Debt Rattle September 30 2024


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    Vincent van Gogh Roofs of Paris 1886   • Musk Warns “If Trump Is Not Elected, This Will Be The Last Election” (ZH) • Free Speech Makes US ‘Hard T
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 30 2024]

    Dr. D

    “The Democratic Party is all about the centralization of control. It’s about surveillance. It’s about top down policies that are dictated by oligarchy. It’s the opposite of democracy.”

    Yeah, just make sure you’re not the same. A lot of your policies lean this way too, or keep the tools in place “just in case”. Remember Batman three? He tells Fox after he finds the Joker, to dismantle all this, don’t let him use it. And actually retires. So I don’t trust you a bit either, and shouldn’t. Take all that power, let it go, disperse it back to us again.

    “RFK Jr: “We’re about to consider someone for President of the United States who cannot give an interview.”

    Which one? Oh he means Harris, not Biden. So we have a whole administration of people too incompetent, or in compis mentis, to give interviews. So. Proud.

    “• Free Speech Makes US ‘Hard To Govern’ – John Kerry (RT)

    The structure was built so almost no laws could get passed, it would be pretty difficult. Why? Because we’re supposed to rule and regulate OURSELVES, socially, not using the law. That’s why it’s for a “Religious and moral people and will work for no other” – John Adams.

    Freedom of Speech: Never stop talking, Kerry. Let us all know what you stand for.

    Kerry is also functionally illiterate, doesn’t know negative vs positive rights. If there’s only one source, shouldn’t it be easy to ADD 50% more sources, you, to offset and counteract them? That is, MORE speech, for competition, not LESS speech. And guess what? The First Amendment allows this, hallelujah! No problem. The Government is fully allowed to give all the official press releases they want. …And we are allowed to read history and know they are almost always lies or they wouldn’t release them. YOU speaking is not the same as you STOPPING me from speaking. Like if I have to distinguish between Up and Down, the Sun and Moon. Different things are different. Who knew?

    “• MTG Predicts Election Delay Or More Assassination Attempts Against Trump (JTN)

    It’s pretty obvious. MTG is now “Radical” because she just says what everybody already knows, like 80% of all people. “The greatest revolutionary act is to tell the truth” and all that. Seems odd? Compare? Like 80% of Americans think the CIA was involved with JFK. Yet it’s still somehow radical to say that. Where’s your Overton Window? EVERYBODY knows and believes that. Yet somehow we all also DON’T believe it? Wtf?

    “[All] internal polling shows Harris sinking in the Wolverine State. The news comes as a blow”

    So you could say “She’s blowing it?” Ah, the Harris jokes write themselves.

    “• Trump Labels Harris ‘Mentally Impaired’ (RT)

    He “Said”? He “Labeled”? I’ll allow it.

    “Lebowitz Calls for Biden-Harris to “Dissolve the Supreme Court” (Turley)

    Law professors want to erase all courts. Um… Now you see why Wall Street is NOT retarded: selfish, but not retarded – they say “World CBDCs would make the GOVERNMENT all creation of Capital. (I.e “Global Socialism”) WOULDN’T THAT PUT US OUT OF A CUSHY JOB?” Where they can make more in bonuses than the GDP of Denmark? Then how will I buy my hookers and blow?

    Lawyers: not even that smart. Or not the Left ones. “Oh no courts means I’m unemployed lose my six-figure income, and my law degree is useless? Also we’re now first against the wall when the Revolution comes, by definition? Well if it’s in service to Great Leader, fire away! I for one am happy to die for the Collective!”

    Okay then, sold, I guess. Be unemployed and see how you feel when you’re not a PMC minion but living under an overpass in Omaha with the rest of us.

    “US President Joe Biden has not been honest with the American public”

    This is news how? And this is the least of a long list to impeach him for. Like, they ADMITTED he is non compis mentis. That’s open. This isn’t an option, they now MUST act, have a duty and requirement to process the 25th and remove him. And that’s Harris, who by NOT doing this, shows her relevancy for the Presidency: that she will break and bend all laws, and ignore all duties, legal or implied.

    Okay, here’s your thing: YOU passed this law requiring it. Now like it or not, you MUST impeach – or start a long series of actions escalating to impeachment – or else lose all power and relevancy and Congress. That’s not an option, doesn’t matter if you WANT to or not. You HAVE to. Nope. They’re Republicans.

    “To date, the Israeli army has reported strikes on several thousand Hezbollah targets.”

    Every one of which were totally, 100% Hezbollah, and no civilians anywhere to be seen, naturally. Oh wait, they just leveled a dozen whole towns because there was a rumor one fighter was in there somewhere? How Roman of them. The Reich would be so proud. Well I say, “If one life is saved.”

    “• Famine In Europe: The Real Goal Of Anti-Russian Policies (SCF)

    Killin’ some folks. Always Be Killin’. Well they’re Slavs, so they are “Jungle” people, Borrell says.

    But it isn’t just there: they are always attacking all farmers, everywhere. Farmers are life, and we are #AntiLife. Markets have been rigged since the 30’s to suppress prices, cheap food to the voting cities, not enough votes in the 95% of Red Counties. Too bad, so sad: you all die. Then we laugh! Hahahaha! So funny, deplorable hicks! And then THEY all die, like other Socialism (centralization) as the farmers are run out, don’t produce enough, and famine strikes the cities too. …But then it’s an act of God, not anything whut we dun by attacking farmers for generations, and stealing trillions of rigged markets one bonus check at a time.

    Okay, examples? We have no grain surplus. We have no grain elevators. We have no railroads to move it. We have no mills to process it. We have no warehouses even for finished foods. All of these have been depleted and ruined – undercaptialized – to a 3-day minimum. Real Price Discovery would let each of these get a fair profit, which they would have invested in keeping each of these deadly required aspects of their business in good order. …As well as not becoming so poor and run down their houses are collapsing and their kids are suffering from malnutrition. But the cities like that. …Until like Martha’s Vineyard it hits them personally, then they don’t. Then they’ll attack, send the military, and take over, STEAL all those farmers, grain elevators, and tell them what’s what I say! …Or so history shows. Is it REALLY that hard just to have NORMAL price discovery, a modicum of honesty, ANYWHERE in the very system that keeps you all alive? Do you hate truth and reality just. That. Much? (A: Yes)

    “• Beyond Hegemony (Jeffrey Sachs)

    Sorry, everything in this article is wrong or insane, so I’ll save you going over it line by line. “Humans cause climate? (Did we though?) “The UN is the only legal way and everyone agrees on this” (do we though?) etc. It doesn’t matter what we/you SAY, none of this is going to happen. It’s a fantasy, so you can wake up now. Even France and Britain, much less Germany and the U.S. can’t work together. We, the closest nations are at critical odds on everything. How much less 200 other nations who see the UN as essentially run by colonialists and illegitimate? None of your laws are relevant, and none of your goals are wanted. Go away.

    The “Stone Age Emotions” thing is typical Progressives stuff. We’re terrible, we suck, we can’t do anything, but – I – know best of all people ever born and will decide for everyone! Lo! The majesty that is ME! No: we have no problems. Even his list of problems are all problems of YOU printing free money, handing it to your friends, who then buy up, cut down forests, for GDP that makes everyone UNHAPPY, for things they DON’T WANT. Then after making us pay 3x for power for 50 years, they then want to build three new nuke plants bc you just want to blow all that power and CO2 on AI data center surveillance. That’s YOU. You can see what we’d do which is work a LOT slower, very very much slower, meaning less consumption – and less GDP, with less oil use – living a pleasant life of going to work 2 miles away, then coming home and BBQ with the kids.

    YOU want these insane things, then project your warped consumption on the rest of us. YOU want these wars and project that we want them too. We dgaf. None of these guys are in my face, I wouldn’t be aware they even exist and everyone would be left alone in peace except for YOU. So knock it off: this isn’t a “Human” thing, this is YOU being a deranged lunatic, so you assume I must be one too. I’m not.

    Proof? Are the MicMac, Kalahari bush people and Amiazonian tribes “Human”? Yes? Funny, they don’t act like that, nor any other humans for the last 150,000 years until your Babylonian banking system arrived. SO IT AIN’T HUMANS, you manic: it’s YOU. YOU are the crazy person here.

    “He has since made a series of bizarre claims about the former president, apparently announcing last year that Barack Obama is “definitely gay,” and alleging in 2017 that he was born in Kenya”

    He’s an eyewitness, so what makes eyewitness testimony “Bizarre”? That Kyle, Intern reporter at Buzzfeed says so?

    “This eyewitness bizarrely states that Al Capone, upstanding Italian-American, philanthropist, and PoC, is a gangster.”
    “How would you know Mr. Capone is a gangster, sir?”
    “I’m his brother.”
    Pan camera out.

    Nope. Bridge too far these days, or for reporters, anyway. Waaaaaay too complicated to grasp.

    “So, as I correctly predicted would be the case, a never-ending conflict that drew in the West to increasingly provocative participation has spun out of control.”

    It looks pretty in control at this point. And, um, NATO is completely depleted, having no weapons or men, indeed, no oil or pipelines. Yet they also don’t notice. So who’s lost in this never-ending conflict so far?

    “All of this was done to prevent peace with Russia.”

    Not entirely, but essentially. It’s more like an example of the type. That’s why back in whenever 2010, 2016, we are all like “Russia huh?? Russia? Russia who?” …Because they had already decided the war. (As we know from 100 years of books, and the League of Nations/UN was going to be the “World Government” which requires ALL to cede sovereignty…to the center, the UN. And that includes Russia. This isn’t a secret: they wrote like a thousand books saying so.)

    “one democratic Palestinian state where Muslims, Jews, and Christians live in peace.”

    Isn’t that what they’re doing in Iran? Jews and Muslims living in perfect peace? (in contrast to everything Aspnaz, Celtic, and everyone says?) No wonder they hate Iran so much.

    I am told to retract the comment on Cat 3 hurricanes, as it was bad in several ways. And also not the only. That’s two retractions in a week for me, at this rate I’ll be CNN.


    The Israeli army demanding that the rest of the civilized world …

    Hang on, that implies that Israel in a part of the civilized world. Since when have we considered whole populations of serial killers with blood dripping from their teeth, to be civilised; should we empty our prisons and let our own murderous mental patients out as well? They are civilised like a pet Racoon is civilised; it’s owner is civilized, the Racoon will never be civilized, Israel is the same.


    Jimmy Dore: “And that’s why they have to do censorship. And that’s why they just banned Twitter or X in Brazil and Telegram and to rub rumble. And that’s what the same thing they did to Julian Assange. They weren’t, they didn’t put Julian Assange in prison because he was…

    And nobody did anything about Assange except to use “their” legal system, but eventually “they” decided to release him. Nobody does fuck, nobody will do fuck, moan as much as you like about the ongoing penchant for “censored free speech” by the mentally frail who cannot win their own arguments, but for all the millions of hours of moaning, there will not be a single direct action by the majority.

    The censors are backed by the owners, they know they are dumb, but they have the bully’s backing, so they come out all arogant and above themselves, like Israel.


    No Supreme Court and no Constitution. Pretty soon after that, you’ll have no country.

    That is globalism; no countries, all citizens of the planet serving the Jews.


    Dr D from yesterday: “Hey, didn’t computer (praised be its name) predict the worst hurricane season Evah, and now it’s just One? One? Cat 3?”

    Maybe the grad student entering the data never heard about the La Nina effect!?



    It’s hard to figure out the Truth of the Matter

    Up is down, down is up

    Sometimes all of Reality seems like a gaslighting



    2024 Halloween Costumes for all occasions


    Dr. D

    “”We Have Her Underwater”: Michigan Lawmaker Admits Dire Internal Polling For Kamala Harris”

    Apparently Kamala has gone down.


    in the not too distant future it will be recognized the wave form does not collapse, it is when the the wave form crosses the line of equilibrium that is the moment of singularity
    there is a line of now behind you and a line of now in front of you

    Zionism – it is widely accepted that prostitution is the oldest profession

    believing that a force that is willing to murder over a million men in two years and murder women and children with impunity will be derailed by people who want the murder and mayhem to continue so their lifestyle is maintained has crossed the border of macabre
    not the way i learned it but: do unto them as you will but not unto me

    you know a nations priotities when candidates are campaingning at college football games as an ally engages in genocide using that nations tools of destruction. my imagination has never been vivid enough to create a fictional rendition of the current moment. never been in to sado/masochism

    Paul Craig Roberts is a walking embodiment of Postively 4th Street, and he knows it

    what goes around comes around, with an equal and opposite force
    doing no doing – Lao Tzu understood inertia and the laws of motion 400 years before the common era

    I Am An Animal


    Blowing a Kiss to that Adrenochrome Drinking Satanic Haircut in Search of a Brain John Kerry


    John Day

    Korybko has been drinking with Dugin (or something):

    Russia continues exercising self-restraint. Political goals are still prioritized over military ones and Russia is still sensitive to global public opinion.

    That could change if it learns the last lesson from Israel about “radical decisiveness”. Philosopher Alexander Dugin wrote that “Those who act with decisiveness and boldness win. We, on the other hand, are cautious and constantly hesitate. By the way, Iran is also following this path, which leads nowhere. Gaza is gone. Hamas’ leadership is gone. Now Hezbollah’s leadership is gone. And President Raisi of Iran is gone. Even his pager is gone. Yet Zelensky is still here. And Kiev stands as if nothing has happened.

    He ended on the ominous note that “We must either join the game for real or… The second option is something I don’t even want to consider. But in modern warfare, timing, speed, and ‘dromocracy’ decide everything. The Zionists act swiftly, proactively. Boldly. And they win. We should follow their example.” Dugin was the first to foresee the latent existential threat to Russia posed by 2014’s “EuroMaidan” and has thus been pressing since the start of the special operation for it to stop exercising self-restraint.

    “Goodwill gestures” and self-restraint aren’t appreciated by Ukraine, which perceives them as proof of weakness that have only served to embolden it to cross more of Russia’s red lines. For as much as these policies have reduced civilian deaths, they haven’t yet advanced their envisaged political goals over two and a half years since the latest phase of this already decade-old conflict began. It might therefore be time to finally change them in light of how different the conflict has since become.

    Putin’s noble plan of a grand Russian-Ukrainian reconciliation after the special operation ends appears to be more distant than ever, yet he still believes that it’s supposedly viable enough to justify staying the course by continuing to prioritize political goals over military ones. He’s the Supreme Commander-in-Chief with more information available to him than anyone else so he has solid reasons for this, but maybe Israel’s example in Lebanon will inspire him to see things differently and act accordingly.

    John Day

    The top states are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and North Dakota… the lowest are California, Louisiana, and Mississippi
    Lowest IQ states


    Every 4 years you’re given this elaborate, expensive game show…so you can pretend you have some say in the fate of your country. You don’t. It’s not a country, it’s a corporation you become enslaved in the minute you’re born. Bankerjews, thieves and murderers, call the shots from the top, printing $ as leverage and power. For over 100 years, it’s been 4 years of this, 4 years of that…..over and over, same shit, endless war and debt slavery. You would think, eventually people would catch on, but they don’t. They want to believe, badly. The alternative, facing reality, is too much to bear.

    John Day

    Newsom Vetoes California’s Hotly-Debated Artificial Intelligence Bill
    If Newsom had signed the bill into law, it would have required testing of AI models to ensure they don’t lead to mass death, attacks on public infrastructure, or cyberattacks.


    Governing is hard.
    Its harder if you are stupid.
    Its impossible if you are stupid and dont know it.


    fighting tooth and nail

    Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Ukraine, California, NATO, Extreme weather destruction
    optimistic picture
    unanimous decisions
    doctrine of exceptionalism and racial superiority
    Monopolies, more sanction
    Rise of global GDP
    face the harsh reality – nuclear destruction or an imperfect evolving new order
    • Beyond Hegemony (Jeffrey Sachs)
    end of Western hegemony.
    The Summit of the Future (22-23 Sep.) will produce an inter-governmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future with chapters on Sustainable development and financing for development; International peace and security; Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation; Youth and future generations; and Transforming global governance.*1ueqyd5*_ga*NTIwMzI4NTQ0LjE3Mjc3MDI3NTg.*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTcyNzcwMjc1Ny4xLjAuMTcyNzcwMjc1OS4wLjAuMA..
    A Pact for the Future
    Learn about some key themes of the Summit

    John Day

    Killing The Messengers

    Josh Mitteldorf, Slide toward Totalitarianism, Media and mind control have taken the place of Secret Police
    ​ You may have noticed that in recent decades freedoms we formerly took for granted have narrowed, as power accumulates in the hands of the Usual Suspects. Last week, I read two articles that put these trends in historical context, and help us understand them.
    ​ David A. Hughes tells us that the roots of the Deep State are in a class struggle, going back to the robber-barons of the 1890s. The Rockefellers and the Bushes know that their power cannot survive true democracy, and have worked over decades to subvert democratic government. The JFK assassination in 1963 was a turning point and their influence has increased steadily since then.
    ​ Barry Lynn, writing in Harpers, tells us that Google has the power to control what people think, combining individually-targeted messages with mob psychology, and they have put their mind control at the service of the Deep State, which helps explain their success (as Hughes documents) in undermining democracy.​..
    ..Hughes begins his story in the 1920s, when a Who’s-Who of American Businesses actively supported Hitler’s rise to power, not just with rhetoric, but also loans and investments. Ford and GM, IBM, bankers led by Brown Brothers Harriman, J P Morgan, Prescott Bush, and John D Rockefeller were all cheerleaders for Hitler.
    ​ Hughes reminds us that in 1933, Wall Street sponsored a military coup against Franklin Roosevelt, seeking to install General Smedley Butler as a dictator. Gen. Butler played along to gather evidence, then came out dramatically as a whistle-blower, denouncing the plot. Here is how the New York Times reported at the time. Prescott Bush was a prime mover, as were prominent members of the DuPont family and executives of J. P. Morgan.
    ​ Not one of these was ever charged with a crime…
    ..After the Second World War, the Nazi braintrust was recruited to come to America and design weapons systems, rockets, and biowarfare for the USA. The Dulles Brothers represented the monied interests that had supported the Nazis in forming America’s foreign policy under Eisenhower. Allen Dulles, as head of the CIA, created a secret government within the government, subverting populist movements abroad, overthrowing legitimate, elected governments in Iran, Panama, Guatemala, Syria, Brazil, and, later Chile. Operation Gladio engineered terrorist bombings and blamed them on “communists” in order to de-legitimize the European trend toward democratic socialism.
    Eisenhower was aware of the Deep State, and warned us on his way out, in the speech which introduced America to the term “military-industrial complex”. Kennedy learned about the Deep State during his first months in office, when the CIA tried to snooker him into invading Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. Bobby Kennedy, as Attorney General, took firm steps to rein in the CIA and for two years it looked as though the elected government had the Deep State under control.
    On November 22, 1963, history turned about face, and the elected government has been under the thumb of the Deep State ever since. Truman wrote a WaPo op-ed a month after the assassination.​..
    ​..9/11 was engineered by the Deep State as an excuse for a permanent emergency (“terrorism”), providing a rationale for suspending the Constitution. The Patriot Act legitimized jailing Americans without a trial and surveillance of innocent civilians without a warrant. Terrorists lost all their Constitutional rights, and the definition of “terrorist” was gradually broadened to include people who took pictures through the fence of factory farm conditions and doctors who argued that ivermectin was a better COVID strategy than mRNA.
    Voting was computerized beginning in 2001, making possible the central manipulation of elections.
    Starting with “Operation Mockingbird” in the 1960s, the Deep State had infiltrated the mainstream media, Republican and Democratic newspapers and broadcast stations on which Americans relied for a “balanced” picture of the world. During the first two decades of this century, the Deep State consolidated control over the digital media as well.
    In 2016, the Democrats and the Obama Administration actually promoted the candidacy of Donald Trump because of the ease with which he could be painted as a dangerous despot. Thus was born the idea that the First Amendment only protected speech that was truthful, and it was up to government agencies to decide what was the truth. The crime of “misinformation” was invented…​ and handily, in time for the COVID deception of 2020-22. Totalitarian control reached the everyday lives of Americans and most other peoples around the world.​..
    ..How could they have gotten away with a lie this big, with a deception so pervasive, with demanding and receiving cooperation from a docile public? This is where Lynn’s story takes over.​..

    ​Here is the David Hughes interview (& machine transcript) with Kim Iverson, which may be the one Josh used for his essay. Interview with Kim Iversen, September 25, 2024
    Wall Street and Nazi Germany; the Business Plot; the Great Reset; censorship; technocracy and totalitarian control; the West v China; left/right; the potential return of slavery; divide and rule​

    ​ John Kerry Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: “First Amendment Stands As Major Block” To “Govern”
    The World Economic Forum held its ‘Sustainable Development Impact Meetings’ during last week’s United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Speaking at the meeting, far-left elitist and former presidential climate envoy John Kerry expressed frustration to fellow globalists, stating that the First Amendment frequently obstructs their agenda.
    ​ “Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence. What we need is to win…the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” Kerry said.​.. “It’s very hard to govern today​.”​

    ​ ‘Bombed To Dust’: A Look At Beirut’s Night Of Hell
    Lebanon and the whole Arab world is in shock after Hezbollah on Saturday confirmed the death of Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah.
    ​ But common Lebanese civilians are reeling after mass destruction was unleashed by Israeli warplanes overnight. The attacks continued on Beirut’s southern suburbs, leaving entire buildings turned to dust.
    ​ This comes at the end of a week which already witnessed at least 700 killed, according to Lebanon’s Health Ministry. It is unclear how many casualties are militants vs. civilians – but very clearly the civilian casualty toll has been high.​..
    ​..For eight hours straight and counting, Israel has been carpet-bombing densely populated neighbourhoods of Beirut and greater Lebanon. A new bomb dropped, a new tragedy—every 5 minutes. Videos out of Tel Aviv show Israelis dancing at celebration parties.​..
    ..”I’m talking to you and there’s a drone flying over the southern suburb where I live some 500-600metres from. Bombings have not stopped all night long – you can see pictures of people on the streets, on the roads, sleeping in open-air spaces”…​ He continued, “So Lebanon today is a complete mess, it’s a country in chaos and I think that the worst is to come regardless of the political and military results of the strike on Hassan Nasrallah or no​t”.

    John Day

    ​ President Biden has called Nasrallah’s death ‘justice’ for the hundreds of Americans who perished over what the US called a ‘four-decade reign of terror’.
    ​”Hassan Nasrallah and the terrorist group he led, Hezbollah, were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror. His death from an Israeli airstrike is a measure of justice for his many victims, including thousands of Americans, Israelis, and Lebanese civilians,” Biden said. The White House says the Pentagon has been ordered to enhance America’s defense posture and readiness in the Middle East.
    ​ Biden has further repeated that the US “fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself”…
    ​ “The US fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself against Hezbollah. I have ordered Defense Secretary Austin to increase US forces in the Middle East to deter aggression from Iran and its proxies and reduce the danger of a wider regional war,” Biden said.
    ​ Politico and some other publications have said the assassination of Nasrallah, apparently without US knowledge (that’s the current official line anyway), has put more distance between Biden and Netanyahu. “Biden administration officials were trying to figure out how to publicly respond Saturday to confirmation that Israel had killed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Iran-backed Hezbollah militant group,” the publication said.
    ​ “The initial reaction from inside the White House was positive, even though U.S. officials had been trying to convince Israel to pause its operations against Hezbollah, according to two senior administration officials,” it added.
    ​ Russia’s reaction has been the opposite, with the foreign ministry saying, “This forceful action is fraught with even greater dramatic consequences for Lebanon and the entire Middle East.”
    ​ “The Israeli side could not fail to recognize this danger, but took the step of killing Lebanese citizens, which would almost inevitably provoke a new outburst of violence. Thus, it bears full responsibility for the subsequent escalation,” the Russian statement said…
    ​..PM Netanyahu had ordered or monitored the strike from New York, after just stepping away from a speech before the United Nations General Assembly:​..
    ​..American-supplied heavy bombs were likely used in the strikes that killed Nasrallah:
    ​ Israel media says about 85 so-called “bunker-buster” bombs were used. Also known as “ground penetration munition”, these missiles burrow deep into the ground before they detonate.
    ​ They have the power to destroy underground facilities and reinforced concrete buildings. The bombs each weigh between 2,000 and 4,000 pounds.​

    ​Hasan Nasrallah 2012 interview with Julian Assange (28 min.):

    ​ Pentagon Chief ‘Blew Up’ as Israel Shortly Notified US of Strike on Nasrallah
    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Israel gave a “few minutes notice” to the United States about its intention to strike the secretary general of Lebanese movement Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, enraging Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, US media reported.
    ​ Defense Secretary Austin “blew up” when Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant informed him about the strikes on Nasrallah, as there are many US troops stationed in the Middle East, and they had a very short time to prepare for possible hostile military response to the assassination, the publication explained.​—reports-1120340403.html

    ​ Nasrallah’s Death ‘Devastating Blow’ That Will Trigger Escalation of Violence – Lebanese Scholar
    Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination marks “a devastating blow to Hezbollah” and the Iranian-led Axis of Resistance alliance, and will inevitably mark a major uptick in tensions and violence in the region, veteran Lebanese Middle East affairs observer Dr. Imad Salamey says.
    ​ “Nasrallah was not only the face of Hezbollah, but also a figure of immense symbolic and strategic importance within the broader Iranian-led regional alliance. He has been instrumental in Hezbollah’s military and political successes against Israel, its support of [President Bashar Assad’s Syria], and its backing of the Houthis in Yemen. His death represents a major moral and leadership setback, leaving a vacuum that’s difficult to fill,” Salamay, an associate professor of political science and international affairs at the Lebanese American University, told Sputnik.​..
    ​..Dr. Salamay expects Nasrallah’s assassination to result in a sharp spike in attacks on Israel by Hezbollah and its allies to try to exact revenge, and more broadly, to potential “shifts in regional alliances, a recalibration of Iran’s strategies in Lebanon, and possibly more aggressive Israeli policies aimed at capitalizing on Hezbollah’s weakened position.”
    ​ The IDF’s decision to code-name Friday’s attack on Nasrallah “New Order” is also an obvious reference to Israel’s ultimate goal of reshaping “the political and security dynamics in Lebanon and the broader region” to a political and security arrangement “more favorable” to Tel Aviv, according to the academic.
    Salamay believes Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, the chief of Hezbollah’s executive council, Nasrallah’s “number two” and the late leader’s maternal cousin, is the most likely candidate to succeed him, presuming he himself hasn’t yet been targeted by Israel.
    ​ “While he lacks the same public charisma as Nasrallah, his close ties to both Nasrallah and Iran make him a natural successor. However, his ability to command the same level of trust and authority among Hezbollah’s base and the broader Shiite community remains uncertain,” according to the professor..
    ​..The Israeli Air Force F-16 strike on Hezbollah’s HQ in a densely populated area of Beirut on Friday reportedly involved the use of over 80 bombs, including US-made 2.3 ton bunker busters, which killed at least six people and injured nearly 100 others, and razed or heavily damaged at least six nearby apartment buildings.
    ​ Hezbollah has vowed to continue its campaign against Israel.​..
    ..The Russian Foreign Ministry “strongly condemned yet another political murder committed by Israel,” and expressed concerns that the operation “will almost inevitably provoke a new surge in violence” in the region.​–lebanese-scholar-1120333561.html

    ​Not just a list, but biographies and explanations: Hezbollah, Hamas and Iranian figures whose killings were blamed on Israel

    John Day

    ​ Iran’s Supreme Leader Transferred To Secure Location As Region Braces For What’s Next
    “The sources said Iran was in constant contact with Lebanon’s Hezbollah and other regional proxy groups to determine the next step after Israel announced that it had killed Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah in a strike on south Beirut on Friday,” the report added.
    ​ Given Israel’s surprise and bold decapitation strike against Hezbollah, Iran likely fears that Israel could go after the Islamic Republic’s top leadership in Tehran next. Netanyahu had warned this week, “There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach.”
    ​ There are unconfirmed reports that one or more Iranian IRGC offers were killed in the strike that took out Nasrallah.
    ​So far Iran has been mute in terms of a military response. Will it launch ballistic missiles on Israel? Will it mount attacks on other Israeli assets in the region or across the globe?
    ​ Did Khamenei go to a secure location in order to oversee a new war?​ (He’s not that kind of “leader”, so​ “no”.)​

    ​ Moon of Alabama, Zelenski’s U.S. Trip Ends In Failure
    The (former) Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelinski has failed. During his current travel in the U.S. his ‘victory plan’, a wishlist designed to drag the U.S. and NATO deeper into the war, did not gain support.
    ​ Even his most urgent request, to allow Ukraine to use supplied long range missiles for long-range strikes within Russia, has been rejected.
    To justify its decision the Biden administration even ‘leaked’ an intelligence assessment which warned of allowing such:
    ​ Intelligence agencies concluded that granting Ukraine’s request to use Western missiles against targets deep in Russia could prompt forceful retaliation while not fundamentally changing the course of the war.
    ​ A promise of another US$8 billion gift in military supplies was offered as a consolation gift. But the package does not include what the Ukrainian military needs or wants:
    ​ In the absence of looser restrictions to let Kyiv use Western missiles, the White House has shipped the Joint Standoff Weapon (Jsow), a precision-guided glide bomb with a range of about 80 miles, for the first time.
    ​ A statement by Mr Biden said the F-16-launched weapon would “enhance Ukraine’s long-range strike capabilities”.
    Even if Jsow is allowed to be dropped on Russia — Mr Biden’s statement does not make reference to the possibility — it does not have the range to cause significant harm.
    ​ Because of the density of Moscow’s air defences near the front line, Ukrainian F-16s would need to drop the bombs from a safe distance, effectively meaning Jsow would be able to hit targets just 25 miles inside Russia.
    ​ Aside from a rather small amount for additional ammunition most of the $8 billion will be in payments to U.S. companies for the production of weapons which Ukraine will only receive years from now.​

    Simplicius, Israel’s Short-Lived Glory Celebrated by Kneejerk Polemicists, + Ukraine War Updates​
    Moody’s Downgrades Israel’s Economic Rating Again Due to War with Hezbollah​. The agency predicts that the already difficult economic situation in Israel will worsen due to ongoing fighting in Gaza and a new conflict on the Lebanese border. Israel’s economic rating fell from A2 to Baa1 — the decision was made even before the IDF attacked Hezbollah HQ in Beirut.
    ​..Israel’s rating has been downgraded for the 2nd time this year: in February, from A1 to A2 due to a reduction in the country’s GDP by 20%. And by the end of next year, the costs that military conflicts will entail will amount to another 12% of GDP, according to Israeli officials. However, the Israeli Finance Ministry believes that the country is doing well financially…​
    ..The above NYT piece in particular is elucidating, because it covers in more detail the chariness with which US is approaching the topic of long range strikes into Russia. In a new ‘previously unreported’ secret intelligence assessment, they write:
    ​ U.S. intelligence agencies believe that Russia is likely to retaliate with greater force against the United States and its coalition partners, possibly with lethal attacks, if they agree to give the Ukrainians permission to employ U.S., British and French-supplied long-range missiles for strikes deep inside Russia, U.S. officials said.
    ​ In particular, the intelligence agencies highlight Russia’s ability to escalate the hybrid war into Europe in a way that apparently terrifies the US:
    ​ The intelligence assessment describes a range of possible Russian responses to a decision to allow long-range strikes using U.S. and European-supplied missiles — from stepped up acts of arson and sabotage targeting facilities in Europe, to potentially lethal attacks on U.S. and European military bases.
    ​ U.S. officials say the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence agency, has been responsible for most of the acts of sabotage in Europe that have taken place thus far. If Mr. Putin decides to expand the shadowy campaign in response to the use of U.S. and European missiles deep inside Russia, U.S. officials believe the Russians will continue to do so covertly, rather than conduct overt attacks on U.S. and European facilities and bases, to reduce the risk of a wider conflict.
    ​ Here you finally see it fully bared and naked, what I’ve been reporting since the beginning: unlike the feckless shrilling from the pro-UA commentariat on Twitter and such, the US itself knows full well what Russia can bring to bear if red lines continue to be crossed.​

    ​ Dennis Kucinich: Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy and Debt for Prosperity
    ​ For decades I have led opposition to war and advocated for the transformation of America’s prevailing policy of “Peace through Strength” to a forward-looking policy of “Strength through Peace.”
    ​ I challenged the Bush II Administration’s foreign policies, and introduced Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over Iraq and the lies which led us into war. Illegal and unnecessary, the Iraq war (debt-funded and authorized by both Democrats and Republicans) has cost our nation over $3 trillion, and the loss of 5,000 of our brave men and women who serve and injuries to countless more troops.
    ​ The war caused the deaths of over one million Iraqis. Let that sink in. One million Iraqis perished in a war based on lies. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The war further damaged America’s global reputation and set us upon a path where, since 9/11, America has borrowed $8 trillion to keep the war machine in tune as our own nation’s pressing domestic needs for housing, health care, education, child care, and retirement security have been set aside.
    ​ When I heard Vice President Harris brag about former Vice President Dick Cheney endorsing her candidacy, that put the exclamation point on the fact that the leaders of the Democratic party are for war. I am not.
    ​ Why else would Vice President Harris become the front person for such virulent bravado, invoking lethality abroad?
    ​ A paradox of this campaign is that the much-villainized former President Trump, (representing a party that has also taken us into unnecessary wars) is the one who speaks to the need to negotiate and to talk directly with potential foes in order to avoid war, or to end it. ​

    ​ Good Westerners Don’t Start Off Hating Israel, But Truth Eventually Leads Them There​. Caitlin Johnstone
    Good westerners don’t start off hating Israel. When our hearts are in the right place we start off giving Israel the benefit of the doubt and assuming the situation must be more complicated than it appears, because we’re not just going to reflexively assume the Jewish state is evil like some kind of neo-Nazi. We grew up learning about the persecution of the Jewish people, watching movies and reading books about it and vowing “never again” like everyone else.
    ​ So for entirely sensible and good-natured reasons we tend to start off viewing anything to do with Jews and Judaism in a sympathetic light.
    ​ It’s not until we start learning and paying attention to Israel’s actions that this view begins to change. We come to understand that Israel is in fact profoundly evil, not because it is full of Jews but because it’s a western settler-colonialist project that’s inflicting the same kinds of genocide, ethnic cleansing, theft and abuse on the indigenous population of the land that other western settler-colonialist projects like Australia, the US and Canada inflicted in earlier centuries.​

    John Day

    ​ Austrian Right-Wing Freedom Party Scores Historic Victory In National Elections
    ​ Less than a month after a crushing loss for Germany’s ruling coalition saw the the first victory for a German right-wing party since World War II, Austria’s right-wing Freedom Party scored a historic victory of its own on Sunday, winning the most votes in the country’s national election for the first time after the eurosceptic party campaigned on mass deportation, cracking down on illegal immigration, and halting aid to the giant money laundromat that is Ukraine.​

    ​ Swedish Foreign Minister Says Country Must Speak Openly Of The Downsides Of Mass Immigration
    In Sweden, the consequences of the policy of opening up to mass migration from Africa and the Middle East cannot be hidden, with the current government taking moderate steps to improve the situation.​ This is part of an agreement with the Sweden Democrats, a party opposed to destructive migration policies​.

    ​ The ‘Chemical War’ Killing 70,000 Americans Each Year
    The United States needs to ramp up enforcement against every step of the manufacturing and trafficking of fentanyl and other deadly synthetic drugs if it hopes to stem the crisis.​

    ​ Coronavirus bioweapons engineering: The Greatest Coverup in History
    NIH Director Francis Collins on EcoHealth Alliance/WIV partnership: “There’s a lot more to this story than we have been able to talk about.”​

    ​A Midwestern Doctor, The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Dissent Online, Millions of dollars were spent to weaponize the public against all of us
    Story at a Glance:
    ​ •There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).
    ​ •This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.
    ​ •Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.
    ​ •Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” (and its sister United Nations initiative “Team Halo”) were hucksters who faked their own credentials. My overall impression from looking at everything was that this group operated in a very similar manner to many of the sleazy internet marketing operations I’ve seen in the past. Fortunately, the public appears to be seeing through what they did.
    ​ •Earlier this year we exposed them. Unfortunately, their abhorrent tactics continue and recently have been aimed towards Angela Wulbrecht RN because she advocated for a patient with a widely publicized vaccine injury.​ (Alexis Lorenze)
    ​ Note: I posted an earlier version of this article six months ago. Due to recent events, I revised it and am re-releasing it.​

    John Day

    ​”Modeling projected”: Those Published “17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths” Never Happened [One HCQ study for COVID killed some folks with intentional overdoses]

    Hard-Selling measles vaccine: Maine Warned Public About a Measles Case — But Didn’t Mention It Was Caused by the Vaccine
    According to documents released Tuesday by Informed Consent Action Network, a single case of measles in 2023, reported by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and hyped by mainstream media, was caused by the MMR vaccine.​

    ​ Steve Kirsch interrogates Chat-GPT: I have been fully vindicated by the world’s most objective epidemiologist. The COVID vaccines are not safe.
    I should have done this sooner. I used gold-standard record-level Medicare data and had it analyzed by an objective expert. The result: 10% higher all-cause mortality risk by brand.​

    ​ Meryl Nass MD, My talk at the Japanese Parliament yesterday, revealing that we are in WW3 and approaching the culmination of a 50 year process toward one world governance

    “So this is the tale of our castaways, they’re here for a long long time” SpaceX Launches Rescue Mission For Two Stranded Boeing Starliner Astronauts On ISS

    John Day

    “Your humble narrator” pictured with “new” 2006 Toyota with bad front wheel bearing and 5-speed manual transmission


    Time to try Peace

    For decades I have led opposition to war and advocated for the transformation of America’s prevailing policy of “Peace through Strength” to a forward-looking policy of “Strength through Peace.”

    stop the hemorrhaging of our nation’s wealth and to redirect our attention to our needs at home. – September 28, 2024 dennis kucinich, ukraine

    America has borrowed $8 trillion to keep the war machine in tune as our own nation’s pressing domestic needs for housing, health care, education, child care, and retirement security have been set aside.
    ​ When I heard Vice President Harris brag about former Vice President Dick Cheney endorsing her candidacy, that put the exclamation point on the fact that the leaders of the Democratic party are for war. I am not.
    ​ Why else would Vice President Harris become the front person for such virulent bravado, invoking lethality abroad?

    It is time to wake up, America. It is time to stop this madness which presents as legitimate governance, and to think, to speak and to stand for peace, diplomacy and the continuation of life on our small planet.

    Figmund Sreud

    “Putin new Hitler”, … Dr. Leo Ensel ( conflict researcher and intercultural trainer specializing in the post-Soviet region and Eastern Europe) explains


    Germany couldn’t sleepwalk into a slumber party

    Germany is All Girlie ‘Men’ All the Time

    Where’s the Rhineland steel mills?

    You need ENERGY to fight a war

    Germany has windmills that don’t produce enough to keep the lights on and solar panels where it’s cloudier than Seattle most of the year.

    And no nukes, commercial or military.

    Russia would make Germany a smoking cinder and a big grease spot on the side of the road in minutes.

    As usual, the Germans will need help from Austrians to “fight Russia”



    Americans Have Developed Strong Communist Survival Instincts

    I don’t know anything. I don’t think anything. I have no feelings. Please leave me alone.

    “Look at his face. He’d rather have her pointing a weapon at him than that microphone”

    While I “have no standing” to be dissatisfied with this state of affairs, joy of joys, I have good news, we’re hearing from a Rumanian with a background in the Soviet Bloc who DOES have standing, so you are so very very happy to hear such factual, real, true to reality and with unquestionably well-founded information from this person with perfectly established, unquestionable standing.

    “this is not the reaction of a healthy nation. This is a reaction from a population that is demoralized and terrified”

    a few Youtube comments:

    If we’ve developed a survival instinct for living under a particular type of state, it seems entirely possible that we’re actually living under that type of state, don’t ya think?

    Wow this literally the Meme ” I can’t speak , if i speak then i will be sent to the camp ”

    Theres a reason more and more young men are quietly becoming minimalistic and refusing to fight for the country.

    Of course we have because for the past almost 8 years now if you expressed or let it out to anyone that you were a right winger your life was made hell. It’s still that way. If you work for a major corporation or a state entity you better keep your mouth shut or otherwise you’re going to be gone.

    The struggle-session is real

    As a nurse who lives and works in Texas, I can tell you we have been living like this since 2019 for sure. Wrong opinions are punished

    “I don’t know nothing about how I feel about anything and whether I feel or not” – yup, USSR citizens would be proud.

    My older cuban friend who left cuba told me this too.

    The leftist would often say “no freedom from consequences”. That the Chinese social score that they’re using these days.

    Guys look like they’re hostages. Bro! Blink twice if you are being held against your will!

    To summarize:

    1. Nothing is happening
    2. If it is happening, that’s a good thing
    3. You’re blind to the inequities of your own system (false consciousness failure-cope from the 1800’s)
    4. You have no standing (presumably until you are kneeling over the ditch you just dug)


    Is it as Acton claimed, that absolute power corrupts absolutely? OR does power attract the corrupt?

    Similarly – does socialism/marxism/communism attract Cluster-B personality disorder? Induce it? I’ve watched over the years – and been affected myself – as we creeped closer and closer to purity tests – induced conversation. The notavax being – thus far- the ultimate unavoidable induced conversation.

    Narcissist’s Most Potent Weapon: “Induced Conversation.” Part 1

    What Is Induced Conversation? || A Trapping Strategy Of The Narcissist

    Why do all the NPD techniques/mechanisms line up so consistently with leftism?


    Our TV is revealing Israeli killing fields that are gathering to do a ground invasion.
    Too bad that Hezb do not get to see the gathering of tanks etc on TV.
    It would make them sad that such a rich killing field could not be eliminated with their missiles


    Hezbollah War: Lebanon To Put Troops Near Israel Border As IDF Prepares For Big Ground Operation


    Here is a map of the locations for Israeli military installations in northern Israel someone put together. I have not seen anything similar for the other side of the border.

    Posted by: Rhymerez | Sep 30 2024

    TEHRAN: Iran will not deploy forces to Lebanon or Gaza to confront Israel, its foreign ministry said on Monday, as Israeli strikes target its allies in the region.
    “There is no need to send extra or volunteer forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani, adding that Lebanon and fighters in the Palestinian territories “have the capability and strength to defend themselves against the aggression.”


    Helene was a gift from god. ( For Bankers)


    Sisters are ‘doing it’ for themselves!






    Another childless Cat Lady jumping ship

    Boo Whoo!



    A Real Female






    Who’s going to break the bad news to her….it’s too late for you honey…..

    That ship has sailed.




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