Debt Rattle May 29 2019


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      • Assange Request To Postpone Alleged Rape Hearing Due To Bad Health Denied (RT) • US Crusade vs Assange Blueprint For Criminalizing Journalism
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 29 2019]

    V. Arnold

    Great post. Addresses for Manning and Asange.
    Well done you!


    Worries about Assange are serious. What drugs are they forcing on him?

    V. Arnold

    Worries about Assange are serious. What drugs are they forcing on him?

    Nasty ones, you can be sure.
    Assange dead is what’s wanted; how must be very carefully planned and executed.
    Mental and physical torture are tough to fight…
    But can be deadly in the course of breaking Assange; he’ll find out just how strong he is…
    May the gods help him…

    Dr. D

    “Julian Assange’s lawyers requested the court session be postponed due to their client’s ill health.”

    Ah, so they’re poisoning him. I guess I should have seen that coming. Good call rather than risk putting him in front of Congress, and right up Britain’s wheelhouse after Litvinenko and the Skripals. Ah, but when it’s important, you have to lie, and cheat, and murder, right? Because that’s truth and goodness. The media cheers! “Oh, me next! Me next, please!”

    “The latest indictments of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange are a blueprint for making journalists into felons, a test case for dismantling the First Amendment”

    Yes, and guess what will happen if the Supreme Court strikes it down as utter rubbish. Don’t assume it’s going here, nor there. It’s only a case right now, and it only sounds bad because the media — or the six billionaires that own it — is trying to kill him.

    “Christopher Steele Refuses To Cooperate With AG Barr’s Probe (ZH)”

    As far as I understand, Steele doesn’t have to do jack because he’s not a U.S. citizen. It’s a diplomatic matter between the U.S. and Britain, where MI6 tried to remove the sitting President of their closest ally, just ‘cause they wanted. Oh, and used Australia and New Zealand to turn the gears. However, if you like we can indict and extradite a non-citizen, who committed no crimes on U.S. soil, and give him 500 years in prison for (not) talking to the Russians, like Assange. Isn’t that what we do now?

    “Pence Predicts Perpetual War at West Point Graduation (Maj. Danny Sjursen)”

    They’re all love-birds of John McCain, who promised us a 100-year war. Trotskyites, the eternal revolution. Of who? Well, FOR the deep state for global government, and AGAINST every other human on the planet. Read their papers if you think I’m kidding. Also, it’s a perpetual war we’re losing or have lost. Only the best of W. Va. and AL have lost, now unable to be upstanding citizen and workers at home, doing their duty to hold down government instead of obey generals to move opium. Only the war profiteers have won, as intended. So, win-win, amirite? Dead patriots, high profits, no opposition.

    “The Geography of War: No Iraq…? No Iran! (OffG)”

    Can’t you see how belligerent they are? How did Iran get in the middle of all our military bases?!? They’re just asking for it, mister.

    “China Steps Up Threat To Deprive US Of Rare Earths (AFP)”

    This is hilarious. You think China won’t export them to France, who will export them to us, when all we need to do is print money on a color copier and load it on pallets at 10x, 100x, 1,000x the price, who cares! ? Or is China going to boycott the planet of rare earths? Or boycott a friend-of-a-friend the way we do? Or maybe we will boycott food if they boycott metals. …And don’t tell me we don’t have military stockpiles, when we can print money for free. We also were the world leader in this poisonous industry, so we COULD re-open the mines-on-tap in a year. But, your move. Paving your rice paddies to put us factories and houses was just as dumb as when we did it, but we’re still a top food exporter. Which would you rather have? iPhones, or i Eat?

    But wait, I forgot we have no leverage and should just surrender rather than negotiate.

    “Corbyn Set to Back Second Brexit Referendum (R.)”

    Didn’t we just have that referendum when Brexit/UKIP savaged all other parties for the MEP? Also Labour promised they wouldn’t double-cross us, and yet they double-crossed us first chance they got? So. Shocked.

    “UK by Far the Biggest Enabler of Global Corporate Tax Dodging (Ind.)”

    But unlike Ireland, they do it in a sneaky, underhanded way. So does the U.S. which is the largest tax haven, larger than Panama or anywhere. …But not open to U.S. citizens. Naturally if it’s ourselves, you’re screwed, taxed like a rented mule, even if you flee the country.

    “Amnesty to Cull Managers after Probe into ‘Toxic’ Workplace (CNA)”

    As long as you can print money, they will always infiltrate and muzzle all these NGOs, by design. Then the space if filled and you can’t get a REAL Amnesty International going anywhere. The best enemy is the one you built, own, and control, while the morons believe in Goldberg. The only thing better than that is TELLING them, openly, in 1949, having every school read it until 1990, and STILL having them fall for it. Ah, warms the cockles of the evil heart. But that’s okay, we’ll tell the Press, I’m sure they’ll warn everyone and work it out.

    “Canadian Lawmakers Fume after Facebook’s Zuckerberg Snubs Invitation (R.)”

    Welcome to being the servant of Multinational foreign corporations, dummies. This is why we have sovereignty. Shut them off at the border and pull their business license until they buckle. If not, I guess we know which of you is in charge.

    Here’s an idea: a corporation can only be licensed from the state after proving their idea or service is in the public good. That’s law, maybe we’d like to enforce it again. Wells Fargo, banking license, anyone? Unlike being a person, being a corporation is not a right, it’s a priviledge, easily removed. But as I say, I guess we know who is in charge.


    Its cheaper to make drones and have a drone war.

    service is in the public good.

    The rif-raf does not count when evaluating the public good.


    The lawyer saw Assange 5 days ago and he couldn’t talk. Next piece of news, anytime now, may be he died

    John Day
    Long-planned big-war is behind schedule, so…
    Bolton further said there was “no doubt” that Iran ordered the series of aggressive acts, also echoing prior Pentagon statements. “I think it is clear these (tanker attacks) were naval mines almost certainly from Iran,” Bolton said. “There is no doubt in anybody’s mind in Washington who is responsible for this [Mossad?] and I think it’s important that the leadership in Iran know that we know.” …
    Not only does the US now have a carrier strike group and B-52 bombers on high alert in the Persian Gulf region, but the White House last week signed off on deployment of 1,500 additional troops in response to the heightened Iran threat.
    The national security advisor further described the additional military build-up this month the “prudent and responsible” approach which signaled Iran that Washington was ready to give a “very strong” response to any continued action.

    Hey, Venezuela was supposed to be easy…
    For the foreseeable future, the US cannot simply unseat Maduro and seize control of the Venezuelan government. In fact, as recent events in Washington DC have demonstrated, it has considerable difficulty even seizing the Venezuelan embassy, which was occupied by Code Pink activists for over a month until their forcible removal on May 16.
    Like a child deprived of its favorite toy, sullen US hawks are now faced with the reality that there is no easy military shortcut to their geopolitical goals in Venezuela. However, advocates of regime change have never been on speaking terms with reality, as the recent increased likelihood of a US war with Iran has made clear…
    For anti-imperialists in 2019, the lesson of Venezuela is that, against all odds, erecting obstacles to such intervention is now both demonstrably possible and arguably more effective than it was in the early days of the “war on terror.” But war takes many forms. As Empire Files journalist Abby Martin pointed out in January, current US sanctions against Venezuela “are not an alternative to war. They are war, in every way.”…
    This crime against humanity, these means by which a country and a people are bled and starved into submission without a shot being fired, continues even now.

    This is the proper role for cryptocurrency, large international transactions. 1:1 gold-backing would be a very strong statement.
    According to Russian news agency, TASS, Russia’s central bank, the Bank of Russia will consider issuing gold-backed cryptocurrencies—a rather strange move considering how cryptocurrencies are generally anathema to central banks.
    …the head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, has revealed that the cryptocurrencies are not meant for retail use but rather for conducting big mutual settlements for entities with global jurisdictions.
    In other words, only the heavyweights will get to lay their hands on them. Further, she says that she still believes that it’s better for countries to develop international settlement systems such as the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) framework that use their own national currencies noting the said framework has demonstrated good dynamics.


    . “There is no doubt in anybody’s mind in Washington who is responsible for this [Mossad?] and I think it’s important that the leadership in Iran know that we know.”

    Since the USA leaders can say all kinds of foolish thing without any proof, therefore, I should be allowed the same leniency.

    I’m not a student of military tactics. However, (from my armchair), I can think of a dozen way of taking out the USA strike force. Its called drone warfare. The USA must realize that their drone warfare attacks have been studied and will be modified and adapted to destroy them and I think it’s important that the leadership in the USA know that Iran knows. (hehehehehe)

    Boots on the ground in Iran is yesterdays wet dream of a military conquest by the USA.


    You can’t talk about clash of civilizations or religion without identity politics being invoked and being called a racist. Yet, this is the essence of Mike Pence’s speech. The perpetual wars since Yugoslavia have been based on NATO stoking ethnic hatreds in order for military corporations to make a profit and to allow western oligarchs access to new resources. The USA is going to spend 75 million dollars with NGOs to “End the presence of Iranian forces and proxies in Syria.” These are the Shiite militias supported by fellow Shiites in Iran who are defending their families in Iraq and Syria against radicalized Sunnis who were thrown out of power by America’s invasion of Iraq. The VP is correct. The US Army will be fighting in the Western Hemisphere soon. But he can’t see the parallels with the Middle East. The same radicalization (the return to their tribal roots) is happening to the American working class who have been thrown out of work by the bi-coastal globalists. Unless the evangelical 1/3 start talking to the modernized 1/3 of the Americans, a Civil War is inevitable due the coming resource and food shortages plus the plagues due to mono-culture industrial agriculture. The Trump Administration denies the very reason that so many kids are crossing the Southern border; the drought in the highlands of Central America. Families can no longer survive there. Panama has cut the cargo weight of ships traversing the Canal due to the shortage of water that fills the locks and lakes. If these existential threats can’t be addressed and mitigated, there is no hope.

    V. Arnold

    USA must realize that their drone warfare attacks have been studied and will be modified and adapted to destroy them and I think it’s important that the leadership in the USA know that Iran knows. (hehehehehe)

    Orlov posits that the very fact the U.S. put a carrier task force in the Persian Gulf is evidence the U.S. will not attack Iran.
    The logic follows that the U.S. knows its carrier would be attacked and likely sunk.
    Teddy R. said walk softly and carry a big stick; the U.S. walks loudly with a big stick.
    What happens when the big stick fails, as it has with Iran?
    …and likely with a good part of today’s world…


    Orlov also noticed that The Iraqi want the USA to leave.
    Therefore, a lot of extra ships will be needed to move all that “material” back home.


    Amnesty socialists are every bit as power mad as capitalists. Socialism is the afterbirth of capitalism.
    After 30 years trying, solar wind power = 2% of total world energy demand. 1 ton coal = 3 solar panels.
    *The Poisoned Gender*

    V. Arnold

    *The Poisoned Gender*

    Nice rant; yours?

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