Debt Rattle January 14 2025


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    Pablo Picasso Studio with plaster head 1925   • Trump To Meet Putin ‘Very Quickly’ After Inauguration (RT) • Trump Allies Prepare Bill To Let Him
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 14 2025]



    The Sun Never Rises on the British Empire




    Good Morning :-))

    “Safe and Effective”!

    TVASSF – and they all got Covid too!



    Sacramento Bottles Up 60 Oregon Fire Trucks Sent to Fight California Wildfires Because They Lacked SMOG CERTIFICATES


    Gavin Newscum Strikes Again






    Everyone has there two bits of advice on how to solve world events

    This seems sound enough to me



    Catering to the majority of young women in The West:


    The Childless Cat Lady Isle in the Market





    They were referred to in Medieval times as “Karens”


    Ken is finally Waking Up,

    not Woking Up




    If you’re in California or anywhere in the US, the demand for trades workers is set to grow significantly.

    In California, this need will be urgent over the next decade due to widespread destruction from fires, and the increasing number of retirements from workers.

    Learn a Trade.





    and the good news is………………………………………………………………………………………………….


    Excellent article by Ritter

    • Blinken Exploited Biden’s Senility – Scott Ritter

    Blinken should hang

    In front of his family

    Along with most of the Lame Stream Media

    Mors Tyrannis


    By the neck until dead


    Spoken like a Seer Mike


    I’m in the trades in California.

    We will most likely turn the area into a protected habitat for the some endangered rat species that moves in.


    it was 100 here today and I was chained to stonework and no woman stole me and cried in an air conditioned car! What the fuck?!


    Oroboros – Tradies get a big plug in my track from last year.


    to be forewarned is to be forearmed
    went to the drug store and bought a case of jumbo economy size bottles of personal lubricant
    and two cases of female condoms
    did not buy any lipstick


    Oh yah, I forgot the MAJORITY of young women in the West want to be “social influencers” and would NEVER consider a career in The Trades.

    Too hot

    Too dirty

    Too messy

    Too difficult

    Too physical

    The West is Doomed because it’s women not only don’t want to learn a practical skill like carpentry or plumbing or stonework or mining or energy infrastructure….

    The MAJORITY don’t even want to be mothers, the highest job of all.

    Smokey, definitely Smokey



    A rare sighting in the wild of a Zuckertrump


    Dr. D

    “Ukraine Not Yet In Strong Enough Position For Negotiations: NATO Chief

    And every time they play this gambit they get weaker, not stronger. Nice going. What did it look like when Russia surrounded Kiev in 96 hours? Yeah, they would have kept the whole country.

    “Starbucks Reverses Open Public Bathroom Policy After Junkie Influx Created Unsafe Environment

    Wow, who knew? Why did no one tell them this might happen?
    “”There is a need to reset expectations …”

    Typical. Passive voice. WHO? WHO is setting expectations? Who is receiving the resetting? A: AUTHORITY. Then we, the minions will accept that they are re-set, and only then. They only do what they’re told, like torture victims, which they are.

    “FBI’s Wray Drops ‘Chinese Infiltration’ Bomb On Way Out, Warns Of Threat To Critical Infrastructure

    If only there were a Federal Investigative service that could look into and stop this for us! In other news, I also hear thousands of Terrorists have entered the U.S. The FBI knows exactly who and how many. Wait: read that back to me again?

    “Zelensky Offers To Send 150 Ukrainian Firefighters To California After Stinging Rebuke From Trump Jr

    Clown world. Pretty sure that offer doesn’t sound the way you think it does. Plus 4 days travel, $2,000/ticket. Good idea! I can see why all our money is missing.

    “Something Odd Is Happening in Bond Markets – Should We Worry?

    Yes. Worry a lot. Problem is, it’s now so rigged, we’re not calculating when the heat in the boiler blows the known-good pressure relief valve. That’s the previous paradigm. We’re now figuring when we have 5 coalmen shoveling in, but also the valve has been welded shut, but also we have a team of grease monkeys running around like Buster Keaton Cops welding new parts on and new leaks shut.

    Yes it will blow, but you can give up knowing when or where. Thanks to their efforts, it’s as likely to be anywhere, over anything. Some 3rd rate bank in Austria or something.

    “House Republicans Weigh Sweeping $5.7 Trillion In Spending Cuts To Fund Trump’s Domestic Agenda

    If I’m not mistaken – because at this level of force everything changes hourly – they are in Deflation for Dollar shortage worldwide right now. That’s why “Biden” is so desperate to print. Good news: WE have dollars! Everyone ELSE will go bankrupt, not us. Bad news: They don’t have dollars. If we do that, they’ll go bankrupt and we’ll follow in 48 hours.

    Now if only we could start some fires to get $150B to balance this month’s books. I don’t need the HOUSES, I need CASH, they need to be converted CASH in my account or I’ll get thrown out a window. Sorry Mel, Paris, and James Woods.

    So thanks to Global Warming, is it snowing in Mexico today? Also: Snow in the winter in North America. Disastergeddon.

    Iced Coffee: “The Sates should run things”.

    That’s also a part of the enormous SIZE of our states. Land in Orlando, you Belgians, pop over to Mobile, Alabama, on the state line. That’s EIGHT HOURS. And you only drove half of Florida! Key West is 15 hours. Florida is not what we’d call a big state.

    Now if the states were the size of Geurney or Skye, that’d be different. So even at our wildly advanced population the scale of division for Federalism is pretty good. However, running it all from the Oval Office, including D.C. police flying to Anchorage to arrest people for tweets, not so good.

    Is that Trump thing AI? It doesn’t sound quite right. No weaseling.

    “• Trump Allies Prepare Bill To Let Him Buy Greenland (RT)

    Had not thought of that. Trump can’t buy Greenland, only Congress can. With money, which means the House.

    “• Crazy Like a Fox: Trump’s Greenland Pitch (Miele)

    Collateral. And again, we probably have a Gull Island on the other coast. So betting we have a second one in Greenland. We’ll “Discover it” shortly. Suppose it’s Denmark, what would they do? We aside from not defending it, not being involved in it, they don’t have the skills to produce it, ship it, nor would the EU let them for Carbon reasons. Everyone has to die instead. I guess it’s not that they literally couldn’t, Norway can, but you know what I mean, they’re not up to scale, and it WOULD take some kind of military security. It would take a very long-term, concerted national push, which is presently not aligned with their national outlook. It would radically change the nature of Denmark. (Into Norway, which would probably be a good turn.)

    “..Starmer has not been invited to Trump’s January 20 inauguration..”

    Actually, they should. They should make him attend. It would be hilarious.

    “Those gangs, mostly made up of Pakistani males, targeted white British girls for some two decades. The UK authorities failed to act against them due to political correctness”

    Sargon was on with, I think Parker Posie who is really sharp and practical. He said, “you can’t understand how much power the word “Racist” carries in the UK.” Like everyone else says, “Why would you let this happen, just over a mere accusation?” No. Literally. Being CALLED a racist is dramatically worse than BEING a rapist. For real. Let that sink in. So the word > the act. Abstraction, or put another way, they’re Psychotic. In their view, no, UK didn’t really need to anything MORE than call them racists, that was adequate to insure mass rape. Now we know they also DID, many officers, citizens were arrested to protect it, but you don’t need to look for as much back-end corruption and direction as you may think.

    This is, of course, exactly what they had in mind for us, and they laid it on as thick and wide as they could, but we passed the test. Also note, they put out a s–t tonne of “Sound and Fury” while matters were greatly different on the ground.

    “• Musk Calls Out ‘Tyrant Of Europe’ (RT)

    Which one? The one that supports mass rapes? The one that prevents elected leaders from taking political power in every European nation? The one that removes(d) Prime Ministers at will? (Truss, Burlesconi; LePen, Rutte, Karamanlis?, Georgescu, AfD; Yanukovich; entire Polish Judiciary.)

    “Thierry Breton, …claimed his recent comments were taken out of context.

    What context would you prefer?

    ““You petty politicians, with your ungrateful and immature games, you won’t even know what hit you”

    They don’t seem to comprehend we’re still playing nice.

    Speaking of law n stuff, found this: “Did the [UK Supreme] Court of Appeal wrongly find the appellant, part of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation, to be vicariously liable for a rape committed by one of their elders? Facts In 1990, the respondent, Mrs B, was raped by an elder of the Barry Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses,”

    So…I guess all Muslims, Immams, at least anywhere nearby are vicariously ALSO responsible? The Law says! Ok High Lord Starmertrooper, get crackin’!

    “British politicians can no longer be trusted to probe themselves”

    Can “no longer”?

    “another inquiry will mean another ten years of waiting,” she reasoned”

    Why? How? The public already knows all this, and they’re not even part of an investigation. So it would take you 10 years to know what all UK knows already? Newsflash: we don’t need subpoena power to arrest and try you. Public record is fine.

    “The notorious grooming gangs, primarily involving men of Pakistani origin,”

    I mean, yes, but the top numbers are actually Albanians. I’m not trying to leave anyone out. You don’t get to divert because you’re part/not part of “Group X”. We are prosecuting ACTIONS not ethnicities.

    “The ‘grooming gangs’ scandal involves groups of Asian men”

    Not usually how the English-speaking use the word “Asian”. Btw, Posie pointed out that if you report, they say, “C’mon, really? You don’t look very traumatized. This is clearly made up.” If you’re LESS traumatized they say you must have wanted it, it’s a choice-prostitution. If you’re a gibbering wreck, well how can be trust you as a witness? This is what Starmer did personally, saying if a thing happened, it wasn’t systemic, we just can’t bring charges with cases like this, it’s 250,000 anomalies, and about 100 other things. That’s the problem: if you are good faith, you need no laws. If you’re a bad faith, no law or number of laws will suffice. Lying is always good. All men lie.

    Same thing? Yeah ,they just catfished the LIBERAL DEFENSE MINISTER for a kiddie date online. His Facebook page reflects this. “Yay Starmer, our only hope.” “Btw did you see the ass on that boy?? I may be 66, but back dat ass up!” In public. On all his media. Apparently his line doesn’t stop at 20. Or possible 12yo. 250,000 anomalies in a row. Shoot into a crowd of random Liberals and amazing, hit 2-3 pedophiles. Just unlucky I guess. Doesn’t mean anything.

    “Jack Smith spent over $50 million on this.”

    Well I’m sure glad we didn’t spend it on fire trucks or something, that would be terrible.

    “It is an example of how a general can have the largest army and unlimited resources and yet defeat himself”

    It was never MEANT to go to trial. It was meant to rig elections. Getting a conviction would just have been a pleasant extra. Well, I say that’s how it is now: We need to start trials on 300 Democrats and Rinos and run them for the next 4-6 years of their office. It’s legal!

    “• Washington Post Web Traffic Plummets Nearly 90% (RT)

    Eventually skin suits rot. Why it takes this long, ugh, don’t ask me. We knew they were compromised garbage in the 90s, but like so many places, no one can believe if things get low they can go lower. Maybe WaPo can report on local D.C. and redeem themselves as objective, “a paper” again. Doubt it.

    To pick on the right people, the ULTRA LIBERAL WOKE Greenwich Village Voice reported on Sandanistas and School of the Americas, Ollie North in the NINETIES. The WaPo did not. Until they were forced to and barely then. They’ve always been the #Opposite of Progressive. Hey, if you want to be the mouthpiece of corporate oligarchs, go ahead, but don’t lie about it. If you’re ashamed of yourself, too ashamed to admit what you do for whom, then don’t do it. Now that I’m reporting the exact same thing in the exact same way, I’m far right. Explain?

    Darn those Moray Eels and their DEFENSIVE ways!!!


    at first glance adding the Greenlanders to the US population is not going raise the overall IQ


    the California central valley was once a giant lake until Gavin Newsom drained it 600,000 years ago


    “British politicians can no longer be trusted to probe themselves”

    just when i was hoping they would go probe themself

    Dr. D

    Speaking of “low to get lower” let me repeat Cullom’s market thesis:

    We are 10x to 40x overvalued. Use any metric you like. You’ve got about 100 other problems: printing? Did that. Boomers destroying every family to halve wages and get women in the workforce? Did that. Monetized all normal human functions, like day care and talking to friends? Did that. Exported everything not nailed down to lower wages and export inflation? Did that. Destroyed every commodities pricing market so every producer folded, all farmers, ranchers, miners? Did that. Ran prices up to 100x sales (Nvdia)? Did that. Then did that WHILE THERE WERE NO SALES, ie all vendor-financed accounting fraud, like Cisco? Did that. Ran the entire market from Russell 2000 down to SP500 down to Dow 100 to the FAANG seven to Nvidia alone? ONE stock supports the market? Did that.

    But you don’t need to. As Buffet demonstrated, IT’S ALL INTEREST RATES. ALL. It’s not high or low (as Armstrong agrees) it’s DIRECTION. LOWERING rates makes stocks boom. RAISING crushes everything. No other effect matters, do the math and research. We just came from sub-zero.

    Now caveat he or nobody gets into: RATES SHOULDN’T CHANGE. They can only change if you have a Central Bank FORCING them, at the point of GOVERNMENT’S gun. That is, the Babylonian-banker system. If not, they would rotate around a fixed point of 5-8% and move a little during wars. 200 years of price stability until 1971. So the only way the MARKET, which entirely a deravtive RATES can move out of line is for the rates to get out of line. The only way the rates can get out of line is for government to SHOOT people. Who refuse to enforce illogical and uneconomic rates. Banker want the front-running this irrational pricing, so they pay government to shoot people to make it so. Like any mafia.

    So that’s your setup. What happens now? His thesis is this: since Greenspan, that is, since the living memory of everyone in the market, even if they read the WSJ as a six-year-old child, the markets have ALWAYS gone up. Always.

    Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always

    Sure it drops for a year or two but “Government won’t let it” amirite? Just like the Japanese government “Won’t let it.” Right?

    So IF the market drops, what happens? A: Everyone buys the dip. BTFD. FOMO.

    What does that mean? It’s IMPOSSIBLE to plunge. Okay it falls 20, 30, 50% BTFD. Bounce back. AND the Fed/Congress “Won’t let it” they will jump in. So, problemo solved, right? We all hold hands and wish really hard that at 100x overvalue we’re just going to 200x, 500x, 1 Million x. I don’t think reality works that way.

    Sure, it falls 20%, BTFD. Fed Prints a trillion, causes 15% inflation. Then? Dow takes 18 months to raise 15%. then falls to 30%. Then same, BTFD. Print $10 Trillion. Inflation 25%. 24 months pass. Up 25%. Then falls 50%. BTFD, Print $100 Trillion. US$ repudiated. 5 years goes by. 20 years from now, Dow is still at 36k.

    Newsflash: Japan isn’t out of their 1989 slump yet. The BoJ owns ALL the bonds. The BoJ owns ALL the stocks. Japan is an economic powerhouse, making ALL the things. No stocks. The economy, the market, the companies, the rates, the nation, the culture, all dead, dead, dead. Lie Flat. That’s the math of overvaluing.

    What’s worse than dropping 90% overnight like 1921? HAVING IT TAKE +10 YEARS in the great Depression. Then it’s not your money you lost: IT’S YOUR LIFE. Actually, we didn’t recover the 1929 high until 1990 or something? Some metrics, some stocks, never did at all, not 90 years later. And that’s not counting any bankruptcy, which would savage the accounting flat. US Stocks equals US Bonds, equals US GDP. In fact they slightly UNDER perform.

    So Cullom’s Thesis: Well you tell me any way the US Stock market does NOT lie flat for a generation, more like 40+ years. You can just take the 99% loss today, but that would mean all collateral fails, therefore the entire financial sharing system fails and we go Mad Max. Orrrrrrrrrrr…we do NOT do that, but have to work off 100 year’s earnings ratio.

    This is all PSYCHOLOGICAL. The people aren’t going to realize that you net-net ALWAYS LOSE money in stocks until they’ve always already lost it. Until they’ve tried that. They get the 10-20% bounce, the insiders dumped, and the rubes take the next 50% down. Until every last human who doubled their money in 1994-1999 is DEAD. Everyone saved by the 2001 666 low is DEAD. 2068?

    Until, as they say, they are shooting paper airplanes on the floor of the NYSE like they did on the Comex. No one will even LOOK at you if you say now is the time to own stocks. STOCKS? They will say: What are you stupid? I’ve never even MET anyone who’s made money in stocks. Why don’t you sell me a Sham-wow instead? I’ve made money in asteroid mining, Jupiter-gasses, even in crypto, but no one I’ve ever met made a nickel in stocks.

    …Gold in 2000. Okay, back out, zoom out, by what path do you get there? Where every market has always gone before? Fair value, LOW value, no buyers, no interest? Well, an asteroid could hit. OR, the only other way is 40 years of dead-losing, every time, every person who buys in. Over TIME. Change my mind.

    Dr. D

    So, are we going to bomb Rotherham with Warthogs and Daisy-cutters yet? With a human rights violations like this, sounds like they need them some FREEDOM!

    Surely Greenland can wait while amphibious land on Liverpool, amirite? We gotta round up ruthless murdering dictators! Show them what that bayonet is for!

    Haven’t you heard there’s OIL in the north of England?

    John Day

    Matthew 24:11: “In the last days will come many false teachers, leading astray those who know not God.

    On my bike-ride/meditation yesterday it occurred to me that all the religions that say “God wants you good people to kill all these bad people who are against God” are State Religions.
    The defense against those “false teachers” is to “know God”, which is “gnosticism”, direct engagement with the Divine.
    State religions teach the impossibility of that, and mark groups that profess to do that as “against God” sometimes, like the Roman-Catholic Pope “Innocent” instructed his general to “Kill them all; God will know his own”.
    So the Cathars were burned at the stake or slaughtered in their villages.
    Other anti-genocidal Christian sects fared better in the US, such as the “Friends”, “Quakers”. Where are they now? Richard Nixon was reportedly raised Quaker…

    My personal take is that people have varying abilities in the realm of compassion, clairvoyance and “knowing God”. I have had enough glimpses and insights myself to convince me, but it is like Karma, one must be personally convinced, not swayed by doctrine…
    I’m not trying to convince anybody.
    I do, after much consideration, believe in “free will”, which greatly complicates “reality”.
    “Free will” might be an “illusion”, but it can’t be disproven and it certainly feels like it exists, and it fits with a fairly coherent worldview or two, so I choose (freely) to run with it.

    John Day

    Happy Summer, Oxymoron in Oz!


    1. Read the special counsel’s David Weiss final report on Hunter Biden
    2. Read jack-smith-jan-6 final report


    Special Counsel Jack Smith
    Submitted Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c)Washington, D.C.
    January 7, 2025

    Read the special counsel’s final report on Hunter Biden
    The Justice Department has released special counsel David Weiss’ findings on the president’s son, who received a pardon in December.

    Jan. 13, 2025, 3:25 PM PST
    By Shawn Cox
    Report on the Investigation Into the
    Criminal Conduct of Robert Hunter Biden
    Special Counsel David C. Weiss
    Submitted Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c)
    Wilmington, D.E.
    January 2025




    Off with their heads…




    Trump wants the killing to stop.
    He and Putin can pick a date (Jan 21?) for a ceasefire,
    in a way that no-one will dare break.
    After that, it’s peace, no nukes, no nazis, no NATO.
    • Trump To Meet Putin ‘Very Quickly’ After Inauguration (RT)


    Confirmation hearing for defense secretary nominee, Pete Hegseth, are starting.


    Transition to this millennium was marked as a “revenge of a geeks”. Today, as once guy on Kunstler’s blog posted, ability to carry 4′ X 12′ plywood board amounts to a “meaning of life”.
    Healthy society to function has to have it all but balanced in numbers. From top tradesman to an expert on “farmer’s poetry during the 1930’s depression”.
    BTW, How one calls STEM graduate who has garage full of tools and knows how to use it?


    After the fire in LA

    For those in the USA with an interest in collapsing the USA, the Los Angeles fire is the gift that will keep on giving, and George Soros hardly had to cough up a dime to make it happen. From the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion angle, the fire got‘er done, cleansing nearly the entire PacPal population of snooty, rich, white “allies” of the oppressed and marginalized — who will now have LA to themselves. Chez Whitey is “closed for renovations,” and it might be twenty years before it can re-open, if ever.

    Probably never, if the California Coastal Commission has anything to say about it. And why wouldn’t they? They do not generally approve of stuff getting built right up on the beach. They were probably all down on their knees Sunday in the Church of Luxury Belief thanking Climate Jeezus for sweeping Malibu and the hills above it clean.

    Read more … Interesting point of view


    Oro’s Uncle Ari, a croll up, wants to be a rentier of some sort.
    So much for honest trade push?


    Consortium News posted Pinter’s 2005 Nobel acceptance video the other day.
    Twenty years ago i was fifty three and nothing in Pinter’s essay raised an eyebrow.
    Thirty five years earlier i was introduced to Pinter, Beckett, Burgess, McCluhan for one side of my brain and i remember all of the political science, government and history I read with the other. I do not remember a single author’s name from the latter disciplines except for the professor who stood in front of the class for the second part, quarter, of Voting Trends in The United Nations.
    The FBI were in the community and were known felons.
    The media was reporting events on television where i had been present and i did not remember taking LSD before i went to the event. Watching the TV broadcast i was sure i had been hallucinating at the event. The TV broadcasts and my experience were not the same.

    Now twenty years after Pinter’s essay i read comments from people near my age who want to believe – do believe – all the trouble, all of the problems present in the US started with Obama.
    Now mr. wonderful, a fight promoter and the man most efficient at doing what does not need to be done declare “It’s All Liberal, Woke Politics”.
    Despite two millenia of history genocidal maniacs are now Nobility who must be allowed free reign to defend themself. Heres a clue for you all – That temple did not tear itself down.
    Despite voting in known corrupt representatives and senators because they were “good for the district” my cohorts are dimayed to the point of being devastated that the house and senate are corrupt. “Watch out Vern, that’s luke” – (Varney)
    The pool of boy and girl genius who used their intellectual capacity to insist labor was a lesser class in order to maintain THEIR standard of living are now horrified there is no labor and an impoverished poplulation. Supply and demand? Get outta town!!
    Those of adroit and deft reasoning that left them with the inablility to distinguish between a hangnail and a hanging chad. “cmon Billy Joe and Bobby Sue all them lections was fair an square fore 2020″
    Those deemed exceptional who cannot understand extended families still are the norm among the pyrite billions. Those with the irreplaceable math skills that cannot fathom you created from between seven and twenty four enemies, two extended families, for each child you murdered.
    How about a good laugh”
    Do you smell roses?


    Tulsi Gabbard

    Value compromise “because one has to” is not a one-way ticket. For some, their values change or adjust to accommodate. But for others, the value compromise “sticks in their craw,” and causes them to constantly seek to change external circumstances so that they may, once again, live in harmony with their values. My gut instinct about Gabbard is that she is the latter type, based on observation and interviews that I’ve watched. Of course, we aren’t really going to know until she has been in the position of DNI for a couple of years—or longer.

    What are we expecting? We know that DC is corrupt. We can have leaders who are white as lily-snow, who never compromise, not one iota — but then, those types of individuals usually never make it into politics. And, quite frankly, when they do make it into positions of leadership they are often so rigid that they cannot skillfully apply their values to the nuanced situations that reality presents. At the end of the day, we have DJT and we have the team that he has gathered. There are turbulent waters ahead and I have confidence that DJT’s team is better at the helm than the headless “Biden/Harris Admin.”

    I prefer Gabbard as DNI over anyone the Dems would vote for and over anyone the RINOs would prefer. I want to see this play out.


    Lyndon Johnson’s definition of loyalty was a man who would kiss Lyndon’s ass at high noon in front of Macy’s front window turn to the crow and declare:
    “I smelled roses”

    “They don’t seem to comprehend we’re still playing nice.”
    They do, however, understand we’re going to continue to do so.
    Pucker up


    @ Orobouros

    I always wonder where these impressions about “all the women” come from, (or “all the people in AZ.”)
    Because I constantly run across people who break the expected mold.

    Or maybe it is just me, and my family? But—my dear friend and client and her late spouse did not follow the trends regarding how to live with sudden wealth. And my lesbian singing student, well, I introduced her to Oliver Anthony’s music last week and she loves it. Do I inadvertently attract people who are not like “everybody else?” Or is it simply that I am looking for outliers and I find them because I have my eyes open for them, and I expect them to be there?

    The women in my family don’t tend to do “the trades,” but they cook very well, they preserve food, they garden, and they sew. They also have from 3-6 kids. Cooking, food preservation, vegetable gardening, and sewing are just as practical and important as “the trades.” My own daughter is currently focusing on sewing, and has begun to alter clothes and also sew them from scratch. I also alter my own home, paint, put up drywall, use power tools, put up gutters, etc. — I have no interest in doing these things for others.

    If you want to find people that defy expected molds, hope and expect them to exist — because they do exist, and you won’t typically find them unless you believe that they are there.

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