Debt Rattle August 24 2022
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- This topic has 66 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago by
August 24, 2022 at 9:00 am #114099
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterEdouard Vuillard The flowered dress 1891 • Ukraine Will Seize Crimea ‘By Any Means Necessary’ – Zelensky (RT) • No-Fly Zone (Schryver) • Eviden
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 24 2022]August 24, 2022 at 9:17 am #114100Germ
ParticipantSome very hard truths from Dr. Blaylock.
This entire fiasco is so NOT over.☠️☠️☠️
August 24, 2022 at 9:52 am #114101praecursator
ParticipantUpstateNYer – yesterday’s Post 114053:
. . . What solvent easily removes tar without exposing a person to unhealthy toxins?Assuming you’re talking about actual tar (as opposed to metaphorical badminton with Dr. Day) –
kerosene – probably the best general clean-up solvent – fast, safe and effective! . . . (oops)
No, truly it is – particularly for tar. Low flashpoint, with a long history as a home remedy & cure-all, too!August 24, 2022 at 10:05 am #114102V. Arnold
ParticipantEdouard Vuillard The flowered dress 1891
Hmmm…can’t say I like it…
But it doesn’t matter, in the end, what I think………….
The sun will rise, life may go on…or not…
I assume it will…doesn’t everybody??August 24, 2022 at 10:25 am #114103aspnaz
ParticipantV. Arnold said
The sun will rise, life may go on…or not…
I assume it will…doesn’t everybody??We are all dreading your demise, we all know it ends when you pop your clogs. Stop being grumpy 🙂
August 24, 2022 at 10:39 am #114104Dr. D
Participant“ECB Says Cash “Not Fit” for Digital Economy, Dismisses CBDC Privacy Concerns”
Well here is the mark, with the social credit score. Shutting off food to anyone who is good and not a fascist. Fascist? Yes, merger of corporation, state, society into one thing, ruled by a small cadre at the top of the Collective.
Time has run out on the debt-compounding system, it needs a reset, but Russia won’t start the WWIII like they’re told so Davos can cover up the collapse. …You know, like Western finance locking up in late 2019.
So, here we go with forcing it all on you openly. Theft, murder, control, all the same size as a WWIII, but with no logical premise. Nothing’s broken except our leaders’ brains and the institutions they run.
“‘Weary’ Europeans Must ‘Bear Consequences’ “ EU says.
“UK Knife Crime Is Soaring”If only they had registered the knives. All the criminals would line up to get licensed.
They have a cure for the economic pressure, while adding a 100k city at a pop of desperately poor, war-inured immigrants to the problem: “Green Party Official Tells Germans to Use Washcloths instead of Taking Showers”
I’m sure that’ll settle everything down. Why didn’t I think of that before? Thanks so much!!! I tell you, there’s nothing I like more than a lower standard of living. And they already said “Eet Ze Bugs!” so the food problem is covered.
“BREAKING: White House Lied”
This is news? I am glad they got the receipts though. Even though nobody cares and nobody will act. Really, it SEEMS like things are happening, but the feeling here is noting is happening. Nor may ever again.
“ Ukraine Will Seize Crimea ‘By Any Means Necessary’ – Zelensky (RT)”
I wondered why anyone listens to anything he says, but actually, the article is worth referencing as a study in lunacy and denial. ““I know that Crimea is with Ukraine, [and] is waiting for us.” “Ukraine would not freeze the current front line to “calm down Russia.” Uh-huh.
“No-Fly Zone (Schryver)”
First war we’ve fought without air superiority in 100 years. I can see why they thought they would bleed the Russians and make it unpopular at home: imagine if ¾ of this stuff got through.
“This is particularly embarrassing for the US, because they had prior warning, hours in advance, that a missile strike would be launched against Ayn al-Asad.”
The U.S. is clearly incapable of embarrassment. Or adjustment. And they don’t mention Lira’s March attack on the Polish border where they shot their best, expensive missiles from Russia, crossed the whole of a nation the size of France, and took out the NATO training base. Without NATO seeing anything, on any radar or defense. Without warning. Just firing at will, hitting anything they feel like. Unopposed. So they own the air offensively as well as defensively. Too bad we won’t see their I dunno, 8th generation jets shoot down all the helpless Penguins, though. Our other top jets are from 1976.
“renounced in the western press as “ultra-nationalists”
As in, they are patriotic? We already know that’s a capital crime, here as well as there.
“Germany’s military was in a severely depleted state long before February, with a 2019 report revealing that fewer than 20% of the country’s 68 Tiger combat helicopters and fewer than 30% of its 136 Eurofighter jets were operational. The report also found that ammunition stocks were low and soldiers were missing essential gear, including boots, clothing, and bedding.”
This is what I’ve been mocking them for, and also what Trump told them. Like: “you plan on fighting Russia, you tell me Russia is your immediate threat and enemy, we spend a trillion defending against, yet you have zero army and you get 80% of your oxygen – I mean gas – from them? Explain.”
“Ah Trump, you so stoopid. All the schmartz people know…” Now it’s proven and he’s still stupid and Germany is still smart and right. Maybe it’s not stupidity that is infinite in the universe, it’s denial.
Anyway, we already know THEY CAN’T fix and repair the military: there are no tank factories, no shell factories, no food factories, and all the gas and coal you would build one with is in Russia. Likewise, the U.S. has no shell factories, no tank factories, no steel mills… But we’ll give ’em what for: “Words are Violence” don’t you know?
“Scholz recently insisted that Berlin supplies “a lot of weapons”to Kiev,”
Denial. Notice they carefully avoid naming them, Facts = Hate. Truth = Enemy. Because then it would be obvious it was only 6 trucks and a box of rifles. That is, not only is he lying (duh) but Germany is completely helpless and undefended in any way. The only reason they exist is that Russia doesn’t want them.
“The world runs on credit,”
Although it seems Inflationary now, this is Deflationary. Prices drop 90% without credit. The problem is timing, as if you miss the timing you can be destroyed either way, both ways, or just missing the day of the turn. That’s not good. As Charles Hugh Smith has said, you can’t erase risk from a system. It is merely transferred, or in this case, ignored. If risk = profit, our risk has never been higher. We’re in a Great Depression with a Dow 33,000. Oh and the US$:Euro is at par. 1:1. From 80 just last year. Europe is being clubbed like a baby seal. That’s okay. Enjoy the washcloths. BTW great idea just to holiday in the South this winter. I hadn’t thought of that, simple and practical.
“China’s new era is more about the supremacy of the Party, with an associated emphasis on power, control, and ideological constraints on the economy.”
They are a very authoritarian, bureaucratic state and always have been. That is why they are different from us, different from the West, and you can’t use 1:1 history with Western economics anymore than you could for the !Kung people. Authoritarian is not for me, but naturally: I’m an American. Russia is halfway, as they too like authoritarian structure, but in their own alien way Europe doesn’t understand. It works for them, so it’s none of my business. However my Evergrande bonds will fail and China will lock all Gaijin from getting their money out, isn’t that right Mr. Soros?
“Biden’s War on Natural Gas Will Kill (Shellenberger)”
We certainly can and should convert to minimize its use, but that’s not what they’re doing. They are running an intentional genocide, a religious fatwa against humans. How would we do it? Well geez, it’s real hard now! You already built a tens of million houses that are as un-ecological as is possible to be. You already paved every acre you could find. You already destroyed all the systems and infrastructure that would let you replace chemical fertilizer with manure. You already created hyper-cities that are too large for the surrounding farms and water systems, and already built them so there is no way to utilize them without massive car use. And against every outcry and warning. So as Kunster would say, “The greatest misallocation of resources in the history of the universe.” So…go undo all that, every stick, go back to distributed systems, small farms, small workshops, small cities, small travel like 1950, and we can cut your gas use. They won’t. We are going to hit the wall at 100mph. But we will. We the people will have to, so we the people will do it. While fighting them off with a shield in the other hand like Nehemiah 4:17. Except they are the vikings, criminals and scoundrels murdering us.
“Facebook owner Meta Platforms should be fined for continuing to shuttle Europeans’ personal information to the United States”
Really? It’s this and not being the worldwide hub for child grooming and trafficking? Okay then, glad you have priorities. Oh and ISIS is still on, not censored.
“Republicans will need to win back control of Congress in this year’s midterm elections to force such an investigation.”
They are going to shut down the election to prevent this. Using a few dozen different methods at once, the election will be made unclear and impossible to verify, adding a new layer in their attempts to cause civil war. So don’t worry about “The Election”. In essence there won’t be one. The resignation does imply that he believes Republicans will take Congress, but he is 80. Young for our current dottering dinosaur class.
Twitter is a public-private partnership with the security state. (Fascism. Also totally illegal under 1A) Yes, duh. But also reported that FOREIGN intel is everywhere in it. Duh. If you were Israel or England or China wouldn’t you place some employees to pull some levers? Of course you would. Zatko said “They have no internal controls”. Which I’ve heard before elsewhere. USAToday for instance. You can post anything, any time. No editor no review, no consequences. But this is IT and Data, so of course there is no security and no internal controls. Duh. Have none of you ever used the internet before? How many times do they have to lose your whole password list and every credit card to “hackers”? (Actually us, an inside job.) You know, like that East Pipeline company that was going bankrupt then was hacked and paid themselves off with their own hacking insurance?
Is everyone named “Pollyanna” these days? You’d think when raised from birth inside a violent criminal enterprise of universal con artists, we’d be more up to speed.
“The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is building a new facility in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armoury, interrogation rooms,”
Behold the Green Horse. The rider of the apocalypse that kills more people than war and famine. Look upon me, Green Agenda, and despair. Just as the IRS, their clear intent is to kill people, or they wouldn’t have an armory and interrogation room. It’s in the job description: Shoot Citizens. Is that crazy? That’s the SAME AS NOW. What would be crazy is if they changed it.
A few hikes in Europe? No, that will MAKE IT WORSE. Economics is so backward, and has stayed that way for so many decades of insider profit that they forgot Stagflation completely disproved Keynesianism in the 70s. High prices cannot exist in a bad economy, they said. Here we are 50 years later, thinking Keynesianism’s only cure to high prices, raising rates, isn’t the OPPOSITE of what’s needed, AFTER the whole school was already discredited as garbage claptrap a lifetime ago. Dottering Dinosaurs of Despair.
In reality, they know. And it’s just all profitable lies. Everything that’s said is a lie, because the only enemy is the Truth. Europe has no choice but to raise since the Fed raised. If the Fed raised, it will suck worldwide capital flows off the moon as they say. The only way for Europe not to become a crater is to also raise rates to complete, hoping to survive one more week. But as this article implies, that will crater Europe with a double-whammy in paying higher costs AND higher interest: a higher “tax” on activity. Oh, and actual higher taxes too. Triple tax. With more “IRS” revenue agents as they go broke. Quadruple taxes. And starvation.
Europe is just trying to start a war so they can reset the debt clock. Kill all the citizens so there won’t be shortages, and maintain power using Soviet bureaucracy, a police state that shoots French women in the eye, and a social credit score digital currency that murders dissidents. They are trying to get America to murder themselves in order to survive, but the U.S. is returning the favor. And we’re winning handily: Europe has ALREADY murdered themselves on our behalf. Thanks! You shouldn’t have.
Going back to the first article, “ECB Says Cash “Not Fit” for Digital Economy,” they are reversing digital currency and returning to cash, almost worldwide. Why not when ATMs are failing, Justin is stealing your bank account, and you’re going blackmarket to survive.
August 24, 2022 at 11:22 am #114105EoinW
Participant2016: Lock her up! 2022: Lock him up!
The only way I see Republicans winning in November is if they’ve jumped on the Destroy USA bandwagon and will keep the Build Back Better going. Even if that was the case, I still can’t see the Democrats willingly giving up power.
Did they fix the 2020 election and Georgia run off just to give it all back two years later? I don’t think so. The best the GOP can hope for is a contested election. The Dems will never peacefully give up power ever again.
August 24, 2022 at 11:39 am #114106V. Arnold
ParticipantV. Arnold said
The sun will rise, life may go on…or not…
I assume it will…doesn’t everybody??Stop being grumpy 🙂
Stop being grumpy?
Good heavens; it’s one of the privileges us old folks enjoy; we’ve earned it…
August 24, 2022 at 11:41 am #114107aspnaz
ParticipantRoger Waters: “NATO doesn’t want the war in Ukraine to end. There’s huge fortunes to be made. They will fight until the last Ukrainian.”
Roger Waters said that international recognition of Taiwan as part of China means that NATO should not be supporting Taiwan. This immediately raises the questions of the Palestinians and the international recognition of Paestine as owned by the Jews of Israel. What is your position on that Roger? If he could not work out the implications of his statement, why are we listening to him? If he did know what he was saying, when will he reveal his view of the Palestinians? Musicians play music, it takes many hours of practice every day, as a result they are, without exception, total morons when it comes to politics. The best evidence was Live Aid, the money going to buy guns, not food …. sad.
August 24, 2022 at 11:58 am #114108aspnaz
ParticipantWith the upcoming 20th Party Congress likely to usher in an unprecedented third five-year term for Xi, there is good reason to believe that China’s growth sacrifice has only just begun.
Xi will destroy China, preventing its “great leap forward” in order to further his own power ambitions – to become the Mao of the 21st century. He will destroy all the potential of the Chinese people by insisting that the party have total control over everybody, which they already have and obviously plan to use to further some power ambitions of the future. Their problem will be innovation: at the moment they steal innovation from the USA and Europe, what will they do when the USA and Europe are not sending their designs to China for manufacture any more? At the moment they have the money to pay western engineers to design cars, western engineers to provide the machine tools, to support their car companies, but what happens to those companies when the western engineers and project managers no-longer go to China? Isolation is not going to give China prosperity.
August 24, 2022 at 12:06 pm #114109aspnaz
ParticipantThe entire facility that was leaked to The Counter Signal is sketched to be over 50,000 square feet, will house hundreds of ECCC staff, and will also be home to weather forecasting staff.
What would stop local residents to completely eliminate these employees within a week? Other than mental weakness – subservience in fear – there is no reason why the entire facility would ever function, if the Canadians were willing to save their country, their towns, their families, their children …. but they are not.
August 24, 2022 at 12:10 pm #114110D Benton Smith
ParticipantEveryone wants the sovereignty to do whatever they want when they want until something BAD turns out to be entirely their own (sovereignly chosen) bad deed. Then all of sudden they want it to be somebody else’s responsibility. Nobody wants sovereignty when that means that it’s their fault.
August 24, 2022 at 12:10 pm #114111aspnaz
ParticipantPeople need to stop focusing on the enemy’s leaders and start focusing on the enemy’s foot soldiers. You cannot win a war by just killing the leader, you have to win a war by killing the foot soldiers until there are no foot soldiers left. If that were not the case, Putin would have killed Zelensky and it would all be over, but we know that is not reality, you have to kill his foot soldiers so that his replacement has no power. Trudeau will get his reward, but first the people need to remove his foot soldiers, they need to remove his power.
August 24, 2022 at 12:20 pm #114112aspnaz
ParticipantIn a letter to the chancellor, Nadhim Zahawi, independent brewers on Tuesday called for immediate government intervention, warning a once thriving cottage industry was now facing “grave uncertainty”.
An Islamic British-Iranian is going to decide whether pubs should stay open ….. ummm. Why would anyone return to the UK to live if they are currently in a sane country abroad, one that allows them to criticise Jews and drink beer? That country is so finished, but it is only the peoples’ fault because they sat back and did nothing, like they are doing now. The oligarchs have promoted the most unlikely people into positions of power, they have obviously been pushed there in order to destroy the sense of British Culture. Add to that the child abuse gangs and the epidemic of knife crime, both powered by immigrants and you can see that this is a controlled destruction. But, if the people won’t fight for their country – and I didn’t, I saw the writing on the wall, so I left because I couldn’t stand the people – then let it die.
August 24, 2022 at 12:32 pm #114113D Benton Smith
ParticipantAll war is Mind War. All. War is won by changing your enemy’s mind. Methods vary.
August 24, 2022 at 12:38 pm #114114aspnaz
Participant“Green Party Official Tells Germans to Use Washcloths instead of Taking Showers”
And this guy is still alive? When will the Germans start to take this crisis seriously.
August 24, 2022 at 1:02 pm #114115oxymoron
Participantaspnaz – they will take it seriously when they use “outside” as a refrigerator and the furniture as the “heater” – about 3 – 4 months time.
Time to stock up, as fascist as it is right now the command economy just may meet the remains of the day in a market crash as liquidity becomes solid like a turd.I’m thinking food, soap, kerosene, baking soda and an NFT for the memories of 2019
August 24, 2022 at 1:06 pm #114116oxymoron
ParticipantAlso I am cutting firewood like a beast right now – yes it’s true when alot of the world is hot and dry other parts of the world are cold and wet – like where I am. Top of 9 C today and windy and wet.
Which reminds me of the wolves in the national park twitter video from a little way back. When you put the apex back in the mix the natural environment thrives. Does that mean Black fellas get their land back so we can avoid the horrendous bushfires in Oz? No obviously it’s – you guessed it – Climate Change.
August 24, 2022 at 1:08 pm #114117John Day
ParticipantYesterday Farmer McGregor mused that he “might read Marx”.
Just try to read Marx, Man! I really tried. I could read smaller bits bu Marx.
I made it 58 pages into Das Kapital.
A friend laughed and said, “Nobody reads Das Kapital, Man, you’re just supposed to carry it around and look revolutionary”.August 24, 2022 at 1:25 pm #114118John Day
Participant@Upstate NYer: Removing tar? “Non-toxic”? Kerosene came first to mind, but I looked it up and mayonnaise and peanut butter also work, or olive oil…
🙂August 24, 2022 at 1:29 pm #114119John Day
Participant@Aspnaz: Consider that “winning a war” might be largely about getting all the middle managers to side with you.
Revolutions succeed when the cops change sides, and the captains, majors and colonels, and the teachers, and businessmen…August 24, 2022 at 1:39 pm #114120WES
If electricity in Europe is equal to $1,000 per barrel of oil, then I would just buy the oil and burn it to run my own generator. In other words if the TPTB’s power system is that corruptly expensive, I would just replace it with my own private system. But then taking a long vacation down south might be more enjoyable.
Sorry to disappoint you but China’s engineers already are designing today’s cars. GM’s Cadillacs are completely designed and built in China!
Dr. D:
If you are Germany, completely controlled and occupied by the US, then it makes perfect sense to ensure your own military is hopelessly weak, so it can’t be used by the US as cannon fodder like the Ukraine.
August 24, 2022 at 1:44 pm #114121Henry
Participant@praecursator thank you for the cleaning solution insight! I remember my grandfather using it. Wow what a flash back. Thanks again.
August 24, 2022 at 2:00 pm #114122Clueless Honky
Participant“What solvent easily removes tar without exposing a person to unhealthy toxins?”
I’m not sure how this question wound up on TAE comment thread, but I definitely want to say here that you should first try vegetable oil.
I first wash my hands with soap and water to get other dirt off. This, of course, doesn’t touch the tar. But after fully drying your hands, pour a couple of capfuls of vegie oil on your hands and rub into the tar deeply. The tar will rather quickly dissolve into the veggie oil as you deeply rub it in. When all of the tar is dissolved, then wash your hands again with soap and hot water to get the veggie oil (and dissolved tar) off.
You’re done. Super easy. Quick. Non-toxic.
This works with both natural tars (pine tar) and petroleum based tars. YupAugust 24, 2022 at 2:05 pm #114123D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe ultimate “victory” of acquiring total power is pretty hollow, because there will be no one else remaining for the victor to share the triumph with, because the winner will have defeated them all. In other words: the winner is alone. But not because others have forced them to leave. How could they do that since they lack the power to do so. No, the “winner” has taken THEMSELF off of the playing field by not allowing anyone else to play. As they say in the business, “Game Over”.
And it’s not only a Grand Scale emergent phenomenon, either. We see it played out all around us every day. We see it on the micro-scale as a day-to-day commonality so pervasive that it seems Standard Operating Procedure for living on Earth. Example: A seller cheats a buyer by selling an item for more than it is actually worth and then INSISTS that the buyer and everyone else AGREE that such a deed is good and moral and fair as a perfectly acceptable business practice.
Alright. Let them have it their own way. The way they insist upon us accepting, too. Let’s hypothetically accept “profit” as a perfectly acceptable business practice. For how long can the makers of things be stolen from until they have nothing left to steal? That’s an easy question to answer, and the answer is : until it kills them. When the poorest of the poor starve to death then they can no longer pay more for a thing than it is worth.
There are plenty of other ways to die before starvation drops the curtain, however, and they are all also intrinsically related in various ways to the theft of the basic necessities of life from those who actually made those necessities, and the attendant chaos that surrounds such skullduggery. When there is nothing left to steal because there are no people left to steal from then the stealers starve too, a no-brainer level of consequence that apparently escapes their capacity for understanding. They don’t understand things very well because their specialty is stealing, not understanding. They’ve always been able to just buy such services as “understanding” and “technology” (and even stealing !!) from experts, using the heaps of goods and money that they’ve stolen. Tidy package. Until there is no package at all.
Most of this stuff has already been well covered in childrens rhymes, fables and fairy tales (The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg in this case), but it never hurts to review notes before a big exam.
August 24, 2022 at 2:23 pm #114124D Benton Smith
ParticipantGreta Thunberg. What a remarkably annoying child. And what marketing genius to package and sell such a peculiar and basically unpleasant “skill set”. Huge bribes were involved in her “media success” of course, but she still had to be “sold” as a useful item to her elite WEF associated patrons. Whoever did that sales job get’s top marks for bottom feeding. They truly understood the needs and wants of their target market, and that targeted market was the elites themselves. There must be some kind of Official Award for that level of expertise, even if it was evil..
August 24, 2022 at 2:43 pm #114125zerosum
ParticipantEnergy needs
1. 2,000 to 5,000 BTU ( A surplus for tomorrows activities)
2. Oil for my mechanical slaves that reduce the consumption of my caloriesHope that “MOTHER EARTH” did not break any windows during the night
——-August 24, 2022 at 3:32 pm #114126Figmund Sreud
ParticipantWar and avarice describe today’s government pretty well. Vid:
So, bring it on big government! Push us too far and come hell, we will take our freedoms back from you, … the lyrics herald, …
… but the chicken says:
Doomed, …
August 24, 2022 at 3:45 pm #114127Armenio Pereira
ParticipantWe use some cosmetics – soap, perfume – to conceal our natural odors; likewise, we use culture to conceal our natural ferocity.
A cosmetics shortage is coming – the savage scent returning.August 24, 2022 at 4:10 pm #114128my parents said know
ParticipantFormerly T-Bear (from yesterday)
I was pointing out the date when corporate personhood put its toe in the supreme court’s waters, via a note made by a clerk in the 1886 decision.I’m waiting for the “metaphysical” execution of Pfizer.
Old people get grumpy. Young people get testy. And children have tantrums.
August 24, 2022 at 4:20 pm #114129phoenixvoice
Participant“Profit” on an item can be justified when it is just compensation for the time, effort, and cost of procuring said item.
Case in point:
I run a small IT company. A few times a year I run into a client in need of a computer. I can search for an appropriate one, but I happen to see it as a boring chore. My spouse absolutely loves shopping online for computer systems. He gets excited by doing the research to find the most suitable processor at the best price and then scours eBay, Amazon, Newegg, etc., for the best price, taking into consideration parameters such as how quickly the client needs the computer. This can take him anywhere from one to 3 hours, or more. Sometimes, his first offering is rejected and he must restart the process. So…he does the research, I send the quote, increasing my purchase price by $100 “profit.” If the client doesn’t purchase, he is not compensated. If the client purchases the system, I pay my spouse the $100, and I install and set up the computer, charging for my labor. This has been working well for five years now. I don’t believe anyone is being “exploited.” Everyone is happy with the results. My clients never would have found comparable systems on their own at that price. Labor deserves to be compensated.August 24, 2022 at 4:32 pm #114130boscohorowitz
ParticipantAugust 24, 2022 at 5:13 pm #114131Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantMy Parents Said Know at 114128
Due respect for reply, You pointed out the date a meme is attached, a meme in support of legal ignorance mostly but useful in spreading economic ignorance as well. I would suggest finding Sir Henry Sumner Maine’s “Ancient Law“ to begin informing yourself of the origins of Roman Law, the development of legal fictions, as well as the creation of corporate law; all from the origins of Western jurisprudence to current times. My point was, from memory of reading the decision that corporations from their very nature were no different than a person, that the meme was useless, and allowed ignorance to spread. Your use of that information was just a cut and paste amplifying ignorance. I shall not respond further to the extraneous blather. Be well.
August 24, 2022 at 5:59 pm #114134Dimitri
Participant@ John Day
Dear John, if you want to read some Marx I would suggest “ The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”.
Easy reading and fascinating too 🙂
August 24, 2022 at 6:23 pm #114135John Day
Participant@Boscohorowitz: Thanks for the Earnest P. Worrell “Your Life As I See It” clips.
An Oracle Speaks to Us
The actor plays all parts, and is properly Jim Varnay, who died at 50 of lung cancer in Y2k: T-Bear: Which character do you most identify with in that link from Boscohorowitz?
@Dr.D: i didn’t say anything last time you did this, but aspnaz is going to call you on this at some point. “Gaijin” (outside-person) is a Japanese term. Japanese is a nice, phonetic language that adopted Chinese characters late in life after being invaded. Chinese is much more complicated, tonal, with rising and falling tones, not pronounced like Spanish at all, so the term for “foreigner” needs this thing where you listen to a computer say the word: wai guo ren
August 24, 2022 at 6:43 pm #114136phoenixvoice
ParticipantI’m reading Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals right now. My spouse has a copy from college and gave it to me to read years ago; more recently Dr D here slammed the book and author…which served to pique my curiosity, lol. I’m in chapter 4, Education of a Radical under the “an organized personality” heading. Alinsky is going on about how the people in a given locale are all going to have their pet issues that are the biggest deal for their own lives, and how the individuals need to realize that if they support each other in these disparate issues, then they stand a chance to get what they each want. I was reminded of a few years ago when spouse and I attended a couple of meetings of the nascent Arizona People’s Party. We realized that the formers were essentially Bernie Sander’s supporters disillusioned by Bernie losing the nomination – twice. There was at that time no formal platform. The originators of the AZ PP wanted to adopt Bernie’s presidential platform once they realized that the national PP was at that time in disarray and had no adoptable platform. Spouse and I were disgusted. We pointed out that if this is the “People’s Party” why not create a task force to interface one on one with people, find out what was motivating individuals to join the meeting, create a proposed list of platform contents, and then put it up for a vote? Originators thought this type of project “too difficult” and preferred to put pressure on the Biden administration to accomplish facets of his campaign platform in the first 100 days. They were amenable to an online poll of possible platform items — but that meant that the items would be limited by the imaginations of the person putting together the survey. Both of these efforts appeared absolutely pointless to spouse and myself — at that point we lost faith in the AZ PP and didn’t bother with further meetings.
I suppose that I could call them “lip-service liberals” — espousing a slim variety of liberal-ish ideas, but unwilling to do the legwork required to actually have democratic input. I understand the challenge of demanding consensus…but if groups cannot even be bothered to have conversations and learn from those conversations, let alone risk voting when others might not vote for their pet issues…then we are not worthy of democracy, direct or the Republican form.
August 24, 2022 at 6:45 pm #114137John Day
ParticipantDimitri said: “if you want to read some Marx I would suggest “ The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”.’
Thanks, and that explains why there was such a good Marxian analysis of “Capitalism” and the French Revolution that I read recently, really going into how the energy of the revolution could only e realized if it was directed into something like imperial wars. I had not seen anything like that, but it “explained” nicely, whether completely correct, or not, why only Bonaparte had been able to coalesce the French social factions successfully in the post-revolution.
I presume the writer had read Marx’s original analysis. Digging a little, I find that I have that in Karl Marx, Selected Writings, on page 187. I read some of these, slowly, long ago. then I read Capitalism For Beginners, and Economics Explained, then Freakonomics. that was all in the last millennium. I forgot most of it. It’s all models.
I see that The Communist Manifesto is on pages 157-186. It looks pretty spicy at the end. Maybe I should read it. A previous owner of the book underlined a lot in black and red with a straight-edge in that section.August 24, 2022 at 6:52 pm #114138John Day
Participant@PhonixVoice: The Arizona People’s Party might also read some Marx, but won’t. What I hear from you is that Sanders idealists had formed a community, which had become crestfallen, and as a community, they decided to take something like an autonomous position, as a group, to make demands. That was the extent of their capability. Their group did not have some critical mass of intellectuals with the energy and rigor to do the necessary work.
Me neither…August 24, 2022 at 6:56 pm #114140my parents said know
ParticipantI went and read Citizens United v FEC. I did not see “corporations are people” but I did find corporations referred to as “the speaker” (eg: “the speaker is an association with a corporate form”; “government may not suppress political speech based on the speaker’s corporate identity”.) Whereas the makers of the Hillary film likely all agreed, all shareholders in many corporations do not. So “the speaker” is a puzzle to me.
Now, for your entertainment, here is a an interesting bit from CU v FEC:
“…this Court now concludes that independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption. That speakers may have influence over or access to elected officials does not mean that those officials are corrupt. And the appearance of influence or access will not cause the electorate to lose faith in this democracy.”August 24, 2022 at 7:05 pm #114141John Day
ParticipantBiden is about to announce $10k per head in student debt transfer payments from all-y’all to them, pitting those receiving against those (it’s better) giving, or being debited somehow.
The real point of jubilee is when the government declares that debts no longer exist.
That would be eliminating the government coercion to pay these student loans, and declaring that there is no penalty for non-payment. That alternative would gut the top 1% of the financial class, instead of mostly benefitting the top 10% “of wage earners” (not asset-holders) over the other wage-earners.
Indeed, the top-10%-of-wage-earners and their parents vote a lot. this is a bribe from all-y’all to them and especially the top1% of asset-holders, who are invisible-and-bulletproof. -
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