Debt Rattle December 7 2017


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    MC Escher Convex and concave 1955   • The Great Credit Party Is Almost Over, Societe Generale Says (BBG) • Mother of All Bubbles Too Big to Pop –
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 7 2017]

    V. Arnold

    If I knew for a certainty that a man was coming to my house with the conscious design of doing me good, I should run for my life.
    LOL! Oh, what a lovely end to a thread, chock-a-block loaded, with all manner of toxic elements…
    MC Escher is a perfect match for todays shenanigans; illusions, lies, and bending reality have become de rigueur in today’s western existence.
    We here in the east are not so easily cajoled…yet…


    I am just so wary of “Scientists studying climate change”. You see they have to do it using all the planet degrading tools at their disposal – flying jet planes, sophisticated instruments of measurement and analysis made from rare earth metals and the like – plundered from the ground by digging up once beautiful forests. They are just so very tedious these scientists explaining the things we need to stop doing to save ourselves from the fates that await us from the things they are doing.

    Plant some bloody potatoes and trees and stop talking already. We don’t need your science we need small communities of people looking after the necessities of their existence. I’m sick of the arrogance of experts.
    There is a lot to be said for living a humble little life. Facebook can go and eat itself too. The whole shebang is crazy.

    V. Arnold

    An offering by Dmitry Orlov on crypto-currencies;
    An interesting take worth some consideration, aka, thought.

    Charles Alban

    oxymoron…you’re right. back to the land. get some horses and dairy cows. forget all this nonsense. it’s all a stupid delusion, and will never bring happiness to anyone. If we all lived like Amish the world would be a much better place.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    The panacea envisioned for cute little farming operations everywhere might be a tad myopic.
    Not that a lot of us won’t be forced by necessity someday to give it a shot.

    Why do sea levels remind me of Russians influencing U.S. elections and other poltergeists?

    Finally, this whistleblower will either make your day or ruin it completely. Prepare to be astonished, and if you’re like me, vindicated.

    Finally, finally, finally, somebody finally comes clean. I’d pretty much given up.

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