Debt Rattle August 12 2024
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August 12, 2024 at 5:13 pm #166200
D Benton Smith
ParticipantI think that one of the hardest concepts to communicate into the minds and understanding of those who do not presently understand, is the entire Western Empire (which runs almost exclusively upon the US Dollar) is transacting in a currency that is virtually 100% COUNTERFEIT.
I do not mean counterfeit in a figurative or rhetorical sense. I mean in the dictionary definition, legally accepted LITERAL sense of the word. Counterfeit in the sense that it was a created document (in one form or another) that was not worth one iota more than the medium it was printed upon. FAKE. Based upon fully analytic and detailed self-knowledge that a felony crime was being committed.
It says it right there in plain English, green on white, on every bill. Federal Reserve Note. Well, the Federal Reserve is a coven of thieves who met on Jekyll one fine day and decided to print counterfeit dollars back by nothing but the promises of thieves, and have them accepted into the public commerce as if they were the real thing (a dollar backed by precious metal at a fixed rate).
Having that counterfeiting brought under the protective umbrella of the United States Government was not legal when it was done and thus not legal now, if anyone had the time and will to work it all out through the courts, which of course no one does. It would take a thousand layers a thousand years to try and to win so many billions of contests (each of which would be existential battle between fierce rivals). Impossible. Why even think about it?
And yet the fact remains. The U.S. Dollars are ALL counterfeit. And the world is calling the note.
August 12, 2024 at 5:22 pm #166201D Benton Smith
ParticipantYou know all of that stuff that so many people know that some people don’t want them to know?
Well, they all know.
They’re just PRETENDING that they don’t know.August 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm #166202Dr D Rich
ParticipantCourtesy of
Tell Mike Kelly he needs me on his investigation team. No one is as qualified. When we’re done, we’ll tackle Jack Murtha’s homicide next.
Then we’ll keep working back until November 22, 1963.August 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm #166208D Benton Smith
ParticipantI want to talk about the impending “multi-crises”, but to do that we of course first have to list out the bigger ones at least so that we have something to get specific about.
You could or course list as many different but related crises as fits your world view, but it’s safe to say that we have at least half-a-dozen or so, and some of them are already extremely physically material and real.
There is the unimaginably violent war in Ukraine with people dying by the hundreds along a 600 mile long line-of-contact combat. Then there is the indescribable genocidal slaughter in Palestine.
To those add the US Election cycle that is exposing new horrors and treasonously gross malfeasances and bringing them to light on a near daily basis. Of course all of this is transpiring at the same time that the overarching and ubiquitous US Dollar is beset on all sides and is certain to collapse soon (bringing down who-knows-what in the financial and economic carnage which the collapse creates.)
Near finally there is the ever-more-publicly flamboyant display of the war between sanity and insanity, freedom or slavery, Good against Evil. Call it God vs Satan if you will. Whatever you call it, the conflict is literally palpable and getting hotter by the day. People are in the streets protesting it. More are joining them, and they’re breaking things.
And finally there is the looming shadow of Nuclear annihilation casting its dark pall over everything. The end of humanity does, you must admit, make the outcomes of other conflicts completely moot insofar as our sojourn on Earth is concerned.
That should be enough for now. There are more crises, of course, but you get the point.
Here’s the thing. It’s plain to see that the crises are all closely inter-related, they are all gaining speed, and they are all approaching a “culmination” of some sort in the very near future. Call it an “exciting conclusion” to the endless series of Cliff Hangers ongoing for the past few years. It’s not going to just keep on getting more and more intense forever. It SHALL “culminate”, and soon.
The multiple crises are, in other words, CONVERGING, and exacerbating each other as they do so.
Like the monkey said when he got his tail caught in the wood-chipper, “Well, it won’t be long now.”
I do hope we have all chosen the right side of the chipper to come out on.
August 12, 2024 at 7:28 pm #166209D Benton Smith
ParticipantGermany says that Ukraine “has the right to defend itself, even on Russian soil”, but I just have to wonder if the nation, leaders and PEOPLE of Germany believe that the “right of self-defense” which Ukraine has extends to the point that Ukraine has the “right:” to sacrifice Germany as a means of “defending” Ukraine.
August 12, 2024 at 7:29 pm #166210D Benton Smith
ParticipantSame goes for Israel’s “right” to defend itself. Does that “right” include snuffing out America and the rest of the world in a nuclear holocaust simply to “defend” Israel (even when Israel has LOST its war with its neighbors)?
August 12, 2024 at 7:33 pm #166211D Benton Smith
ParticipantI believe that the sane amongst would agree that the answer is “No.”
August 12, 2024 at 7:38 pm #166212D Benton Smith
ParticipantSo how DOES one go about pulling the nuclear fangs of a mad dog without getting bit?
That’s a good and pertinent question. Not sayin’ that I’ve got a good answer, but it’s sure a legitimately good question.
August 12, 2024 at 7:39 pm #166213Dr D Rich
ParticipantHarris campaign:
“As Republicans began scrutinizing the military record of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Harris campaign released a statement supporting the vice-presidential nominee, in part, by pointing to his time in Congress and claiming that “he chaired Veterans Affairs.”
You can bet Tim Walz was, is, and shall ever be okay with it, the mistake, that always seems to go in his favor.
By Tim Walz, I meant fuckwhadAugust 12, 2024 at 8:21 pm #166214zerosum
ParticipantOn a personal note:
Is the smoke from Greek fires affecting your area/location?August 12, 2024 at 9:05 pm #166215citizenx
Participantthe first Olympic Games delivered fully under our Olympic Agenda reforms: younger, more urban, more inclusive, more sustainable. The first ever Olympic Games with full gender parity.
Parody / def- “Something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty.”, NOT parity.
And the correlation between men pretending to be women, men sucking other mens assholes and dicks for fun, obese fat pig she blobs with blue hair struggling to walk a block- with superbly trained athletes fairly competing is what ?
C’mon Olympic committee woke tard scum- take it up a notch. How about after the boys (pretending to be women) beat the shit out of actual real women for the world to watch- they then rape the shit out of them on the mat ? Give the people what they want Game of Thrones style- violence rape and fantasy.
Kiddie rape Olympics coming soon for parity, no child left behind right Liberal scum ?….
Kursk 2.0 again. For most Eastern Front historians, Stalingrad was A decisive battle, but Kursk was THE decisive battle turning WW2. Sponsored by Americas Pfizer Global Homo Dementia Corp and a Jewish comedian Dictator.
Speaking of White Liberals silencing Black Conservatives. How many GayFaggotTrannys are “Conservatives” ? Know any Black African American Jews ?
Diversity Equity and Inclusion 101 for retards.…
The “Science” speaks-
Dr. Fauci Admits He’s Infected With COVID For Third Time After Being “Vaccinated And Boosted Six Times”
Banned vid exposing psychos Gates and Fauci-
[video src="" /]…
Dumb Obese Americans – compliments of Carlin.
Todays faggotscumLibtards would arrest / ban / censure Carlin.August 12, 2024 at 9:12 pm #166216jb-hb
ParticipantAugust 12, 2024 at 9:17 pm #166217jb-hb
ParticipantThen they use their fraud, take over the “WayBack Machine” or whatever, then edit and ruin it because it’s honest.
August 12, 2024 at 9:30 pm #166221jb-hb
ParticipantAugust 12, 2024 at 9:36 pm #166222jb-hb
ParticipantThe reaction to Starmer extradiction in the US
August 12, 2024 at 10:29 pm #166223Oroboros
ParticipantWholesome Family Fishing Trip
I just got finished reading about a guy in Florida that also caught “a cocaine” with his grand children onboard.
I can imagine the conversation, “Grandpa what a cocaine and why is it wrapped in plastic and floating in the ocean?”
Grandpa, “Holy crap I can by a new motor boat!”
August 12, 2024 at 10:37 pm #166224zerosum
ParticipantProof: He’s still here. (Russian Roulette)
Dr. Fauci Admits He’s Infected With COVID For Third Time After Being “Vaccinated And Boosted Six Times”…100% safe and effective!?
August 12, 2024 at 11:04 pm #166225Celticbiker
ParticipantIf I told you Eviljews would run your world using pieces of paper, that are worthless, backed by nothing, would you believe me? If I told you that you would willingly accept injections of poison into your body, for your health, would you believe me? If I told you, news and politics is all bullshit and lies, like the “education” they gave you, would you believe me? I dont think so. People want to be conned, the jew understands this,. Thats why we’re here. now. at the Gates of Hell.
August 13, 2024 at 2:35 am #166228my parents said know
ParticipantThe significance of the passage of time is that you should think twice before getting piercings and full body tattoos.
August 13, 2024 at 3:26 am #166229zerosum
ParticipantCorporate welfare by Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford .
$575M for Goodyear Tire plant (federal $44.3 million to the project, while the provincial government is putting up $20 million through Invest Ontario.)
————-August 13, 2024 at 3:26 am #166230V. Arnold
Participantmy parents said know
The significance of the passage of time is that you should think twice before getting piercings and full body tattoos.So true; it made me think of Brit who came to Thailand to teach English. He had to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants to cover all his tatoo’s: This in non-air conditioned classrooms…LOL…
August 13, 2024 at 4:18 am #166231zerosum
ParticipantHere are links to follow if you are interested. (Maybe a good sf story)
The top 5 kilometers of the crust appear to be dry, but a new study provides evidence for a zone of fractured rock 11.5-20 km below the surface that is full of liquid water — more than the volume proposed to have filled hypothesized ancient Martian oceans. Maybe bacteria life
Sep 28, 2015
Jan 26, 2022
Feb 23, 2023
13 August 2024
By Michelle Starr
Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust
Vashan Wright, Matthias Morzfeld, and Michael Manga Info & Affiliations
Edited by David Kohlstedt, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; received May 18, 2024; accepted July 1, 2024
August 12, 2024Abstract
Large volumes of liquid water transiently existed on the surface of Mars more than 3 billion years ago.August 13, 2024 at 4:23 am #166232citizenx
ParticipantUh oh, how soon “we” forget….
Two Democrat liberal negroes power tripping on censorship, mis=information, and being threatened by any opinions or ideas that are not brainwashed within their programmed Liberal narrative…
negro power blm hypocrites- shocker- negroes can be racist, sexist, mysogonist criminals today in 2024.
It’s almost like they never heard of MLK, slavery, not being able to vote or being 2nd class citizens. C’mon Liberal journalist negroes- pick up a history book and learn, lest you find yourselves slaves again with zero rights- the same rights you advocate taking away from others.
How did the Jews forget?
Jews have become worse than their historical SS nazi captors. Jews are far worse and hypocritical than any Nazi in History. Jews, do you enjoy claiming yourselves as the Master race and committing genocide?Then there is Kamala, poster girl for bipoc Liberal feminists… Kamala who sucked old black cock and Jew cock swallowing loads like a pro- bragging about sucking black jew dick to get to the top. Liberal feminists better start sucking harder. lest the brown girl for Pres outsuck them.
Things that will not be discussed between the two billionaires tonight-
– Gaza and genocidal Jews
– CoVid bioweapons and Trumps warp speed “success”
– Ukraine
Liberals won’t be melting snowflakes as those topics are verbotten already.
Fascinating times of collective insanity.August 13, 2024 at 4:36 am #166233citizenx
ParticipantNegro “journalist” from Bezos owned Washinton Post-
Misinformation on twitter, is not just a campaign issue, it’s an America issue, what role does the White House or President have in stopping the spread of that (misinformation) ?
Oh my dear journalist negros – are you so retarded to not realize your paycheck is for lying and misinforming for a criminal Regime ? Have you no dignity or integrity as free people of color?
Do you both need more reperations $$$ to see the light of truth and not be lying negros for your owners?Black Slave Journalists Matter
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