Debt Rattle September 19 2024


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    M. C. Escher Drawing hands1948   • Deep State Knows It Cannot Cheat Kamela In – Martin Armstrong (USAW) • “A Better Deterrence”: Hillary Clinton
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 19 2024]


    The Jews get what they want and if they want Kamala, she will be crowned first woman POTUS, mostly because the American people live in fear of pointing out that the Jews have taken over their country.


    Zimbabwe’s gold backed currency, the ZIG:

    This is Zimbabwe’s 6th currency in 15 years.
    After 5 months the ZIG has lost more than 80% of it’s value (despite gold supposedly going up).
    Most Zimbabwians use other currencies for daily life.
    The BoZ would like the government to start accepting ZIGs as payment for it’s taxes!

    The ZIG is only backed by gold in the same way passing a chicken over a pot of soup allows one to legally call your soup, chicken soup!


    The worst day in a man’s llife is when he sits down
    and starts thinking about how he can get something for nothing. Thomas Jefferson

    A supply side economist – a dumbshit
    ““..the digital revolution is the third worst thing that dumbshit humanity has brought upon itself other than nuclear weapons and American biowarfare laboratories..

    The ability to measure more precisely than is possible with human hands holds the greatest potential for understanding in the history of humanity. The first drafting line i drew with a pencil had only as much information as the person who read the blueprint. The movement to computer aided drafting increased the accuracy but the line still contained no information. The time for drafting was reduced so efficeincy had two rewards. With modeling each line and each component can be given parameters and information can be withdraw about the plan from the drafting itself. A hand written letter had a time cost attached to the information. A document printed to a portable document file and emailed can improve the life and work of a team in hours, not days.
    The person who does not want to improve the lives of his fellow man is the problem not the digitization,

    This morning WTI is $71.62 a barrel and Brent is $74.55. The break even point for crude has hovered around $40.00 a barrel in recent history. A 25% reduction in the cost of energy would be a meaningful target. A 50% reduction in price in the world where the petro-dollar is dying is either deceitful pandering or ignorance on parade.

    The worst day in a man’s llife is when he sits down
    and starts thinking about how he can get something for nothing. Thomas Jefferson

    nothing ain’t worth nothing
    but it’s free – Kristofferson


    My Family’s Demographic Implosion::

    Great Grandparents + spouses = 4 people have 6 children during great depression.

    Six Grandparents + sposes = 12 people have 16 children post WW2

    15 Parents (late 50s to over 70 years old now) (my gen -1 died, 2 never married) + 12 spouses (5 divorced) have 24 children (only 3 are grandparents so far – 5 grandkids)

    24 children (mid 20s to 40s years now) + 7 spouses = 5 children so far.

    Sad reality.


    jb-hb. The Phil collins review was absolutely bang on. Served the song above all else. Big Brain big emotions and critical insight into groove and workmanship.
    You are a bit of a smarty pants methinks.


    The ZIG is backed by ZOG. The full faith and credit of gangster/murderers. No different than that dollar in your pocket, with a fuckin pyramid and novus ordo seclorum on it.

    Dr. D

    New movie: Top of the charts, “Am I Racist?” You exist. Therefore you’re racist. All nouns, verbs, adverbs, articles, and interjections are racist. All animal, vegetable, and mineral objects are racist. All acts, tests, events, and discussion of all human events in racist.

    Racism is God: it is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, part of and creating all things. There is only ONE thing that also fits that description, therefore Racism is God! And we all worship him, daily. Hourly, by the minute, singing with harps in the choir, always the same song from the same hymnal: “Oh Great Racism, hallowed be thy name. Is there ANYTHING we can’t attribute to you, or get from you? Lo, but I think not.”

    A general statement. Aaaaaaaand America is one of the LEAST racist countries on earth. Go anywhere else and check. Peru? China? Oz? Africa? Italy? Ukraine? Sweden? England v. Ireland?

    50bp. There’s an election next month. There is no recession: economy’s never been better! Inflation has doubled, and might be as low as 7% this minute but over 15% this year. Hmmmm…you tell me.

    Next problem, O M G will it ever end? AGAIN I hear “Rate cuts are awesomeest evah! Especially when they occur for no reason at all!” Just heard common-nobody financial blog on this. Jesus o a stick: IF you have a rate cut, it means something bad happened. IF you have a rate cut AFTER the rate inversion, it “starts” (indicates) the crash. Like ’08. The Rate cut is the TRIGGER, in effect. So yay! Have a party. Buy buy buy… from the few remaining insiders. Buffet, Bezos, etc, all selling out.

    “UN General Assembly Passes Resolution Demanding Israel Pull Out Of Palestinian Areas Within 12 Months

    Or else what? You’ll yell “Stop” again? …And So Israel starts a war which will be over in 12 months with everyone dead.

    Not saying they, UN, shouldn’t do it, etc, just saying that words are not actions.

    Btw, the pager thing is several effects: one, just as it’s never-ever-ever “Hamas” or “Yemen” it’s always “IRAN-Backed Yemen” in this case the bombs are “Against Hezbollah”. O Rly? So Mr. reporter has talked to all 90M people in the Middle East and not one of them was a civilian? …Same as bombing Gaza as all 2M ppl there are all Hamas, although several are only a month, week, or a year old.

    Second, yes the PEOPLE being killed/damaged is bad, however 1) they are more used to people dying 2) it didn’t kill most of them, so it’s going to really, really piss them off. Like imagine you’re in a war zone, land in France on a boat, and sure, you’re a patriot, but never really seen the enemy. Then the Nazis take over your brigade, your French town, and break everybody’s pinky finger. That’s it. Like 100 people are shot, but mostly it’s that. Soooo….now you want to give up? Or you really, really, really want to get these maniacs who are clearly unhinged and must be stopped as a public service or die trying? Ummm….probably the latter.

    But last the problem is more, they removed all their communications, or effectively all their communications. Now they work on a base level and Gen. Ripper used bicycles and flashlights, but taking away a modern army’s communications? Yeah. Israel will still lose badly, but that changes the field.

    “Ukrainian Commanders Urged Zelensky Not To Invade Kursk

    However his real masters, the British, said they would collapse in the Aug 1 Ukr default, and therefore lose any ability to send anything, or even advocate for the war. So they invaded. 100:1 odds against, which was better than just 100% fail.

    Aaaaand, as the Duran, Britain has now decided they are going to attack Russia PERSONALLY, alone, with long range everything, and probably did with the weapons depot.

    Alexanders, and probably everyone else on earth, are just sitting, shaking their heads, gobsmacked, stunned, and possibly bemused that they would do this. Like “This can’t really be happening.” Britain, with an army of Brownie Scouts, and no ships, is going to attack, I dunno, the entire galactic federation, the Klingon Empire, AND the Star Wars Galactic Empire BOTH, at the same time.

    I guess as history turns, they are the Irish now, starting battles they can’t win, for reasons nobody can think of.

    “Aurora Police Offer Help To Apartment Complexes Amid Venezuelan Gang Issues

    They then arrested 10 Tren members, because all this is fake and they don’t exist.

    But like the cats n’ stuff although everyone who lives there says so, and there are open, public police calls about it going back years that all that reporters can read. …If only they were literate.

    ““Let me just be very clear. They are trying to kill the man.”

    Who is “They” though? Not much good unless you want to add that part. So you’re telling me this because you — DON’T — want me to act? Without telling me who, I can’t act, right?

    KJP again calls for the end to political violence by calling DJT a “Threat” to “All Democracy” who is “A danger to our country” and will “end the United States” if he takes power…again, having done literally nothing the first time. I mean, if that’s not lowering the rhetoric, I don’t know what is.

    It’s “Incredibly dangerous” and you, sir reporter, are a “Threat” to us and all Democracy, and will “End democracy as we know it” with your question, and somebody should do something about you. “Is there no one who will rid me of this meddlesome priest Reporter?”

    Elon stepping down. You think any judge in Brazil will DGAF about Musk and just stop doing illegal, laughable, things like tying all the unrelated companies to Twitter, through him, just because he resigns? Hahahaha! No! I just MADE IT UP. I’ll MAKE UP MORE STUFF. I want your company, and all power, so I’m just going to TAKE it. That’s what Nazis DO.


    No, because both they’ll kill him, and there won’t be an election. NY is actually razor-thin all the time, like so many states, the one city outvotes the 95% of other counties. However, this is a complete illusion: like Chicago, it’s MEANT to be razor-thin because then they say “Aw shucks, you’ll get us next time” when really the entire apparatus is run by Tammany Hall, has been for +125 years, and they would just move the level of cheat up to whatever 1% winning margin they need to. Forever. That makes it all plausible and minimizes the exposure of the ten thousand felonies committed each time. Also each cheat county commissioner then thinks they’re the ONLY one, isolated, not that they have leverage and accessories in a crime syndicate. So this all is quite wise. But should Donald win NY, I expect about 1,000 Million votes will be cast there. Then they can all say he didn’t win it, and call for a re-count! That will then take four years while they erase all the machines and shred all the papers, illegally, as a felony, same as 2020. …Because they’re so innocent and honest, ‘natch.

    Elon: gosh that seems like hell itself, why live this way, in white rooms, on cameras, in jets, all that? Yuck. However, it’s pleasant to hear somebody with power discussing anything but…power. Like ideas, purpose, which are essentially religion as he suggests.

    Harris on 60 Min: But Harris isn’t President. Nor a person. She’s just an empty vessel. That’s why she’s okay after Biden: she, and him, will just let the vast state do whatever they feel like without restraint. And so you have Blinken declaring war on China, and Yellen visits a day later ordering china to buy our bonds. That’s the kind of rudderless direction you have when each person and department goes their own way with no leader and no strategy. That’s nirvana for the State, allows them to do whatever they like, instantly, and say, cause worldwide nuclear Armageddon, their long-held dream.

    “Me, I just think the poll numbers make no sense. He has a computer program to prove it.”

    That’s silly, Harris was the lowest, most disliked VP in world history, at like 11% and a minute after nothing happened and she did no nomination, got no votes, then ran a coup on her boss, was 49% popularity the next day. What’s so strange about that? That’s how human “Like” and “dislike” works, right?

    One day I hate your guts and would stab you in the eye for looking at you, next day I want to marry you for 4 years and spend every day with you.

    Armstong’s kind of losing his mind, saying the same thing over and over, but also not sticking to his model, as reporters constantly and only ask him what HE thinks, not his program. So I think he gave up on one, and doesn’t dare say anything new that he knows on the other. They’ll put him BACK in jail for doing nothing – a second time — and then try to murder him in prison by kicking his teeth in into a 5 day coma – a second time. He’s brave to keep going out there, but he’s also trying to stay on the chess board and play his part.

    “The Russian investigation was launched days after this briefing.”

    Yes, but why “Russia”? Why not Stormy or the other stuff they’ve made up? (Daniels signed an affidavit saying their thing never happened). Because they were ALWAYS going to attack and destroy Russia. That’s it, that’s the whole plan. HRC said so, her first act would be to put a no-fly zone which would be an immediate direct war with Russia. Armstrong above had to only pry this out of him sideways, but he says the plan was always to take Russia, or they can’t run the world, has been for 100 years of concerted effort, and then run everything out of the UN world government. As planned as far back as the League of Nations and before. Then, like Europe, you only have to jack-install and bribe ONE Van der Lyin’, not 20 nations and all their sub-ministers. Much more efficient.

    It’s not like they’re hiding, practically every paper they write admits and crows about this. Russia is the land mass large enough they’d choke on it, China is the other. So they are therefore the enemy. You can actually tell the Brits from the other factions on this issue. Blinken, etc, will all act on the British, the NWO plan, as contrasted to the “America First” guys like Vance, who are fine with Russia existing, we all co-existing together, and are therefore at this time anti-war. Or anti WORLD war, let’s not go crazy here. It will track incredibly close and save you a lot of time for what looks sort of confusing otherwise.

    And so, Britain, a nation of 10 blue people carrying spears, is now attacking Russia in its whole. Their entire plan is to get the US and Russia to nuke each other, and the Yanks say NO.

    “Sweden and France now ban cell phones in school.”

    But Sweden and France are obviously backward superstitious hicks and rattle-waving witchdoctors with bones in their nose, and have no scientific evidence that cell phone’s R bad or nothing. Although girls’ suicides rose 20% as they were installed, and it’s like a 20% increase in every category, educational, but also happiness and well being when they are removed for a mere few hours a day when you’re with your friends in class already, and they can bully you with blue notebook paper instead.

    And all that is to say they have like, ZERO effect on adults too. Carry on, sirs!

    “we recognize freedom of the press and the right of people to listen to any point of view.”
    As the Eisenhower quote the day before.
    Washington’s current extreme reaction is due to the feeling that it’s losing this monopoly.

    Or really the feeling that they’re all Nazis, and that’s just what Nazis ARE. It’s what they DO: Lose. You can’t ask a Nazi like Blinken, Nuland, Vindman, Jankowicz, not to Nazi. That’s like asking Voldemort not to be a Death-Eating Death cult. Without that, he would just be Tom Riddle, common boy. (Oops, sorry, spoiler alert) It’s magic, fantasy, repression, and the Will to Power that makes him/them a Nazi death cult.

    ““I just don’t see how we get anywhere better than where we are right now.”
    • Chris Cuomo Tells Trump He’s Ashamed Of The Media (MN)

    But not ashamed of himself. How do we get anywhere better? STOP LYING. Stop lying with every waking breath. As you can see, this is unthinkable to him. There’s just no solution! I mean, if you stopped lying, everyone would just do what they do, instead of being all fooled into giving you stuff you don’t deserve, and doing actions you are lying them into doing. Then we’d have “voluntary exchange” and stuff and not constant violence. …But then I’d have to be Assistant TO the Regional Manager, make only $90k, and who wants that? Much better and more thinkable that the world tears itself apart.

    Actually, on that, New Age people, with Braden and interview, same thing: They are just rapping about how kids used to be taught civics and know the purpose and reason, theory of government, but aren’t now. What can you do? They said. Well, you have to erase all government and it’s inevitable that the United States falls, breaks apart, and goes to endless conflict. Our hands are tied! History is inevitable like that. And these are the good and positive, forward-thinking people. …Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you could just start teaching kids the reason and purpose of U.S. government again? Like that? YOU said it got to this point when they removed X, Y, and Z. So put back and re-install X, Y, And Z? Nope. Everyone has to die instead. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

    ““If I had been through what [Trump has] been through in the last two months, … You would never see me on TV again.”

    That’s because he’s a coward who thinks only of himself, and this is considered normal. Even for men. While it is the lowest form, not worthy of the name “man” at all. Doing that, as a Man, is the MINIMUM. We would expect that from 14-year-olds at their coming of age ceremony. Any CHILD, boy, would die for his first girlfriend. Yet we’re supposed to even hear 10 words from the air-hole of a worthless man-child like this?

    Some live as a warning to others. Don’t be that guy.

    “She cited the lack of fact-checking in the CNN debate on June 27th between President Trump and Joe Biden, which went so horribly for Biden that he was ultimately forced to withdraw”

    So? Let him withdraw, IDGAF. Or Trump withdraw, I could hardly care either. But we need Mommy swooping in every second about everything, even two 9-year-olds debating “Superfriends” on ABC? Jesus Christ. The whole point is to see THEM (mis)behave. NOT Mommy. And it’s even worse when Mommy is a fecking deranged retard who knows less than the average 9-year-old, as is common here in good American fashion. The fact checkers themselves got everything wrong.

    How wrong? They said the biggest gaffe was that “There were no soldiers in war zones” when we’re in like 20. I was like, No: the biggest gaffe is the “Very Fine People” Hoax, one so obvious that even SNOPES has it. No, the biggest gaffe is…Wait, like there are so many breathtaking lies and gaffes we actually have to argue about WHICH?

    Yeah, that’s pretty wrong. Mommy’s the brains of like Kim Kardashin x Jerri Blank. Trump says dumb s—t all the time, nonstop sometimes. And you jokers actually OUTDID him? You went LIES “To Infinity! And Beyond!”

    Anyway, David Muir: So you believe any of the polls and ratings? Trump just paid them $5k to put out fake ratings, He has a copy of the Epstein files, he can do that, you know. It’s a POLL. It was a word spoken by an Adult American. Therefore it is also a lie. His ratings went down 3% instead, really?

    “exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.,”

    This is the re-creation, re-introduction of Slavery. By the slaveowning slavery party of Jim Crow. These are humans, exploited for labor, who have 2nd class rights and no vote in the nation they are in. They have no means to exit to another nation or their home country. That is: they are literal, definitional SLAVES. Let that sink in for you.

    I think part of the disconnect is that we think of slaves as having NO rights. Like the worst example, the one they point at, but also mostly make up out of bad feelz, the 1850 Plantation slaves. Run by DEMOCRATS, the party of slaves and slavery. If you went to court, I can almost guarantee slaves had SOME rules, same as you can’t shoot a horse in the street in broad daylight “for no good reason.” It’s bad for business. Just that the reason is, “He looked at me funny.” In Rome I’m quite certain there were rules about slaves. It’s just that the rules are VERY VERY VERY small, and the rights of citizens are very, very, very much larger.

    So we say, “They’re not slaves. Maybe they can’t vote, maybe they can’t go to court, maybe have no money so can’t do other stuff so good either, but they’re still…” Still WHAT, sir? Still can lose their job at Dole and be homeless and hungry tomorrow, leaving their wife and kids to die? Yes, that’s EXACTLY what they said on the plantation: “Why didn’t you just jump in the river and run north, live off the land?” Uh-huh. You first. You try it, I’ll watch. It’s not “Because they like it here so much they sing songs”. Yes, that was literally said. Constantly.

    So when they RE-ESTABLISH F—KING, G-D D–NED SLAVERY right in FRONT of you, is that Capitalism when the Corporations pay the GOVERNMENT to break all the rules in a total merger of corporation and state? Or what form of government might we call that?

    Nobody’s much bother’ed by that. Not really a debate issue: dogs n cats. So do Haitians get 3/5th of a vote? Probably, yes. I’ve heard the Democrats have been having a hard time getting all their illegals on the plantation and voting correctly, as 1) They don’t know why they should and 2) don’t really know how under our system. So it probably works out to exactly 3/5th of a person.

    So is Dole packing factory therefore a Concentration Camp? The other Concentration Camps were work operations too. I know some guys who were in one: a Greek and a Pole. Nah: no discussion of Fascist concentration work program camps. Ducks! In the parks!

    I got nothing. And the people trying to STOP SLAVERY and HUMAN TRAFFICKING, by the MILLIONS, are the bad guys. If you really cared about the brown people wouldn’t you put them on the Plantation where they’d be safe? Ugh.

    ““All of our verbal and written agreements were violated by him, and his promises went unfulfilled,” the woman wrote.”

    Use his own money to sue him. Typical. Well, a promise is a promise.

    “• ‘Superbugs’ To Kill Tens Of Millions By 2050 – Study (RT)

    1M per year? How can you know that since it’s probably lower than the number today (worldwide)? They might want to research how to strengthen the immune system instead of being a deranged death cult killing the baddies. Bad bugs, bad! They might want to remove the near-infinite toxins and stressors we encounter every day that weaken us and our health. NOPE! I will die on this hill! It’s killing stuff, or nothing! Health be damned!

    How do I know? That’s what Type II diabetes is, which keeps rising, not falling, and they keep doing nothing to mitigate it, decade after decade, even as it bankrupts the whole system. But is it really good medicine unless we can amputate some kid? I mean, is it really worth going into work otherwise? I got a punch card for feet, cut off 9, get the 10th free!

    From the outside view, and no insult to the good doctors here, you are all embarrassing yourselves. The doctors and also the health system. None of you would do this in a solo practice, probably, but in this system, yet this is all okay and followed, promoted, done? And you don’t go bananas on the system therefore, just as NY Doctors sat around giving each other hand jobs after the NYS Governor ordered them to murder 5,000 grandmas? Not mad? No lawsuits?

    Not good. What do you think the overall reaction of a mass, uneducated public will be to that?

    “Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45 (GR)

    Like all of this, that’s not the issue. The issue is, “No Curiosity.” None. We’re not curious as to why because we don’t know what it is, but it’s not that One Thing. “What one thing? I didn’t say nothing.” The One Thing that it isn’t that we can’t look at, which is why we’re not curious.

    “I don’t know whatever you might be talking about. I didn’t say, or even imply anything. I’m just saying cancer is up and you might look at it. Have no idea what you’re implying.”

    NO CURIOSITY. Same as all the OTHER no curiosities, and same as Type II, same as NYS Governor. We don’t know, but we know ahead of time not to know, because we don’t know! …Say adult children of alcoholics.

    “• Why Are Britons Forced to Eat Bugs? (Sp.)

    Because bugs and labs are MORE expensive than just pooping a young calf into your lawn. Then letting them wander around, eating grass n stuff without anybody bothering with them. This of course is Waaaaaaaay more expensive and less environmental than making a $100M 100-acre white-room warehouse factory, with diesel trucks driving in and out all day.



    Well, Obviously Britain has no social or cultural history with this, and it’s all a mystery to them.

    Repeating: BUGS WILL KILL YOU. Not just because food factory, they will control and shut off, yes, but because you’re not supposed to eat the shells, duh, which are very bad for you. Do we eat a Lobster shell? No we do not. Because Chitin will cut the f- out of your system, like feeding diatomaceous earth to insects.

    Insects: They have food inputs! Who knew? You need a building run on oil to keep them warm, and you need to feed them grass, oats, etc. Huh.

    Baby-Dog. One of them is smart enough to be paper trained right now.

    Dr D Rich

    For dbs on the loose connection between hatred and stupidity::
    The flip side goes like this. Did (((they))) take out Roman Catholics President Jack Kennedy, his brother Robert and his son John Jr. because their faith had something do with it?
    John Podhoretz’s “A

    Conversation in Hell” suggests, nah, demands to be tattooed into the forearms and foreheads of the non-Believers. There still hasn’t been a groundswell of public criticism thrown John’s way by his fellow practitioners despite those same practitioners owning the means of production. By production I mean publishing and broadcasting.

    Once again:

    If another fringe religious minority, let’s say The Mormons, pulled stunt(s) like the aforementioned AND crowed about it, I suspect Utah would have been surrendered a long time ago. Turn the other cheek has no effect on a narcissist or psychopath . “Atonement for Thee but not for Me.”

    I struggled with the next sentence when thinking about Biden’s White House Press secretary.
    3 thoughts emerged:

    1. Pathognomic…try that one on with next MD or DO who crosses your “path”. John Day gets it.
    2. Somewhere in the long distance between stupidity and hatred lies constructive criticism.
    3. Somewhere between stupidity and hatred lies
    White House press secretary Jean Marie Pierre, whose performance is, was, and ever shall be “pathognomic” for Narcissistic Personality Disorder….gaslighting, blameshifting, reverse victim and offender while lecturing down to Doocy like a petulant child in adult clown makeup and clothing

    Share it again with your friends and fringe associates.

    Pathognomonic (rare synonym pathognomic[1]) is a term, often used in medicine, that means “characteristic for a particular disease”. A pathognomonic sign is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt

    D, if you don’t understand, remember the material is nonsensical. The astute clinician, only the rare psychiatrist take on the Cluster B personality disordered patient (Antisocial, Narcissistic, Borderline etc) because the patient’s crazy-making skills drive ppl crazy. The exercise typically in abject futility make those foolish or brave enough to take on the challenge look foolish, stupid or….(wait for it) like the perpetrator/offender. The audience is essential to the drama with attorneys, judges, physicians and nurses readily and easily beguiled.

    What a mess!
    Here we are.


    Stories like this remind me that even the FBI know in their hearts (if they have any) that the vast majority of Americans are complete idiots. Only an American would believe this story, it is so ridiculous as to be laughable in the rest of the world, on a par with the worst of Hollyweird, but obviously the FBI thinks it is worth the effort. How did the leaders of America turn so many in their population into such morons? It has been quite a trick. And ZH reports it as “fact”, if ZH knows what that means.


    Dr D Rich said

    Somewhere between stupidity and hatred lies White House press secretary Jean Marie Pierre, whose performance is, was, and ever shall be “pathognomic” for Narcissistic Personality Disorder….gaslighting, blameshifting, reverse victim and offender while lecturing down to Doocy like a petulant child in adult clown makeup and clothing

    Contempt. She has contempt for the people she is talking to, she thinks they are beneath her and that they are idiots. She lies to them and feels no remorse because – in startling similarity to the Jew – she thinks we are a separate species, like a dog, that exists to be used and abused as she wishes. Once you reach that state of mind, only a lifetime of solitary confinement will fix her problem which she made into our problem. Lock her up.


    Can Mossad hack your EV so that the doors lock, the battery overheats, the battery catches fire and you become yet another battery fire statistic? Of course they can, Musk loves baby killers, he is best mates with genocide Netanyahu, he has already handed the code to the Jews, installed the back door, added a few whatsits to help his mate fry you in your car. Yet one more reason not to buy an EV.

    Yet one more reason not to do home automation or any of that electronics shit. Electronics is getting dangerous, time to get back to petrol, diesel and coal.


    @aspnaz “Yet one more reason not to do home automation or any of that electronics shit. Electronics is getting dangerous, time to get back to petrol, diesel and coal.”


    A world made by hand!

    Dr D Rich


    She’s on “the spectrum” no doubt.

    A few big brain thinkers surmise a continuum around autism and Narcissistic personality disorder. I don’t see it.
    Maybe schizoid and or schizotypal.
    The problem is letting these personality disordered folk access the reigns of power.
    We, society used to screen for these disorders and exclude. Now we test for the condition then select and promote like affirmative action, affirmative for the criminally insane like our White House press Secretary. Is that her title?


    Dr.D One million per year is what, a rounding error? Or close. tells me that almost 45 million have died so far this year. So three quarters of the way through the year I would expect the total to be around 60 mil +/-. Net growth shows a 50 mil increase in global population so far this year. Still increasing so another mil isn’t enough. It has to rise to an extra seven or eight mil to start the downward trend. One million, hmph, chicken feed I say. Have to speed this up somehow? Running out of time to save what’s left of the natural world for the low quality humans, LQH’s, that think they are more deserving. Exploding electronics, AI, CBDC’s, MSM who ya gonna trust?

    Dr D Rich

    Caveat: I think there’s at least an insignificant probability this exploding pager, walkie talkie shit is staged to draw out the anti-semite.
    Having staked this position…here’s 2024’s nominee for the John Podhoretz “A Conversation in Hell” Award.
    I bet the usual suspects staged it obviously with the help of Rep. Hageman itself and Peter Thiel’s Palantir.
    “You got your pagers”. That’s one cocky bitch if the video is genuine.

    Dr D Rich

    Masters of Deflection are these Usual Suspects.

    Shift blame initially to Taiwan (reasonable huh?) then Hungary and now apparently Bulgaria.

    I’m gonna throw my 2 cents in and declare from my association with Weapons Inspector Ritter that the perpetrators are the coalition of Syria, Iran, Yemen, China, and Zelensky’s Ukrainian bros.


    Adapt or perish.

    Grandparents report that their grandchildren instead of acquiring skills wasted their period of cognitive development playing video games and scrolling cell phones.
    Consequently, they are incapable of working or comprehending the requirements for their survival.
    Who needs what survival skills for who?



    JMP, White House press secretary’s sole purpose is to try and make her kind appear to be the normal ones, while trying to make us appear to be not the normal ones.


    Mealworms are tasty treats for hens, and the hens can’t use their infertile eggs, but I find eggs tasty. Why take the hens out of the equation? Especially when hens are cute and fun to keep around. And their dropping help fertilize the garden.

    D Benton Smith


    Masters of Deflection are these Usual Suspects.

    That’s a good word, deflection, and often overlooked as a key red flag that deception is afoot. When detected it should cause an immediate escalation of one’s personal DefCon alertness by at least one full click.


    ……has shuttled vulnerable Haitian migrants in unmarked white Ford and Chevy vans from Florida to Ohio, where they are allegedly exploited for cheap labor by companies like Dole Food Company Inc.,

    Jimmy Dore talked about that in the video that I linked about a week ago, where the local “businessman” cried that “he can not grow” unless he’s got an access to a cheep labor.
    I do not have an answer as nobody does, but can we at lest agree, that in its very hart, what the “system” is all about? Regular working man was never part of the equation.
    In the years of the “good economy” life “was good” too. However….only in the later years, one realizes that in all the interviews that he/she went through, dressed in best attire and with wide eyed enthusiasm, he/she was measured by the interviewer as some kind of dupe to be acquired for the lowest possible price and disposed at will. Of course they are exceptions We are entering the era of massive disposal.


    For you morbid entertainment….

    blinking in the muted sun- still brighter than their cave-
    the mutant parasites emerged and scanned their crispy realm.
    no folks were left to keep them in what should have been their grave:
    they vomited and died. And so a cockroach took the helm.

    To see the fireworks, go to ZH.


    So the WEF crowd want us to waste billions trying to convert bugs into protein, just like climate change, when we already have a very efficient method, called the chicken!

    Notice everything the WEF crowd comes up with requires us to waste our current resources to obtain less or negative resources than we already have.

    D Benton Smith

    I think that “convergence” needs to be the watchword of the day, because the individually named crises are becoming too numerous to track separately with any kind of semi-adequate detail (like trying to descend twelve rabbit holes at the same time causes the brain to disintegrate.) I reckon that when all dozen or so collide at some moment in time real soon now that there will be one helluva bang.

    Whaddaya think, will we make to Nov 5 before detonation, or will one of them hit critical mass before the others? Is chaos a variable or an absolute?



    “-ation” is the most rhymable of all syllable sets.

    D Benton Smith

    So the practice of rhymating stuff to make it rhyme would be rhymation?


    War and hate
    Now, for the pictures of exploding pagers

    now multiply that by 3-4,000

    “Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah says pager and walkie-talkie explosions by Israel on Tuesday and Wednesday which killed 37 people and wounded nearly 3,000 in Lebanon are a declaration of war.

    “The enemy has crossed all red lines and all laws in this attack. This is a massive terrorist attack.”



    On “rhymezone” I see no mention of “rhymation”, so you oughta get yerself a tiny c in a circle on that one, DBS.

    Sidenote: it is us or is it comcast? Every day our wired connection goes down 3 or 4 times (that we know of) for a few minutes.


    The EU Parliament

    MEPs: Ukraine must be able to strike legitimate military targets in Russia
    Press Releases Plenary session Today

    Ukraine must have the possibility to defend itself fully
    Parliament deplores the declining volume of bilateral military aid to Ukraine by EU countries
    MEPs demand tougher EU sanctions against Russia and its allies
    Accountability for war crimes and Russian reparations are essential elements of any peaceful solution
    In a resolution, MEPs want EU countries to lift current restrictions hindering Ukraine from using Western weapons systems against legitimate military targets in Russia.

    The text, adopted on Thursday 19 September with 425 votes in favour, 131 against and 63 abstentions, states that without lifting current restrictions, Ukraine cannot fully exercise its right to self-defence and remains exposed to attacks on its population and infrastructure.

    Parliament underlines that insufficient deliveries of ammunition and restrictions on their use risks offsetting the impact of efforts made to date, and deplores the declining volume of bilateral military aid to Ukraine by EU countries. MEPs reiterate their call for member states to fulfil their March 2023 commitment to deliver one million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine, and to accelerate the delivery of weapons, air defence systems and ammunition, including TAURUS missiles. They also restate their position that all EU countries and NATO allies should collectively and individually commit to annual military support for Ukraine militarily of no less than 0.25% of their GDP.

    EU sanctions need to be maintained and expanded

    The resolution calls for EU member states to maintain and extend the Council’s sanctions policy against Russia, Belarus, and non-EU countries and entities providing Russia with military and dual-use technologies. MEPs condemn the recent transfer of ballistic missiles by Iran to Russia and call for strengthened sanctions against both Tehran and North Korea for their involvement in supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. They also want to see more Chinese individuals and entities added to the EU sanctions list as well as tougher measures to systematically tackle the issue of sanctions circumvention by EU-based companies, third parties, and non-EU countries.

    Confiscate Russian state-owned assets to compensate Ukraine for destruction

    While calling on the EU and its member states to actively work towards achieving the broadest possible international support for Ukraine and identifying a peaceful solution to the war, MEPs say that any resolution must be based on full respect for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. They also view accountability for Russian war crimes and reparations and other payments by Moscow as essential aspects of any solution. To this end, MEPs want the EU and like-minded partners to establish a sound legal regime for the confiscation of Russian state-owned assets frozen by the EU as part of efforts to compensate Ukraine for the massive damage it has suffered.


    British food
    People are not necessarily convinced as to the benefits of bug eating, and it may not be as wildly successful as hoped. If people are revulsed, you don’t just change that by endlessly parroting the so-called benefits. It may even backfire, if people begin to think that there’s a ploy to kill them or make them ill, or that it will destroy agriculture. Many are disenchanted with their governance.
    Here in Britain, much is made of the large increase in bowel cancer in the young. It may not all be due to that which was ‘dished out’ to them during the pandemic (the cause that must never be mentioned). Poor diet and lifestyle choices play a big part. Good quality/organic food, although available, is too expensive for many to afford. An increase in obesity, even in the younger generation, is obvious and alarming.


    War is not #1 concern for most people
    Extreme Weather in 2024

    Using the web
    Sent by Copilot:
    Sure! Here’s a list of some notable extreme weather events that have occurred in 2024 so far:

    Tornado Outbreaks: The U.S. experienced several major tornado outbreaks in the spring, with over 786 confirmed tornadoes in April and May alone1. This included three significant outbreaks, each with more than 100 tornadoes1.

    Massive Floods: Heavy rains in April and May caused major flooding in parts of eastern Texas and the Missouri Valley1. Areas near Lake Livingston and along the Trinity River in Texas, as well as parts of South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa, were particularly hard hit1.

    Record Heat: The U.S. saw record-breaking heat in February, with all-time highs in five states from Arkansas to Michigan1. This heat wave also set winter records in at least 56 locations1.

    Wildfires: In February, strong winds fanned wildfires in the Texas Panhandle, burning over a million acres1.

    Hurricane Beryl: In July, Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas, causing widespread power outages and spawning over 60 tornadoes from Texas to New York2.
    Derechos: Two derechos in July caused significant damage in the Plains and Midwest, with the second derecho spawning over 40 tornadoes2.
    These events highlight the diverse and extreme weather patterns we’ve seen this year. If you need more details on any specific event, feel free to ask!

    Learn more

    Sent by you:
    make a liist for europe
    the web
    Sent by Copilot:
    Certainly! Here are some notable extreme weather events that have occurred in Europe in 2024:

    Storm Boris: This storm caused catastrophic flooding across several countries, including Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Austria, and Italy. The heavy rainfall led to significant damage and evacuations1.

    Heatwaves: Europe experienced intense heatwaves, particularly in Greece, where temperatures soared to record highs. These heatwaves also affected other countries like Italy and France2.

    Flooding in Northern Italy: Severe flooding in northern Italy led to the evacuation of at least a thousand people. The flooding also impacted other Central European countries such as Poland, Austria, and the Czech Republic3.

    Heavy Rainfall in Central Europe: Germany, Poland, Austria, and the Czech Republic faced extreme weather warnings due to heavy rainfall. This led to potential flooding, especially in regions like the Bavarian Alps and along the Polish-Czech border4.
    These events highlight the diverse and extreme weather patterns Europe has faced this year. If you need more details on any specific event, feel free to ask!

    From Microsoft Start Partners

    Hundreds evacuated from northern Italy as extreme weather continues to impact Europe
    Learn more

    +1 more

    Sent by you:
    now, do asia
    the web
    Sent by Copilot:
    Certainly! Here are some notable extreme weather events that have occurred in Asia in 2024:

    Deadly Heatwaves: Throughout April and May, Asia experienced record-breaking heatwaves, with temperatures soaring above 40°C in many regions, including Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines1.

    Heavy rainfall led to catastrophic flooding in several countries, including India, Bangladesh, and China. These floods caused significant damage and displaced thousands of people2.
    Typhoon Mocha: This powerful typhoon hit Bangladesh and Myanmar, causing widespread destruction and leading to numerous fatalities2.
    Droughts: Parts of Central Asia, including Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, experienced severe drought conditions, impacting agriculture and water supplies3.
    Extreme Heat in India: During national elections, India faced brutal heatwaves with temperatures reaching as high as 46.3°C, causing heat-related illnesses and fatalities4.
    These events highlight the diverse and extreme weather patterns Asia has faced this year. If you need more details on any specific event, feel free to ask!

    Learn more

    +2 more


    zerosum said

    Ukraine must have the possibility to defend itself fully

    Long range missiles today, American nukes tomorrow … escalation, we are getting nearer to the “you nuke me or I nuke you” standoff.


    @ aspnaz

    zerosum said

    Ukraine must have the possibility to defend itself fully
    I WAS QUOTING The EU Parliament


    SeaBirds said

    British food … An increase in obesity, even in the younger generation, is obvious and alarming.

    Look at the western world’s – all races – rate of dementure versus the rest of the world – all races – and you realise that something is afoot. Even Asians in America suffer at an elevated rate. Here in China we have a much lower dementure rate yet the life expectancy is longer than in the west.

    An aside issue, even runners in the west – my body is a temple – will eat protein bars, those super processed bars of shit that probably help your dementure develop. People don’t know what food is anymore.

    As another aside, 8 people died in Taiwan from eating a stew made by a lady using wild snails. They actually died from pesticide poisoning. It appears that the snails managed to accumulate so much pesticide that they killed their predators. Yet Taiwan likes to think of itself as being clever with agriculture, cross-breeding (probably not the right word) lots of fruit to procude new varieties etc. Proud to be in the organic group. The USA’s influence over Taiwan and their insistence that Taiwan do things the American way is catching up with them. Good for semiconductors, not so good for agriculture.


    Chemtrails, right over your head, is this a topic on the campaign trail? No. The vaxxed dead, is this a topic? No. 911, the culprits? No. 32 trillion owed to jewbanks?, No.. Your money, saved, now worth shit? No. These fuckers want you dead and will steal your last nickel., dancing on your grave. Vote harder, vote ZOG. That’ll fix things.


    Celticbiker said

    Vote harder, vote ZOG. That’ll fix things.

    Meanwhile the ZOG is putting explosives into phones and terrorising the planet. Looks like ZOG believes in the effectiveness of violence, yet the American people still believe in the effectiveness of voting. Kind of a disconnect there that has existed for the lives of all existing voters.

    The people are like the lamb to the slaughter, believing in their weakness while not realising that if all the sheep charged the sheep dog and farmer, they could take over the farm. How will they square that circle? They won’t, they will end up in plastic wrap in the shops, provided to feed the ZOG and their slaves.


    Probably saved his life. I guess he did this to please his mate genocide Netanyahu and his Jew financiers. Jews and their American slaves are not friends to the Muslims.

    John Day

    Decision Trees

    Picture yourself as a well-informed owner of the global economy, one of 1000, perhaps, who understands that the global economy, driven mainly by oil, has peaked and is looking at a long decline, The global economic pie will shrink for the rest of your life. A lot of people are entitled to their bits of that pie, and few of them know that it is inexorably shrinking. What do you think you will discuss as an action plan with the other 999 owners at Davos?

    Surplus Energy Economics, Project 2050, part one THE END OF MODERNITY AND A RACE TO THE BOTTOM
    Well before 2050, what we think of as “modernity” will have come to an end. Governments are going to try to counter this process by driving public debt up to stratospheric levels.
    A reasonable interpretation might be that governments know we can’t borrow our way to prosperity, but have no options beyond ‘extend, pretend and distract’.
    As you may know, the time horizon of SEEDS projections has been extended by ten years, to 2050. This, as we shall see, captures the final era of modernity…
    ..There are many versions of the term “modernity”, but we’re going to use an economic definition here.
    For our purposes, modernity is a condition in which individuals and societies can afford to spend large sums on discretionary (non-essential) products and services. On this basis, “pre-modernity” societies were ones in which the vast bulk of economic resources had to be used to ensure the supply of necessities.
    What the SEEDS time extension is revealing is that this version of modernity will very largely be gone by the end of the 2040s…
    ..Our first conclusion can only be that it seems abundantly clear that government expenditures – stated in real terms – are already soaring. Interestingly, transfer payments (including benefits and pensions) seem to be rising markedly more rapidly than spending on public services (such as health care, education and defence).
    This implies that one reason for the rapid expansion of government spending might be to assist households – and thus minimise dissatisfaction – by providing support as the real costs of necessities carry on rising more rapidly than incomes (see Fig. 1A).
    ..A picture may be worth a thousand words, but only two emerge from the graphs in Fig. 1.
    The first is “QE”, implying that central banks will have to finance an increasing proportion of government largesse with newly-created (“printed”) money. To paraphrase Milton Freidman, ‘excess money creation is always and everywhere inflationary’.
    The second word is “crash”. Anticipating what kind of crash, and when, requires a shift of focus from the purely monetary to the material…
    ..The primary purpose of the economy isn’t to move money around, but to supply material products and services to society.
    It does this by using energy to convert raw materials into products, and into those physical artefacts without which services cannot be provided. It cannot be repeated too often that money has no intrinsic worth, but commands value only as a “claim” on these material products and services.
    The factors that determine the performance of the real (material) economy are: the supply of energy; its proportionate cost; the quality of the non-energy natural resource base; and the numbers of people between whom economic prosperity is shared…
    ..The biggest negatives in the “real” economic scene are (a) rising material energy costs, and (b) continuing (though decelerating) growth in the World’s population.
    The Energy Costs of Energy are climbing relentlessly, a process which can barely be moderated, let alone reversed, by the expansion of renewables (see Fig. 2A). These renewables have inferior qualities (most notably, lesser energy densities) than fossil fuels, and are fossil-dependent (making raw material demands that can only be met using legacy energy from oil, natural gas and coal).
    ECoEs from all sources of energy, having risen from 2% in 1980 to 10.6% now, are likely to reach 13% by 2030, 18% by 2040 and 25% by 2050.
    The advanced economies of the West cannot grow their prosperity at ECoEs above 5%, and neither can EM (emerging market) economies carry on expanding when – as is now the case – ECoEs get into double figures.
    As producer costs rise and consumer prosperity decreases, aggregate energy supply is likely to contract. But the really big problem is the fast-growing proportion of energy subject to the “first call” on resources made by ECoE (Fig. 2B).
    Top-line economic output is starting to inflect from growth into contraction, even as population numbers continue to increase (Fig. 2C). If we add population growth, and the relentless rise in ECoEs, into the equation, global average prosperity per person has already turned down, and this rate of decline can be expected to accelerate (Fig. 2D).
    The critical points here are (a) that the economy of today can’t possibly co-exist with ECoEs of 13%, let alone 25%, and (b) that we have nothing that can prevent this surge in ECoEs from happening.
    In short, we’re going to get successively less prosperous over time. We can certainly try to manage this process, but we can’t stop it from happening…
    ..The impending end of modernity (defined as the age of discretionaries) is illustrated in the next set of charts. From here on, just as material prosperity decreases as the fossil fuels era winds down, so the real costs of essentials will carry on rising, primarily because of the high energy-intensity of so many necessities, including housing, transport, distribution and the supply of food and water.
    In 2023, estimated essentials accounted for 32% of ,material economic prosperity. This number is projected to rise to 38% by 2030, 52% by 2040 and 79% by 2050 (see Fig. 3B). Discretionaries, as a proportion of global economic resources, actually peaked in 2004, at 49%, and are set to fall to just 17% by 2050… But, with population numbers still increasing, the per capita affordability of discretionary purchases has already turned down (Fig. 3C).
    Though global top-line prosperity per capita has long been flat-lining ahead of an unfolding downturn, only now are households starting to experience the ‘pincer effect’ imposed by rises in the real costs of essentials (Fig. 3D).
    ..For now, though, here are some regional examples of discretionary compression. China can weather this transition better than most, whilst prospects are markedly better for the United States than for the Euro Area. In Britain, the projected costs of essentials actually overtake aggregate material prosperity by the mid-2040s.
    What this really means in practice – in the United Kingdom and elsewhere – is that products and services currently regarded as “essential” will revert to the status of “luxuries”. Not even rampant, highly-dangerous debt expansion will enable governments to maintain current levels of public services whilst simultaneously trying to prop up the ability of all their citizens to meet the rising costs of household necessities.

    #289: Project 2050, part one

    John Day

    Oil Man Supremo, Art Berman: The End of Growth: Why Oil Prices are Falling [High oil costs make weak businesses fail, lowering demand. Low oil prices shut down rigs.]
    Paradigms hold on until they can no longer offer believable explanations for what’s happening. Oil markets and the global economy are now in the middle of such a shift…
    ..On Tuesday September 10, Brent futures price fell to its lowest level in three years as prices dropped more than $12 in fourteen days.
    The old paradigm of “inventory deficits” has faded, swiftly replaced by “China weakness.” Ironically, inventory deficits remain as persistent as ever, while serious concerns about China’s economic slowdown have been prevalent for at least the past two years…
    ..The reality is that weak oil demand has been the main force pushing prices down in recent years, but geopolitical factors—including OPEC production cuts—have repeatedly stepped in to prop them up. The longer geopolitics artificially sustains the market, the more severe the price correction will be once the next crisis fades…
    ..Transportation is responsible for 60 percent of global oil consumption, and gasoline and diesel account for 54 percent of total petroleum use. Since 2021, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has been projecting flattening consumption for these refined products…
    ..It’s difficult to get reliable data on current world consumption by fuel type but the United States is a major exporter and U.S. export data is a good proxy. The amount of crude oil going into U.S refineries has stabilized at more than 1 mmb/d lower than 2018-2019 average levels over the last two years. About half of that decrease is because U.S. consumption is lower, and the rest reflects lower global demand of which the U.S. is a big part—the U.S. uses about 25% of world gasoline and diesel…
    ..Oil traders are more bearish now than at any point in the history of the Brent futures market. That’s not just noise—it’s a signal you can’t ignore…
    ..Low supply urgency is the reason oil prices are dropping today, even as inventory levels decline. This is largely due to the slowdown in global economic growth, which goes beyond post-pandemic inflation or rising interest rates.
    The globalization of trade and manufacturing, which accelerated in the 1980s, gave a major boost to struggling developed economies. China’s rapid rise was a defining feature of this period, but its growth peaked in 2007.
    That was also about the time that U.S. oil, gasoline and diesel consumption reached their maximum levels. U.S oil consumption peaked in 2005 at 20.9 mmb/d. Diesel consumption peaked in 2007 and gasoline in 2017. None have recovered to pre-pandemic levels…
    ..The global economy has matured. While there are regions where growth remains strong and others just beginning their development, the overall patterns are becoming clearer. It seems increasingly unlikely that we will see another China story—a rapid economic rise on the same scale…
    ..While world gasoline and diesel consumption continues to rise, its rate of increase is slowing. In fact, data through July suggests that 2024 consumption is likely to be flat with 2023. As critically, world gasoline & diesel per-capita consumption peaked in 2015. That reflects a fundamental demographic shift…
    ..At its most fundamental level, oil and refined product consumption is directly tied to population growth… In most advanced economies, growth is slowing, and China’s population size has actually declined since 2020…
    ..The global oil market is undergoing a significant transformation driven by a complex interplay of geopolitical events and shifting market fundamentals. While traditional paradigms have heavily focused on supply and demand metrics, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the influence of geopolitical factors has been consistently underestimated… Geopolitical risks to oil supply and concerns about an overextended and slowing global economy have been the dominant factors shaping oil price trends in the 21st century…
    ..Paradigms don’t change easily. They’re entrenched, comfortable, and persist until reality can no longer be ignored. Cracks start to show, anomalies pile up, but no one acts—at least not until the situation becomes critical. Only then, when the old model collapses under its own weight, do we see a shift. It’s not a smooth transition; it’s messy and uncomfortable, but the crisis forces us into a new understanding… Analysts and economists continue to force today’s realities into obsolete models. Oil isn’t just a commodity; it’s the foundation of the global economy. It signals where the future is heading. Right now, oil markets are flashing a clear message: the era of growth is over—not just for oil but for the global economy.

    Caitlin Johnstone points out that it’s not “terrorism” when we and our friends kill families. On War Crimes And Western Hypocrisy
    The death toll has risen to 12 from Israel’s terror attack in Lebanon on Tuesday which detonated explosive materials hidden in thousands of pagers. Another 20 people were then killed in another attack on Wednesday with a second wave of explosions, this time using walkie talkies and home solar energy systems.
    The total death toll now sits at 32. Two children and four healthcare workers are among the dead. Thousands have been injured.
    As you would expect, western empire managers are getting really squirmy about this. White House spokesman John Kirby adamantly refused to answer any questions involving Israel’s responsibility for the attacks during a press conference on Wednesday, despite Israel being widely reported as the responsible party, with outlets like The New York Times citing US officials as their source.

    Israel bombed a residential block in Gaza. Then drones shot at anyone trying to rescue the survivors
    On September 17, the Israeli army bombed a block near the al-Bureij refugee camp, completely destroying seven homes and trapping dozens under the rubble. When rescuers arrived at the scene to help, Israeli drones started firing at them as well.

    Blind amputees… 22,500 Palestinians Now Have Life-Changing Injuries Due to Israel’s Genocide

    Israel is joining the first global AI convention, here’s why that’s dangerous
    Over the last year Israel has weaponized AI in its genocide in Gaza, deploying AI-driven surveillance and automated targeting systems which has killed tens of thousands. Israel’s participation in the first global AI treaty raises serious questions.

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