Debt Rattle August 11 2021


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle August 11 2021

  • This topic has 111 replies, 37 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by Raúl Ilargi Meijer.
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  • #83332

    @ Teri
    Thx for analysis of Pfizer mRNA lucuferase study

    Also, found out today that my client’s GF with blindness suddenly in one eye — her eye is bleeding into her brain. Weird stuff happens to the vaccinated….

    @ TAE Summary

    Nicely done.

    Regarding vaccines…
    The framers weren’t interested in whether or not some died from the vaccines (it just needs to be few enough that it doesn’t up-end the plan of getting all population of developed nations vaxxed,) didn’t care about long term effects. I can imagine the representative of the framers having the conversation with the scientist(s) in charge of the study..

    Well, sure, some will succumb to the vaccine, and you have no idea about the long term effects, but will it show a reduction in disease mortality?
    Yes, it should.
    Ok, good. We’ll move forward with human trials.
    Already? There are some real concerns here….
    I understand. We’ll find out in the human trials if there are any major short term issues, and you say that there shouldn’t be.
    Well, no. In the short term it *should* work, but in the long term….
    You don’t need to worry about the long term. You’ll be paid and living in Cancun or wherever else you want to be, with a nice bank account. It won’t be your problem. Rest easy.


    D Benton: “The biggest Clinical Trials ever, of the most sophisticated genetic experiment ever : Homo Sapiens.”

    Can’t argue with that statement. Depressing. 🙁


    Bwahahaha ….

    “Possible” …. Rare” …..

    “EU looking into new possible side-effects of mRNA COVID-19 shots”

    Polder Dweller

    As more people get vaccinated, then it is expected that the fewer people would get the virus.
    The people that would get the virus would not be the vaccinated people.

    An AI would crash, “data does not compute” with expectations.


    “However, the European regulator and the World Health Organization have stressed that benefits from these vaccines outweigh any risks.” From Germ’s Reuters article.
    Unless you are the person who is totally screwed by the injection. Big numbers. Little people.

    For your reading pleasure, here is “The Last Psychiatrist”‘s most popular post. It is called “The Second Story of Echo and Narcissus.” It’s from Oct 29, 2012- just a couple of months away from the end of the world.


    Modern weapons that the USA left behind, when withdrawing, are being destroy by drones and other air support.
    It’s unfortunate that the Talibans happen to be drivng, and using the equipment.


    Thanks for the analysis

    those darned kids

    susmarie: this is awesome: “The evolution of BMI values of US adults: 1882-1986
    John Komlos, Marek Brabec 31 August 2010”. the gremlins in this machine refuse to allow my posting of links, so just search ‘er up.

    from the above:

    The lifestyle changes of the 20th century affected the four groups under study somewhat differently. Identifying the deep causes of the long-run trends is outside of the scope of this study, but the “creeping” nature of the epidemic, as well as its persistence, does suggest that its roots are embedded deep in the social fabric and are nourished by a network of disparate slowly changing sources as the 20th-century US population responded to a vast array of irresistible and impersonal socio-economic and technological forces.

    The most obviously persistent among these were:

    •the major labour-saving technological changes of the 20th century,
    •the industrial processing of food and with it the spread of fast-food eateries (To illustrate the spread of fast food culture, consider that White Castle, the first drive-in restaurant, was founded in 1921. McDonald started operation in the late 1940s, Kentucky Fried Chicken in 1952, Burger King in 1954, Pizza Hut in 1958, Taco Bell in 1962, and Subway in 1962.),
    •the associated culture of consumption,
    •the rise of an automobile-based way of life,
    •the introduction of radio and television broadcasting,
    •the increasing participation of women in the work force, and
    •the IT revolution.

    These elements – taken together – virtually defined American society in the 20th century

    good, too: “The Average Weight of Men and Women Since the 1970’s
    Hristina Byrnes”


    it seems the destruction of western health began, like so many of our present day ills, before mr. nixon dropped the puck. the fiat system, has allowed for the acceleration of most of these processes, in this case the consolidation of america’s farms into a giant pop-tart plantation.



    Sorry, I’m too stupid to get this to work.

    No, but something is screwing with the code. I see instances were stuff is added to the original OWID code, and others were things are deleted. In comment #83329, everything that’s not green and underlined between the iFrame commands is simply not read.

    Do you use Word or something like that?



    Assuming ADE is here or coming, which I know could be debated (though I tend to think it explains a lot), what are the preventative steps that one can take? Is this something that early treatment of IVM can help with or is that the problem being highlighted with IMATH+.

    I think there have been some answers to this, maybe I’m a bit slow on understanding.

    The other challenge I see, thinking of helping my family if they get hit with an ADE case, is how to convince them to take IVM or similar drugs. They see my stance as uninformed or tinfoil hat…

    those darned kids

    it looks like the palestine cases/deaths are an echo of the israeli situation, lagging by 3 or 4 months.

    i guess we’ll see in ¿october? whether this is happening.

    i sure hope the fears about ade result in nothing. i know of so many…

    madamski cafone

    Moloch: first of the new technogenic viruses

    “Together, the biological virus and memetic virus comprise the first species in a new class of technogenic, or “cyborg”, viruses. The memetic vector causes infected minds to avoid the vaccine and group together, enabling the biological vector to spread through unprotected hosts, and the gathering concentrates memetic signals for propagation through social media coverage. The tight coupling between molecular and memetic propagation conveys evolutionary advantages to both viruses. Defeating one requires defeating both.”

    Or watch the virus defeat the meme.

    Yes, Desdemona Despair carries leftist water overall. Everyone has a bias. Her perspective here is enlightening, for me at least.


    I don’t have a link but several months ago I saw an Indian doctor/researcher on YouTube claim that Ivermectin would be useful against ADE. Since ADE is the virus on overdrive the same mechanism that prevents the worst effects of Covid 19 will also prevent the worst effects of ADE. This makes sense to me, but first you have to believe the Ivermectin is useful against Covid 19 at all which at least some here don’t believe. With people I know their resistance to Ivermectin as a prophylactic will probably prevent them from using it against ADE.
    BTW, my recollection is that he was pro-vaccine (this was before side effects were much known) but gave the Ivermectin for ADE advice just in case.

    Polder Dweller

    “Do you use Word or something like that?”

    No, I write directly into the comment box.


    I challenge you to tune into the My Pillow Guy’s Cyber Symposium that has been airing live on OAN network over the last two days. It is some bizarre attempt by him to present ‘the case’ that the presidency was stolen from Trump.

    For me, this symposium, like much of the commentary here, is a window into how sincere people can be so thoroughly convinced by their narratives and so deluded by their biases. Mike Lindell and his people at this “symposium” are so sure about their message, that they cannot even see how weak their arguments are or how crazy that they all appear. To them, they have uncovered the holy grail of truth. They have mountains of evidence that they are presenting. And as soon as the world watches it, they too will be convinced by this evidence and Trump will be reinstalled in a few days.

    Just keep telling yourselves: You have the truth. Everyone else is being deceived. Trust no one who doesn’t agree with you. Never, ever change your perspective. And always, always go down with the ship.

    Aye, aye captain.


    The telling line of the Mike Lindell conference, directed at networks like CNN, who the speakers regularly complain don’t treat their material seriously:

    “You guys need to start reporting this stuff and stop fact-checking it!”


    Write a book
    ” stop fact-checking”


    Its coming – LA-LA-LAND – corporate welfare – the promised land – 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T and climbing
    (Don’t forget get your shot. We need your money before you get ADE and die.


    @deflat: ” … is a window into how sincere people can be so thoroughly convinced by their narratives and so deluded by their biases.

    So true. 😉

    I don’t find it convincing when the evidence you present supporting your argument that covid vaccines are great and we’re a bunch of deluded idiots is based on … TRUMP? Now I can see why I didn’t know what pillow symposium you were talking about. I didn’t have TDS and don’t have CDS. Just a bit worried about experimental vaccines in children’s arms and vaccine mandates that remove constitutional freedoms. But that’s my delusion – you go ahead and stick with trump.



    IMMUNOCOMPROMISED, having an impaired immune system. People who are immunocompromised have a reduced ability to fight infections and other diseases.

    (I believe, I believe, I’m supplicating, give it to me, give it to me


    The Top 20 Recipients Of Big Pharma Lobbying Money in 2020.

    Can you guess who?


    So do you believe there is no confirmation bias among the pro-vaxx crowd and among the Biden administration? In both politics and the vaxx debate both sides point at the other and say “those poor deluded fools, if only they would set aside their bias and listen to the truth.” How would a completely objective outsider tell who was correct? What is the secret recognizing the truth?


    Giggle, giggle, snort, inhale deeply …….

    “Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response”

    -Our results suggest that CBD can block SARS-CoV-2 infection at early stages of infection, and CBD administration is associated with a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans.
    – High dose CBD usage in patients is significantly correlated with a reduction in COVID-19 positivity.
    – CBD inhibits viral replication after SARS-CoV-2 entry into the host cell.
    – Cannabidiol (CBD) is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro.


    I’m telling you – it works. I still don’t have covid, outbreak, or ADE.

    ITS HOME MADE. I’ve had it hanging from the mirror for weeks and using it all the time.


    Coded Vaccine passports will work to prevent the rif-raf from joining the elitists and keeping them from pretending that they are as good as us old money and that can joint our exclusive clubs, gathering.
    (Better than a noflylist)


    A face mask hides and absorbs nasal drips


    Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes.

    Mississippi’s Hospital System Could ‘Fail’ In 10 Days, UMMC Warns As Feds Rush In

    I guess begging the Feds to help is OK now?

    TAE Summary

    * The Modern Delphic Oracle
    – Surety thyself
    – Know excess
    – Nothing brings ruin

    * Joe “No Regrets” Biden on Afghanistan:
    Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew
    When I bit off more than you could chew
    But through it all, when there was doubt
    It ate you up and spit you out
    You faced it all, while I stood tall, you did it my way

    * Today’s Wisdom
    – Matisse is Truth, Truth Matisse, that’s all ye know on earth and all ye need to know
    – Mankind is evolving to homo experimentus; Sapiens no more
    – When your only tool is mRNA tech every problem looks like a protein
    – The economy is all about energy, not stuff; Energy matters more than matter energizes
    – CDC caught in more lies; Covid stats don’t add up
    – Corporations are designed to maximize profits and don’t care about you in the least though pretending they do helps maximize profits
    – With Ivermectin, earlier is better
    – Biden is invested in big pharma because big pharma invested in him

    * Knock, Knock. Who’s there?
    – NYer. NYer who?
    — N’ why are you getting vaccinated?
    – Dr. D. Dr. D. who?
    — Doctor dee patient, not dee system, OK?
    – Mister House. Mister House who?
    — Missed her house and ended up at yours. Can I come in?
    – Madam. Madam who?
    — Ma damn foot’s caught in the door, open up!
    – Archie. Archie who?
    — Our chi is fantastic. Wanna feng some shui?
    – TIllerman; Tillerman who?
    — Till her man comes home I’m not leaving.
    – Summary. Summary who?
    — Some marry their best friend, some marry their worst enemy.
    – Meier. Meier who?
    — My, you’re commenting a lot lately. Don’t make me have to handle this.

    those darned kids

    germ: i guessed cbd would be good for my wife when she had the thing. it worked well for the pains and stiffness, and allowed for some real sleep (in the sunshine!). great to see it has anti-viral properties. she has continued to take it, and i’ll show her those studies. she’s a scientist. every city park should have fields of cannatonic [insert link explaining cannatonic, a high cbd form of hemp] planted in them.


    Different words same result
    “I guess begging the Feds to help is OK now?”

    Its coming – LA-LA-LAND – corporate welfare – the promised land – 1T, 2T, 3T, 4T and climbing
    (Don’t forget get your shot. We need your money before you get ADE and die.



    I concur with your recommendation. I have my latest cannatonic grow in the basement. Been using it for 3-4 yrs now.


    Apparently Mississippi also has 2000 fewer nurses now than a year ago. I’m sure that hurts.

    The 7 day average for cases (whatever that means considering the CDC is ditching the pcr test) is around 2600 (quite a rise in cases there). The 7 day moving average for deaths is 13.


    @ Deflationista:

    Mississippi is the most obese U.S. state, with an obesity rate of 40.8%. Mississippi also has the lowest life expectancy of 74.5 years.”

    What – 40.8%.

    Obesity is one of the primary Covid comorbidities.
    Those fatties have had an entire year to lose 50lbs.
    Stoopid indeed.

    madamski cafone

    “Just keep telling yourselves: You have the truth. Everyone else is being deceived. Trust no one who doesn’t agree with you. Never, ever change your perspective. And always, always go down with the ship. Aye, aye captain.”

    That sounds like terrible advice. I hope you don’t follow it?



    Cases Jackson, MS


    “How much more useful is today’s bicycle than a bicycle from 100 years ago?”  Absolutely ridiculous. I’ve ridden the Himalayas numerous times, and to think a bicycle from 100 years ago could do that. (I was one of the first to do it in the 80’s because no bikes could do it before then.)  Bikes from 100 years ago were heavy and one speed, it would be very difficult to do the commutes I’ve done over the last 40 years with a bike from that era.  The bicycle is the only viable transportation for an individual for this century and beyond.

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