Debt Rattle March 3 2021
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- This topic has 47 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by V. Arnold.
March 3, 2021 at 9:53 am #70424Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Jean-Michel Basquiat Irony of the Negro Policeman 1981 • Texas And Mississippi Drop Covid Restrictions – Even Mask Mandates (F.) • Russian Depu
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 3 2021]March 3, 2021 at 12:18 pm #70425Basseterre KitonaParticipantLiberation ! Finally the people of Texas are FREE ! This is huge news…and soon other states and nation will follow suit. By June we’ll all be burning masks & vaccines in bonfires as we start sending tyrant politicians & bureaucrats to jail. People will be dancing & hugging in the street, making out with strangers on airplanes…it will be fun and it will be glorious !
Wow, I haven’t felt this great in ages. Vivre la Texas !
March 3, 2021 at 1:15 pm #70428Dr. DParticipantNothing posting. Again. Also ads run weird and clicking “more” on homepage leads to #google error only on first click.
March 3, 2021 at 1:15 pm #70429Dr. DParticipantSo Basquiat’s thought was we should have only White policemen and complain about racism instead of 1/3 Black policemen and integration? He was ahead of his time. That’s logic so opposite only the Woke era could possibly believe it. And against everything Dr. King believed in.
He’s a thing though: I defend his right to his opinions and free speech. Presumably he would erase mine.
Chart: WITH Covid. Yes and we knew +99% of people had 3 underlying conditions and were over 80. (Where do they even find these people?) That makes the death FROM Covid like 3. More suicides were caused by their irrational, unscientific, unworking lockdown. Cheers all around! I locked my kid in a closet and he hasn’t seen sunlight for most of his life! Ain’t I great?
“Texas And Mississippi Drop Covid Restrictions – Even Mask Mandates (F.)”
So under President Trump, who implied with should open, they were closed. But under President Biden, who demands they close, they’re open? Yup, that makes as much sense as everything else around here.
“I’m still a bit amazed at how the meaning of “herd immunity” seamlessly came to include vaccines.”
“Words mean just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” Because “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
In the looking glass world when you can’t destroy a written contract like the Constitution, you just destroy the meaning of every word IN the Constitution, then it means anything you want to. You know, like the “National Man-Boy ‘Love’ Association.” Love. Makes me just a-quiver all over. And ‘Tolerance’ of burning every neighborhood and every book. Sigh. It’s just paradise.
How would they know we have herd immunity when they use a test that doesn’t work in the first place? Against a disease with no death rate? Seems like one of those definitions that stops all thought and logic.
March 3, 2021 at 1:23 pm #70436Dr. DParticipantHere I have a disease that takes all your clothes off, and only if you’re an idiot can you still see them:
I see nothing but clothes. And today’s Wheel! Of! Fauci! says I see 11 masks.
20 attempts, still not posting. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
March 3, 2021 at 1:30 pm #70440Dr. DParticipantA: Yes. Yes we are. We put up with all this, praise them, and beg for more. “Please sir, I have one Human Right left, will you please, please remove it from me? It’s too much for me to bear having my own mind, my own opinions, that I dare no longer speak. Please make me stop thinking the wrong and naughty ‘logic’. I’ll be good.” And thus they banned Dr. Seuss, creator of such massive anti-racist hits as “The Sneetches.” Says an old White Man who used the phrase “n—r mayor” while the former Black President says he loved them.
This image won’t load either.
[Ilargi: Because it wasn’t saved as jpg, but as Google Webpage]
In favor of uber-white DiAngelo, who says she is an avowed racist and race must be primary in every human interaction. Just like Dr. King wanted. Since they’ve banned all books, even Black Supreme Court members, I remember his speech clearly:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will be judged solely by the color of their skin and not by the content of their character.”
Why not? Winston’s working overtime erasing history, and everyone loves it. Remember when they said we just needed 15 years to lower the curve? What? It was days? Impossible: surely someone would remember and be mad about it. Fauci said “Don’t wear a mask, they’re useless?” You’re crazy, surely he would be fired for reversing such science on the basis of no evidence. He said NY was the best state in the union, a model for all other states while they were killing 15,000 people? C’mon! Surely at least ONE person would be hauled into court and given the electric chair!
If you hate #Logos, hate God with every moment breathing, this is what you get. Tell the truth for once. I promise it won’t burn your mouth.
I promise it won’t burn your mouth.
March 3, 2021 at 1:34 pm #70444Mr. HouseParticipantI find it funny that any talk of investigating cuomo is now kaput with regards to nursing homes. #Metoo didn’t matter when it was Biden because orange man bad, but now that someone might look into anything related to covid its important again. Dr. I’mnotsurewhatiwanttobe did the same in PA. Except when he pulled his/her own mother out.
March 3, 2021 at 1:35 pm #70446Dr. DParticipant“…all we know about the vaccines is that they will very effectively reduce your risk of severe disease. We haven’t seen any evidence yet indicating whether or not they stop transmission.”
Yes, like all vaccines. Um. Logic: WHY WOULD WE CARE? If people are vaccinated, they’re safe. If they don’t, well, that’s their problem and choice. So all the transmission is happening only to people who want it, and volunteer. The only way to prevent this is raw violence, FORCING them to, against all human rights and religion. Which is exactly what they want, are doing, and the whole point of all of this. The point of power is POWER. The point of violence is VIOLENCE. The violent, mentally ill just want to commit violence; any excuse will do.
If your vaccine is super-awesome, it will still create total immunity, and everyone will recognize how safe and effective it is and line up for it. You know, like Obamacare. That Congress refused, their staff was given an exception to, and no human citizen bought. Because, and I repeat, it was so super-awesome and good, and worked so wonderfully well. They hate us for our freedoms.
Anyway: open up Europe. Everyone vaccinated is perfectly safe. Masks work 100%, so that’ll cover until they get the shot. And anyone who doesn’t, well, “Some men you just can’t reach.” Think of them like Hassids or Rastafarians. Oh wait: we arrested and forced all them too.
Wait: Logic. Nevermind. We don’t do that here. #Truth is the only enemy.
March 3, 2021 at 1:37 pm #70449Mr. HouseParticipantThis explains TDS and covid hysteria
March 3, 2021 at 1:37 pm #70450Dr. DParticipant“The EU doing what it does best. Be useless.”
Governments. But we have a solution for them being totally useless and killing 15,000 people. More Government! Nationalized Health Care! National UBI of $600/year! National ration cards! National censorship departments for all human speech and children’s books too! Helping!!!!!!!!
Israel: I assume this chart is attempting to prove vaccinating very, very few people in two cities goes faster than vaccinating a lotta-lotta people across 4 times zones. If so, you’ve made your point. It IS faster to vaccinate one person than 330 Million.
“Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Cost 100 Richest Americans $78 Billion (Hill)”
And anything like the last 100 years, EVERY. YEAR., it will make those same people $178 Billion in loopholes. Like WalMart. $15 minimum, because they know it will destroy all small-business completion, completely devastate the economy, bring employees to complete ruin, and so they’ll be able to do whatever they want to prices and wages later. Helping!!! Helping so much!!! See how progressive WalMart and Amazon are, while they destroy every family, pave every acre, and make employees wear an ankle monitor and pee in a bottle? Now that’s Pure Love. That’s your ProgressiveFuture. But at least we’ll have rainbow flags on the walls!
“Andrew Cuomo Is Living To Regret The Deal He Pushed On Letitia James (IC)”
They are sacrificing star-power insider Cuomo to #MeToo in order to divert from their nationwide #CovidFive murder of +15,000 people and how it’s 99% a total power-grab-profit-medical-lie-scam. So think about that. They want this to go on, they want the lockdown, and they are willing to sacrifice Emmy-winning Presidential Candidate poster-child insider mafia family and CNN embarrassment in order to keep ‘Rona, lockdowns, and #GreatReset going. Does that tell you something about their will, their schedule, their priorities? While Gates buys food and farmland away from you?
Don’t let them get away with it. Hashtag #ElectricChairCuomo, the biggest mass murderer in NY history. …According to their own story, their own medical logic. Of course they COULD admit it’s 99.997% safe, and they fabricated the whole thing using fake tests and statistics. Your choice. Choice: we will kill any grandma, any doctor, any leader in order to keep the #BigLie. To protect killing the NEXT 15,000.
Next up: Whitmer. Killer of maybe 10,000 in her own state, so illegal she put YOUNG people in nursing homes so long as they had Covid, and overrode her own legislature and Supreme Court to get those murders done.
People cheer! We love you Whitmer! We love you Fauci! #CuomoSexuals! So long as you’re licking interns without permission like your pal Weinstein, you’re our man! Man of the hour with P-grabbing Biden and Slick Willie, top donor Epstein.
March 3, 2021 at 1:42 pm #70457Dr. DParticipant“The Goldilocks Stimulus Myth (Varoufakis)”
Says a guy who wants the government to intervene in everything. Then describes how when the government rigs markets, prices, money, it all completely comes apart and kills everyone. But there’s a solution! More government!!! Just put me in charge of it! This time I just KNOW we won’t kill 300 Million people AGAIN.
March 3, 2021 at 1:43 pm #70459Mr. HouseParticipantThis was interesting
March 3, 2021 at 1:43 pm #70460Dr. DParticipant10 Stages of Genocide:
Arrest all opposition as they are no longer human. Put their kids in PBS camps and woodchippers. They’re burning books on religion and anti-racism. Are we on #9 or #10?
(Still at it, every post denied.)
March 3, 2021 at 1:45 pm #70462Dr. DParticipant“Rents and Home Prices have Diverged”
Are you for real kidding me right now? There’s a moratorium on rents and evictions. OBVIOUSLY there is no pricing or markets in rents. For that matter when you rig interest rates and fraudulently sell MBS on houses you don’t even have a title to in MERS, there’s no pricing in home sales either. By golly gee Chester, that was only SIX YEARS ago, and we all knew it was going on since 2002, TWENTY years ago. And he’s arguing “prices”? Please for the love of God, stop.
(Denied denied denied.)
March 3, 2021 at 1:46 pm #70464Dr. DParticipant“I had naively thought that the STEM disciplines would be spared from this ideological takeover.”
Like lemon-sucking church ladies, religious zealots like WOKE have to control EVERYTHING, tell EVERYONE what to do OR ELSE, in their bizarre, illogical Theocracy.
(Image denied) Dolores. Non-gender-conforming Queen of taking Umbridge. For power and profit.
March 3, 2021 at 1:47 pm #70465Dr. DParticipantAh, that was an epic saga in attempts for computers to shut down free/all speech. However, we own the programming and the power plug.
March 3, 2021 at 3:33 pm #70467Susmarie108ParticipantIt’s worth reading the entire Chris Hedges piece. Perspective is everything or nothing. Do not underestimate the megamachine and their social murder agenda. Do understand the role of human cogs and how they will facilitate the worst possible outcome.This is the ONLY article that offers up a “winner take all” solution.
“The capacity to exercise moral autonomy, to refuse to cooperate, to wreck the megamachine, offers us the only possibility left to personal freedom and a life of meaning. Rebellion is its own justification. It erodes, however imperceptibly, the structures of oppression. It sustains the embers of empathy and compassion, as well as justice. These embers are not insignificant. They keep alive the capacity to be human. They keep alive the possibility, however dim, that the forces that are orchestrating our social murder can be stopped. Rebellion must be embraced, finally, not only for what it will achieve, but for what it will allow us to become. In that becoming we find hope.
On a parallel note:
Not on a parallel note after the Hedges article:
The abundance of economic related articles vs. political articles is representative of the REAL undercurrent which will shortly become an electric shock.March 3, 2021 at 3:41 pm #70469zerosumParticipant@Dr. D
Did you figure out which link were causing “cannot post” problem?
Where is the truth?
• Warren’s Wealth Tax Would Cost 100 Richest Americans $78 Billion (Hill) – IF THEY CANNOT PASS THE TAX ON TO YOU WITH A PRICE INCREASE OF WHAT THEY SELL
Trump could not control the military establishment.
Why does anyone think Biden is able to control the military establishment.
A coalition airbase in an illegally occupied country is surely a ‘legitimate’ target.
US is to blame for these attacks, since the US insists on staying in Iraq even though Iraqis told them to pack up and leave. From that point on, everything that happens to US forces is their responsibility. US regime is willingly putting its own forces in harm’s way by refusing to leave.
Last week, President Biden released a statement on the seventh anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and said the US would “never” accept Russian sovereignty over the peninsula. He said the US “will stand with Ukraine against Russia’s aggressive acts.”Like the war in the Donbas, the annexation of Crimea was also sparked by the US-backed coup in Kyiv. The largely ethnic Russian populations of Crimea and Donbas rejected the nationalist post-coup government in Kyiv, and the majority of Crimeans favored joining Russia.
March 3, 2021 at 3:48 pm #70470John DayParticipantThe WHO paper that analyzes HCQ trials and aggregates them to give a meta analysis gets to choose which ones it analyzes before starting.
It ignores 6 studies that show clear benefit, and picks heavily from this “bad list” of flawed studies:BINGO!
The desired result!
HCQ-Bad!March 3, 2021 at 4:01 pm #70473zerosumParticipantthere’s the pork…
The Senate may begin debate on President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package as soon as Wednesday,
The goal is to pass the stimulus into law before March 14, when enhanced unemployment benefits are set to expire.
Starvation wages will not change for the unwashed
Cannot forget to negotiate the corporate welfare for the chosen few.March 3, 2021 at 4:06 pm #70475Susmarie108ParticipantIn addition to Hedges, we can go down the Caitlin Johnstone road at the same time. A global shift in Human Consciousness would change things – it starts at the individual level. Are you willing to find the Way?
March 3, 2021 at 4:24 pm #70477NoiretteParticipanttest test? i can’t post?
March 3, 2021 at 4:33 pm #70478Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymastertest test? i can’t post?
Yes you can. Sorry, no clue what posting problems there are. Describe the process?
March 3, 2021 at 4:34 pm #70479Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymasterIn addition to Hedges, we can go down the Caitlin Johnstone road at the same time.
Good example of why I stopped reading Caitlin. I don’t want to be in a cult.
March 3, 2021 at 4:44 pm #70480NoiretteParticipantIdk – I hit submit and saw it go but then no post showed up on the site. (Vague for sure, I’m cooking a big meal … busy…) I thought it might be because of links. I will try again, in next post, maybe in 2 parts.
March 3, 2021 at 4:56 pm #70483NoiretteParticipanttest, part of my post:
This video shows Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (prof at GE Uni, I know ppl who know her and they say she is great) expressing grave doubts about relationships between GAVI, Gates, and the WHO, and what exactly these links are. She has 20 years experience WHO/NGOS/world agreements, etc.
vid is slow to load
March 3, 2021 at 4:58 pm #70484NoiretteParticipant“Finland Had a Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine Nine Months Ago — But Still Went With Big Pharma.” (Why?)
March 3, 2021 at 5:06 pm #70486NoiretteParticipant“Covid-19 Virus Origin: The Mojiang Miners”
from swiss policy research
March 3, 2021 at 5:20 pm #70487NoiretteParticipantNot quoted in that article about the Chinese miners at Swiss Policy Research is the original MA thesis:
(PDF in Chinese and in Eng.) 2013.
The analysis of 6 patients with severe pneumonia caused by an unknown virus.
– – by Li Xu.
abstract: quote ..They were all workers at the same mine where bats and bat feces (…) the type of bat in the mine…was …from which was extracted SARS-like-CoV when Scientists in China were looking for SARS pathogen… >> see text
(3 patients died and 3 patients survived)
this was imho the link that made my attempts at posting fail, as the above parts did go through.
stitch together part 1 and 2, suppressing ////… //// ////…….////
March 3, 2021 at 5:24 pm #70488NoiretteParticipantlast link works to the original MA thesis. apologies for the multiple posts..
March 3, 2021 at 7:05 pm #70489Mr. HouseParticipantGotta love CJ
March 3, 2021 at 7:21 pm #70492madamski cafoneParticipant““I’m still a bit amazed at how the meaning of “herd immunity” seamlessly came to include vaccines.””
As creole lnaguage evolves, a word become obscured or confused, and either rise to a larger meaning group, or stoop smaller, depoending mostly on how much is it is used afterward. Herd immunity is currently being semantically expanded.
March 3, 2021 at 8:03 pm #70494Doc RobinsonParticipantNoirette: “Finland Had a Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine Nine Months Ago — But Still Went With Big Pharma.” (Why?)
Thanks for that link, the article is illuminating. For example…
In fact, the development of all first-generation COVID-19 shots has been straightforward.“The background research was finished in an afternoon, which then set the direction for all of them,” Saksela says. “Based on what we already know about SARS-1 and MERS, it was all quite obvious — not some triumph of science.” Instead of introducing an inactivated or weakened germ into the human body, the new coronavirus shots train our immune system to respond to a “spike protein” — in itself, harmless — which forms the characteristic protrusions on the virus’s surface.
The widely shared understanding of this mechanism predates the pharmaceutical companies’ contributions. This raises questions about the impact of patent-driven research on the end product. To what extent is the work guided by medical efficacy, and how much is based on the need to retain proprietary ownership?
“Different biotech firms would slap the spike protein onto some type of delivery mechanism, whether it was RNA technology or something else,” Saksela explains. “And typically, the choice is based on what applications they have a patent on, whether it’s the best option or not.”
March 3, 2021 at 10:14 pm #70495zerosumParticipantTourists taking selfies without permission
FBI Counterterrorism Official: No Firearms Recovered During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
BY JACK PHILLIPS March 3, 2021When asked by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) about whether firearms were recovered or if any suspect was charged with firearms offenses, FBI counterterrorism chief Jill Sanborn responded: “To my knowledge, none.”
But in the hearing, Sanborn also said that before the Jan. 6 incident, “We knew they would be armed, we had intelligence that they would be coming to DC, but we did not have intelligence that they would be breaching the Capitol.”
Johnson previously told news outlets that the term “armed insurrection” used by some Democratic officials, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and mainstream news outlets is incorrect as no guns were recovered. The only shooting involved an officer-involved shooting that left one protester, Ashli Babbitt, dead.
“I would say, if it’s properly termed an ‘armed insurrection,’ it was a pretty ragtag one,” Johnson said in an interview with the New York Times last week. “This didn’t seem like an armed insurrection to me. When you hear the word ‘armed,’ don’t you think of firearms? Here’s the questions I would have liked to ask: How many firearms were confiscated? How many shots were fired?” he also said.Johnson added: “If that was a planned armed insurrection, you really have a bunch of idiots.”
The senator’s comments drew a rebuke from media pundits and congressional Democrats, who attempted to characterize him as someone who is sympathetic to the rioters.
The U.S. Justice Department has charged more than 300 people with taking part in the Capitol breach. Among those arrested were members of right-wing groups such as the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and Proud Boys. The Oath Keepers and Three Percenters are armed militia groups.
March 3, 2021 at 10:21 pm #70497zerosumParticipantMarch 4, 2021 at 1:53 am #70498John DayParticipantI posted a second time this morning, except that It didn’t go through.
Let’s see how this goes.March 4, 2021 at 1:59 am #70502John DayParticipantStill not going…
All marketing oversells benefits and undersells risks. Vaccine makers really, really want to give the impression that their vaccines have led to herd immunity, as it rapidly emerges anyway. Take 5000 units per day of vitamin-D to support your immune system, with or without vaccine!
Number of Injuries Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Climbs by Nearly 4,000 in One WeekNumber of Injuries Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Climbs by Nearly 4,000 in One Week
March 4, 2021 at 2:00 am #70503John DayParticipantThat worked, let’s try again. This is my essay from johndayblog without the link
Texas Governor, Greg Abbot has rescinded the Texas mask mandate for public places like grocery stores, leaving it up to business owners to decide whether to request customers to wear masks or not. This is a complex political decision, and it is something of a gamble.
Some business owners want to be off the hook for not requiring masks, like bars and strip clubs. Other businesses, in anti-mask territory, feel that they are being put on the firing line between customers who don’t want masks, and vulnerable employees, as well as vulnerable customers. The grocery store chain HEB is the largest employer in Texas, and has shown real appreciation of it’s workers and the risks, morbidity and mortality they faced by serving the public every day.
Austin was masking well before the mandate. Austin has been ahead of the precautions curve for a year, since South By Southwest music festival cancellation was announced just about a year ago. That was SERIOUS. When school was cancelled the day before spring break was to begin, the traffic reduced to a small percentage of its usual crush, having already halved before that (in the estimation of a daily bike commuter).
Rural Yoakum seems to have largely quit masking in stores in the last 6 weeks, including employees. HEB employees mask, though.
If you look at the graphs in the link below, you will see that Texas has had a first wave of viral infections and deaths in spring and early summer, with a lull in the fall (as vitamin-D levels rose while the virus spread in summer and stabilized in September, before falling in October). The big surge came with Halloween, as there were so many parties, then Thanksgiving, as families joined together for food, drink and fellowship, then Christmas and New Year festivities. All of this human social engagement was somewhat muted, but it was present, and more for some people and towns than others.
“Herd Immunity” is a condition when there are few enough members of a group that are susceptible to a contagious pathogen, that the pathogen has a hard time finding a new host to infect before being eradicated by its host, or killing its host. There are some members of any herd who are just not very susceptible to any contagious virus, and that percentage is hard to determine prospectively. Most defense against coronavirus infection happens in the nose and throat area, as a general defense, not requiring specific antibodies. That is what children do so well. That is why most people do not get very sick with the current novel coronavirus, because they stop it before it does it’s special thing of attacking the blood vessel linings. Most people with mild coronavirus infection in the nose and throat area do not get a test at all. The current best estimate is that the actual number of infections is running about 6 times the number of reported “confirmed cases”, which means positive tests.
Somewhere between 50 to 60% of Americans have had COVID, mostly mild, and mostly over the fall and winter holidays, so immunity has not likely faded away. Coronavirus specific-immunity mostly fades between 6 and 12 months from infection, unless stimulated again by a little re-exposure. Some people get re-exposed to cornaviruses fairly frequently. As a doctor, treating a general medical population, I get exposed to this and that regularly. Jenny, my wife, who is a Birthday Girl today, is a school librarian. She sees every kid in the school and gives and receives and helps them pick books off the shelves.
Jenny and I MIGHT be in the group that is not very likely to get sick with a coronavirus, whether we catch a little in our noses or not. We don’t really know. We take vitamin-D and a little zinc, as we have for years.
Vaccinations in Texas are up to about 6.8% ofTexans fully vaccinated, and many of them have had the virus already, so they are getting an immunity boost. Vaccine immunity is not as broad as natural immunity, especially since these current vaccines just target a few protein sequences on the viral spike protein, not every little part of the virus, as natural immunity does. There is some argument about how good the vaccine protection is against the South African variant, which has a lot of difference in it’s mutated spike protein. They are clearly less effective against it. How that will play out for cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the broad world is uncertain, so there is argument.
Spring Break is the week after next in Texas, and the mask mandate has been lifted. Young adult Texans and high school students and families are likely to vacation and congregate a lot, though not at South By Southwest. There was a surge in cases among Texas college students last year, and they were much disparaged for acting like young animals again, as they do every spring break. They spread COVID. In the fall at UT, Austin there was a lot of rapid testing for COVID at ground level, including football games, which required a negative test for students wanting a ticket. There was something like a 9% background positivity rate on those tests, on people with little to no symptoms. That meant that the virus was spreading quickly through the university population. We can presume that it pervaded that population pretty well over fall and winter.
So Governor Abbott has more specific information about testing in special populations, like college students and school kids, than the rest of us do. He is under a variety of political pressures to move and stand still, and I’m sure he is tired of it. Texas just got whacked with the deep freeze ice week around Valentine’s Day, and the biggest electric utility in Texas has filed for bankruptcy. There will be more.
This guy, who I have never particularly liked, but who is not stupid, really craves some kind of decisive victory, which will allow him to move the Texas economy forward, which is what his job and popularity depend upon.
My guess is that Governor Greg Abbot is making the sprint to the finish, desiring to declare “herd immunity” or to declare that it is emerging as such, almost all the way there. A lot of people are afraid that we are going to get another spike of morbidity and mortality, like we did in December and January, but I really think that wood is mostly burned, already.
Will there be some spike in cases from spring break, or will cases continue to decline on the same trajectory?
A small spike in positive tests in a population of young people, without a subsequent rise in hospitalizations and deaths would lead to a declaration of victory by the Governor of Texas. “Texas is Open For Business” would be declared.
That would be a big advantage for the Texas economy, and it needs it, as the economic damage from the big freeze is still being assessed. Texas needs a big infrastructure rebuild over this decade, and it needs an economy to do that. 4, 2021 at 2:01 am #70504March 4, 2021 at 2:41 am #70505zerosumParticipantI tried to edit a post and I got locked out. Maybe this will post.
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