Debt Rattle November 15 2020


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    Pablo Picasso Les femmes d’Alger Version 0 1955   • New US Defense Chief Tells Troops ‘Time To Come Home’ (F24) • Biden’s Transition Team: War Pr
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 15 2020]

    Dr. D

    Ah, the wonders of not working. Eating food, buying clothes, but never, ever working. The lazy are heroes. The working people are saps. Traitors, even. How dare they deliver that food and keep the hospitals open? Do they hate grandma? We should kill them all, stop their jobs, and grind them to dust for even DARING to help other people with “work.” —Ptoooey. Bourgeois scum. How dare you be a nation of Shopkeepers, with a piano back home, selling “food” to “people.” Under Communism those food and shoe shops are empty like they’re supposed to be. And you’ll be happy about it. At least I don’t hear any complaints there, now do I?

    …And so it goes for Klaus Schwab. He will indeed stop all work. He will indeed steal everything you own and leave you owning nothing: he has promised. And another 300 million will starve, but this is a GOOD thing, a GREEN thing, and of course he’s gong to be at $800 a plate private dinner parties with Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsome, so it’s a sacrifice he’s sharing equally. And he has promised you will not be allowed to complain, either. You’ll be “happy happy happy” as every resident of Ptompkin.

    “the US government is not doing enough to deter Russian “aggression,”

    Yes, I see how they started 8 new wars, have military bases in 300 countries, and have toppled 100 democratic regimes in the last 100 years. Wait: what’s that? That was US?

    And boy are they mad when there’s sauce for the gander. France is like “What? You can’t sanction us BACK. How dare you!”

    Cecilia Muñoz Defended Family Separations Under Obama, Joins Biden Team (DN)”

    Brings a tear to your eye doesn’t it, to get things back on track? Joe will have to triple deportations now to make up for all the lost deportations under Trump and match the Obama years.

    “Biden must avoid returning to the old “normal”,”

    Too late: he’s into the beltway normal on turbo-boost. First thing asked Kuchinick to speak, added many Republicans to the cabinet, and said “We need to turn hard right to ‘Unite’ as one country.” Uh, what? You won the election only so you could NOT do the Democratic platform but install the Republicans? By kicking out Bernie and Warren first thing in public glee? And they say we don’t have a Deep State Uniparty system.

    NSFW, as all his:

    Biden’s Cabinet Of WAR!

    Pete Buttigieg REWARDED For Fulfilling Mission During Primary!
    “Biden World” BLAMES Progressives for Their Losses

    BIDEN’s Cabinet Looking WORSE Than Expected!

    And now Democrats saying “If I knew Joe was going to lock down the economy I wouldn’t have voted for him”. WTF? Was he unclear? Hate to say, but the lowest-information voters I’ve seen. When NASCAR guys are more well-read you’ve really got to branch out on your sources. Hey, go read what the other guy thinks. Call him on the phone for a statement. Listen to your brother-in-law over Thanksgiving. Oh wait: Joe and Lori canceled it so you couldn’t. But they can! They’re gonna be eatin’ 5-stars while you eat cake.

    “Since Donald Trump lost the election,”

    Stopped reading right there. The election isn’t over in a large number of states, open recounts are happening, and they know it. That’s aside from the lawsuits which may be more proper to dismiss as unlikely.

    “competing slates of electors” Which is why it was right to stop reading. Electors cannot “compete”. Only the state legislatures can send them. There isn’t a legal alternative path. Just one the media lies about like everything else.

    Lockdowns Haven’t Brought Down COVID Mortality, But Killed Millions Of Jobs (Mises)”

    As predicted. Heck, as SAID BY THE CDC THEMSELVES. They said they needed 15 days breathing room to forestall medical overload. And as said by the recent multi-nation study. …To which no one is comparing with successful states and places. Masks are sold with “This is not a medical device and will stop nothing” printed in bold letters on top. Reporters and all the lockdown promoters are wandering around maskless, having public meetings and dinner parties, allowing non-stop riots and Biden rallies. WHAT DOES IT TAKE?

    Nothing. They will die by the millions before questioning authority as every time before.

    “Pfizer is expected to seek federal permission to release its Covid-19 vaccine by the end of November”

    The one that caused their CEO to sell the majority of his stock? I’m sure that’s not suspicious and there’s nothing behind it. I mean, when have pharmaceutical companies ever lied?

    she couldn’t help letting a smile creep across her face. …“The cauldron can be filled to 100% capacity,”

    Yes, I can also solve the gun problem in the U.S. with an unlimited surveillance police state kicking in the door to every house and hauling every man away to be hung in front of their children then burning their town to ashes. But there is more to life than solving one problem. Life is made of many things. Life, Freedom, Work, going to Church and Christmas dinner, are just some of them.

    The Housing Bubble is Even Bigger Than the Stock Market Bubble (Mish)”

    High prices mean high taxes. But people are hiding their money outside of banks and outside of bonds. There are limited options.

    Bay Area Food Bank Now Serves 500k Working-Poor As Demand “Doubles” (ZH)”

    See what your high housing price gets you.

    “malware and other tools to gain access to citizens’ phones”

    I don’t know Europe’s complex situation, but wouldn’t that require a warrant?

    Fox: They mean the news isn’t independent, but seems to be directed by a few oligarchs via their paid editors? Who knew?


    Insightful selection for today
    Here are the enablers/puppet masters
    Woman power
    Meet the Biden-Harris agency review teams

    Dr. D did a good essay last night, don’t forget to check it out.

    Slouching Out of the Fog Toward Pennsylvania Avenue

    November 15, 2020 at 11:59 am reply #65603
    Question for Keymaster
    Why are the replies not numbered sequentially?

    D Benton Smith

    It’s all so confusing. Reality is confusing. Except it isn’t, really. You have understood it well enough for quite some time now, you just don’t choose to get up off your fat (safe) arses to do anything about it. Just like me. And there’s is a perfectly rational explanation why that is.

    The horrifying reality  ( and yes, it is horrifying, and yes it is also reality )  is that the economic system of the world is a single system.  A Muslim or Chinese or American billionaire is  . . . first and foremost . . .  simply a billionaire, and that billion has no loyalties. Money has no moral sense, nor patriotic fervor.  It’s just wampum.   The control of money ( and thus the ownership of all things, all salaries, all institutions, all possible interests.)  has no national boundaries. It respects no national values, and obeys no (ridiculously fictitious) “national elections.”  The United States Presidential Election is not an election.   It is a transnational “auction”  attended by all of the billionaires from all over the world.  It will be “won”  by the most powerful faction of players (i.e. has greater control of the money). Right now it looks like CCP and its stake holders have the advantage, but that could change . 
    How could it not change ? Things are breaking, shrinking, disappearing (open communication of sensible thought being not the least of which.) The world is getting weaker as a result, and the value of peasant votes weakens right along with it.
    In other words, the election and the votes themselves do not mean shit because everything that could possibly pertain to the election and to the votes  (e.g. who got the most votes,  or which votes were legal or illegal, or fraudulent etc.)  is for sale to the aforementioned billionaires.   Even the information about that information is for sale.  That’s why the Chinese Communist Party bought up the  mainstream media,  or suborned it with cash and blackmail as pregame warm-up step #1.  Just as they have also done with Academia,  and the “Uni-Party”. [ Uni-Party;  the financial elites of all stripe considered as a single, politically collaborative,  entity].

    The volume , magnitude  and awe inspiring chutzpah of the lies being told (to the American electorate in particular, at the moment) is so overwhelmingly overwhelming that I’m losing interest in even talking about it any more.It would take a science fiction writer of considerable imaginative skill to even match the depth of deceit and betrayal  that is simply the day-to-day business of the folks who run our world,  and nearly impossible to exaggerate.
    It’s all very confusing because deliberate confusion is the primary product of our times. It’s what they’re selling. Hell, they’re shoving it into your face whether you asked for it or not. Why ? Because confusion is better even than secrecy for hiding the dire fuckery they are up to.
    No one thinks any of the proposed solutions are going to work. No one. Everyone knows the system is irreparably broken. Everyone. The only question is about what the hell is going to happen as a consequence? Theories abound. Here’s mine :
    Some folks are going to get wiped out. Others will be rubbed out. And a precious few will bask in the drug-rush of temporary ( very temporary) and reduced power as the combined strength of failing shrinking illogical systems gets smaller and weaker and dumber.
    Most of us , however, ( and here is the good news) are simply going to continue doing what we have always done, which is also the only thing we are able to do. And that is to go on living until further notice.

    Doc Robinson

    Lockdowns Haven’t Brought Down COVID Mortality, But Killed Millions Of Jobs

    Some medical research was published a few days ago, comparing mortality rates for Norway and Sweden. The study looked at mortality rates during the 5 most recent “epidemic years” ending in late July, which covers the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths this year.

    These 3 paragraphs from the study are like a breath of fresh air, away from the smokescreens and fear propaganda. I would normally emphasize the important parts of a quotation, but here it’s all good:

    Our study shows that although Covid-19 associated mortality rate was almost 15-fold higher in Sweden than in Norway during the epidemic, all-cause mortality was not higher in Sweden compared with three of the four preceding years. An increase in all-cause mortality was only observed in comparison to the immediately preceding period (2018/19), because mortality was lower than in the previous years. The excess mortality was confined to individuals older than 70 years. In contrast, mortality rates were lower than expected for all ages in Norway and individuals younger than 70 years in Sweden.

    At the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic, extensive social measures were introduced in Norway in the form of restrictions and prohibitions to limit the spread of Covid-19 (13–19), while the public health authorities in Sweden chose a much less intrusive strategy (20–25). The Swedish strategy against Covid-19 has therefore received intense international attention and criticism (9), notably because reported mortality rates in Sweden have been higher than in comparable countries such as Norway. In Sweden, however, mortality was lower than expected in the months preceding the epidemic. This finding may suggest mortality displacement.

    Mortality displacement (37) entails temporarily increased mortality (called excess mortality) in a population as a result of external events, such as heat waves (38), or epidemics like influenza (39) or Covid-19. The observed temporary excess mortality likely arises because people in vulnerable groups die weeks or months earlier than they would otherwise, due to the timing and severity of the unusual external event. The excess mortality is therefore preceded or followed by periods of lower than expected mortality. The period preceding the excess mortality in Sweden during the Covid-19 epidemic, characterised by lower mortality than usual, might be due, at least partly, to a mild influenza season during the winter of 2019-20 (40). Further, after the Covid-19 epidemic, we might see a decline in morbidity and mortality below normal levels in Sweden, as the oldest and frailest have already died.

    Mortality in Norway and Sweden before and after the Covid-19 outbreak: a cohort study

    Dr. D

    Charles Smith: “The reset already happened.” Yup, and we’re in the controlling lockdown now.

    “Put another way: the elites have cannibalized the system so thoroughly that there’s nothing left to steal, exploit or cannibalize…. and the only thing staving off collapse is money-printing… [The only way this can go on is] Martians arrive towing huge meteorites of pure lithium and gold, and rather than incinerating the global elites, they hand the global elites the meteorites to further their concentration of wealth and power.”

    No wonder they discuss exactly this, mining of asteroids, about monthly. And Musk not having a rocket burn up, much less get an asteroid back home cheaper than mining here, is just as unlikely. Can’t fault ’em for trying!


    What constitutes discrimination against employees?
    Updated November 18, 2019. What is workplace discrimination, and what constitutes discrimination against employees or job applicants?
    Employment discrimination happens when an employee or job applicant is treated unfavorably because of his or her race, skin color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, or age.
    Updated November 15, 2020
    Job termination of Republicans by Biden
    Job termination of Democrats by Trump


    Trump didn’t start any wars?  What utter BS.  Sanctions are an act of war, and no president has used them more than Trump.  
      “Americans have become so accustomed to the concept of sanctions that the policy has become hum-drum and commonplace. Since the violence associated with sanctions is indirect and difficult to see, people don’t put them in the same category as bombs. But the reality is that sanctions, by virtue of their targeting foreign citizens for death, are every bit an act of war as dropping bombs on them.”
      Sanctions against N Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and others.
      Coups against Bolivia, and Venezuela
      Provocations w/ China in the S China Sea, Iran in the Straight of Hormuz, w/ Russia in Syria
    If Iran had assassinated an American general, the US would be at war.  Trump did not get the US into a hot war, but he certainly tried. (Loser)
       FDR started the war with Japan with an oil embargo, that’s why they attacked Pearl Harbour, AND the Philippines, Japan’s major source of oil.
    When did TAE become a MAGA site?

    D Benton Smith

    @ Arttua

    You are a very poor historian, and not much of a lexicographer either. The US oil embargo on Japan in July 1941 was an effort to stem Japan’s murderous, expansionist, unprovoked blitzkrieg across Asia that had already been running for three years (since 1938) before it’s treacherous sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Japan had already invaded China, slaughtered millions of Chinese civilians en masse , and raped Nanking . They needed oil to do it, so FDR reckoned embargo was better than war.

    Sanctions are not war. To equate them is simply stupid, so I guess that settles that. You’re stupid. Now, about that “provocations” thing . Building fake islands for the sole purpose of extending military reach, and forcing peaceful nations from their traditional (and international legally recognized ) waters is provocation. That’s what China is doing, and has been doing for years, and in its typical ham-fisted bullying way continues to do. Peacefully instructing them to stop that provocation is called LAW. I think you’ve got your definitions mixed up. Not too surprising , considering how dumb you are about everything else. Pack up and go back to Beijing, troll. Or perhaps I should say, consider yourself sanctioned, you lying provocative idiot.


    @ D Benton Smith

    Is that you D Benton Smith
    Were you hacked
    You’re not your usual commenter.


    Sanctions are an act of war

    No. They are not an act of war. Stop changing the definition of words to suit your purposes. It is tiring.



    WTF? What or who are you talking about? Damn dude! The hatred!..always trying to get me to hate myself. I’m so over it. So much of it coming from the left.

    @D Benton Smith. I have to agree and you won AE today for me with your first post :

    “Some folks are going to get wiped out. Others will be rubbed out. And a precious few will bask in the drug-rush of temporary ( very temporary) and reduced power as the combined strength of failing shrinking illogical systems gets smaller and weaker and dumber.
    Most of us , however, ( and here is the good news) are simply going to continue doing what we have always done, which is also the only thing we are able to do. And that is to go on living until further notice”.

    Adapt, create and endure, the people perennial as grass………..

    V. Arnold

    I really didn’t want to post today, but: the vitriol, name calling, and just general bad manners are beyond the pale for TAE.
    You did not deserve that rude response to your post.


    Perhaps D.B. had reached his Popeye moment.
    “that’s all I can stands ’cause I can’t stands no more”

    “Sanctions are not war. To equate them is simply stupid”
    I have to agree with that point of view, having done the war part.
    Dead is very far from deprived.

    John Day

    The McCollum Memo, The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor

    Life is complex, amigos and amigas.
    As much as I admire FDR, he purposely left thousands of American sailors in floating tombs to be killed by the Japanese Imperial Navy, after conspiring to draw Imperial Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, and knowing that they were steaming over to do so for 2 weeks, and he got all the aircraft carriers out then, and the modern ships out by December 1 1941, so that only the men and the WW-1 navy would die on December 7.
    It was important. He had a point. His strategy prevailed.
    He died.
    Stalin said he was poisoned by Churchill’s team.
    I can’t tell.
    Let’s be civil. Fewer regrets in the long run.

    V. Arnold

    Let’s be civil. Fewer regrets in the long run.

    Spot on, well put…

    Michael Reid

    @ V. Arnold,

    I feel everyone is on edge and alcohol may play a part but we are imperfect beings. I enjoy the intelligence that exists here. Certainly some things are said that offends others at times however I was not troubled. Freedom to express one’s feelings whether fueled by intellect or alcohol should not be wrong and a subject of offence. Simply disregard it. These are maybe the end of days. Who knows but I know that I have enjoyed communicating with you during these trying times

    Michael Reid

    And I agree with with most of the points Arttua made.


    @Artuua @DBS
    Your points are both valid.

    It’s true that sanctions aren’t war. Trump has bombed less than Hillary would have, and almost certainly less than Biden will if he gets in. He may well have bombed even less, were he not under constant pressure to demonstrate that he wasn’t “soft” – on Russia, Iran or whatever. Credit where credit is due – for all the sh*t that’s hurled at Trump – some warranted, some not – his record on armed conflict, and his present increased actions to withdraw troops (though highly suspect in timing) deserve merit.

    AND – sanctions are a form of violent coercion targeting innocent citizens for political objectives. And Trump has used them extensively, eg preventing Iranian and Venezuelan citizens from accessing medicine causing certain deaths in the process.

    It’s kinda weird that Trump – for all his gauchness – has favoured less visible violent coercion, whereas Obama – for all his Nobel peace prizes – was content to bomb and invade.

    Is one better or worse than the other? I guess on balance I see sanctions as the lesser evil, in that if reversed, starving people can get better. Whereas exploded people are still dead. But it’s a pretty trivial distinction.

    It would’ve been very interesting to see what Trump would’ve done absent the constant media vitriol. But there was absolutely no doubt what Obama, and Hillary, and Biden’s instincts were, even absent the pressure.


    I still want to know what @Arttua was alluding to? I went back thru the comment thread and did not find anyone saying anything. May have missed. Dr.D. had an insight that actually supported much of what Arttua said in between the beginning and ending sentence. But to be fair the last sentence seemed like a veiled insult to Raul, somebody on the site or all of us? I can’t tell? And I agree with much of @DBS ‘s take as I do Dr. D’s and John Day’s and many others on here

    ……whereabouts unknown. No kidding. Popeye moment!! So funny… I had one this week! Good point on the dead versus deprived! I agree.

    Reid..Drinking and typing can definitely get you in trouble! I often wonder!

    Way to much left brain on here sometimes. What do you guys and gals do for fun? Seriously. What’s your mojo?


    V. Arnold

    And I agree with with most of the points Arttua made.

    The saying is correct, IMO: Sanctions are war; by other means, very important to the meaning.
    The U.S sanctions on Iran are killing people in real time. Iran cannot get critical medicines because of those very sanctions.
    War = death & maiming…
    Sanctions = death & maiming…


    … and taking that thought process a couple of steps further:
    Trump may be a NY millionaire, but his base is close to natural instincts – Joe Sixpack. WWF, reality TV et al.. Trump is them and they are him. And that base is the one that pays the costs of military adventurism, without benefiting from the financial wins of it.

    Obama, Hillary and Biden (having eliminated pro-Sanders socialism from the Democratic agenda) are the exact opposite. They pay no price for military adventurism, but enjoy the bounce in their Lockheed Martin stocks. Sanctions OTOH, rile their woke base. No surprises they’ve wound up where they are.

    So Obama was quite content to luxuriate in the manufactured approval and moral solace of his European and Australian elite compadres in launching his Libyan fiasco. He associates with them, cares about their opinion, and cares little for that of the Deplorables.

    Trump OTOH, feels no association with that class. He launched his first term on reducing military conflict, so he can;t subsequently embrace it without alienating all his support base. So he chooses more covert means – eschewed by the more woke populace for the lethal violence that it is – to strengthen his hand at “negotiating”.

    Liberals convincing themselves that Trump is the ultimate Satan and that the Coming of Biden heralds the redemption, are little different than the Christian evangelicals looking for the rapture.

    It’s insane. Beyond insane. PTL that TAE helps facilitate the conversations that make these things visible..

    D Benton Smith

    Apparently an addendum is needed in to remove any nascent doubts and make my position completely unambiguous. First of all, I don’t drink. Sober as a judge (although perhaps I give judges too much credit on that count.)
    Secondly, I’m no cheerleader for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but his sins and virtues are matters for another day. Today’s lesson was , and remains, that @arttua should be grateful that he got off so lightly for his idiocy, treasonous claptrap and covert propagandizing for the Chinese Communist Party.

    At best he’s an uneducated and ill informed fool. At worst he is literally a professional troll, and if that’s the case he isn’t the first that has tried to mess things up around here. TAE is one of the last, and best, bastions against the deliberate assault against logic, reason, free speech and human dignity. That onslaught has spewed from the covert intelligence operations of Red China and its sycophants for far too long. We should have shut that door in 1972, instead of opening it (Thanks again Tricky Dick)

    So, just in case any one is left with any doubts about the sincerity for my vitriolic contempt for Arttua and his ilk, or who thinks propitiation is the correct response to evil , let me put those thoughts to rest. I meant every word of it, and then some.



    Love the thought *process*. Keep on. David Bohm is smiling from somewhere in the continuum.

    Michael Reid

    @ D. Benton Smith,

    Please educate me sir. I have read some of your posts in the past and have felt they were in agreement with my thinking.

    Today my worldview is no longer intact. Is yours? I have spent most of my life developing weapons for the USA. At this point I am ashamed of that. The USA is the biggest bully in the school that wants to beat you up and steal your lunch money. Where have I gone wrong in my thought process?

    Leave Venezuela alone and every other country for that matter is my current thinking. Military should only be used for defense and not extracting the wealth out of the rest of the world…which in my opinion is what sanctions are all about.

    What are your thoughts?


    The handful of blogs, I read every day; have gone to the ground. Fear of the future, going stir crazy, protests downtown, does that. It is natural to cling to the life raft of beliefs and faith. Except, human instincts, tend toward violence. The world is too full of people and nuclear weapons for that. The nations that controlled COVID-19 have functional governments. Science that is divorced from the drive for profit has proven to be a useful tool to observe reality. Magical thinking resulted in a quarter million Americans dying and overwhelming the for-profit healthcare system in US hot spots.

    Life will only get a lot worse in the West unless there is a restoration of democracy and government that works for the greater good.

    D Benton Smith


    Thank you for the David Bohm reference. Somehow or other I had missed him in my own work research, maybe because my early interest in the field (physics) leaned so heavily at first toward the materialist/deterministic school of thought. Based on your mention of him I did a quick scan of his work, and am delighted. Thanks again.


    What are your thoughts?
    @ Michael Reid

    Let’s be civil.

    D Benton Smith


    reference : “Science that is divorced from the drive for profit has proven to be a useful tool to observe reality. ”

    So true, but of late it looks like they married it instead. What happened ? You would probably enjoy what Eric Weinstein and his kid brother Bret Weinstein have to say on that topic. There is hope !

    I think the main thing that happened was as an unintended consequence of the Google work model of communications. It is now true that without the full support of Google search results promotion then professionals of every kind ( which includes scientists and universities, as well as business) one becomes utterly invisible and inaccessible to others. If Google likes you (and thus promotes you) then you can thrive. If it does not like you ( and therefore buries or outright censors you) then you disappear from the marketplace and cannot long survive except as a hobbyist. This phenomenon made Google the ultimate and virtually omnipotent “gatekeeper” of pretty much everything that depends upon communications and/or commerce. That’s a lot of stuff, and that profit-driven choke-point obstructing the free and open communication of ideas may well crash our civilization and cost all of us a few thousand years of hard earned progress.

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