Debt Rattle August 26 2024
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- This topic has 60 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago by
V. Arnold.
August 26, 2024 at 8:16 am #167464
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterM. C. Escher Symmetry Drawing 1948 • US Orchestrated Durov Arrest – Former Spokesman (RT) • How The EU Tightened The Noose On Telegram (RT) • D
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 26 2024]August 26, 2024 at 9:48 am #167467tboc
ParticipantPerhaps some here are old enough to remember this phrase:
America, Love it or leave it!
or mayber this one:
My country, right of wrong!!!!!
The top graphic is quite nice, my generation does not have the cojones to claim or use either.
Boomers wake up at an inappropriate moment Every Time. My memory prompts me to remember Tacitus every time i encounter one of my smug, arrogant compatriots.and now, Dr. D
August 26, 2024 at 10:41 am #167468oxymoron
Participanttboc. I’m pretty much here for Dr D’s synthesis and giant brain. I don’t agree with every take but I know when to admit I’m standing in the shadow of a giant. I also know that doesn’t make me less – just different, and that is the coolest thing about this group. We all are bleeding heart lefties who come across as right wing extreme mutha f’krs but so diverse.
Raul thanks for focusing on the Telegram saga – for me it is a big deal – i don’t tweet n shit – it’s all substack TAE and Telegram these days.
Oh and here is my latest rant in song/rap written well over a year ago so there is a minor Assange edit (he is out thank god poor dude).
Dr D – I’m open to your advice about writing songs about where we want to end up but I have done so much of that over the years and it was just deaf ears – maybe I shoud dig some up and re release. For now it’s brazen and pissy. We are in a big 5 g war thingy after all. Next stop Communism and CBDC’sAugust 26, 2024 at 11:31 am #167469Dr. D
Participant“Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism
A free Britain, which took over 1,000 years to evolve, essentially became a Stalinist police state in less than two months…”You’re kidding, right? The land that birthed “1984” 80 years ahead of time, and has more cameras per square inch (as planned out in “1984”) and did the Guilford Four and the Birmingham Six, to railroad them with no habeus corpus and false confessions, and indeed has been doing this regularly since before King Charles….the First…invented Star Councils, all that, only NOW is a police state?
I guess what really happened is YOU WOKE UP to the police state in two months…that had been there all along but were denying. Ask Tommy Robinson and Count Dank.
…And not just them either. We Yanks haven’t been the land of the free since…well, ever? But these things are cyclical and come and go. Also WHO is being the schoolmaster changes from time to time. Technically you were pretty free after WWII, but socially it was relatively strict. In 1840 you might be free, but we wouldn’t recognize the laws and patterns of the time, which might seem socially oppressive in Concord, MA. It was perhaps no less oppressive on the frontier, but you didn’t leave your cabin for other reasons.
Maybe we should ask the question: What is Free?
Pavel, and he may be a jerk. Probably. He lives in Dubai. He may be guilty of all kinds of crimes. But we all know that changes nothing, and Europe is a Soviet Socialist State totalitarian, now the Iron Curtain, just as they always dreamed. First: Germany does back-door conquest of Europe. Second: Install the Reich that was competing with Uncle Joe. Third: Profit! This has been the plan since, Geez, before Napoleon? They were going to run the Unified EU Reich Plan in 1939 but it all got out of hand and Mustache-man got off British control as his very first act of office, so they had to spend the rest of the Empire getting it back in control. Huge loss. Mostly. Real pig’s ear. They they couldn’t re-try it because any tip in power ’til 1994 would have been taken by the Soviets, who are non-Anglo.
But the Plan for Europe to unite, stop being nations, erase all cultures, under a Socialist (aka “Secret Oligarchic”) power, and run out of Germany is like 100 f-ing years old at least. Pavel shows that Fourth Reich is in place – again. And so Europe is going to start shooting the F- out of the Reich. …Again. It’s not that they won’t win, but a Whoooooole lotta people are going to get killed first. And Britain, which has been fascist since Christ was a corporal, is showing their true colors as they do from time to time and is about to get a great head-whacking from the Hobbits who live there.
Let me stay over here. Out of the way. Not interested.
RFK/Dore. I’m beginning to see the outlines of a viable plan here. As one by one local DNC jump ship, like Tulsi, they take a tiny fraction of DNC with them. And constantly highlight what their party really is. Any one person, like RFK, hardly matters. But 3% + 3% + 2% + 5% in each state or area starts to matter.
Mike Benz: Subpoena the State Dept on Pavel.Yes, and then they would just refuse. Or hide it. Or suddenly notice Biden a day after he retires from the race. Ask Garland. I guess everyone just refuses Congressional/Presidential orders now and nothing happens.
You act like there’s a rule of law and it’s so adorable.
“These Flynn documents are everything. They reveal an effort within the FBI to frame a 3-star General.”
…And a President? And you did nothing then or now? WE ALREADY KNOW. Time moves FORWARD, not back. And also who are you reporting to? Will Democrats be outraged, their dander right up about stopping Flynn who wouldn’t obey Great Leader Magic Black Man? (White man. He’s half white.) You’re blowing smoke right up your own cloaca, not somebody else’s.
Was anyone arrested? Already, no one was nuked from orbit. This did not change everything. It’s not Over. They didn’t notice you existed. When they lifted the pinky finger of the third-sub’s third-sub, like Comey, you could hear the girly squealing on the moon. I don’t hear nothin’ which means you’re doing nothing.
“• “Musk Should Be Nervous” (ZH)
This has been the single line. And that’s not on accident. WTF should MUSK worry about? It could as easily been reported as a minor event of some CEO Capitalist, like arresting Huiwei’s third VP or whatever that was. They CHOSE for it not to be. And ZH is an idiot, not noticing and playing along. This is a MESSAGE to Musk. From the CIA, Globalists. “Don’t F—k with us in this election.” Or else. Come to heel. That why, although it’s not UNtrue that Musk is in danger, or Pavel isn’t a real event, the very LOUD and specific pointing is to HIM personally.
Second order reality: that means they CAN’T get to him. Or they would. Why. Cheeto’s still walking around out there too.
“• How Democrats Make Republicans: RFK Should Be A Wake Up Call (Turley)
Remember arresting gay hairdresser, “Walking Away from the Democratic Party” Brandon Stroka? Remember Arresting “Blacks for Trump” on made-up charges? Big tent, and the DNC response is to
change their bad policy and attract these voters backarrest and kill every minority they can, after calling them “Racist.”“revealed in their vacuous battle cry, “We won’t go back!”
Sold! I can help you do that!
““you have to elect her – then we see the full platform.”
To phrase Nancy Pelosi, you have to elect Harris to see what she stands for. Maybe she’s a Republican! Who knows?
“Now that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has erased 818,000 jobs from its data list,”
Million jobs here, million jobs there….Meh. It’s government work: who can keep track between a million?
And Powell. Sure, lower rates with NO CRISIS, Dow all-time highs, in an Election. Sure that always happens.
So WHAT is happening? A: THERE’S A HUGE CRISIS. The media just isn’t reporting on it, because: Media. You would sell the Dow and go to safety as the Oligarchs already have, but you’re the sucker and bagholder.
Okay, Inverted rates = Recession. Yes, but not so fast, there is a PROCESS. It’s when they UN-invert. Which they haven’t til now. Years. And then? There’s a crisis, a market crash. But when? It’s a PROCESS. The crash happens AFTER the Fed lowers rates. (Bernank’)
Like “The Big Short” …And then a Miracle Happens, Subprime was not contained, and whooops! There IS a problem out there with commercial real estate, we’ve just been LYING about it, in 100,000 cases of felony fraud, so we didn’t have to pay out to Michael Burry. It falls the day the last Bag, is handed to the last Bagholder, and not a day before, mister.
Does that tractor guy not know what a “Clutch” is? Of course, it was wet, maybe he slipped and had to save his life.
What I was saying on Harley, not letting go, not calling a win, here just some random muscle car guy pulling wrenches gets it. Easy. Gets every tiny, minuscule part of it. He’s the “Americans are stupid and don’t’ get it” crew I hear about all the time. Giving better, more clear, elocution testimony than Jeffery Sachs and Tucker Combined,
This is a PLAN. The PLAN is from Europe. The PLAN covers Disney, all our brands. The PLAN is to destroy us, our brands. This is, as any idiot can tell, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with” as they allow foreign ownership, of foreign, magic-printed money of thin air to buy and control their brands. ALL of them. A minute later, Harley has a bike to take on Ducati and Euro-brands. Shut down. Harley has a brand of selling “America Made”. Shut down. Harley has a brand to be that cool retro-primitive bike, cheap, entry-level as inflation is eating them. Shut down. Goes to where? Sales are directed from Harley AT THE TOP, to Enfield Cycles, Europe. Ducati, Europe. To India (Europe). And to go Electric-bike, Zoom-Zoom!, because of EUROPEAN emissions standards of 2035. Europe. And end Harley forever with electric Bikes. And end all American Workers forever by moving it to Thailand. “They want you to forget your history.” Like Madison quotes, we get the list, and want you to do the literal #Opposite of everything on that list until America is no longer a country, every statue pulled down, every book re-written, and we forget there ever was an “America”.
Aaaaaaand also what, my friends? That’s right: WHILE they are doing this real work, distract you with transgender bathrooms and gay story hour.
My dudes: EVERY Mechanic, EVERY American gets this. They’re stovepiping THEMSELVES. They are only reporting on, from, and about, a tiny minority that lives in a few Blue cities, terrified to go outside. So THEY believe the country is at all like this, like you see on TV, CNN, Fox. It’s not, and they lose more people every day.
Worth watching, very simple, short, direct, easy, and non-offensive, non-political and non-polarizing.
““If you try to find the American economy, it is not here. It has been moved to China and other parts of Asia..”Yeah. Like Harley. Under the direct of DEI, Blackrock, run out of thin-air printed EuroDollars, which place them in critical seats on every board.
“Uh, who has been the killjoys for the past 8-10 years now, silencing free speech, humor, going after jokes and memes, ruining every entertainment, every hobby, making every public space no matter how small or niche into a walking-on-eggshells joyless quasi witchunt?”
Look out, they’re after Miyazaki now. He was deeply antiwar and made “Howl’s Castle” on that basis, don’t you know? The kids have to be rabidly pro war. Hilter Youths!
“1. Democrats are creeping people out
2. Democrats have been insufferable killjoys for a decade or more – therefore “We Are The Joy.”Yes, but they do it unconsciously, because: “Power”. They see Kyle made a cool joke about Mr. Simmons, Science teacher, then I want a joke on a Science Teacher too or we’re falling behind!! Kidz won’t think we’re cool, losing our edge! I saw this most clearly in the Democrat Bumper Sticker, “Get over it: He lost. And you’re in a cult.” I did the full Scooby Doo Ruh??? triple-take when I saw that and every time since. That’s LITERALLY the entire GOP thing for YEARS. It was working so they want one. Surprised they didn’t say “But what about HIS emails?” Why? Because the “what about her emails” didn’t WORK.
Also being a harem of scold-demons, they’re incapable of creative thought – because that’s free and by definition dangerous – they can ONLY imitate. If you wonder why Satan keeps losing year after year, that’s why. And WHY can’t he create new things, as a fundamental order of the universe, and has to conscript/encourage US humans to use our God-creativity on his behalf, it’s somewhere along these lines.
So it’s not like they get up, go out in the morning to imitate Republicans (aka “Normal People”) and invert/imitate them. In fact they’d been deeply offended if you suggested it. But they have to, because like Chelsea they only have social censure and no creativity. Only obedience and fear which is its #Opposite.
“He lost. And you’re in a cult.” Ruh???? YOU are the ones saying the election was rigged? And a Cult where they disobey Great Leader at every possibly opportunity? No Bolton, no war, no vaccine, no Fauci?
August 26, 2024 at 11:39 am #167470poppie
ParticipantAmerica, Love it or leave it. My country, right of wrong. Help me out here. I am an autistic adult and need some help with things people say. What do these things mean?
August 26, 2024 at 11:43 am #167471Dr. D
Forgot, I was Tom Luongo’s podcasts are using some locally-routed advertising platform that must not be Google. Perhaps they have a banner-ad sideline you can try to get revenue. Also, pretty sure he’d be delighted to talk to you and help.
August 26, 2024 at 12:31 pm #167472Oroboros
ParticipantA Breakfast Blessing from the Man
Jesus’ admonition to the Woketardistines
August 26, 2024 at 12:33 pm #167473August 26, 2024 at 12:35 pm #167474those darned kids
Participant“Next stop Communism and CBDC’s”
no. no. no.
the day you find “communism”, let me know.
we are dealing with corporatism.
it all started when they let corporations be people. now they get to be narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths, too!
serfs of the world unite!
as to cbdcs, well, they gonna find you.
August 26, 2024 at 12:35 pm #167475Oroboros
ParticipantThe American Revolution owes so much to the French
August 26, 2024 at 12:38 pm #167476Oroboros
ParticipantMonday Morning’s with Big Mike
Pearls of Wisdom rolling off the lips….
August 26, 2024 at 12:39 pm #167477those darned kids
Participant“RFK/Dore. I’m beginning to see the outlines of a viable plan here. As one by one local DNC jump ship, like Tulsi, they take a tiny fraction of DNC with them. And constantly highlight what their party really is. Any one person, like RFK, hardly matters. But 3% + 3% + 2% + 5% in each state or area starts to matter.”
nope. none of that matters. dnc, rfk, djt, rnc, none..
“i hope this year’s spokesmodel has better teeth!”
August 26, 2024 at 12:39 pm #167478Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 26, 2024 at 1:07 pm #167480Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 26, 2024 at 1:21 pm #167481Oroboros
ParticipantDurov is the New Assange
Crooked Dog’s gotta have a bone to chew on
Durov should have had his head on a swivel, partly his faux pas, he was dealing with the Vermin & Maggots of the Collective West.
Their burnt out, has-been, pseudo mafia culture has lusted for centuries after Russia’s treasures.
Didn’t matter if it was Monarchy, Communism, Capitalism or Oligarchism
The West needs to steal Russia’s resources to try to balance it’s cooked financial books which will collapse without Booty & Plunder, the mark of pirates and thieves to the core.
The Empire of Lies is particularly perverted and criminally insane and morally bankrupt at it’s very Heart of Hearts
August 26, 2024 at 1:31 pm #167484zerosum
Participant(Packing 3, 6, 6, 3, 12, ) M. C. Escher Symmetry Drawing 1948
Control the narrative/social media/platforms, impose sanctions, cyberbullying, accuse, punish, tell lies, censorship. Attack on freedom of speech and the free flow of information. Ignored by the ecstatic press and pundits.• How The EU Tightened The Noose On Telegram (RT)“..Telegram’s insufficient content moderation, its strong encryption tools, it provides end-to-end encryption, and its alleged/accused lack of cooperation with police allow criminals to flourish on the app..”
The TRUTH from the horse’s mouth.–august-26-2024?id=3e513aef-e643-49f2-903e-6c54669c7a44
PM Justin Trudeau Speaks with Reporters in Halifax – August 26, 2024
———–August 26, 2024 at 1:32 pm #167485Oroboros
ParticipantIt’s a Red Wave all the way to the Dnieper
Assault units of the “East” group of forces have advanced in the direction of Konstantinovka
August 26, 2024 at 1:35 pm #167486zerosum
Retaliatory Strike Delivered Ukraine’s Ultimatum To Belarus
Military Summary For 2024.08.26August 26, 2024 at 1:58 pm #167490D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe US has orchestrated quite a large number of arrests (and much worse) of persons comparable to Durov in many essential ways.
In fact, I would hazard the guess that the controlling interests of the United States have been instrumental in most if not all such nefarious events of the past century, more or less.
The basic message seems to be that if you attempt (or succeed) in doing anything good on a major scale then the controlling interests of the United States will make it their concerted interest to shut you up.
August 26, 2024 at 2:32 pm #167501D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt is the nature of evil (and maybe this is what makes it evil in the first place) that it cannot create, and is thus reduced to having only two possible choices. It must either steal from that (or who) which can create or it must cooperate and collaborate with that (or who) which can create.
Stealing requires lying and deceit, so it’s a pretty safe bet that lying and deceit is its stock and trade. What a shame and a waste because lying and deceit can not produce good results in this Universe the way it is currently set up. Therefore it must always fail, and thus its efforts are all wasted.
But one thing about it IS useful. Evil in all of its forms both large and small provides us with excellent examples of how NOT to do things. Sure, you can use it in the short term for what seems at the time to be worth the INEVITABLE penalty for the crime, but brother will you be sorry,
August 26, 2024 at 2:55 pm #167504D Benton Smith
ParticipantAll of the evil deeds in the world are through our own collective fault. There’s not one bad thing that ever got done that wasn’t personally done by someone, and everyone else present at the time did not use all of the ability within their own personal power to prevent it, thus making them complicit by neglect at the very least. That all adds up, and so here we are.
I, for one, am making a sincere effort to clean up my act and I heartily recommend that others do the same.
In fact, if you scanned back through the past 11 years or so that I have been participating in this fine establishment, The Automatic Earth, I think you would find ample evidence of this evolution. I’m a much improved foolish jerk than I used to be.
August 26, 2024 at 3:04 pm #167505zerosum
Ukraine On Fire: Overview Of Devastating Russian Strikes On August 26, 2024August 26, 2024 at 3:07 pm #167506zerosum
Latest strike map:August 26, 2024 at 3:26 pm #167507D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe exit wound of a truth projectile is much larger than the entry wound.
France, for example, was following orders from the controllers of the United States when it arrested and detained Pavel Durov on transparently illegitimate charges, at great expense to the entire nation of France. France is now on a par with the USA as primary enemy of human rights in the entire world. That’s a heavy price.
That’s also just the entry wound.
August 26, 2024 at 3:28 pm #167508Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 26, 2024 at 3:37 pm #167509Oroboros
ParticipantComing Out of the Closet
I’m from Minnesota
Swing those hips babe!
August 26, 2024 at 3:42 pm #167510Oroboros
ParticipantDuh’merican Creativity to the Rescue!
August 26, 2024 at 3:55 pm #167511Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 26, 2024 at 4:07 pm #167512D Benton Smith
ParticipantIf y’all aren’t yet listening to Sebastian Sas over on You Tube, then it’s time that you trotted on over there to give him a look-see (and listen). I think he’s a rising star.
August 26, 2024 at 4:19 pm #167513Oroboros
From Sebastian Sas
It hit every single oblast/province in Ukronaziland
That a Huge area to cover in one night
Russia Retaliates With A Devastating Strike
Major electrical power damages and outages
August 26, 2024 at 4:36 pm #167514Oroboros
ParticipantThe Russians are giving the Ukro Plebs the courtesy of having enough time to leave the country before Winter when there will be no electricity, food, heat or jobs and flood Euroturdistan and overwhelm their social services because illegal migrants before them used it all up.
August 26, 2024 at 5:21 pm #167516D Benton Smith
ParticipantCurrent events remind me of the iconic images recorded on the eruption of Mount St. Helens. The photographer Robert Landsburg tragically died in that violent event. He was documenting the volcanic activity and managed to capture several stunning images of the eruption. In his final moments, he protected his film by using his body to shield it from the intense heat and ash. What a man.
August 26, 2024 at 5:40 pm #167517those darned kids
Participantposted 13.7 minutes ago. i haven’t readed this.
August 26, 2024 at 5:46 pm #167518Oroboros
ParticipantThe Duran covers the massive unprecedented Russian air strike. Used pretty much every type of missile in the Russian arsenal. Lots of hypersonics
Alexander said the scale of the attack against previous ones was magnitudes larger.
That’s got to be a hellish amount of missiles
BUT he said he firmly believes this attack was NOT because of Kursk.
It was being planned for months before Kursk
Kursk now represents the FIFTH major front Ukronaziland is fighting on trying to stem the Russian Juggernaut
Nazilensky resource4s are stretched tighter than a banjo’s fifth string
So Sad :>(
If you’re a Ukro Pleb, run for your life, Winter is Coming
August 26, 2024 at 5:50 pm #167519Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 26, 2024 at 5:55 pm #167520Oroboros
ParticipantNot in Canazida
Deep Thoughts by John Wick
August 26, 2024 at 6:26 pm #167521zerosum
Participant<bold>Hummmm! Do a see the light shining from peace?</bold>
Trump Pulls in Tulsi Gabbard for Debate Prep
Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democrat who has rebranded herself as a celebrity among Donald J. Trump’s supporters, once eviscerated Kamala Harris on a debate stage.
Political positions of Tulsi Gabbard
She criticizes what she terms the “neoliberal/neoconservative war machine”, which pushes for US involvement in “wasteful foreign wars”. She has said that the money spent on war should be redirected to serve health care, infrastructure, and other domestic priorities.August 26, 2024 at 8:29 pm #167527Dr D Rich
ParticipantAny more billionaires like Assange arrested today?
Someone else on Israel and Judaism:
“The concern for ‘Israel’ losing its noble soul is laughable.”
“Why do so many of these people think themselves clever by cloaking themselves in the intentionally misleading PR of their enemies?”
“Supporting ‘Israel’, entirely due to bribery and blackmail, has nothing whatsoever to do with supporting the ambitions of the ‘white supremacists’, hasn’t helped the empire since the end of the Cold War, and in fact is the single most important factor in the rapid decline of imperial power”
August 26, 2024 at 9:38 pm #167528aspnaz
ParticipantPope Francis has condemned the Ukrainian government’s move to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) which maintains communion with the Moscow Patriarchate.
Satan’s children fighting amongst themselves.
August 26, 2024 at 10:13 pm #167529jb-hb
Participant“Next stop Communism and CBDC’s”
no. no. no.
the day you find “communism”, let me know.
we are dealing with corporatism.
Why do you think current year marxists never complain about monopolies?
They LIKE monopolies. Monopolies are part of Great Leader’s Prophecy
Corporations, pure Constructs of Government – corporative, collective, not individual, acquire monopolies and merge with government – this is following Marx’s religious prophecy of Conditions, Historicity™
Marxists could not be happier with this progress, would like more monopoly. It’s just a matter of who ends up controlling it, which they are feeling more and more certain about. Not whether it exists or not. Or you’d see all that money going towards Marxist astroturf and DEI and DA’s go towards lawsuits for antitrust and stuff. Crickets from the Marxists and their funding.
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