Debt Rattle January 12 2021
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- This topic has 43 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by zerosum.
January 12, 2021 at 10:28 am #68180Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Alfred Wertheimer Elvis 1956 • New Covid “Super Strain” is a Game-Changer for Schools and More (Parramore) • WHO Warns Of ‘Highly Problematic’
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 12 2021]January 12, 2021 at 11:11 am #68182V. ArnoldParticipantAlfred Wertheimer Elvis 1956
That photo is just so excellent; composition and the precise depth of field; masterful, IMO…
January 12, 2021 at 12:26 pm #68183VietnamVetParticipantThe spike in cases in Ireland is frightening. The US federal government never grasped the dire consequences of asymptomatic transmission of coronavirus even if the virus is relatively less lethal to the middle aged and younger population. Temperature screening was and is pointless. They never considered the need to quickly develop accurate cheap tests to self-determine if one is infectious and self-quarantine. No scheme was ever prepared for reporting or forming bubbles or getting free medical care. Simply the hierarchy is more interested in giving billions of dollars to corporations to increase their profits than American lives. The number of deaths of Americans is now reaching in one year the casualty level of the four-year World War II. Plus, enough time has elapsed with enough people infected for a mutant to develop that defeats the lockdowns and wearing ineffective face masks and maybe PPE if healthcare workers are getting infected with the new British variant. The whole western political and executive hierarchy is corrupt and incompetent.
This is obvious but not acknowledged in corporate propaganda. On January 6 2021 the professional leadership class felt fear for the first time. The USA is now without a government. The tragedy is that they’ll blame the Air Force Veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan for getting herself killed. They will never admit that it is their fault. But the truth is that the 10% aristocracy cannot rule over the 90% working classes if the sole purpose is to exploit the healthy and let the sick, addicted and old die off, so the Brahmin top caste of global billionaires can get richer. The current American system is simply incapable of controlling the pandemic depression. The insurrection will continue and spread. Only restoration of government by and for the people can fix this.
Censorship of the US internet is coming, but it won’t make a difference if cassette tapes brought down the Soviet Union by telling the truth. People must and will find ways to communicate. But it will make my cabin fever intolerable.
January 12, 2021 at 1:20 pm #68184Mr. HouseParticipantThe shamen looking protester is complaining he can’t get organic food while arrested. Yeah that’s def a trump supporter
January 12, 2021 at 1:24 pm #68185Mr. HouseParticipantJanuary 12, 2021 at 1:28 pm #68186Basseterre KitonaParticipantTo put the U.K. variant in perspective, with its faster spread, we are effectively put back to where we once were without masks — even when we’re now wearing masks!
Masks have always been pointless in fighting coronavirus. In fact, trying to stop the spread of an airborne virus at all is totally insane and leads to absurdities like quarantining perfectly healthy people (while you wreck their economic well-being).
All we can do for the most part is treat people who are sick and try to help those who are weak become stronger (exercise, vitamins, etc.) so that they can fight the virus themselves when exposed. Basic medicine, in there words.
January 12, 2021 at 1:54 pm #68187AlanBurgesstL3ZParticipantBeautiful photo, the angle is great, it looks very aesthetically pleasing
January 12, 2021 at 3:16 pm #68188Mr. HouseParticipant“Until 2020, I had no idea just what a racket “public health” was, and what a bunch of control freaks and incompetents — a terrifying combination — were in charge of it.
Here’s a small example, from yesterday:
The Centers for Disease Control published a Tweet that included this line, along with a link to an article about Delaware: “In Delaware, universal mask use helped reduce #COVID19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.”
Before I even show you Delaware’s chart, think about what it should look like if what this January 5 Tweet said weren’t misleading.
Here it is:
(Thanks to Ian Miller — @ianmSC — for the chart.)
So we have two things of note here.
Number one: looking at these hospitalization numbers on January 5, 2020, would your conclusion be: masks sure lowered the number of hospitalizations?
Number two: the mask mandates in Pennsylvania and Delaware went into effect nine days apart, and yet their curves both came down at exactly the same time. So as Ian wonders, are we supposed to believe that mandates at different times had exactly the same result at exactly the same time, or might it make more sense to conclude that the spread of the virus is regional and seasonal?
This kind of reminds me of CNN and Canada. They published an article called “Why Canada Flattened the Curve — and the US Didn’t.” The usual nonsense, as you might imagine.
Days later, well, you can see what happened:
Do you suppose they wrote a follow-up article acknowledging this? (And yes, deaths also increased, not just “cases.”)
In a previous email I pointed out all the European countries where back in May we got told-you-so articles about how they wisely flattened the curve because they listened to their public-health officials, blah blah blah. And then, starting in September, their numbers went way up and we never heard from the media again.
As Michael Malice says, this isn’t bias, as some people describe it. It’s an agenda.”
January 12, 2021 at 3:17 pm #68189Mr. HouseParticipantJanuary 12, 2021 at 3:51 pm #68190Mr. HouseParticipantSomething different
January 12, 2021 at 4:33 pm #68191Dr. DParticipantIt’s spreading? But like all the others, it doesn’t kill anyone?
I HAVE a pinky finger. If you test, most people do. But if it doesn’t cause health issues, it doesn’t matter how many “have” it.
Here’s one for you, since that depends on the 90-wrong PCR test:
PCR [test] Inventor Kary Mullis Talks About Anthony Fauci — “He doesn’t know anything really about anything” DB
He has specifically said you cannot amplify his test +30x or you’ll get only false positives. He’s even said you cannot use his test for diagnosis at all. …Specifically, by the time his test is accurate, you already have body symptoms you can see and hear with a stethoscope.
Election day +1, as predicted:
“Cuomo Reverses: Demands “Reopen the Economy” Amid Dismal NYC Vaccine Rollout
Stringer’s complaints follow reports of hospitals in the city being forced to throw away doses of the vaccine.”Because, Science!™ We follow the Science! Only the Science! Which is why Cuomo said it was a ridiculous non-starter to shut New York for a 99.97% safe virus, when a 1% increase in unemployment kills 40,000 people. …Until suddenly that wasn’t true, an election started, and he did.
…Now it’s suddenly not true, and he doesn’t. And he’s opening because he CAN’T get the vaccine – Connecticut has deployed more, a state 1/10th the size – not because they HAVE the vaccine.
ScienceScienceScience! FailFailFailFail.
Speaking of New York:
“A Nursing Home Had Zero COVID Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents and The Deaths Begin
Things seem to be working backwards at The Commons on St. Anthony nursing home in Auburn, New York…And Science! Herd immunity – caused by vaccines, or caused naturally, doesn’t mean we are somehow immune and it’s over.
….Except that’s EXACTLY what that word means, by the very definition. …Unless you’re the WHO.
“WHO Warns Herd Immunity Won’t Bring World “Back to Normal” Quickly”
In the US, Texas, California, Florida and New York have received the largest number of vaccines, while seeing the slowest turnaround.This could in fact be true since it’s not a “vaccine” in any sense of the word. It is not the debilitated virus, and it does NOT prevent you from getting it…it only reduces the severity. Maybe. With side effects. Like “Death”.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is: which is to be master—that’s all.”, Science!™ We never knew ya! Ever. Science-free zone.
A virus must rise, THEN RUNS OUT OF HOSTS. And dies. Duh. It starts, rises vertically, then plateaus. If you’ve looked at any other R0 chart at any time once in the whole last year. So if this is not a completely different virus, then it will NOT rise. We are at herd immunity already.
If it’s a different virus, it is not COVID. Duh. A = A A ≠ B
What is even the point when no logic is engaged?
“An Epidemic of COVID Positive Tests (John Hunt)”
At least this is true, but they’re going to get away with their Trillion$$$ total lack of $$cience$$. As they reduce the PCR test, they will “prove” their unworking vaccine “works”. As predicted. And get all the money and applause. By the people they terrorized. All medical officials show total lack of medicine, total lack of science, and don’t notice, approve, let them do it again. Doctors applaud, and want my honor and support. Trolls like me are not supposed to be better at medicine, better at medical predictions than they are.“French Government “Shocked” at Twitter Banning of Trump (SN)”
I am SHOCKED there is gambling going on this is casino. If anybody’s going to censor you, it should be EU/France.
“Twitter Has Suspended More Than 70,000 Accounts Since Friday (ZH)
Anyone setting up a better alternative will be crushed.”
Only by closing the internet. Good luck. You’ve only alarmed the herd. The herd has circled and moved to safety, horns down. No more cattle-chute for harvest. No propaganda, no fake news, no “framing”, no credit cards, no sales, no money.
“The Big Tech Backfire (Miller)”
Exactly. We won. They lost. They lost hearts, minds, and eyeballs. Oh and money, if that has any meaning anymore.
“We Need a New Media System (Taibbi)”
Taibbi rediscovers journalism. Genius. And why we aren’t biased. Or said correctly, why journalists shouldn’t LIE LIE LIE.
Of course no one gets to objectivity, but if you TRY, rather than trying the opposite, you might get closer. When he says “reader-based journalism” he means LYING. You tell the users what is TRUE, not what they want to hear. Of course. This is too complicated for Yale, sipping lattes in Brooklyn.
“50 Countries Commit to Protection Of 30% of Earth’s Land and Oceans (G.)”
The countries that have paved, pesticided, and harvest everything are going to NOT pave, pesticide, and harvest everything. While they’re leveling mountains and whole nations for their super-green rare earth lithiums. They’re going to have 0% GDP instead. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
“We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” Elon Musk
But logic is dead. People eat it up.
“Economic Failures of the IPCC Process (Steve Keen)”
Ya don’t say. It was only and always a money transfer. TO the rich. FROM the poor. But also from the “rich” countries like the U.S. (ha ha, not really) TO the new pirate ship we’re hijacking, Chinese/Indian banks and oligarchs. TO the replacement monetary system written by Technocrats since the 30’s: BTU/CarbonCredits, with all the back-room printing and hypothecation by mega-banks therein. So that those countries will lose all human rights and incidentally all environmentalism and protection, and be brought to heel under neofeudalism.
So easy a cave man can do it. Because even accused, even said, even admitted, even proven by their own actions, no one will believe it. They LIKE anti-environmentalism, they LIKE poverty, they LIKE death, they LIKE the end of all human rights. If they don’t love it, why is it so hard to say no? Call a spade. Name a rose.
“They never considered the need to quickly develop accurate cheap tests to self-determine if one is infectious”
Huh. Why not? Any cave man saw that the first day. They didn’t. You’re fired. Or did you not do it because you made a few billion dollars and advanced all your medical/personal/political agendas-on-tap? In which case: you’re fired.
But again, why would you test? California is locked down and has the same rate as Texas which is open. New York is 3x worse than Florida, which is doing nothing. If anything, “Science!™” is saying lockdowns CAUSE Covid. A new study appears each day saying masks don’t work. In fact, the Nov 11 NEJM study showed the Army forcing cadets to follow all rules with absolute strictness, and it didn’t work.
…Like I said in February. “It’s de-facto aerosol, x hour life on touched objects? Yeah, you’re not going to stop it. That requires space suits forever and it isn’t going to happen.” CDC says >1% in the population, cannot be stopped. Guess what?
But no scientist, NO doctor, is following any of the Science. So why bother? Their only goal is neofeudalism and the end to all human rights, which they’re succeeding at handily. Good show old chap!
“Only restoration of government by and for the people can fix this.”
This is why they just lost. The insurrection was a sham, the opposition is peaceful, their shrill panic over the public placidly touring the rotunda is embarrassing: they have lost all credibility and moral standing. They are a joke to us. The more they scream the funnier it is. They have been trying to get the armed, violent, ignorant hillbillies to shoot back since the 90s: they won’t. They’ve done everything, droned, tanked, lit children on fire, shot a mother with her infant in arms. They are the church people, not the violent ones. Without that, their plan, their response won’t work. Ooops.
So look for more of embarrassing, made-up panic next week at new protests most won’t go to as the USSR continues their totally predicted, totally foreseeable collapse.
You see, this is why it doesn’t matter and would even be hilarious for Joe to take the Presidency. So he sits down, the economy crashes, 75 million people ignore him and refuse to take orders, 10 million more urban liberals, gay, trans, brown, hairdressers are all furious over being de-platformed, and Jimmy Dore is chewed their leg up to the knee with a new “People’s Party” having been completely outed as AGAINST $2,000, AGAINST Medicare-for-All, FOR every war and Corporation, and AGAINST every Progressive in the Party. Remember, Brexit won when their party was only 6 weeks old.
I’ll watch. It’ll be amazing. Entertaining. A show for the ages. There are no winning moves from here. They lost.
January 12, 2021 at 5:20 pm #68192zerosumParticipantEcho from all the bloggers
“I’ll watch. It’ll be amazing. Entertaining. A show for the ages. There are no winning moves from here.”
January 12, 2021 at 5:29 pm #68193Doc RobinsonParticipant• Lockdown ‘Ineffective’ Against Spread Of Covid-19, May Even Increase Risk
This study should be a game-changer, no?
It came from Stanford U, and has already undergone full peer review.Author affiliations
1 Department of Medicine, Stanford University Stanford, CA, USA.
2 Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
3 Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
4 Department of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
5 Department of Statistics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
6 Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.“This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review”
Assessing Mandatory Stay-at-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID-19Results
…we find no clear, significant beneficial effect of mrNPIs [more restrictive non-pharmaceutical interventions] on case growth in any country.Conclusions
…we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less restrictive interventions.Discussion
…We do not question the role of all public health interventions, or of coordinated communications about the epidemic, but we fail to find an additional benefit of stay-at-home orders and business closures. The data cannot fully exclude the possibility of some benefits. However, even if they exist, these benefits may not match the numerous harms of these aggressive measures. More targeted public health interventions that more effectively reduce transmissions may be important for future epidemic control without the harms of highly restrictive measures.January 12, 2021 at 6:14 pm #68194madamski cafoneParticipant“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.”
K. VonneguttOriginally spoken, I believe shortly after 911.
What’s logical to me is that the powers behind Jolted Joe aka Frankenstein on Ice will start sending serious stimulus checks to the people. Grudgingly, insufficiently, but enough to keep the pumps of popular hope running awhile yet, and keep some kind of money velocity in motion.
Russia has made it very clear with this latest hack The Russians Did It! that we need to stop pretending to ourselves that we have any leverage on them but rather, entirely vice-versa, so American foreign policy will continue withering into hollow words. We can pretend to others all we want. They know we’re mentally destabilized. But we should stop kidding ourselves or else we’ll get hurt. I tend to think that they’re finally getting the message. Note the timing: Jan 5th, one day before the electoral college quibble was set to be determined. Message: whoever wins, but especially the DNC, Don’t Do Anything Stupid.
Some virus will continue doing what viruses do. The War on Covid will likewise run amok through the governments and people of the world most of the year, spreading and attenuating like a fulfilled fad fading away. The covid hysteria-by-bureaucratic-dysfunction will become something like Prohibition was during the early worst days of the 1930s Great Depression: something to be repealed not medically dealt with. 2022 will not be another Year of Covid, although covid will almost certainly not be absent.
The gun-wielding factions will grow, with those we call right-wing being much more dominant overall because it’s part of their culture and they have an actual sense of cultural identity involving place, tradition, group morals and ethics, while the gun-toting left will tend to shoot each other in the foot because they don’t have a culture of identity but one of opposition to specific norms.
The concept of robocops will soon be entered into the mainstream narrative of What Is Acceptable and Mandatory, and if that trend is allowed to develp far enough (which I doubt, the technostructure needed to make it real being insufficient), the next anti-cop protest movement will hold signs saying HUMAN LIVES MATTER.
2021 will have some semblance to business as usual, hopefully enough to maintain some orderly flow of social activity, but I think 2022 will look very different from the past continuum of TWAWKI.
Meanwhile, this video has 9,627,994 views since premiering on Aug 21, 2020: Sex Education, Delaware is proud to announce its first transgender state senator, and I wonder how long it would have taken, if this cultural continuum were allowed by fate to continue, before people on hookups sites would be required to show verification of their Gender of Origin when a man presents himself as a hotly remodeled phony female?
Tv announcement from 2024 on an alternate timeline where this nonsense got to continue:
Woman of the Ersatz, a docu-expose, reveals when genetically female women confess to only pretending to be transgender in order to be mail-order brides and online sex workers for America’s growing transdrogynous fetishists.
Remember: if it doesn’t smell like tuna fish, it’s probably inverted hot dog.
People die of covid. Despite taking good care of myself and taking ample vitamin D along with taking in the sun, I could die of this trans-reality virus that strikes me as the first physical manifestation of this “terror” (“Look! Tiny bits of terror! Wear a mask so they won’t see us!”) that we fought so diligently and weirdly in the Oughts. The ex Mrs. Sherburn would be devastated and I would not entirely rejoice.
But I try to offer a daily prayer to covid and Valdimir Putin, two entities that have been kind enough to put an end to this walking nightmare born of what’s left of the American Dream. It sucks to be awakened at midnight but that’s what happens when you sleep through the day.
January 12, 2021 at 6:16 pm #68195Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymasterGreat headline at USA Today:
Like Jack The Ripper, Trump Can’t Be Deterred. We Must Impeach Him
How did we get from Hitler to Jack the Ripper? Creative journalism?
January 12, 2021 at 6:23 pm #68196kultsommerParticipant“We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” Elon Musk
How is that different from “Rearden alloy maker” numerous quotes? Oh, Elon is “impure” maybe, since he’s got bit of
“government assistance” big no-no from the factious giant of industry. That alone pushes away all the children in rags, toiling in the factories and mines, man and women with 12 hour work days and numerous charts to document it and places HIM (and his ilk) right in the center of Marx’s writing. Elon & Co – socialists/commies!
Saker on unz:
But, of course, what does he know having lived in socialist country.Girl dissolving in his presence, nothing short of that..
January 12, 2021 at 6:45 pm #68197Mr. HouseParticipantI posted this to facebook today, which then prompted them to tell me about fact checking and vaccines……. not sure what this has to do with that. I did turn down the vaccine at work today and texted friends about it. Is facebook spying on me via my internet connection?
January 12, 2021 at 7:38 pm #68198madamski cafoneParticipantFor those lucky enough to be more off-the-grid than not:
January 12, 2021 at 7:43 pm #68199Mr. HouseParticipantI haven’t had the facebook app on my phone for at least two years, but when i went and checked in settings it listed install app, but still had the account listed. Just deleted that…………
January 12, 2021 at 8:18 pm #68200HuskynutParticipant“The B.1.1.7 COVID variant is starting to look as scary as the social media giant censorship.”
Nope. Social media censorship is a commercial/political phenomena that can absolutely be controlled by legislation. The fact that is isn’t/hasn’t/wont be is indicative of the complete and total corruption of the political system. That is hellishly scary.
The B.1.1.7 variant is apparently more easily transmitted but no more lethal than any other variant, ie 99.9% of people will not die from it. That not scary at all.. that’s the price of living, analagous to driving which I personally find quite enjoyable.
Fear in the face of very modest threats is entirely optional and more aptly termed hysteria.
And as Dr D points out, some of us here have been predicting accurately since the start of the year that due to the basic limitations of human behaviour, science and the interconnected nature of the modern world, humans lack the agency to control a highly contagious virus. Which is anathema to a population who’ve become drunk on the illusion of control over every aspect of planetary life.
Cliche’d though it’s become, that reliable ole Serenity Prayer sums it up quickly. And we have never, ever had the collective ability to control Covid, let alone trying to do so without undertaking any const/benefit analysis before embarking on interventions.
As I said somewhere else, what the world has done since Feb was embark on the most epic Evel Knieval canyon jump in history, only we’ve done it without surveying the width of the gap or the landing site. We’re suspended in mid-air, with the costs and outcomes not yet upon us, but with little ability to change direction. And sooner or later the ground is coming up at us………
January 12, 2021 at 8:26 pm #68201Dr. DParticipant“The gun-wielding factions will grow…Right and Left” That is a pretty smart statement. No telling which is better or worse either. I guess I’d prefer people who have experience with both firearms and violence. Like the old Bouncers it makes you reserved and restrained. Counterintuitive, which is what we see with hillbillies right now.
I don’t know the Reardon reference. He is the revolutionary industrialist in “Atlas Shrugged”.
Yes, you can’t delete Facebook. The internet is forever. Welcome to the Hotel California. That always says “we’re good people and never up to something” when they refuse all honest appeals from their customers and vendors. But Facebook is dead anyway, only used by grandmas arranging church dinners now. Twitter is following them now.
January 12, 2021 at 8:55 pm #68202Bill7Participant“Spreading like wildfire™!”
yadda-yadda… only those whose conformity is variously compelled buy this sh!t.
> The logic of the Democrat/MSM hysteria is that there must be an ever-greater number of kulak-style enemies to be demonized and deplatformed. However, if you do that to enough people, deplatforming loses its sting..
Thank you, Mr. Kirkpatrick! (“Rayciss! Sexiss! Trans™phobe! Otherwise-Bad Person!), yadda-yadda..
Divide ‘n’ Rule- a very old tactic!- is working superbly well for the Few.
January 12, 2021 at 9:03 pm #68203Bill7ParticipantThe Ruling Class is culturally impoverished; hence their lame-ass battle cries. They’ll “win” for a little while longer then… not.
January 12, 2021 at 9:08 pm #68204Veracious PoetParticipantCliche’d though it’s become, that reliable ole Serenity Prayer sums it up quickly.
Connecting with the Creative, Healing & Loving Power of the Universe is the last resort for those trapped in foxholes: Very, VERY few are the awake children that chose wisely before the shelling…
And we have never, ever had the collective ability to control Covid, let alone trying to do so without undertaking any const/benefit analysis before embarking on interventions.
The CCP had full control of Covid, but no one thus far has admitted to playing footsie with infected monsters…
January 12, 2021 at 9:17 pm #68205madamski cafoneParticipantArmed factions are a major defining aspect of the future immediately before us.
We’ll be an open carry society before long. Guns, bats, knives, swords, a vast spectrum of old, new, known, unknown, manufactured, and improvised side arms will be a major part of a world where keeping the lights on at night wastes necessary energy needed more critically elsewhere.
The political leaders of the next decade are already creating the basic power structures that will make them leaders: of a city block, a small township, a neighborhood, a city quadrant, country quadrant, a stretch of river…
The mindset associated with conservatism has been forming alliances and survival bonds for some time while being demonized as lunatic militia et cetera. They have their share and then some of lunatics but the hierarchies they’re forming will not follow the lunatics. They’ll follow the persons tough, smart, wise, and strong enough to earn confidence and form a protective cadre around their leadership core.
Plenty of liberals have guns, at least the older ones. But their mindset worships the legends of Gandhi and MLK, and their ideologies are inherently divisive while preaching greater inclusion. Diversity is not inclusive by definition, and whenever there’s fearful tension, people flock to form identity groups. Liberals will, in this decade, at first dissolve group loyalties before forming new ones.
Ideologies. Yikes. “There is nothing the matter with Americans except their ideals. The real American is all right: It is the ideal American who is all wrong.” G.K. Chesterton
Conservatives have fewer ideals but more traditions, more dogma. It makes it easier for them to band together. Conservatives are more traditionally religious. They gather in groups once a week to sing/listen to mostly lousy music and hear sermons that are well-meaning but usually sophomoric at best… although that doesn’t prevent a sincere Xtian preacher from saying profoundly helpful things. They feel morally superior to atheists and agnostics even as they say ‘hate the sin not the sinner’. Loking down on those poor unfortunate sinners is part of the nature of forming a positive identity group. (A negative identity group would be, for example, a child soldier army where the kids, even grown to be adults, feel they can have no other place to belong but with abused and abusive creatures like themselves.)
If politics worked, we’d all be liberals: they have the greatest ideals. But politics don’t work and those ideals are always used as excuses to betray the basis of those ideals (a reasonably stable society that might achieve them through incremental change).
Politics don’t work: they’re merely inevitable.
January 12, 2021 at 9:20 pm #68206Bill7ParticipantOne method I find useful is to check the fit on old internet™ posts, like this one from CJ Hopkins:
> One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. Not a regular official narrative, like the “Cold War” or the “War on Terror” narratives. A totally delusional official narrative that has little or no connection to reality and that is contradicted by a preponderance of facts.
Hopkins is right. Propaganda- made pervasive and persistent enough, as with Our corporate, and otherwise
co-opted media- works very, very well.That “smart™/surveillance-phone in your hands? It’s the [blank, unyielding] face of evil.
Saw that at the time. Beware of strangers bearing gifts™..
January 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm #68207madamski cafoneParticipant@ Mr. House
“Nope. Social media censorship is a commercial/political phenomena that can absolutely be controlled by legislation. ”
Et vice-versa. In a free speech society, such networks are entitled to express opinions and shape opinions thereby. This can lead to them exerting enough influence to get legislators elected who will not regulate the media. If legislators try to control the media before this happens, free screech advocates, real or astroturfed, will throw up their hands and holler.
Media has power. Power corrupts. The more power attained, especially by corrupt means, the more corrupt that power becomes and the more that power corrupts other entities of power.
January 12, 2021 at 9:30 pm #68208Mr. HouseParticipantThis was excellent and i hope everyone gives it a listen:
January 12, 2021 at 9:30 pm #68209Bill7Participant> Et vice-versa. In a free speech society, such networks are entitled to express opinions and shape opinions thereby.
Let’s hear more about that..
It’s a darksider. 😉
January 12, 2021 at 9:42 pm #68210Bill7ParticipantIt’s a hard woker though Ill give it that.
January 12, 2021 at 10:14 pm #68211kultsommerParticipantI don’t know the Reardon reference. He is the revolutionary industrialist in “Atlas Shrugged”.
By the author whose work, I gather, you admire.
Industrialist as character who puts comic book hero to shame – for over seven decades was, and still is, an “inspiration” for generations of brainwashed who have no no (proverbial) pot to piss in and not seeing that THEY are those unwashed slobs so frequently referred as in the book with gusto.
And Elon? Same drive and attitude. What gives? He’s not good for us as society. Isn’t that exactly what the “book” preach? Yes, but he’s not a “real” capitalist, but since being bad we have a convenient label for somebody like that….
I could go on but getting tired, and long writing is no my forte.January 12, 2021 at 10:57 pm #68212Bill7ParticipantMr House (and others, as the case may be): FaceBorg and the other FAANGS *have you*, regardless of
whether you’re “signed up™” for them, or not; my guess is that one is in fact surveilled even harder
if not signed up with the EvilTech monoliths (I’m not, FWTW). Have a look around.. whether you use
Fb or the other EvilTech-entities or not, they *are* using you.Get *off the screens*- that’s the only hope, and I do try.
Online = gotten-to
January 12, 2021 at 11:24 pm #68214Big Dick KennedyParticipantI’m torn as to if this site is
Mr Robot rants
Black DynamiteBoondocks comic strip keeps repeating since before Bush the lesser. Today’s repeat is Avian Flu based. My how far we have come.
BoondocksIt is worthwhile to re-watch Mr. Robot. Strikes me it sets the tone for AFTER the reset.Follow Boondocks daily because History actually does repeat itself.
As a parting gift read some Cody Goodfellow. Sleazeland captures the modern mindset fairly well. Unamerica may be a nifty History lesson if fear and loathing in Las Vegas chronicles the end of an era.
I know not as highbrow as Sometimes a great notion.Then again I’ve always been a Hank Stamper kind of guy. I mean Fountainhead is far better than Atlas Shrugged.
Rand hated Libertarians by the way. Called them hippies of the right.January 12, 2021 at 11:35 pm #68215Big Dick KennedyParticipantAnd Elvis was a Blonde. Yep died his hair black to be more striking, stole his moves from Black folk too.
I think Kissing cousins is the one where he plays his Blonde cousin. Now y’all can compare his looks see if the Clairol was worth it.January 12, 2021 at 11:45 pm #68216Big Dick KennedyParticipantOopsie linked to a shorter version of Black Dynamite. This one carries much more, uuuuhhhh, impact.
January 13, 2021 at 2:08 am #68218WESParticipantWell up here in the not so great white north, Ontario has joined Quebec in imposing an 8 PM curfew!
We are already in lockdown but that hasn’t stop covid cases from more than doubling!
What we are seeing is the traditional winter rise in cases.
Only when we can go outside in the late spring will cases start dropping.
January 13, 2021 at 5:24 am #68219HuskynutParticipant@madamski
Et vice-versa. In a free speech society, such networks are entitled to express opinions and shape opinions thereby. This can lead to them exerting enough influence to get legislators elected who will not regulate the media. If legislators try to control the media before this happens, free screech advocates, real or astroturfed, will throw up their hands and holler.Media has power. Power corrupts. The more power attained, especially by corrupt means, the more corrupt that power becomes and the more that power corrupts other entities of power.
I agree, but it doesn’t change my point. That it won’t happen because facts-on-the-ground in no way changes that it is *possible* to control media via legislation. Witness China re media or the US breaking up Ma Bell.
Whereas control of Covid via legislative mandate was, is, and will never be possible. Lockdowns, masks etc are flailing theatre achieving nothing useful.
The CCP had full control of Covid
I can’t tell from your remark if it’s sarc, but one of the fundamental rational failures I think is that China controlled Covid via lockdowns. Doc R’s post above (and many others) point out there is no general correlation between lockdown and positive outcome. Therefore it seems very unlikely to me there is a causation between lockdown and outcome in the specific case of China.
OTOH, I observe that Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam also have very good outcomes, despite different approaches. Is there a genetic correlation? Or a climatic correlation? Or a pre-exposure correlation? I have no idea.
But if you mentally/intellectually question the key supposition the Chinese have a superb outcome AND it was caused by their fierce lockdown then we start to get back to the realm of logic.January 13, 2021 at 5:41 am #68220Veracious PoetParticipantHuskynut,
I was talking about absolute control of the virus while it was still confined within the Wuhan L4 lab.
The biothreat was released, whether intentional or not, and no one seems to care?
To me, that’s a VERY important matter, much like the apparent insurrection that has seized control of the U$ .gov…
Surrender monkeys.
January 13, 2021 at 5:48 am #68221Veracious PoetParticipantJanuary 13, 2021 at 6:08 am #68222₿oogalooParticipantLots of crazy statements on the TAE board today.
Sorry, Basseterre Kitona, but masks do work, which is why Asia is kicking America’s and Europe’s asses.
Sorry, Dr. D, but people are dying. Except in India, where they use Ivermectin, and where the death rate has been gradually declining. Another example of a country kicking America’s and Europe’s asses.
Sorry Huskynut, there is a positive correlation between lockdown and positive outcome, but only if you are quick and draconian with your lockdown. If you wait too long to start, and if you have halfass execution, then I agree with you that it does not work. Which is why China kicked America’s and Europe’s asses.
Sorry WES, but cases can drop off even in winter. Although cases started rising in Korea in December, where it has been damn cold this year, the trend has now reversed and cases are dropping. You guessed it: Another example of a country kicking America’s and Europe’s asses. But Korea does not get a pass because the officials are drinking the koolaid on vaccines but dissing Ivermectin as “the drug for head lice” that some desperate countries have been resorting too.
Sorry for being so antisocial today everyone.
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