Debt Rattle September 25 2024


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  • #169702

    Pablo Picasso Harlequin and woman with necklace 1917   • America Must Get Out of Ukraine – Trump (RT) • Zelensky ‘Greatest Salesman In History’ –
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 25 2024]


    you know AI will be a success when television sets start talking back to the persons sitting in their living room talking to their television set

    what is with the kid in the Merica shirt in the Trump appearance videos? making the hand sign? or the kid with the afro talking trash to the guy next to him? then looking to his left for his prompter and saluting in the last frame? do you think the two in the hard hats are plants?

    citizens of the US actually believe that the nation will change and they can stay the same.
    after all, why would the exceptional need to alter their lifestyle in any way?
    who knew that Jay Gatsby would be a national role model or that Orwell would become the greatest social engineer in the history of humanity?
    mocking the society in which one lives is much like a fish hating water. as the great thespian might have observed “Brilliant”

    Dr. D

    Not following or catching the Diddy story, I did not catch that he was indicted in the SDNY, the most corrupt court in America. Run by Wall Street and the Banks. Uhhh, they don’t like Democrats now? As he’s related to all the donors, all the people who just came out publicly against Trump? They waited two years, AND a month, until exactly now?

    I don’t plan to follow this, but if they do this, looking at the SDNY, is that they can refuse to present evidence, and get J Lo and Oprah off, exonerating Diddy as innocent. …Or also not. If the court has it in hand, it’s all rigged, why are they deleting accounts and freaking out? Of them on camera with Diddy, doing IVs. What’s in the IVs? Saline? That seems pointless.

    So the FBI was indicting election fraud, etc, and the DNC SDNY is indicting Democratic donors? Go on…

    Totally unrelated: “Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh’s Son Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

    You know, you shoot randomly into a Antifa/DNC crowd and you hit a pedophile. A coincidence, I’m sure.

    They say everybody’s freaking out about Diddy, running around. Huh. That’s odd: doesn’t bother me a bit, I sleep like a baby. Better than ever. So that’s really hard to understand. Did something happen? People? That you would have something to worry about?

    “US Navy Oiler Runs Aground Off Oman Coast, Forcing Carrier Strike Group To Scramble For Fuel

    This is what I mean by “we have no ships.” But we have 6 Carrier groups! (11 carriers) And like 70 subs! Yes, and ZERO at-sea lading ships (it was British IIRC). Apparently ONE at-sea oil ship? And almost no merchant marine? Maybe we should open a steel mill and a shipyard and get back in the business before they all sink for lack of support? (Or not, as they are floating targets: pick one)

    Nope, same as industry: we’re going to run ships, provide services with no employees. Who aren’t trained, and are all abused, have no idea their job descriptions or the rules. Because “liminalism”, we don’t want them to feel bad, have an uncomfortable internal state by having hard rules you get a blanket party for. We’d rather have a ship sink. (This has happened. In the late 90s I think) Then we’re going to take no mind of anything ELSE around, like we are the machine shop, but then screw all our suppliers so that 90% of them go out of business because we used our leverage to chisel 3% more out of all 20 of them. (This happens daily). Then we turn around and if there’s a disruption, there are now 2 suppliers, we have no alternatives, and shut down ourselves. (Cuz: “Competition”) Also there is no industry in town altogether, because mysteriously a bunch of businesses shut down I can’t understand, and so there are empty buildings, unemployed workforce that doesn’t call on the phone for machining jobs. Huh. Can’t figure it out.

    So this is overall, overarching, deep, deep, internal “Values” thing. It’s a result of the invisible paradigm you’ve in-gested and then ex-press. You’re now a NeoLib, and think humans are a virus to be erased, not how it was in 1955, where people are tough but that’s life, you gotta give a guy a break, a leg up.

    …As per that bad employee who wants a promotion after not doing her work. That’s America. Why? “Show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.” Psychos want to prosper without work, duh, so they engineer the system to give rewards to people who don’t work. …And therefore not meaning, but HAVE to take them from people who do work. …Lookin’ at you, PMCs. Eventually working people look up from their desk and go: “What the heck is going on around here???” A: “Nothing seems to be getting done, can you stay late and do Tina’s job too?” Yeah, taking two jobs and giving them to ME was in the ’90s. Now it’s two jobs, each that are two jobs, 2^2 x 2 and give them to me. Why is nothing getting done? You only have 2 x 1^20 jobs! I wrote that was “One Job” right here on this spreadsheet!

    “I’ll get it done. I’ll negotiate; I’ll get us out. We gotta get out..” — Trump

    Yes, Vance already said we’ll surrender. In the “What we’re not talking about and why” the universe did NOT pile on him for this for some reason. How? They pile on him for liking Tolkien, but not surrendering the war to Russia?

    Same reason FBI agents are arresting NY Orange County judges and Diddy all of a sudden? Sudden unexplained fit of morality?

    “Andrei Martyanov, an emigre from Russia, writes books about military strategy and America’s lack of one.”

    Just as PCR’s blind spot: if I’m right then America “has one.” It’s just not public. Our Plan is to extract and expel the Vichy occupying — colonial — government, and we’ve tried 20 ways to do that in 60 years, so it’s been really difficult. Part of that, however, is to return to our own shores. For arcane reasons, the only way to do that is to make us UNABLE to fight proxy wars on behalf of Globalists, or they would print money, buy us, and make us do that. However, we’re not in a lot of danger on our shores since we have 400 million guns and chomping-at-the-bit will to use them. ESPECIALLY to blow up Blue Hats. DO IT!!!

    They are using the “Establishment”’s own limitless arrogance against them, but remaining as if we are but humble hicks and cartoons. Same as any other Supervillian, although perhaps we’re all surprised that actually works. The more humble and low we look, the better it goes. And in fact, the better it IS, as you push the POWER, and decisions, back to the lowest practical level. Then the supervillains are hollowed out and notice they have no pumpkin bombs to throw at anyone, since Batman stole them all and replaced them with water balloons. …But that’s a but a crazy example, we all know no military and no supervillain would allow themselves to run out of artillery shells for their most common gun. Just used here for instruction purposes only.

    Thankfully, like one’s own ego, and “Somebody Else’s Problem”, Arrogance is the third greatest Invisibility Shield known to man. …Which may explain PCR, who is a DC creature, a WSJ Editor, and an “Expert”.

    Hey, when you’re an occupied nation and are the (French) Resistance, do you have to try deception and keep your plans on the downlow, diverting explanation and looking like you don’t exist every day? Asking for a friend. YOU say the U.S. is occupied, Paul. YOU told me this. …So if we are, then what? What’s your Plan for UN-occupying it? Complaining? Standing up proudly in Champs-Élysées on a box while the Nazis pace around you? Tick Tock, friend.

    Why is nobody doing anything? If there was a French Resistance, they’d be right here in the sidewalk of the Champs-Élysées making bombs and fake passports in full view where I could see! Would they though?

    “Thus, Putin’s Special Military Operation guaranteed increasing Western involvement, more casualties, and a wider war”

    Yes, but the GRU may have known 20 years ahead of time that “Western Involvement” always and inevitably would mean a wider war, even if Russia avoided it. …I mean we publish that publicly almost every month, soo…genius at work: we’ve learned that some Russians are literate. IF that was basically unavoidable – as Russia doesn’t run German, British, EU, US, NATO policy – then it’s only a matter of how best to field the inevitable without being shot up too much. They ALSO publish publicly that we intend to kill all Russians since demographically they are too few and and will cease to exist. So thanks!

    “Trump: DOJ, FBI ‘Mishandling, Downplaying’ Second Assassination Attempt (JTN)

    That’s ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as this:

    When Life give you Lemons…

    But really, it’s a little crazy, but more because of baseline. Look at it this way: We need to hold this guy, so what’s the first, easiest, proven fact? The gun charges. I have him and the gun, in hand, no questions. So they did, immediately. Then about the murder? Well…prove it. We had a guy in Florida sitting by the road with a gun. PROVE he had bad intent. He didn’t DO anything, right? Arguably? Can you prove what he MEANT? See the problem?

    Now we miss that because the State is so used to making up charges out of nothing, many of which never happened, then railroading them through, so we think that’s “normal”. If he does 20 for the gun charges, he’s 58, so do I care if he serves 30 for murder one?

    I agree they should tread lightly and yes, probably the State IS trying to downplay and find a way out of this, but the facts as wrote are perfectly normal.

    “First, ‘only a sitting president gets max protection’, then ‘he already has the same protection’, and now even ‘that protection has to be enhanced’.”

    Like above, it seemed perfectly reasonable that Ex presidents would get less protection. We’re not made of money. UNTIL I found out Obama has full protection and always has, with no events or attempts. ALSO, even if this wasn’t expected (it probably was) then it’s CRITICAL to Democracy that all active candidates do, as that would erase Democracy itself. Like 700 candidates or officials were killed in Mexico this year? And that’s BEFORE active events. So any normal person would come around to this, as we have. Biden actively, expressly, pointedly REMOVED all protection from all candidates. RFK openly, Trump at Butler secretly and for just that day. …By total coincidence, I guess.

    ““do whatever it takes” to keep the U.S. Capitol safe, … but top officials did not comply”

    Yup, never do what the active President says. No problem! I tell my boss I won’t make chalupas at Taco Bell all the time! And I don’t feel like doing the drive-thru window today. Naturally nothing happens, and he pays me 6 figures with full medical care anyway. That’s normal, right?

    Rules for thee and not for me, Psychos always set a system that pays people for lying, abusing, and not working, then go there. To government! Psycho central!

    ““Zelensky… could have stopped this war before it started..” [..] “That’s why he has to continue this rhetoric, to stay in power.”

    There is no Zelensky. He was never in power and he’s not President now. He’s an unemployed actor, Kolomoisky set him up years before, perhaps even like P Diddy, and he’s not quitting because he WILL be killed. …But he’ll be killed because UK and all Europe will collapse if they don’t get reparations from Russia or at least $1T in “collateral” leveraged 300:1 (prove I’m double-selling and hypothecating). So it’s not “the Nazis”, it’s not Azov. Azov works for Kolomoisky and MI6 and always has. They are BRITAIN’S true army.

    There is no Ukraine. Hasn’t been since 2014 as direct, actual, legal point of fact. If you openly have an military coup, illegal under all International Law, how does that government “exist”? It doesn’t. It’s as if it’s never been, or as if I created a Ukrainian Government in my basement with a bunch of drunks. I think I will!

    I’m President of Ukraine as much as Ze is, and my government is just as legal. Now gimme a trillion dollars.

    ““By continuously and incessantly sending weapons, the German company has managed to escape a serious financial crisis..”

    This is generalized as well. Macro: they will collapse and implode unless they PRINT MONEY, just like August 2019 before “A miracle happened” (and also concerning EU ZIRP bonds being denied as collateral by NY) So just like that company stays solvent taking arms, all EU stays solvent by printing money. But you can’t print a Trillion dollars to run a soup kitchen (speaking of, promo for Greece and Athens) it won’t be plausible. They already did Covid, and that wasn’t large enough. Only a WAR can print that much money and have no one track where it goes. So they did. The End. They’ll do worse yet. They’ll do everything and things we can’t even think of to prevent bankruptcy, exposure and collapse.

    “• European Union Morphs Into NATO’s Financial War Machine (SCF)

    I’m hearing some amazing things, from the Brits and from like the State Dept (on vlogs). They’re all so sure they can just stop the war any time, Russia will take anything. So no risk! Any time they feel like, they’ll just offer a DMZ and Russia’ll take it! Whiskey Tango…I hope not. But that ATTITUDE is what’s getting everyone killed and keeping Britain, etc in the fight. They see no risk, that they can stop at the second-to-last Ukrainian soldier and Russia won’t do anything, they’ll keep all Ukraine up to the contact line and put it in NATO. This IS, in fact, what PCR says, but my read is that’s perception, not reality. Maybe I’m wrong. Seems like Lavrov said peace is off the table tho.

    The second is that the EU is “set up for peace”. I think this is Wilkerson, but said all over, like the Alexander. WHEN? WHEN was this EU ever set up for peace? Yes, in 1994, they SAID it was set up for peace, advertised and SOLD as peace, but the very first – before the very first – event the got tested on, they IMMEDIATELY went to war. And at EVERY crossroads since, ever. Yet because an ad salesman SAID it was was “fine corinthean leather” from “Genuine naugabeasts” you actually believed it’s a fine car and any of that happened. …And these are the smart, well-read, cynical people. Jesus on a Stick.

    WE ALL SAID the EU was a scam, from Day One. Day one minus a thousand, in 1996. It was always a Soviet politboro to erase all nations, all democracy, and run them from an unelected committee fronting for hidden billionaires. Ta-dah! …And hidden, fronted billionaires want wars because then YOU die so they can get rich. Always. Ta-dah! So we knew this would happen and told you 5 years before they even existed and PROVED it would happen, then it’s been happening, every event, every day for 23 years since then. Surprise! …And the SCHMARTZ peoples still say it’s “Not true to its…” …Its what? True to its genetic nature every day since before it was born?

    So the EU is a “War machine”? Welcome to the Party, pal. I guess we all discover reality one funeral at a time, as all humans die of old age rather than update what they learned when they were five? Despite 40 years of non-stop evidence to the contrary? And I’m the crank for pointing at it and saying “Dat! Dat!”

    “Pennsylvania] admitted they had been registering non-citizens for 20 years at PennDOT, and it was a glitch.”

    Let me put it this way as I often do: if there were a “Glitch” that added $20 to my account every week, the bank would catch and stop it in no time, clawing back the money for THEIR gift and donation. But if $20 leaves my account to THEM, they never catch it and don’t care. So there is no “glitch” because it’s not morally-neutral event. If 100,000 voters were being REMOVED from the rolls, they would notice and fix that “Glitch” in 7 days. Only “glitches” that favor them, welp, that’s the sort of glitch we don’t get around to for 20 years. …Like the $20 the bank stole from me without my noticing. …Or even AFTER I notice, and the get a call from my lawyer. Keep going even then. (Wells Fargo)

    You see, we’re NORMAL people. We see a problem, we fix it. It’s morally neutral to us. Call up, something on your bill, pro or con, we just name the amount and fix it. Not so everybody else. They set up 10,000 “glitches” that each steal $5, fix 99,975 that call and notice, and hope that like 25 aren’t noticed. Not everyone thinks like you do.

    “• Not Just Springfield, Haitians Being Flown To Small Towns Nationwide (Blankley)

    You might want to lead with how this is literally, black, human slavery.

    “About 20 years ago, some honeybees died from “colony collapse disorder.”

    All those adults now have to die of old age before we admit this is sort of over. Bees are still under some stiff pressure, but there are a lot of them, and part of it was how hard the beekeepers hit the hives. (And I believe termite pesticides in the south where they truck them to) Wild bees can be different (not as productive) but also don’t have as much stolen and can muddle on like the last million years. They’ve been through this before. I don’t know where I heard it, audio, but a list of the last 50 times there was like trees blooming in Germany because it was so warm in January. Since like 1100AD when they were keeping records. Yet the trees are still here, and somehow that wasn’t Global Warming to Venus.

    It’s all a lie. And part of the lie is like the things they say. I saw a 50s movie, and like the cartoon of men on horse being nice, the people seemed like working, but it was safe, new, and pleasant. People did crimes, drugs, alcohol abuse, etc, but it seemed far more contained. They just LIE. They tell you all the bad things that happened in 1950, but none of the good things. Then you think 1950 was a bad time with bad people. They do the opposite now as we re-install literal black human slavery plantations. This is the GOOD time, and we’ve never been better, smarter, more “progressed,” or more moral. All the Bad things are made up, exceptions, and Conspiracy Theories. No 6 million brown people were killed and Iraq did have WMD and ties to Al-Q. If not, well, it was just an accident and misunderstanding and not intentional. Ooopsie!, the PMCs say.

    Cassius Clay. Apparently a racist and black supremacist. You must always judge everyone else in other times and places, only according to your own WEIRD, PMC, AWFL values. …That the culture just invented in the last 5 years, on TV, paid for my billionaire corporations so of course they are honest, universal and eternal.

    Yesterday: Democracy vs Republic, Freedom vs Liberty, I have one for today: Repent. This isn’t some cowering to the Sky God, it means you realize you got on the wrong path, the Way, the Tao, and you want to get back on the RIGHT path, the way, in alignment with Reality, the #Logos. They’re like, “I can’t repent, I don’t believe in God.”

    Can you believe you’ve ever made a mistake? Start with that. Fix it. And the problem is: no, they do NOT believe they’ve ever made a mistake, it’s ego-destroying to them and they hold in denial. For decades, then lifetimes, if not smacked with a clue-by-four. This is not good, childish, and very common. Just say you made a mistake and leave Kursk and you can live.


    The Good Olde Days

    I remember them well….



    Don’t forget kids!

    Remember, it’s important to enjoy those little moments in the day.

    Those Zen ‘Be Here Now’ moments

    Seize the Day!








    I’ve actually been to Sandwich and yes, the cops have cars that say that



    A teeny wiff of theology

    For DBS






    ReThuglican War Criminals Still Out There



    Even CNN is being forced to tell the American people how BAD Kamala’s polling is.

    Indeed, which should, by now, make you realise that the deep state Jews want Trump to win, so Trump it will be, and it will be a “Victory against all the odds” as he teams up with the Netanyahu, the Musk and all the other genocide supporters. Make America Genocide Again? Trump is rebirthing the deep state as the Trump deep state …. same wankers, different PR.


    A Chip Off the Old Block







    Dr D: “Can you believe you’ve ever made a mistake?”
    It would be easier to list the times I haven’t. It would be a short list!

    Dr D Rich


    Obama ordered and Trump greenlit the extrajudicial murder of that 16yo’s sister, 9yo Nawar al-Awlaki after her brother and father were murdered extrajudicially by the same cast of characters.

    You see what happens when substantive actions are not taken against the criminals who ordered and carried out those substantial acts.

    We get capitalism and this weird pretend war against socialism and Da Nazis again.
    Deflections and Distractions.


    Ali missed the bit where it’s not all about you as a body. I guess a busy mind, success, social pressure and ego will do that to ya but sometimes a person of the opposite sex is just so damn compelling and attractive and you are at that age that whatever colour their skin happens to be is nearly completely invisible until someone else brings it up.
    And then you shack up and it works or it doesn’t and race aint got nuttin’ ta do wit it.


    As I studied these two maps I wondered what the “Very High” red areas were in the high plains in the middle of Duh;merica were.

    Oh yeh I remembered, Reservations



    Texas is interesting

    Generally low crime

    Must be all the Guns and Polite Manners ;>)


    Honeybees chased away the hummingbirds from the feeders this year. We put out a different one some distance from the first, and soon it, too, was covered in dozens of bees. They go through a cup of sugar water in about five hours.
    Otherwise, the insect population is still extremely low.

    I am not convinced GMOs are a good thing. They maybe could be, but that’s not how they work at this time. Crops that produce sterile seeds; crops that generate weeds that nothing can kill…

    “a lemon ate trump”. Hilarious! (In a sad sort of way.)

    So, does that mean that Ukraine has a town called “Soup”?


    Greek presidential guard vid brought the memory from the army.
    When the right “to be different” or to “express oneself” (or to BS) is removed and, yet, one can maintain full sense of himself as who he is. Commonly referred to as art of life.


    Cats will cats.
    That scene I have every say in my backyard since four rascals moved in.


    Get the fuckin’picture?

    Wrong! misread, error, death, hate, fear, revenge, bluster and delusion.

    Ukraine and Israel are paid mercenaries by/for USA

    • Zelensky ‘Greatest Salesman In History’ – Trump (RT)

    The end of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev could be closer than one might think.

    ( Zelensky is calling for the world to join in WWIII and join Ukraine to destroy Russia to achieve peace.)

    Fact – too late.

    Depletion of energy and assets/economic resources.
    Instability, failure of supplies chains, food insecurity, depopulation, failure of Immune system/health.

    We must cease attempts to discredit those arguing for peace..”

    • ‘Peace’ Has Become A Swear Word – Hungarian FM (RT)

    • Zelensky Leaving Ukrainians to Die for BlackRock, Deep State (Miles)

    • Russia Wins Ukraine Conflict Despite ‘Best’ US, NATO Weapons – Ron Paul (Sp.)

    • ‘Israel Dying From One Thousand Cuts’ (Manley)

    Pricing correction/inflation coming
    • EVs “Up To Twice As Expensive” To Run As Regular Gas Cars In The UK (ZH)


    “US Navy Oiler Runs Aground Off Oman Coast, Forcing Carrier Strike Group To Scramble For Fuel”
    Rumor has it that it was actually rear-ended by the USS Harvey Milk.


    Misc media:

    The Knights of Arthur, Frederik Pohl – Let the brain-in-a-box run the ship, no crew necessary!

    The Mouse That Roared, based on Leonard Wibberley novel – It worked for the Duchy of Grand Fenwick…

    Destination Void, Frank Herbert – How to make a god, or, maybe we shouldn’t have let the brain-in-a-box run things.





    Zelensky’s “Victory” plan is strikingly similar to my “How I Will Get Taylor Swift to Marry Me” plan.


    That’s hilarious


    “US Navy Oiler Runs Aground Off Oman Coast, Forcing Carrier Strike Group To Scramble For Fuel”

    Rumor has it that it was actually rear-ended by the USS Harvey Milk.

    The “Oiler” sounds like it’s a jailhouse punk.

    Reminds me of Alice turning tricks curbside in Wonderland





    Fadi-3 Enters the Service – Resistance Roundup – Day 354

    Fadi-3 Enters the Service – Resistance Roundup – Day 354
    September 24, 2024

    About 400 Hezbollah missiles and rockets fell on Israel today, according to Israeli media. Most of the attacks this time seemed to be focused on Safed, in the north, though all the Hezbollah targets so far have largely been linked to the military.

    Per this logic, future attacks by Hezbollah, starting tonight, are likely to follow the same trajectory, by hitting with a greater number of missiles with the aim of progressively destroying Israel’s military infrastructure, including airports.

    Below are the latest statements by the Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah.


    A few quotes. Read more …

    Fog of (Dis)Information in Escalating Israel-Lebanon Conflict

    Fog of (Dis)Information in Escalating Israel-Lebanon Conflict
    Posted on September 24, 2024 by Yves Smith

    resemble Western reporting on the Ukraine conflict, as overstating Israeli successes and underplaying or ignoring Hezbollah/Axis of Resistance wins.

    The military wing of Hezbollah does not use pager or walkie talkies.
    They’ve used their own fiber optic network since 2006, and otherwise rely on couriers.
    These devices were in the hands of civilian Hezbollah workers, such as members of its large social services effort. Yes, military members may have been hurt too, but that was dumb luck, like being in proximity to blown-up pager-user or picking up a ringing device on behalf of someone else.
    Israel surely knew that. So that means this entire enterprise was from its outset a terrorist scheme and never a military operation.
    Needless to say, this also means that the device attacks were pure terrorism, with no remotely colorable military purpose whatsoever.

    Dmitry Liscaris claims in this interview (at 15:13) that Hezbollah attacks took out one of Israel’s three airbases, the Ramat David airbase in the Golan Heights, and a major arms making plant, Rafael Military Industries complex, which makes air defense equipment, as well as hitting targets near Tel Aviv. He also said waves of drones were coming from Iraq.

    Dr D Rich


    Don’t understand me.
    Trust the intertubes.


    From intertubes or “Not AOs are created equal nor are they all called AOs or USS”

      Replenishment oilers

      Replenishment oilers are naval auxiliary ships that can supply both fuel and dry stores during underway replenishment (UNREP) at sea1. The US Navy has several types of oilers, including AO, AOE, AOL, AOR and AOT2. The Navy has the ability to pump fuel from commercial oil tankers to CLF ships at sea3. Fifteen fleet replenishment oilers are operated by Military Sealift Command (MSC) and provide underway replenishment of fuel to U.S. Navy ships at sea and

    Never ever forget…

    “Be afraid….very, very afraid”

    ((the next phrase should be shouted into the howling wilderness))

    “We’re all gonna die!”


    1. Check out the FinCEN BOIR reporting requirements and who is exempt.

    2. Go read today’s post at MOA.

    3. Go to hell but stop only long enough to KMA

    How ‘Israel’ Has Lost The North

    — The entire article is a good read. —

    Dr D Rich


    I loved and noted the fact one category of exclusion from reporting is:

      State-Licensed Insurance Producer

    God I love it.

    Between IMEs, independent medical examiners and life/disability insurance companies, I don’t know which one is a repository of the most evil right next to the pedophile clan


    appreciate the good will in Putin’s decision, but he misread his adversary, and his decision was a strategic error of potentially immense consequences. To keep the US/NATO from becoming ever more involved in the conflict and, thus, ever widening the conflict, Putin needed to quickly prevail.

    What PCR fails to recognoise is that the USA would do exactly the same as Putin if the war was on the USA’s borders. The USA talks tough when the war is far away, none of their civilians are even threatened, they march in and destroy everything. Imagine doing that to Mexico, you would end up with the whole of Mexico living in the USA, the USA would end up paying to rebuild Mexico, so the USA would not obliterate Mexico like the US kids do on their computer games. PCR is living in kiddie world, he knows nothing about war strategy or tactics, he knows nothing of war, he is just a blowhard bullshitter who learned his “facts” from a gaming console.

    Now, had Putin been Israel then he would have opened additional fronts and tried to start a bigger war. But Israel is only doing that to drag the USA console kiddies like PCR into the war. Israel is not doing that because it makes good strategy, tactics or common sense. Israel knows that the USA will come to its rescue, Israel owns the US government, so of course it will intervene, channelling even more cash and weapons to the inept Jews; inept, but not as inept as the couch potato whites.

    #Helene resources: The latest storm forecasts, maps

    “life-threatening storm surge, damaging winds, and flooding rains to a large portion of Florida and the southeast US.”


    Parkinson was in that job because he thinks the way the BBC mindcontrollers want him to think. Imagine the outcry if he had agreed with Ali and used “free speech” to express his opinion that he prefers white people … oh, and he was married to a white woman, so for Parkinson it is all acting, not reality, what we now call “virtue signalling”, but Parkinson didn’t have any homeless people living near him, he pretended to have virtue while knowing nothing of what he speaks. How would Parkinson know anything of what he speaks, unless you are in an interracial marriage, it is all bullshit.

    I understand what Ali is saying, but what he fails to realise is that many Chinese women have been raised as white women, they are bananas, they live the white culture and think the white culture. Maybe that was not so common in Ali’s day, but I agree with him that mixed race kids do not look as good as pure race kids, whether they be white or Chinese. I respect Ali’s views, he has the balls to express them; I do not respect Parkinson’s views, he knows nothing of which he speaks and is virtue signalling, as Ali says, Parkinson has to say that, he’s on a TV show.

    Great example of how the British were brainwashed into giving their country to brown folks from overseas. Great revelation of the treasonous people, like Parkinson, who turned the UK into the shit hole it is today.


    Russia Wins Ukraine Conflict Despite ‘Best’ US, NATO Weapons – Ron Paul (Sp.)

    I said right from the very start of this Ukraine war, the west does not want Ukraine to become a huge war, they want to wear down Russia and destroy Ukraine. They have their reasons. It was obvious from the start; they had 8 years to prepare the army for this war, the west did next to nothing, they didn’t even ship a heap of modern arms to them, didn’t even bother training them. Then once the war starts, they drip feed weapons to Ukraine, just enough to keep the Ukraine Jew in power, not enough to allow the Ukraine soldiers to win the war. You think the USA wants the Ukraine to be victorious? Really? The Ukraine would be a right pain in the ass if they had defeated Russia, they would be unbearable, nobody wanted that!

    Give the Ukraine Jew enough to pass on to his meat grinder, killing off the Ukraine youth and using the Ukraine wealth as collateral to borrow from the west. Now the west owns most of Ukraine, they don’t care about the dead Ukraine soldiers, they have done their theft and the oligarchs are happy. They managed to do it without Russia getting to aggressive and blowing NATO off the map; they are happy. They know that Russia does not want to have to occupy Ukraine forever, so the assets they have thieved are safe.

    Nothing went wrong in Ukraine, everything is going to plan.

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