Debt Rattle August 15 2024


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  • #166517

    Celticbiker said

    It’s like the White Hat thing. Complete fuckin delusion, which got us in this godforsaken mess to begin with.

    Amen to that. The world is not a movie, the hero does not win, the badies do not get crushed, we do not all live happily ever after. With absolutely zero evidence for white hats, with everything going to shit, with the oligarchs running the show and everyday becoming more powerful, you have to wonder why people are not motivated.

    Look at Musk, the most “created” billionaire in the USA, he manages to gather crowds of people following him, as if he is not symbolic of the problem. Like most billionaires, he is a tool of the trillionaires that you do not hear about. He is working for the owners as much as Netanyahu, Zelensky, Starmer etc are working for the owners. The Russian oligarchs that Putin neutered were tools of the British Jew oligarchs, nothing has changed. You do not become an oligarch without access to masses of credit, and we know who controls that credit.

    Look at the UK, women being locked up for scratching their balls, it makes you wonder what or who people in the west are waiting for; maybe a 2024 Jesus? A British Putin? Maybe a British Putin cowboy in a white hat riding a female donkey with balls declaring “All the world’s a stage” or some other Shakespeare banality?

    Michael Reid

    Lifting the Veil on Russia’s SMO in Ukraine:

    Is Putin’s Response to NATO’s Provocations a Potemkin Village?

    Lifting the Veil on Russia’s SMO in Ukraine: Is Putin’s Response to NATO’s Provocations a Potemkin Village?

    John Day

    Hi Celticbiker. Since you offered to answer…
    What are you doing yourself, with your friends and family, to sustain through the travails?

    John Day

    @Michael Reid: I read that “Potemkin village” article, but I did not find it useful, constructive or informative. It is mainly hand waving and innuendo,


    Most of my friends and family are dead now, Mr Day. The old friends were hard workers, but hard partyers, consumed by demons. like most working class Whites. Kept the family out of jew nursing homes. Got to die in their own bed, unlike most, eaten up and bankrupted by Rockafeller “medicine”. If I’m not at work, I’m on the Harley, heading for the sticks, the dive bars, American Legions, Amvets, etc. I put 5 bucks in the jukebox, listen to music and people talk, laugh, bullshit and brag. i never mention what I know is coming. They carry heavy burdens already. They stare at TV and consume the illusion. What is the point in destroying the illusion.? They don’t really want to know. Frightening and disconcerting, or the Potempkin facade? At any rate, do I sound like a fuckin AI bot to you?



    War Pigs
    by Black Sabbath

    Generals gathered in their masses
    Just like witches at black masses
    Evil minds that plot destruction
    Sorcerer of death’s construction

    In the fields, the bodies burning
    As the war machine keeps turning
    Death and hatred to mankind
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds
    Oh lord, yeah!

    Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight?
    They leave that role to the poor, yeah

    Time will tell on their power minds
    Making war just for fun
    Treating people just like pawns in chess
    Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!

    Now in darkness, world stops turning
    Ashes where their bodies burning
    No more war pigs have the power
    Hand of God has struck the hour

    Day of judgement, God is calling
    On their knees, the war pigs crawling
    Begging mercy for their sins
    Satan laughing, spreads his wings


    They are about to draft your kids and murder them in Iran for jewbankers. If that doesn’t wake Whites (Americans*/my edit) up, what will?

    Nothing will.

    Majority of Americans are brainwashed to the max and are not coming back. Bernays the Jew worked his black magic, Freud his psychology, Pharma did their part and the media did the rest. Total denial, complete brainwashing. If anyone here can say with a straight face that America and Israel are not Nations of Monsters- then they got you too.

    Confirmed these past 4 years through the CoVid debacle, studying History, Human Nature and the complete lack of accountability to correct- Americans are too far gone to self correct, as is Israel.

    It’s a nightmare Nation now, being taken down the drain by the Jews as well. Think about it if you can-
    After the greatest health “threat pandemic” in Human History reaction wise- Where are we now ? The US and Israel Regimes can only chant War War War. We learned nothing.

    STOP the world for everyones better health, bioweapon virus created and bio weapon vax rape forced- and right fucking back to War, destruction and more lies. The left hand IS talking to the right hand for America and Israel- total fucking monters.

    Can anyone here now say with a straight face that the Jewish State in collusion with America is not committing genocide and threatening more war ? It’s not a dream to wake from- it is reality.

    Historical context- WW2 Germany could not stop itself, nor Japan or Italy. America and Israel can not stop themselves either. We are at War now people, with ourselves, the planet, and each other. America and Israel are the evil stench on the Planet.

    You can’t wake the dead, and both Nations have dead zombiebrain souls spewing death in every direction. No political party or billionaire are capable of stopping this madness, in fact they are the problem.

    Mentally scarred for life

    Never forget, never forgive what these parasitical viral scum have done and are doing right now.
    Rise up, not wake up.


    They don’t really want to know.

    NO they do not. They don’t want to know and they will not accpet reality.
    Similarly, I will not discuss what I really see happening or coming.
    When it’s time to fight and die- I will accept it gracefully and with full vengeance.

    When speaking of the “jew” or “american” it is not about the individual, but of the collective insanity they both reflect. Morons around here get tripped up in “racist hate”- which it has nothing to do with.

    The patterns are so obvious- if you look. But again, most don’t want to know.


    Ask Smedley Butler about War Pigs.

    Can anyone here say with a straight face that American War Pigs have not killed more citzens than any other Nation post WW2 ?

    Anyone ?

    John Day

    Thanks Celticbiker. You sound like a human.



    Sorry to say it but you failed the AI bot’s DEI test rather badly!
    They are now blacklisting you as a human!


    Yep! Canada is involved in the Russian-Ukraine War
    A Canadian Roshel Senator armoured personnel carrier (APC) is displayed at Patriot Congress and Exhibition Centre in Moscow region, Russia. © Sputnik/Aleksey Nikolskyi

    Michael Reid

    the oligarchs running the show and everyday becoming more powerful, you have to wonder why people are not motivated

    This reminds me where is the answer. It’s all about treating all life like family. Exterminate the threats

    Michael Reid

    Sorry John Day but forward without full assessment. News is becoming toxic as we were told it would become. I wish I didn’t feel like I have reached my best before date. I am with Mom and Dad and Dad is so full of life. Looking forward to hunting moose with Dad later this year.




    @Michael Reid
    “Looking forward to hunting moose with Dad later this year.”
    Good. I assume you have LEH in your neck of the woods.


    Phoenix voice wrote, prev. thread.

    So, which is it? Are we ruled by satanists? Are we ruled by powerful Jews? Are both branches in cahoots with each other? Are they two sides of the same coin? Are they diametrically opposed to each other, and we, (“the plebes,”) simply caught up in the maelstrom of their great battles? I don’t want to have anything to do with any of it. It’s a bunch of nonsense masquerading as cosmic reality. If I buy into the “I hate Jews” trope am I actually furthering the cause of the satanists? If I buy into the pizzagate stuff am I supporting the Zionist project?

    Not by Satanists for sure, though the symbolism is used for power-joining-adhering messages in many ways, nor by Zionists (they represent a small factionworld-wide.)

    What we are seeing in recent times, evident in past 15 years or so, now accelerating (past 5, say) is the setting up of a New Order in the ‘West’ (leaving out the role, position, actions, of Russia, China, India..) moving to a New Feudalism, where the ‘plebs’ like you phoenix v. and me, become the no-choice workers, slaves if one wills, of Big Corps, Big Monopolies, Big Conglomerates, via arrangements (deals, etc.) that are run by the Gvmt. Dependent for housing, health-care, etc. with no alternatives….

    Kontrol and profit-seeking to the hilt is the aim, for the oligarchs, the top dogs, their anointed servants and minions, a set of ‘shareholders’ / ‘stakeholders’ – e.g. the top ‘economic’ say 15% (not just in riches but in influence and sitting on control nodes) in the US for ex.

    A common defintion of fascism, the melding of Corporate Power, as in charge or extraction of ressources, transformation, transport, and much more, with the ‘State’, the ‘elected’ by the public figures, who posture on the platform, Yes.

    Viid is of interest. May 2024, an ex.

    While BlackRock veterans run Joe Biden’s Treasury, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is financed by Wall Street’s highest-paid CEO, of Blackstone, the world’s largest commercial landlord.


    The Russian laser that can cut through 10 Inches of steel from 300 yds would do fabulously as a crowd control solution for BLM riots

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