Debt Rattle Aug 13 2014: A Crowded Runaway Train


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    Warner Bros Lauren Bacall publicity still from To Have and Have Not 1944 If you put all the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle in their proper places, a pictur
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle Aug 13 2014: A Crowded Runaway Train]


    ” he has felt the market has been too upbeat for most of 2014.”


    Ken Barrows

    What does it mean? It means a growing economy cannot take higher prices for oil. It will be interesting to see how long prices can fall and production rise in tandem. Any wagers?

    Jolly John

    If people in general have made changes both in life style mobility and transportation efficiency should not that be taken into account here. No such statistics seem to be given in this article, are such available?

    I would estimate that my driving has been cut by 20% to 30% since 2008. Nothing other than planing more completely and driving less as a result. Many are now downsizing their transportation with an eye to fuel efficiency. That I have not done as I see no cost effectiveness in it for myself. I estimate I have gone from 15K miles per year to under 10K. This if others are doing similarly this would certainly account for some of what is reported.

    John Day

    Jolly John (John Jolly?)
    The graphs of all the miles driven by Americans were sorted out on Zero Hedge last winter, as I recall. It’s out in the ethersphere somewhere. Americans are driving slightly more of fuel efficient vehicles since 2008, but overwhelmingly, they are driving fewer miles.
    It looks the same to me. I bike commute 28 miles on a work day, and live farther, but cheaper.
    We’ve been helping our 4 kids with higher education in recent years. It’s down to 3 this fall, but some emergency always jumps up, too…
    I find that I think a lot differently about batching tasks than I did 15 years ago, when I just drove everywhere.
    I still drive sometimes, but not to work, and I batch tasks when I do decide to use a motor vehicle.

    Dr. Diablo

    What’s driving down the oil price in the midst of unprecedented chaos?

    “Saudis open the oil taps”
    “EIA Lowers Global Oil Demand Forecast”

    “Russia Vulnerable As Oil Prices Hit Nine-Month Low On IEA ‘Glut’ Warnings”

    “Russian aid convoy near Ukraine’s border”

    ‘Nuff said.

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