Debt Rattle August 23 2024


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  • #167224
    Mr. House

    Why i am hopeless that things will ever end anyway but very very badly:

    Ghost in the Machine
    August 23, 2024 at 8:59 am

    Syndemic anecdote. I was informed a couple of weeks ago by another parent that the younger sister of my child’s classmate, 8 years old, died in her sleep. Rumor is she was feeling sick when she went to bed. 8 year olds are not supposed to die in their sleep. The family of the parent I was talking to was also ill with the flu. Different family. We were on the phone. They were tested for both Covid and flu. Flu. The family had been struggling for two weeks. They did complain about their unusually long period of symptoms. I tried to emphasize how unusual it was to get flu in the summer, trying to lead to a discussion of Covid. ‘Well, people travel, always low levels, it happens..’ etc. utterly insane time we are living in.
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    Yves Smith
    August 23, 2024 at 10:31 am

    OMG how awful. And depressing.
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    Ghost in the Machine
    August 23, 2024 at 11:08 am

    Yes, we talked at some length about how this was an ultimate nightmare for us. Can you imagine going into your child’s room in the morning and finding them dead! Horror. I am grateful for this website, and grateful to have the knowledge about Covid that I do, but it is stressful. When I go off about Covid my family rolls their eyes, including a physician! But, they indulge me some. We all still were N95 masks on a plane for example. I see in a following comment, another mention of a weird child death. My god, are we now going to have to be stressed when our children go to bed feeling ill? Is this going to be a new Covid consequence? Are these deaths just a fluke? Am I being paranoid? I, unfortunately, don’t think so
    Reply ↓
    August 23, 2024 at 11:12 am

    A later wave of the Spanish Flu took out young adults in their prime…
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    lyman alpha blob
    August 23, 2024 at 10:42 am

    Recently went to a funeral of a friend’s 10 year old daughter. Similar situation – feeling ill for a while, no real diagnosis, symptoms went away, but then suddenly came back. Her mom drove her to the hospital when symptoms returned and she died on the way there. This child had just performed her dance recital the day before her death, so this was an otherwise healthy kid. Nobody knows why she died, but the family started a gofundme campaign to try to get to the bottom of it. Not sure if they’ve received an answer yet.

    Remember all those kids that were dying of covid in 2020 and 2021? But this people don’t ask if that 8 year old or 10 year old were jabbed. They just assume it must have been covid and how dare the government not force everyone to wear masks and lock down. We are so F’ing screwed.

    Mr. House

    Somebody needs to challange YVES to a debate on covid, take her to task. Big “misinformation” spreader, i nominate Karl Denninger.

    Mr. House

    Then again her readers don’t blink an eye at the fact that she consults for George Soros, so yeah

    D Benton Smith

    I long for the good old days when being caught red handed in a serious crime meant that the culprit was in serious trouble, instead of a promotion and rise in pay.

    D Benton Smith

    At the risk of re-stating the obvious, a country in which Kamala Harris can be the Presidential Candidate of the party that just totally got away without so much as a wrist slap for trying to assassinate the lead opposition Candidate, and yet the so-called “Election” campaigning continues as if nothing had happened, is a country that isn’t actually a country at all. It is a complete and total illusion of a country, and should be treated as such.

    In other words, since anything goes (as outlined in the preceding paragraph) then proceed on that basis. Anything goes. Even the truth, if you’ve got the guts to say it.

    Mr. House

    “I long for the good old days when being caught red handed in a serious”

    We’ve been having non stop crisis since 9/11 and nobody gets fired and nobody goes to jail.


    RFK JR endorses Trump.
    RFK JR talks peace,
    RFK JR explains the truth about Ukraine war.
    If the voters won’t listen to us, maybe they will listen to RFK JR.
    (All of the stations, even FOX), cut off their transmission of RFK JR remarks.)


    Russian Residency Law

    Anyone who values their health and are considering moving to Russia should read the following article from RT from 1st February 2024.
    It does not portray a utopia of freedom, health and bodily sovereignty.
    If it were not for this, and we were 20 years younger, we would be lining up to join V Arnold in Russia!

    “The previous regulations, adopted by the ministry in 2021, demanded almost everyone undergo a mandatory vaccination in case of an epidemic threat…”
    “Under the new rules, only those that have never been vaccinated against Covid-19 or contracted the disease itself – as well as those suffering from chronic lung or heart diseases, HIV, or tuberculosis – and the elderly will have to take a mandatory shot. Vaccination should be done once a year, whereas previously it was twice. The new rules are scheduled to come into effect in September 2024 and stay in force until September 2030.”


    John Day – you are an inspiration 🙂


    Must Watch: RFK Exposes DNC Corruption, Suspends Campaign, Backs Trump In Battleground States

    by Tyler Durden
    Friday, Aug 23, 2024 – 12:05 PM
    The 2024 presidential election race is about to take its next unexpected turn…

    And the attacks begin: In response to RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Trump, his family members have issued a strong statement condemning the move:

    “Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”

    The Trump campaign just released a memo on RFK Jr dropping out and endorsing the former president.

    “As you can clearly see, in every single state RFK Jr.’s vote breaks for President Trump.”

    John Day

    Must Watch: RFK Exposes DNC Corruption, Suspends Campaign, Backs Trump In Battleground States

    John Day

    @SeaBirds: Thank You, kindly.

    : Boy, did you beat me to that punch (RFK Jr. story)!


    NATO is pretty much dead – Col Douglas Macgregor



    NATO is pretty much dead – Col Douglas Macgregor


    Who’ll show up for armageddon?
    Shall we force the hand of God?
    Raze a mosque and raise a temple:
    That should give a little prod.









    Who’ll show up for armageddon?
    What could give a little prod?
    Raze a mosque and raise a temple?
    That should force the hand of God.

    Work in progress…I think I prefer the second.


    Sometimes the Future is predictable



    At first I thought it was ad for polo shirts not economic destitution.



    Pronoun Wars



    Bad luck
    Aug 23, 2024
    Firefighters and firefighters managed to control a fire that occurred at the largest refinery in Argentina, operated by YPF, in the city of Ensenada, 60 km from the capital Buenos Aires.

    The fire started in a hydrocarbon line in the refined products tank area.

    A dense cloud of smoke was initially seen. Air quality was monitored and did not present any risks.

    The Ensenada refinery is the largest in the country and has recently undergone modernization.

    Published: April 3, 2013

    BUENOS AIRES–Argentina’s largest oil and gas company, state-run YPF SA (YPF, YPFD.BA), said Wednesday that it has contained a major fire at the country’s largest oil refinery.

    YPF said it suspended operations at its La Plata refinery after a fire broke out Tuesday night in a coking oven.

    “Within the coming hours, YPF will put in place a special operating plan to restart operations at its industrial complex,” YPF said in a statement.

    It wasn’t immediately clear if the fire has been completely extinguished.

    YPF said the fire started after flooding caused by a major rain storm cut electricity to the entire refinery. The same storm caused power outages, flooding and at least half a dozen deaths in the capital, Buenos Aires, and nearby cities.

    YPF said its personnel and firefighters from two nearby cities managed to bring the blaze under control at about 3 a.m. EDT. The company said there were no casualties.

    Lost production at La Plata refinery is hardly welcome news for Argentina, which is already a major fuel importer.

    Argentina’s government ramped up production at YPF’s refineries after President Cristina Kirchner last year seized a 51% stake in the company from its former controlling shareholder, Spain’s Repsol SA (REP.MC, REPYY).


    Oil is burning when its not cold
    Ferry Carrying Fuel Tanks Sinks In Russian Port After Ukraine Missile Strike

    Fyodor Babenkov, the district head of the Russian town of Temryuk, was quoted by Reuters as saying the ferry was carrying 30 fuel tanks. The vessel sustained significant damage as a result of the attack, which caused a fire, Babenkov said.

    The Russian state-run news agency RIA Novosti said five people were on the vessel at the time of the attack and were unaccounted for. The Russian online news channel Baza reported that the number of people on board was 15 and all were missing.


    Take #2 on “Americans want to move to Russia”:
    Until recently you trashed “everything Slavic”, didn’t you?
    Akin to washed up high school hunk whose football career went nowhere and who is stuck with equally washed up cheerleader, meeting one day an “ugly duckling” classmate whom he ignored. Not only that now she has a successful career but turned out to be strikingly beautiful woman…He’s trying to court her using cheap moves, the only one that he knows and that always worked like charm on usual suspects.


    As for the DNC.
    While working on some model, I was listening to Nick Fueente’s channel where he turned the “event” into cacophony of overlapping speeches and music with very little commenting – presentation was self explanatory.


    Russia and China are governed by the same jewbankers you are. If they rig up a BRICS $ the spice will still flow to Rothschild and friends. Its a fuckin show, no different than a Hollywood production. They want White Christians dead and gone, their only capable adversary. Germany, in its prime, for example.. Thats why they dumped 3rd world shitheads all over Europe, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Jewsa, etc. How the fuck White people can not see and understand what is happening now, today, is beyond my fuckin comprehension. Do you welcome death? Do you wish Hell on your progeny? Sure as fuck looks that way to me.

    Dr D Rich


    U wrote:

      RFK JR endorses Trump.
      RFK JR talks peace,
      RFK JR explains the truth about Ukraine war.
      If the voters won’t listen to us, maybe they will listen to RFK JR.
      (All of the stations, even FOX), cut off their transmission of RFK JR remarks.)

    What are you thinking you Anti-Semite!??
    How dare you!


    What are you thinking you Anti-Semite!??
    How dare you!

    … and I didn’t even use the words … Israel and Jewish



    Have you been able to pick your blackberries without donating too much blood?

    I once had a single domestic blackberry plant that I had to tie up as the shoots got quite tall.
    These berries got ripe early July 3, weeks before the raspberries.
    (You have to keep the blackberry plants and raspberry plants well apart.)
    The thorns on the domestic blackberry plants were wickly big like roses.

    I still have the thornless black thimble berries, as they refuse to die!.


    Celtic biker
    This latest reporting into the back end behind UK riots supports your position entirely. Israeli Zionist murderers


    On MoA, I saw a comment saying there are 16 million cell phones, 25 million SIM cards, and 19 million Ukrainians left in the Ukraine now.
    How they arrived at 19 million Ukrainians left now in the Ukraine, from the cell phone data, wasn’t explained.

    Since actual Ukraine’s population demographics are not really known, it is really hard to estimate the remaining cannon fodder still available for the Ukrainian elites, to sell to Nato to raise more grift funding.

    Since Russia is planning until 2026, at least another million more Ukrainians will need to be fed into the meat grinder to keep the war going for 2 more years.

    Ukrainian cannon fodder is currently being sold to Nato, by the Ukrainian elites, at about $2500 a head.
    That should raise about another $2.5 billion dollars for the Ukrainian elites.
    So sadly, the war must continue to the last Ukrainian.

    Dr D Rich

    John Kirakou….FCI Loretto’s finest….

    ….is becoming as popular as…

    ….SCI Somerset’s finest, Journalist Scott Ritter..

    for making videos.
    When I was a child I gave up childish things.

    Here’s spellbinding at its lowest finest, convincing folk some northWestern Pennsylvanian is, was, and ever shall be against The Tool of His Trade, Torture.


    Yes, I got enough blackberries. However, as you get older your skin gets thinner and bruises easily. In another few days and I’ll be back to looking healthy.

    D Benton Smith


    A little-known botanical fact is that blackberries are related to the Venus flytrap and derive their nutrition from human blood ingested by means of hypodermic thorns which surround luscious berries that are strategically located just out of reach.

    V. Arnold

    If it were not for this, and we were 20 years younger, we would be lining up to join V Arnold in Russia!

    But, to be clear, I’m not in Russia.
    I am very happily in Thailand (21 years and counting) where I am not mandated to get any vaccinations.

    Dr. D

    I was unclear that China was a Jewish country where the CCP Party heads were Jewish. My bad.

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