Dumping on the Donald


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    Rembrandt van Rijn The Adoration of the Magi 16xx   I still had some things I didn’t talk about in Sunday’s Trump Derangement International, abou
    [See the full post at: Dumping on the Donald]

    V. Arnold

    It has nothing to do with journalism, though, or news. It’s smear and dirt, the business model of the National Enquirer. That’s how far our once truthful media have fallen.

    A good and accurate summation of today’s reality…
    At least for the western media; there are alternatives including TAE; thanks Ilargi…


    “It has nothing to do with journalism, though, or news. It’s smear and dirt, the business model of the National Enquirer. That’s how far our once truthful media have fallen. “

    Can I give a bit of help and suggest the following sentence?

    There were no drones,no collusions, just random crank calls? That’s a WAY better attack than real drones. real collusions.


    Trump is the master of all media. It is about him all the time, a project he’s had for his entire life. He is King Midas with a modern touch. Fate likely to be the same. Merry Trumpmass and a Happy New Trumpyear.


    “President Donald Trump told reporters after a Christmas Day phone call with troops that he won’t reopen the government until he gets the $5 billion in funding for his border wall.”

    Could this shutdown result in a balanced budget?
    Could this shutdown result in a tax reduction for everyone?


    Merry Christmas

    I have seen reporting that as soon as the major news outlets switch from Trump to covering other news, ratings drop. Giving them what they want is part of the business. There are several topics I consider to be of great significance and would like to see regularly put before the people – but they aren’t interested.

    The media makes itself the story far too often.

    I have noticed both you and Jim Kunstler repeating the theme that if Mueller had anything on Trump it would have come out by now. Unfortunately, this just isn’t accurate. it is entirely possible – even probable – that Mueller has much more than the media or public are aware of. He is under no obligation to let us know early.

    When the Whitewater investigation led to the Oval office and the blue dress I called, in print, for Clinton to resign even though the behavior had nothing to do with a shady land deal in Arkansas. A special counsel or prosecutor does not ignore other crimes that are exposed during an investigation. The Trump Foundation, the Inaugural, Trump Org taxes, the Moscow Tower and, of course, the contents of the Pecker safe will all come out – like it or not. Mueller’s reputation is that he is methodical and deadly. I would not want him after me.

    Just as the truth about The Clinton slush fund Foundation should come out, all of Trump’s dirty laundry will be aired.

    Trump deliberately alienated people and institutions. He intended to make enemies of them and he succeeded. They are now out to get him. Remember, he VOLUNTEERED for this. He chose to run knowing what skeletons were in his closet. If he thought he could keep all the crooked shit hidden he just isn’t that bright.

    I believe Trump serves a useful role for the “establishment” . The empire is in the classic post peak decline phase. There will be withdrawal from the periphery. The endless wars out there have bankrupted the core and things deteriorate. As you point out so well, the economy is a mirage and rapidly heading for the cliff. This was going to happen anyway. Clinton would have also hastened the demise – but in a different, perhaps bloodier manner. Now Trump will get the credit for what is coming.

    Have a happy new year. Plant trees. Bury carbon. Feed the hungry. Be the change we need.


    MoFlora…thank you for posting that. That has been my thought about TAE and Kunstler as well for some time now. The constant drone of minimization of the poor unfairly maligned Mr. Trump Trump creates his own shit storm on a daily basis. The press covers it and their ratings go up. So what! Somehow this gets cast as fake news by TAE & K among others. Sorry, not buying it. Consider this…so far this year 50 journalists have been murdered and 250 have been imprisoned. For doing their jobs. This vilification and oppression of the press by Trump/Putin and other dictators & wannabe’s and the ilk that support them gives cover for their criminal activities on a multitude of levels. I could go on about a variety of things but it’s Christmas and I’m going to go back to trying to be upbeat. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas one and all.


    Mo, what I’ve said is that if Mueller would have anything on Trump that pertains to his mandate, collusion with ‘the foreign country of Russia’, he couldn’t have sat on it, because it’s too serious a charge. That’s not the same as saying Mueller hasn’t found anything. But it will be interesting to see how things beyond the mandate get handled, especially if and when Hillary’s fixers are left alone. Manafort gets 3 years, and the Podesta’s walk free? I’d have to see it to believe it.


    And for a moment today I had 3 articles on Zero Hedge’s front page. That’s nice. Tyler added Dec 8’s ‘Fairytales and Snowflakes’ to yesterday’s and today’s articles.

    Pogues and Kirsty and Rembrandt and Bathsheba. One could do worse for Christmas.

    Merry Christmas y’all. Thanks for your loving.


    Cha ching.

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