Debt Rattle April 9 2021
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- This topic has 44 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 11 months ago by
April 9, 2021 at 8:52 am #72784
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJames McNeill Whistler Nocturne Blue and Gold Southampton Water 1872 • European Rights Court Backs Mandatory Pre-school Jabs (BBC) • Obligatory
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 9 2021]April 9, 2021 at 9:04 am #72787V. Arnold
ParticipantJames McNeill Whistler Nocturne Blue and Gold Southampton Water 1872
Love it…the colors are awsome, the mood set, and a work not still………..
April 9, 2021 at 9:05 am #72788Germ
ParticipantMarc Faber’s most recent interview.
Full of insights and some simple common sense – from one of the greats!
Enjoy.April 9, 2021 at 10:05 am #72790Germ
ParticipantYeadon’s latest:
April 9, 2021 at 10:36 am #72791Raúl Ilargi Meijer
To properly post a YouTube video in the comments, so you don’t just get 3/4 of it and lose control functionality, don’t post the URL, but go to Share->Embed->Copy. Then change the 560 and 315 sizes to 480 and 270, and post that. Like I just did with your 2 videos.
April 9, 2021 at 10:53 am #72792Dr. D
ParticipantIf only there were logic, this would be transparent absurdity. Here we have a virus that like other flus is essentially aerosol, completely contagious and unstoppable. …And this one is sixty TIMES more contagious and unstoppable? That’s like saying “this car is reckless at 80mph”, then a month later trying for more tickets, laws, and jail time because “this car is reckless at 4,800mph” Excuse me, no.
I don’t believe a word since it was published by adults in the West, but 67% more deadly is 99.9955% safe for people under 70 without comorbidities. Ooooooh. If you ever want to see your human rights again, shut down the planet and put all your jewelry, teeth, and small unmarked bills into this bag marked “Bezos.” Or we’ll club this baby seal. Again.
“Men Make More Covid-19 Antibodies And Keep Them For Longer (RT) “
Interesting because originally they said the ACE2 was more in men and in Asians, neither of which appears to be following through. So did we have two viruses or more, one that actually was in Wuhan, and one that isn’t very deadly at all? (Obviously. That’s what 99.97% means if only people weren’t completely illiterate.) We know nothing of China, STILL, where their top protester, the province that would breakaway and rebel as Chinese history says is their greatest threat, happens to be in lockdown and purge just before the summer’s planned riots. Then poof, there is no disease anywhere, ever, and they’re hot-tubbing it on T.V., laughing at the idiot West and their infantile fears. Soooo. Where da virus? Why are physics entirely different in China? To say nothing of Africa and S.E. Asia.
It’s almost like the closer you get to the Anglo power source, the worse Covid becomes. Huh.
Of course they will accept antibodies as immunity – since that’s the ONLY immunity – on your daily prison papers. Hahahahaha! No. They will accept anything BUT actual immunity. Only $$$ from Pfizer is our daily currency and permission to exist as hoo-mans. All men have inalienable rights…as long as they get permission to exist from government, that is, OTHER humans, who like Hunter, Newsome, and the French ministers, are your moral superiors, your kings, and above you, ordained to power by the divine blessing of their god.
““…governments enjoy a monopoly on money creation, and they’re not about to surrender that monopoly to digital currencies like Bitcoin.”
They’re Anglos: they’re going to lie, cheat, and steal. They will create an imitation of reality, a counterfeit, as their god does, as he must, being useless and small, and sell it to the people as the Prince of Lies. And they accept it! Yay! They’ll beat, stab, and maim anyone who DOESN’T take the fake, deadly counterfeit. And that “Bitcoin” they accept will be digital, because it’s more trackable, that is, the only thing they care about in their desperate mental illness: Power. Control. The whole world can burn, and does, so long as they have POWER. Like any crackhead and toothless meth addict from Arkansas. But that’s their god, that’s who they are inside, what canya do?
So they’re not going to get rid of Bitcoin, they’re going to co-opt, that is, ‘corrupt’ it. They already have one, a non-blockchain bank ledger called XRP. They’ll try another based on SDR. It’s the people’s job to say ‘no’ and go for honesty and liberty. If they don’t, well, that’s who THEY are, and who they worship. I can’t save you from yourself. That’s responsibility. Overwhelming your responsibility and freedom of action is violence. And people blame God and demand of him all the time why he lets humans do these bad things. Would you rather be robots lacking free will? Bolted into a clockwork world? The ultimate in authoritarianism, the antithesis of freedom and expression? That’s what NOT allowing the people to choose would be. Either with your sins, or your money. So “who are you, who is this kid, whatcha gonna do?”
“There’s good reason to impose uniform taxes around the world”
Which would take a world global taxing structure with no competition, no escape. Nice going. And he seems to be unaware that there are plenty of taxes now, and ONLY large monopoly, insider corporations are NOT paying them. …But when we have the SAME corporations, with the SAME governments set up a new one using the SAME people, they will. Uh-huh.
Here’s today’s lesson: Bezos was out yesterday pimping for the new tax rules on the rich, like him. “Tax me pleeeese! Uh-huh. This is a man whose ENTIRE EMPIRE is built EXCLUSIVELY on the illegal avoidance of collecting and paying taxes, that is, sales taxes. Tax criminal which Congress allowed, defended, for 20 years. And he pays no corporate tax either. And he pays no income tax, as his fortune isn’t dispersed in “income”, he transfers only like $400k/yr. Like Hunter Biden’s gun laws – where he illegally gets a gun, perjures himself on the form, disposes of it illegally and dangerously, and has no legal consequences – we can expect Jeff Bezos’ tax laws to be the same. Even now he’s still illegally refusing multi-levels of taxes. And the government is paying HIM, in CIA contracts, to continue to illegally not pay taxes.
But he’s the one who demands Congress tax him, when he’s refused to pay taxes clearly owed for 25 years, and that Congress is the one who let him, who promotes him, who enables him, and Congress even now each day unzips his pants, sucks his…but this a family channel. The only point here is: HE’S LYING. The taxes are a scam. …And for the love of God, Keen should know that by now. It’s only been 100 years. With 100 MNCs. How much clearer can it be?
“A Full-Scale War in Donbass Will Mean the ‘End of Ukraine’ (RT)”
It will take about 20 hours. And so what if NATO is there? They couldn’t bother with Turkey already and they are without any current weapons or the will to use them. With what? The U.S. transgender corps? The U.K., who has to rent their planes on their one disabled Carrier? It would be like the Franco-Prussian war, this time at least, and Russia only wants Crimea, which they already have, Donbass, where their coal is exclusive for the area power plants, and will have them by the balls if they get it, and to embarrass and expose the West, Europe, U.S. and NATO as useless has-beens, which won’t be very hard, because they are and have been for 20 years. Then they can take the literal Bandera literal Nazis, and make Europe deal with their utter failure on West Ukraine as a reminder for the next many years. And a reminder to Eastern Europe who’s who, since Brussels is now noticeably worse in every way than Moscow.
Germany can come around to Nordsteam2 and unite with Russia, or collapse, I’m sure they don’t care which, either way is a wonderful win. I’m not underestimating it, I’m just saying no one cares. A real war would come in response to that, years later.
“Fermilab Results Prove Something Strange Is Happening to Reality (IE) “
Their entire sub atomic “tiny rocks” theory is garbage. But they might have noticed since the most fundamental issues are blatant contradictions and they’ve gone no where with Grand Unified Theory, or any of it for FIFTY years. Nope. It’s the West. They notice nothing. They’re still playing the Beatles and Rolling Stones in grocery stores, still referring to wins over Nazis who have been gone 80 years, still ret-conning classic cars, (or thinking cars at all,) that were created 40 years ago. They’re useless. Hollow. Lacking all imagination. And they’re so dumb, so full of themselves, they don’t even notice.
We notice. We’re down at the bottom which hasn’t moved or even fallen every day since 1972. What was it said that when “Empires fall” the standard of living of the average guy INCREASES? Because the theft and stupidity of idiot sons finally stops. That’s WHY they fall: you’re literally better off under the visigoths. When Rome hasn’t had a republic, or a culture, in 300 years, what are you saving?
Same here. Just because nothing works in generations doesn’t mean we, the schmarty-schmart ‘experts’, air-locked in University, should re-think anything. We just need MOAR! More money, more research, more experts, more self-reference, tighter echo chambers. That’ll solve our physics problem. We solve it with dogma and lies. Science as religion. All you need is belief.
“Can Lockdowns ever work?”
For the love of GOD, we’ve HAD all the lockdowns, for a YEAR, can anyone TELL me if they work yet? Hmmm…here’s a clue: all the WORST outcomes on earth are in every lockdown zone, all the BEST outcomes are without lockdowns. …I guess the jury’s still out. We may never know.
Bitcoin again, they are attacking most places using denial-of-payments, considered the nuclear option, an unhinged conspiracy theory only two(?) years ago? Uh-huh. Rack it up to my endless list of wins. Of COURSE they will do this, and SWIFT, because the only POSSIBLE way to prevent a collapsing system – and it only collapses for the lying, illegal undeserving at the top – is to add more war, more theft, and more fascism at every level. That’s just how history rolls, and how you know they will lose, lose, lose, as EVERYBODY on planet earth eventually turns on them, as they did on Napoleon back when he tried it. Next up, and imminent, is a distributed bitcoin internet. Where access is quickly lost at your entry point, and the inter-meshed system stops tracking and censorship broadly, worldwide. This is a lot harder, but it’s already here.
So…when Bitcoin, which is all over and distributed, is texted over an internet, which is everywhere and distributed, you’re going to shut off Assange how, exactly?
With Christo, doesn’t he know with racists, the only thing that matters is race? You must follow your race, marry your race, vote your race, work your race, and follow each and every trope of your race. Otherwise, you’re a racist! See how easy that is? So if the trope says your race is poor and uneducated, YOU must remain poor and uneducated OR ELSE, mister. Don’t you be a wise and eloquent speaker, a successful businessman, or you blow the whole thing! You’re ruining it for everybody when you are self-motivated, happy, and successful. Downtrodden misery is the path forward, the only way! We MUST enforce this on all races out of pure love and helping.
Otherwise Karen would have to change her mind about how the world works, and we can’t have that, now can we?
April 9, 2021 at 11:02 am #72793Dr. D
ParticipantFor Madam, from yesterday. Maybe this can explain it in a way more amenable and to your liking:
April 9, 2021 at 11:12 am #72794Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPrince Philip died. Can Harry come visit his gran? How about his wife?
April 9, 2021 at 12:35 pm #72796Mister Roboto
ParticipantThe news about Prince Philip mostly serves to remind me that when QE2 finally kicks the bucket, I really expect things to start seriously “going south”, because it will be a major signifier of the end of an era.
April 9, 2021 at 1:03 pm #72797zerosum
ParticipantSuccessful Circle of Life. Domination
Its normal. Its always happens this way.
Wave I ———–> Wave II ———————>
COVID-19 ——-> variant, B.1.1.7 ———->“.. Wave II —> 60 times more contagious than the current strain and 67 percent more deadly..”
1. Survival of fittest
2. Elimination of redundant
3. Improvement of growth/culture medium” …. the available evidence suggests average global IFR of ~0.15% and ~1.5-2.0 billion infections by February 2021 with substantial differences in IFR and in infection spread across continents, countries, and locations.”
——April 9, 2021 at 1:10 pm #72798Doc Robinson
Participant• B.1.1.7. Now Dominant Strain In US
“67 percent more deadly“That deadly UK strain has resulted in the UK having no excess deaths for the past 6 weeks, according to EUROMOMO.
Here is the data behind that “67 percent more deadly” claim:
“Of the 109,812 total participants [who tested positive for COVID-19], 367 (0.3%) died. Of the 54,906 participants infected with B117, 227 (0.4%) died, compared with 141 (0.3%) infected with other strains.”
In other words, for those who tested positive, 99.6% survived the more deadly strain, while 99.7% survived the other strains.
Death rate 64% higher with B117 COVID variant, study finds
Absolute risk remains low…
The researchers cautioned that their results may not apply to other settings and age-groups…April 9, 2021 at 1:35 pm #72800Germ
ParticipantThis video explains how it is that so many people will blindly follow stupid orders.
Like at an NBA game:- the players will, after 15 mins of close contact during which they rub and sweat on each other, then put on a mask when sitting on the bench.
Or, like at the beginning of the recent Six Nations Rugby matches:- the players would socially distance while lined up on field to sing their respective national anthems. Then participate in 90 minutes of hard impact rugby.Or wear masks, or take the jab or ……
“People will blindly follow stupid orders.”
“The Six Purposes of Schooling” – John Taylor Gatto lays out the basis of the Coronapanic subservience.
(best enjoyed played at 1.5x speed).April 9, 2021 at 1:37 pm #72801zerosum
Participant” the deployment by the Ukrainian military of hundreds of armored vehicles and thousands of troops into the region”
1. Can Russia eliminate/destroy a concentration of hundreds of armored vehicles and thousands of troops without invading/boots on the ground of Ukraine?
Yes. No problem.2. Can the USA remove boots on the ground from everywhere and still bully most governments of the world?
Of course, No problem.3. Is there a wining survivor if assets needed for surviving are destroyed?
Yes. However, it probably will not be the destroyers.April 9, 2021 at 2:05 pm #72802zerosum
ParticipantThe old boys club
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom (grandson of King George I and thus King Constantine II’s first cousin-once-removed and his wife). The Duke discontinued using his Greek and Danish titles shortly before his 1947 marriage.
April 9, 2021 at 2:12 pm #72803zerosum
ParticipantBiden;s LALALAND
a tribute to the power of the military-industrial complex“The Pentagon budget—which jumped more than $130 billion during the Trump presidency—is replete with spending on overpriced weapons that don’t work, rip-off deals for private contractors, gigantic investments in pointless or outdated weapons systems, and waste and mismanagement so severe the agency cannot pass an audit,” the group’s president Robert Weissman said in a Thursday statement.
April 9, 2021 at 2:13 pm #72804Germ
Participant“There is no data available at the moment to recommend other countries follow France’s decision to “mix and match” different Covid-19 vaccines”
“Marianne Roebl-Mathieu, is one of two members of Germany’s vaccine advisory committee who said on Wednesday that the committee could see no disadvantages or risks from giving younger recipients of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine a second dose of an alternative shot.”
Hahahaha – “Mix and Match” like it’s candy.
They’re just making it up as they go.
Following the science – haha!April 9, 2021 at 2:38 pm #72806madamski cafone
Participant@ Dr. D
Oh, I understand you’re preaching to the wind. I say that one superhero outfit is about as good as another. In fact, I wear a cape around the house all day myself, but I have inherited an orphaned caique parrot and it sits on my shoulders most of the day. Whatever the reason, it looks silly to be ranting on like that about things you can’t fix. It’s a bit like blathering your own wind to a) preach into and b) fluff out your cape.
Not to mention that there’s an inverse ratio between how much foaming is happening at the mouth, and the accuracy/honesty of said blather.
April 9, 2021 at 4:59 pm #72814Noirette
Participant> madamski (previous thread) about Putin, yes, and he may surpise us.
Lavrov’s warning, paraphrasing — Those who try to start a war in the Donbass will destroy Ukraine — seems to have been completely ignored. Or, there are no visisible signs it was taken on board, or not ones noticed by me.
Lavrov meant (as I interpret it) that Ukr. will split into parts if more deaths, unrest, war, etc. occurs. (About 14, 15 K or far more ppl have died so far, this isn’t merely a nasty border skirmish.)
The present situation is untenable in the long run, with Donesk + Luhansk Independent Republics in a kind of limbo, with on one side the miserable dangerous contact line and on the other a border (> Russia) that has become progressively less of a barrier: Use of the rouble, FTA in various forms, passports given out, permits similar to ‘green cards’ given out, foreign registration in Russia special status for Ukrs., the supply of military matériel and advice, etc. (Banking = other topic not adressed.)
That Donesk (particularly..) was not messing about (and that Russia would support..) was evident right away.
One of the first things they did was to immediately change the school system to conform to the Russian one. They adopted the Russian marking system (completely different) and a major, or large, part of the Russian curriculum. Russia sent the school books.
Now, to understand the serious effort, one has to know that Ukr. has the weirdest bi-lingual edu. system: Parents can choose if their children will attend school in Russian or in Ukrainian (both streams have lessons in the other language..) ( >> See Repression of Russian after Maidan.)
In the DLPR a switch to Russian occurred naturally (imho), but teachers in Ukrainian or of Ukrainian were not fired or retired, they were recycled, to math, gym, science, etc. (From news, personal contacts.)
Today, all DLPR graduates (any level) can integrate the Russian system without tests or any barriers, incl. to top Tech / Unis. “Inevitable” madamski wrote, yes. Right away, all first thoughts were for the future – the kiddos.
Another powerful sign: in Oct. 2014 DLPR switched to Moscow Time, which is not geo. adapted.
some visuals:
A Brit vlogger travelling in Urk. in eng / with subs. He is hunting for Soviet Mosaics. His “politically slanted” descriptions are *total* BS (maybe just there to not be taken down?) — however the vids and pix are well done. Plus, I love mosaics.
This episode, Solo thru War-Torn Donbass, has more than 2 million views.
April 9, 2021 at 5:04 pm #72815Bill7
ParticipantDr. D said: “..For the love of GOD, we’ve HAD all the lockdowns, for a YEAR, can anyone TELL me if they work yet? Hmmm…here’s a clue: all the WORST outcomes on earth are in every lockdown zone, all the BEST outcomes are without lockdowns. …I guess the jury’s still out. We may never know..”
Hear, effing hear, Sir!
Notice how the Standard Refrain these days is “It remains Unclear..” regarding most any readily-answerable
question?April 9, 2021 at 5:16 pm #72817upstateNYer
Participant@ V. Arnold … speaking of Gatto. I have his book from the library right now, finally. I had to read the Prologue twice just to wrap my ahead around it. Never looked at the education system in quite that light.
Realized pretty quickly I wanted to own the book since it’s a deep dive, deserves thought, and is lengthy. A bit of web trawling revealed I can’t buy even a used copy for much less than a couple hundred dollars. (Not going to happen). Right now I just sit down, let the book open wherever it falls, read that essay (this copy of the book is pretty dog eared. Must be lots of people have read the thing). It has to go back to the library in a few days, unfortunately.
Thanks for the recommendation! Spot on.
April 9, 2021 at 5:28 pm #72818Glennda
Participant@ madanski
Lol. I really enjoy your rhetoric. Now I don’t miss anything by skipping Dr. D’s posts.
April 9, 2021 at 5:48 pm #72820Doc Robinson
Participant@ upstateNYer
Some of John Taylor Gatto’s books can be read online, or downloaded as a PDF or Kindle file (for free).
The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto Taylor Gatto (December 15, 1935 – October 25, 2018) was an American author and school teacher. After teaching for nearly 30 years he authored several books on modern education, criticizing its ideology, history, and consequences. He is best known for his books Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, and The Underground History of American Education: A Schoolteacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling, which is sometimes considered to be his magnum opus.
He was named New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991.
April 9, 2021 at 7:21 pm #72823madamski cafone
Participant“New physics” assessment:
“Re the muon g-2, let me just say the obvious: 3.3 < 3.7, 4.2 < 5, and the suspected murderer has for a long time been hadronic contributions (ie, “old” physics). Of course the possibility exists that it’s new physics. But I wouldn’t bet on it.”
meaning that some of the measurements plugged into the calculations are from measurements made long enough ago that they aren’t as accurate as new measurements would be, or so I understand it.
“This experimental result is, by far, the strongest justification for building a new bigger particle collider to see if it can observe directly the new physics that the muon g-2 discrepancy seems to point towards.”
Well of course they want a bigger collider. Expansion is the essence of our culture. Moarf, even… but they’re hardly villains for it. It’s just how modern science works: lioke everything else: expensively.
“It also provides excellent motivation to redo at higher precision the electron-positron collisions (last done at the Large Electron-Positron collider which was dismantled in 2001), to determine if this key experimental contribution to the Standard Model prediction is flawed and is the real source of the discrepancy.”
The latter will determine how much leverage for the former this discovery may provide.
Nobody’s lying: they’re just expressing their druthers. The science will decide (and yes, these guiys do real science).
April 9, 2021 at 8:14 pm #72826cloudhidden
Participant@ Dr. D, re: Beat the Devil
+++++ Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
to repeat and and augment Bill7
“Hear, effing hear, Sir!”April 9, 2021 at 8:20 pm #72827WES
Thanks for posting the video of the Donbass adventure. It reminded me of my time in Moscow and Siberia also a coal mining area, minus the bullet holes but not the AK-47s!
The starting video picture shows the type of apartment I lived in. This exact style of building was built from one end of Russia to the other end! Surprisingly it had only concrete walls with no insulation at all! The interior walls looked just like the outside walls!
These buildings are what you get when governments decide what housing is. The concrete sections were prefab and where placed exactly like you would build a house of cards! One earth quake and the apartment would quickly collapse like a house built of cards, instantly killing everyone inside. That is why Russian earth quake death totals are always so high compared to any other country!
Your visit to a salt mine was to an underground mine, very different to the type of open pit mines I worked in. Open pit mines are just big messy holes in the ground! The other type of mining is coal strip mining which rarely go deeper than 100 meters and are back filled as they progress. Open pit mines are usually the ones that give mining it’s bad reputation!
For a college job, I once worked a summer in the maintenance shop of a gold underground mine in northern Ontario. But I was never allowed to go underground even though I tried once, getting caught in the cage by the cage loading master!
I found out later from my Father, a mining engineer, that there was sort of an unwritten rule, amoung mining engineers, not to let sons of fellow engineers go underground. The gold mine manager was a mining engineer too so he was the one that told the cage master not to let me go underground! To be honest I doubt I missed too much!
April 9, 2021 at 8:25 pm #72828WES
In essence, the new science needs to kill the old science!
April 9, 2021 at 9:28 pm #72829Michael Reid
ParticipantWe all have to die for some stupid reason. Embrace your life. I am trying
April 9, 2021 at 10:29 pm #72830Michael Reid
ParticipantThis discussion of love and sex has consumed my mind today. One without the other always seems to result in no life I want to lead.
April 9, 2021 at 11:35 pm #72834Michael Reid
Participant@ V. Arnold
“ In a world as loveless as ours has become, truth naturally goes extinct.
…an interesting turn of phrase…and I largely agree…
In the west, love has become synonymous with sex…some still know better…………..”I have been thinking about this all day
April 10, 2021 at 12:00 am #72835V. Arnold
This video explains how it is that so many people will blindly follow stupid orders.Well, blow me down; you just posted a vid of one of my only heros, John Taylor Gatto…
His bookj, The Underground History of American Education, is a must read for anybody interested in American history.
You’d understand why the U.S. is such a clusterfuck!!!!April 10, 2021 at 12:01 am #72836WES
ParticipantMichael Reid:
Is it Atlantic or Pacific salmon swimming in your fresh water?!
April 10, 2021 at 12:12 am #72837Michael Reid
Participant@ WES
Atlantic salmon, south coast of Newfoundland. If you are ever allowed to travel anymore I would welcome you into my home as a lovely guest. I thought that I answered that question
April 10, 2021 at 1:15 am #72838V. Arnold
ParticipantMy rebellion against forced education began in late grade school (7th grade) and highschool was a disaster; I almost failed to graduate.
Then came university…hopeless…
I called out the teacher’s bullshit in class at the last two attempts to get through even a term.
It was years (decades?) later I realized I was an autodidact (self educated) and had always been ahead of attempted control of knowledge and learning inherent in forced public “education”.
Gatto’s book was like an absolution from the wasted years in school…
…and I finally understood the origins my behavior; which went totally against the way I was raised…April 10, 2021 at 1:24 am #72839V. Arnold
Participant…and I finally understood the origins my behavior; which went totally against the way I was raised…
Actually, maybe it was an affirmation of the way my parents raised me…
April 10, 2021 at 2:36 am #72842WES
ParticipantV. ARNOLD:
I think it is just called learning by doing! My son is that way! You can book learn him all you want but it all goes in one ear and out the other ear!
Show him how to do one brake and he will finish the remaining three brakes by himself!April 10, 2021 at 2:52 am #72843WES
ParticipantMichael Reid:
If you mentioned nfld before then I must have missed it!
One nice thing about the island and Labrador is that there are a lot of rivers!
I know one of the island’s rivers is a famous canoe river.
Are you able to have a vegatable garden in your area?In Schefferville the only thing we could grow were radishes and green mint! For flowers it was wild daisy’s and pansies. My Father once discovered rhubarb growing at a abandoned trading post south of Schefferville.
I do temember people trying to grow beans, peas,9 lettuce, and corn! The corn got about a foot high! Well it sure looked pretty!
April 10, 2021 at 3:56 am #72845Doc Robinson
ParticipantHospital emergency departments in England are reportedly being “swamped” with patients having adverse reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine. The Guardian headline calls them “mild” side effects, but many of these patients are being sent to the hospital by their GPs.
A&E ‘swamped’ with patients seeking help for mild Covid jab side-effects
Emergency departments report surge in cases of headaches linked to AstraZeneca jab amid concerns of blood clotsIt’s definitely a thing. Colleagues across England are reporting this. All A&E departments are seeing an increase in the number of people reporting concerns after having the AstraZeneca vaccine…
An A&E doctor at a London hospital told the HSJ that their department was “swamped” with patients with headaches who had been sent there by their GP.”
April 10, 2021 at 4:51 am #72846V. Arnold
Thanks for the recommendation! Spot on.I hope you have read the chapter (#1) The Way it Used to Be…
It sets the tenor of the book/subject…
Glad you followed through…and you are welcome…April 10, 2021 at 5:44 am #72847Michael Reid
ParticipantDear WES
We did well with tomatoes,beens and peas
April 10, 2021 at 5:57 am #72848Michael Reid
Participant@ V. Arnold,
I love your free mind
Religion is not for everyone me included but spiritually is working better for me at least
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