Debt Rattle August 31 2021
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- This topic has 46 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
Mister Roboto.
August 31, 2021 at 9:01 am #85867
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterVincent van Gogh Courtyard of the hospital in Arles 1889 • SARS-COV2, Vaccines Accelerate Biological Age (France Soir) • Open Letter to CDC (St
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 31 2021]August 31, 2021 at 9:31 am #85868V. Arnold
ParticipantVincent van Gogh Courtyard of the hospital in Arles 1889
Dammasch State Hospital didn’t look anything like that….
August 31, 2021 at 11:04 am #85872oxymoron
ParticipantAus Ivermectin Research – Haven’t read it yet – sorry but flat out with work and family and keeping up with TAE and my Signal group thread (pat rafter interview was great) :
Dr Wagstaff remains committed to undertaking a trial that will provide a definitive answer to whether or not Ivermectin is a potential treatment for COVID-19. The establishment of a trial depends on Australian and overseas circumstances, and will be communicated when we are in a position to do so. We note as per the advice issued from the National COVID-19 clinical evidence taskforce, Ivermectin is not to be used for the treatment of COVID-19 outside clinical trials with appropriate ethical approval.
We have recently placed an update regarding our Ivermectin research on the Monash BDI news site.
Thank you for your interest in Monash BDI’s research into ivermectin, which showed a single dose of the anti-parasitic drug could eliminate SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures within 48 hours. This research was published in April 2020 in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research.
A philanthropic donation from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust to Monash University fully funded the pre-clinical phase of research on the use of this FDA approved, anti-parasitic drug to combat COVID-19. This preclinical work has now been completed, and the results from the in-depth analysis of this preclinical work are in the process of being published.
We have multiple research teams working on COVID-19. Our researchers continue to work on ivermectin (and other approaches) in preclinical and clinical settings. This research is ongoing and will be communicated widely as soon as it has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication.
Please keep up to date with our research by reading our latest COVID-19 Program news.
Kind regards,
Monash BDI CommunicationsAugust 31, 2021 at 11:53 am #85873Dr. D
ParticipantKunstler: “There’s no need to even ask the rhetorical question: who planned and executed the buggered-up evacuation of Kabul. It is self-evident: the entire chain-of-command.”
“that large swathe of the public is good and goddam sick of being pushed around with mandates and threats. We will not submit.”I see this as well. Of course most people will submit to anything, but the resolve of those left is hardening. As UpstateNY here says.
“The trouble is, the medical establishment won’t survive it. They’ve perverted and undermined what used to be called science — truth-driven inquiry into what’s real and what is not.”
But that’s another centralized structure that needs to “devolve”. Because de-volving is the only way to escape/prevent capture.
Reading on Babbitt and the officer. While I’m pretty soft on a shooting under the conditions of having a massive crowd breaking windows and entering en masse, a few things stand out in looking at it. First, yes, at that point, an unarmed trespasser was not legally a capital offense. No one cares. That’s not so big for me because of the conditions and the risk if 300 humans suddenly came through on the officers in a rush. But here’s the larger view: those protesters were let in (also not a big excuse for me) but also SURROUNDED by capitol police on the other side. That sounds a lot to me like you have a strong chance of regaining control of the crowd at that distance.
Here’s the main thing though: He shot INTO A CROWD. Is that normal for protestors, etc? Do police usually open fine into a crowd Boston Massacre or Kent State style? No. That is not normal. Second, HE HAD NO CONTROL OF HIS TARGET, why? I just said there was a crowd, but hey, he had reason to believe the whole crowd might be as violent as the one who broke the windows. That’s not police work, but I understand it. But I just told you there were police BEHIND them, in the other room. So the officer not only shot into a crowd, but into a crowd of police officers, only trusting the rioters’ dead bodies might stop the bullets before reaching the officers possibly on the other side. That is, he had no idea who he was shooting or what might result. You are legally responsible until the bullet comes to rest. That goes for police often shooting fleeing cars, in neighborhoods, etc, and the reason it’s almost never justified. You have no control/awareness of your backstop, and many times children shot on couches inside the house you were shooting near.
Shooting into an unknown, not-visible backstop of human bodies is truly reckless, and if there was zero distance and zero cover, that is, she was grappling/punching him as happened in Kenosha I might still allow it. But he had many yards of cover and a door/wall between them. Also, as we later found out, the protestors also had zero intent of harm, were completely unarmed, did in fact “take over” the Capitol, took selfies, sat in chairs, and left the occupants entirely unharmed.
Ah, but no care, no protests, no organizations beating Jews and gay Asians and burning cities in her defense. She’s a defenseless minority! (a woman) How many does it take? Well, the number of unarmed black men shot was “9”, so about 8 more Babbits maybe. Or from the surrounding news dialogue and government statements, maybe the 80 million they had in mind, “America’s Taliban,” veterans and Conservatives. Yeah, I know you’ve been writing feverish violence porn about killing us all for years.
Blockchain Passport:
Okay, aside from not admitting the vaccinated still get and transmit the virus – perhaps better – and is therefore illogical and medically useless, they also don’t understand blockchain. Let’s assume the blockchain side works and isn’t an idiot excel ledger in the basement of Citigroup like XRP is. Great!Now prove the contact/interaction point with me and the Bouncer that I’m not using somebody else’s QR. That the bouncer cares. He’s not my cousin. They don’t set up a “fast pass” system that goes around it like France did. I paid off the doctor. Etc. And also every database in every computer, but ESPECIALLY anything Microsoft is complete garbage that can’t be repaired. I just make a mistake and poof! It can never be fixed, no appeal, just like the no-fly list. So…broke, broke, broke, and broke. These dum-dums never, ever, EVER learn their lesson. Hey, drugs are illegal, can I get drugs? Duhhhhh. Hey guns have serial numbers, can I get guns? Duhhhhhh. And that’s ASIDE from how all their friends, families, and bribery-rings get written into the system.
There’s so many levels of dumb here it’s an insult to dumb people. But: Bill Gates, so obviously.
“Schools across Europe Must Stay Open, Say WHO and Unicef (G.)”
I’m sorry, who is this World Health Organization that now controls all education worldwide with a “must-attend” order? “Demanded”. Or else what, you feckless, moronic ninnyhammers? You’ll invade France and Holland? I’ve got a better idea: we’ll invade YOU for daring to propose the idea, and unlike you, we HAVE an army and the prison to store you in until you come back to your senses. A couple of tanks driven into your plate glass lobby might get your attention and set the correct power dynamic for you.
“Mandatory Vaccines Will Be ‘Applied in Full’ as Deadline Looms (K.)”
Again, or else what? Hey, maybe Greece should develop an off-radar, tax-avoiding black market or something. They’ve never done that before, but I bet somebody could show them how. Do these guys take PhDs in stupid? What has ever happened on the face of the earth to make them think this would work?
“Assange, now silenced inside London’s maximum-security prison,” While not a citizen of either country, and not on trial…Just not feeling like posting. Change point is here, what we say at this point won’t alter the trajectory of the lightning when shortly it strikes.
August 31, 2021 at 11:56 am #85874Oroboros
Participant“Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive”~Sir Walter Scott×695.jpg
August 31, 2021 at 11:57 am #85875Oroboros
ParticipantThat quote sounds much better when I heard Elmer Fudd say it in a cartoon.
August 31, 2021 at 12:04 pm #85876Oroboros
Participant“..Dr Wagstaff remains committed to undertaking a trial that will provide a definitive answer to whether or not Ivermectin is a potential treatment for COVID-19….”
After the graph yesterday of the African countries with/without Ivermectin, you’d think any *doctor* in the world could buy a clue.
Apparently not the Aussie doctors.
I guess ignoring anything coming out of Africa these days is de rigueur, not racist.
August 31, 2021 at 12:50 pm #85877zerosum
Participant@ Oroboros
“I guess ignoring anything coming out of Africa these days is de rigueur, not racist.”
We are product of our social/economic conditioning therefore, we ignore……
(Some common synonyms of ignore are disregard, forget, neglect, overlook, and slight. While all these words mean “to pass over without giving due attention,” )
Due to data overload,
due to conflicting data,
due to retention capacity,
due to prioritization,
due to propagandizationAugust 31, 2021 at 1:03 pm #85878TamHob
ParticipantI read about the food shortages in Shepparton. Not sure where in central vic. you are, but hope you’re doing ok.
August 31, 2021 at 1:10 pm #85879oxymoron
ParticipantI am still getting my head around the french article. Spike induced telomere shortening sounds bad bad bad. How much shorter? I am not an immortal Planarian worm or one of those immortal jellyfish so I want to keep my telomeres as long as possible.
Maybe Zelensky is onto something after all. Are people just going to age faster from the shot or what?August 31, 2021 at 1:14 pm #85880oxymoron
ParticipantThanks Tamhob, big permy, plenty growing, honey and eggs too. Also a bit of a doomsday prep scene in the bunker of rice and beans etc if things get weird – which I actually don’t think they will – with regards to food. We do tend to get a little catastrophic here at TAE from time to time (with often good reason), but looking after ones self is grown up and GOVT. sux a bit so realistic about risk too.
August 31, 2021 at 1:39 pm #85881my parents said know
ParticipantI have wondered where Jimmy Carter has been on all this- the Carter Center used Mectizan to put an end to river blindness in Africa. The miracle drug was donated by Merck. It is also known as ivermectin.
August 31, 2021 at 1:47 pm #85882my parents said know
ParticipantThe next time someone “official” asks if I am vaccinated I will say: I oppose vaccine passports and thus stand in solidarity with the unvaccinated.
My thanks to the French.On the telomeres- didn’t Fleming mention this in a video a long time back? Those graphs look familiar.
August 31, 2021 at 2:08 pm #85883Dora
ParticipantVictory in France: Judges Overturn Macron’s Decree to Deny Food to the Unvaccinated
Victory in France: Judges Overturn Macron’s Decree to Deny Food to the Unvaccinated (Video)
August 31, 2021 at 3:41 pm #85884praecursator
ParticipantAugust 31, 2021 at 3:56 pm #85885IRunInTheSand
ParticipantInformation on ordering Ivermectin from India
I found a supplier that would accept PayPal for making payment – which was far easier for me than the multitude of other payment options that were available.
Here’s the email contact for the supplier I used:
August 31, 2021 at 4:43 pm #85886robertmp
ParticipantI live in Spokane, wa, HUGE medical operation, tons of doctors. Probably none will prescribe ivermectin or Hcl. But if I did get a prescription, the local,pharmacies will not fill them if for Covid. Is it a matter time until the horse dewormer is by vet prescription only? The amazon dewormer has tripled in price in the last 5 months. Weird medical industry.
August 31, 2021 at 4:47 pm #85887TAE Summary
ParticipantHow to Win at Covid 19 Chess
* The Opening or Fauci’s Gambit: Engineer a virus that is somewhat deadlier than the flu. Release it and obfuscate the origins. Report worldwide deaths 24/7 to get people scared.
* The Middlegame or The Orthodox System: Block available treatments and roll-out draconian and painful measures until a novel, somewhat safe and somewhat effective but ultimately leaky therapy can be created. This will ensure the virus spreads worldwide and mutates, prolonging the crisis indefinitely. Use the media and governments to convince everyone that the new therapy is their only hope of returning to ‘normal’. Vilify anyone who says otherwise as haters of humanity.
* The Endgame or Zugzwang: Once people are convinced that the new therapy is their only hope, tell them that for the safety of all they must have continuing proof that their therapy is up-to-date in the form of a global, digital record required for admittance to any place where there are other people including shops, churches, travel and entertainment venues. Give this ‘passport’ a star-studded yet guilt-driven and threatening ad campaign and link it to a sexy technology like block-chain to make it hip and popular.
* Checkmate or The Smothered Mate: Once the passport is in place you can expand its criteria to include anything you want and people who refuse will be unable to function in the modern world. You have achieved total control of much of the world population. Your ability to predict people’s response 13 moves in advance has paid off. Clear the board at will.
August 31, 2021 at 5:34 pm #85888Dr. D
ParticipantI guess that makes sense. Not that it was intended to be dangerous. What if you DID let smallpox go and Gates Jr died of it? Someone would be pissed and come at ya, too much risk.
If all you want is POWER, an essential non-risk begins to make sense. Also because you want it to last forever. Just 25 years to stop the spread. By then, no one remembers what rights were. …Or prosperity. It looks like “Tank Girl” where the police bust you for drinking water.
The main thing for these morons and their weirdo religion is “Control”. They need that over all time, space, reality, and even control over thoughts in your head or they lie awake at night plotting, knowing, someone, some where, just MIGHT do something without orders and permission.
Now if you have “control” killing your 6B or what-knot is wonderful, stable, a benefit to all whole mother earth really: your day job, drive a Nash and wear a suit with a narrow tie. But if it’s not under CONTROL, even no deaths can be a problem. …Not that we’ve ever had no deaths from these morons in my lifetime. Or this century.
Have to think, from their behavior, what are their GOALS? What are their VALUES? How can you tell? By what they’re really mad about. Blowing up an airport, handing the whole country to islamic terrorists in a run of 100,000 court martial charging of leaving weaponry? Nah. People according to them dying by the 100,000 while no one calls the national guard, builds hospitals, watches doctors and nurses retire in droves? Nah. It’s when they can’t control the NARRATIVE: YOUR MIND. When they can’t control your mind they go ape, tossing, smashing, tearing everything within reach. Throwing it at those TALKERS, people who SPEAK, have IDEAS. This they’re mad about and try to kill them all if they can.
Okay, what kind of guy does that? And how do you stop someone that deranged?
Hint: First admit that’s what’s going on. Zero health. Zero goals. Zero profit. Zero honesty. Only CONTROL. Control, POWER, is the very purpose of power, it needs to other. A boot on the face of humanity forever.
August 31, 2021 at 5:42 pm #85889zerosum
Participant“….people who refuse will be unable to function in the modern world”
I would add …..
function …. as a middle class well to do enabler for the elites.(Who wants to be a drone operator guiding a missile into a house with children)
August 31, 2021 at 6:02 pm #85890chettt
ParticipantLet me try this again…
Chett, a webpage is not an image.
August 31, 2021 at 6:04 pm #85891zerosum
ParticipantChange is in the air.
People vaccinated are at levels higher than when there was the first wave with covid 19
Now the “experts” in the USA are saying, “the variant virus is a different animal.
The fist shot is not good enough.
The second is not helping to get herd immunity.
The “booster” will not protect people from getting the the variants coming from S. Africa, nor from S. America.
Death are rising.August 31, 2021 at 6:11 pm #85892zerosum
ParticipantBREAKING: In a major blow to vaccine efforts, senior FDA leaders stepping down
August 31, 2021
BREAKING: In a major blow to vaccine efforts, senior FDA leaders stepping downTwo of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA.
August 31, 2021 at 6:12 pm #85893ctbarnum
ParticipantA crack in the edifice? Who knows?
“As Endpoints News notes, “A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee are involved in decisions that they think should be up to the FDA. The former FDAer also said he’s heard they’re upset with CBER director Peter Marks for not insisting that those decisions should be kept inside FDA. What finally did it for them was the White House getting ahead of FDA on booster shots.”
August 31, 2021 at 6:13 pm #85894ctbarnum
ParticipantAh. Duplicate with Zerosum. Never mind.
August 31, 2021 at 7:30 pm #85896Oroboros
Participant“Greece threatening everyone who’s not vaccinated”
So what happened to the Greek gestalt of WWII?
When the Italian fascists tried to invade Greece, they were roundly defeated. Churchill said of the Greek defense of their country:
“Until now we used to say that the Greeks fight like heros, now we shall say that the Heroes fight like Greeks.”
The present Greek government are as bad as the Nazis Quislings.
Worse in fact, there coming for all the Greek children with the Kill Shot.
Why the Sheer Ferocity of the Defending Greeks in WW2 Stunned the World
August 31, 2021 at 7:53 pm #85897Oroboros
ParticipantDr. David Martin – Covid vaccine mRNA code is a bio-weapon developed via a digital simulation
August 31, 2021 at 7:59 pm #85898zerosum
No Anger
No retaliations
Other cheek
Will not host terrorist groups
Normal trade
Return of seized assets
Continuation of Gravy train
War mongers angryAugust 31, 2021 at 8:23 pm #85901Rototillerman
ParticipantAnyone care to bet whether there is a legal immunity for the currently EUA vaccines buried somewhere in the belly of the infrastructure bill?
August 31, 2021 at 8:31 pm #85903DarkMatter
ParticipantI suggested a few days ago that people check out the ivermectin subreddit. Since then it has been completely been taken over by trolls. Almost all posts involve horses and many are pornographic. That’s where we’re at in a nutshell.
August 31, 2021 at 9:18 pm #85904Michael Reid
ParticipantThe western governments seem determined to force its citizens to receive the mRNA injections. This will lead to a great culling of the population in the western world over the next few years.
For those who want to live it seems to me avoiding the mRNA injection will become top priority. It also seems that will become increasingly difficult to achieve without revolting against those coming with the syringes. People should be left alone to live their lives freely. People need to recognize these mRNA injections are over time deadly to those receiving them and those doing the injections are doing the killing.
Here is the latest 31, 2021 at 9:42 pm #85906zerosum
ParticipantI love it….people are getting bombarded with horses medicine adv. and Ivermectin.
They are spreading the word and causing people to learn about Ivermectin and the many poor countries that are stupider than a horses ass and not getting the vaccines and not getting sick.
/sAugust 31, 2021 at 10:42 pm #85908ctbarnum
ParticipantI’d say they wrecked themselves, but semantics. Per Karl (and I agree) both Trump and Biden were instrumental in the destruction by the liability waivers and allowing the CDC to set “law”, ensuring all this COVID and vax skullduggery.
Joe Biden wrecked the FDA. That was quick.
— Mr T 2 (@GovtsTheProblem) August 31, 2021
August 31, 2021 at 11:01 pm #85910Rototillerman
ParticipantWell, it looks like Big Pharma won’t have to bring briefcases of cash to Congressional offices after all. Health and Human Services have apparently issued a fiat that the approved Comirnaty vaccine has the same immunity to legal liability as the EUA vaccine. Via Robert Malone’s twitter:
Regarding the "factcheckers" that have hit me about my assumption that the Pfizer EUA vaccine was covered by the CICP and BioNTech by the VICP.
As you can see at this link, it is actually worse for you and I that both vaccines are covered by the CICP.
— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) August 31, 2021
The money shot in this instance is in the FAQ:
COVID-19 vaccines are covered countermeasures under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), not the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
For a category of vaccines to be covered by the VICP, the category of vaccines must be recommended for routine administration to children or pregnant women by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, subject to an excise tax by federal law, and added to the VICP by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. No COVID-19 vaccines currently meet this criteria.
Hat tip to Karl Denninger’s Market Ticker forum.
August 31, 2021 at 11:20 pm #85911ctbarnum
ParticipantA good bet why the hospitals are “overrun”.
Colorado hospital mandating vax. 80% of staff unvaxed and ready to walk. Let’s see what happens.
— Dr. John Wallman (@DoctorWallman) August 30, 2021
August 31, 2021 at 11:25 pm #85912zerosum
ParticipantHow did you feel when you realized that you had been lied, had the wool pulled over your eyes, for all your life?
About …. for 20 years, for 2Trillion, by the Afghanistanis?
Do you think that the USA holds grudges?
Will they take the lose of face?
Action without impunity?September 1, 2021 at 1:05 am #85916Mister Roboto
ParticipantI suggested a few days ago that people check out the ivermectin subreddit. Since then it has been completely been taken over by trolls. Almost all posts involve horses and many are pornographic. That’s where we’re at in a nutshell.
This is the sort of thing that kind-of-sort-of-almost makes me want Scott Walker back as Governor of Wisconsin.
September 1, 2021 at 1:22 am #85917Michael Reid
ParticipantThe idea of revolt twice in one day
‘Loss of trust’ in US leaders: Marine punished for Afghan pull-out criticism RESIGNS effective 9/11 & calls for ‘revolution’ 1, 2021 at 1:54 am #85918Mister Roboto
Participant‘Loss of trust’ in US leaders: Marine punished for Afghan pull-out criticism RESIGNS effective 9/11 & calls for ‘revolution’
I would vote for him if he ran for President (and not just because he’s hot). Or even if he ran for Governor of Wisconsin, if he wanted to move here!
September 1, 2021 at 2:18 am #85920Mr. House
ParticipantTold you it was murder
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