Debt Rattle April 1 2020


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    Byron In Chinatown, Pell Street, New York 1900   • Greek Mothers, Grandmas and Wives to Enforce Quarantine As Police Struggle (GR) • White House
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 1 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Byron In Chinatown, Pell Street, New York 1900

    Great photo; relevent even?


    The education thing is a joke. It is a year or at least 6 months to do whatever, gaming, wanking, googling, annoying parents or maybe even learning to be useful around the house. I don’t see how it will be possible to make it happen so it works for all. There are so many young people with shitty parents or home situation, lack of access to ncessary bandwidth or technology etc. Just seems another rung on the ladder of class division or wealth inequality or whatever but hey go ahead all that E-Waste has been great for the fishermen eeking a living off the coast of Somalia and everyone loves a dash of antimony in their soil too.


    On a more positive note, I have been catching more rats in my box trap (stealing chook food and fruit). They die a peaceful death then go in the Yabbie trap. We then harvest the fresh aquatic beasts (Cherax Destructor – if you care to google) and tonight my darling wife prepared homemade pasta of home-grown vegetables with Yabbie tails and Dill – deliscious – we had it with Chardonnay. So closing the loop just gets better and weirder. I guess the Polish peasant women would be like “why don’t you eat the rat?”. My answer is – I will when I have to wise ladies but until then…….


    I am blessed by a sense of curiosity that leads me to places like TAE that lets me encounter intriguing souls like oxymoron who shares tales from beyond the pale with us. I envy you. The peasant Chinese called rats-as-food “household deer”. Like deer, they’re rough on gardens — and have a gamey taste, one presumes.

    We finally snagged some elastic (it has vanished from the shelves like TP had). Sewed two trial face masks last night. Way more work and much less airtight than my sock masks, which you can make in 2 minutes with scissors and something to hold the back end together — clothespin, office binder clips, Ace bandage holders (the best), anything — and there’s less air pressure directed at the filtration/diffusion surface area.

    Homemade Ethos


    It’s fascinating watch the reality of a life form (CORVID-19) ignore our precious political theatrics and complexly stacked connivings, and topple them one by one.


    Mortality increase with the increase of testing.

    Will the USA numbers will go higher than …..
    1. the numbers from the poor countries that don’t test because they cannot give free tests and free care. (19%)
    2. the numbers from the countries, that cannot do ” social distancing”. (19%)
    3. the numbers from the countries, that cannot do “a lock down”. (19%)
    4. the numbers from the countries, that have less seniors. (19%)
    5. the numbers from the countries, that don’t wash their hand, use tp (19%)
    6. the numbers from the countries, of mortality from all causes from previous years. (19%)

    Dr D Rich


    No, bosco. This should be your favorite from my beloved Nayvee and mother to me for 30 years. Then again, a goat, more specifically, Bill the Goat is the pet mascot of “me” alma mater.

    Hunter S. Thompson provided the answer, apropos of our time.

    “when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro”



    I’d recommend being a LOT more worried about WHAT is being taught in our education systems than about where or how. Once your very highest levels of education produce nothing but pawns in games, you”re pretty much done as a society, I would say.


    Mortality – Trick Question
    Did you see it?
    As of today’s mortality rate of 19%, everyone else, (81%), will get to survive no matter what damage was done to their society.
    Life expectancy, in any country, will not change because of the virus.

    Dr D Rich

    Face it.
    You’re not part of their club. Kappa Beta Phi.

    We’ve all been made to obsess over the gnat’s eyelash, blip on the radar screen of the Universe, coronavirus while billions are being driven into poverty….as the unimaginably rich reset the system for themselves. The theft, robbery, larceny was executed in plain view for all to witness. However, all of us have been conditioned to placidly accept rentiers issuing eviction notices and employers in the At Will Workplace terminating employees for any reason or no good reason at all.

    That system is not being reset or dismantled, but rather left in place along with your credit card, student loan, underwater mortgage and car loan debts.

    Because bankers, men in suits, personal responsibility and coronavirus


    Dr D Rich

    Just think about the positive outcomes that there will be because of the virus FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO CAN BORROW OR THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE CASH.



    Supply and demand heaven.


    Dr. D Rich: Goats make me smile. Remarks addresszed to me that start with “no” and then tell me what should earn my happy attention, don’t. I don’t do well with the “imperative mood” in grammar choices. ONe might say that you literally got my goat.


    Apropos of nothing but the very best: at last! concert footage from the Wayne Shorter Quartet from its seminal year!

    These guys literally reinvented acoustic jazz as an art form encompassing all that jazz had ever been into something beyond genre, almost beyond what most people think of music… they’re improvising in strict tempo to precise song with written chord changes and basic melody lines, not free-forming all over each other.

    One of Atlantis’ great gleaming chord changes.

    One last note to the Doc Ds among us: yes, we know the savage elites are very powerful at present and very savage. That doesn’t mean they’ll be able to hold on to Jackie Squatt as reality reasserts itself in a swarm of chaotic attractors imposing some new gradual order sweeping them along the tsunami’s cpourse like everyone else.

    You may enjoy scaring yourself over and over with these immense bogie-monsters, and all of us here enjoy a bit of fearful thrill, but there’s room for not always deeming failure inevitable in this life. Really.

    Monsters of the Id

    Monsters of the id
    No longer stayin’ hid
    And terrors of the night
    Are out in broad daylight
    No need to knock on wood
    Don’t stop to say a prayer
    It won’t do any good
    They’re multiplyin’ in the air
    Creatures of the deep
    Are going without sleep
    And phantoms of the dark
    Have their own place to park
    No need to lock the door
    They’re sprouting through the cracks
    They’re making room for more
    They’re deputizing maniacs
    Prehistoric ghouls
    Are making their own rules
    And resurrected huns
    Are passin’ out the guns
    No need to cause a fuss
    Don’t go and make a scene
    They know what’s best for us
    They’re fightin’ fire with gasoline
    The creatures from the swamp
    Rewrite their own Mein Kampf
    Neanderthals amuck
    Just tryin’ to make a buck
    And goblins and their hags
    Are out there wavin’ flags
    Oh, when will we be rid
    Of monsters of the id
    Monsters of the id


    ‘One of Atlantis’ great gleaming chord changes.’

    Wow. I was thinking ‘sunset rays’ not ‘chord changes’ but was still also thinking about Shorter’s music. It’s like a racetrack for squirrels in cages inside my mind. Oh well A-OOgah!!!

    Dr. D

    The numbers from China are fake, some outlets refuse to post them. Every other nation has unique reporting structures, whether higher, lower, or indifferent – and this is beyond the lack of testing all over.

    However, I’ve been hearing new U.S. rules to declare any respiratory death as a COVID death primary, and “emphysema” or such secondary. This will quickly and wildly inflate the numbers, as we’ve seen. Doctors may not participate, but the come in the next day and see that their report has been altered by administration. Who checks? Who has time?

    This is in addition to more provable media which is printing stories saying “local woman dies of COVID” when no one has called the family and they died of Alzheimer’s, long coming. A number of those incidents, uncaring, unretracted, total lies. And why? Well we know the media calls nobody and are pathological liars and drama-inventors from birth, but this seems beyond even their everyday.

    So…somebody know what’s going on?


    “So…somebody know what’s going on?”

    How to keep something secret? Tell nobody.
    A conspiracy requires multiple actors. It would not be a secret.
    Coordinating multiple action by multiple actors is complicated. Plans would fall apart in their execution.

    The elites are not talking to us. We don’t know. We are only speculating.
    There are a lot of speculations that do not and will not compute.
    Its better to find/look for opportunities then find/look for the negative course of action from our speculations.

    It’s not us rifraf.

    John Day

    Busy work day yesterday, heading in for afternoon clinic, then big days tomorrow and Friday.
    April is Peak Month.

    John Prine, the Mark Twain of American songwriters, is in the hospital on a ventilator with coronavirus.
    “Stable”, says his wife.
    Here is a prayer he recorded a long time ago:

    “Sailors Don’t Need To Die”: Captain Of Nuclear Carrier With Over 100 COVID-19 Cases Pleads For Help
    In an astounding plea for help, the captain of the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has urged top command of the US Navy to take drastic action after more than 100 sailors aboard the ship have been infected with the coronavirus.
    More than a week ago it started with a handful of COVID-19 cases, which by the end of the week spiked to 36, causing the West Pacific-deployed carrier to dock at a naval station at Guam, ordering infected crew members out of the some 5,000 total into makeshift quarantine facilities, including a basketball gym hastily transformed for that purpose.

    All across America, store shelves are emptying and people are becoming increasingly frustrated because they can’t get their hands on needed supplies.
    Most Americans are blaming “hoarders” for the current mess, but it is actually much more complicated than that. Normally, Americans get a lot of their food from restaurants. In fact, during normal times 36 percent of all Americans eat at a fast food restaurant on any given day. But now that approximately 75 percent of the U.S. is under some sort of a “shelter-in-place” order and most of our restaurants have shut down, things have completely changed. Suddenly our grocery stores are being flooded with unexpected traffic, and many people are buying far more than usual in anticipation of a long pandemic. Unfortunately, our food distribution systems were not designed to handle this sort of a surge, and things are really starting to get crazy out there…
    Because of the coronavirus pandemic, more people are showing an interest in starting home gardens. Oregon State University‘s (OSU) Master Gardener program took notice of the growing interest.
    To help citizens who want to grow their own food, the university kindly made their online vegetable gardening course free until the end of April. OSU’s post on Facebook has been shared over 21,000 times.

    This vegetable gardening advice is free, too. The garden and gardener, this April morning,are pictured below.


    Uh oh… Sounds like that little white-haired doctor-man got some splainin to do to all the loony Lucys out there.



    “Today’s Your Day for a Mac Now there are even more ways to love the classic Big Mac® taste. Get the new Little Mac™ or Double Big Mac now on Mobile Order & Pay. Order in the App, pass the line with a tap.”

    Winning, right?


    Well, I’ll be a poster from an old rodeo, JDay.


    Let’s ask the man in the street. Maybe he knows:

    Marching Song

    Dr. D


    “even assuming that there are no ventilators available (e.g. we just “let it run”) current statistics are that a ventilator fails 85-90% of the time in the US — they failed 95% of the time in Wuhan.

    Failed, I remind you, means the person in question is dead.

    The premise that somehow “flattening the curve” means the total number of people will get this virus will be smaller is a lie.

    There are exactly three ways that happens: 1) The virus is hard enough to get and easy enough to identify before contagion, which is what happened with SARS and made it possible to contain it; 2) There is a vaccine and thus we can use that to obtain herd immunity to suppress the effective R0 below 1.0 or; 3) Enough people get the virus that R0 is suppressed via natural herd immunity.

    That’s it.

    If you suppress a virus with these measures you do not change this fact. You only change timing, and in addition you take all the economic and social damage from those mitigation measures. You do not change the total number of infections and, where medical interventions in the most-severe cases are ineffective 85-90% of the time, you also don’t change outcomes either.”

    Everybody is going to get it.
    Without an economy, there is no medicine, nor any need.
    WE are the Dow.
    1971 + 49 = 2020

    Dr D Rich

    @ boscohorowitz


    The other aspect of flattening the curve is to slow the rate of more or less inevitable spread so that it doesn’t overwhelm (a word recently used in overwhelming number, it seems) the medical system not to mentin the economy which, outside of seasonally dependent vital stuff (agriculture) and necessary extraction/production (fill in your list an it please ye), can indeed be shut down for three months/whatever IF we use enlightened federal leadership to declare a three-month moratorium on on loans/rents due and pumps enough money to us peasants to keep the essential services funded.

    I thought we’d al;l gone over this stuff before.


    From Recombinomics, concerning New York: “All 11 of the 14 newly released sequences are closely related to each other and sequences from patients in Italy. The two recent sets, as well as the initial four sequences, are heavily dominated by matches with Italy (30/34)”


    ALERT!! ALERT!! Somebody inform the scamdemic police immediately! Truth is breaking out all over the world! We are in dire need of tests! We need more tests! More ventilators! Why don’t we have more ventilators?! Where’s the vaccine? We need a vaccine to kill the truth! Please hurry or we are ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!

    Dr D Rich

    A few thoughts in no particular order:

    ***You don’t impose, enforce or accelerate economic sanctions on other countries when its people are suffering the worldwide consequences of pandemic disease. Unless, of course, you are at War and then you drop Fat Man and Little Boy on two cities.

    ***You don”t hand over control of the FED and Treasury Department to a private entity, BlackRock unless your country is the vanquished foe in this contest.

    ***Nowhere in Nelson’s Pediatrics, Harrison’s or Cecil’s Internal Medicine and Sabiston’s Surgery textbooks does it say fork over $4.5 trillion dollars to banks and assorted economic elite as the first, second or last strike in a epidemiological war on a pandemic illness. Yet, here we are.

    ***John Paul Jones, Alfred Thayer Mahan and Arleigh Burke never advised the likes who command a United States aircraft to publicly surrender his ship and enlisted crew to a pandemic virus. Shit happens.

    ***You don’t place a failed former medical student who can’t pass either the National Boards or Pediatrics Boards in charge of a state’s larget healthcare system just because you confused Navy Medicine’s social promotion of him with success. But hey, sour grapes have a certain sound and taste.
    Unless the “Powers That Be” expect failure.

    ***You don’t isolate people from each other unless you want to remove nonverbal expressions and body language from the communication equation. They constructed a modern Tower of Babel almost with the sweep of a hand.

    ***In the enormous open air psychiatric ward they’ve constructed, will the numbers of the newly impoverished outnumber COVID-19 deaths 10-to-1 or 100-to-1 or will we just add those people to the coronavirus Worldometer?

    ***Unless of course, the plan is and always was planned obsolescence, but no longer at a snail’s pace. After all, human beings adapt given enough time as tough SOBs are wont to do.


    OMG- from the video, concerning the panic-induced, synthetic hypochondriacs going in for a sniffle and crowding the medical facilities: just wait ’til allergy season gets going here in the states.

    Dr D Rich

    And literally as I wrote the DCA California acted their governor’s order. Who wants to bet David A. Tam is grandfathered in permanently once the smoke, er, I mean virus clears?

    DCA Impacts of Executive Order N-39-20

    On March 30, 2020 Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-39-20, authorizing the Director of the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to waive any of the professional licensing requirements relating to healing arts licensees in Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, and any accompanying regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, the examination, education, experience, and training requirements necessary to obtain and maintain licensure, and requirements governing the practice and permissible activities for licensees


    Who is the lender?

    Before the virus, all lender, elites, were maxed out, leveraged out, pretending to being able to lend.
    Therefore, a jubilee was required for the elites.

    Suddenly, all governments have found new lenders to lend new trillion of dollars.

    To whom do the loans get paid back?

    I’m not really expecting someone to tell me, an unwashed riraf, the name of those lenders.

    Dr. D

    A jubilee, however, we don’t yet know for whom. They would have it run as a bailout. But that bailout will be the world’s biggest trap if the currency swaps and the Fed, who will have all assets owned by November, will be taken over by the Treasury, and therefore the American people, to be distributed back to the nation at will.

    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – – that’s all.”

    Guess: the one with the Army: the Marine generals and their handpicked bankruptcy expert.

    We won’t know, but I don’t care either. I have no action items listed for the meantime.


    Okay folks, everything’s fine. The previous alert has been cancelled. We’ve got real journalists on the job now. That outbreak of truth will soon be under control. As usual, it’s just those damned Ruskies getting up to their old tricks again.

    “As fast as the coronavirus has raced around the globe, it has been outpaced by a blinding avalanche of social media sorcery and propaganda related to the pathogen, much of it apparently originating in Russia,” the Washington Post editorial board warns. “As always when it comes to its relations with the West, Moscow’s main currency is disinformation, and it spends lavishly.”

    People’s Skepticism About Covid-19 Is The Fault Of The Lying Mass Media

    Doc Robinson

    Thinking about that $2 trillion stimulus package, I looked up some data to put this amount of dollars into perspective.

    It’s more than the total amount of US dollars (physical currency) in circulation worldwide: $1.5 trillion.

    It’s much more than the total value of the US gold reserves (at $1600/ounce): $418 billion.

    It’s about half of the M1 Money Stock (“funds that are readily accessible for spending”) : $4 trillion

    It’s less than 10% of the US national debt: $23 trillion


    My calculation for the US gold reserve amounts to 261 million ounces, roughly one ounce of gold for every adult (over 18) in the US.

    This makes me think about the inherent value of an ounce of gold, compared to $1600 of extra money that the government decides to print.


    “Greek Prime Minister Kiriakos Mitsotakis who was among the first EU leaders to implement a strict quarantine in Greece, in now transferring the authority of enforcing the quarantine to Greek women…”

    Things are going from bad to worse. So the PM designates that old ladies, as shown in the picture, allow their old lady friends to slide but penalize anything younger and prettier (since they are obviously trollops).
    I guess the US is only place with dumb politicians.


    I think that, riff-raff or not, zerosum, those lenders have no names because they don’t exist, best I can tell.

    a) there is no stopping price discovery now. That is the essence of what we call The Reset.

    b) price discovery will return the actual relationship between nominative value markers (e.g., money), creating a barter economy whether we like it or not.

    c) barter economies are all about continual price discovery based on real goods and the real conditions affecting those goods

    d) in such a situation, there will be little interest in borrowing money from the entities who trashed same, and by then, those entities will be more or less known, if only by the named concept of ‘central banks’. But the typical corporation has lists of major stockholders, senior officers, and members of the board of directors. Some luxury survival bunkers will find themselves flooded/smoked out despite all their fancy gizmos.

    e) local banks will emerge, and locals will be very concerned with keeping money on track with the physical goods/energy resources/labor pools it represents, while the high visibility offered by localism will control such bubbles. Small banks may get foolish and crash but won’t infect others… and their managers will likely be hung or worse.

    f) this is typically where the banksters go abroad and restart their racket with the next nation/kingdom/whatever wanting to wax rich and powerful. (This narrative closely overlaps with what the more rabid empire-haters tend to call Zionist bankers, although Zion hardly holds a monopoly on this stuff.) But none of today’s nations will be in that position except Russia and probably some African/South American regions, and Russia/China will have first dibs on them since might makes right in geopolitics and they now wield considerably more might than all of Euromerica combined, because Euromerica is suffering from massive resource depletion. Money means little without adequate resources. Local banks and barter economy will be the norm in those places for some time.

    g) the only nation with adequate resource abundance and sound fiscal/financial policies is Russia, and Russia doesn’t want to lend us money because we have insufficient resources to pay them back with. To purchase from Russia, we will have to offer concrete goods in real-life barter value swaps. The exception to this might be them building nuclear power plants for us on something like a Rent To Own basis, payable in physical goods or specific markers thereof whose relationship to said goods will be closely monitored to avoid funny money hanky-panks.

    BlackRock already drained the economy good from 2008 until now. The economy is now like those fracked oil wells/tar sands operations: pert near empty and hardly worth scraping their bottoms for what’s left.

    It’s over for them just like it was over for Louis the 16th in 1789. And there are no available successors. The buck literally stops — and dies — here.

    Evangelical Xtians and similar Biblically-based End Times Rapturologists might consider this evidence that the End Times are upon us. Something like them is here with or without divine intervention.

    The only time Jesus is on record at giving in to His physical temper was when he encountered money-changers at the temple steps. Money changers had always been there, converting the various currencies moving through Israel at the time into local currency for donations and tithes to the temple priests. Nothing for JC to be pissed about.

    But there was also a nasty gold-silver inequity trade going on that is the basis, per my reading, of today’s bankster playbook, although actual silver/gold was basically done by the time China collapsed under the Empress Dowager, it’s lingering momentum moving through the British pound sterling then the post-WWII gold-backed dollar. I think that’s what tripped Jesus’ trigger.

    The petrodollar would’ve ben pretty good specie currency if we’d printed dollars based on known reserves and reliably predictable costs of extraction, since fossil fuels are what our modern scientific industrial civilization is based, but we didn’t do that. We blew bubbles, along with most of the resources necessary to continue enjoying such large populations living as we do, instead.

    The chances that my grandkids will be wearing animal skins and trading dried fish are too likely for my comfort level, but that is not an absurd projection. It’s on the spectrum of Plausible Outcomes.

    “And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” — Matthew 21:12–13

    oh jeeziss fucking Xhrist!


    As for the military: every war game shows them losing in a confrontation with a population of angry scared USA citizens. It didn’t work in Iraw and it won’t work here, although at first, people will probably welcome martial law. There’s a small chance they’ll use martial law wisely and morally, but then, I have penis enlargement pills older than your average young recruit, so I ain’t buying that gambling chit. Nuh-uh.


    P.S. “Professor David Landry of the University of St. Thomas suggests that “the importance of the episode is signaled by the fact that within a week of this incident, Jesus is dead. Matthew, Mark, and Luke agree that this is the event that functioned as the ‘trigger’ for Jesus’ death.”[16]”

    The war with Mammon was offically on from then on, with Jesus as the first divine casualty, per that mythos.

    “The love of money is the root of all evil.” (some rabble-rouser with alleged super-powers)



    Wiki does a pretty good job on this one, it seems.

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