Debt Rattle December 22 2020


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  • This topic has 16 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by WES.
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  • #67181

    Vincent van Gogh Banks of the Seine with Pont de Clichy in the Spring 1887   • Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus (AIER) • Yuletide Visitat
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 22 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Vincent van Gogh Banks of the Seine with Pont de Clichy in the Spring 1887

    I like the van Gogh; I love the giant Xylophone in the Kyushu woods…


    600 dollars

    The people have voted – so they are surplus to requirements for at least two years, and probably four. [Actually with voting machines, mystery ballot boxes and USB sticks they could be totally superfluous in any future election!]

    If the people want anything in their favour they need to pay for it like anybody else. Perhaps use GoFundMe and similar to raise cash to ‘lobby’ the ‘peoples representatives’.

    Mister Roboto
    Mr. House

    @Mister Roboto

    At this point, who are you trying to scare?

    Mr. House

    Here’s an idea

    Remove covid deaths from the 24/7 coverage they’ve been getting for ten months. Instead broadcast that weekly jobless claim numbers, that is where the true catastrophe is.

    ” For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death.”

    Doc Robinson

    From an Associated Press article today:

    Bureaucratic ‘black hole’ awaits injury claims from coronavirus vaccine

    the injured are blocked from suing and steered instead to an obscure federal bureaucracy with a record of seldom paying claims.

    Housed in a nondescript building in a Washington, D.C., suburb, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program has just four employees and few hallmarks of an ordinary court. Decisions are made in secret by government officials, claimants can’t appeal to a judge and payments in most death cases are capped at $370,376.

    George Washington University law professor Peter Meyers has followed the program for years and bluntly calls it a “black hole,” obtaining federal documents this summer showing it has paid fewer than 1 in 10 claims in its 15-year history.

    Mr. House


    Alexander Fraser Tytler quotes
    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government…..”

    and then Raúl Ilargi Meijer goes and demonstrate with a selection of articles that
    its the enablers, lawyers, accountants, politicians who are the first to feed themselves, like pigs at the pig trough
    • House Passes 5593 Page Stimulus Bill Without Anyone Having Read It (ZH)

    Alexander Fraser Tytler was lying and misleading
    Raúl Ilargi Meijer, you are a leader of the fifth estate.

    Dr. D

    “If anything, Trump fired him far too late.”

    Nah. If they’d revealed it back then, they’d just have hacked in with a new method we DON’T know about. Much more dangerous. Don’t you understand when you’ve discovered a mole, you don’t ARREST them? That would be a waste. You watch them and feed them false information. Forever, if possible, but in this case they need to publicize the U.S. was “hacked” when in fact the U.S. is always “hacked” – the insiders themselves are the ones popping in the USB drives and leaving the doors open.

    But don’t you know that’s what makes it the best election in history? Because we put in our guy despite all your honest effort. #Winning! And it only took 1M more people voting than were registered.

    “The president may insist on having his name on the check. But make no mistake, those checks are from the American people.”

    Huh? They’re FROM the people, TO the people? So you can take a $10T cut for the oligarchs? Definition of a circle-jerk.

    “it totals $6.69 a day since the country shut down in March.”

    Nonsense. $10 Trillion transferred to oligarchs is $27 Billion dollars a day. That’s so much “Help” from government I argue the U.S. people could hardly take any more!


    Only government can do this. The “Capitalists” are minimum-wage janitors in comparison.

    Maxwell Quest

    “Vincent van Gogh Banks of the Seine with Pont de Clichy in the Spring 1887:

    Love the swirling brush strokes.

    For those who art still on the fence about whether the electronic voting machines were used to rig the election in favor of Biden, here’s another statistical presentation that provides strong evidence to the affirmative. My only complaint with the analysis is that he used ALL counties in the US, which would have the effect of diluting the magnitude of the fraud. He calculates that Biden was given a 5% bump across the nation by counties that used either Dominion or Hart machines. I wonder what the bump would be if he analyzed only counties in battleground states, where it appears much of the fraud was focused, instead of averaging it across the entire nation?

    2020 Election shows Joe Biden over-performs in 72% of counties using Dominion Voting Systems

    “If Assange’s Fate Were Up To a Jury, He, Too, Might Have Walked Free (Glass)”

    Here are two examples of what constitutes a true ‘elite’: Julian Assange and William Penn. Men of superior qualities that are always attacked by lesser men.

    “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” – Jonathan Swift


    @ mr roboto
    Thx for article. In my county, the first wave of Covid peaked right after the mask mandates went into effect. They have remained, and we have had no lockdowns after the initial few weeks. Numbers are climbing…but hospitals are not overwhelmed. Covid is serious for some — and it is still difficult to predict in advance who will be seriously affected. (How many people actually know that they are low in vitamin D?)

    It has been very nice for the past two months to rely on my own acquired immunity to Covid and not worry about how well my mask actually fits. The mask is there because I have no desire to explain to all I come in contact with that I’m currently immune, I beat Covid. With family, close friends, and long-time clients I ditch the damn mask.

    It is my view that “to mask or not to mask” has simply become a focal point for pent-up social unrest and frustration. We know that we are endlessly surveilled by our government and Big Tech. Both are interested in social control, including steering how we spend our incomes. Standards of living are declining. We lack a coherent movement to express and give definition to the public’s brewing rage. So that rage pops out in odd ways. “Woke” people censor those who think differently, the “woke” seemingly incapable of seeing the irony of their behavior. People fuss about public mask wearing when a few neighbors are struggling with a strange new illness. BLM protests align with *some* of the real problems people are facing, which sparks huge protests, and also property destruction and some violence because the emotional undercurrent is tremendous and some do not find adequate catharsis in non-violent protest. (At the same time, law enforcement is also exacerbating the issue by displaying the same behavior that contributed to the emotion driving the protests.). All the while, the wealthy and elected “steerers” are doing all they can to personally enrich themselves from all that transpires.

    The image with the facts about Gaddafi really illustrates the point. Why was Gaddafi assassinated and Libya plunged into lawlessness? Because the “steerers” are desperately terrified of the masses learning that the economic pie could be sliced differently, that the masses could get a larger slice. Today’s “steerers” are as narcissistic and ego-driven as the French social “steerers” were in 1789. The French Revolution was a bloodbath. I hope we can avoid that path while still effecting change.

    (BTW, please don’t assume that the masses getting a larger slice of the economic pie must mean an autocratic, top-down government that confiscates property, profits, and/or income and redistributes wealth. I abhor unilateral top-down control. I explore lateral and bottom-up ways to generate and initially distribute wealth that tends toward wealth and resource-control being well-dispersed.)


    Thank you for your explanation of virus isolation.



    Wearing a mask in public has the added bonus of foiling big brother’s face recognition systems!

    Gaddafi was killed simply because the bankers desperately needed his 200 tons plus of gold.


    Did you know?

    Top 15 Live Cyber Attack Maps for Visualizing Digital Threat Incidents

    Top 15 Live Cyber Attack Maps for Visualizing Digital Threat Incidents

    Let’s Be Honest… Nobody Really Knows Who Is Behind The US Cyber Attack

    TUESDAY, DEC 22, 2020 – 16:20
    Authored by Robert Wheeler via The Organic Prepper blog,



    Lying Adam Schiff said Russia, so we now know it was the Uniparty (and China).

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