Debt Rattle September 20 2024


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    Paul Gauguin Haymaking in Brittany 1889   • The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans (Patrick Lawrence) • Russia Slams NATO’s ‘Reckless’ Rejection of Puti
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 20 2024]

    Dr D Rich

    An observation.

    Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Weinstein(s) lately?

    They’re everywhere saying everything, well, not lately Harvey. Maybe they spell it differently.

    Brett Weinstein
    Harvey Weinstein
    Eric Weinstein


    Diverse experts at diverse subjects
    Money, underage sex formerly known as child rape, moviemaking
    Physics, string theory, hatred of certain fellow physicists
    Mass political psychology, Evergreen State, first hunting grounds of Ted Bundy


    Yes, we all know this but now that it is gaining credibility, ZH comes up with …

    ZH has no credibility, it is on the same level as the UK Sun … all tits; in the paper and those reading it.


    Dr D Rich said

    Has anyone noticed the proliferation of Weinstein(s) lately?

    Jobs for the Jew boys?


    So the leader of the Chechens, always presented as a fearsome chap, is poncing around in a Tesla kitted out with a machine gun like a 6-year old sand-nigger’s pickup? Tesla, the favourite vehicle of Netanyahu? Looks like the Chechens have gone soft, their leader certainly has; woke Muslims driving carbon-neutral cars – the ones that hate oil – who would have thunk it. The guy is not the guy he has been made out to be in the press. No wonder they are not supporting their fellow Muslims who’s genocide is supported by Musk and his best mate in Isreal. My view of Chechens has changed, just one more bunch of depraved white people.


    If only he was a Jew, then he would be able to use terrorism and genocide to get his kicks. Instead he is a low class white American with an hyperactive dick and an inadequate sense of self, so he has to obey the law, unlike pretty much anyone else with power in the USA. But yeah, greatest democracy in the world, the people are in charge as they have the vote … mental health!


    America will die when its people start behaving like its leaders; total criminality, total contempt for morality, total contempt for America, total contempt for the people of America. The time will come and I am sure it is not far away, the rot starts at the head and the head is totally fucked, so the rest of it must be almost dead.

    Dr D Rich


    Genuine observations raise honest questions which demand honest answers.

    YouTube recently featured Eric or is it Bret(t) ad nauseam berating some physicist. Why now?
    Why at all?

    One-“t” Bret understandably desperately desires in on the Tulsi grift as Gabbard, an ANG O-5, noticeD Tim Walz an ANG but only an E-8 acquiring the identical thunderous grift of E-4 Marine Corps Combat Correspondent and man of many names JB Vance Hamel BLANTON.




    A tip of the hat to Canazida’s “assisted suicide” Offical Death Cult


    I happen to know someone who could use it






    Dr D Rich

    “I christen thee JD Bowman”
    Close enough
    F*cking pathetic borderline


    Duh’merica, barely literate



    Culture moves in Polar opposites thru Time

    Wholesome and sane is the new radical





    Phucking Up Royalty in Public isn’t just for Government



    A second tip of the hat this morning to Canazida for Racing to Tyranny

    What a Bunch of Hosers!



    Life Expectancy in Duh’merica Rocketing Down in Large Part due to Addiction Epidemic

    It’s comin’ up all Aces in the Land of the Free to Self-Destruct©

    What can you expect from a country of Muppets and Cartoon Characters



    Military Industrial Maggots Inc




    Gavin Newsom
    “I just signed a bill to make this illegal in the state of California. “

    You can no longer knowingly distribute an ad or other election communications that contain materially deceptive content — including deepfakes.


    Separated at Birth




    Quite Impressive


    Dr. D

    EU MEP’s all vote for direct war on Russia? I say when that is declared, send one missile to each house. At their home address. That’s what war is, right? When it’s declared? They are voting to be direct participants, right? If not, then vote no, no war: no problems.

    Yes war: “OK, here’s a rifle and a parachute. Easy.”

    “Secret Service Investigating Elon Musk Over Twitter/X Joke

    However, are NOT looking into either shooter and where all their money came from. Why they were all in commercials, all ran illegal guns, and so on.

    From Day’s link: the “What Assassination”, the van with explosives, etc, all linked to the shooter, although nobody said so, (There is still no report or official story at all) like, he walked, rode a bike, AND drove a van? Gosh he’s busy-busy boy!. Anyway, that van had Arizona plates. For why? Crooks has no connection to AZ and it’s not a rental. So…there’s two shooters, because this van is…what, exactly? Yearick was from AZ and has spent years causing violence at every “Protest”, running guns and bombs, from his arms-dealing family, before going to Ukraine. That connection is easy. And why he can drive all over the U.S. with “Weapons of Mass destruction” packed in the van, he just calls NSA on the phone and they say “No charges. National Security.”

    And again in that link, his arm tattoo, seen on the long distance death video (finding the live, gruesome vid is hard) where Crooks has no arm tattoos, still being 17 years old, according to his Press photos.

    No one had yet ASKED his family anything. But if they do, they have America’s most expensive lawyer! All from the DNC. The best lawyer in all America wasn’t doin’ nothin’ ya know, got to fill the time…

    Meanwhile they DID ask unemployed roofer/worldwide jet setter and Hawaii owner. The found HIS family in no time, like hours. His son said, “gosh, that can’t be right, there were never any guns ever. He never acted unhinged, ever, and there’s no incidents I can think of to make him do this.” Huh. That’s odd, weren’t you 10 when Daddy-O ran from the police with a machine gun, barricaded himself into his workplace for 3 hours, and was arrested and charged with a list of heavy felonies? No? Didn’t ring a bell? Nothing? And all his neighbors said he always had a ton of guns around, which is odd for a convicted felon. On gun charges. People that knew him in Ukraine were so disturbed by his talk about assassinating everyone they reported him? Even back then? When he was doing a world tour of “Time”, “WSJ”, “ABC”…?

    But speaking of, he gets a wee restless, hops a $2,500 flight from Honolulu to (Puts finger on map as Trump is touring 30 states nightly) hmmmm, FLORIDA. Then as he gets off the plane, they have the greeter with the big white sign in Miami International, right next to a 12-rack of long guns he can choose from. Hmmmm….I’ll take the 6.5 mm Carcano rifle …no! Wait! The SKS variant. Shoot! I always get that wrong.

    Well thank God it was illegal for him to have guns 30 minutes after he landed…or for the last 30 years…as a felon…or he might have gotten possession of one and shot somebody.

    I can go on all day, but why? Does a single thing make sense? Can a SINGLE reporter ask a SINGLE question? Answer: No. They would be unemployed immediately, then shot if they refused. By KJP. Obama is reading the entire AP press corps emails, so they know! Santa sees you when you’re sleeping! Night-night Mr. Hersh.

    “A lot of war articles today. NATO et al are now saying Putin so far has not reacted very violently to breaches of red lines, therefore he won’t do so in the future either.”

    I think it may be Dima who said, “Um, they’re all YOUR Red Lines. Russia didn’t say they were red lines. You made that up.” That may be so. Here’s one to sleep tight: Russia doesn’t bluff. I’m not sure why, but they say what they will do, then they do it. That’s called “Telling the truth” and that’s why it’s incomprehensible to us, and sounds like, “Myah myah myah.” It goes like this: First, they don’t say much, ‘cause, why bother? But then, why say much, that will only reveal what you’re thinking, what you want, where your attention is, and your chess plans. It would be very low class and take all the joy and humour out of watching it unfold. Plus, if something goes wrong then HE gets the humour in watching it. Then eventually, you HAVE to say something, or it’ll be some big deal, it’ll be really rude, like, for example, you nuked the planet BEFORE saying something instead of AFTER. That wouldn’t be nice. So they have to say SOMETHING! Sigh. But for rules 1-3, you can only say something really obvious, that everybody knows.

    “If you put 5 minute nuclear missiles in Ukraine, we will have to do something about it.” Boom, done. We didn’t say WHAT we will do, and also it’s obvious that we would act anyway, we’re not telling you anything. They call this “Aggressive”, “Threatening war,” and “Bluffing.” Is it? Well, only one way to find out, I guess. This is akin to playing chess and saying, “I’m going to have to take your queen which has moved out of safety.” Everyone knows that. You always take the queen before the king. Then you do it.

    Then the West FAFO and we repeat all over again. For 250 years.

    Ukraine crossed the Red Line. They FAFO. Blowing up an apartment or an ammo dump is annoying, but it’s not a Red Line. There may BE Red Lines, but Russia only said they would first strike under conditions we can all download and read for ourselves, and one of them was threatening the “Existence” of the “Russian State.” Sending a few guys into a forest at the end of a fragile supply line won’t topple 12 time zones.

    So “NATO et al are now saying Putin so far has not reacted very violently to breaches of red lines” THAT THEY MADE UP. And are now therefore saying – according to everyone, PCR and Armstrong, eg – Neocons are all saying to their Leaders that Russia is always bluffing, we can first-strike nuke them and they won’t respond. Uh-huh. Really.

    But none of this matters because they only need some dumb s—t STORY, a LIE that will plausibly MAKE these nit-wits push the button. The real handlers never expect the Politicos to survive and want them all dead anyway. They’ll be safe in their bunkers while the U.S. falls. So they think. So you have to be careful, the Politicos may even know or SUSPECT it’s a lie, but so long as the lie is PLAUSIBLE, they will take it. Do it anyway and be blown to vapor anyway. Because they’re all insane, but all variations of Insane, and you have keep track of the flavors.

    On that note, what did we see this week? Britain and the Nazis got neck deep, deeper than ever, said they’d kill them some pensioners (about 4,000) and so certain of themselves, to finish the formalities, come to their colony the ‘States, and get the sign off AGAIN for England to drag the U.S. into a war AGAIN. Blinken made it clear this was a Go.

    Ooops! Red Hat Wearing Biden said he was pissed off he had to come out of hiding on the summer beaches of Delaware, leave all that ice cream, and say No. Starmer said, “But…” But NO. No no no. No means No. No. Austin said no, I said no: no. Then to keep the door open, they all blamed Jake Sullivan, who may or may not have that opinion, may or may not have said so, and may or may not have been in the room.

    So, Who’s running Biden? Who’s keeping him sucking Brits and the Europe in to be monkey-hammered off when we won’t fight ANOTHER world war for them, for free? Which we CAN’T. Literally, physically CAN’T and even the remaining moronic jetsam that hasn’t been fired from the Pentagon knows that. If we lift a finger we’ll be annihilated in 90 days. They can only say so much, only what’s in their dossiers, but they say it. No. It’s impossible, no. I will not sign.

    See the problem here: IF we hadn’t done this, they’d never have been drawn out, everyone would have said they’re our allies, and allowed this agitation forever. LIKE WE HAVE. For 80 years but at least 40, 1994. The only way to stop it is to SHOW it. ALLOW them, encourage them either, which is the entirety of the Trump Plan. Once everybody sees them, like cockroaches they are horrified at their ugly, demonic appearance and yell STOP! And the only way to cut off Europe’s power to agitate and control us, keep US as a Colony, is to bankrupt them, take them down a level. So you HAVE to have a real war start, you HAVE to have it real cost. Have to tak their real economy. Have to get all Roths and Warburgs leveraged. And they HAVE to think, believe in their little shriveled hearts, that the U.S. will come save them and bankrupt themselves.

    They wouldn’t believe that under Trump, so Trump couldn’t be there. Only Biden could be there. To suck them in and cut them off. Done.

    Speaking of: we’re now at $400B deficit per MONTH. (last month) Which is without note, hey, we all knew, big numbers, mine eyes glazeth over. Yeah, well, they lost $90 BILLION of that, nobody has any idea where it went. And? We’re at $4 TRILLION a year?

    Yeah? That’s nearly the whole amount we gave to Ukraine, missing. In one month? Well thank God the Republicans aren’t asking about it! National Security! How dare you vote and get to know where the money goes? That’s cray-cray. Democracy is when we’re in power and there’s NO idea what we’re doing at all. Ever. About anything. It went to create Epstein a new island, you mugs. You don’t get to ask where $100B goes missing every month, there’s an election on.

    Where’d it go? 1) Election interference, illegally. 2) Ukraine weapons, illegally. 3) Bailing out UK bonds, illegally. Prove me wrong which means you’ll have to show me where it went. When you refuse to tell me, I’m going to make it all up! And that’s disinformation. You don’t want rumors, you don’t want disinformation, release the Information.

    Anyway, Starmer was flat footed and got kicked in the face here. Since the Media works for the same WEF, Globos, they reported it as a slight misunderstanding that will be cleared soon when UK nukes Moscow. …Or a major ammo dump. “The sound of the inevitable, Mr. Anderson.”

    “Starmer later told the media that the talks were “productive” but concentrated on “strategy” rather than a “particular step or tactic”.

    That’s because he’s “Strategizing” on his next step to get the U.S. killed, since this “Particular Step” was renamed “GFY.” He’ll be back. He didn’t murder 4,000 pensioners for nothing. He’s got rape gangs to set free you know.

    Kamala’s new plan, the “Great Leap Forward”. Catchy!

    ““If you refuse to turn over your electronic devices, it is two years in prison. Two years in prison for refusing to answer a question.”

    “I Plead the Fifth.” Do you understand why we have that now?

    I was about to say Murray may be in danger and be careful on thin ice. Too late. Leave. We know that’s the only way for Nazi regimes unless you want to take up arms immediately and forcefully.

    Switzerland: as the bankers for the Anglo-Zionists (this is not a slur, this is literally reference to English, UK London banking and the money-flows related to the State of Israel) as they go bankrupt, they will now take down a careless, now integrated and no-longer-independent Switzerland with them. Or so they fear. But is the solution really to lash yourself MORE to the totally, obviously, sinking ship? That Starmer not only put all the rational crew adrift on lifeboats, but also lit it on fire and is dancing on the deck in his underpants? Is that REALLY where you want your interests to lie, Ye brave Swiss? Yes, you’re going to take a brick to the grill, but you’ve survived that before no doubt and so long as your and your people’s interests align, all should be well. ATTACKING your own people in service to ENGLAND, and GERMANY, and not just them, but a tiny, weak, inbred subset of them their own respective people are about to shoot in the face, well, does not seem like the strongest strategy right now.

    • Descendants of Native American Chief Want His Face Back In NFL (RT)

    Yes, with no Jeep Cherokees, no Pontiacs, no Redskins, they can happily forget all native Americans ever existed. …For their own good, of course. Being completely erased, forgotten, all history changed, all words and names re-written (to Leningrad), well that’s just how we help and love you most! …Says every narcissistic abuser ever. Before the neighbors come over and he says, “What girlfriend? What refrigerator?”

    “• Kamala Bucks (Jim Rickards)

    They need to see this roll out and get close or they won’t take it seriously. You can import 20,000 black slaves, have them eat cats and dogs in desperation, get on camera, do that while the people give hour-long town meetings about it, and it’s STILL a Conspiracy Theory. So we said this. We said it for years, then increasingly as they both began to admit it (wasn’t it only last year the very IDEA was a Conspiracy Theory?) then as the Fed publishes, then as Presidents promote and set infrastructure for it. And still more now. It’s STILL called a Conspiracy Theory, as Kamala SAYS it it real and she wants to install it.

    So you see why we can’t sit back 20 years ahead of time and just TELL you that Hollywood would like to release “Cuties” to the joy of pedos and to groom your daughters? You literally won’t believe the obvious, raw video footage. So? Then we have to let it get this far so you’ll understand. Your choice. I personally wouldn’t keep charging toward the cliff all day but Americans like the excitement, I guess.

    Anyway, they can’t have drug, prostitute, and payoff deals in Kamala Bucks, and I can’t run a garage sale, so we’d both immediately make a 2nd currency. They’d use heroin bricks or human blood and we’d use Tide Pods. Either way, it would work as well as Zimbabwe. Do It!!!

    Do we believe the FBI?
    • FBI: Iran Hacked Trump Campaign Materials And Gave Them To Biden/Harris (MN)

    My question exactly. BIDEN’S FBI did this? Like Biden’s FBI has been bringing up other charges? Election frauds, etc? Uh, no. Somebody is running Biden’s thing, or Biden himself. Garland would never allow this.

    The base story? Also makes no sense at all. WTF why bother? Iran? They’ve got things to do. They’d hack it, sure, but to give and get caught? No way. Explain in tiny words.

    “• Russia’s Shadow Fleet is a Ticking Geopolitical Timebomb (Garcia)

    Seems fine to me. Not doing any harm. You mean the Timebomb because if Russia EXISTS, the West will BOMB them? Like that? That’s not Russia’s fault.

    “The shadow fleet is a collection of aging and often poorly maintained vessels with unclear ownership structures and lack of insurance.”

    So???????? Bye bye Lloyd’s of London. Everyone was fine with you even so, but you had to go all “Swift Settlement” on everyone and now, no more insurance! Tell me sir: does “Insurance” somehow keep ships from sinking? Then WTF do you care if they have it? And is the ship SAILING? Then WTF business is it of yours who owns it? Oh you’re my and everybody’s MOMMY now? You’re the mommy off all ships, needs to know where every one is at 10 o’clock at night? GFY. None of your business. Nor mine. These nitwits were not shoved into enough lockers growing up. Snitches get stitches. Ferme la bouche.

    “• Pager Bomb Plot 15 Years In The Making – ABC News (RT)

    They are all agog and creaming themselves over a gruesome generalized terrorist attack on civilians. We now have some numbers on who was blown to bits. Like a bunch of children, moms, health care workers. Yay! Go Israel! The media instantly and instinctively knows NOT to have any curiosity about anything and starts every sentence with “attack on Hezbollah.” Oh wait: “Attack on IRANIAN Hezbollah.” These guys are the lowest form of life. Israel and the Reporters too.

    And I caught idiot online commentary, like from Brittany and Chad creaming themselves over how cool it is. This is very nearly the dumbest attack I can think of. Like, if only you could pop off one or two leaders first, before they saw a pattern it might make sense. Now it’s just …I dunno, nobody’s done anything this dumb in centuries. Theory is, someone was decapitated in the attack on Israel’s intel base. There’s been turnover in the war cabinet. So they got a bunch of amateurs on their first action, who like Brittany, thought this is super-rad. Gnarley dude. Considering how childish, and how much static they’ll get for achieving no military ends, I have to agree, but that may be generous of me. It’s a Millennial Plan of ir-reality. Having no contact with strategy, or the real world at all, then oblivious to that it doesn’t, even afterwards.

    What assassination? Was somebody shot?

    Just like the voting: BEFORE he’s shot, there’s no crime. AFTER he’s shot, it’s too late, there’s no case! So you can’t stop him before, and you can’t stop him after. That’s the Law!




    Heritage Gone Soft

    Well the women aren’t even having babies it the replacement rate so the men going soft as a grape is no surprise either…..



    FACT not LIES

    – terrorist gov in Israel,
    – neo–Nazis leaders in Kiev, Ukraine,
    – warmonger in USA – NATO
    – Peace/security advise, “red line”, submit don’t escalate
    – western weaponry was used against Russia by Ukraine/NATO, with impunity
    – the “peace plan” is a ‘Victory Plan’ – Zelensky (RT)
    – Depopulation of Ukraine


    Dr D Rich said

    And from that article

    Tulsi Gabbard will host a rally in the belly of the beast, Washington DC, to “break our addiction to war”

    Americans, including those on TAE, are addicted to war and to the elimination of their “enemies”. It is kind of pathetic, it shows zero intelligence, zero emotional intelligence, but there you go, those are Americans for you. Do they not realise that if they keep on attacking their neighbours, eventually their neighbours will destroy them? Can they not read history, or do they think of it being “different this time”?

    Gabbard does not stand a chance, the Americans love to see dead Palestinian children with their legs blown off, it turns them on. like Israeli terrorism killing children in Lebanon turns them on. Yet the USA is the moral high ground and the people of America believe that …. mental illness! The only thing we can cheer is that the worse they behave now, the worse the retribution will be in the future.


    WW3 can only happen if the western drones answer to the meat grinder and offer themselves as grist to the mill, willing volunteers to be the source of profits for the oligarchy. The men of Ukraine mostly escaped, and the retards who stayed behind are now mostly dog shit, returning to nature after having been killed, eaten by dogs, shat in the woods and now turned into whatever by insects … wow, how glory has changed since WW2; Wives may now find their husbands by looking for wedding rings in dog turds.


    The exploding pagers were licensed from a Taiwan company to a shell company in Hungary that had one employee.

    The actually manufacture of the tainted exploding pagers was done in IsRealHell supervised by Mossad

    This is a real Rubicon in organized terrorism.

    Open season on anyone with an electronic device.

    Social Credit score too low?

    They detonate your electronic device in your pocket/purse…

    on the plane

    with your family

    and friends on board.



    Oroboros said

    The actually manufacture of the tainted exploding pagers was done in IsRealHell supervised by Mossad

    Of course, where else could they possibly get an explosives license to make pagers? They probably tried their Jews in America but the person behind the desk asked “what is a pager”, they tried to explain but the person was so retarded that they had to put the workshop in Israel.

    Dr D Rich

    Mark Lacy…good article. “The weaponization of everything has begun.”

    God bless Rip Van Winkle, er ah, Mark Lacy, but it’s worth beating this not so dead horse into a few local skulls. Fighting it, those who would solicit and justify torture, war, weaponized medicine deserve to be hounded to the ends of the earth and for time immemorial.

    On Winkle: “He awakes 20 years later to a very changed world, having missed the American Revolution”

    Mark Lacy’s essay:

    The weaponization of everything has begun


     ….Stephen Miles MD hit it, weaponized medicine, pretty well ~20+ years ago. The Bush Administration went that route and they had the enthusiastic support of Elspeth Ritchie, Admiral Don Arthur and his two other Uniformed Surgeons General, Mitchell&Jessen and military medical personnel the world over, particularly, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and Bagram. Neither The US Constitution nor The Hippocratic Oath “are suicide pacts” for the Nation, they said.
    “Ours is a higher ethical and moral calling to Justice in defense of the Nation”, she continued politely.

    My reply to Elspeth who stood just in front of Don Arthur et al:
    “No. What you espouse is a factual, practical and deliberate solicitation to violate the Constitution. Who rewrote Title X? Did DoD attempt to paint this decision with a false coating of morality by enlisting the participation of the Army’s, Navy’s and Air Force’s doctors? Who authorized Mitchell&Jessen Associates and the Army/Navy psychologist to betray their duty to patients at Gitmo?”


    And it’s nothing new. Since Slavery, Bad people pathologized what were normal acts of survival and resistance by enslaved persons as the first act of weaponizing psychiatry, mental health against resisters.
    Y’all knew that.

    Well, how do you think National Command Authority took to one of its credible, best senior officers opposing the normalization of war crimes, torture, and the deliberate targeting of children some 20+ years ago?
    Don’t tug on Superman’s cape or spit into the wind they say.

    Here’s a hint. Our local fan of Ike Eisenhower will get the reference.
    Challenging military authority got Pvt Eddie Slovik executed by firing squad. It didn’t help Eddie was a petty criminal. How could Slovik have undermined The Army’s and Ike Eisenhower’s “good order and discipline” if the execution was kept secret within the Army, European theater and from Eddie’s wife n family? The 3 Generals who reviewed Slovik’s death sentence said so.
    Ike never made it the meat grinder that was WWI or as far as Eddie made it in WWII to before deserting. Apparently there are socially acceptable ways to eschew combat without risking execution by firing squad.

    Well, I can attest to fact they haven’t stopped. So why should I give up the game?

    (((…but they were abrogating the Law, not me. My assertions are, were and until amended backed by Oath, Title X and the Constitution.)))

    Ans: Maria Borrero explains how it works except contrary to her broad assertion they’ll enlist nurses, secretaries, pharmacists, a strategic patient and technicians to weaponize professionalism against accomplished white doctors too.

    Maria Borrero gets it partially correct in her paper entitled “Weaponization of Professionalism Against Physicians of Color”



    Love the Babylon Bee Newsom “ad.”
    I guess that newly-minted, unconstitutional law is going to be tested right away!
    The Bee is the perfect entity to test it.

    Figmund Sreud

    Strikingly familiar theme today, … history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes, … “BelleEpoque”. Excellent read!

    Belle Epoque
    The Geopolitical Outlook Beyond the Recent Belle Époque: What will follow the destructive shocks of “the Deplorables,” the Pandemic, and the War in Europe?

    Belle Epoque

    … fwiw,


    D Benton Smith

    Don’t buy stuff like cyber trucks, bitcoins and cell phones that can be turned off remotely by some geek with a computer and a bad attitude.

    D Benton Smith

    The enticing advantages of technology come at a hellishly high price. Do you know what that price is?
    Well, you better figure it out quick because the bill has come due.


    In a few weeks I am going to be teaching a class series at the local retirement community about technologies of the 21st century. Some of it will be “fun and games” — demonstrating technology that is new, such as a robot vacuum, a VR headset, etc. — that most seniors have not experienced. However, as I was speaking with my 91 year old friend, I realized that even she would like to better understand how the technologies of the 21st century are shaping our lives in less obvious ways. I am contemplating how to weave these ideas into the classes, ideas such as: CBDCs, loss of privacy, total surveillance, children who are addicted to smartphones, medical technologies that are essentially driven by “mad scientists,” medical data (and other types) all stored “in the cloud” — and constantly being breached, and how Big Tech and the government are collecting data on all of us for marketing and social control. I don’t want to preach…but I want to open minds to what is going on.

    (Some might say that this is useless, but I remember a particular technology class that I did about Android devices, where instruction about how to find the privacy information regarding apps in google play resulted in the class-goers that day coming to the realization of what these apps could do “behind the scenes” — and they were wise enough to realize the nefarious implications without me spelling it out.)

    So, if anyone has any topical suggestions, please leave them in the comments today and tomorrow and I will read through them. Thanks much!

    Dr D Rich


    Just do it, Teach!

    God bless you.
    That’s the best stuff I read on the internet lately.


    A couple guys called Him by that name.


    “The weaponization of everything has begun.”

    It’s much smaller but something like a Bluetooth ear piece with a dab of explosive detonating IN YOUR EAR (can you hear me now…) would certainly keep the Sheeple in line with their “Social Credit Score”

    Cooking the Scarecrow so We Can Keep Our Hands Warm

    Run Toto, Run!




    The Essence of Woketurdness

    Remember Project De-Population extends to food.

    Poison your food, poison your mind

    Break all cultural norms


    The Military Industrial Maggots© are coming for you kid

    The Empire of Lies wants to ‘harvest’ all those teens and twenty somethings from their Incel Cellars and turn them into organic compost for their Doomsday Bunker gardens.

    Chop, chop!


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