Debt Rattle December 14 2018


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    Paul Signac Boulevard de Clichy under snow 1886   • ECB To Halt €2.6 Trillion Stimulus Despite Eurozone Slowdown Concerns (G.) • Shipping Costs F
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 14 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Paul Signac Boulevard de Clichy under snow 1886
    Not at all familiar with Signac; however his painting is wonderful. Captures a snowy cityscape very nicely.
    I also like the blue hue of the painting; very atmospheric, no?

    On another not so pleasant note:

    Maria Butina’s only crime is that she is Russian…

    The Thugocracy is in fine form here; violating every norm of decency and justice; torturing and intimidation to get a false confession of guilt from a young, nieve, Russian woman, studying in a US university.
    Who also happens to be a gun rights activist.
    God help us; we’ve struck yet another low mark for human behavior; US behavior on the world stage for all to see.
    For a long time now, I’ve been ashamed to admit to being an American.
    Thai’s still love America, thank the gods…


    The ferociousness with which the media, and the Twiitersphere, unleash themselves on the Butina story is nothing if not deeply embarrassing. The hunger for a Russia-related scandal, for confirmation of at least one tiny scrap after 2 years of hollow gossip, for a nigh orgasmic release of the pent-up 24/7/365 tensions, must be unbearable.

    And to admit you’ve been plain old wrong all that time is undoubtedly too much of a sacrifice, and unnecessary to boot if you just remain inside your echo bubble, flowing over with those afflicted with the same dehumanizing blindness you pretend not to suffer from.

    But woe the George Papadopoulos and Maria Butina’s who get caught in your delusional webs, because you’re more than ready to torture them, crucify them, lock them up, just so you never have to look in a mirror.

    I posted a Paul Signac painting 4 months go, not that I know too much about him. This is Van Gogh’s home in Arles, but painted in 1933, when Vincent had long passed away.

    V. Arnold

    I remember that Signac of van Gogh’s home. But didn’t register much with me at that time.

    And to admit you’ve been plain old wrong all that time is undoubtedly too much of a sacrifice, and unnecessary to boot if you just remain inside your echo bubble, flowing over with those afflicted with the same dehumanizing blindness you pretend not to suffer from.

    They know they were wrong, from the get go. It’s intentional and calculated. And actually; it means they were not wrong; just following a program/pogram as a means to an end.
    “They’ll” never admit to being wrong; there is no gun big enough, held to their head, that will ever make them say they were wrong.
    All it takes is somebody willing to pull the trigger…
    But, I think that one doesn’t exist; at this time…

    V. Arnold

    I noticed the blue hues in Signac’s painting of van Gogh’s home painting also…


    Why would anyone want to be an elite is beyond my comprehension.
    None of them know how or want to fix the social/economic problems.
    (The elites are the problem)

    Read the following


    That fairy tale was pitched around the globe.

    What followed was anything but fair. Instead, as more citizens fell behind, a sense of disenfranchisement and bitterness with existing governments only grew.
    “Maria Butina’s only crime is that she is Russian”,
    ( It’s not even a good James Bond story.)
    Every country has jails to make the unwanted disappear.
    selectivety in reporting so that the “good guys” are missed from the reporting.
    Assange …. Guantanamo prison …. USA
    Where The Most Journalists Are Imprisoned Worldwide


    Clarification on my statement
    (The elites are the problem)

    Pick one.
    The decision makers. The wealthy. The liars. The manipulators. The masters. The politicians.

    (The ostrich picked the sand box.)

    The elites picked the poor and the helpless as the cause of all the problems.


    The new normal by the rich is to lend money to those who will not be able to you pay back so that you can enslave them after taking all their assets.
    Canadians owed nearly $1.78 in credit market debt, which includes consumer credit and mortgage and non-mortgage loans, for every dollar of household disposable income in the third quarter.


    I’m sure that there are detention center everywhere, including the USA, that we have no knowledge.–immigration-teen-detention-camps-20181207-story.html

    Tornillo has 2,100 staff for about 2,300 teens; Homestead has 2,000 staff for about 1,300 teens.

    Concentration Camps From Here to China

    Consider the Uighurs in far West China and illegal immigrants along the southwest border of the United States. All in all, the camps sound not unlike the ones the Trump has created in the United States, and along its southern border with Mexico. The United States has its own Shohrat Zakhir to describe the wonderful qualities of the camps in the United States. His name is Matthew Albence.

    Dr. D

    Nailing it, Zerosum.

    “Labour Plans To ‘Throw Kitchen Sink’ To Force May’s Hand On Brexit (G.)”

    Maybe Labour should start with a pickle fork? 4 years, so far, nothing.

    “the campaign …would in all likelihood be even more xenophobic and hate-filled than the first”

    I concur whole heartedly: filled with the hate of losing £11,800 … their neighborhood, their environment, and their jobs…and watching their children go to school white with hunger. And disgust and fear of the unelected foreigners in Brussels who did it to them. See how evil those Brexiters are? They should LOVE losing their children, their safety, their jobs, their freedom of speech, their health care. And they should LOVE to join up, to be part of it. Because that is a pure and true love indeed: the love of party and the central state.

    Yes and Varoufakis’ plan is to give a supra-national taxing power to a fascist merger of governments and corporations, (Carbon credits) which will NOT be used for anything related to the environment, because we have 37% tax rates now and they can’t destroy the environment fast enough, overfishing, killing bees, hedgerows, and selling out to Mansanto. If they had the slightest intent of being environmental, we might have seen, I dunno, a single sparrow not fall to ground somewhere. But we don’t. Don’t trust them, or Varoufakis either, I’m sorry to say. He’s hell-bent to continue the merger of Europe that has destroyed his countrymen, and 3/4 of Europe, AFTER seeing it happen. But he is indeed a Socialist, still supporting it with socialist ideas, and those have a 100% failure rate, not 75%, so I suspect facts and millions more deaths will not dissuade him.

    But how can I say that? Because FDR’s New Deal WAS a failure. A total, complete, cascading failure. In 1939 the U.S. was in as deep a depression as they had been in 1929, and everything had been tried. Every dollar had been spent, every program had been manned. Nada. Zip. I THINK this is pretty well known, yet every “expert” who comments on it, acts like it wasn’t. Varoufakis has read this, the same books and documents I have. He is even an Economist, it is his specialty, his JOB to know that it didn’t and doesn’t work. Such is my fear of zealots, experts, and people who are CERTAIN, without humility or doubt. The clearest facts, agreed upon in history, the million lives, counted to such plans, have no effect on them. Narcissistic sociopaths can only be right, they can never be wrong. That is their illness. I won’t say Varoufakis is, but these nonsense plans are getting his countrymen killed by the thousands, and it’s irresponsible.

    “The massive accumulation of wealth by a 1% skilled at gaming the system,”

    Their answer? More system, of course!

    “The Senate has passed a resolution saying Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is responsible for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.”

    Based on what evidence? The ones that Rand Paul and all the other Senators can’t see? We now have computer-generated realism beyond belief; would you believe audio/visual evidence even if they had it? This is the CIA after all. The ones that had weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-queda. Turkey is by far the #1 attacker of journalists, after Saudi has been doing the same since before 1930 when we joined up with them. …But the Senators just notice now, 18 years after 9-11, 40 years after worldwide madrassas, and 25 years into their incumbency. Well how about that.


    “The massive accumulation of wealth by a 1% skilled at gaming the system,”

    Digging deeper means that I would conclude that the wealthy control the powerful and that it is irrelevant how the system is structured. (capitalism or socialism)

    The example ….
    Poor people getting social assistance, (welfare), from the rich, (Gov.). and spending it in Walmart (the rich).

    Walmart employees qualifying for food stamps, (social assistance), (from the rich), (from the gov.), and spending it at Walmart, (the rich).


    Dr. D you seem to a specific hate for anything related to socialism. Do you think full blown capitalism will solve our problems? I am not at all convinced that pure capitalism would help. Do you think our environmental problems would be eliminated with pure capitalism? What do you propose as a better solution? I can see issues with pretty much any of our human approaches to running society but we need some kind of system as imperfect as they are. The US with its for-profit health care delivers for the non-rich pretty poor results in terms of outcomes and cost. Studies have shown this
    Canada’s socialized system, as imperfect as it is, delivers by comparison better outcomes at less cost. Again, I acknowledge no system is perfect but we need some kind of system and I can’t understand why you give capitalism a free pass.

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