Debt Rattle October 17 2024


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    Ivan Kramskoy Christ in the desert 1920   • I’m Voting For Him And Here’s Why (Jason) • Musk Stumps For Trump In Pennsylvania, Donates Nearly $75
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 17 2024]


    And in less important news I stopped humping shovels and released a new song. Less rap more sing.


    We all know that Trump reports to the rich Jews, but he is not the first. Did you know that the British and US Jews funded and promoted Churchill to PM for WW2, and was instructed to focus on Nazi Germany and nothing else, which he did relentlessly … They are all bought, it has been the same forever and they answer to them forever.

    Mister Roboto

    So if Trump wins this election, perhaps 2024 will be remembered as a rebellion of men who think that the highly female-dominated blue-state-big-city Professional Managerial Class needs to be “cut down to size” in terms of its social and political influence.

    Dr. D

    “Trump, Harris and the End of Roe All Collide in Closely Divided Battle for White Women
    White women helped Trump in 2020. A new issue set — and a new opponent — might sway them now.”

    Huh, I wonder what “Issue” they could mean?

    “Inside the Carjacking Crisis: On the street with an elite police unit as it combats a crime wave.” –The Atlantic’

    Biden has a crime wave, I guess. Also from #OppositeLand:

    “How Unusual Has This Hurricane Season Been?”
    Hurricanes Helene and Milton have bookended a particularly stormy period. What’s behind it?” –BBC

    Have they? They’re not bookends by definition, they’re back-to-back. Also they are two instead of the predicted 12. But, Global Warming I guess: Climate Change!

    “The Sahara Desert Flooded for the First Time in Decades. Here’s What It Looks Like.
    Striking images from the Sahara Desert show large lakes etched into rolling sand dunes after one of the most arid, barren places in the world was hit with its first floods in decades. “ –CNN

    So Climate Change means continents will turn green and feed us all. The only way to offset this all is the tax the poors, right?

    “How to Teach Girls They Don’t Have to Be Nice” –Outside
    “How to Teach Boys They Don’t Have to Be Nice” — Andrew Tate

    Fair is fair, right?

    Ultra-woke just as another “Outside” article I didn’t bother to post that was also ultra-woke. Against Men, of course. Maybe they should just call them, “Out.”

    Naturally the article, by a standard feminist of course, has the meta-meta basis that girls ARE nice. Are they? In my experience they are mean, far meaner than boys are. Also that they are weak. ARE they? So your “the world needs more girls gutsy enough to stand up for themselves” You’re saying then that girls are NOT gutsy, and do NOT stand up for themselves. Don’t they? YOU said that. YOU believe in the innate weakness and apparently cowardice of women, Katie. I, in fact, do not. I believe in the strength and resilience of girls and women, which is why I’m not a feminist.

    “The Republican Party has become the party of common sense.
    “We need borders. We need fair elections. We don’t want men playing in women’s sports. We don’t want transgender operations without parental consent.. 99.9% is common sense.”

    Boy, the only thing that could stop this is if we have defeatists running a de-morale-ization campaign telling us we already lost. Since it’s only terror and compliance, the only they they have to do to win and for us to lose is if we just roll over and don’t fight, shut up, stop speaking, and do what we’re told.

    Posters: You’re awful, terrible, lazy, cowards, who already lost. Also same posters: Americans won’t lift a finger to fight and stop all this. …When they’ve already lost, are occupied, and every leader is bad, every action is pointless. Huh. Not a genius, but I’m suspecting you work for Mossad or something.

    We’re bad BEFORE we act, we’re bad WHILE we act, and we’re bad AFTER we act. Why aren’t you acting??? And fighting? Although you’ve all already lost? Don’t you know the reason you should fight is that you lost 100 years ago? Boy you guys are the best motivators and recruiters I’ve seen, I’ll give you that. Every day is breathtaking.

    These are our TOP military minds here. The only thing I could add, would be to attack every ally, and tell them they suck. They’re stupid and you’re smart. And you know what the smart people do: Do nothing and give up. That’s what’s smart.

    Elon: Finally taking credit for one of the few things he DOES do. He’s a manager money guy. Not an engineer.

    Trump, Federal Reserve:

    Everybody knows, Shhhhhhh! P.S. “Coup d’Etat” is on the chicken board.

    Reasons to vote for Trump. Odds are now 60/40. So definitely one/both candidates won’t make it. So, if you’ve already voted, and I know you in Canada, Australia, Taiwan, and Switzerland definitely have, then your vote will be re-routed. Not to fear! This has already happened, as Kamala re-routed all of Joe’s votes and money, having won none herself. Zero. I got equal votes to Kamala. In like fashion when both candidates are murdered, they will put up Haley as the GOP and Hillary as the DNC, and you can choose in fair fashion. …Just kidding! Of course your vote will already be cast, so you get to choose nothing.

    A judge will say this is perfectly legal, and you want to follow the law don’t you? All you voters from across the world?

    Joy Reid: Black people are racist, fascists. Hmm. You had me at “Hello.” Boy there’s no better persuasion than that, and I can’t understand why you’re not a poster at TAE. Motivation par excellence!

    What’s really going on? Men won’t do what cat ladies say. So they’re going to call out the guilting AND the shaming! Oh noes! Not BOTH of them! Be still my heart, how will I survive?

    “They have worked hard to demonize all men as potential rapists, misogynists, mass shooters and fascists. Now, not surprisingly, progressive women want men to lift [the party] out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves. But they don’t want to admit they were wrong about men or apologize for their behavior and accusations, no. That would be asking far too much. Instead, they have turned to the same old shaming tactics they always use to get what they want.”

    Nope. Let them grovel. Apparently nothing else will do. This is about POWER, so they have requested a display of POWER. You have no power over me, good day ma’am. Not to fear as hell indeed will freeze over before an adult woman admits she’s wrong. We won’t be asked to accept this, as she will never admit in the first place, and die instead. The End.

    “Minority voters including black men have been loudly explaining why they don’t like Harris, and her being a woman is rarely on their list of complaints.”

    American People: “I’m starving”.

    Kamala Harris: “I have a vagina.” Want to see it? Most people have.

    “She said “There is not a thing that comes to mind” when asked how she would differ from Biden. She was chastised for it. So they reinvented her. Easy as pie.”

    She is a pro-gun, self-defense gun owner now. She’s for no arrests on Pot, even making it legal. Arrest for Pot? THat’s Cray-cray! She’s all-black all the time unless she’s speaking to Latinos, when the taco-talk comes out mo’ than Jill Biden. Pro no taxing tips. After jailing more black men than Lester Maddox (this is true) she’s going to give them $20,000 apiece and a pack of menthols, plus a free watermelon! ‘Cause she’s black.

    Yes, reinvented alright, but by who? “A camel is a horse made by committee.”

    I swear she’s the most offensive candidate in the history of the nation – INCLUDING all the racist segregationists.

    “Went to @FoxNews even with 787 million reasons not to, and looked presidential, held her own and portrayed poise.”

    What is the “787 million” reasons? The number of illegal voters she imported this month?

    Well, I expect at least a billion votes this election then.

    “Ukraine Wants To Join NATO While Biden Is US President – Envoy (RT)

    Sure, why not. They need to start WWIII, they’ve said so since 1900, have it all planned, and this is as good a reason as any.

    “Even an invitation by itself, without any practical actions towards membership, would “send a powerful public message,”

    Boy they won the f—k out of that messaging war, didn’t they? How’s that working? They must be in Yekaterinburg by now with messaging like that.

    ““..the Kremlin rubbished his “ephemeral peace plan,” saying Kyiv needed to “sober up”..”

    With a NATO signaling like that, why should they sober up? It’s not spreading.

    “Zelensky doubled down on wanting to force Russia to negotiate and to not cede Ukraine’s territory, through the strengthening of his own military.”

    Good idea! Why has nobody thought of this before? You know what we need for force and to hold territory, Ivan? A Military! We need to get us one of those! Okay, gold star. Now DID you get one of those? Do you HAVE one of those? How are the prospects of getting one any time soon?

    Shows the 5th Generational Warfare though: the only thing that matters, the only thing they care, the only thing they do, is SOCIAL ENGINEERING. Advertising. Bernays. Convincing people to keep fighting. …Or in our case here at TAE, NOT to fight. Because it’s hopeless and we already lost 100, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 years ago. Right?

    Boy that 5th Generational information warfare by Mossad sure is working but great! Everyone who claims to hate Mossad is doing all the work for them! Attacking and de-motivating any ally they can find, that’ll fix’er. Whenever I’m in a war, I shoot the guy next to me first. Saves time.

    “British Military Believes Kiev ‘On The Verge Of Losing’ – Daily Express (RT)

    Which is why they gave them more money.

    But because this is all a Signaling war, when they lose Ukraine, not to fear! The only thing that will happen is the Batsignal over Kiev will be Red and not Blue. Right? That’s what losing wars, means right? Everything is the same as before, and all the West will remain equally or more powerful than ever? That’s “Losing”.

    I just redefined: Losing = Winning No I am not kidding, here’s from 8 months ago:

    “Losing in Ukraine Is Actually Victory” Morning Joe.

    “US State Department spokesperson Ned Price rejected this stance – saying Russia would first have to withdraw all its forces.”

    With constant lies: they did. They removed them from many places, including halting them in the middle of the road in Kiev. Whoops! Reality = Unreality. True = False. All people, all actions, all facts, they’re all the same! Doesn’t matter if it’s one or the other. Russia attacking is the same as Russia withdrawing. Kolomoisky is the same as Putin, Poroshenko is the same as Yanukovich. So I hear, right?

    Here’s a question for you geniuses: since they’re all exactly identical – EXACTLY – what are they fighting over? They all are identical, I hear, and are all identical robots of the same identical owners, who themselves are but one person, one hive-mind, and never disagree within themselves either. They, and they alone, have the Vulcan mind-meld, the Borg Net-Consciousness. So…

    …why are they fighting?

    Part two: since everyone is in on it and if no one opposes them, why haven’t they won yet? I mean, if no one’s opposing them – and certainly not you guys – then why haven’t they been able to install their full 1984/Animal Farm/Brave New World genocide kittens plan or whatever it is? Are they just desperately incompetent or something?

    I guess so. There is no other explanation, as they are, and must be, one people, of one mind, united: indivisible.

    Since they already won, and control everything, then I guess this is as bad as it gets, then. Meh. It’s not that bad. I expected more. Welp, we already lost and the war is over, I’m goin’ windsurfing! Nothing left for me to do here! I have de-morale-ized all the people I could reach for one day, and Mossad is pleased with my performance.

    “Anyone returning a ballot for a family member or disabled voter is required to enter county boards of elections offices and fill out an attestation form stating that they are following the law..”

    Uh-huh. And then we will have one million sheriffs follow up on the one million cases of possible perjury. …And counting…counting…counting…Until July, or whenever we get 50.00000001% of the vote! Then we stop!

    Yeah, uh, this is why mail-in is a SPECIAL method for UNIQUE cases? Same as why almost no one is a “Asylum” case. Like 10 people a year and we’re full up already.

    “• Trump Urges Georgians To Vote Early Amid Record Breaking Turnout (JTN)

    Vote early, vote often. How else are we going to get to those 1 Billion votes?

    “• Liz Cheney Under Fire for Improper Contacts with Jan. 6 Witness (Turley)

    But: Republicans, so nothing will happen.

    “• The Zionist Lobby Wins, But The US Loses (SCF)

    Did we though? Huh, looks like Israel is losing the f– out of this war in no time flat, and my opinion is that’s good for us.

    Here’s their logic: If Israel wins it’s bad for us, but if Israel loses it’s bad for us. If we stay there it’s bad for us, but if we leave it’s bad for us. Huh. Wow. Boy, if that isn’t Science, I don’t know what is! All things and their Opposites are the same. I’m guessing that’s … not … possible? That all things and their Opposites are NOT the same out here in a little place we call “Reality”?


    That fits nicely with the Trump/Vance plan. What they don’t add here is they needed 2014-2022 to arm and prepare. They over-prepared, but who knew NATO would have such an astonishing Suck army? Imagine 1/10th the number of S300s, no defense of the Kremlin building, almost no drones, and only 1-5 hypersonics at all? Same war? N.O.P.E. They needed that time and those things. Putin wasn’t wrong. The General Staff’s perception wasn’t wrong either: wasting that time sucked. It’s a judgement call, but I’m with Putin on this one: avoid and delay if you can, fight when you must.

    ““In my opinion it is essential that Trump be elected, because it will give America four more years. But the result is unlikely to be renewal of our country.” –PCR

    Nothing will change, so we should just give up then, right Paul? Thanks for the vote of support, you f–.

    ““it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.” So here we have it: Trump has bought into Directive 5240.01.”

    Has he? Nope. That was an option everyone was complaining about in the “Summer of Love” INCLUDING Paul, loooong before that directive was signed. So…what’s your point again? That you just make stuff up and don’t adhere to any facts?

    How can it be that Trump hasn’t a single advisor able to inform him of the real problem?”

    Does he? Has he? Paul is using his DonaldTelepathy to know what TheDonald has or hasn’t heard – from Navarro, e.g., who is the person most identical to Paul in the previous administration.

    “How can an insouciant population deal with a ruling elite when the population doesn’t understand what is happening?”

    Why don’t you stop asking rhetorical questions like a Schmartz guy and ask the question for real? IF you were going to – I dunno, lift a finger – THEN what would the ensuing 5th Generation warfare look like, out here on the ground? Oh, exactly like this? THIS is what it would look like to wake people up and make them non-insoucient? Duuuuuuuuuh. So the war you say isn’t happening is happening for +10 years but you were too stupid and arrogant to see it, when it’s been happening for a lifetime AND you’ve been writing about it every day.

    “Never was of course. Delusional.
    • BMW Says EU Ban On Gasoline Cars From 2035 Is “No Longer Realistic” (ZH)

    Soooo…the people just said, “No”. GFY. …And these master powers just slinked away. Wow. I guess we should all give up then. They control everything, them peoples. Boy howdy. When they say “watch Disney”, boy we just snap to. Drink a Bud and we all fall in line. We ate all that BGH in milk too.

    No. This is how EASY it is, if you throw off the 5th Generation Warfare of de-morale-ization and stop listening to dips—ts who say you don’t matter. 1) Put your head in the noose. 2) Don’t put your head in the noose. But they’re the same thing, right?!? All things and people are the same thing.

    “100 members of Congress support a bill to fund Ozempic”

    Not only that, I bet you $100 Ozempic kills people.


    Australia has pledged 1.5 billion to Ukraine so far and just sent 49 Abrams tanks.
    Because we are America’s bitches and clearly Australia is located in the Northern Atlantic.

    Mister Roboto

    Nothing will change, so we should just give up then, right Paul? Thanks for the vote of support, you f–.

    PCR has managed to turn into such a black-pilled grouch that I don’t really bother with reading his stuff these days.

    You had me at “Hello.” Boy there’s no better persuasion than that, and I can’t understand why you’re not a poster at TAE. Motivation par excellence!

    Who knows? Perhaps deflationista was Joy Reid’s secret online avatar.


    Uktardistan has gone Full Orwell®

    Far, far worst than the old Soviet Union because they still conceitedly flap Limey Pie Holes about being a “democracy”.

    Pitiful excuse for a ‘country’ masquerading as a rancid sponge cake.



    Pedo Jo-jo showing her the ropes and “mentoring” Kamamla-la-la to Make a Better Future for All. (MBFA)



    highly female-dominated blue-state-big-city Professional Managerial Class use minorities and gender as human shields. I know we all know this. I would like to point out that this has salt water line. Its moving and its measureable. Looks like its 59/39 today. It is not their only bad behavior. They have enough bad behavior to push me out of the 2 that wont vote for either zionist and into the 59.


    Remember Halloween Precedes “Election Day”



    The first rule of mossad 5th gen psy op is to throw around the Zog moniker and dirty up the place. That way, it is easy to smear the opposition as being antizog.

    In truth it reminds me of Elensky’s connections to Kolomoyskii and the tel Aviv/Ukraine connection. It is quite a challenge to label organs such as Azov battalion as nationalist and antizog when the leader of their country is connected to certain individuals whom are based in Israel.

    5th gen warfare is such a gas. It’s like the final scenes in a clockwork orange strapped into the chair, or perhaps the end of Marathon man. I wouldn’t miss this flaming pile of shit for all the money in the world.

    With regards to the black ops brigade – I have just one request: if we could just hurry up and collapse this uniparty/crony globalist economy & psychological operation before I meet my maker, I would very much appreciate it. I have been on this particular merry-go-round for close to 40 years and I am getting a wee bit impatient at this point in time. I can’t for the life of me figure out why. There is nothing that I love more than being gaslit and fucked with by propaganda (tortured, if you will) but then I am odd that way…

    As you were, ladies and gentlemen

    Mister Roboto

    It is not their only bad behavior. They have enough bad behavior to push me out of the 2 that wont vote for either zionist and into the 59.

    I have lived in the USA all my life, so I mostly expect people to be narcissistic jerks. The tipping point for me was when “bad behavior” morphed into “shrieking, psychotic behavior”.



    Yeah there are a lot of lazy dingbats posting on TAE during the winter of discontent. I sometimes really Miss Boscoe Horowitz – he had a real flare for the art of the righteous barb in the tongue. D Benton has to do a lot of the heavy lifting with the Grimer Wormtongues these days.

    Alas for me, well I have been hanging with Jews. Had lunch with my girl Yael today hashtag I love Jews. Especially the broke ones that can’t afford to pay me to landscape their gardens but trade with gifts and conversation.
    You know Jews make great friends. I love Jews. I just love, love, love them.
    The only thing better than Jews are Chinese Jews. They are so saaaweeeet!

    I feel terrible for publishing my song where I heaped crap on MOSSAD. They are doing it so tough already. Miserable job being cranky when you win and lose all day and you don’t know which it is.
    Mossad are actually Italian Black Nobility. They are not even true Jews. They are the Jesuit Dark Lords.
    That still eat Arabiata in the canteen


    Cultural Degradation 2024 Style

    Part of the larger dystopian psy-op sprung on Duh’merica

    A counter balance to all the 20-40 something Woke Women of Duh;merica®

    Dating Service Serves Up “Crystal”

    Crystal, she be making up for the rest of her slacker generation barely having 1.5 babies on average….

    Guys, what a Dream Gal!



    It is time that does not exist. The entire singular infinity (singularity) of all that is, is a physical timeless state. Time is only an intellectual metric useful in understanding and controlling the singularity. Thus is Aristotle’s paradox solved.
    The singularity consists of processes that are irreversible. The rate of those process can be changed to allow some frame of the singularity to see the future of some other frame. But the total is still singular. Travel into the past can only be intellectual.
    I personally chose to consider this as additional proof that god exits.


    Poppie wins the internet today. or was that yesterday . no wait – tomorrow?


    Everyone is always talking in excited tones about politics here at TAE but the cultural war has far more damaging aspects to it because it gets inside your daily existence and routines.

    Gender, food, ‘health care’, entertainment, the stories we share to connect us.

    The “Cultural Revolution” in China was a catastrophic failure.

    The present “Cultural Revolution” in Duh’merica is a catastrophic failure.

    Can’t get even the most basic fundamental “human” thing right.






    I’ll drink to that!.


    The Eternal Timeless Present

    It’s where the Real Magic happens on an every day basis but few recognize.



    Creative Budget Management



    Elon “The Efficient” Musk approved this message


    Food Inflation and the Wages of Sin







    The Nightmare Before Christmas



    Academy Award for Best Ironic Non-Fiction Meme

    From a guy who knows first hand



    The Future is AI

    Embrace Skynet, it is your Destiny

    Let’s shake on it….



    Pro Street Cred Tip of the Day








    Famous Duh’merican Presidents


    Doc Robinson

    Today’s art selection (Ivan Kramskoy Christ in the desert 1920) reminds me of this painting (Stańczyk, by Jan Matejko, 1862) which could represent Zelensky and his situation:


    True problem …. overspending.
    The winner -the word salad.
    In other words, the best liar won.
    Avoiding discussing/fixing the true problem,
    Over spending, borrowing, over leveraging, inflation, lack of control.
    Help from the best liars and influencers …. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Liz Cheney, and their teams of advisors, and lawyers, and manipulators of words.

    Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez sent a statement that the Democrats were “running the largest and most sophisticated operation in Pennsylvania history,” with 50 staff reaching out to black voters and another 30 to Latinos. In recent weeks, however, the campaign brought in President Barack Obama’s former field director for Pennsylvania, Paulette Aniskoff, as well as several other operatives with ties to Philadelphia.



    If Roosevelt had tried to lock up German-Americans they would have made him a Quadriplegic in a New York Minute


    The anti-semite and jewish label has been way overused to influence your thinking/opinions.


    The content of a secret annex to Zelensky’s “victory plan” was published by AMVET – in it, Kyiv handed over a list of targets for Storm Shadow, JASSM and Taurus missiles in Russia.

    The enemies want to strike in the near future and before winter.

    Among them are gunpowder factories in Kazan, Tambov and Perm, airfields up to 1000 km from the border of Ukraine, military-industrial complex enterprises for the production of UAVs and missile weapons, as well as headquarters and command posts in Rostov, Voronezh, Moscow, Belgorod, Kursk and St. Petersburg.

    The list also includes logistics centers, training grounds, transport hubs, including the Crimean bridge, departments of the FSB and the Russian Guard, air defense units at ranges up to 500 km, weapons depots, the base of the Black Sea Fleet in Novorossiysk, a command post near Sochi and a number of federal state institutions “up to 1000 km from the launch sites.”

    In fact, this is an extended list of targets from ISW – further it lists the critical infrastructure of the border regions, oil refineries and “mega-terminals” like Pskov, repair shops of the Ministry of Defense and special services.

    Earlier, Zelensky proposed a plan for victory over Russia from five main points and three secret ones. Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of Zelensky’s office, admitted that the secret annexes indicate the necessary weapons and targets to inflict a strategic defeat on the Russian Federation.

    Posted by: guest | Oct 17 2024

    John Day

    Who gets the money bet on Trump & Harris if there is no election?
    What are the odds?
    Can I gamble on that one?

    John Day

    All-Y’all noticing personalities and behaviors to have degraded:
    Did you notice that the first COVID shot drops IQ the most, but each booster still drops it some, yesterday?
    Just wondering…
    People drive like cockroaches in traffic these days, too.

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