Debt Rattle March 23 2021
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- This topic has 56 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by Dr. D.
March 23, 2021 at 9:06 am #71604Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Emanuel Leutze Washington Crossing the Delaware 1851 • World’s 1st Oral Covid-19 Vaccine Could Soon Begin Human Trials (RT) • Dexamethasone Hai
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 23 2021]March 23, 2021 at 10:12 am #71605Mister RobotoParticipantProblem: it’s cheap and generic.
/cue hacky hit-pieces from Wapo and NYT in three…two…one….
March 23, 2021 at 10:15 am #71606Mister RobotoParticipantWhat a fall from grace.
When was Sydney Powell ever in any sort of grace outside of Trumpster-dumpster fantasyland?
March 23, 2021 at 10:46 am #71607GermParticipant“Ivermectin works” – enough said:
Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: ‘Ivermectin works,’ including for long-haul COVID
March 23, 2021 at 11:28 am #71608John DayParticipantSidney Powell is in court for a gazillion dollars against a big, mean machine with teeth.
She has to employ the most effective legal argument possible, which is saying “uncle”.March 23, 2021 at 11:33 am #71610John DayParticipantHmm, maybe not posting again. Here’s the link to today’s post, which opens with “Celestial Winds”, which atually different information about our world, and not in the news-cycle at all. 23, 2021 at 11:34 am #71611John DayParticipantweak keys on the keyboard… embarrassing…
March 23, 2021 at 12:50 pm #71612zerosumParticipantManipulating/responding/reacting to facts and/or emotions
With a little bit of money, its easy to make fake news, propaganda, distort reality and change the recorded past.
The Fifth Estate is a socio-cultural reference to groupings of outlier viewpoints in contemporary society, and is most associated with bloggers, journalists publishing in non-mainstream media outlets, and the social media or “social license”. … Media researcher Stephen D. Cooper argues that bloggers are the Fifth Estate.Making reference to the medieval concept of “three estates of the realm” (clergy, nobility, and commoners) and to a more recently developed model of “four estates”, which encompasses the media, Nayef Al-Rodhan introduces the weblogs (blogs) as a “fifth estate of the realm”.
Its embarrassing how easy that the recorded past can be manipulated from someone’s basement
hot mics …. cameras …..
available are photoshop tools for sound, …. video, …. pictures, …..Gullible – foolish · unsophisticated · unsuspecting · believing · biting · credulous · easy mark · green.
March 23, 2021 at 1:00 pm #71613madamski cafoneParticipantIt occurred to me as I nursed my first cuppa that, if Putin is a warm-hearted soul with a psychopathic shell of functionality, maybe Obama is a psycopath with a warm-hearted veneer of false empathy? It makes sense of the Obama phenomenon to me.
March 23, 2021 at 1:09 pm #71614madamski cafoneParticipant“6-Foot Social Distancing ‘Wasn’t Based On Clear Science’”
I’m stunned. I was sure that 6 feet was a scientifically proven protection from cooties.
“Yeah, sinister indeed.” • Care Home Workers In England Face Mandatory Covid Jabs Under Plans (G.)
After peeing in a cup to prove you don’t smoke the deadly cannabis, it’s less sinister than inevitable.
March 23, 2021 at 1:24 pm #71617zerosumParticipant
Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19
List of authors.
The RECOVERY Collaborative Group*
Brief Summary:
RECOVERY is a randomised trial investigating whether treatment with Lopinavir-Ritonavir, Hydroxychloroquine, Corticosteroids, Azithromycin, Colchicine, IV Immunoglobulin (children only), Convalescent plasma, Synthetic neutralizing antibodies (REGN-COV2), Tocilizumab, Aspirin, Baricitinib or Anakinra (children only) prevents death in patients with COVID-19.March 23, 2021 at 1:26 pm #71618Dr. DParticipant“Masks And Distancing Could Be Required For Several More Years – UK Expert (RT)”
Huh. So weird, since the FDA head said yesterday distance was a major mistake and the CDC said on 3/11 that masks and lockdowns don’t work. Again.
But that’s what experts are for: to create logical fallacy (Appeal to Authority) which, to be a fallacy, must be against the underlying logic and data. It works like a charm, apparently for the rest of our lives or at least until your kids shoot themselves from Toronto torture and psychological abuse. And they’ll then turn on Oprah and lick authority again.
“Major changes to the way society is run in the wake of the pandemic are needed to mitigate the impact” of your fascist overreach and attempt to both steal all physical goods and end all human rights forever. “You’ll own nothing.”
Because we’ll own everything.
Other than that: “Appeal to Authority” against all known data and evidence of a virus with a 99.97% survival rate.
“Germany to Impose Its Harshest Covid-19 Lockdown Yet for Easter (RT)”
They can’t unlock because we’d have instant runaway inflation and Economic Reset.
“The government is also reviewing the introduction of vaccination passports.”
What vaccine passports? That’s a myth. They said so only last month.
“Domestic Dark Money Dwarfs All Foreign Influence on 2020 Election (MPN)”
Also a conspiracy theory. Which Time Magazine joyfully printed the next month that there was a “Cabal” coordinating to the “Right” outcome. Best election ever! Which is why all evidence remains locked up and no one can see it, ever, despite the ire of voters, the commands of legislature, and risk of prison. I always do that when I have nothing to hide.
Can I borrow your conspiracy theory? I ran out since all mine have come true.
“Central banks don’t manage risk, they disguise it.”
Specifically, they transfer all risk to currency risk. That is, all abuses created by the powerful alone are socialized over the whole population, and because of lower bulwarks, specifically the poor. That’s why all the Schmartz experts approve it wholeheartedly; they’re safe at home in their 2nd cottage with a 6-figure 401k. What do they care? I mean, if their kids are unemployed and never own a house in every Anglo nation worldwide?
“I’m here to see what’s really going on down here,” said Cruz, tears streaming down his face. “It’s even worse than I thought. These are literal concentration camps. The president is literally Hitler. I can’t believe this is happening in America.”
“WHHHYYYYYYYY? Oh, the humanity!” he cried, screaming toward the sky.
We also had CNN stage more actors for fake news with a rubber raft border crossing. …In a DHS exclusive zone, with nice orange lifevests, Covid masks, and a bus full of people in broad daylight. Pretty simple really: exec director pays for and stages a bunch of actors then gives a “hot tip” for his reporter talking head who’s so dumb he graduated from Columbia. He goes “Wow, Jimmy, you sure were right, this is super amazing never-before seen footage” (because thins like this, with Coyotes having a t-shirt printed “coyote” and a bus of 100 immigrants with matching “Biden’20” t-shirts DOESN’T HAPPEN).
Oh and IN FRONT OF A VISIBLE CAMERA CREW. You know, like all international felons.
Meanwhile, right reporter nearby ALSO sees the crossing and points THEIR camera at the actors paid by CNN and ALSO thinks this is real and posts it online.
…You’d think someone would ask some questions, but you’d be wrong. When everything you’ve seen from childhood (raised on TV) is false, where is your baseline for real?
Lucky for Greece, Turkey is in a mismanaged war and is destroying itself within with confidence, inflation, and economic decay. Unluckily for Greece, when they weaken and thrash as is their nature, they may attack Greece to get a quick domestic win. That won’t be quick and won’t be a win.
For entertainment war scenarios there are local prophesies about this.
March 23, 2021 at 1:27 pm #71619GermParticipant@ madamski: “The Three Psychopaths” –
March 23, 2021 at 1:30 pm #71620Dr. DParticipantTry image again:
March 23, 2021 at 2:52 pm #71621OroborosParticipanttrying posting all day yesterday, multiple computers, multiple OSs, multiple connections, zero sucess. AME looks hacked to me thru ‘wordpress software
March 23, 2021 at 3:08 pm #71622OroborosParticipantReiner Fuellmich interviews Naomi Klein
I always considered Naomi a Peanut Butter & Jelly Liberal, a bit too much virtue signaling SJW but I gotta say, in this interview, she is freaking out at the Covid Fascist Lockdown.
Which strikes me as ironic because, well, first they came to cancel the rightwing, then they came to cancel the moderates, then they came to cancel m………
March 23, 2021 at 3:09 pm #71623OroborosParticipantJust tried now, won’t post with a link!!!
is this censoring comments with links
March 23, 2021 at 3:10 pm #71624OroborosParticipantMarch 23, 2021 at 3:13 pm #71625OroborosParticipantI can’t imagine this is a viable business for WordPress, to disable posting on their platform so thoroughly, so maybe it’s just the Automatic Earth and other ‘controversial blogs’
March 23, 2021 at 3:13 pm #71627zerosumParticipant@ Oroboros
My solution:
1. Save my post
2. remove the “https://” portions that are in the post
3. re-postMarch 23, 2021 at 3:15 pm #71628OroborosParticipantsince WordPress won’t allow links in posts
Search for:
Naomi Wolf at the International Covid Investigative Committee with Reiner Fuellmich
On Bitchute, because Youtube censors everything now
March 23, 2021 at 3:16 pm #71629March 23, 2021 at 3:18 pm #71630OroborosParticipantwww DOT bitchute DOT com SLASHvideo SLASH bFiWanf4udyF SLASH
How pitiful
March 23, 2021 at 3:23 pm #71631Dr. DParticipantThanks to everyone being vaccinated, the Covid Third Wave is going to come to the U.S. and kill us all:
“During an interview where the good doctor also reassured the public that the troubled AstraZeneca COVID jab is still “a very good vaccine”, Dr. Anthony Fauci, senior advisor to President Biden, head of the NIAID, and head of the US delegation to the WHO, warned that Europe’s third wave could portend another surge in infections in the US.”
Just never ends does it? What’s next, 100% have forced vaccination and 100% are sick and susceptible?
A: Yes.
March 23, 2021 at 3:26 pm #71632OroborosParticipantAnd the Spam filter is turned up to DECON 1 and still asks for the sum of twonumbers but only show one number WTF
Is this a Zen Koan?
March 23, 2021 at 3:30 pm #71633Mr. HouseParticipantMarch 23, 2021 at 4:10 pm #71634madamski cafoneParticipant@ Germ
Dubya is surely no psychopath, imo. Dubya’s sociopathic with some sadistic tendencies.
Cleeny-Weeny strikes me as a sociopathic narcissist, more or less a serial rapist who doesn’t really get off on violence, bombing people and so forth (that’s Hillary’s thing, it seems) but loves power, prestige, reverent attention, the sound of his own voice, and sex with women under most any conditions.
Obama, however, seems like the real thing, a highly successful psychopath not just in his external accomplishments but in the pleasure he can take from portraying a “sensitive male” so well he outdoes the genuine article on stage.
@ Dr. D
“…to create logical fallacy (Appeal to Authority) which, to be a fallacy, must be against the underlying logic and data”
Not necessarily. Fallacious logic can align with logic and data at times. A tree that weirdly casts a shdow that looks just like a woman carrying a parasol can hide within its outline a woman carrying a parasol. We place SO much faith in our capacity for higher reasoning (*snicker*) when it is just this that gets us into so much unresolvable trouble.
By their fruits ye shall know them, not the methods by which said fruit was harvested.
“your fascist overreach and attempt to both steal all physical goods and end all human rights forever.”
“…forever” is a long time, and “all” is an awful lot of stuff. I’m all for poetic license but I draw the line when it starts to sound like those dopey Xtian hymns where it’s always ‘…from the top of the highest mountin to the bottom of the deepest sea…”.
…a”lso a conspiracy theory. Which Time Magazine joyfully printed the next month that there was a “Cabal” coordinating to the “Right” outcome. Best election ever! Which is why all evidence remains locked up and no one can see it, ever, despite the ire of voters, the commands of legislature, and risk of prison. I always do that when I have nothing to hide.”
Do you know that these funding entities don’t exist and contribute major money to elections? Do you know you then cart-wheeled over your own center of gravity (the bellybutton, srsly), via sarcasm set to eleven, to then segue into only tangentially related issues (actual election fraud evidence), using the expression “all evidence” (at least NOT IN CAPS) just after dismissing pulblicly available evidence that fraud occurred (dark money, which while ‘technically legal’ is still fraudulent in a very broad array of ways and means?
Oh, I don’t mind, and your posts are usually well worth the attention paid to them, but it’s funny to watch sometimes. It’s not something I wish to laugh at but rather, with, so I point it out both for the fun of doing so and in hoipes you can use it to increase the already considerable deliberate humor portion of your posts. Great fun. Carry on.
On CNN footage: I grasp that stagecraft in filmed news is as common as the real thing, I ask us: is this then manufactured imagery?Meanwhile, the comments on the youtube of tsome Rio Grande footage betray downright Hollywood naivete:
“Observation: They’re all wearing nice name-brand clothing.”
Mexico MAKES name-brand clothing and it seels for much less there; plus, one doesn’t want to arrive stateside looking obviously wet-back-y.
“CNN just so happens to be right there just in time to catch him, hmmmm”
One does have to be there if one wants to film it (aerial satellite footage is so… aerial… btw, maybe CNN has a land observation satellite at their disposal via Tesla’s latest satellite necklace?) to film it, and a border refugee crisis usually involves enough numbers to find someone to film if you drive around the border awhile. (I’m sure there are some well-armed security personnal nearby.)This doesn’t mean it isn’t staged: anytime people know they’re being filmed, they act differently.
My motto: when everything* looks like a conspiracy, it isn’t. (*absolutism tolerated here for poetic license;) )
@ Oroborus
Adobe Media Encoder?
You can post the links after your comments. I don’t think it’s censoring; it’s just that WordPress is now a slumlord blog service, margins are thin as my heart lining, cutting coprners saves money for profit, and if people think it’s censorship, why, that drives traffic and revenues up on an alt- site.
Sometimes it allows links, sometimes not. Probably just part of the cut corners kludgery.
March 23, 2021 at 4:11 pm #71635madamski cafoneParticipantMarch 23, 2021 at 4:15 pm #71638madamski cafoneParticipantBoogly-googly!
March 23, 2021 at 4:21 pm #71641madamski cafoneParticipantFor sake of clarity:
“Do you know that these funding entities don’t exist and contribute major money to elections? “It’s a question not a statement.”
March 23, 2021 at 4:24 pm #71609John DayParticipant
This past Saturday we had a very modest Spring Equinox garden party, with more lovely food than we could disposition, good company, and intellectually engaging conversation about life, the universe and everything. Mel, who has worked extensively for NASA in Florida and Teas, was talking about new scientific findings about the heliosphere and the plasma fields of interstellar space. He said that this is public information, but that they are making it obscure, not publicizing it. I google-searched and all I found was stuff “debunking” “Electric Universe” models, and the electric universe and thunderbolts sites following them.
Mel was able to help me with this main link to the IBEX information: seems to be the best overview:
NASA’s IBEX Charts 11 Years of Change at Boundary to Interstellar Space shape of the “heliosphere” (helio-croissant?) is also a hot topic, and I saw it presented as-a-fact in 2 different forms in various of the NASA explanatory articles. This seems to be the thing we are not supposed to think about too much. All of this information fits best with “electric universe” in gross terms. This does not definitively endorse any specific theory of astrophysics, but it may open up a can of electric eels that jump out and squirm around.
Uncovering Our Solar System’s Shape
NASA’s Cassini, Voyager Missions Suggest New Picture of Sun’s Interaction with Galaxy space is full of hazards to life-forms: Cosmic radiation, plasma fields, highly energized particles. (There are also these flows of highly energized particles within our heliosphere, which are not called “silly-string”, so I won’t call them that, but it keeps popping into my mind.)
We are protected by our planetary magnetosphere and radiation belts, and that protection lies within the massive, hard working protective shield of our mother-star. It’s like the “force shields” on Star Trek. It is plowing through the interstellar magnetic field.
NASA’s IBEX Observations Pin Down Interstellar Magnetic Field 23, 2021 at 4:28 pm #71615Dr. DParticipant“Masks And Distancing Could Be Required For Several More Years – UK Expert (RT)”
Huh. So weird, since the FDA head said yesterday distance was a major mistake and the CDC said on 3/11 that masks and lockdowns don’t work. Again.
But that’s what experts are for: to create logical fallacy (Appeal to Authority) which, to be a fallacy, must be against the underlying logic and data. It works like a charm, apparently for the rest of our lives or at least until your kids shoot themselves from Toronto torture and psychological abuse. And they’ll then turn on Oprah and lick authority again.
“Major changes to the way society is run in the wake of the pandemic are needed to mitigate the impact” of your fascist overreach and attempt to both steal all physical goods and end all human rights forever. “You’ll own nothing.”
Because we’ll own everything.
Other than that: “Appeal to Authority” against all known data and evidence of a virus with a 99.97% survival rate.
“Germany to Impose Its Harshest Covid-19 Lockdown Yet for Easter (RT)”
They can’t unlock because we’d have instant runaway inflation and Economic Reset.
“The government is also reviewing the introduction of vaccination passports.”
What vaccine passports? That’s a myth. They said so only last month.
“Domestic Dark Money Dwarfs All Foreign Influence on 2020 Election (MPN)”
Also a conspiracy theory. Which Time Magazine joyfully printed the next month that there was a “Cabal” coordinating to the “Right” outcome. Best election ever! Which is why all evidence remains locked up and no one can see it, ever, despite the ire of voters, the commands of legislature, and risk of prison. I always do that when I have nothing to hide.
Can I borrow your conspiracy theory? I ran out since all mine have come true.
“Central banks don’t manage risk, they disguise it.”
Specifically, they transfer all risk to currency risk. That is, all abuses created by the powerful alone are socialized over the whole population, and because of lower bulwarks, specifically the poor. That’s why all the Schmartz experts approve it wholeheartedly; they’re safe at home in their 2nd cottage with a 6-figure 401k. What do they care? I mean, if their kids are unemployed and never own a house in every Anglo nation worldwide?
“I’m here to see what’s really going on down here,” said Cruz, tears streaming down his face. “It’s even worse than I thought. These are literal concentration camps. The president is literally Hitler. I can’t believe this is happening in America.”
“WHHHYYYYYYYY? Oh, the humanity!” he cried, screaming toward the sky.
We also had CNN stage more actors for fake news with a rubber raft border crossing. …In a DHS exclusive zone, with nice orange lifevests, Covid masks, and a bus full of people in broad daylight. Pretty simple really: exec director pays for and stages a bunch of actors then gives a “hot tip” for his reporter talking head who’s so dumb he graduated from Columbia. He goes “Wow, Jimmy, you sure were right, this is super amazing never-before seen footage” (because thins like this, with Coyotes having a t-shirt printed “coyote” and a bus of 100 immigrants with matching “Biden’20” t-shirts DOESN’T HAPPEN).
Oh and IN FRONT OF A VISIBLE CAMERA CREW. You know, like all international felons.
Meanwhile, right reporter nearby ALSO sees the crossing and points THEIR camera at the actors paid by CNN and ALSO thinks this is real and posts it online.
…You’d think someone would ask some questions, but you’d be wrong. When everything you’ve seen from childhood (raised on TV) is false, where is your baseline for real?
Lucky for Greece, Turkey is in a mismanaged war and is destroying itself within with confidence, inflation, and economic decay. Unluckily for Greece, when they weaken and thrash as is their nature, they may attack Greece to get a quick domestic win. That won’t be quick and won’t be a win.
For entertainment war scenarios there are local prophesies about this.
March 23, 2021 at 4:28 pm #71616zerosumParticipant
Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19
List of authors.
The RECOVERY Collaborative Group*
Brief Summary:
RECOVERY is a randomised trial investigating whether treatment with Lopinavir-Ritonavir, Hydroxychloroquine, Corticosteroids, Azithromycin, Colchicine, IV Immunoglobulin (children only), Convalescent plasma, Synthetic neutralizing antibodies (REGN-COV2), Tocilizumab, Aspirin, Baricitinib or Anakinra (children only) prevents death in patients with COVID-19.March 23, 2021 at 4:32 pm #71643Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymasterGuys,
It’s not necessarily a great idea to post the same things 10 times if WP for whatever reason stops them. I’\ll get around to the Hidden ones eventually, but I do need to have the time for that, and be at my laptop. But with all the repeats it’s much harder to see what I should approve and unspam.
March 23, 2021 at 6:17 pm #71644madamski cafoneParticipantIn a few days we should understand the phenomenon well enough to write a little how-to FAQ we can refer people to when they encounter the frustration.
For starters, let’s see if WordPress allows this link:
common wordpress errors and how tofixthem
March 23, 2021 at 6:19 pm #71645madamski cafoneParticipantThis might be relevant:
Comments not showing in posts after WordPress 5.5 update ( 7 months, 1 week ago )
March 23, 2021 at 7:03 pm #71646Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymasterI tried to update the settings earlier, but hard to be sure if that will work.
March 23, 2021 at 7:27 pm #71647madamski cafoneParticipantAt least it makes us feel like we’re doing something to fix the problem. Keeps us from going revolutionary. 😉
March 23, 2021 at 9:10 pm #71648OroborosParticipantThe Covid lockdowns will Never change until valid Legal challenges make it to some court with some gravitas.
Like the bitch’n’moanin about the stolen election, if a court doesn’t rule one way or another, it’s just a tree falling in the woods. Sound and fury signifying nothing.
Like the ‘cancel culture’ SJW Cretins, nothing will change until the guilty parties are sucessfully sued in court until they ‘bleed from their ears and their ass’.
Those lawsuits are slowly crystallizing. Dr Pam Popper of Ohio was explaining how trial lawyers don’t always frame novel class action lawsuits correctly first time out of the gate and need several runs at the goalie to score. An example is the years it took to finally peel the bark off the tobacco scum companies for promoting ‘death sticks’ for decades.
Read up on how tobacco lawyer scum used tiny obscure parts of ‘The Law’ (cough-cough) to derail challenges to their Death Cult of Smoke. It took decades.
The Medical Mafia and their running dog lackeys in the Uni-Party need to be eviscerated in court until they feel like their collective derrieres have been seriously violated by the Flying Monkeys from the Wizard of OZ.
March 23, 2021 at 9:17 pm #71649OroborosParticipantImagine how scary modern CGI could make the Flying Monkeys seem
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