Debt Rattle December 16 2022


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    Paul Gauguin When are you getting married? 1892   • Twitter Nukes Liberal Pundits From Platform (ZH) • Matt Taibbi Discusses Ongoing ‘Big Picture
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 16 2022]


    Society-wide wrecked immune systems :

    Flu in the UK:

    “Analysis of NHS data by The Telegraph shows rates more than eight times higher than expected at this time of year. Flu hospitalisations in England have jumped by more than 40 per cent in a week ….”





    How’s your French? –

    ” Conclusion

    L’incidence des lésions myocardiques est de 2,8 % soit 800 fois supérieure à l’incidence habituelle des myocardites. ”

    The incidence of myocardial lesions is 2.8% or 800 times higher than the usual incidence of myocarditis.”




    “Will go down as a very pivotal moment in the history of medicine. …. The mRNA vaccine technology has a close to zero benefit. ” How about negative benefit!



    Cardiologist calls for an end to mNRA booster shots – as teen, 18, tells how her reaction to the jab saw her miss her Year 12 exams: ‘I’ve had 60 to 70 in my practice who’ve had similar reactions



    V. Arnold

    What I’m seeing throughout the covid debacle is a complete failure of entire populations to do their due diligence over the entire timeline of this manufactured “pandemic/epidemic” currently fixating entire populations…
    The total lack of applying critical thinking skills to this obvious ploy is most disturbing…and scares the hell out of me!!

    It pre-sages a deathnell for us as a species methinks…


    They are a weird mob.

    Dr. D

    Added what I think are two helpful comments in yesterday’s section.

    “Vote Recount Flips Massachusetts Midterm Race From Republican To Democrat By 1 Vote”

    Hahahahahaaha! And the other race was like 50 votes – statistically the same. Everyone probably forgot because 2020, but NY flipped like every upstate seat that voted Red over to Blue using the same process. Look! Votes! In my couch! Exactly enough to go Blue then we stop counting.

    One of the others, GA I think they were watching votes and yet another time, 20,000 votes were SUBTRACTED during the counting. …For the right side, of course.

    Guys? I thought counting was about ADDITION, not subtraction.

    “Kevin O’Leary testifies at Senate hearing and says #Binance intentionally put FTX out of business.”

    Yes, they did. Because SBF was trying to save his ship of embezzlement and was wrecking Tether which would put Binance out of business. Fair’s fair.

    This weird “where we put the blame” instead of “describe what happened” leads to non-stop blind spots. Article yesterday, drinking the kool-aid, wonders at how SBF has “involved his parents” in this scheme. His parents! Poor little dears, two of the top lawyers in America, politically tied in everywhere, didn’t know nothin’! Scammed by their own son! Poor blighters. Just unable to see that a company made of 50 pieces, written up by Mr. Bankman, arranged worldwide, whose BTC wallets were all empty, might maybe have hustled off the funds?

    Puh-lease. But because Turley starts from “SBF Bad”, instead of “what is the truth”, this otherwise intelligent human being simply ASSUMES that it’s SBF’s scam is on his parents, instead of the far, far more likely, a scam BY his parents, involving HIM. And yes, all these parents involve/sacrifice their children, look at Hunter and Chelsea and Hinckley. We were doing movies yesterday (Utopia), it’s all in “The Godfather.”

    ““Effective Altruism”: Could SBF’s Parents Be the Key to a Plea? (Turley)”

    Ah Turley. My sweet, summer child. Incapable of human suspicion, a man with no experience. “Bless his heart” as they say.

    “I made a full video of CNBC pumping SBF,”

    Yes because every dum-dum from Stanford can get worldwide media coverage and top advertising, lobbyist, and media companies to boost his product for free, with no investigation and no questions asked. That’s just common sense. As Dr. B would say: nobody talked to anybody! Of course! That’s just crazy talk. When rich people are on the golf course, they are always perfectly quiet as churchmice. Never communicate nor help each other, not once!

    Driver “Beeping”. How DARE you???

    Elon Musk: what’s going around is classic “Rules for Radicals” a book dedicated to Satan himself (Literally). Because “The end justifies the means”, its method is to have no principles, only goals, therefore to use any principles the opponent has against them. If Elon has rules, they say he’s not Free Speech, he’s no different than us. If he has Free Speech Absolutism – only principles – they post kiddie porn, child trafficking, and information that murders his kids. Pick one, Elon!

    …Duh, this is naturally a false dichotomy and false choice. Duh duh duh and duh. If you know anything, done anything, been anywhere, read anything, we all solved all these problems centuries ago. You can’t take actions that get people killed. Is that too hard to understand? Those actions are ILLEGAL. That’s not Free Speech. So how do we KNOW they are illegal? Because we already invented judges, courts, rules, laws, evidence, and process. Like 5,000 years ago, maybe you’ve heard of them. I mean, since they use the law and rules against anyone they don’t like in a frenzy of bad faith every day.

    You can’t yell “Fire” in a theater? Actually, you can. But YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Same here. What did you THINK we were going to do: refer 100,000 incidences of kiddie pron to the police in 200 worldwide jurisdictions and not take any of it down until all 100,000 cases were fully adjudicated? F’ no!

    Stalking people as a way of getting them killed, even by stochastic terrorism, would be put under restraining order by any judge. It’s harassment and several other things. I’m sorry Elon has to halt the account before his court cases can finalize, but that’s not at all uncommon. Or maybe they would like to equally support this for battered wives vs their abusive husbands. …Oh wait: don’t care. Wait: hypocrisy, every day: don’t care. Because #Bad Faith Actors. Every minute they are awake.

    What are we, 5 years old? I don’t play that. Jesus, read a book.

    But it appears issuing 100,000 death threats for Elon, then posting his children’s location is their #Loving #Caring #Helping plan. So we’ll have to watch this for a while.

    Btw, as the speed of ‘Net is higher than the speed of Court, we may have to very slightly adjust to the 5,000 year norms of you know: Not killing people. “Minds” uses a “popular jury”, where a post is flagged, it is reviewed by 10, 20, 100 Minds users who volunteered for the jury pool. They can decide to allow, flag it warning, hide it to genPop, or refer to police. They do not ban. As they are not one man (Elon or Zuck or Bezos) and are the users themselves, and they refer to police, I see no problem with this. See? Already solved somewhere, Yoel, Vijaya, and Agrawal just didn’t WANT it solved. They wanted #Power. …And that #Power was given to people several levels above them, in Congress, the FBI, CIA, and WHO.

    “A spokesperson for the NY Times said that the suspensions were ‘questionable and unfortunate,’ and said that no explanation was provided.”

    …Because the NY Times are entirely illiterate, asked no one, and couldn’t read the Headlines of #Front Page News. They didn’t know. Really? “No explanation was provided.” Really? Did you try “Asking” on a “Telephone”? This “Telephone” thingie has been on the wall of the NY Times for 145 years. Pick it up. Reach out and touch someone. You’d be surprised what you can learn when you “Ask”.

    X-Files: yes, both sides “Leak” or “Float” ideas to their Hollywood favorites. This was well-known since Star Trek ToS, 1963, when they leaked “Phasers” while the DoD had already invented “Lasers”. Etc. That’s actual official reality probably on the ToS Wiki page. …But it doesn’t happen now. Because it already happened. A hundred times. That’s #Logic!

    Star Trek was so tied into CIA, that the fundamental basis of it was political. It’s well known now that the blustering, war-like Klingons represent the Russians, while the quiet, scheming Romulans represent the Chinese. The supra-logical but powerful outburst Vulcans are the Japanese. Etc. This was TALKING to the American Cold War people…and the world. But also to demonstrate world Peace and unity was possible and admirable. …And it got canceled right after Kennedy. Peace? Verboten.

    Anywhoo, yes the White Hats ALSO release rumors of things they know to other good guys. At the same time the Black Hats leak or pre-inform people, and if the people do nothing, well, their fault, right? That’s what the X-Files was or became, and why a certain slice of people were crazy about it. Problem is: which is which? Since it’s all fiction, implication, metaphor, what is real?

    “the current data set does not include access to the inbound requests and instructions from government officials, they are limited to only seeing what happens after the request is received.” — Taibbi

    Just like FTX-Alameda. Corporation specifically constructed one-directionally for fraud and plausible deniability of the planned/inevitable fraud. Like FTX, no oversight. Like FTX, CEO claims he “doesn’t know anything” although setting up this special structure and having access to everything. Like FTX, are illegally defrauded, terms of service CONTRACT violated, and lose money or worse. Like FTX, when brought to attention, nothing is done about it but to encourage more.

    Sound familiar? Remember “Chinese Wall” of Sachs, Morgan, etc. Suuuuuuuure no one from marketing EVER talks to anyone in trading. Golly gee, that would be wrong. When they internal memo “this is dog s—t squared” that doesn’t mean aaaaaannnythign at all. Nor is is fraud to knowingly void contract and misrepresent a product with no intent to deliver. Nope.

    “a direct consequence of the weakness shown by the union’s leaders”–Putin

    Putin knows the WEF/EU leaders are the ones giving (or sharing) orders to Nuland and the U.S. So why is he pretending otherwise? To embarrass Germany into actually taking a swing instead of having their big idiot bully do it for them? Interesting language. At the least it drives a wedge between US and EU in the popular mind, to “Stop being the US Poodle” (Blair) rather than that the “Poodle” (MI6) is entirely merged with the supposed bully, the CIA.

    Boy won’t they be surprised when they break away from US “control” and nothing changes. The EU becomes more belligerent and saps the people more than ever? I’m not saying we’re not involved, but it ain’t us, honey. It’s a big club and you’re being beaten by it.

    Cool NATO Map, babe. Russia already killed as many people as all those nations combined in only 10 months. They killed more than the entire British Army before they even called up Reservists.

    But some will say they’re losing, I’m sure.

    Their “Allied Troops” listed? 8,000 mile supply chain. So…how many 50-ton Abrams tanks you airlifting? Trick question: we don’t have any. They don’t even have #Food or #Winter oil. Puh-lease. Puhlease make it stop. I can’t stand the stupid.

    Kiev Seizes Assets of Russian Orthodox Clerics (LI)”

    Most expected thing in the world. 100% in history. Just like when the Socialist National Assembly did that in 1789. …Because they mismanaged everything, were morons, and were broke. So they Stole stuff! …Then because they mismanaged everything, were morons, they went broke on that too!!! #Socialism! Egalitie! Fraternitie! That means I get YOUR stuff! We’re so equal I took it all, and your daughter, and chopped off the shoemaker’s head!

    Yes, I admit I didn’t see it coming, but there are thousands of moving parts and steps in history and “Yet another robbery” is not that important and changes nothing.

    “Vatican Apologizes for Pope’s Remarks – Moscow (RT)”

    WTF? Is this like the Biden Administration? The Vatican IS the Pope. But they are different now, and conflict with each other? So who’s in power then? Biden? Or his nameless handlers like Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice? Whoops, I mean Francis or his nameless handlers or the real Pope Benedict? If he doesn’t run things and nobody listens to him, can we just say so?

    After centuries of trying to remove Slavs and install Catholics, “The Vatican and Pope Francis personally offered mediation in the conflict in Ukraine.” I’m sure you’re an impartial party. The mediation is: “You Orthodox Christians are wrong, I hope you all die in a fire.”

    “European Parliament’s ‘Qatar Scandal’ Tip of a Corruption Iceberg (Marsden)”

    So was this part of Qatar’s open slavery and human trafficking? Or some other part? Yay Europe! “It’s not slavery, human trafficking, and ecological genocide when we outsource it!” #Caring!

    “..the German government has set out a €200 billion “defensive shield” to protect households and businesses from soaring prices..”

    And zero gas. So…sounds like infinite money…zero product delivered…yup! That’s hyperinflation! …Just like every other time before.

    “Germany Spends $500 Billion to ‘Keep the Lights on’ – Reuters (RT)”

    “Money” doesn’t keep the lights on, you f’ing idiots. Coal does. Money + No coal = no lights. Coal + no money = lights.

    “From sealing people into their apartments to ‘it’s just a cold’ in no time flat. Something must have spooked Xi.”

    Noted, but it’s so hard to tell.

    Rolling Stones to fans on Covid19 vaccines” “We were just as accurate as we were on the Mueller investigation!” Trust us.

    JFK: “A 1992 law required the government to release all documents on the assassination by October 2017.”

    But they just didn’t follow the law. No one was arrested and no one cares. We don’t do “Law”. Our law is “Fraud”.

    “the latest release would reveal more information about Oswald’s activities in Mexico City, where he met a Soviet KGB officer in October 1963”

    Because you can’t trust anything they say, we have the Soviet side of that interview. Oswald said the U.S. was setting him up, and demanded that Russia arrest him immediately for his own safety. Strange thing to say, don’t you think? Just before using a rifle that couldn’t hit a cowbarn at 10 paces?

    But if I remember correctly, we disbanded the CIA for their FAILURE to know “anything” about the JFK assassination, which is the greatest, most embarrassing intelligence failure in the universe. What? No? We DIDN’T disband them? Wait, not after hearing about and interviewing every member involved in 911 either? After the CIA created, trained and funded the guy who masterminded it, and trained, armed, and funded the host nation of the terrorists? What?

    Surely, you jest. #OBVIOUSLY we disbanded them. #OBVIOUSLY we didn’t give them heaps of more money and power with less oversight than every for 50 YEARS of serial failure, right?

    That’s just not plausible.

    “Breathlessly, I tell you, breathlessly, over-unity fusion has been achieved!”

    Yes, they created 10 Candlepower!!! I kid you not, their billion-dollar experiment produced the energy equivalent of 6 ounces of forest kindling. …But this is the MODERN world, we don’t sully ourselves with #Cost-Benefit analysis! That’s for the dreadful Nerdy Nellies with no Vision! And I’m selling Vision today friends, $99 a pop! See my NFTs today!

    “Arctic Summer Sea Ice Stopped Declining a Decade Ago (DS)”

    Arctic Sea Ice formed at record levels this year. Of course this is proof of Global Warming. To be more helpful: many volcanoes appear to be going off right now, right on schedule. Regardless of AGW, this will cause worldwide cooling. Since this is on schedule and the last 40 times there was no runaway warming, my bet is on Science and History.

    “The last aurochs died in 1627, one of the first recorded cases of an extinction.”

    Although there are woodland Bison still in Europe, and they are trying to back-breed the Auroch into existence again. …It’s hard to say they can’t. Living beings EXIST, they are not stable. These “Breeds” are mental illusions, concepts, not real. You can’t just lock up seed and not use it; It has to be grown. But if you grow it, it “evolves” or rather transforms, picks a direction. Without careful breeding and husbandry it usually decays into what we call a “wild strain”. “Goes to seed.” Aurochs are no different, nor Holsteins. Aurochs while living, were also constantly changing, even as they “Stayed the same” to our eyes. Since they were “changing out”, into Swiss Browns, can’t they be “Changed back in”, to Aurochs? Maybe. My point is there is no stability to begin with. No race, no evolution. These are mental illusions we use that are useful to us. But they need to be dropped when they blind us and become un-useful.

    V. Arnold: As “Utopia” and my comment yesterday, the people are self-selecting for extinction right now. Should we prevent them? Stop their choice? Isn’t that violence? All I want to do is inform them, openly, without undue interference. The rest is up to them.

    John Day

    @VP Gary, from last night. 2 Utopia video vignettes. The first shows an upper class brit, who has “done a lot of terrible things” explaining to a nice young girl and some guys standing around in an abandoned building, how it is good that a two part sterilization poison has been given to everybody, to save the planet. She says, “but my father died”. The viewer is supposed to like her, and wonder if he is “right”.
    The second clip in an almost empty but clean train station has a mother of a little boy, chatted up by a superior PMC almost-upper-class twit, who explains to her how she killed the planet and made nuclear waste by giving birth to the lad, and hurts her feelings. He’s clearly attacking her from “higher ground”, but he is detestable.

    Why watch these clips. This is pervasive in the world, already.
    I don’t know what to say “you’re wrong” about. We are entering a species-wide selection-event. I anticipate multiple stages. the “owners” have plans. Keep your head down and prepare to make food and survive when infrastructure goes down. That is a huge deal. I suspect it’s not the last, but the others may be beyond the plans and control of the current “owners”.

    Ian Graham

    Everyone who reads TAE should check in on in tandem. You’ll see headlines from various media on climate events one day and economy the next. Will help shake you awake about global system glitching.
    “Record low water levels on the Mississippi River in 2022 show how climate change is altering large rivers…

    “In 2022, water levels in some of the world’s largest rivers, including the Rhine in Europe and the Yangtze in China, fell to historically low levels. The Mississippi River fell so low in Memphis, Tennessee, in mid-October that barges were unable to float, requiring dredging and special water releases from upstream reservoirs to keep channels navigable.”


    Dr. Day – you want clips?
    I’ll give you clips:

    Talk about going down a rabbit hole!



    Three’s Company


    John Day

    Dr.D wrote (amongst other things):
    “JFK: “A 1992 law required the government to release all documents on the assassination by October 2017.”
    “the latest release would reveal more information about Oswald’s activities in Mexico City, where he met a Soviet KGB officer in October 1963”

    That was another-Lee-Oswald. There were at least 2, maybe even 3. Only one is known to have died, but the others probably did, too, in a mislabeled sort of way. A lot of people who were in Dallas for the november 1963 event died-funny shortly thereafter.
    Same cabal still rules us, extremely badly, I might add.


    It’s every day now.

    Died suddenly!



    John Day

    Turly, on the SBF/FTX/Alameda prosecution, is just saying the courts will almost certainly settle for SBF alone, don’t want any of the parents, and certainly don’t want to look at political donations to the Democratic Party.
    I would estimate SBF to get a short sentence, which he could largely serve outside of prison, doing some kind of community service.

    That Bloke


    If McCullough and Seneff are right about the unvaccinated being passively vaccinated by the jabbed then you’re probably going to have to change your TVASF acronym to WAASF.

    I was following a Twitter convo about AGW and got pointed to the skeptical science website where I was supposed to be able to read how the deniers’ claim that the global climate had warmed by (only) 1.4C since the end of the little ice age (~1850), had been totally debunked. I found nothing of the sort, instead a garbled mess of an article which cleared nothing up at all since in lumped CO2 in with CH4, ozone etc. and talked about incident surface radiation (from the sun).

    One of the most compelling graphs I have seen to convince me that CO2 is not a driver is this from the British Antarctic Survey:

    Go on, blow it up nice and big and then placing your ruler vertically on it, you can see quite plainly that first the temperature goes up and then later the CO2 concentration increases.

    That and the extinction effect talked about in the TAE hobgoblins piece a couple of months back tell me the whole “CO2 is the bad guy” narrative is just a scam.

    As for volcanoes, sure, I remember the crap summers we had after Mt St Helens blew its lid and later also Mt Pinatubo.


    @ That Bloke

    Indeed, McCollough and Seneff may well be right.

    But – being exposed to a few hundred, or even thousand, Spikes every now and then is a nothing burger compared to turning your body’s cellular machinery into an actual Spike factory.
    The vaxxed are producing billions and billions of them for who knows how long.

    And in any case – take IVM prophylactically, along with all the other well know anti-spike preparations (pine needle tea, etc.) and we’ve nothing to worry about.

    No – it’s the death vaxxed, with wrecked immune systems, that are churning out Spikes for months that should be worried.

    IVM – it works!






    It’s my ball, (of energy), and I quit/going home/not playing with you anymore

    • Germany Spends $500 Billion To ‘Keep The Lights On’ – Reuters (RT)
    Omicron killed covid19 panic
    Help your immune system. Take your vitamin D and Zinc

    • China Downgrades Omicron Risks To Seasonal Cold (ZH)
    CEO of FTX, Co-founder of Alameda Research
    Sam Bankman-Fried, (born March 6, 1992), faces an eight-count indictment for his alleged massive crypto-fraud,
    his parents,
    Joseph Bankman, a longtime Stanford Law School tax professor,
    Stanford Law prof Barbara Fried, expert on the intersection of law and philosophy
    This page was last edited on 16 December 2022,
    Thanks Germ for all the reports
    The mRNA vaccine technology has a close to zero benefit. ” How about negative benefit!


    The Kiss blow towards Eurotardistan®

    “What did you expect?….
    ……..what else happens to those who allow feet to be wiped on them?” Putin said.


    My coffee came out my nose when I read that!

    Hahahaha, stop, you’re killin’ me!

    At first it sounded like Putin was talking to Matt Taibbi about the Ongoing ‘Big Picture’ Review of Twitter Files!!!

    Look, Putin finally realized that the only way in deal with the Murder of Mafias® was at the barrel of a gun

    Words have no meaning in the Empire of Lies®

    Force is the only vocabulary.

    And no Duh-mericans, you can’t ever sing Kumbaya with the Satanist Zombies who rule you.

    The United States of Zombieland 2009

    Tip Number One


    Deaths from non-respiratory causes are projected to be a massive 10% higher than expected in 2022. Non-respiratory mortality typically varies little from year to year, changing by a maximum of just 1.3% in each of the six years from 2015 to 2020. However 2021 has registered a 3.72% increase and 2022 is projected to show a catastrophic 10.0% increase.

    The Alarming Increase in Non-Respiratory Deaths Since Covid Vaccination Began in 2021



    Good news or Bad news.
    Expected, not expected.
    Should be higher, should be lower.
    “Deaths from non-respiratory causes are projected to be a massive 10% higher than expected in 2022.”


    Weogo, you’d make a better presentation case by posting the actual graphs, not the links

    Some of the links were confusing





    I don’t see any ‘White Hats’ in the Empire of Lies®

    I see various mafias competing to rape and pillage different parts of ‘The Pie’

    You know how they say that successful lies have to contain various volumes of truth?

    Well, you have to have some ‘White Hats’ (cough,gag, cough) to be a foil for the real endeavor of the Black Hats to succeed.

    FDR was such a ‘White Hat’

    He threw the Plebs some crumbs off the table.

    Clap like a trained circus seal, arff,arff,arff,arff.

    Some say he was ‘controlled opposition’, some say just another oligarch secretly ‘plying his book.’

    Run a Pearl Harbor Op, become a world hegemon after the dust settles, especially if your industrial base wasn’t bombed to dust.

    What’s not to love.

    Knew a guy years ago who gave his son on his 16th birthday the complete directors cut of the entire Godfather series.

    The birthday card said, “This is everything you’ll need to know about life in this country, I don’t have anything else I can add to it,

    Love Dad”

    A Murder of Mafias

    The Beat Goes On

    Until morale improves


    The peak of infection is over.
    Only 6 deaths since start. No deaths this week.
    TV news starting to walk back/lies/fear mongering, “flue + 2”, “danger”, “Pandemic”, “Overflowing childrens hospitals”, get your toddlers vaccinated,


    So much for the Keith Richards’ legendary middle finger flip photo. Same with roster of celebrity actors from few days back
    on TAE, blabbering about “Russian collusion”. Despite all the wealth and fame they are ALL CAPTURED by unseen mob.
    There is no other explanation.
    SBF, Elizabeth Holmes etc…their astronomical success in tender age is all result of infinite appetite for miracle belief that ANYBODY can achieve ANYTHING just by breathing the air. Lucrative industry, built upon, for “Life-finance-spiritual (!!?) coaches” and buttressed by the many Hollywood vomits: spoiled city-boy can outdo hardworking ranchers and win their respect and the hart of the beauty at the end, young woman – a full time welder (!), outperforms all who practiced all day in dance contest, poll dancer and the drunk save the planet from the alien invasion….
    Imagine being a “gook-groonkga” cave dweller roasting a daily kill while Picasso-Rembrandt-(or insert your favorite) level art work is on the wall behind you. Confidence and mastery of the etched lines depicting the beast are THAT good.


    It both terrifies and delights me that googling ‘santa potala’ yields this:

    ($20 — currently out of stock at WalMart)


    Today’s Yogi tea tag speaks: Use your head to live with heart.

    Relevant song: The Mind of Love


    Xmas music gonna hunt you down like a bent cop in a Santa suit: Nutcrackers


    Xmas involves much tradition. Tradition is repetitive. I repeat a series from last year around this time:

    And now (drum roll, please, Little Drummer Boy), the annual telling of The Story of Christmas:


    Winter solstice. From December 16th through 26th there is a period of eleven days when the length of winter daylight remains the same. These are The Dark Days or, more precisely, Long Dark Nights, and it is during these solar doldrums that winter properly begins. They serve as the four seasons’ Ultima Thule, an astrogeographical boundary informing us that this is as bad as it gets, that even as earth and sky grow colder still, the sun will dig itself out yet. From these Dark Days forth, our weathered souls journey through darkness towards more and warmer light.

    As a ritual passage, solstice has authority, anchoring the year with the heft of a calendrical paperweight. (Water-filled glass globe containing a faux pewter wolf figurine, a sliver of plastic white moon, and snow storms shaken by hand.) As an astronomical event, it has the benefit of ancient history and a precise, simple definition: ‘sun stand still’. Of course, the sun is not notoriously fidgety nor does it ever really stand still. The stillness involved here is the high and low resting points in the sun’s annual trek through the seasons – the summer and winter solstices. These standstills occur on roughly the twenty-firsts of June and December.

    In ancient times, our cultural ancestors made a very big deal of this winter passage. As their sun stood lowest, they celebrated Saturn, supreme deity of their celestial pantheon, a luminary of paramount position in the night sky. Standing highest above the horizon of all His fellow astral deities : Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and even mighty Sol, Saturn maintains the sun’s summer villa in the sky, holding his seat for him though not keeping it warm. Warmth and luxuriance are the sun’s province; faith amid dark times is Saturn’s.

    Two millennia ago, Saturn’s grand fete, Saturnalia, began on December 19th. As the holiday grew more popular, it extended for seven days, climaxing on December 25th which, as any Christian scholar can tell you, is not Christ’s birthday. It is, however, the birthday of Mithras, who was an ancient deity of the early Persians, a sun god mostly derived from the ancient Sumerian god, Marduk. Marduk’s celestial priority was to fight Chaos (the underworld) in a battle for the world, a theomachy which took place during the twelve days of the Sumerian New Year, or Zagmuk, as they called it. One of the quaint rituals of Zagmuk was human sacrifice, usually of a criminal or prisoner who stood in for the Sumerian king, among whose divine obligations was to provide human sacrifice for Marduk. Technically, the king was bodily responsible to provide the sacrifice, but a good king delegates, yes? Merry Zagmuk!

    Specifically, Marduk’s fight was to push the sun up from the underworld’s sinister grasp and thereby return summer to Sumeria. The Sumerian kingdom gave way to Babylon, whose next-door neighbor, Persia, adopted much of Marduk into their state religion, Zoroastrianism, which produced the cult of Mithraism, centered upon their sun god, Mithras…and there you are. Mithraism arose contemporaneously with Christianity and shared a remarkable degree of similarities; in fact, the two religions battled it out heavily until the Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

    Mithras was considered by the Persians to be a son of Zrvan Akarana, or Infinite Time. The Romans ultimately renamed Zrvan into Saturnus, or Saturn, and replaced Zagmuk with Sol Invictus, or ‘sun invincible’. Romans were a vain lot and I presume their priests felt they expressed greater dignity intoning ‘Sol Invictus!’ rather than ’Zagmuk!’. I know I would.
    (to be continued)

    The sun makes its way across the Alaska Range during Winter Solstice 2012.


    Energy agency says coal set to reach record-high usage in 2022 Advanced economies see declining demand, but “emerging” markets continue consumption.

    Peak Oil-induced economics/geopolitics are like a pushmipullyu talking out both ends of its ass at once. Replace “emerging markets” with nations pulling their heads out of their poddy holes.


    Increase in coal use in Europe is expected to be temporary, with demand falling in advanced economies in the coming years but remaining robust in emerging Asia“>Increase in coal use in Europe is expected to be temporary, with demand falling in advanced economies in the coming years but remaining robust in emerging Asia


    …pole dancer…


    May we walk in beauty when possible, moment by moment:

    (That’s Massachusetts btw.)

    D Benton Smith

    It feels like an attempted pre-frontal lobotomy when some smarmy pseudo-mensch tries to persuade me to be more tolerant of and less judgmental about people who lie, cheat, steal, gaslight, intimidate, cancel, poison, etcetera ad inferus). So NOT differentiating between lies & truths or theft & honesty is the best aspiration? And all this time I thought sanity was based on the ability to tell right from wrong.

    Of course there’s always the upside. After the ice pick has done its job one won’t feel so bad about liars and murderers, or much of anything else either . . . . including the icepick.


    …After the ice pick has done its job…..

    Amen Brother

    John Day

    ‘Some Sort Of Sex Slave’?
    The son of Paul Pelosi attacker, David DePape, says his father ‘is not evil,’ and is ‘hardly a right-wing conservative.’ He also implied that the 82-year-old Pelosi may have invited DePape over for sexual activities.


    There is a distinct difference between what is happening to us and what is being done to us. Failing to discern that difference stands to be a fatal mistake.

    What’s being done to us is WAR, FAMINE and DISEASE.

    Rise up and fight back or forever live on the technocratic global plantation.


    At the time of his death, Wahl was an apparently healthy 48-year-old. His brother’s unfortunate accusations reflect the reality that unexplained sudden deaths of people under 50 are rare.

    But Wahl was not murdered.

    As Dr. Gounder disclosed on Wednesday, an autopsy conducted by the New York Medical Examiner’s office revealed he died of an undiagnosed aortic aneurysm that had been developed over time. An aneurysm is a balloon-like bulging in the wall of an artery. If it bursts, blood can burst out, destroying tissue around the tear and leading to blood loss and serious injury or death.

    Aortic aneurysms are rare, especially in people under 50. The overall rate per year is roughly 1 in 10,000 or less, but the mean age at which aneurysms are diagnosed is about 70.


    Just listen to this fucker Sachs. Covering his arse, talking in tongues, playing it safe.

    BTW – he must be real edumacated ‘cos he’s got all those books.

    Or perhaps not – he “believes in the vaxx” even though he still got Covid.

    What an elitist tool.




    After reading and then posting the Wahl story I ran into this one.

    Where the conversation really got interesting is when Cole showed slides depicting the inflammatory effects of spike proteins as they interact with lymphocytes.

    “That spike protein causes the lymphocytes to chew a hole in the aorta,” Cole said.

    “This is the biggest blood vessel in your body coming off your heart. When that ruptures, you’re gone in minutes. So that’s just another example of what deposited spike protein and the induced inflammation can do.”

    Covid jab spike proteins cause lymphocytes to “chew a hole in the aorta,” warns Dr. Cole

    D Benton Smith

    The actual numbers for Ukrainian troops and equipment in the Battle for Bakhmut are impossible to determine at this distance, but rough estimates are still possible by simply counting up the number of brigades (about 10) and multiplying by 4000 men apiece. So call it 40,000 give or take 10,000. Safe to assume that their equipment is also ROUGHLY the same proportion. That’s a third of Ukraine’s total combat troops and hardware in the whole country. . . . and it’s a BIG country with a dozen places bigger and more strategically important than dinky Bakhmut . Those other places cannot be stripped of defenses too drastically without inviting Russia to just walk in and take them with a boy scout troop.

    What this means, basically, is that the fight is NOT about or over a one-horse town in the Ukrainian boondocks.

    The FIGHT is an existential last stand battle for the very EXISTANCE of the last significant Ukrainian forces still able to move around or do anything to oppose Russian encroachments.

    Without MOBILE, re-deployable, forces Ukraine is constrained to defending a host of sitting duck targets that can each be encircled and laid to siege , one at a time, by the entire Russian army.

    Long story told short: if those few remaining MOBILE Ukrainian forces are encircled and neutralized (either by capture or annihilation) then the rest of Ukraine is just a dozen or so pathetically indefensible “islands” that Russia can pick off at its leisure using it’s 20:1 numerical advantage in both men and weaponry.

    In a week, maybe three, that’s what SHALL happen . . . . and there ain’t gonna be no “miracle of Dunkirk” to pluck them to safety.

    Barring full scale nuclear war, this fight is all over but the burying, and there has already been too much of that.

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