Debt Rattle March 28 2021


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    Edouard Manet Portrait of Emile Zola 1868   • High Fine For Doctors Who Incorrectly Prescribe HCQ Or Ivermectin (MC) • New York Launches COVID-19
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 28 2021]


    @ Adlertag in the previous post.

    Seems as if you’ve been watching too much BBC.
    You would never know from them that the median age of death from Covid in the UK is 82.4 yrs. and that the under 60 cohort are at greater risk from the seasonal flu than Covid.

    Listen to Mike Yeadon’s latest interview – he was previously the VP of Respiratory Research at Pfizer.
    “We are being lied to”.

    It’s extraordinary.

    [audio src="" /]

    Listen to this too.
    Lord Sumption – Ret. Supreme Court Justice – describing the fear tactics of the British State and unjust abrogation of our civil rights.


    To access the audio of Yeadon above, just copy and paste the link details between the quote marks – ” … ”


    Covid-19 vaccines do not completely prevent transmission, Prof Anthony Harnden, deputy chair of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has said.

    ” …it’s still possible, even though you’ve been vaccinated, to get infected, have no symptoms and transmit it to others. That’s why it’s important that all those who get vaccinated still stick to the rules.”

    Just imagine – you’ve taken the experimental gene therapy and so your body is now an S-protein spike factory with concomitant antibodies, and you STILL have to wear a mask, social distance etc.


    V. Arnold

    Just imagine – you’ve taken the experimental gene therapy and so your body is now an S-protein spike factory with concomitant antibodies, and you STILL have to wear a mask, social distance etc.

    Herding mentality…
    Excepting a few; most will buy it…
    How scarey is that???…………….


    I told myself to not to, but I’m jumping in on @ adlertag’s post from yesterday as well.

    1) If this is an “extinction level event” it’s unlikely that isolating, wearing ill-fitting masks, and washing our hands is going to stop it. Might as well live until we die. Or something like that.

    2) On “covid long haulers.” This is nothing new. Post-infectious sequelae occurs following many infections, with regular flu and Lyme disease being two that immediately come to mind. The sad fact is, very few in the medical community care about post-infectious sequelae that results from other infections (in fact many deny it exists) because there is no value in fear porn with those instances. So people with ME, CF, etc., continue to suffer or get told it’s all in their heads.

    3) Many drs are now treating covid long haulers with Ivermectin and other meds/supplements with good results. Hopefully this will translate into treatments for people suffering with non-covid post-infectious sequelae. One can always hope.

    4) A very small percentage of children will probably have long-term health consequences from covid, and that is unfortunate. This also happens to a small percentage of children after having other types of infections as well (see #2 above).

    Raul provides links to articles that support the mainstream covid narrative as well as to articles that offer a different perspective. He hardly needs to focus all his efforts on supporting the mainstream covid narrative since that info can be found, quite literally, everywhere. In fact, at this point it’s nearly impossible to do an internet search for any type of medical information without covid links dominating all of the first pages of the search results.


    Also … about NY vaccine passports. It appears I’m going to be the a non-star-bellied Sneetch very soon. I’m wondering whether I’ll wind up having to relocate to a Red state in the future just so I can leave my house. How sad is that? My family is here. I’m getting old. I don’t want to relocate, nor do I have the drive and energy anymore to do so.

    So, @ adlertag: is covid really so “extinction level” that I should have to get an experimental “vaccine” injection (that doesn’t keep me from getting or spreading the infection) so I can continue to live in my community? Is it? Are you absolutely certain of that??

    Dr. D

    Vaccine passes, a “free, voluntary platform”

    Except, like yesterday, it’s not. It’s free except someone paid for the vaccine, to billionaire monopolies. It’s voluntary except if you don’t have one, you can’t do anything.

    I believe, as I said to Alder, that they are just creating parallel societies. Except they unexpectedly find that the uncooperative one tells jokes online, goes to beach parties, kisses all the girls, and lives an amazing life. The other is terrified to speak, doesn’t go anywhere, can’t do anything, and lives on tut-tutting and violently oppressing everyone like lemon-sucking church ladies. Sooooo, which one will you join? More importantly, since no one’s dying, which one will your KIDS join?

    Ask Miami. The verdict is in. You lost.

    …Oh, and this from a guy who INTENTIONALLY murdered 15,000 people, just to get his death stats up in NY, and therefore the largely-rural U.S., and after ordering everyone to Chinese New Year parade, didn’t clean the subways for NINE MONTHS while they claimed it was the greatest threat to life on earth. …And the virus only comes out after 10pm. …And that restaurants, which are proven to be a 1% vector, are closed, while we defund and revolving-door nursing homes, which are 80%. If you defy these anti-science measures, we put you in prisons, which are ALSO not protected. So let me get this straight: if I might not be not Covid safe, you’ll put me where I’m definitely not Covid safe (i.e. anyplace they control) and die? Because: Science? Hippocrates? Yup. To keep you safe, we have to make you get it. We had to kill the town to save the town, My Lai my dear.

    Sure, everybody’s going to follow you, Andy. Sure.

    Personally, it sounds great. It lets me know who’s an anti-science idiot and who’s against all human rights.

    “ Mexico Covid Death Toll Leaps 60% To Reach 321,000 (G.) “

    Top cause of Covid: gunshot wounds in a rising drug war. Yes, since no one is trustworthy, it’s hard to know.

    “Race and False Hate Crime Narratives (Q.) “

    Now why don’t we trust them? Is it because they lie with every waking breath? The mass shooting in Va. Beach: yeah, two guys shooting at each other with reckless, terrible aim. That is technically a mass shooting, but also an “unintentional” one. If only everyone in the crowd were armed, but we’re just not there yet, American tropes aside. “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.” …Who will shoot you themselves when they arrive. In 95% of counties, it’s “When seconds count, the police are 45 minutes away”, and I’m not kidding. In the west, there are DRIVEWAYS that are 5 miles long. That’s when it’s not washed out or winter. Most counties have one sheriff overnight and I don’t know what average county size would be, but say 35 minutes, side to side? Two calls? Sorry, you’re SoL. Guess you’ll have to die while I’m dealing with this 10-101 domestic I can’t leave. You’re on your own. Not everyone lives in a city, Jack.

    Have there been ANY actual race hate crimes anyone can remember? And which side was hated? This shooter was a Syrian. Like another I remember last year, I see they photo-whitened his skin in his public shots. Nice. Now why don’t we trust again? As ultra-left Jimmy Dore says, the job of reporters is to ASSUME everything coming from government is a lie and go find the truth. They do the opposite.

    Joe Biden’s ‘Horrible’ Regime Is ‘Way More Racialised’ Than Before (Sky)”

    His administration and party are the ones who say Black people are so illiterate, incompetent, and lazy they can’t find the DMV. Reporters have gone into such neighborhoods before and asked these man-on-the-street questions. “Elizabeth Warren says you don’t know where the DMV is, do you know?” “Sure, it’s over on Baker and third.” “Do you have an I.D. card?” “Yeah, I need one to buy beer.” The end. But if they weren’t racists helping the poor jungle children, they wouldn’t be the 100 year Democratic party, the one that installed Jim Crow. The one that controls EVERY worst city for blacks in the whole U.S. This is EXACTLY the plantation racism, that without master, the slaves just wouldn’t survive, wouldn’t know what to do, you see, it’s my LOVE and benevolence to HELP them, make them my children, that keeps me a plantation owner. I kid you not. THAT was the real face of slavery back when. Master, the white people, the insider government, was SUPERIOR, so “DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD.” Or else. We’re looking out for your best interest. Trust us! Or die. We will whip you to death. With withholding your food and employment and your social credit score.

    Shocking how that is identical to today. Shocking how no one notices now either.

    But hey, they’re running new slavery throughout Asia and MENA, top companies Apple and Nike participate, Top Presidents and failed Presidential candidates enact it, and they’re the most socially-conscious, beloved companies and people by the same crowd, so what can I say? Reason is dead. They’re actively AntiReason.

    “ What Biden’s Talking Filibuster Could Look Like (IC)”

    As the Babylon Bee says, it only took them to be elected majority to suddenly realize the filibuster they used 100 times last year was racist all along.

    Shaking buffalo rattles? This is their magic word, their secret spell, say it early, often, and always. I say it. People give me stuff. The end.

    Meanwhile, San Fran (I think) just said they’ll give social services to all poor people…unless you’re white. Literally. I kid you not, as Irony is dead. Ironically, this will actually be a help, since welfare is what destroys communities and cultures, so thanks, I guess? I wouldn’t do it, I wouldn’t go around deciding everything based on the antiscience of melanin content, because it’s both wrong and illegal, but hey, that’s me. Last century. Neanderthal to the core. I use “logic” on the basis that “all men are created equal”, such that the only value is “The content of your character, not the color of your skin.” The words and values they despise.

    to fulfill such an exceptional mission, his “expectation” is to run again for president in 2024.”

    Worse, Joe just got together with every genius in the administration to counter the Silk Road and decided…We need a Silk Road. Yeah! China wants one? We want one of them thingies too! Whatever it is.

    You have any plans, money, goals, you know who or where that might be? Nope. If they’ve got one, so we need one. That’s foresight, that’s true leadership. Leading from behind. Like all their war records since JFK.

    “The Facebook Filter Bubble (AEA)”

    As above, they’ve created a parallel society of real people and robots. Guess who wins when you do that. Guess which one your kids join. I don’t care what grandpa reads on Facebook. It’s the same stuff he sees on CNN. Facebook has been dead to kids for like +5 years now, only leftover, obsolete election-advisors care what happens on Facebook.

    “Evergreen” Youtube experts pipe up just for example. So you have the ship’s weight, partially resting on land, so 1/3 of ½ the whole weight + inertia, like 150,000 tonnes. The world’s largest tugboat pulls like 2,000 tonnes. So you need 80 of the largest tugboats, which we don’t have, in the channel where they wouldn’t fit, to pull on the mooring lines which can’t stand the weight, and so it doesn’t tip over tied at the waterline or lower where they aren’t installed.

    Getting some idea now? I think it’s great. Couldn’t be happier. How’s that globalism workin’ out for ya? Thinking of relocalizing by employing somebody soon? A: No. We’d rather turn the world into a smoking ruin than employ even ONE stinking, deplorable human. Die you f—–rs! We’re injecting your 6-month-olds now. No science, no research required.

    Suit yourself. I’ll sit here and play solitaire ‘til you collapse yourselves. Yawn.

    “In any economy where money hoarding and accumulation is not curtailed, and where most of the money in circulation is issued by private banks as debt, with or without interest, there will be a system-wide scarcity of money..

    This is the Technocrat’s dream from the fascist 30’s: A BTU carbon dollar that expires on payday. They have complete control over velocity, just as they’ve shown they are willing to kill everyone on the planet for (with poverty and delayed cancer-screenings) now. However, cash has DOUBLED in Europe and I think worldwide. “Hey, why they no keep money in banks when interest rates are negative?” The resident schmarty-genuisii say? “Just ‘cause we shut off all money in Cyprus, Greece, India, why they keep cash under the mattress?” Really? Really you idiots? How do you put your pants on in the morning with a brain like that?

    “You still have to wear a mask” –Germ.

    There is no end to anti-science. Or people’s willingness to embrace it, apparently. How many years of hundred-studies do we need to have that masks don’t work…clearly they plume in the cold and fog your glasses…before somebody catches a cluephone?

    My guess: never. Like Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, they will self-sort onto the ship, the hairdressers, lawyers, and politicians, and be shot into the sun on the world’s easiest-to-prove, transparent pretext.

    Mister Roboto

    Doctors who prescribe (hydroxy) chloroquine or ivermectin against covid-19 will now receive a fine of up to 150,000 euros imposed by the inspection. This may also include other medications that are prescribed outside the guidelines.

    Wow, things certainly aren’t getting any better, are they?


    @ Adlertag – “Non Pharmaceutical Intervention restricted the virus and in doing so supressed other transmissible contagions.”

    There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that masks reduced transmission of the virus. None.

    If you have any then show us it.
    Here’s my science, where’s yours?

    Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence.

    Mister Roboto

    About the Swiss Policy Research Institute according to

    Right Bias

    These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

    Pretty much what I expected.

    Polder Dweller

    High Fine For Doctors Who Incorrectly Prescribe HCQ Or Ivermectin (MC)

    I haven’t seen any official explanation for why they are so anti HCQ and Ivermectin, have you?

    Polder Dweller

    @ Roboto – at least you are able to read all the studies that the Swiss Policy Research piece refers to.

    They’re all sourced.

    And that’s called “doing your own primary research” – a very wise idea in these propagandized times.


    @ Polder – they’re against Ivermectin because it works at all stages of the disease and as a prophylactic .

    “A Yale University professor and renowned cancer researcher has pored over the COVID-19 literature and treated several dozen patients. He can remain silent no longer.”

    Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: ‘Ivermectin works,’ including for long-haul COVID

    These vaccines could not have been granted EUA by the FDA if it could be shown that there was an alternative existing treatment for COVID. Remember – the vaccine trials only determined that they could reduce the severity of symptoms, not their transmission. Ivermcetin does exactly that – even better than the vaccines do!

    Early treatment with HCQ the same.

    The explanation is so simple it almost beggars belief.


    • High Fine For Doctors Who Incorrectly Prescribe HCQ Or Ivermectin (MC)
    Doctors who prescribe (hydroxy) chloroquine or ivermectin against covid-19 will now receive a fine of up to 150,000 euros imposed by the inspection. This may also include other medications that are prescribed outside the guidelines.

    Can it get worst?
    In Canada the new media got on the band wagon.

    Because of the debate to change the law on “assisted death” or because of covid19?
    What we know so far about Brian Nadler, the doctor charged with 1st-degree murder
    Nicole Williams · CBC News · Posted: Mar 27, 2021


    There is no debate on the “cost”, expenses, of the validity spending Trillions of $$$$$ for covid19.
    As I said, my vaccine experience leads me to believe that my “shot” at $20.00, cost + $100.00 when everything is included.
    Our society is getting scammed and nobody is noticing that the scammers “are laughing all the way to the bank”.
    (Maybe, its because the “bankers” are doing the skimming?)
    (notice: this post may cause a black out for TAE)

    Polder Dweller


    The thing is that in terms of medical treatments, Holland has a very different mindset compared to the USA, UK and most other countries. Here it’s always all about saving money so if medicine X is cheaper than medicine Y, even though Y is the big name brand, then your doctor will prescribe you X, but if the doctor can get away with it, he/she will prescribe you nothing. That happens a lot in this country and on balance I think it is a good thing.

    When it comes to Ivermectin, though, Holland has to follow what the rest of the EU is doing. I’m pretty certain that if it wasn’t for the EMA then we would embrace ivermectin.

    Egyptian President “Prepare For All Scenarios” To Refloat Megaship
    Reuters reports salvage teams were “alternating between dredging and tugging on Sunday to dislodge a massive container ship blocking the busy waterway, while two sources said efforts had been complicated by rock under the ship’s bow.”
    While there have been positive signs with the vessel slightly moving this weekend, refloating attempts have yet to work. SCA sources told Reuters that rock structures had been found at the ship’s bow, complicating salvage efforts.
    Unloading the ship could result in a “ship breaking.”


    Back @ Polder:

    Yes indeed – “Holland has to follow what the rest of the EU is doing.”.

    Which means it is willful medical malpractice and manslaughter on the grandest of scales.

    If you consider that the current data shows an 89% improvement in phrophylaxis, and a 76% improvement in mortality, then across the EU and UK hundreds of thousands have died needlessly, hundreds of thousands have been hospitalized needlessly and hospitals have been brought to the brink of collapse unnecessarily . Economies have been flattened, lives ruin, people traumatized, cancers and other diseases undiagnosed, suicides rates have exploded, businesses and home lost …

    Yes – do what the rest of the EU is doing.
    Again – here are studies. You can do your own primary research.


    On Immunity.

    Serological test for antibodies to Sars-Cov2, Canton Geneva.

    Study on ‘representative sample of population’ (i.e. includes children and v. old ppl; may include ppl infected; ppl with xyz condition.. etc.)

    April 2020 6%

    June 2020 11%

    Dec 2020 22%

    link 1

    Canton Vaud (similar study)

    June 2020 7%

    November 2020 17%

    February 2021 24% *ppl who were vaxxed excluded from this number*

    Canton Zurich, one ex.

    For children under 16 (random, in schools)

    Nov 2020, 8%

    links to news articles in F, Ok reports of the conclusions, if not very detailed.


    Quite high it looks like, perhaps because such nos. are almost never bruited about. It appears that specific antibodies are present close on to 25% of the CH population, a rough guess. The lower estimate for F-speaking CH is 20%. Controversy as to how long these antibodies ‘last’ exists – my take is, = an irrelevant question. Sars-Cov2 is fought off in many ways (see children..) by for ex, T-cells, other mechanisms. Specific antibodies are just a part of the battle (as I understand it.) Those who fought it off once will do so again (yes, sigh, the scary variants – color me sceptical…)

    CH numbers as % are likely similar to France, Germany, Italy, with some high margins for variation.

    absolute galore

    This morning I took a bicycle ride before the rain and at the end I stopped at the bagel shop. I donned my navy bandana, went in, and ordered an everything bagel with cream cheese. While I was waiting with 4 other customers, a young woman came in with a child of about four years old.
    Mother: There’s a lot of people in here, honey. We better double mask.” [Reaches down to put a second mask on her child, whose face is already covered.]
    Child [squirms].” MMmmmmm, no!”
    Mother:[Finishes tying the second mask around the child’s face] “It’s only for a few more minutes, honey.”

    As Donald Trump might say, “Sad.”

    Gotta give proper credit to the New York State marketing department, naming the vaccine I.D. card Excelsior Pass. A little stroke of genius using the State motto “Excelsior” (Ever Upward!) combined with “Pass,” with its invocation of Easy Pass, the automatic toll booth technology that most have already submitted to; also connotations of the innocuous “hall pass” and the term “free pass”. Certainly, the excellent, ever-upward, free and easy pass to see a Giants football game or an art exhibit or a Bruce Springsteen performance on Broadway. Provided you’ve been an obedient citizen and have submitted to all the requirements.

    And it’s cutting edge, too! It … “utilizes proven, secure technology to confirm an individual’s recent negative PCR or antigen test result or proof of vaccination.”…”New York State is the first state in the U.S. to formally launch this potentially transformational technology,” the governor’s office said.

    So does this mean the Excelsior Pass technology is as proven as the vaccine? That would be a relief. Here’s a thought: “potentially transformational technology” (provided by State sponsor IBM). Right. So this is, what, an interim step before we all get injected with a “health bio” chip, that can be updated remotely and scanned anywhere? It’s already done for dogs.

    And what’s a few thousand deaths or a little groping from our randy, single governor when compared to the good he’s doing by being the first to unleash this transformational technology on the citizens of the United States?


    Professor Jay Bhattacharya, one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration:

    “- The virus is seasonal and late fall/winter is its season. It is very unlikely, given that this is the case, that the virus will spread very widely during the summer months.

    “- There are a few mutations that provide the virus with a selective advantage in infectivity and may increase its lethality very slightly, though the evidence on this latter point is not solid. We should not be particularly concerned about the variants that have arisen to date.

    “- The scientific evidence now strongly suggests that COVID-19 infected individuals who are asymptomatic are more than an order of magnitude less likely to spread the disease to even close contacts than symptomatic COVID-19 patients.

    “- Asymptomatic individuals are an order of magnitude less likely to infect others than symptomatic individuals, even in intimate settings such as people living in the same household where people are much less likely to follow social distancing and masking practices that they follow outside the household.

    “- The evidence that mask mandates work to slow the spread of the disease is very weak. The only randomised evaluation of mask efficacy in preventing Covid infection found very small, statistically insignificant effects

    “- masks are deleterious to the social and educational development of children, especially young children. They are not needed to address the epidemic. In Sweden, for instance, children have been in school maskless almost the whole of the epidemic, with no child Covid deaths and teachers contracting Covid at rates that are lower than the average of other workers.”

    Risk of Asymptomatic Spread Minimal. Variants Over-Hyped. Masks Pointless. An Interview With Professor Jay Bhattacharya

    Wake up people.

    Polder Dweller


    I’m not arguing the research on ivermectin, it’s all very convincing to me. However, if you look at the officially sanctioned studies pointed to by EMA, then you see that they only ever look at ivermectin in isolation, never in combination with vitamins C and D plus zinc, so no wonder they don’t see it’s worth. It’s almost like they don’t want it to work…


    Mike Yeadon has crossed the Rubicon:

    Exclusive: Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’

    “PLEASE warn every person not to go near top up vaccines. There is absolutely no need to them.”

    Over-70s to get booster Covid jabs from September



    The Oxford ‘Recovery’ study did the very same with HCQ – they used it alone (no Zn, no Azith) , on late stage hospitalized patients and with 5x the recommended dose. So many patients died of an overdose that the study was terminated early.

    It was designed to fail.


    @absolute galore: regarding “the automatic toll booth technology that most have already submitted to”

    We no longer have a choice about submission to that. They’ve removed all manned toll booths on the thruway. I’ve never had an “easy pass” for electronic tolls and had to travel the thruway last December. About 6 weeks later I received a bill that made no sense (toll exits listed/billed were FUBAR based on my travel). Paid it because the amount due was roughly accurate so who cares, right?

    Then I received a second bill a month after the first … for the same trip. The toll exits on the second bill were literally indecipherable. I called the 800 number. Accidentally got transferred to a Supervisor (she wasn’t happy but helped me). Bottom line, there are cameras all along the thruway. Your vehicle is recorded even when you aren’t exiting. Then things apparently can go off the rails and you get charged for some extra times you pass a camera. The woman on the phone says this happens all the time. System doesn’t work. And if you don’t call within the window for the non-payment penalty (30 days?), too bad. You pay everything billed. Period. She said the only plus of the Easy Pass is that you can dispute charges at any time rather than being time period constrained.

    Technology is the BEST! It makes everything possible! Here, let me give you my personal health information!!


    I’d like to point out that there is a “number of stars” rating system on that EMA page regarding ivermectin. I rated it one star the other day when I was on the page, and when the window popped up for comment I ripped them a new alimentary exit orifice for good measure. Something about they should be hung from lamp posts for crimes against humanity; being European, maybe they’ll get the reference.


    @ Mister Roboto: I saw [online] awhile ago that the Swiss Policy Research Institute is purported to be a far-right something something conservative something something conspiracy theories something something debunked something something … At this point in the covid hysteria those slurs make me want to check things out even more! lol

    I have 2 anecdotes.

    Last thursday was 70s and sunny here, unusual for March. I met my daughter and 2-year old granddaughter at the playground here in town. One of the mothers would not allow her children inside the play area because [gasp!] some of the children and mothers in the play area didn’t have a mask on (yeah, we were guilty parties). Outside. Nice weather. With the mothers in the play area being considerate and making sure their children waited their turn and didn’t crowd other children. All very sad.

    Yesterday was at a family get together with 6 adults in attendance. Three had gotten the moderna or phizer vaccine. Two I’m not sure about status (maybe they got vaccinated but didn’t want to admit it – these were my two adult children and I’ve perhaps been a bit vocal about these vaccines). One person definitely didn’t get the vaccine and, when asked, said she would never get one. Guess who? The non-star-bellied Sneetch. 😉

    For people on here who have gotten the vaccine, can you help me understand why you did? I’m being serious in asking this question. I want to understand the other side of this debate. From my perspective the vaccine doesn’t keep you from getting infected. Doesn’t keep you from spreading infection. The mid- to long-term outcomes are completely unknown and cannot be known at this time (and the short-term outcomes can be horrific). Why did you decide to get this shot?

    Michael Reid

    @ absolute galore

    I would not do well living in an environment requiring “the pass”. All of my life I have rejected authority probably because I wanted to be free and experience life as I saw fit as long as I was not hurting anyone. But this bullshit COVID-19 would appear to be trying to place controls on the way I like to live my life and I don’t believe that I would be hurting anyone


    “Why did you decide to get this shot?”
    Pressure from family.
    My Mod DNA will die with me.

    Michael Reid

    Just to be clear. I understand the reason for clearances for things like military work like COMSEC, nato and secret but to live a full life in your country I am of the opinion that the only documentation required should be a citizen card with no strings attached


    Zerosum said
    ““Why did you decide to get this shot?”
    Pressure from family.”

    I know several who are very aware of the “vaccine” risks and repeatedly said they would not take it. Recently, most of those have admitted that they “got the jab”
    When asked why, they invariably answered something like “family pressure” or “they wouldn’t let me see the grandchildren”
    Lots of pressure from every direction.
    The hype, the fear…………

    John Day

    (Because “Jeremiah” sounds kind of like your name)

    Our owners in “the big exclusive club, and we’re not in it” are trying very hard to deal with an unfortunate threat to the global economy, our life support system, which is kind of like keeping the Texas power grid from crashing last month. A few had to sort of be sacrificed to save the rest.

    We should try to be more understanding.

    We are using up all of the fuel and ore resources that the economy needs to support us, and we need to cut down and cut back something like 90%, to go “carbon neutral”, because carbon sources are running out, and toxic byproducts are running out.

    To save the economy, our life support system, 90% of us should make the sacrifice of shortening our days. We can do this knowingly, or in a series of steps that lead to the same outcome, without being burdened by the knowledge of what is coming. Remember how the autistic girl designed a more humane and efficient slaughterhouse assembly line for cattle?

    Just don’t ask questions that you don’t really want to know the answers to, OK?

    This past year is what something like 5% voluntary reduction in hydrocarbon production looks like with a stable population.
    This is very difficult, and if you cannot present a workable solution, then you have no moral basis to complain about those in responsible positions doing the best that they can for all of us.

    As for me, I’m trying to deal with this looming downturn in energy and stuff by being a small, but engaged part of a much larger, adaptive self-organizing-system. I think we might have even bigger problems to deal with than running out of oil and copper. Maybe we don’t, but just because I, personally, can’t see how to do this, does not mean that it won’t get done. We are the species that bounced back from the Black Death and The Little Ice Age, to put Neil Armstrong on the moon mere centuries later. Some of us grow vegetable gardens. We need to trust in the process and shuck the outdated system, which is collapsing.

    That’s my argument for not-going-along.
    You are welcome to adopt the same argument. It’s open source.



    @zerosum: I get it – your dna dies with you. 🙂 But you could have died or had one of the seriously detrimental outcomes others are experiencing from these vaccines; an outcome that ruined quality of life for the time you have left. Family pressure was strong enough to overlook those possibilities?

    This reminds me of being a kid and having my parents ask, “If your friends all jump off a cliff, are you going to do it, too?”

    Maybe @cloudhidden is right. Maybe the hype and fear and pressure are too much?

    This segues nicely into the [hopelessly?] optimistic idea that humans are going to think loving and kind thoughts, shift the nature of mass events, and in doing so, improve the future of the earth (conversation taking place a few weeks back on here). Highly unlikely if we can’t even hold the line against people pushing us to get an experimental medical treatment.


    @John Day: “To save the economy, our life support system, 90% of us should make the sacrifice of shortening our days. We can do this knowingly, or in a series of steps that lead to the same outcome, without being burdened by the knowledge of what is coming.” My god I hope you are wrong about this bone chilling observation.

    “Understanding-but-still-noncompliant”. I’ll work on my “understanding” part of this. You and I have very different personalities. I can perhaps learn something from you. 😉

    If I can’t see my grandchildren without a vaccine, I won’t see my grandchildren. Makes the decision to relocate to a state without “vaccine passports” much easier.

    How is it down in Texas these days? We’re still wearing masks in NY. It sucks. Bad.


    Dr Jackie Stone from Zimbabwe talks about ending COVID with Ivermectin:


    I don’t know how to post links with pic/video embedded like y’all do, so I’ll post what I can and hope it works.

    Several people here post music videos (lovely and appreciated!)

    Here is my contribution to music at this time of covid insanity: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, “I Won’t Back Down”

    If the link doesn’t work, sorry! I’m not an online poster (no FB, no Twitter, no LinkedIn accounts. Don’t know what Instagram and the others even are).


    To the best of my knowledge most of Canada’s vaccine supply, ordered by Trudeau, are in a shipping container named “Blame”, on a container ship stuck in the Suez Canal. Right now Justin is blaming the PM who replaced his father! Trudeau is playing the vaccine blame game so ineptly his reward will be to get re-elected!

    If they don’t get the Ever Given unstuck tonight with a full moon, it will be because they forgot to bring a wolf to howl at the full moon. This falls under laws propagated by Dr. Murphy!

    As one of those ex-mining arm chair quarterbacks, who knows n’thing about moving big things, so far they have wasted almost a week trying to undo Dr. Murphy’s splendid handy work on the Ever Given in the Suez Canal.

    What is the one thing they have in unlimited quantities in Egypt? Why yes, sand!

    So with that much available sand, you simply build an artifical lake around the stuck ship! You build 2 causeways with sand across the width of the canal, one on each side of the ship. Then you build up sand banks along the canal shoreline between the 2 causeways. Then you pump water into the artifical lake until the ship re-floats. Then you use the sand dredgers to remove the sand in the canal.

    By now they could have already done this. Can’t be done hat quickly you say? It only took the Israelis 1 day, in the middle of a war, to build a causeway across the Suez Canal 50 years ago!

    Michael Reid

    @ John Day

    The idea of the current Titans of power culling the population for ecological reasons has entered my mind and seems to be a ecologically sound solution but I have not fully considered this conclusion as our possible current reality. Maybe it is. Maybe if enough of us are gotten rid of the rich survive as do some of the population and the ecological issues are solved but I don’t see it playing out this way. If the population is faced with this reality and if it is real I feel the population will act out in a way that will destroy any of these ecological goals and those currently in control. I wish I was living in the late 1960s

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