Debt Rattle December 13 2015


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    Marion Post Wolcott “Center of town. Woodstock, Vermont. Snowy night” 1940 • Why A 0.25% Rate Hike Should Have Big Banks Nervous But Probably Won’t (B
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 13 2015]


    Here’s a prediction Automatic earthers can take to the bank.
    Ready ??
    The fed is NOT going to raise rates and surprise everyone by leaving them as they are.
    If you follow the dollar index you will note that the dollar dropped massively and dramatically on December 3rd, the decision was probably taken then amongst the prime movers, the Eur/Usd has also double bottomed and will rally briefly despite (or because of) long time dollar upward trajectory – since 2011 in fact.

    With my Arse on the line


    Kudos to you Z for stating your opinion clearly and out in front of the decision. We won’t hate you if you’re wrong.


    We’ll only ridicule you.


    Seems to me for the Fed to once again not hike rates there’d have to be a major event. Or no-one will ever believe a single thing they say anymore. Credibility is a real big issue by now (they caused this themselves). But a major event is not impossible in the next few days: junk bonds look like they could fall through the floor at any given time, and stocks can do the same. A sharp devaluation of the yen could do thetrick as well.


    “We’ll only ridicule you.” HaHa…. you’re all so cruel
    Well be gentle…you know how fragile and sensitive I am !

    Actually I’ll stick my butt out even further and paint a target on it and state that there will be a hold even without any of those triggers, although they are all valid and large market falls are imminent/inevitable


    John Day

    Maybe it is time for the Fed to “push what is about to fall”?


    “Seems to me for the Fed to once again not hike rates there’d have to be a major event”


    I think you are spot on there. Let’s hope they don’t manufacture a “terrorist” atrocity over the next few days.

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