Debt Rattle August 3 2022


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  • #112745

    Odilon Redon The winged man (The fallen angel) 1880   • US Directly Involved In Ukraine Conflict – Moscow (RT) • West Advises Ukraine On Strikes
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 3 2022]


    Crackpot realism also plays a huge part in neoliberalism, particularly where employment is precarious. If, for example, an employer insists that workers feign belief in ideas that contradict centuries of biology, said workers have no choice but to do so. To do otherwise would result in the sack, a dark cloud over one’s future job prospects, reliance on an inadequate social safety net, and one’s replacement by someone who is prepared to mouth the official line. Even more damagingly, the same goes for highly-qualified engineers and physicists charged with telling the technocracy that it is entirely possible to run an advanced industrial economy on wind and solar energy or, indeed, chemists and agriculturalists paid to tell the technocracy that we can easily feed 8bn humans without artificial fertilisers. Anyone who even thinks about telling the truth to power in these areas will be labelled a “climate denier,” and replaced forthwith. And so, from top to bottom, we have a culture in which almost everyone turns a blind-eye to the most absurd policies even when they clearly break natural laws of the kind that cannot be changed by hurt feelings.

    Telling lies to power

    V. Arnold

    Odilon Redon The winged man (The fallen angel) 1880

    Interesting artist, Odilon Redon…
    You’ve posted other art by him; and I think I like his work…
    Thanks for today’s offerings…always look forward to your posts…


    China closes off the Taiwan Strait, did I get that right? First of many measures. But let’s start with not getting you your semi-conductors. People like Pelosi and Biden are simply too old to recognize the change in power dynamics since, say, 1990.

    Dr. D

    “Equifax Sent Lenders Wrong Info on Millions of Consumers, Causing Higher Rates, Denials”

    A.I. at work. Don’t worry, more technology will fix everything. Wait til your social credit score is in the same system. You know: the no-fly list no one knows how you get on or off it? Suuuuure. I trust these same people who can’t book a 2pm appointment without screwing it up to control the strings of my life.

    “Utilities Fear Lack of Transformers as Peak Hurricane Season Looms”

    More A.I.! More technology! Which will work great when there’s no grid. This is with Vegas and no hydro, MI with no nuclear, and the grid with no stability thanks to green sources. “Go Go Gadget Greenouts!” BuyBuyBuy that electric car! Official policy! Pete says so. With the money he got for being on vacation most of his term.

    “Oregonians to Vote on Gun Control Measure Opponent Calls “Strictest” in the Nation”

    Totally illegal. Perhaps by their State Constitution as well? And will very likely cause Eastern Oregon to secede. Podesta said states should secede though, and neighborhoods already seceded (CHAZ) and burned the government building with everyone in them, so I’m sure they’ll approve in Portland. Anarchy is good, right?

    This is very common everywhere, but it’s really Urban vs “Rural” divide, except in states that are completely urban like New England. Cities have concentrated, centralized power, and tremendous legacy power, but we’ll see how they go when they’re on fire from food riots and embargoed by farms and water.

    “EU Facing Winter Energy Brainpower Crisis – Borrell (RT)” Fixed it. “I’m going to hold my breath until you give me a pony!!!”

    “reduce their gas consumption by 15%, to enable the bloc to accumulate the fuel ahead of winter. In case of an emergency, the voluntary reduction may become mandatory.”

    Or else what? Germany invades Spain? That will use some gas. Suck it. I would refuse everything.

    “The sale of wood is linked to consumption”

    Government at work. People buy things to use them??? Quick, call in a committee of expert economists!

    “Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis (CS)”

    Nor anything else we or anyone have done. Scienz is dumb things we can’t ask questions about and that don’t work.

    “…we estimate that lockdowns may claim 20 times more life years than they save..” Proof.

    If this treaty goes through, you can bury democracy altogether.”

    Hahahahaha! Come Make Me. Suck it. Me and everyone will disobey everything for all time, and increasingly more as you behave like petty twits. Like there are no street drugs with people driving BMWs? Paying zero taxes? Same here. You make it illegal, I sell it ‘cause the price goes up.

    “When the Just Go to Prison (Chris Hedges)”

    Well, sort of, but you can’t release classified information. It’s the REPORTERS that have immunity. Like Assange. Revealing state secrets is a crime that endangers things. If they find out who it was, you’re in trouble. Now I don’t want him to go to jail for alerting the people to massive crimes and failures, but I can’t do nothing either. Is 4 years not too easy? And if 4 years for him, shouldn’t it be 40 years for Cheney and Bush? 400 years for the WEF/Green “Chloros” shutting off food planetwide?

    V. Arnold

    Sure Dr. D; and unicorns dance in my garden every morning as the sun comes up…


    TAE proves it every day.
    The truth, the lies.
    The good, the bad.
    Its been said before.
    Its been tried before.
    Its not new.
    Its old news.
    Its not all opinions.

    • US Directly Involved In Ukraine Conflict – Moscow (RT)
    • West Advises Ukraine On Strikes With Supplied Weapons – Top Intel Official (RT)
    • Russia Strikes Foreign Fighters’ Base In Ukraine (RT)

    Prepare for winter
    There is “real uncertainty” over whether the EU will have enough gas and/or whether it will be able to afford it,

    • Netherlands Faces Winter Of Smog – Media (RT)

    • EU Is Not Our Boss – Hungary (RT)
    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, said that a peaceful settlement needs to be reached in Ukraine because its absence it will spur economic recession in the EU that will be accompanied by political instability.
    Truth is classified information that the gov. don’t want you to know.

    • When The Just Go to Prison (Chris Hedges)
    Counterfeits work, until there is nothing left to buy.


    Biden and Kamala holding a join press conference discussing foreign policy



    Welcome to the old USofA
    Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, angered by Rand Paul daring to ask for accountability over how $40 billion in U.S. taxpayer money was going to be spent in Ukraine, accused Paul — for doing his duty as a senator — of strengthening Putin’s hand, before allowing this very money, being doled out with zero oversight, to underwrite a Ukrainian entity which, with the active support of the U.S. State Department and U.S.-funded NGOs, labels Paul an “information terrorist” and threatens the Kentucky senator with prosecution as a “war criminal.”

    SCOTT RITTER: Chuck Schumer’s War on Free Speech


    Globalists working on World Domination


    Michael Reid

    Died Suddenly: Why Do Birds Fall Down From The Sky… Every Time You Erect Your Towers?


    Michael Reid, thank you for that link. I am not a scientist, not by a long shot. I have felt for a long time the real problem is that we are all being poisoned. Then the answer to that poisoning is more poison. I can feel it in the air, and when I get far enough away from it all I feel better. Lately, when I try to watch a video on my laptop with it on my lap, I start to feel ill, I can’t watch more than a couple minutes. When I hold my phone up to my head to talk, I feel sick as well (so I only talk on speaker now). Same with wearing headphones. I wonder, am I just going crazy? I don’t want to end up one of those people out in the woods with a cabin covered in tin foil…

    I do believe there are “bugs” or “germs” or whatever. When I get sick, like a cold, it’s a different thing. I can feel my body trying to expel something with the coughing and congestion for example. But there’s definitely something else, in the air so to speak. But that makes me crazy to say so, so I should shut up and take my drugs.


    ZH has a useful critique of the BBC “documentary” unvaccinated
    I tried to view the original program but is made unavailable outside the UK (even with a VPN) Now I know I need not bother. It is made on the “reality TeeVee” model. Six days of filming and discussion are reduced down to an hour of snark, GOTCHA! moments and strange off-topic diversions.

    Times where the interviewees won and the “protagonists” lost the argument are edited out. The host, the MDs and scientism-ists, and the “fact checkers” are up against some well-informed interviewees.

    I’m not surprised but I had hopes. The show is promoted as an honest attempt to reach across the divide but is a crass re-hash of existing “muh science” browbeating and Kamala-logic. Logical fallacies galore – muh Authority, muh Higher Power (aka muh Science), alphabet soup, others


    In South Africa an imediate threat of medical apartheid. Please read and share.

    Please listen to Sabelo’s message about forced medication and concentration camps proposed in South Africa
    After August 5th, 2022, if you do not tell them HELL NO, you will not be able to refuse medications, examinations, quarantines or forced isolation


    I don’t want to end up one of those people out in the woods with a cabin covered in tin foil…

    I do. Let’s not confuse association, the accusing retarded sheep wear the foil, everyday, with their collective delusions.

    As soon as the red sun bites the mountain
    I shut my rickety door
    I sleep on a mattress of soft green grass
    and the curve of a wooden pillow
    and when the moon shines through the pines
    before clouds return to stream
    clear night dreams go far
    but not to the world of men


    The Mountain Poems of Stonehouse, Bill Porter (Red Pine), trans.

    US Govt Officials antagonize and threaten Russia, China, and its very own US Citizens. How do you think it’s going to work out for the US Govt Officials? Patience is running thin by all those threatened.


    Kill – Many word, same result
    murder : premeditated killing of one human being by another:
    synonyms: killing · homicide · assassination · liquidation · extermination · execution · slaughter · butchery · massacre · manslaughter · patricide · matricide · parricide · fratricide · sororicide · filicide · infanticide · uxoricide · regicide · slaying · eliminate · terminate · dispatch · finish off · remove · destroy · rub out · cut out · cut · cancel · get rid of · expunge · obliterate




    It seems that every square meter of the Earth is producing methane at some level. Vast amounts are produced underground, there are methates on the seabed and in permafrost, and anything that rots produces methane.

    Despite all this methane is almost non-existent in the atmosphere. The NOAA records methane as 1900 parts per BILLION. Rounding it up to 2000 means that in 1 part in 500,000 is methane!

    Methane is of course highly flammable so I suspect its time in the atmosphere is short-lived. The idea of spending ANY money in ‘combatting’ methane shows how brain-washed most people are.


    CO2 levels are higher, 420 parts per million according to the NOAA, or about 1 part in 2,400!

    CO2 is essential for life on Earth. At 1 part per 5,500 all life on Earth would end apart from some weird bacteria.

    Human activity is only responsible for 4% of the annual production of CO2, about 1 part in 60,000. All the trillions spent on ‘saving CO2’ will save a tiny fraction of that.


    Despite the above Western politicians are willing to destroy civilisation to ‘fight’ [insert name of disaster here].

    All too often it is activists influencing politicians, with scientists, engineers and accountants excluded.

    It is easy to see that most ‘green’ initiatives will fail but they still go ahead. When they do fail the ‘solution’ is to do MORE of the same!


    Ayn Rand quoted and highlighted (for dummies) even.
    As a small exercise simply google “rearden” or “rearden in atlas” – anything that is without direct reference to the book. You will be prompted to line of manufacturers whose owners, obviously, associate themselves with Hank, which makes it for the good laugh. What happens to any Company when some entity from MIC-complex or some local politician who “knows people” and seeks reelection, swings by and makes an offer? Resolute, echoing “NO” as an answer? That’s what quote above preach.
    Does anybody knows a single Co. that emulates, even close, ethics of the Ayn’s fiction, which is just that?



    While it is true that human activity accounts for only 4% of annual production of CO2 I made the false assumption that all CO2 was replaced each year at 420 ppm. I have no idea of how many ppm of CO2 is produced annually!

    Formerly T-Bear

    R.I.M. at 112749

    Careful there, you have a reader who is exactly 90 days younger than that corrupt, synapse challenged, reprobate currently illegally occupying the White House, District of Criminals between Virginia and Maryland. Isn’t it enough to have the image of that as one’s future without having to carry the assertion weight of being too old to know what is going on around oneself since the 1990’s? Gods be willing, when you get to that point in your life that you not also have to contend with the same.


    Pelosi says, “We come in peace.” [“We come in friendship to Taiwan, we come in peace for the region,” Pelosi said during the meeting with Tsai Chi-chang, the deputy speaker of Taiwan’s parliament.]

    Yeah, uh-huh. I think that most of the planet has by now grokked to the fact that the US may come in peace, but wants to leave in war. The US can take any difficult situation – or even a minor somewhat-difficult situation – that requires a bit of careful, mature diplomacy and turn it into a cage match to the death. Preferably other people’s deaths, but with weapons supplied to all sides by the US.

    Did it in Afghanistan, creating the mujahideen, who became the Taliban, to get the Russian-Afghanistan war started. Later, got a bunch of countries to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan, because now they were the enemy. Told Iraq we were going to rid them of their despot, Saddam Hussein, then got a coalition of the willing to bomb the fuck out of the place. In real democratic-like fashion, held a 5-minute show trial and hung Hussein faster than shit through a goose. Left the country in ruins and full of deleted uranium. Got some countries to do a kinetic action in Libya to help them with their despot, Ghaddaffi. Didn’t even bother with a trial for the guy – just raped him with a knife and killed him beside the road. Left Libya in even worse straits than we left Iraq.

    Sold/sell weapons to Saudi Arabia to blast Yemen into starvation. Here’s our stance on Saudi Arabia; try to suss out what our policy is, exactly:

    The Biden administration in 2021 announced an end to U.S. military support for “offensive operations” carried out by the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen’s Houthi rebels and suspended some munition sales.

    On June 8 2022, the Biden administration confirmed that United States military personal were deployed and conducting operations within Yemen.

    This is just some of the fairly recent stuff. Immediately, we also have Ukraine going on. Here’s Lindsey Graham gloating that as long as the US arms Ukraine, “they will fight to the last person.” And, he says, “I like the structural path we’re on here.”

    So now we have to do something about Taiwan too, given that, you know, it’s so close to das homeland and part of our sphere of influence, under our purview so to speak, and all that horseshit. So we come in peace and offer war:

    This is about a new bill introduced by Bob Menendez and Lindsey Graham together:
    Senator Menendez’ remarks on the bill:

”We noticed the warning indicators for Ukraine in 2014 and didn’t take motion which may have deterred additional Russian aggression. We can’t afford to repeat that mistake with Taiwan.

    “That is why I’ve labored with Senator Lindsey Graham to introduce the bipartisan Taiwan Policy Act of 2022.

    “Our legislation would reinforce the safety of Taiwan by offering virtually $4.5 billion in safety help over the subsequent 4 years and recognizing Taiwan as a “major non-NATO ally” — a strong designation to facilitate nearer navy and safety ties. It would additionally increase Taiwan’s diplomatic area by its participation in worldwide organizations and in multilateral commerce agreements.

    “The laws would additionally take concrete steps to counter China’s aggressive affect campaigns, impose crippling financial prices if Beijing takes hostile motion towards Taiwan (reminiscent of monetary, banking, visa and different sanctions) and reform American bureaucratic practices to bolster assist for Taiwan’s democratic authorities. In quick, this effort can be the most complete restructuring of U.S. coverage towards Taiwan since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979.”

    Opinion | This Is How the U.S. Will Stand With Taiwan

    “We come in peace.” Snort. Somebody sure hocked a mighty big loogie into the gene pool on this side.


    The corruption, chaos, coarsening, and unravelling of our society may all stem, at least in part, from the fact that our brains and bodies are so inflamed. And the fact that all of this dysfunction is celebrated, normalized, and sought after is a sign of a society in the grips of a mass poisoning event.

    The reason it feels like we are living in an insane asylum is because we are. Upwards of 95% of the population may be dealing with pervasive subclinical encephalitis and post-encephalitic syndromes. So logic, reason, empathy, desire, connection, and all other human attributes are affected by the way that this interferes with brain and bodily functions.

    One of my takeaways from all of this is that it has been a waste of time to try to convert the gatekeepers. Pan, Zuckerberg, Gates, Schwab etc. will never come to their senses because they are not physically capable of it — quite literally their brains and body are too damaged right now. If they are involved in any way, they will only makes things worse. That doesn’t excuse their actions, it just suggests that we should put our energies into replacing them rather than convincing them.

    But isn’t there something wrong with expecting unaware, uninvolved and unsuspecting members of the general public to choose who should lead their countries? Isn’t this a receipt for chaos and corruption?

    Yes, quite obviously it is. By and large, whoever is chosen to take on this leadership role turns out to be a mirror of the mentality which put them there.

    This seems to come as a shock to most. The electorate appears to want someone on the platform who miraculously rises above their own moral, intellectual and visionary shortcomings. They want a bold, brave and bright Moses figure to lead them out of the desert of their daily afflictions, which, they believe, must have been caused by the previous ‘useless leaders’ they had such unreasonable hopes for.

    So the merry-go-round continues. Each time getting more surreal and more systemic in its inability to address the real needs of the country, its people, or any fundamental sense of direction and purpose.

    But for the aware, it’s no longer about choices. We must take the tiller and face the music.

    It’s not a lullaby or a sonata, but a hand to hand grappling with those who want to destroy us. Which, in some cases, includes those indoctrinated ones who live amongst us and follow orders.

    Michael Reid

    Michael Yon: We’re On the Edge of Global Holodomor & World War Three

    Michael Yon discusses the energy crisis from Germany and how Europeans are looking to freeze this winter. The “flash to bang” is slow, right now there’s plenty of food, but production is in sharp decline. We’re going into global famines which will affect everyone on the planet. These circumstances are all due to government and globalist policies related to climate, migration, etc. The elites are trying to run farmers out of business. They want to make us their cattle and serfs, the complete control of humanity is what they’re shooting for. We’re arguably already in WWIII. Pandemic, war, and famine go together, they’re the triangle of death. If you get one, you get the other two, every time, no exception. Most serious famines don’t last for more than two years, but some can last up to ten years. Yon even expects cannibalism. NATO can’t tie its shoe and it looks like the EU will fall apart.

    Michael Yon: We’re On the Edge of Global Holodomor & World War Three


    Anticlimatic, perhaps you should change your online name to cherry-picker, or anti-science, or even anti-life.

    Whilst it is true that the atmospheric methane concentration is around 1900 ppb, it is rapidly approaching 2000 ppb, and that figure is close to THREE TIMES the pre-industrial level of 750 ppb (determined from gas trapped in ice.

    What is more, one molecule of CH4 has a heat-trapping potential of 86 times that of CO2 over a 20 year period, so the 2 ppm of methane in the atmosphere has a heat-trapping potential (or CO2e) of 2 x 86 = 176 ppm CO2.

    Adding the effect of methane to the effect of carbon dioxide we get the 420 ppm [of CO2] plus 176 [CO2e] giving us 596 ppm Co2e.

    Compare that with the recent long term (800,000-year} average of 230 ppm atmospheric CO2, plus the long-term average of less than 1 ppm CH4.

    And of course there is N2O, with a multiplier of 190, to consider. And there are numerous other gases at significant heat-trapping potentials, many of them not natural but concocted by industrial humans and released into the atmosphere by irresponsible industrial humans.

    So we are looking at 700+ actual heat-trapping concentration versus pre-industrial less than 300.

    It’s hardly surprising that glaciers are rapidly disappearing, that the Antarctic ice cover is the lowest on record, and that the Arctic ice cover consists of less-thn-5-year-old ice, much of it formed from freshwater at a higher temperature than the normal freezing point of sea water (salt being a frezzing point depressant..

    It’s a bugger when you have an Honours Degree in Chemistry and have studied spectroscopy and the nature of matter, have done a huge amount of environmental monitoring , actually know what is happening and why, and are surrounded by ignorant fools and fossil-fuel-sponsored trolls with opinions that do not comply with the laws of physics and chemistry..

    Of course, the main reason for the huge imbalance in geochemistry is the fact that industrial humans are de-sequestering carbon [ that was sequestered tens or hundreds of millions of years ago], and putting that carbon into the atmosphere in the form of CO2 at the rate of about 40 billion tonnes a year. That plus an overshoot of the human population of around 7 billion that is a direct result of overuse of fossil fuels, commencing in the early 1700s.

    We are now 300 years into the worst experiment ever conducted on this planet, and the effects are now dire.

    Pity the children.

    John Day

    Thanks for good links
    Red: Consiousness of Sheep

    How might the “US stand with Taiwan”?
    Let’s posture for war with China, which will increase the power of US and Chinese ruling elites, and might also work for Japanese ruling elites.
    Everybody still gets Taiwanese chips for the moment, but war and no-chips could break out at any moment. Such Suspense!
    the Chinese navy plans live fire drills within 10 miles of the taiwanese coastline, in 3 places , this week.
    I think the US navy should intervene with guided missile cruisers and nuke subs, not aircraftcarriers, and Taiwan shouldhave land-based anti-ship missile batteries in place.
    That’s just what I think.
    This testing and trying of defenses will potentially go on for a long time.
    Taiwan renounced their One China (and we’re it) policy a few years ago, but did not have a voter referendum, just a new government policy. A referendum would be good, right?
    Itmakes more sense for mainland chinese and US politicians to have the spectre of war with each other ever-at-the-ready going forward, but the risks are big, too.
    the Taiwan Strait could “go-live”, though probably with missile-cruisers, not troop ships trying to invade.


    A little more good news. The Russians are slowly grinding the US-sponsored fascists to pulp -the ones that are not defecting or running away, that is- and have made further advances in the liberation of eastern Ukraine. There is even the prospect of a collapse of the Ukrainian defence line.

    Michael Reid

    The Great Rehash, Part Two: The Future’s Cold Eyes

    The Great Rehash, Part Two: The Future’s Cold Eyes


    The English tenor Nigel Rogers passed away early this year. I have not heard
    much of the music he was most known for,
    like Monteverdi’s ‘Orfeo’, but a couple of his recordings of John Dowland’s songs
    have stayed in my memory; his voice is unforgettable. Here’s an obituary:


    Thanks for the link to JM Greer’s latest,

    Veracious Poet


    Perhaps I should repeat what I have been saying for a very long time:

    1. Planetary overheating [due to excessive atmospheric CO2 from burning fossil fuels] is a real phenomenon with deadly consequences in the short term and catastrophic consequences longer term.

    2. The responses to overheating promoted by ‘the powers that be’ are all scams, are all fraudulent, are all unscientific (anti-scientific) and are focused on:

    a) preventing the scientifically illiterate masses from realising the nature of the predicament
    b) keeping up business confidence and consumption rates
    c) providing banks, corporations and opportunists with opportunities to make short-term profits by participating in the various scams.

    I see that the international price for benchmark Brent oil has fallen again (currently $96.78)

    Since everything in the mainstream economic system is perversely counterproductive, this fall in energy price will stimulate consumption to some extent (causing faster depletion and faster plkanetary meltdown), whilst at the same time deterring further extraction projects.

    Sri Lanka seems to have fallen out of the news. Has it been provided with enough liquid fuel to keep it staggering on for a few more months, or is it in the process of ‘going medieval’? as James Howards Kunstler describes loss of fossil fuels and the collapse of industrial systems.

    Population Overshoot meets Peak Oil, meets Unravelling of Ponzi Finances, meets Fake Economic Theories (especially GDP), meets Fake Political Systems.

    No wonder ‘the powers that be’ are so keen to trigger more war.


    Vaccine adverse events, German data
    382,890 viewsAug 3, 2022

    Dr. John Campbell
    2.41M subscribers

    Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines, German transparent report

    Up for half a day- over 6,000 comments, worth reading

    Fauci, Wolensky, Bidens Heads should roll for this crime… Pharma CEO’s heads should roll.

    Crimes against humanity- Govt in collusion with Pharma and Healthcare – retarded American sheeple who have poisoned themselves through propaganda and uniformed consent don’t care. They’re more concerned with their pronouns and aborting clumps of cells and supporting War.

    Can’t say I’m troubled by their injuries and deaths- they blindly trusted and willfully shamed others for not doing the same. Fuck them. I’m surrounded by them in Seattle and literally speak with hundreds of these sheep weekly. They don’t hear it, won’t hear it, and don’t give a fuck about these last years of supporting Crimes.

    Individually at surface level they are not evil, but the collective cult mentality which they support makes them so. 3-5 years and they’ll all be dead eh ?


    If I were a an AI bot collecting instead of disseminating, I would have noticed that the past week or so has seen an extraordinary uptick in “This cannot go on.”
    I expect this means something must happen- we random crickets are now chirping in unison. I expect their reaction must be: “this cannot go on.”


    The mischievous wind blows my papers around-
    The orphaned green leaves wrenched too early from stems
    Find the bunnies of dust and preform a hoedown,
    While the waters display their most precious of gems.

    The last 18 months have been the windiest months I recall in my 67 years. This is interesting as the jet stream has been chaotic.


    Are you responsible for posting about the Stonehouse Mountain Poems?
    A fine book, translated beautifully by Porter. It is one of the few books I keep near my bed, always reliable for its irreducible purity of spirit and calming influence. No one I know has ever heard of it.


    @ citizenx
    How can an average normal person find the truth and make the right decision
    Misrepresentation of Germany’s Data on Unverified COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
    Lori Robertson – 7h ago

    Germany has a similar vaccine safety reporting system that is now being misrepresented in the U.S. by two popular purveyors of misleading information on the COVID-19 vaccines.
    Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, who has wrongly used VAERS data in the past, said in a July 20 Substack post: “This morning, the German Federal Ministry of Health posted a stunning tweet, admitting that 1 out of every 5,000 Covid jabs cause ‘serious side effects.’” He claimed the statistic “implies that almost 300,000 Americans and Europeans have suffered severe side effects after receiving mRNA shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna.”

    He also posted on Instagram: “The German government admits hundreds of thousands of people have had severe side effects following mRNA shots.”

    Fox News’ Tucker Carlson similarly included the claim on his show on July 21 and 22. “Germany’s Ministry of Health found that 1 in 5,000 Germans have suffered ‘serious side effects after a COVID-19 vaccine,’” Carlson asserted on July 21. “That would mean that in the U.S., if that number holds constant across countries — and why wouldn’t it? — it would mean more than 100,000 Americans may have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccine.”

    Read the report ….. read the diversions ….


    ‘…..All indications suggest that the cabal now finds itself in a race against time. With economies collapsing across the world, the window to implement their plan is closing as their global influence rapidly wanes. Their system has run its course and they know it, it explains the uncommon haste with which they are trying to push through their demonic Great Reset. Anger is erupting around the world, and people have much to be angry about. Covid, famine, energy shortages, inflation. All are issues that individually are devastating, the compound effect of them all together ushers in a perfect storm, the likes of which the world has never seen. The only thing that will prevent the Great reset is a critical mass of awakened people who refuse to comply. For that to happen it requires that people understand that all the current world problems stated above can be traced to one source. It is the Central Banking Cartel, headquartered in the City of London. It has controlled through proxies the American and global financial system since at least 1913 when it illegally created the Federal Reserve System in America. It has been used as a weapon of war on humanity ever since. This cartel is heavily invested in all the major multi-national industries, especially the defence sector. As it was prior to WW1 when “The Merchants of Deaths”, the weapons manufacturers, were all owned by the same bankers. All wars are bankers’ wars, the Ukraine conflict going on now, is essentially no different.

    It is a cabal that thrives on chaos and devastation. It creates depressions so that it can buy up assets at pennies on the dollar. It overturns Governments and slaughters innocent civilians. Its business model has been the trade in human misery and suffering since the days of the East India Company more than 300 years ago. It is the same cabal that launched the greatest crime against humanity in history with the Covid lie. And once again the Devil didn’t hide his evil, they told us, it was about de-population. And that same stated de-population goal is at the heart of their absurd, “Green New Deal. When the Devil keeps telling you he wants to kill off most of humanity, surely you have to accept he exists?

    The American author Henry David Thoreau, said, “For every thousand men hacking at the branches of evil, there is one hacking at the root. ” The Bidens, Johnsons, Macrons, et al, are just the branches, as are the Schwabs and the Gates. They are merely the frontmen, the foot soldiers for the truly powerful forces that created and own them. The crimes against humanity committed by these “lesser men” are unprecedented in history. Alas a punishment commensurate with their crimes does not exist. Yet, removing these disgusting people alone, even if they are eventually held to account (we can hope) will change little. It is not enough to clip the branches if the root stays in place. It is the central banking system and the power it wields that must be destroyed, least it take root again.

    The Devil can no longer convince enough of the World that he does not exist. The evil that he is can only exist when good men do nothing, and we are seeing good men around. the world unite in resistance against the common enemy. The time has come when all people need to understand what is going on and what is at stake, or it might be the Devil who gets to decide the future of humanity. And that cannot be allowed to happen.’

    The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled


    Gravity is tomorrow’s algorithm.

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