Debt Rattle August 7 2022


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    Edward Hopper Ground swell 1939   • Vaccine Deaths Outnumber Covid Deaths in US Households (DS) • Russian MIL Declares Ukraine Origin of C19 (Cla
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 7 2022]

    V. Arnold

    No response…more than an hour since the post; Debt Rattle August 7 2022…


    RIM- there you are over at ZH! Now I’ll go read their comments. Back in a bit.

    Dr. D

    RE-post of Lira article, Russia shuts off oil, gas, commodities on Sept 30. Luongo’s “September” again.
    As Lira says “this is the economic fall of the West.” …From bonds in NY, Sept 2019. I don’t see how that can be avoided, and they’ve set it up as soft as they really can, but then I’ve said that since 2000, when it would have arguably been better, or possibly worse. (Better in we hadn’t gotten deeper into tech, younger old-timers who can make things, fewer Unicorn-corp, and less building and fragility; worse because no one was awake, Bush/CIA clan firmly in control)

    But what can I say?

    $15/gal gas. But he says Europe will have African immigrants and the U.S. will be worse. I don’t think so, although he’s not wrong. The U.S. as Luongo says, has a LOT of rural things, counties, a LOT of stuff squirreled away somewhere. A LOT of options. It may be bad, naming the things that happen, like outages, riots, food, won’t be wrong, but it will be far less bad than the outside measurements might suggest. We HAVE to have a bad thing that people can point to and say “Fix it; Never again. I am in control.” We have a lot of karma from destroying every nation on earth and need to get our head right. They’ve been screwing the young white while keeping all money and power with the old. All these things need to happen. But not in a “collapse” or way that they think. If it happened the way they think, they’d make plans. It’s more like an army being sniped to pieces in the bush: it’s everywhere, from everyone, all the time, with nothing to shoot back at. And as your army gets smaller, then the rule of the land becomes whatever the peasants say it is. That is, We the People are the Government. There is no Government but Us.

    “The idea of going to war with them (China) is pretty stupid impossible.” – Colonel Douglas Macgregor

    We have a 10,000 mile supply chain over water. They are fighting outside the ammunition factory doors so close they can lob volkwagens with trebuchets into our carriers. Don’t bother: you’ll only embarrass yourself.

    Stalin called farmers the enemy of the people. Notice the similarities?”

    Yes, they’re both communists. That’s what “Stakeholder Capitalism” is. Everywhere Socialism is, misery, starvation, and mass murder follow immediately, and this is no different. We now have fully installed “Democratic” Socialism, with government directing and having a say in everything, actively shutting all small businesses, going for the books and guns, and we immediately have economic malease, contraction, collapse even, nobody working (which creates production, or even regular repairs) and therefore shortages and inflation. No production + paid consumption = nobody working and everybody taking. Shortages, even shortages of services (medical, construction) and inflation. Also a Black Market. This is the bane of Socialism 100% of the time. “FROM each according to his ability, TO each according to his need.” Now if I have ability, why would I do that? Why am I up at 5am in 100f heat so you can sit on the couch? If I VOLUNTEER, if I DONATE, that’s one thing: that’s my choice and responsibility. But if you MAKE me, I’ll stop working so fast you’ll have to get a stretcher to haul me away from dropping where I stand. So put another way: PUNISH production, REWARD consumption. #Oppositeland. I, the Little Red Hen, made the bread. You did not plant the wheat, you did not harvest the wheat, you did not grind the wheat, you did not chop the wood, you did not make the bread, you did not bake the bread, so the BREAD IS MINE. Go hungry. You’ll get whatever I let you, and only if you’re lucky. …But if tomorrow you want to help, I’m hiring.

    “We are already in WW3 and C19 was the first weapon fired.”

    Yes, I think so, and the minority of White Hats, military, intel people, all recognized it for what it was and reacted, although they “couldn’t” tell us. Actually, they DID tell us, over and over, and we said they were crazy, because 1) We were out here with no intel and no expertise in anything, 2) Presidents were inside with every piece of top secret intel 3) Therefore we are sooper-smart and they are stupid. (Like every other day since 1963) Therefore they did what was possible, not what would discredit them. That continues today with 40% all-causes death rate, insurance companies, undertakers, and still no recognition, plenty of buy-in for every new plan. MONKEYPOX!!! The world’s LEAST communicable disease!!! It’s everywhere, terr’sts under me bed!!!

    “Officials and experts say China’s silence is a shortsighted and reckless move”

    This is all about one elderly, demented idiot flying in for no good reason, and THEY are the shortsighted and reckless ones???

    “Western officials are “increasingly alarmed” that Turkey, a NATO ally and prospective EU member, is deepening its cooperation with Russia,”

    After pissing on them for 50 years, not “white” enough, they are surprised with them? Okay then, stupidity really is infinite.

    ““The Turkish Stream, unlike all other routes of our hydrocarbon supplies, works properly,”

    Bringing up TurkStream because they’re planning on shutting it off like Lira says?

    “Global battery and minerals supply chains need to expand ten-fold to meet projected critical minerals needs by 2030,”

    2030 again. That’s tomorrow. So we need to increase unrecycleable toxins tenfold immediately, when we already have a well-working system with more than enough capacity (gas gars). Got it. Why??? Again? We could drive sliiiiiiightly less, repair these existing cars slightly more, and keep them going for 30 years. Explain?

    “ Elon Musk Accuses Twitter of Fraud: Countersuit (ET)”

    They already won. The battle is to get this out in public with discovery, for Elon’s 25M followers. Twitter is either purchased and disassembled, or discredited, shrinks 2/3rds, and is bought up. Past tense.

    That would be SEC fraud, fines, and class-action suit that ALSO bankrupts them and has them disassembled and purchased by new owners.

    “When it rains it pours: “EDF Cuts Output At Nuclear Power Plants As French Rivers Get Too Warm (G.)

    Only because they want it this way, they can stop anytime they like. But then how would they kill 13 out of every 14 people? Someone would catch on instead of demanding it and volunteering, like now.


    I’ve had plenty of time to prepare but still don’t feel ready. Big storms are like that I guess.

    what’s on my mind..

    Teeth in good nick?
    Mortgage not quite paid off.
    Back up (electric) to pumping water without a petrol pump.
    2 years worth of chicken feed.
    1000 litres of Diesel for my small tractor
    Bags of Rice.
    Sources of fats and oils.

    Oh I’d like a gun too

    Dr D Rich

    Dr. D quotes others; weak paraphrasing or unimaginative plagiarism perhaps? Are you sure they weren’t channelling some astute analysis from Ritter, Lira, Greenwald or Sy Hersh?

    “We are already in WW3 and C19 was the first weapon fired”

    That’s 30+ months after the fact…on this blog alone, but okay.


    In the 70s, deep sea researchers found nodules on the Atlantic Ocean floor. The were made of manganese, nickel and cobalt. A quick search finds this article.
    No doubt the ancient remains of EVs from the last beings that built civilizations on earth, or perhaps God’s battery that runs the thermo-saline cycle. 😉
    You can bet they will once again gather attention.


    Oh- I see. Try to type “haline” and I am corrected. “Saline should be “haline”. (It did it again, but I caught it.)


    RIM- there you are over at ZH! Now I’ll go read their comments. Back in a bit.

    Haven’t read ZH comments in forever. Not brave enough.


    Lula of Brazil.
    He’s right…….yes, but he’s “leftist”….
    Yeah, but he’s still right……..I know, but he’s “leftist”..
    Boy, he’s, right……..too bad that he’s “leftist”…
    I know, but he’s right…….yeah, I know, but he’s “leftist”….
    …… …….
    I am not going to listen what he’s got to say……Yeah, me too.

    (Dialog in the cranium-sifters)

    D Benton Smith

    I love George Carlin.

    He was a sincerely earnest man with some very important ideas, deeply held. I think he discovered, as well, that the only way people would allow him to actually express those ideas in public was if he made them laugh as part of the bargain.


    RIM- it takes a lot of skimming, but I figure I get at least two guffaws from those comments each day.
    But yeah- if I give people a link to ZH I tell them comments (and some ads) are NSFW.
    Not a lot of wittiness in the comments on your post. People were actually inspired to discuss the topic.
    There are a LOT of comments.


    I must repeat …. the comments are the best at TAE
    Risk reward calculation

    ….. don’t know how our social/economic system works.
    …. don’t want to be responsible for the proper operation of our social/economic system.
    …. don’t want to know how our social/economic system works
    …. a no win/unpopular decision/situation – not enough supplies/resources for the demands/needs
    …. Avoid any miscalculations/liability/blame
    Taiwan depends on sea trade.
    Cuba depends on sea trade.
    USA is not China

    D Benton Smith


    I once had an uncle take me into a fairly tough bar. Just before going in he told me. “If there’s a fight move to the edge and don’t worry too much about the loud mouths. It’s the quiet ones to keep an eye on.”

    Farmers and family men have been the quiet ones, up ’til recent.



    Not a lot of wittiness in the comments on your post. People were actually inspired to discuss the topic. There are a LOT of comments.

    Sounds good. Had a look at Google Analytics earlier, first in months, I don’t really follow those numbers. Bounce rate is 26% (very good) and even with those 1 in 3 leaving as soon as they come in, session duration is 4.41 min. That makes me proud. People stay here on average almost 5 minutes. Which means they’re actually reading.

    ZH used to post many more of my articles -our link goes back 14 years!- but I also used to wrote many more articles. But from Feb to Jun, my upstairs neighbor jackhammered an entire marble floor away, which meant I could not be here. At the same time I could not be anywhere else either, b/c full lockdown for unvaxxed.

    One day maybe I will understand how I did the Debt Rattles anyway each day, and how I kept myself from beating the crap out of him. At first, it’s noise, but after 10 days or so, it’s torture. Add 12 weeks. All I want is to forget it, but he’s still hammering away from time to time.

    Anyway, TAE seems OK. We could try to make it bigger, but then people might try to go after us. We’re not exactly following the official line here.

    Figmund Sreud

    Edward Hopper Ground swell 1939

    Depiction of bad, bad sailors! Armatures. Realistic, … still happening every day! Modern version, example:

    Anyway, … love the composition. Idyllic , yet evidence of serious trouble. Ineptitude, …


    Dr. D

    I have to ask why bother, high tide is coming, but they know best. Everything’s a problem: can’t get close, can’t throw rope, can’t get your man chopped in the props, and this is good weather.

    I think what they need is a giant bag slipped under the hull and inflated. I think that shouldn’t be too hard to secure, inflate, and reuse without chopping it in the props. they do have for car rescue and for salvage operations. Wouldn’t want to pay for 3 tow boats instead.

    Don’t know why they’re all sold and these racing hulls, nobody’s living by winning races, however the shallow draft, beaching, and human space of a barge hull is always practical. Then you could go out in cold weather, if not bad.

    Dr. D

    “But Lula’s Left” Yes, and Right too. All those Far-Right Bernie Bros like Rogan. Yeah we’d pick Bernie but he’s too far Right. Have to go with war-voting Pelosi, Schumer, and Hillary instead. Instead of “Ultra-MAGA Far right” that’s for gay marriage, moderate gun control, and Black employment.

    Moral: “Left” and “Right” no longer mean anything. They just take measure of the audience and call them whichever will antagonize the audience more. That is: it’s a lie. Open mouth: therefore lie.


    Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects:

    Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects

    Many, all ? of the released Pfizer docs can be found at: (haven’t delved in)

    I well remember the first advisory re. the Pfizer vax, it stated,

    NOT recomended (not ‘safe’ / ‘tested’) for,

    children, young ppl under age 18

    pregnant women

    lactating mothers

    couples who are trying to have a child in the next year, so men also..

    vulnerable ppl (here it was a bit confused / my memory is poor) in the sense of having history of ‘allergic’ shock ..

    I bookmarked it but now it no longer show or … etc.

    First Pfizer roll out, Dec. 2020


    New from CJ Hopkins:

    John Day, thanks for the Rogers Studio 1 link. Spent quite a bit of time in small hifi shops myself, and I prefer phase-coherent speakers, too; usually minimonitors.


    Zerohedge is a high rise tenement with a lot of colorful residents. TAE is cozy cabin in the woods by a lake with people who fish.

    12 weeks? For that you deserve a good deal of sympathy.

    Figmund Sreud

    @ Dr. D – nobody’s living by winning races

    Well, … some just have to own the records! Here is an extreme case – example of: sailing superyacht Comanche, it’s just fun to own one if you have means:

    3 speed records smashed by Comanche–26961

    … if you have means, … “there is no expense to spare to create this thing”:



    Your organization looks hopelessly corrupt.

    Smug retarded pos CNN MSM lying asshole. Waters is correct.

    Classic dumbfuck “journalist” laughing at anything that points to the truth. US SCUM govt has murdered millions around the globe for profit and for pleasure.

    The list is endless of US War Crimes, still being committed every fucking day all around the planet.
    Thankfully RF and China have had enough of the degenerate US filth.

    These propaganda clowns will face the reckoning- supporting Covid lies and war crimes.

    We have in our DNA a dissent against tyranny.

    Good men don’t follow bad orders.

    The Empire is collapsing. Enjoy these final days of peace. It’s coming.


    @Dr. D
    “””Moral: “Left” and “Right” no longer mean anything”””
    Check whom and what is called “left” nowadays (in the US) and and generally ACCEPTED as such, while everybody is appalled that “man can get pregnant”. Go figure!
    I was newer confused about terms. I quietly nod to the ghosts of untold thousands that stare at us from a grainy police archives photos, being clubbed, maimed or killed so the assholes who piss on their struggle and plight have eight hour work day five days a week. Assholes who are bit taken aback and shocked that moneyed are buying agricultural land by the million acres, while at the same time trying to process through indoctrinated brain molasses how that is perfectly all right based on the “laws of market” and and it is nobody’s business how person spend his or hers money.

    Figmund Sreud

    Re: Bill Maher screed – There’s a disturbing trend going on in America these days … , it’s not as bad. Just go to the beach and look! Go on, …


    Michael Reid

    China ramps up response to Biden White House, Taiwan visit blunder



    I feel your pain. Words however don’t mean anything as Dr D points out.

    Even being outraged at the status of world events has no gravitas.


    Coming up fast on interesting times


    And lastly, self respect and manners are a thing of the past



    “Words however don’t mean anything as Dr D points out.
    Only if you want it that way.

    Carlin, loved by the panel (to my surprise) actually. Who is the “club”, that he’s talking about, do you think is fu**ing us up?
    Words does matter.


    I thought this was good- again from C.H. Smith, ten-plus years ago:


    What many people fail to recognise (don’t even know?) is that the fraud that characterises western economic arrangements commenced with the establishment of the Bank of England in the 1690s. (Some would say the fraud commenced before then, but as far as I know it was not so institutionalised, nor so prevalent.)

    It was than that tally sticks -notched pieces of wood split lengthwise- were converted into shares in the bank that soon had control over the British government by way of loans. “Do as we say, otherwise we withdraw the funding for your trade and wars.”

    The issuing of more promissory notes than actual gold to be redeemed took the fraud to the next level.

    And the ‘closing of the gold window’ in 1971 took the fraud to an even higher level.

    For a while US dollars were notionally backed by oil, insofar as the recycling of US dollars through Saudi Arabia proved some physical backing for the fiat dollars.

    Money is a future claim on energy and resources. And when energy resources and mineral resources are in terminal decline, which they are, the only way out of the predicament is default.

    Hence the extreme ‘need’ for war, as a pretext to abandon/cancel the globalised financial system, which is clearly on its last legs.

    I believe we are in the ‘calm before the storm’, and that ‘hell’ will break out in a matter of months.

    Meanwhile, the ‘idiot’ economists who advise governments (tell them what to do?) insist that infinite growth on a finite planet is both possible and desirable!!!!!

    Figmund Sreud

    Well, … that didn’t take long to apologize for misbehaviour.

    KYIV, Aug 7 (Reuters) – Amnesty International apologised on Sunday for “distress and anger” caused by a report accusing Ukraine of endangering civilians which infuriated President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and triggered the resignation of its Kyiv office head. […]

    “This does not mean that Amnesty International holds Ukrainian forces responsible for violations committed by Russian forces, nor that the Ukrainian military is not taking adequate precautions elsewhere in the country,” it said.

    “We must be very clear: Nothing we documented Ukrainian forces doing in any way justifies Russian violations.” […]

    Amnesty regrets ‘distress’ caused by report rebuking Ukraine



    “Amnesty regrets ‘distress’ caused by report rebuking Ukraine”

    Amnesty does not regrets not reporting about the Israel preemptive actions that resulted in the exchange of +1,000 missiles that caused the death and destruction of so many lives.


    And sometimes TAE makes me laugh out loud, too. Thanks, Oroboros.


    Has anyone noticed the similarity between our politicians and the police? My initial observation was that a lot of very unintelligent politicians have become leaders of western countries and a lot of them are women. Why women? Why was a woman put in charge of the CIA, a woman who was willing to torture people? Why would any person with good values ever torture someone? Now it is nutsack Pelosi stirring up trouble with China, but who told her to do this? Are women more obedient at crossing red lines? Or is it that the people are more willing to go along with women? Less inclined to fight back. Maybe it is that the latest wave of women are more capable of getting into the good books of the owners?

    Notice how these politicians and senior managers in government are very much like the police, clever enough to follow orders, thick enough not to think for themselves. They pretend to listen then simply continue what they were doing – obeying orders. Anyone who has dealt with the police knows how this works. The farmers in the Netherlands are absolutely correct not to talk to Rutte, he will not disobey his owners and will only waste their time while trying to undermine their determination, same as the police.


    New Zealand is nominally led by a vicious sociopath, a professional liar, with low intelligence and even lower morals (but high level of cunning), trained for the position and put into the position by WEF agents, in order to fool and subjugate the ignorant masses.

    The trick to Adern’s success is that she is an accomplished speaker of Orwellian ‘doublespeak’. Her trademarks are “Kindness”, whereby she treats people cruelly, “Team NZ”, whereby she practices divide and conquer, “Follow the science”, whereby she totally ignores science and pushes ahead with unsustainable, undemocratic (anti-democratic) agendas, and orchestrates:

    1. the looting and polluting of the environment

    2. the impoverishment of the bulk of the populace and the transfer of wealth to banks, corporations and opportunists ( the top 1% get most of the benefits of the reign of terror)

    3. the destruction of the health of the populace via jabbing and the promotion of fast food etc.

    One major factor to her ‘success’ is the fact that the mainstream media are entirely bought-and-paid-for, and they sing her praises continuously, whilst promulgating a litany of lies on a minute-by-minute basis.

    Adern is just the latest in a long line of sociopaths and professional liars, dating back to the time of Norman Kirk, who died ‘mysteriously’ in 1974.

    Do not forget the Goff Whitlam affair, whereby an Australian prime minister -who looked to be set to implement policies that would improve the lot of average Australians- was ousted by the Governor General.

    It’s just a huge ‘farm’, and we are the livestock.

    Michael Reid

    Kim Iversen: Russia & China Benefited Most From Pandemic, U.S. Hegemony On Its Way Outcx3

    Kim Iversen discusses deplatforming, the culture of free speech, and why she’s hopeful. She talks about not being allowed to interview Fauci at The Hill, ultimately leading to her resignation in order to maintain her integrity. She thinks people are tired of the biosecurity agenda and believes Russia and China have benefited most from the pandemic. U.S. hegemony is on its way out as the new multipolar world comes about. As more people move away from extreme political polarization in America, she worries less about a 2nd Civil War.

    Kim Iversen: Russia & China Benefited Most From Pandemic, U.S. Hegemony On Its Way Out


    Does every living thing have a function in the circle of life?
    Did mother earth create a creature with the sole purpose of being a source of food for another creature? ( ie. mosquitoes)



    In Canada, sadly we humans are definately mosquitos bait!
    Not to mention black fly and horse fly bait too!


    Evolution occurs by random mutation. Most mutations are harmful and reduce the life-expectancy of an organism with that mutation. But a tiny portion of mutations provide benefits that increase the organism’s capacity to survive and reproduce.

    Occasionally, a series of mutations generate a new species that can occupy an ’empty’ ecological niche. Things are great for a while, until a predator evolves to take advantage of the food resource.

    Everything was basically in balance until the ‘clever’ apes got too clever for their own good and proliferated to the point of severely reducing (or exterminating) most other large life forms and modifying large areas of land to increase their proliferation.

    The most deadly step taken by the overly-clever apes was employing fossil fuels to extract yet more fossil fuels. That particular game is coming to an end, with the massive population overshoot facilitated by the use of fossil fuels still in place.

    Whilst no one in their right mind enjoys thinking about wide-scale suffering, the human species has gone so far into population overshoot and fossil fuel over-dependence that catastrophe in the near future is now inevitable.

    I often think of ‘Limits to Growth’ and how different the world would be if that fine work had been heeded.

    But I now understand why it wasn’t.

    The banks were running a Ponzi scheme at the time (still are) and needed increased consumption of materials and increasing consumption of energy and increasing population to keep their Ponzi scheme expanding.

    We now face the consequences of decades (actually centuries) instutionalised fraud.

    Regarding mosquitoes: they were around long before humans. The are just one of tens of millions of components of the web of life.

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