Debt Rattle December 16 2024
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- This topic has 82 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago by
those darned kids.
December 16, 2024 at 9:41 am #177011
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPablo Picasso Female bust 1922 • Trump Team Studying Orban’s Ceasefire Initiative (RT) • UK PM Calls For ‘Maximum Pain’ On Russia (RT) • Ukrain
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 16 2024]December 16, 2024 at 10:11 am #177013aspnaz
ParticipantCan you spot Jordan Peterson lying?
Jordan Peterson the genocide supporter sucking circumcised cock in Israel, what a bitch:
Rewriting the Covid narrative (old but worth rewatching):
Rewriting the Covid narrative and the Wellness Company exposed (old but worth rewatching):
Stew Peters on the passing of the communist tyranny of Biden and the start of the Zionist tyranny of Trump:
December 16, 2024 at 10:28 am #177014Dr D Rich
Participant“…unconstrained by profit motive.”
A constraint is profit motive? says The Sphinx in Mystery Men
…and so goes jumbo shrimp and Marine Intelligence and National Guard qualifications
Does the real Dr D and Bbee know alcohol withdrawal, you know, the syndrome that ensues after cessation of drinking, carries mortality of 1 in 20 to 1 in 10 overall AND 3 out of 8 when accompanied by DTs untreated.
So it requires treatment.
Delirium Tremens
Nobody talks about it because everyone drinks.
Nobody talks about it because when the patient dies from alcohol withdrawal the family dies of shame.Have you seen it?
Have you treated it?
Do you recall prescribing two beers at bedtime to your patients during internship?December 16, 2024 at 11:06 am #177016Germ
ParticipantGood morning :-))
You can’t fix stoopid…
December 16, 2024 at 11:25 am #177019Red
ParticipantGerm: “you can’t fix stupid”
“even if it did, I think I’d keep on with the boosters”The fix is in.
December 16, 2024 at 11:32 am #177020Oroboros
ParticipantMost definitely a “They/Them”
Pablo looks to have ‘trans’ -itioned before his time
December 16, 2024 at 12:01 pm #177021Dr. D
Participant“JPMorgan Chase CEO Says World War 3 Has BEGUN, Syria COLLAPSES Amid Israeli, US Strikes” Timcast IRL 9 hours ago
Not great: same impression I had.
“Is Google’s Willow Processor A Threat To Bitcoin?
Betteridge’s law of headlines means the answer is NO. …Says a planet where every bank account is secured with a 9 digit password, upper, lower, #. C’mon. Use your head. They didn’t need to CRACK the bank to steal the truckers, or Russia’s, or Nigel Farage’s bank accounts. …They used inflation.
People are so impossibly dumb about computers: IF the CIA wants your bitcoin, they’ll sneak into your house and put a $5 keylogger on it. …Or hit you with a wrench until you tell them. Or use legal fees to make you sell. Of course they COULD also crack it upfront too, but why bother? Hitting you with a wrench is way more fun. Translation: the password is not the weak point, you dopes. When YOU lose every password I give to Yahoo, AOL, the Bank…and them make ME change them all, each with different, specific, more retarded rules than the last, when – I – didn’t lose the password!!! You did. — I – was never cracked once, even with relatively crappy codes. YOU WERE. National Health lost THE ENTIRE BRITISH DATABASE. Need I go on? I am not your weak point. Blame shame, let’s say “Admit Nothing. Deny Everything. Make counter accusations.”This goes in to call centers: LocalBank Corp, SPAMS ME EVERY TIME I USE THEM. “How was your visit today, fellow citizen?” How was it? It sucked. You computers sucked, your surveillance sucked, your locations sucked, and you merged, ate, and closed my local branch using Federal Tax Bailouts so YOU suck. “We’re sorry to hear that, but this is our computer system, and even if it failed 100% of the time, 100% of the days, we would eat a bag of dicks before even THINKING about changing it. Thank you for your extraction, citizen!” 0 out of 5 Stars, would burn down branch again.
Meanwhile, if you write 4 ½ out of 5 stars for any human on the call center, they’ll get fired in 6 hours. Human = Worthless trash. Must kill by robot overlords. Any excuse will do. They are sub-zero, negative value. While computers, that have never once been correct in living memory, lose money with every transaction, and are hacked relentlessly leading to a million dollar state fine at least twice yearly, WHILE costing $1M in licensing fees alone, are 5 out of 5. Can do no wrong. Couldn’t be better. Infinity money. All computer failures are YOUR fault, hoo-man.
Thus I am not only get poor service, but am spammed relentlessly BY MY OWN COMPANY. And the Cell company too, except you can actively opt out. They fail 100% of the time, but ‘cause “Capitalism” never change, while the Telephone and human representatives which are the only ones who can loophole a solution, are slowly removed, and with it “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” as the computer will NEVER fix things, as long as you live, even if you DIE. Am I kidding? Call your utility or insurance broker and use the button menu.
I once had a bill I called to contest. In TWO WEEKS they sent it to collections. Like – I thought we were in a discussion here? We haven’t even traveled like business turnaround time yet? 5 Business days per exchange? Nope. Don’t care. Can’t hear you, wouldn’t matter if I could. You RE-contest the bill, using tremendous diligence, time, high-level education, people, job skills, STILL in collections. WHILE also doing your day job and not knowing not just Insurance, so to speak, but EACH insurance, code, hospital, event is Unique AND they change them as often as possible. Finally working my way down to the person by the filing cabinet in the basement, in the unused lavatory, behind the sign that says, “Beware of Leopard”, what do I get?
Insurance adjuster doesn’t know. He GUESSES that MAYBE I was double-billed because ONE charge was for the ER Services and one charge was for the ER BUILDING, but he doesn’t really know. Would I like to call my Congressman or a $400/hr lawyer now? It’s quite possible he can find out, given enough months. You had ONE job, adjuster, this is your day job, 40h/wk for 10 years, knows nothing yet.
PAY THE FINE, Citizen, why are you being a problem child? Company TOLD you to pay. “Pay for what”? “Don’t know, don’t care, I’m the government, and Comcast/AIG/PG&E/UnitedHealthcare TOLD you to pay. I don’t care WHY they told you to pay, I don’t care if it’s LEGAL. I’m only here to enforce the complete merger of corporations and the Private Prison Industry. I mean, Government.”
So if you want AI, that’s the wonderland and Star Trek Utopia, the luxury gay space race Communism you’ll get from it. If you remove the people. It will be a lot more like “Brazil” or “Terminator” than NexGen.
How do I know? “You’re soaking in it.”
Google’s Willow chip is a threat to all life on earth, but also a major threat to itself. Just slightly later on.
Anyway, that’s our daily life. Lara Logan, Like to say she’s wrong, but she’s not. That’s the whole battle right now. And that’s the same as AI and why we tolerate nonsense like computers and these insurers. Trillions in mind f—kery to make this “Normal”. It’s not. This could not be more abnormal to the Human way of doing things, that is to say, organically, tribally.
“Mayorkas insists that the NJ drones are recreational or commercial,”
I as going to say, “At last they lie” but actually telling everyone they don’t know, don’t care was ALSO a lie. The point is, no matter what reality you suppose, they must be egregiously lying about it. Like this is a HUGE lie, the size of 912.
“British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called on his fellow G7 leaders to “continue maximizing Putin’s pain”
We will give 1x pain to Putin. For 20x pain for Britons. Tiger Blood. #Winning.
“UK announced a new round of sanctions on Moscow, targeting what the British government called Russia’s “illicit gold trade.”
A what, huh? All that gold will get people killed? Because London is the gold police between India and Russia?
“Amid an historic decline in living standards at home, the UK has given £8.34 billion ($10.52 billion) in military aid to Ukraine since February 2022”I think the UK is going to be regime changed. Chopped up into small pieces so they lose their power and are extracted.
“• Ukraine Will Have To Trade Land For Peace – Slovak President (RT)
Yes, but only always. If you cede Crimea, then always since they surrounded Kiev.
“Habeck also pointed to Chinese-made electric cars flooding the EU market and causing “a big problem” for the German automotive industry.”
I guess, but nobody’s buying them. The EU created their own problem by historic 5GW on propaganda and subsidizing them. Really normal cars, with low average use would be fine. PS, if tariffs are so bad, why is Europe using them? And China?
““Ukraine was not ready to start any talks with Russia as there is insufficient support from the West to conduct negotiations from a position of strength..”What Strength? As above, you’ve baffled yourself, created your own problems. If you’d NOT done that, any time up to summer, you’d have gotten time and room for strength. Now Russia essentially won’t negotiate. They’re trying to negotiate as if it’s 2021. “We MAKE Reality now, and we’re strong…” How’s that working out for you?
“And ought we to do it so soon, as the black flag of Syria’s latest conquerors,”
This is all on purpose, and why ISIS’ first order of business – after a Central Bank – is a t shirt shop and flag manufacture. There is an eschatological prophesy that “Black” flags – specifically Muslim, probably with those exact words – will come from the east, that is like F-Stan before their end-time messiah returns. Thus why Osama was in F-Stan of all weird places, and why the CIA/Mossad who knows this, had a bottomless bank account for black pirate flags. You can check me on the details here, but the core fact is correct.
All made up. All paid for. Heck, look at here, with creating a whole Scoville Bible, movement, funding them, to get this idiotic “Rapture” going in America. We’re happy to push the Button because we won’t be here anyway and won’t have to deal with any consequences. That goes with promoting all Zion sects and arresting, harassing, forcing a eg Baker scandal on any non-zion. None of this existed. Not in Christianity, not in Judaism, suddenly appears, fully formed! About the time a certain banking family gets a certain power over a certain English family. Then poof! After 2,000 years all these ideas appear! We take them for granted because “they’ve always been there” for us, they are called “Christianity” or whatever, but if you read even run-of-the-mill guys from 1880, to say nothing of 1840, or famous orators in the revival(s) you’ll see nothing.
Again, 2,000 years in a row, no Christian would have any idea what you’re talking about. They’re totally alien ideas, a totally different religion. The “Name Stealers”, kill and wear what-used-to-be Christianity like a skin suit, and call it by the same name. That’s their M.O., how you know it’s them.
Anyway, these pin heads are playing out this like bored kids with marionettes, none of it real. Like “Lonely Goatherd” in The Sound of Music. (Which is a summer movie, not a Christmas movie)
I’m an adult, why would I look at the puppets and not the puppeteers?
“While there is no proof Tehran is trying to make a nuclear weapon,”Okay, well there IS evidence, Iran just ran a test (arguable) and SAID THEY WERE. So Antiwar, just lying isn’t a help here. I would get one too, and I think they have the right to. None of my business, blow yourselves up if you want. How would that be the slightest threat to us when we’re minding our own business 10,000 miles away? Iran’s not my enemy: YOU are.
“Tel Aviv say they are concerned the Islamic Republic will obtain a nuke.”
But you have nukes, AND have jut recently de-facto admitted it, no longer “Ambiguous”. And you’ve SAID YOU’LL USE THEM. First, last, and middle. So you just hate competition. I think we should nuke Israel if we have to choose between the two. Between the two, Israel definitely HAS them, and nuking them will send a message to Iran. Isn’t that logical? Also if one of the two is a friend and ally PICK THE ONE WITH MORE OIL, which is Iran.
We started with the premise? So you’re saying Iran did nothing WORTH starting a war for, and that’s a problem. ‘Cause if they did, there would be no problem, right? We’d just war from that. And we didn’t WAIT for Pearl Harbor, and neither did PNAC.
If only “crisis initiation” was tougher. I’m doing my part.
“With Christopher Wray stepping down from the FBI directorship, they will have a much better chance of getting straight answers quickly.”Why? They ran Congress: subpoena, impeach, and defund IS YOUR JOB. Oversight IS YOUR JOB. You had onnnnnneee job! What is this “Blaming Wray,” “Blaming Biden” stuff? REPUBLICANS are responsible. By definition. If Democrats ran congress, it would be them, but you were running it.
And yeah, that’s a VERY SHORT LIST of things we need to know. How about go to every prosecuting attorney and find out what they knew and didn’t reveal to the defense. “You’re under arrest, sir.”• Cuomo Accuser Drops Case Against The Former New York Governor (Turley)
Sounds good to me. Although that’s the White Hats using the same tactics as the Black Hats. He deserves it. Now that the laughable “Harassment” is cleared up, we can arrest you for “reckless disregard” in 5,000 elderly deaths.
“• Milei Admin. Posts Record Reductions in Deficit and Inflation Numbers (Turley)
I’m looking for the downside but they won’t even report the headline facts. I’m sure there is one, turning a country is a big deal.
“• Offshore Wind Opponents from Deep Blue States Hope for Trump (JTN)
Since every one is energy-negative and long-term toxic waste, ruining the environment but even the APPEARANCE of the environment, the faster they can stop them the better. Now if they were niche, household ones, they might make sense, but usually that is conservation and that reduces GDP.
Like Govt employees, this is a 100% win as at least we won’t be dead WASTING GDP to cripple ourselves. Like, if Germany had invested in something that made engineering sense, they’d still be alive today. Machine tools? National subway railroads? All (passive) greenhouses nationwide, like Holland? Sky’s the limit when you blow trillions. Since wind and solar are toxic waste even if you send one D—k Rocket around the sun with Merkel on it, it would be an improvement.“• Trump Considers Privatizing US Postal Service (ZH)
As is-we-is-or-is-we-aint, they will vow up and down it’s ALREADY private. AND it shouldn’t be bc it’s one of the few things in the Constitution…but we don’t follow that. So like Fannie Mae it both is and isn’t, totally private but totally public. BothNeitherAii.
Really from what I understand, it could still work fine, they just have unbelievable idiotic buildup of rules, like Congress paying billions for junk mail that ruins the environment that no one wants. For example, they’re so Left they are on a Decimal-based clock even Jacobean France abandoned. Etc. I have no doubt some smart guy could make a wonderland of it, although perhaps not at a profit. What was the original Queen Victoria Post service like in 1840? Trimmed down, direct, personable. More like that.
“• Cold War Tactics With New Anti-Communism School Curriculum (Alan MacLeod)
As above, YOU HAVE NO MANDATE FOR THAT. It’s illegal under 10A. Good day sir. You’re under arrest. And I wouldn’t even teach ANTI communism; however, that model is incompatible with our laws and would necessitate the total erasure of the Constitution, making it literally illegal to enact. I think like Zion, anything that tells ANY true history of Communism would come off as “Anti” but that’s not my fault: if you don’t want your system to be known as a laughable failure that kills millions, don’t laughably fail at it. Besides, to some extent it has worked in small populations, although they retain (strong) private property rights. Like you’ll-get-a-hatchet-in-the-head strong rights if you mess with my s—t.
Anyway, what you’re doing is totally illegal and it costs money. You’re fired, no.
Lawyers: Yeah, but has basis is broken EVERYWHERE. They never follow the Constitution since at least 1870. So he didn’t win this case, it’s nonsense. He could be totally right, but that doesn’t matter, people go and say “I’m held Habeus Corpus on J6” 30 days, 120 days max, and they don’t care, never follow their own laws. Never have.
ALSO, he can “Practice” law as a private citizen as long as he is representing himself, and in fact at this point it makes sense to. (from his later statements, I suspect this wasn’t his problem). Law now exists ONLY to have “Trial by Trial” and to extortion to run out your time and money to bring you to heel for NOT-Legal requests. As my Insurance case, above. But THEY created the environment, the contracts. Like Credit Card bankruptcy, you bought a lot of Senators to write this so don’t cry if I use it, it’s YOUR law. Anyway, now any citizen can sue THEM all day, bring THEM to heel, because YOU can file for free, keep THEM in court for 10,000 hours at $400 an hour until THEY dismiss your case. And people should. This may make you a target but if they’ve already targeted you, what’s the dif?
What does a lawyer have that you don’t? That he can read? You can read. Look at their caliber, clearly you don’t have to be that smart. AI should make this super-easy, not to use its things in court, but to get yourself up to speed quickly and file Pro Se.
December 16, 2024 at 12:08 pm #177022Dr. D
ParticipantYes, I do know. Alcohol withdrawal is very deadly, and also very common, with very few ways to mitigate without adding alcohol and withdrawing slowly. Strange that. Doesn’t get much discussion, but then people are “Town drunks” much less than before.
But am I a doctor of medicine or of theology from Jamaica University?
The kind of Doctor I am:
December 16, 2024 at 12:12 pm #177023oxymoron
ParticipantPatrick Clawson. Wow you literally are the son of a claw – made to rip flesh. What a piece of shit.
Latest bit of personal hopium mixed with anger.
December 16, 2024 at 12:28 pm #177024Oroboros
.Ring a Bell?
December 16, 2024 at 12:32 pm #177025Dr. D
ParticipantThis is fun, should look for this: (Woodie Guthrie song 1954)
Covered by many. The irony for the modern resistance is that both it was standard then (and unproven) and Trump did the #Opposite, in eg. buying Mara Lago expressly to make it interracial. I presume it was owned by Southern Democrats before, like the rest of the South.
December 16, 2024 at 12:34 pm #177026Oroboros
ParticipantDuh’mericans don’t really read the fine print.
And he cell phone portraits Duh’mericans incessantly taking are called “selfies” because Narcissities is too hard to spell.
Translated into cultural pop terms “See Dick, run Dick, run….”:December 16, 2024 at 12:39 pm #177027Dr. D
ParticipantDecember 16, 2024 at 12:47 pm #177028Oroboros
ParticipantIt’s been humorous watching the Duh’merican Right these past years crying like little bitchez because “Canel Woke Culture” rubbed their noses in the shit of “Reverse McCarthyism”
Doesn’t matter if authoritarianism and it’s same old tactics comes from right or left, it’s the same Dark Horse.
Going ‘Full McCarthy®’ under Trump will just ratchet up the tyranny rules when the pendulum INEVITABLY swings back in the other direction.
Every action produces and equaland opposite reaction.
Now that is a Sacred Law of the Universe
The Punch & Judy Show of Empire of Lies,Lies, Lies ‘political’ discourse is not just tediously boring, it fundamentally lacks creativity and innovation and entertainment value.
Hypocrisy is boring, left or right, it’s a sign of Small Minds.
Let’s hear a little Beta testing of the New McCarthyism shall we, a test drive, a little kick of the tires….
December 16, 2024 at 12:50 pm #177029Oroboros
Participant“Congress has just passed a new bill that will see the U.S. spend huge sums of money redesigning much of the public school system around the ideology of anti-communism….”
December 16, 2024 at 12:52 pm #177030Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 16, 2024 at 12:55 pm #177031Oroboros
December 16, 2024 at 12:58 pm #177032Oroboros
ParticipantLife is hard, don’t make it harder
Basic Civilizational Competence
It starts at home
December 16, 2024 at 12:59 pm #177033poppie
ParticipantRenewable energy needs to build itself. If renewables cant provide energy for their own manufacture, mining to maintenance, its a hoax. I know this is no different than what the wise farmer said. I just needed a short version. This short version makes me realize renewables are a variant of a perpetual motion scam.
December 16, 2024 at 12:59 pm #177034Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 16, 2024 at 1:01 pm #177035Oroboros
ParticipantThe youth of Duh’merica needs basic skill sets
December 16, 2024 at 1:04 pm #177036Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 16, 2024 at 1:04 pm #177037Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 16, 2024 at 1:11 pm #177038my parents said know
ParticipantDay of the Triffids.
Rense has a good video of these things- first video up if you visit rense dot com.
December 16, 2024 at 1:11 pm #177039Oroboros
ParticipantThe Left’s Answer to McCarthyism
December 16, 2024 at 1:11 pm #177040Dora
ParticipantUS Post Office finances would be fine if they rolled back the ridiculous pension prepay requirement, requiring prepay for 75 years. Also, get rid of the sweetheart delivery deals granted to private carriers and Amazon for “last mile delivery”. That would fix the Post Office’s balance sheet in a hurry.
Don’t privatize the US mail, fer gawd’s sake. The UK privatized their postal service and things went to heck.
December 16, 2024 at 1:12 pm #177041Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 16, 2024 at 1:14 pm #177042Oroboros
ParticipantThe Social Media Generation
December 16, 2024 at 1:16 pm #177043Dr. D
ParticipantSince we’re on following the opposition, here’s Sargon, with National Health ALONE using more money than the GDP of most nations – for the poorest health. (But American is still #1!!! in costs + deadly health outcomes). Later (I think within a few minutes) he quotes the Civil Service as saying “The people aren’t allowed to think this way. We’ll stop them.” Uhhhhh, WHO THE F– DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? You work for US, bucko.
Vs Legendary Socialist, Billy Bragg,
“God Bless the Civil Service, the Nation’s saving grace…”
Gee that aged badly. There is now one Civil Servant per 30 Citizens. That means life is better than ever, ever!
STOP MAKING AYN RAND RIGHT. As I/Told/You/So, since 1945. EVERY. THING. Happened, EXACTLY the way we predicted and told you not to. Here we are.
“While we expect Democracy, they’re laughing in our face
And as our cries get louder, their laughter gets louder still
Above the sound of Ideologies clashing.”Yeah, except THERE IS ONLY ONE IDEOLOGY. That was your problem, sir. You were fooled so “We won’t be fooled again” – The Who.
I’ve quoted this one before, so here:
“Ideology” — Billy Bragg 1986
When one voice rules the nation
Just because they’re top of the pile
Doesn’t mean their vision is the clearest
The voices of the people
Are falling on deaf ears
Our politicians all become careeristsThey must declare their interests
But not their company cars
Is there more to a seat in parliament
Than sitting on your arse
And the best of all this bad bunch
Is shouting to be heard
Above the sound of ideologies clashingOutside the patient millions
Who put them into power
Expect a little more back for their taxes
Like school books, beds in hospitals
And peace in our bloody time
All they get is old men grinding axesWho’ve built their private fortunes
On the things they can rely
The courts, the secret handshake
The Stock Exchange and the old school tie
For God and Queen and Country
All things they justify
Above the sound of ideologies clashingGod bless the civil service
The nations saving grace
While we expect democracy
They’re laughing in our face
And although our cries get louder
The laughter gets louder still
Above the sound of ideologies clashing.”Again, equal opportunity. — I – listen to my honorable opposition, in government and or society. I want to know what they think and engage them in discussion. We win in the marketplace of ideas, not by arresting and burning them. I would only that they do the same for ourselves. Not only not kill their opposition party, but merely LISTEN TO WHY THEY EXIST.
December 16, 2024 at 1:23 pm #177044Oroboros
ParticipantRussia doesn’t need bases in “syria” to project power in the Mediterranean
Flight Range of the Russian Hypersonic Oreshnik
December 16, 2024 at 1:27 pm #177046Dr. D
ParticipantSince we’re — I’m just time wasting ’til the crash, how about a new one?
“Nobody Knows Nothing Anymore”
We don’t even know who is flying what over our own d–n heads or who the f—g President is. Cullom, the problem is there are no facts anymore. We can’t prove ANYTHING right now. Like planned, like required in “Three World Wars” people exhausted and at wit’s end, unable to defend themselves. ALL PLANNED AND PAID FOR. Nothing is easier than knowing what’s going on. Getting facts. “You’re all fired and under arrest.” This is a meritocracy, not a DEI shop: if you lie or fail, you’re fired. 90 days later we all know what’s going on.
Nobody Knows Nothing Anymore, 2013
“Deep down in the underground
Atoms spinning ’round and ’round
Scientists monitor readingsSearching for the Holy Grail
The particle or at least the tale
Of the one who gives the universe its meaningBut what if there’s nothing
No big answer to find?
What if we’re just passing through time?No one knows nothing anymore
Nobody really knows the score
Nobody knows anything
Let’s break it down and start againWhat happens when the markets drop
If the numbers really don’t add up?
Everyone seeks the safe havenAnd as they contemplate their ruin
The self-proclaimed smartest people in the room
Are trying very hard not to sound cravenBut what if there’s nothing
No pot of gold to find?
Only the blind leading the blindNo one knows nothing anymore
Nobody really knows the score
Since nobody knows anything
Let’s break it down and start againLet’s stop pretending we can manage our way out of here
Let’s stop defending the indefensible
Let’s stop relying on the lecturing of the experts
Whose spin just makes our plight incomprehensibleHigh up on a mountain top
Somebody with a skinned crop
Is thinking deep thoughts for us allSerenity is all around
But if you listen you can hear the sound
Of one head being banged against the wallBut what if our ancestors had stayed up in the trees
Who’d be sleeping weighed down by these worries?No one knows nothing anymore
Nobody really knows the score
Since nobody knows anything
Let’s break it down and start again”December 16, 2024 at 1:37 pm #177047Oroboros
ParticipantThe British Empire was an Evil that plagued the planet for centuries.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction..
UKturdistan is receiving payback for it’s ‘actions’
It has devolved into a hellish Orwellian dystopia.
It still has a ways to go Karma wise for it’s actions.
It will descend into the worst possible condition combining Nazis & Soviets, a marriage made in Hell.
And YES, Karma is a Collective Guilt mechanism, has been since the Dawn of Man
Oh boo-hoo, oh the Humanity!
Goodbye Limeyland!
Duh’merica trying to fathom the bottomless depths of current Anglo Dysfunction
December 16, 2024 at 1:38 pm #177048Celticbiker
Participant“Who will ever suspect then that all these peoples were stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?” Protocol 13, chapter 6, 1898.
December 16, 2024 at 1:38 pm #177049Celticbiker
Participant“Who will ever suspect then that all these peoples were stage managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?” Protocol 13, chapter 6, 1898.
December 16, 2024 at 1:55 pm #177050zerosum
ParticipantThanks RIM. Great find.
It’s everywhere … ‘Deep Fake’
Illusions, Lies, Misinformation, Hate, Fear.
It’s worth repeating every word.
Powerful speech by Lara Logan:
“We live in the age of information warfare, where propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire field of battle. This is a war for our minds that is aided by advanced technology, and we have never been here, not in all of human history.”“It is a moment when we as journalists should stand together, united, and regardless of politics, we should fight for the truth and we should fight for freedom.
Yet, not very long ago, we allowed one of our own, Tucker Carlson, to be branded as a traitor simply for doing his job.
In fact, there were many so-called journalists who were leading the charge against Tucker, accusing him of treason for the simple fact of interviewing the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin.”“And to my knowledge, there was not a single legacy media institution that spoke up.
This was more than a politically motivated attack on one man.
It was a betrayal of the most sacred principles of a free press.
And my media colleagues know this to be true, no matter what they say.
My fear is that they either no longer care or that they lack the moral courage to be honest, including with themselves.”“I have worked at the highest levels of the media as a full-time correspondent for 60 Minutes, chief foreign correspondent for CBS News, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News.
That was my home for 16 years.
And as a journalist, I have sat down with world leaders, mass murderers, and terrorists.
And I have held people on both sides of the aisle accountable.
I have seen suffering and I have faced evil and I have walked through the fires of hell on distant battlefields.”“I faced my own death at the hands of a mob of some 200 men in Egypt when I was gang raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death while on assignment for 60 minutes.
And yet for almost a decade I have been targeted and falsely branded and accused of many things. that I did not do.
They have attacked my work, my character, my sanity, and my marriage.
And I am not alone.
We are many.”“And we will not give up, and we will not give in.
To those who wish to sense of the idea of free speech in America and all over the world, media companies. Institutions and journalism schools have failed all of us.”“And for too long we have allowed nonprofit organizations to masquerade as nonpartisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are little more than highly paid political propagandists and assassins whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way and along with them the long held and cherished ideas of free speech, free thinking, and free minds.”
“This is a blood sport for them. their political allies and their puppet masters.
They know how to kill a journalist without murdering them.
We call it cancel culture.
In truth, it is a death sentence.
And they get away with it because they have information dominance.
Some are strong enough to survive, but only a few, like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi.”“Only a few like them are able to reach greater heights and thrive.
These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech.
They use phrases like protecting democracy and make no mistake, words matter.”“The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield, to justify certain actions.
For example, when the President of the United States threatens the unvaccinated, saying, our patience is wearing thin, and accuses them of putting communities at risk, his words are designed to justify hatred, censorship, and intimidation.”“And when the Vice President compares January 6th to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor, it is a predicate to silence the opposition and justify the weaponization. of the justice system.
We are already witnessing another shaping operation to influence the outcome of the 2024 election.
This time with the false claim that if one side wins, it will be the end of democracy.”“This lie contrived to ensure a particular outcome and to sabotage free speech yet again.
Overseas taxpayer funds from hardworking Americans are being doled out by contractors under the Office of Transition Initiatives at USAID, or the State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.”“These contractors, many of them ideological zealots, who are not even US government officials, often make over a quarter million dollars a year, and are outside the reach, Senator, of yourself and committees like this.
They hand out taxpayer dollars to programs that are shaped by highly partisan NGOs, who hide behind terms like interreligious dialogue, when in fact they are funding Muslim schools that train Islamic terrorists, like they did in Malaysia.”“Another example is Humanist International.
Through them, the State Department is funding atheism grants that actively cultivate an atheist advocacy network in Nepal.
This is not just to attack religion and manipulate foreign politics.
It is an attack on free speech, faith, and God.
While propaganda and censorship are not new, technology means unprecedented power and reach in the hands of a few.”“Companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Google, as you have heard many times today, have been allowed to amass monopoly power.
And as a result, they not only reach billions of people across the world, every second of the day, they have absolute control over what we see and what we hear.
Imagine those tools in the hands of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler.”“When the Founding Fathers put freedom of speech first, it was not by chance, it was by design.
The rights that followed were in part created. to protect the First Amendment.
Without it, they knew that freedom itself would perish.
I am reminded today of the words spoken by the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Gray, in 1914, at the beginning of the First World War.”“He said, the lamps are going out all over Europe.
We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.
We are once again watching the lights of freedom.
They’re going out here and all over the world.
And it is up to us to determine if they will be lit again, ever.”December 16, 2024 at 2:10 pm #177052phoenixvoice
ParticipantDrones – Mayorkas
So…essentially what he is saying is that he wants to use this moment to expand the power of the federal government. He gives us “suggestions” of what we might presume tge drones to be. Oh — and he said it wrong: dawn to dusk = daytime, and dusk to dawn = nighttime. Just a slip of the tongue? Or was he nervous? Or trying to recall a talking po8nt?December 16, 2024 at 2:42 pm #177053zerosum
ParticipantPeace and ceasefire.
Read more …
• Trump Team Studying Orban’s Ceasefire Initiative (RT)
Zelensky insists that his ten-point ‘peace formula’ is the only viable roadmap for ending the conflict.
The Kremlin has dismissed this document – which demands that Russia restore Ukraine’s 1991 borders, pay reparations, and surrender its own officials to war crimes tribunals
– as “delusional” and “divorced from reality.”Moscow maintains that any settlement must begin with Ukraine ceasing military operations and acknowledging the “territorial reality” that it will never regain control of the Russian regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, as well as Crimea.
In addition, the Kremlin insists that the goals of its military operation – which include Ukrainian neutrality, demilitarization, and denazification – will be achieved.
• UK PM Calls For ‘Maximum Pain’ On Russia (RT)
Keir Starmer has urged his G7 counterparts to increase sanctions on Moscow and send more military aid to KievAmid a historic decline in living standards at home, the UK has given £8.34 billion ($10.52 billion) in military aid to Ukraine since February 2022,
• The New Time Of Troubles, Part III – Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Helmer)
by John Helmer, Moscow
Congress of the United Russia party
Vladimir Putin took part in the meeting of the XXII congress of the All-Russian political party “United Russia”.
December 14, 2024A western veteran of electric war operations comments on the latest Russian strikes of December 13:
“every time the aftermath is worse.
More outages, longer duration, more misery for Ukrainians.
Rail capacity and fuel storage are degrading as well.
There’s a consistency in the General Staff’s operational thinking that’s been maintained since the start of the electric war.
Draw in the enemy from outside of Ukraine, smash their equipment, kill their volunteers, immiserate and break the Ukrainians.
It’s slow, but it’s working.”“The paradox of this Russian success is that the more the General Staff beats NATO and the Ukrainians, the more they commit to the war.
The more Putin applies the brakes, the more encouraged they are.”
———–December 16, 2024 at 2:53 pm #177055phoenixvoice
Does not work, writ large. Inside of a family, it may work just fine. (Many ideologies function relatively well on a small scale.). It requires the human qualities of compassion, empathy, love, and responsibility to be at the forefront of one’s effort. The group is held in high regard, and all members also cherish the needs of each individual. Writ large, it provides an excellent vehicle for the ideologies that enable totalitarianism to flourish. However, communism is not the only vehicle that enables totalitarianism. Believing that communism is the only path to totalitarianism enables those who desire it to put humanity on alternate paths to totalitarianism and for the realization of what is going on to come too late to the masses.Spouse and I continue to watch Dr Zhivago. The doctor’s family has now had both of their large homes expropriated by the Reds. The question is raised: but what do we do? We also need a place to live! If they violate the expropriation, they will be branded as “counter-revolutionaries” and killed. They realize that a tiny cottage on their erstwhile property was left alone by the Reds, so they inhabit it and start farming the land. We agreed that the act of taking another’s property creates a situation where the former “oppressed/abused” becomes the “oppressor/abuser.” It does not break the cycle of oppression/abuse, but mere causes the players to swap roles. The oppression/abuse lies at the heart of the societal problems under Tsar Nicholas, and therefore the communism adopted by Lenin and the Bolsheviks could never be a vehicle towards something that really improved upon their defunct feudalism. In fact, I suppose that a primary reason why Marx’s dreams of utopia could never be approximated through active revolution is likely because they relied upon channeling anger. While anger was certainly justified, given the extant oppression, angry action is most useful when it creates brief bursts of energy and action. Anger that is stoked over and over to keep action alive will harden people and lead them to oppress and abuse those their anger is directed against.
December 16, 2024 at 3:08 pm #177056zerosum
ParticipantRead more
Congress revives Cold War tactics with new anti-communism school curriculum
• Cold War Tactics With New Anti-Communism School Curriculum (Alan MacLeod)Congress has just passed a new bill that will see the U.S. spend huge sums of money redesigning much of the public school system around the ideology of anti-communism.
The “Crucial Communism Teaching Act” is now being read in the Senate, where it is all but certain to pass.
The move comes amid growing public anger at the economic system and increased public support for socialism. The Crucial Communism Teaching Act, in its own words, is designed to teach children that “certain political ideologies, including communism and totalitarianism…conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy that are essential to the founding of the United States.”
Although sponsored by Republicans, it enjoys widespread support from Democrats and is focused on China, Venezuela, Cuba and other targets of U.S. empire.
H.R.5349 – Crucial Communism Teaching Act
———–December 16, 2024 at 3:09 pm #177057phoenixvoice
Participant@ Dora
Thanks for mentioning the postal service “prefund 75 years of retirement” ridiculousness — now i don’t need to. 😉 -
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