gilbert Doctorow argued that Ritter had overstated his case for the risk of rapidly escalating war, based somewhat upon Putin-psychology, but not considering that there might have been further threats to Russia, not known to bystanders. Information and disinformation

    ​ Has Russia Deployed Its Nuclear Subs to Britain & USA?​ Yes. In response to handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, on September 12th, Russia deployed its Project 885 “Yasen” Class subs with Zircon Hypersonic Missiles. As I have said, I have met with members of Congress and they said the risk of war was with China – not Russia. I have explained that they are being pointed in the opposite direction so the Neocons have free reign.
    I do not think that the press is telling the full story here and how the West is pushing Russia to war. Putin has been the ONLY adult in the room.​

    ​ Negotiate with Moscow to end the Ukraine war and prevent nuclear devastation​, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump Jr.
    ​ The New York Times reported Thursday that the Biden administration is considering allowing Ukraine to use NATO-provided long-range precision weapons against targets deep inside Russia. Such a decision would put the world at greater risk of nuclear conflagration than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis.
    ​ At a time when American leaders should be focused on finding a diplomatic off-ramp to a war that should never have been allowed to take place, the Biden-Harris administration is instead pursuing a policy that Russia says it will interpret as an act of war. In the words of Vladimir Putin, long-range strikes in Russia “will mean that NATO countries — the United States and European countries — are at war with Russia.”​

    John Day

    ​ Probably nothing… Secret Service Director Makes Cryptic Reference To Coming ‘Geopolitical Event, Kinetic Conflict’ That Could Endanger US Leaders
    ​ Ronald Rowe Jr., the Secret Service’s acting director, when giving a briefing Monday from West Palm Beach, described the challenges of protecting Trump and lessons learned going forward. While critics have pointed out the glaring failures that would allow two near-miss assassination attempts on the former president and Republican nominee carried out a mere two months apart, he defended his agency, saying it had put in place the “highest levels of protection” as directed by Biden, which consisted of “counter sniper team elements” and “local tactical assets.”
    ​ The Acting Secret Service Director then said: “There could be another geopolitical event that could put the United States into a kinetic conflict or some other- uh- some other issue, that may result in additional responsibilities and protectees of the Secret Service.”​

    ​ The Secret Service had to leave gaps for their assassins. Bombshell Whistleblower Report Exposes Major Security Failures In First Trump Assassination Attempt
    ​ The report reveals that systemic failures, poor decision-making, and a lack of proper resource allocation within the Secret Service contributed to what is being described as a near-catastrophic breach of presidential security. These findings have sparked a call for urgent oversight and reform of the agency, raising serious questions about its ability to protect national leaders.​

    ​Back to Florida: Would-be Trump assassin exploited security hole that Secret Service has known about for years — and the pictures prove it

    ​ Gunman lurked for hours before Trump’s last-minute game of golf
    ​ A gunman hid for nearly 12 hours in bushes before Donald Trump played an unscheduled game of golf at his oceanfront club in Florida… The former president was on the fifth fairway at 13:31 EDT (17:31 GMT), an area adjacent to busy roads near Palm Beach International Airport, when a member of his protection detail spotted a rifle poking out of foliage by the sixth hole.​

    Explosives Reported Near Trump Rally On Long Island As Police Hunt For Suspect
    ​ Officers conducting a routine K9 sweep discovered an explosive device in a vehicle parked near the rally venue. The report comes just three days after a would-be assassin was arrested at Trump’s Palm Beach golf club.
    ​ According to the Daily Mail, the driver of the car with explosives ran into the woods. According to Lalino’s report on X, the suspect bolted from the car, leaving law enforcement scrambling to locate him.​ “No one saw if he had anything on him, they just saw him take off running,” one source reportedly told Lalino.​

    John Day

    ​ CNN Worries That Trump Assassination Attempts Are HELPING Him Politically
    Juliette Kayyem, a former Department of Homeland Security official under Obama, labelled the situation a “problem” and “unfortunate” because it is making Trump more popular.​

    ​ After Overwhelming Pro-Trump Polling, Teamsters Will Not Endorse Any Candidate For First Time Since 1996
    One of the largest unions in the country which endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election, the Teamsters found that 58% of members polled back Trump vs. 31% for Harris.​

    ​ ‘Deep State Knows It Cannot Cheat Kamala In’ – Martin Armstrong Fears Washington’s Plan To “Trap Trump Into War”
    ​ Martin Armstrong predicted less than a month ago that there would be another assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and the Deep State was going to do everything possible to start a war with Russia… All the chaos, debate fraud and push for World War III comes down to the Deep State knows it cannot cheat enough to put Kamala Harris into the White House in November.
    ​ Forget the phony polls where they all say Kamala is running neck and neck with Trump.
    ​ Armstrong says his “Socrates” computer program shows Kamala’s real approval rating is around 10%, and all his computer models say Kamala is going to lose big in November no matter how much they cheat. Armstrong says, “Just about everybody in politics looks at Socrates now because its track record on politics has been phenomenal for 30 years. They know what is going on.”
    ​ So, is the Biden Administration panicking with this second clumsy attempt to assassinate Trump while playing golf? Is our own government trying to kill Trump because they know they cannot win?​ Armstrong says, “I believe so. . . . Look, these people have been warmongers. . . . This is their power.”​ “They have gotten so close to destroying Russia, which is their end goal here. Handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, this is like hiring somebody to kill your spouse and then saying, well, he shot, I didn’t” ​… “Trump and RFK Jr. are against war…​ My concern here is they need to create war before January, if not even before the election. I think this is what all this stuff is about with the long-range missiles to shoot into Russia. If Trump does get in, they have to trap him into war.​ The whole nonsense about Russia Gate and all the rest was because Trump is against war…​ The neocons called Trump Putin’s puppet because Trump will not engage in war against Russia. This is what this is all about.”

    ​ Not Just ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’: Hillary Demands Criminal Charges For Americans “Engaged” In “Propaganda”
    Amid claims that Trump is a “danger to this country and the world,” Hillary Clinton – the original sinner of ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’-propaganda – has called for anyone spreading “misinformation” to be criminally charged as a “better deterrence” ahead of the election.​..
    ​..”I think it’s important to indict the Russians, just as Mueller indicted a lot of Russians who were engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016.​ But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence, because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States,” Clinton told Maddow.​

    ​ Gilbert Doctorow, ‘Dialogue Works’: edition of 18 September 2024​
    To my mind it is essential to mention that the Deep State, which, as these gentlemen say, is normally a force for continuity in the government of any of the Great Powers as they deal with the complexities of the world, lost all balance of skills and judgment back in 2002 when it was gutted by Vice President Dick Cheney. At that time, in the wake of 9/11 and in the midst of the War on Terror, Cheney carried out a purge of the State Department and of the intelligence services with a view to making them highly partisan, which is to say, bastions of Neocon thinking.
    ​ At this same time, whatever objectivity in the CIA and similar that one might expect from lifelong bureaucrats, was destroyed when whole swathes of that bureaucracy were forcibly retired, ostensibly to replace now superfluous expertise (Sovietologists, Russianists) with much needed expertise on current threats (Middle East experts). The situation was made still worse by the decision of Cheney and his colleagues to hasten the process of acquiring expert advice by outsourcing a large proportion of all intelligence work to commercial suppliers working from Open Sources and therefore needing no high- level security clearances. It is not that the new contractors lacked skills, because many of them actually had been Government employees before being made redundant. What matters is that the experts hired within the context of short-term contracts necessarily tailor their reports to the known desires of those signing their contracts in order to get extensions and new contracts. Net net: what they provide in their reports is what they know the Bosses want to hear, whether or not it is objectively correct.​

    John Day

    ​ Israel’s Mossad planted explosives in 5,000 pagers imported by Lebanon’s Hezbollah: sources
    Exploding pagers used in apparent Israeli attacks in Lebanon were made in Hungary, Taiwanese firm says
    ​ Israel’s Mossad spy agency planted explosives inside 5,000 pagers imported by Lebanese group Hezbollah months before Tuesday’s detonations that killed 12 people, a senior Lebanese security source and another source told Reuters.
    ​ Lebanese health Minister Firass Abiad said on Wednesday that two children were among the 12 killed.
    ​ The operation, with a trail running from Taiwan to Budapest, was an unprecedented Hezbollah security breach that saw thousands of pagers explode across Lebanon, wounding nearly 3,000 people, including many of the group’s fighters and Iran’s envoy to Beirut. Explosions were also reported in Damascus, Syria.
    ​ The Lebanese security source said the pagers were from Taiwan-based Gold Apollo, but the company said in a statement it did not manufacture the devices. It said they were made by a company called BAC – based in the Hungarian capital – which has a licence to use its brand.​..
    ​..The senior Lebanese source said the devices had been modified by Israel’s spy service “at the production level”.
    ​ “The Mossad in​serted a board inside of the device that has explosive material that receives a code. It’s very hard to detect it through any means. Even with any device or scanner,” the source said.
    ​ The source said 3,000 of the pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, simultaneously activating the explosives.
    Another security source told Reuters that up to three grams of explosives were hidden in the new pagers and had gone “undetected” by Hezbollah for months. ​

    ​ Moon of Alabama, Israel’s Pager Attack
    ​ Back in February Hizbullah had urged its affiliates to avoid smart-phones, which can be controlled by foreign intelligence services, and to instead use pagers to receive text messages and alarms when necessary.
    ​ Israel must have recognized that suggestion as a chance to infiltrate the supply chain for these communication tools.
    ​ It somehow managed to manipulate pager shipments to Lebanon some of which would be acquired by Hizbullah and its affiliates. Yesterday specific encoded messages were sent to the manipulated pagers. Some moments later they started to blow up. Eleven people were killed and some 4,000 were wounded.
    ​ Not all people killed or wounded were members of Hizbullah. Pagers are also used by emergency and volunteer services. Western media avoid to call this attack a terrorist operation. But just ask yourself how they would describe the attack if this had happened to the other side of the conflict.
    ​ Pagers are not an exclusive means of Hizbullah. The attack was indiscriminate. The explosions happened in many situations of daily life – during visits in shops (vid), in driving cars in the middle of traffic, near to bystanders including children.
    ​ The pagers were sold under the brand name of Gold Apollo, a Taiwanese company specialized in such devices. But, according to the company, the devices sold in Lebanon were manufactured under license by the Hungarian company BAC Consulting KFT.
    ​ Lowkey writes:
    ​ The CEO and founder of BAC is Cristiana Arcidiacono-Barsony, who describes herself as a strategic adviser in internal affairs with international experience in the Middle East.
    ​According to her academic profile she studied at SOAS and LSE universities in London.
    ​ The above points to an MI-6 involvement in the affair.
    ​ Elijah Magnier reports (vid) that the delivery of the pagers had been held up for several months by customs in a Middle Eastern country. The time was allegedly used by Israeli services to dismantle the devices and to replace their original Lithium-Ion batteries with ones which included explosives and birdshot to create a maximum of damage. The electronics of the devices were manipulated to trigger delayed explosions after the pager received a certain coded message.
    ​ This very sophisticated operations must have cost millions and must have involved a quite large number of specialists.
    It would have been ideal for Israel to trigger such a mayhem as part of a general attack on Hizbullah. It would have increased Hizbullah’s time to implement its defense plans.​ To trigger the attack outside of a large scale war context is a rather limp maneuver. Most of the wounded will soon recuperate and return to their duties.​

    Hezbollah Begins First Cross-Border Attacks Since Pager Blasts; EU Condemns ‘Indiscriminate’ Israeli Op
    ​ After about 4pm Beirut time on Wednesday, Hezbollah announced that it has begun its first cross-border attacks on Israeli military border posts since the pager explosions. This could be the beginning of major retaliatory operations which slide into a third Lebanese war.
    ​ At least 2,750 people total were injured in the Tuesday pager attacks, including some civilians, while some reports dubiously claimed as many as 4,000 were wounded when on Tuesday pager devices widely used by the Lebanese paramilitary group blew up after apparently being triggered by an external signal sent by Israeli intelligence.​

    ​ New Wave Of Blasts Rock Beirut For 2nd Day: Hand-Held Radios Explode, Over 300 Wounded
    ​ Israel has reportedly detonated hand-held personal radios used by Hezbollah members, the emerging reports say. The prominent regional news source War Monitor writes “Communications devices that exploded across Lebanon moments ago are hand-held radios, different to pagers that exploded on Tuesday, Security sources informed me.”
    ​ Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV is also confirming wireless devices exploded in the hands of those carrying them in several Lebanese areas. There are reports of at least nine new fatalities and over 300 injured in this second day of explosions.​.. This comes after the group said it would be checking and inspecting all externally shipped-in electronic devices, considering it’s clear at this point the pagers were manipulated by Israeli intelligence.​..
    ..War correspondent Elijah Magnier says this appears a prelude to a major Israeli military operation in Lebanon: “Normally in every war, the first attack is on a command-control base, and here the Israelis are attacking the control, which is the communication. Crippling communication is vital in any war because it is the main spine of the [enemy] army.”​

    ​ Israel’s War Cabinet Greenlights Offensive War Against Hezbollah, Sends Elite Brigade North
    ​ As many suspected and feared, this deadly two-day Israeli covert operation to blow up Hezbollah pagers, walkie-talkies, and small electronic devices was but preparation for a likely Israeli military ground operation in southern Lebanon. It appears war is here. According to breaking news wires:
    ​ Israeli cabinet has given PM Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant the authorization to undertake military action against Hezbollah — even if it leads to an all-out war.
    So far the second day of explosions across Beirut and Lebanon have led to 14 killed and 450 wounded, but the casualty toll could be much higher.​

    John Day

    Overshadowed in the news cycle today… Yemen’s hypersonic ballistic missile rocks Israel’s defenses
    Yemen’s daring strike on Tel Aviv not only exposed the cracks in Israel’s defenses but also the political vulnerabilities of the occupation state, challenging the status quo and signaling that Sanaa is now a regional force to be reckoned with.
    ​ In the early hours of Sunday, 15 September, a Yemeni hypersonic ballistic missile pierced through the air, striking at the heart of Tel Aviv. Launched on the Mawlid, or birthday of Prophet Muhammad, the missile traveled over 2,000 kilometers, evading the collective defense systems of Israel, the US, and its Arab allies.
    ​..This latest attack by Yemen’s Ansarallah-aligned armed forces “was carried out with a new hypersonic ballistic missile…
    ​..Regarding the Israeli occupation army’s denial that the missile that hit Tel Aviv was hypersonic, Assad confirmed that “the Republic of Yemen has developed military technologies and entered the path of technological industrialization, including hypersonic missile systems, in addition to drones and other things.”
    ​ On Netanyahu’s intention to expand the battle with Lebanon, the Ansarallah official charges that those “threats come from a position of weakness” and warns the Israeli prime minister that “the next will be worse for your forces and settlers.”​

    ​ Charles Hugh Smith, 2024, A Year of No Significance​, Looking back, 2024 may well be viewed as insignificant compared to what lies ahead. That 2024 could be a year of no significance does not compute given that what’s being touted as the most important election in American history is 2024’s landmark event, but in the focus of the longer lens of history, it may not matter as much as we expect.
    ​ If the election wasn’t enough, the all-time stock market highs are the cherries on top.
    ​ The issue here isn’t the people or the politics or the policies; it’s the system itself reaching its limits, having exhausted all potential for the scale of change needed to stave off collapse. To better understand this historical context, we turn to Ray Huang’s meticulous study of Chinese history, 1587, A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline:
    ​ “The year 1587 may seem to be insignificant; nevertheless, it is evident by that time the limit for the Ming dynasty had already been reached. It no longer mattered whether the ruler was conscientious or irresponsible, whether his chief counselor was enterprising or conformist, whether the generals were resourceful or incompetent, whether the civil officials were honest or corrupt, or whether the leading thinkers were radicals or conservatives–in the end they all failed to reach fulfillment.”​

    Ex-WSJ Journo Uncovers Hub Of An Alleged Migrant Trafficking Network In Springfield, Ohio​

    ​Order Christmas presents ​from China now: “It Changes The Math”: Biden’s Tariff Crackdown Throws Amazon And Walmart’s Sneaky China Plans Into Chaos​

    Chinese Refineries Go Bankrupt Amid Plummeting Margins​

    John Day

    ​ Nassim Taleb: People Aren’t Seeing The Real De-Dollarization
    ​ De-dollarization might seem like a wild conspiracy theory, but it is happening. Countries worldwide are trying to limit their exposure to the greenback, and the dollar’s clout is slowly ebbing.
    ​ No, the dollar isn’t on the verge of collapse due to a major trauma. It’s more like death by a million papercuts.
    Nassim Taleb, best known for his book The Black Swan, said in a post on X that “people are not seeing the real de-dollarization in progress.”
    ​ He pointed out that global transactions are still generally labeled in dollars “as an anchor currency.”
    “But central banks (particularly BRICS) have been storing, that is putting their reserves, in Gold.”
    In other words, the dollar still serves as the primary medium of exchange, but more and more countries are turning to gold as a store of value.​

    ​Gold initially hit $2600/oz on this news: Fed/Powell Unleash Chaos Across Markets With ‘Not A Crisis At All’ 50bps Rate-Cut

    Meta Platforms and YouTube ban RT worldwide​

    UK Using Terrorism Law To Silence Journalists, Protestors Who Commit ‘Speech Crimes’​

    India Won’t Capitulate To American Demands To Ban RT & Sputnik’s National Hubs​

    John Day

    China wants red flags on all AI-generated content posted online​, Visible and audible warnings, plus metadata, with absence of info considered suspicious​

    ​Who gets to pose the “problems”? Chat GPT’s new O1 model escaped its environment to complete “impossible” hacking task — should we be concerned?
    The model unnervingly bypassed the intended restrictions of its virtual environment to solve a problem.​

    ​ AI ‘accelerating’ climate crisis, uses 30 times more energy than search engine: analyst
    Researcher Sasha Luccioni says there is a need to raise awareness of the environmental impact of artificial intelligence​

    ​A Midwestern Doctor, What Happens When a Hospital Vaccine Injures You? The tragic but insightful story of Alexis Lorenze
    As I was drifting to bed last night, a lot of people began contacting me about a disaster that was unfolding in California.
    ​ What I find astounding about this case is that within minutes of looking into the limited information that was available, I was relatively certain of what happened, and now that her basic labs were posted online, it was indeed what happened. However, as best as I can tell, a fairly straightforward (conventional) diagnosis was missed and Alexis Lorenze has instead been put at risk of a life threatening injury.
    ​ I was initially in disbelief this was possible (and to an extent still am), but people directly connected to the situation confirmed this indeed is the case. As this case is an instructive example of medical blindness, I felt it would be helpful to share what happened.

    ​ Medical Blindness
    A major in medicine is that doctors are frequently unable to recognize conditions which:
    ​ •Create cognitive dissonance for them (e.g., by forcing them to acknowledge they hurt a patient or accept that the guidelines their medical tribe gave them are flawed).
    •They were not taught to identify to recognize (as there is so much complexity to a human being, the majority of physicians lack the innate capacity to see things they weren’t taught to filter for or the willing to seriously consider the significance of things which do not make sense within their cognitive map of the world).
    ​ Because of this, physicians frequently fail to recognize a pharmaceutical injury is occurring or believe a patient who claims an injury was linked to a pharmaceutical (particularly since medical education conveniently does not train doctors to recognize these injuries and simultaneously trains them to believe anything patients report that is not backed by science is “anecdotal” and most likely a spontaneous coincidence). This in turn leads to the tragic phenomenon of “medical gaslighting” (discussed further here) something many patients understandably find infuriating.​..
    ​..Much of the credibility of modern medicine arises from the mythology that it rescued us from the dark ages of infectious disease with vaccinations (when in reality that decline was entirely due to improved public sanitation). Because of this, attacking vaccination directly attacks a doctors identity and social status.
    ​ As a result, the medical profession will frequently go to extraordinary lengths to defend a bad vaccine they’ve endorsed—with the COVID-19 vaccines being one of the most absurd examples I’ve seen in my lifetime, but not by any means the first time this has happened.​..
    ​..Sat, Sept 14, 2pm: Hematologist [whose page has since been deleted] tells Alexis they will not treat her any further unless she is up-to-date on her vaccines. They gave her tetanus, meningitis and pneumonia all at once. She has had ZERO V’s with the exception of when she was a baby. 2 V’s in her left arm and 1 V in her right. Within 10-minutes post vaccines, she couldn’t move her arms and was blind in both eyes.
    ​ Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there…
    ​..At this point, the hospital did nothing except put her on pain meds and benadryl, and eventually she put out a plea for help on TikTok to save her from the hospital because she was worried she was going to die that subsequently went viral (hence why I was contacted).
    ​ Without knowing anything beyond what was in that video, my immediate assessment was:
    ​ This is most likely immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) a condition where the immune system attacks its own platelets. This condition is quite rare (every year 3-4 out of 100,000 people develop it) and unlike most vaccine injuries, significant literature exists linking it to vaccination (including for the COVID-19 vaccines), which I believe is in part due to ITP being fairly rare so awknowledging it doesn’t disrupt the “safe and effective” narrative​…
    ​..Given that ITP is a known complication of stem cell transplants, it is again very strange that the hospital (a premier stem cell transplant center) did not recognize an extreme case of the disorder.
    Once her limited labs were obtained, it was clear she had ITP, and that at least at the time, there was not a significant issue with her kidneys.​.. ​..Note: in her medical records, there are also numerous correspondences indicating that a nurse reported this critical platelet lab value to the doctor.
    Additionally, beyond it being apparent from looking at her, her lab work showed she was having a lot of clots breaking down in her body…​ ..Since that time, this story has gone viral, Steve Kirsch sent his team to the hospital to help her and two subsequent interviews were conducted which showed how much Alexis is suffering. In the first interview (which you can view here), they shared a few key points:
    •She came in hoping for a blood transfusion, but was told she could not have any more treatment unless she received the vaccines.
    •The hospital has given conflicting messages about what vaccines she received (even though the nurse clearly told them which ones were being given).
    •Alexis’s entire body is covered with the same hematomas you can see on her face and her body feels as though it is inflated. Additionally, she is in severe pain.
    •The doctors have not treated her well (she claims some laughed at her, while another one stated they had never seen anything like this before) and that when she’s hit the call button for basic things she needs, it’s taken hours for nurses to get to her.
    •The hospital is convinced this could not have been due to the vaccine, and instead was due to a Parvovirus infection (which a PCR test was positive for). Given that all or her symptoms started 10 minutes after the vaccines…that’s a bit of a stretch but no different from what Suzanne Humphries experienced.
    •The tried to transport her out of the hospital but were unable to as she does not have the insurance to get care at another facility.​.. ..Conclusion
    ​ I am very hesitant to ascribe motives to people when I can’t read their minds, but in this case, assuming the facts as presented are true, my best guess is that the hospital’s response to Alexis was a combination of fear (especially once she mentioned “malpractice”), uncertainty and paralysis over her situation (e.g., the hematologist who pushed the vaccines on her disappeared), and provides an excellent illustration of why, if you have the choice, smaller rural hospitals rather than academic ivory towers are often much better to go to.
    ​ One of the more telling aspects of this story was the hospital threatening to sue Steve Kirsch for publishing Alexis’s medical records (which legally they can’t do), which in turn illustrates that the hospital’s focus is on protecting itself rather than the patient.​.. ​..One of the greatest challenges in getting people to believe vaccine injuries is that “evidence” for them doesn’t exist or it’s hard to appreciate the suffering the person is going through. What makes this case unique is that it visually apparent something is wrong (which hence allowed it to go viral) and the temporal relationship is almost impossible to deny. What’s important to remember is that in almost all vaccine injuries, that is not the case (which again illustrates why they frequently get swept under the rug).​
    ​..There is often minimal to no safety net available to you (e.g., you can’t sue anyone and the Federal compensation programs almost never pay out to the injured). Because of this, those injured are often forced to go to online fund raising platforms for their medical expenses (which often doesn’t works). In turn, one of the particularly cruel things that happened during the vaccine roll out is that Gofundme started deleting fundraisers for the COVID vaccine injuries because a lot of them went viral and they didn’t want to “spread vaccine hesitancy” by making people aware severe injuries were occurring.​

    John Day

    ​Sasha Latypova on medical testing on kids without parental consent: The FDA simplifies experimentation on children without parental consent​

    Lawsuit Takes on Federal Campaign to Silence Vaccine Injury Claims
    ​ The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) has taken significant legal action by amending its complaint in the ongoing Dressen, et al. v. Flaherty, et al. case. This action challenges the alleged collusion between various federal entities and social media platforms aimed at stifling the voices of individuals claiming injuries from Covid vaccines. The complaint underscores a pervasive campaign spearheaded by agencies including the White House, the CDC, and the Surgeon General’s Office. These bodies are accused of pressuring social media giants to dismiss and discredit as “misinformation” the personal accounts and communications within private online groups of those affected by vaccine side effects.​

    ​All of the talks have been individually formatted here for easy perusal: Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back

    D Benton Smith

    The pager explosions were bad. Very bad. But not even in the same universe to being as bad as what happens next.

    What happens next is the weaponization (and predicted counter-measures) of everything that has a telephone number, including people. If it’s big enough to conceal an explosive, and it has telephone or Internet access, then it can be made into a remote controlled bomb, and placed wherever a perpetrator wishes to place it, and set off whenever the perpetrator wants to.

    I don’t think I’m exaggerating by very much to predict that the development and use of such devices is the NEW “growth market” in homicidal crime that will sweep the planet faster than the development of cell phones and Internet themselves. And the only thing that’s going to grow faster is the preemptive development and implementation of counter-measures that will be so intrusive and bothersome that the destructive effect will be exponentially larger than the original threat.

    Electronic devices are potentially now a LITERALLY existential threat to the well-being of anyone who has them.

    Think thrice before buying a new cellphone, router, or “smart” device for the home or kitchen. That new refrigerator, automobile, or digital assistant could be just waiting for the word to kill you.

    It will take some time (though not much) for the realization to work it’s way through the minds of the general population, but you can bet your booties that the “big folks” are already beefing up their security, because the whole world just got a LOT more complicated.

    D Benton Smith

    If I were Jewish I would seriously consider becoming un-Jewish, because low-average people are a lot like the small and stupid coterie of Jew-haters here on TAE. They haven’t got the time, inclination or brain power to make the distinction between labels and reality. They’re just going to kill them all and let God sort ’em out. That is going to be a horrible horrible crime when it happens, and won’t even begin to solve the mis-perceived problem, but that’s not going to change the fact that it’s going to happen.


    These so called exploding pagers did not get made in the Czech Republic.
    This so called Czech company was likely just a M16 holding company.
    Were the British involved?
    Very likely.
    Did Israel then takeover from the British?
    Very likely.
    These pagers may have been held up in Jordanian customs for 2 months.

    If so, I think you can figure out the rest!


    John Day said

    Yemen’s hypersonic ballistic missile rocks Israel’s defenses

    Will Russia provide Yemen with a hypersonic nuke to take out israel once and for ever? You can be pretty sure that the Yemeni missiles came from Russia; the harder the UK Jews spank the Russians in Yemen, the harder the Yemenis will spank the Jews in Israel. Israel is physically defenceless. Their front line – Mossad – will be desperately trying to get some people into the Yemen to bribe, blackmail and murder to take over control, like they do in the USA.

    Of course the Israeli government does not want to admit that they were hit by a hypersonic missile, that would impy they are defenceless and would scare the shit out of the homicidal Jews who live on that stolen land.

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