Debt Rattle August 28 2016


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    DPC On the beach, Coney Island 1907 • ‘If You’re Investing For The Long Term, You’re Crazy’ (MW) • “The Next Time The World Comes To An End” – Jim Rog
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 28 2016]

    V. Arnold

    The Sinister Side of Cash (Rogoff)

    Utter nonsense; Rogoff would be far more accurate to speak about the sinister side of a cashless society. And make that sinister in the Orwellian sense of that word.
    Using cash allows a good degree of autonomy for individuals, free from electronic snooping. And frankly, I don’t give a sot about the high crimes and such by the 1%; well above my pay grade.
    I dumped my credit card 18 years ago and only use my ATM card at one bank for cash withdrawals.
    A cashless society would/will be the last nail in privacy’s coffin…
    It’s a given that a cashless society IS coming; spend that valuable time until then, figuring out how to get around it.


    You are definitely on a roll … showing stylish burkinies from history.

    V. Arnold

    @ jal

    LOL, I thought the very same thing.
    Good on ya for your comment; right on!


    Unelected EU bureaucrats dictating what’s good for us, unelected central bankers controlling who wins and who loses, unelected think tanks and NGOs controlling policy, people like George Soros influencing countries with his money, free trade courts that can overrule our courts, big money campaign contributions stealing elections, media, in the hands of a select few, steering our thinking…..

    A world above the sheep. When the elite can’t get their way through democracy, they set up systems above that, all for our own good, mind you (sarc). We are left out of the decision-making process because the elite sure as heck can’t engineer the world the way they want it with the rabble getting in the way.

    Oh, sure, we get to decide on things like gay rights, minority rights, abortion, because the elite don’t really give a sh*t about that stuff. They love when we fight and get all mired down in “that stuff” because it takes our eyes off what their prime objective is: to loot. In fact, they encourage us to fight among each other as much as possible, stirring up trouble wherever they can, funding this group and that group to raise the anger.

    And they love that we now have so many disparate groups (brought to us by the elite), all fighting each other, all concentrating on getting gains for our own little groups. That way we will never form a consensus on who the real enemy is: the elite who are looting and controlling us. They keep us fighting in the trees so we never see the forest, the big picture. A fractured populace is one you can easily steer.

    Grants are handed out to rights groups, and they lap it up, set up their offices on the outskirts of town and start doing “good”. Newcomers are welcomed (Muslims), against the wishes of the people, and the arguing escalates. Conversation is concentrated on rights and deflected away from the Trans Pacific Partnership and the jobs that are going to sail away because of it.

    The Left are used by the elite (and aren’t they easy to “use”) to get what they want. The Left are nearsighted and easily sucked in. Too many interest groups, no consensus or unity. As our countries are being destroyed from within, the elite continue to loot and strangle.


    Rogoff is a Zioglobalist troll. Eliminating cash is a facilitator of totalitarianism.


    A total shill; sure, banning cash would be a big help – to the bankocrats. But it’s safer, cleaner, healthier, leaner, a total no-brainer. Unless you are a drug dealing tax avoiding terrorist of course.

    Let’s just say it is inevitable. But it will prove to be a hard sell, and he is very much labouring the point. The arguments are hollow, and the agenda is woefully transparent. Same old same old shite. His book might as well be called ‘why slavery is good for ypu’, but i am sure that the media will be give it plenty of hype, claiming it is just what we need to kickstart the economy or somesuch drivel.

    Sad thing is that there are many overeducated and underinformed people of a certain age who will be completely taken in by this hogwash.


    Another good reason for why I am ramping up my honey production – tradable, non-perishable and one of the few agricultural products that enable you to ride out market price fluctuations. Assholes wanna remove cash then we’ll have to start barter and earn minimum digital money for things like rates and car registration. If they mess with that I am sticking with the push-bike – they make me register that then fuck em I’m walking.


    India won’t benefit from demographic dividend: Mass unemployment, unrest looms ahead
    <p>1) In 2015, India added the fewest organised-sector jobs — in large companies and factories - in seven years across eight important industries.</p>
    <p>2) The proportion of jobs in the unorganised sector — without formal monthly payment or social security benefits - is set to rise to 93 percent in 2017.</p>
    <p>3) Rural wages are at a decadal low, as agriculture — which accounts for 47 percent of jobs — contracted 0.2 percent in 2014-15, growing 1 percent in 2015-16.</p>
    <p>4) As many as 60 per cent of those with jobs do not find employment for the entire year, indicating widespread ‘under-employment’ and temporary jobs.</p>
    <p>5) The formation of companies has slowed to 2009 levels, and existing companies are growing at 2 per cent, the lowest in five years.</p>

    Perhaps Merkel should invite a few million Indians to Germany

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