Debt Rattle December 5 2023
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- This topic has 40 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 3 months ago by
December 5, 2023 at 8:50 am #147880
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterAdolphe Yvon Genius of America c1870 • ‘The Butcher Of Gaza Should Be Tried Like Milosevic’ – Erdogan (Cradle) • Corruption Trial Against Netan
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 5 2023]December 5, 2023 at 11:15 am #147881Dr. D
Participant“Sliding Corn Prices Sends Grain Index To Decade-Low ”
But, but Global Warming? We’re all gonna die? Where’d our Global Warming guy go? Now that their butts are frozen to every seat in Europe on merely the 1st of December?
“VIDEO: UFO – Is the Truth Out There? UFOs are out there. But why is the government keeping secrets?” NBC News
You mean secrets like the Government posting them front page of the US Navy website? Remember, this is NBC: “Top Secret” means “Was posted on the front page of CNN”…where no one will read it.
From Kunstler: “the markets seem to be hostages of some algorithm cult that operates in a mystical vacuum where nothing matters. When it gets to the point where famished Americans start eating each other to stay alive, will we see another S&P record high?”
We already have and yes, we will.
“Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies” –Rolling Stone. Who is required to pretend to hate Kissinger, while loving every policy and war he’s had since 2001, and supporting many to the very death of their magazine, right now. No one loves or supports everything Kissinger ever believed and did more than RS. They run the interference that makes every petty Kissinger wannabe possible.“”Did you ever wonder why the 21st century feels like we’re living in a bad cyberpunk novel from the 1980s? It’s because these guys read those cyberpunk novels and mistook a dystopia for a road map.”
Who are “these guys”? This Douglas Rushkoff piece explains: the unbearable hubris of Musk and the billionaire tech bros. “Their words and actions suggest an approach to life, technology and business that I have come to call ‘The Mindset’ — a belief that with enough money, one can escape the harms created by earning money in that way.”
Benton will appreciate. You see, if you have enough MONEY, then cause no longer has an effect. A coin has only one side. And there is an Up without a Down. I’m S.M.A.R.T.!!!
If you missed it, “Science™ decided this week that actually™ wamens were better runners, better hunters, better at everything, in fact there was no place for men in primitive cave society! Yes!!! How did women forget this? Well, Patriarchy of course! Because apparently women are faster, stronger…but so piss-head rock hard stupid, worthless, gullible saps that they didn’t notice and believe everything men tell them. That’s what makes them the master race! The “Better Men.”
So, wow, glad we have all that settled. Who knew? How did they come to this revelatory conclusion, overturning all Science™ in the history of earth so far? Arcane body chemistry. Of primitive wamens they have exactly zero samples of.
Hmm, sounds legit, but do we have any way to cross-check your astonishing conclusions? Well, turns out women actually DO run, and DO hunt even today! Yes, I know!!! And what are the conclusions from today’s samples, evolutionarily indistinguishable from their (non)sample group?Men are better, faster, stronger, more enduring and more capable at — Everything. — Like their main point was women have more endurance, body-chemically. Great!!! …While men beat women by FIFTEEN MINUTES in the marathon. By THIRTY seconds in even the 1 mile. …Enough to pour some coffee, add cream and sugar, sit down in a lounge chair and watch some commercials. In even ONE mile.
How are they at hunting and enduring cold? Heavy bow, shooting, knife fighting competitions? Oh…nevermind. But mind you, this is ALL MEN’S FAULT. THEY have brainwashed wamen into believing they can’t run 15 minutes faster in the marathons – it’s all in their head. Women are the stronger, better people who fall for such idiotic repressive falsehoods. AND, — of course – in the article, men are also responsible for making wamen believe, without evidence, that THEY are the ones who bear and raise children. I mean, have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? That children are born of the adult females of the mammal species? Who can’t run all that well at the time, aside from having body-fatty things in the way?
Well, I for one am SO GLAD Oxford settled “The Science™” once and for all time and this is not politicized at all.
“Majority of Venezuelans Vote to Annex Oil-Rich Region of Guyana”
Um, I don’t think “referendum” mean what you think it means… “Guyana is where Exxon has invested billions to extract much of the country’s oil- he would do so in a heartbeat” So because “Socialism”, no one will invest in Venezuela, not even themselves. They Haaaaaaaave oil. But no one will “Work” to “Pump it”. As they spent “other people’s money” life carried on in nearby Guyana. Now that Guyana has created and developed something valuable, Venezuela swoops in to “Control the Means of Production.” Why should that be surprising to anyone?
Remember what I said about buying commodities though: oil went up, clearly should buy oil companies, right? Nope: any Socialist government anywhere: that is, all of them right now – will just come in and nationalize them. No profit. Okay fine: BUT NO PRODUCTION either. No production = no consumption, shortages, high prices. Um…mass death?? You can’t protect yourself by buying the very companies that produce the high priced commodities. If this goes through, Exxon will LOSE money, not make it. So why are their prices, profits so high? (actually they’re not) TO COVER THIS KIND OF RISK. You’re happy to come look at them when the savings account fills, so who wants to jump in and help them now that the risks came home and money’s flying out by ten-billions? Oh no! Just like the Government, THEY GET PAID FIRST. You do the work and risk and pay them, THEY TAKE NO RISK. Newsflash: anyone who takes no risk, always wins.
You might notice. That’s why all and every risk was offloaded to you, the citizen.
“Israel Expands Ground Operations to Whole of Gaza, Seeking “Total Victory”
Oh, so IT WASN’T safe to flee to Southern Gaza! Wot a surprise! We were only…lyyyyyyyiiiiiinnnnnnggggg! “We lie: you die! News at 11.” Surprise! It’s not about Hamas. Hey what was that somebody something just said about…finding gas fields offshore…then other nations…stealing them? Slips my mind.
“”The Responsibility To Not Report”: Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories For The Public Good
“…this is the kind of thing that the far right latches on to…”You mean “The Truth?” The Truth is what those bastards latch on to? Yes, Journalists, particularly in Ireland, We wouldn’t want “The Truth” or nuthin’. That’s Cray-Cray. We all know lies work much better at creating peaceful, functional societies.
“US Water Systems Targeted by Iran-Linked Cyberattacks in Multiple States”
Yes, because YOU MORONS PUT IT ALL ONLINE. WHYYYYYY would you do that? Oh you think you’re better hackers than China and Russia? Ohhhhhhh, Mr. Mayor of Puxatawny, Pennsylvania, how’s that working out? All you needed to do was have it OFFLINE, either closed network (no longer expensive) or just have a guy get in the truck and yank the lever by hand. You know, the way it’s been done for 100 years, with no extra software expense. And the WHOOOOLLLE country is set up this way. By morons who clearly never been punched in the face. Enough.
Q: Why would it be bad to employ Joe Jackson, here in Puxatawny, instead of giving that money away to software that doesn’t work right anyway, in San Jose, and H1B visas to Bombay? Why am I hiring someone in Bombay, Mr. Mayor and not Joe right here in town where he pays taxes? You wonder why houses are falling down? They would rather be torn to pieces by wild horses then pissed on by a thousand badgers than hire someone instead of playing with computers (that don’t work). Why, I could never tell. Because they hate money, hate profit, hate their town, and hate people, I guess, because that’s what the argument boils down to.
Make haste slowly, and change only things you have to, which other people have proven save trouble over time.
“Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan has called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “war criminal” and said he should face trial for crimes against humanity.”
Says the guy who did the same thing by invading Syria, stealing their oil, occupying their lands, and “genociding” the Kurds. Didn’t he send jets up to start WWIII with Russia too? Good times, good times… Go on, Erdogan, we’re all sure you’re an inside expert on war crimes…
“• Debunking Israel’s “Mass Rape” Propaganda (EI)”
“Debunked”? When was it “Bunked” to begin with? That is, don’t we have to have something said, some evidence to begin with? Apparently not. 100% Appeal to Authority. “They said it, I believe it, that settles it!” …Say all the people making fun of Christians all day. I don’t believe the Bible, I believe the CIA, MI6, Mossad and Google! I shalt have no Gods before thee, Amazon and Google.
“Houthi Attack on Commercial Ships in Red Sea a Warning to Israel and US (Sp.)
What is this really? …I think the BRIICS saying they now own all the transport corridors. So knock it off. Oh and btw, WE sold the Panama Canal to China for $1, years ago. So they own that one too.
“• Zelensky Trying to Directly Control Army (RT)
All along. I’d say that’s why they’ve done so badly so far, but really they’re just trading “killing all Ukrainians” for holding the line there and not back at the Dnipr river. That’s sort of a wash overall, they lose either way. I would save the men and not care about optics, personally. You could clearly hand Russia the referendum states, claim it’s all illegal in World Court, then hold the rest of the nation soundly, join NATO and give them a heck of a hard time. …Quite glad they didn’t, and that Ze is a moron, along with his moron handlers like Nuland, whenever she can get off the floor long enough to stop sniffing glue.
“The Pentagon wanted the offensive to start mid-April and focus on cutting the “land bridge” to Crimea by driving to Melitopol.”
Well I have to admit they are correct about that. The only plan that might have got something. Wouldn’t have worked though and would be more likely to escalate to WWIII.
“• White House Warns Ukraine Money May Dry Up by Year’s End (Sp.)”
“As long as it takes!” …Until we get bored. Ukraine who? Suddenly they are not “critical to supporting all democracy worldwide.” Huh.
“Why EU Funding to Ukraine May Soon Fade (Sp.)
Spitballing here, but “Because Europe is broker than broke”?? As Consciousness of Sheep say (UK) they have no energy at all and can only look forward to a new Dark Ages? And double, thanks to importing 50 million of a foreign culture(s)?
So let me get this straight: we have a non-stop Climate crisis, which means no food, no energy, political unrest, uprisings at home because of it, and you IMPORTED 10 Million foreigners to Britain??? WHILE killing 10 Million existing Britons with failing NHS and vax???
I think YOU are our enemy, because there’s not a single word of that which makes any sense. Same over all Europe, but not as clear an example.
“when the husband of State Dept official Victoria Nuland, a man named Robert Kagan, writes an op-ed in the CIA newsletter, effectively calling for … the CIA to repeat their Kennedy performance and kill President Trump.”
Was the severed head on the front page not clear enough? Call enough? And again, WHYYYY is this the end of the world? We ALREADY had a Trump President and nothing happened. Nothing good, nothing bad.
“Liz Cheney Warns Trump May Seek to Stay in Power ‘Forever’ if Reelected (Sp.)
We already know this, Liz. He did NOT call a coup WHEN HE WAS ALREADY SITTING THERE. But he will now? For some reason because Time doesn’t exist? History never happened? People read this with a straight face?
And how does she stay in? I ask the same thing about 100% of them. Okay, Nuland’s in, then fails. YET SHE STAYS IN, and is tirelessly promoted. She fails again and is promoted. 5 Presidents disappear around her, and she is promoted. How? It’s almost like there’s a Mafia running things, a Repugnant Secret Society as Kennedy said, which cares not who’s elected or what the People say.
“Judge Denies Jack Smith’s Request to Conceal Documents in Trump Case (ET)
Um, the Prosecution is allowed to hide all evidence from the Defense? Um…thinking that’s against law, custom, the Constitution and all Human Rights. Secret Court with Secret Evidence. Shhhh! Only we know. Can neither see nor refute evidence in court.
“This must be the first revolution in which half of society knows and sees well there is a revolution, and the other half seem too distracted, or simply have not noticed.” — Crooke
What Revolution? Well, they carry signs and they’ll tell you: a SOCIALIST revolution. In what way? Only half the people noticing, with a dissolved military and riots (brownshirts) in the streets is exactly the RUSSIAN Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution. It’s not a mystery, crack a book. The quote in this very clip is EXACTLY what “They” are up to. I saw it years ago, but there is nothing could be clearer than General Wrangel. What can I say? Glad someone dug that up and can make it so simple and meme-ready.
Lustig: Again, I have a lot of sympathy for people who have been lied to with every word since birth, such that “Everything the American people believe is a lie” CIA Director Casey, nevertheless, where is THEIR responsibility for their OWN health? Working with each other, their family, friends, community to help each others’ health, as well as their own? The shopping carts have cases of HFCS soda, cheetos, while they roll down the aisle in a scooter. Yet it’s the Doctor’s the Healthcare’s fault? Yes they have fault, but tell me that after you have at least some samples of good food, good cooking, good living in your own house.
All day long they say “Why don’t you have a pill? Why can’t you just crack open my son’s head and pour the test answers in?” WTF people? You say that after a 10-year diet of frozen dinners and 24-hour CSI murders on TV? My pill can’t help you friend: you went clean ‘round the bend in the nineties. Now we’re sawing your foot off, you fool, just like we told you 10,000 times. Now your son is an illiterate hoodlum and your daughter is a whore, 3 kids by three fathers. Just like everyone told you they would be, and can’t help you wheel around, or fix your non-retirement.
And that’s MY fault???
Wait – I – have to pay for YOU, when – I – scraped out day after day NOT pounding four 2-liter Pepsis a day and instead teaching my kids how to read and work? Oh I see! “From Each according to his ability, TO each according to their need.”
You HAD the “ability.” You STILL have it. So USE IT. So I’m exempt from today’s extortion plea.
December 5, 2023 at 12:14 pm #147882tboc
Participant“The unanswered question: Why has western society been so supine, so unreflectively supportive to the sheering away of its civilisational ethos?” – Crooke
The first question the majority in western civilization ask is what’s in it for me. A civilization of Joseph McCarthy clones.
Have they no decency? NONE
will someone please stuff a sock in Carlson’s mouth? That which Blind Willie McTell suggested for infidelity would be more pleasing. Do i repeat myself? Ahh, innuendo the dissident’s friend!
Trump/Carlson, supine IS the proper position for that. BOHICA
the people get the government they deserve. Not entirely true, if we had the government we deserve things would really be FUBAR.
ask not what you can do for your country ask what your country can do for you.
Come on now!! gimme a tax breakDecember 5, 2023 at 12:25 pm #147883Red
ParticipantNever a dull moment, unless you’re glued to MSM, repetitive lying gets old fast.
There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic
Whistleblower Calls for WEF Founder Klaus Schwab to be Arrested Over “Crimes Against Humanity”
December 5, 2023 at 12:43 pm #147884tboc
Participantwent to a Disney venue ONCE. To enter one had to have their fingerprints scanned. Fingerprints scanned while a video camera time stamps their image. Ever hear of face recognition video analysis? Remembering all of the smiling happy people in the queue waiting to have their privacy invaded knowing they would return to the scene of the crime is terrifying. Ever been to a bank where you are not an account holder and put your thumb print on the back of a check to have it cashed? Ever had your finger prints scanned and recorded to participate within some institution? Do you feel safe now?
A nation prostrating itself and worshipping at the feet of a fictional mouse. When the worship service is over paying interest on the debt incurred for the privilege begins.“Why has western society been so supine, so unreflectively supportive to the sheering away of its civilisational ethos?” Crooke
well, we do it for the children
December 5, 2023 at 12:48 pm #147885Red
ParticipantDr. D not all wamen are like that:
December 5, 2023 at 12:58 pm #147886Red
ParticipantLike you say Dr.D no sense in the market with war raging in the ME and Russian sanctions oil presently falling? WTF! Index’s off as well although anything under 1% is basically flat.
From the baltic ex.
Actual Chg %Chg
Crude Oil 72.892 0.148 -0.20%
Brent 78.004 0.026 -0.06%December 5, 2023 at 1:25 pm #147887Red
ParticipantMost here won’t be surprised by this:
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.
One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025.
We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant players on the world stage: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)/ The Pentagon, and The Rockefeller Foundation.
And current real-world data on excess deaths in the West strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.
December 5, 2023 at 3:04 pm #147888jb-hb
ParticipantThe first question the majority in western civilization ask is what’s in it for me. A civilization of Joseph McCarthy clones.
Have they no decency? NONE
Everyone has been extremely, EXTREMELY nice for decade after decade. Trying to preserve our common shared wealth which is civility in the face of those who are saying “there shall be no civility”
If I spend some time making the CO2 obsession look ridiculous, then whoa, jb-hb, HE must be really obsessed with this CO2 thing. Which we’ve been told for decades now we should all die, our children should die, we should have no children, better if we and anyone we love had never been born. Institutionalized demoralization of all students k-phd. But we can instantly flip to “boy you sure are autistic over CO2” in a second
I visited the BLM website prior to 2020 and they quite clearly stated they wanted to “destroy the capitalist system and the american family” And their leaders bragged openly of being “trained marxists” as what made them authorities over what should be done. And all the beliefs they espouse came from marxist thinkers who TELL you they are marxists and TELL you the Frankfurt school marxists they draw from who in turn TELL you their own sources all the way back to Marx and Engels.
Oh Em Gee, Bad McCarthy Man. While everyone just tries to go along to get along, be as nice as possible, while weird, alien, antihuman things hostile to you, your culture, your society, your loved ones, humanity, gets promulgated all over the place, forces you to genuflect to it and make no objection if you want to keep your job and not end up homeless.
Therefore innocent (communist) hollywood actors are currently being persecuted (exposed) by an irrational (informed) panel on communists, I suppose? Oh wait, no none of the institutions are persecuting suspected non-communists who deny being communists. Instead, people loudly repetitively screeching cutting-edge marxism are bullying eveyone – therefore there must be a red scare by people with “no decency” (who have patiently been civil for decades now – clearly lacking all decency)
We can just re-imagine things into their opposite with a little imagery, a little parable like reference – just so, just so.
December 5, 2023 at 3:35 pm #147889jb-hb
ParticipantLike at this point anyone wanting to preserve the Western Ethos, Enlightenment, our liberal – LIBERAL – institutions and values, is the equivalent of throwing communists out of helicopters or something.
As far as I can tell, there aren’t ANY Republicans or Conservatives commenting here on TAE to argue with and aside from CNN and MSNBC types SAYING anyone liberal is The New Hitler, there aren’t any conservatives anywhere, effectively. And conservative would just be freedom, equality under the law, equality of opportunity, anti war, anti corporations and monopolies, pro free speech. Horrors.
It’s just that, left-leaning as I’ve been practically all my life, I’ve had to look things in the face and admit that marxism/communism/socialism is corrosive, bad for individuals, bad for societies.
This is the essence of the Reducto Ad Absurdum argument – even IF you cannot point to a specific thing that is wrong, if it can lead to absurdity, then there’s something wrong with the idea. And this idea has been beta-tested many times, plus I am looking around at absurdity right now.
“Have you no sense of decency” from the 1954 mccarthy hearings – 69 years ago now. Up until around 2016, referencing the McCarthy Hearings would have totally worked on me.
But it’s too late for that. NOW referencing the McCarthy Hearings references an internal groan in the listener – ah fuck… there WERE communists. And I am sorry, but you cannot have both liberalism and socialism. They are not compatible. If you want to defend liberalism, you’ve got to put up with some commies saying “McCarthy! Far-Right! The Next Hitler!” etc. Ouch.
Idunno, make the case against liberalism then
December 5, 2023 at 3:42 pm #147890D Benton Smith
ParticipantEvery single statement , policy, law, and action of the United States (regardless of how abstruse or senselessly wacky it may appear on the surface) can be understood and explained by a very simple fact. It is that all of the institutions of United States are carefully designed to pay, protect and empower only those persons who support its form and function as a machine designed to pay, protect and empower those persons who support its form and function as a machine designed to … et cetera ad infinitum.
That may strike you as distinctly circular, irreparably armored against all efforts at reform and potentially about as evil as evil can get. Yeah, well, that’s the point. Works like a charm until everyone’s dead, but up ’til then it’s one helluva party for the boys in charge.
It looked great on paper and inspired some really swell songs, but other than those few bright spots it has essentially been a lying, cheating, thieving, mass murdering monstrosity since the Mayflower in actual fact, which is about what should have been expected from a bunch of fucking Illuminated, Luciferian, slave holding Free Masons rich men north of Richmond.
Ya get what ya pay for. Caveat Emptor.
December 5, 2023 at 3:44 pm #147891zerosum
ParticipantHow bad has Israel made life in Gaza?
Look/search for “flying toilets”
(ps. Latest video shows, “flying toilets” are visible at the US southern border)
Erdogan’s flip-flop attitude toward Israel.On 15 November, the Turkish president called Israel a “terrorist state,” adding that the international community will also see it as such if it “continues its massacres.”
“Israel is implementing a strategy of total destruction of a city with its people.
I am open to my heart; I say openly that Israel is a state of terror,” Erdogan said.
Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young has warned.
…. the US is “out of money—and nearly out of time.”
…. “US support is critical and cannot be replicated by others,”
According to the paper’s sources, these developments in European politics put Ukraine at risk of not receiving 50 billion euros previously promised to President Zelensky. Without this money, Ukraine faces a default on its sovereign debt.
The hole in the German state budget is a bigger factor working against Ukraine at the EU level right now.”——–
The mares are trying to get into the race.
Cheney also did not rule out running on a “unity” ticket with a Democrat, saying she would make that decision over “the next couple months.”
Source of Problems .Another Learning Opportunity.
Do another search.
“lumpers” in the supply chains
———-December 5, 2023 at 4:05 pm #147892D Benton Smith
ParticipantXi Jinping’s big epiphany on dealing with the monster which was devouring the world (with China high on its list) was, “Hey, why take the risk and go to all of the trouble and expense of defeating the great western empire in war when you can just hire them, WITH THEIR OWN MONEY, to do the job themselves?”
December 5, 2023 at 4:06 pm #147893tboc
Participant“We can just re-imagine things into their opposite with a little imagery, a little parable like reference – just so, just so”
or we can just continue to imagine ourselves noble as we go along to get along and protect our shared wealth
from the book of Charlie Brown, “Good Grief”!
Everyone, continue moving along nothing to see here just another character from one of Aesop’s fables.December 5, 2023 at 4:06 pm #147894phoenixvoice
Participant“From Each according to his ability, TO each according to their need.”
…is not a bad concept, per se, but is insufficient without context.
It can work well in nuclear families and can work well in small social groups. However, it works when the small group has unifying characteristics and values, where the individuals voluntarily value the group and the group cares for the needs and contributions of each member. (This idea is referenced at length in the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 12:14-27.). I suspect that this arrangement cannot work in situations where the involved humans do not have regular, face-to-face contact with each other, as there are human mental processes that are strengthened with face-to-face contact and that weaken without it. Much of Christianity (and likely other religions — but I know Christianity best) is focused around helping individuals and small groups to function in this fashion.However, OUTSIDE of small groups, this cannot be practiced for the benefit of individuals, technology and AI notwithstanding. There are elements of it that can be practiced at larger scale, among groups. For example, no one in the world (except, perhaps, some of the Israelis,) expects the people of Gaza as a group, corralled as they have been for years inside of an open-air prison, cut off from sufficient water, arable land, bountiful fishing, and their own fossil fuel deposits, to provide entirely for the needs of their country without outside assistance. Their ability has been hampered by Israel, and, as a result, aid is given to them with few, if any, strings attached. This arrangement has nothing to do with capitalism.
“Enlightened self-interest” is a loosely-structured, non-oppressive, non-tyrannical, way of interacting among individuals who are outside of one’s small social group in a fashion that promotes some group-cohesiveness among humans that do not interact regularly face-to-face. It is a system where I trust you to take care of you and you trust me to take care of me. The two systems can overlap without creating friction. Both systems break down when presented with anti-social individuals who lie, cheat, steal, etc.
Socialism is often guilty of trying to universalize principles that are valid for small social groups onto society at large — and this does not work because it uses only one component of the system (“From Each according to his ability, TO each according to their need.”) without the accompanying parts, which cannot be leveraged onto larger groups without adjusting the scale. (I.e., it doesn’t work for individuals, but can be leveraged to work between groups.)
Capitalism is often guilty of ignoring the “enlightened” part of “enlightened self interest,” using the tenets of “self interest” to justify anti-social, tyrannical behavior.
Those leading “Socialist” systems often blame capitalism for the failures that emerge because the needs of individuals cannot be met by bureaucracies. Those leading “Capitalist” systems often blame socialism for the failures which emerge from their own system ignoring common-sense morality, calling that morality “socialism” to justify ignoring it.
December 5, 2023 at 4:10 pm #147895zerosum
ParticipantOf course you all know the meaning of “the suits”
Slightly negative reference for the executives or management of a company, because they are paid better and dress more formally than the employees.
December 5, 2023 at 4:28 pm #147896jb-hb
Participantor we can just continue to imagine ourselves noble as we go along to get along and protect our shared wealth.
For the working class, our shared wealth was our culture, values, virtue, civility. You imply that defending shared wealth is selfish, immoral? Shame on you, working class people?
from the book of Charlie Brown, “Good Grief”!
Everyone, continue moving along nothing to see here just another character from one of Aesop’s fables.If you have a point to make, make it. I can see the “just so story” thing hit its mark anyway.
I’m sorry but it is simply too late to hold up the caricature of McCarthy’s ghost and yell boo.
It’s also too late to wave your hands and say it’s a fairy tale, it’s a cartoon, it’s nothing. You’re about 50 years too late for that to work.
December 5, 2023 at 4:50 pm #147897Celticbiker
ParticipantSatmar Rebbe translated…..Creepy Sausagefest
December 5, 2023 at 5:29 pm #147898Dr. D
ParticipantI dunno, I thought he was just referencing the “No decency” part, not anything else. Do today’s people have no decency? Well, the people with no decency certainly are ushered to the top. The people with any are beaten and extracted white. Do you have decency at work? Doing work, taking responsibility? Great: do all the work and here’s all the responsibility for everything in the company that WE did and failed, but we know YOU don’t run from responsibility so we blame you for it, and so on.
…Unless the good people glom together and refuse to behave and even talk to such scoundrels again, there’s no defense.
Yes, I guess I take it for granted that “Capitalism” is the system it’s defined as, and not a family system, a social system, a religious system, indeed, not even the whole economic system as it includes charity — Republicans and Conservatives for instance are far, far in excess when it comes to charity and donations — family, as well as churches, etc. Not to mention non-profits which are basically Capitalism but run at par profit not maximum profit.
Maybe what gets me is that Socialism has many proponents and thus definitions, and therefore many definitions where it’s meant and advertized to do ALL these things. Childcare? Socialism got it! Healthcare? Yup we do that too. Man run out on you? We’ll be your new lover and support! Environment? Television specials? You got it! Of course!! Anything, Anything at all, just give us all your power and everything will go great! So they — or at least in America actually literally SAY they are ALL things, a total government, a totalitarian which in fact works tirelessly — intentionally or no — to erase family, end and undercut charity, replace religion, like OPENLY.
I don’t see Capitalists say they are a religion, replacing religion. I don’t see them say the family is a Capitalist venture. I think the Left EXPECTS them to, thinks they do, because that’s what THEY do. It’s odd.
No, Capitalism isn’t even the whole economic system, and it’s ONLY an economic system. For instance Mongolians, Sioux, and Eskimos can all be Capitalists, and are. They make, buy, sell, and trade stuff. It’s because the rest of their culture is larger for them and in correct proportion. That’s why I’m always shocked people are correcting me. Like “Who said this”? Even Ayn Rand didn’t say Capital was a religion and a family unity. Who?
December 5, 2023 at 5:43 pm #147899kultsommer
ParticipantThose leading “Capitalist” systems often blame socialism for the failures which emerge from their own system ignoring common-sense morality, calling that morality “socialism” to justify ignoring it.
I often pointed out how brilliantly working meme was invented to label basic human decency as “socialism” usually with Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot in the mix, just in case. Even, more insulting was that by simply pointing to that fact one is labeled as commie.
Hard “debaters” of this topic completely ignore the fact that systems come and go. We are born into one by sheer chance or lottery of life. Time and location play the role too. Capitalism in the US after the war does not even closely resemble
as what is going on today. Graph that shows huge disparity in productivity and worker’s wages after the 1970’s is not “Soviet propaganda”. Capitalism in South America and other deprived places in the world is only good for the moneyed class.
Socialism collapsed under its own contradictions and can be called as failed experiment. Now….. decades long suffering
that people endured by living under such a system was rewarded after the collapse since “safety net” was built-in all along.
There are all indications that good middle-class life in the advanced West is coming to an end with much wilder outcome
for a majority.December 5, 2023 at 5:57 pm #147900Dr D Rich
Participant“…the non-subtle message is for the CIA to repeat their Kennedy performance..”
File under: “Ongoing CIA cover for Israel…”
Why no mention of the author of the article and his place of worship?
Robert Kagan.
Didn’t he write something particularly nasty about a certain Catholic’s death, JFKjr? Maybe it’s one of the many other highly accomplished Kagans running This Show for the 2.6 Percenters“Yeah, the army really wants orders from a piano playing dick” Host
Well, our U.S. Navy has a female journalism major leading it. Who would the Army prefer to take orders from, “a piano playing dick” or “vicious journalistic cunt”?
Dick versus Cunt
Which is more offensive?
What a great day!December 5, 2023 at 5:57 pm #147901kultsommer
ParticipantKustler’s article paints a grim picture of our current state and is confirmed by the comments.
At the same time we despise sheer BS that is hoisted on us, while in full knowledge that continuation of it provides necessary “livelihood” on so many levels, if you will, for the millions of individuals and families.
Such a cognitive dissonance conundrum is akin to “toxic love” expressed in this underrated masterpiece where seemingly disjointed guitar riffs describe the feeling:
December 5, 2023 at 6:05 pm #147902Dora
ParticipantCommon sense returns to one women’s sport. 5, 2023 at 6:48 pm #147903thomasjkenney
ParticipantThe Machine Stops – E M Forster, 1909 – This is the blueprint for WALL-E. SF from that period onward is peppered with the ideas we now see cultivated around us. Silverberg stories from the late ’50s with transhumanism and gender fluidity. Much of the ’80s cyberpunk is critique of these earlier ‘utopian meanderings’ of Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov. One of the most chilling things I’ve read, due to it’s casual presentation, was Clarke’s idea of the rehabilitation of criminals: switch off their personality for a decade or so, and use them as cheap labor.
Potlatch – There are other forms of social organization possible.
Robin Trower – Too Rolling Stoned
Takers get the honey,
Givers sing the blues!December 5, 2023 at 6:49 pm #147904tboc
Participantjb-hb are you old enough to remember Dizzy Dean? Keep leaning out over the plate.
amorality is not a working class value, sportjust ignore my posts. if you see tboc do what Dionne Warwick suggested, “Walk on By”. The intellects that gather here do not require your protection or affirmation. My position is that of Evelyn Beatrice Hall when it comes to speech. No more than a common courtesy. Ignore me bro, please. No one reads what i write, go along to get along. Just ignore me, please.
December 5, 2023 at 7:55 pm #147905D Benton Smith
Participant“From Each according to his ability, TO each according to their need.”
Or, another way of saying it, from the viewpoint of the Owning/Governing Class, “From everyone according to their ability, to ME according to my need.”
The way that seems to work out is that they start out by taking just a small amount and giving ALMOST that much back in terms of goods, services, and security. Thereafter, each time the arrangement changes it changes in the direction of them taking just a little bit more, in exchange for giving back just a little bit less in return. Price up, value down. Forever, apparently, if they have their way.
Meanwhile, the only punishable crime seems to be saying or demonstrating that you’re not happy as a clam about the arrangement. The more you disagree, the greater is the crime, and of course the enforcement punishment that goes along with it. When disapprobation or monetary fines are not sufficient punishment to quiet down the rising clamor of complaints, then their solution is to enforce bigger and bigger punishments for smaller and smaller crimes.
At this point we are at the stage where the crime of not proactively shouting from the rooftops one’s enthusiastic approval of theft and murder, carries the death penalty.
If you don’t like being denigrated, lied to, robbed, injured and killed then you must be summarily executed. No formal charges. No trial. Just extermination by whatever means the government sees fit and efficient. Starvation, mandatory poison “medicines”, fire, war or pestilence makes little difference. Whatever gets the job done is fine, and the job is the utter removal (democide) of everyone who is not 100% supportive of the people who are living off of others like unrepentant vampires.
This impossibility is starting to get interesting as the end-game plays out.
December 5, 2023 at 8:14 pm #147906zerosum
ParticipantWhat is going on behind the scenes.
Peace is AntisemitismDecember 5, 2023 at 10:00 pm #147907zerosum
ParticipantWe are being fed a narrative.
IDF claims at least 5,000 Hamas terrorists KIA‘d
None seen in the hospitals reports as wounded or dead.
None seen dead, wounded, or buried under rubble, or on the battle grounds.
As the Zionist mass murder operation is broadcast daily all over the world through all forms of media – the US officials know.We also know they know because they publicize their engagement with Israel in, allegedly, minimizing civilian casualties and insisting, allegedly, on more aid being let in for the people who are being relentlessly murdered while cynically being called Hamas members by the murderers in Tel Aviv.
The criminal responsibility of high US (and Israeli) officials is so clear that it is impossible for the ICC not to issue indictments in a reasonable time frame.
We are being fed a narrative.
————December 5, 2023 at 10:23 pm #147908WES
ParticipantKorrekt Facts from ZH & MoA:
Israel to pump seawater to flood Hamas tunnels. Huummm. Do you suppose Hamas didn’t think of this before digging their tunnels right next to the sea? No drainage back to the sea? Israel ‘s efforts to lower the Mediterranean Sea might not work.
US/NATO generals gamed Ukraine’s summer offensive on their war game computers. As one MoA blogger said, they obviously didn’t factor in Ukrainian corruption into their war game computer model! I might add MIC and DC corruption as well.
The bankers Monday $100 plus paper gold smash and grab tells you only one thing. The bankers remain in total control. And if they ever feel that they are losing, then they will simply change the rules of the game.
December 5, 2023 at 10:39 pm #147909John Day
ParticipantAnything That Moves
‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 60: Israel surrounds Kamal Adwan hospital, ‘shooting anything that moves’
Israel cut off internet and phone signals in the Gaza Strip as it pummeled areas across the Strip. Israeli forces have surrounded Kamal Adwan hospital in the north, shooting “at anything that moves.”
15,899+ killed*, including 6,150 children, and 42,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
260 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147 [many killed by IDF tanks and helicopter-gunships]Safe Corridor in Central Gaza Turned Into Battlefield – IDF Statement
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Avichay Adraee said on Monday, calling on the population of the enclave to evacuate along the coast.—idf-statement-1115371752.htmlIsrael Bombs Areas of Southern Gaza Where It Told Palestinians to Flee
Israel’s defense minister suggested Israel’s onslaught in the south will be more intense than in the north
” A dead toddler’s bare feet and black trousers poked out from under a pile of rubble. Men struggled with their bare hands to move a chunk of the concrete that had crushed the child.”Israel Bombs Areas of Southern Gaza Where It Told Palestinians to Flee
‘Israel’ gives WHO 24 hours to remove medical supplies from south Gaza
Our correspondent reported that a new Israeli massacre was committed at the gates of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. The Israeli occupation carried out strikes targeting the hospital’s entrance, killing and wounding tens of civilians.–gives-who-24-hours-to-remove-medical-supplies-fromDecember 5, 2023 at 10:40 pm #147910John Day
Participant IOF cuts off means of communication, launches fire belts across Gaza [Fire-Bombing Gaza]
The occupation aircraft executed incendiary attacks throughout the entire sector, in its north, center, and south, amid a cut-off of all means of communication, according to Al Mayadeen’s correspondent.–launches-fire-belts-acrChaos in south Gaza hospitals after new Israeli strikes Iranian Foreign Minister reveals that documents obtained by the Resistance during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood operation showed pre-set Israeli plans to displace Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank.–7-docs-exposed-forced-displacement-plans-of-palestinianIsraeli bombardment of south Gaza ‘worst of the war right now’: UNICEF–worst-of-the-war-right-no Palestinian prisoners in dire conditions; West Bank arrests skyrocket
Six Palestinian detainees have been tortured to death by the Israeli occupation, according to the WAFA news agency, citing a statement by the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and ex-Detainees Affairs, while they were held in Israeli occupation prisons. This comes as part of the systematic campaign of assaults against Palestinian detainees and prisoners since October 7.
The six Palestinians who were martyred as a result of Israeli torture are Omar Daraghmeh from Tubas, Arafat Hamdan from Ramallah, Majed Zaqoul from Gaza, Abdel Rahman Marei from Salfit, Thaer Abu Assab from Qalqilya, and a martyr whose identity remains undisclosed.–west-bank-arrestsDecember 5, 2023 at 10:41 pm #147911John Day
ParticipantDecember 5, 2023 at 10:42 pm #147912John Day
Participant’Israel’ destroyed 80% of rescue vehicles, equipment in Gaza : Government Media Office
Office in Gaza says equipment and mechanisms belonging to the relief, emergency, and civil defense teams cannot reach disaster and massacre areas in the Strip.–destroyed-80–of-rescue-vehicles–equipment-in-gaza Israel using AI to identify potential civilian targets to maximize Palestinian casualties
According to intelligence sources, Habsora generates automatic suggestions to attack private residences where individuals suspected of belonging to Hamas or Islamic Jihad reside. Israel then conducts extensive assassination operations by heavily bombing these homes, said the report.
Habsora can process “vast amounts of data that tens of thousands of intelligence officers couldn’t handle” and suggests attack targets in real time, it added.
When Israel launched massive attacks, many top-level Hamas officials turned to underground tunnels, allowing the use of this system to locate and target other Hamas members’ homes, the report said.‘Israel’ destroys Gaza to control world’s most important shipping lane
Why won’t Western leaders even call for a ceasefire? The answer is that this genocide in Gaza is their project too.–destroys-gaza-to-control-world-s-most-important-shi Resistance rocket struck IOF base suspected to house nuclear arms
The “Sdot Micha” base is believed to house many of the regime’s nuclear-capable missiles, although “Israel” has never officially acknowledged the existence of its nuclear arsenal...
..The “Sdot Micha” base, located 25 miles northeast of Gaza and 15 miles west of occupied Al-Quds, is considered one of the most sensitive military locations in occupied Palestine.
Through visual analysis of satellite imagery, the report noted that the rocket’s impact caused a fire that approached the missile storage facilities and other sensitive areas of the base. Moon of Alabama: Right Before Hamas Attacked Someone Shorted Israeli Stocks And Funds
Giant gambles against Israel on the markets in Tel Aviv and Wall Street days before Hamas’ attack made billions. Somebody seems to have known about the plan in advance…The short options were only for a very limited period. At least some would have expired on October 13.
So it definitely looks as if on Monday, October 2, someone was sure enough on that soon something ‘bad’ would happen to Israel. That someone had enough market knowledge and money to take the risk of a false alarm in exchange for a huge potential profit.
Who that person or group was is for anyone to guess. 5, 2023 at 10:44 pm #147913John Day
ParticipantHalf of Americans under 35 see Hamas attack as ‘justified by Palestinian grievances’
Democrats are terrified because they are losing their grip on the young. A new poll says half of Americans under 35 see Hamas’s October 7 attack as justified by Palestinian grievances. Young Americans are seeing the enormity of genocide. John Helmer at Dances With Bears has analysis of Russian Strategic shift to Ideologically Driven National Policy
Ilnitsky’s remarks are the clearest sign from the Stavka of what he describes as the turning of Clausewitz’s dictum on its head. “Yes, the popular widely quoted ideology of the 19th century military analyst Clausewitz that war is the continuation of politics by other means is no longer relevant. Today, war is politics itself. The most important element of such a policy is mental warfare.”…
..“Ideology is a field of mental warfare. Highly organised states do not exist without ideology. On the territory of the USSR, we are waging an ideological/mental war precisely for our Russian — in the ontological sense — understanding of how we live. We are fighting against the world of lies, waging a civilisational war in which the events on the territory of the USSR are only a stage of global confrontation with the West.
Following Ilnitsky at the Congress, Putin explicitly adopted the idea that the ideology horse is now pulling the national survival cart – and not only for Russia. “Friends,” the President declared, “our fight for sovereignty and justice is, without exaggeration, one of national liberation, because we are upholding the security and well-being of our people, and our supreme historical right to be Russia – a strong independent power, a civilisation state. It is our country, it is the Russian world that has blocked the way of those who aspired to world domination and exceptionalism, as it has happened many times in history. We are now fighting not just for Russia’s freedom but for the freedom of the whole world. We can frankly say that the dictatorship of one hegemon is becoming decrepit. We see it, and everyone sees it now. It is getting out of control and is simply dangerous for others. This is now clear to the global majority. But again, it is our country that is now at the forefront of building a fairer world order. And I would like to stress this: without a sovereign and strong Russia, no lasting and stable international system is possible.”…
..What end-of-war terms was Putin setting out?
“We know the threat we are opposing. Russophobia and other forms of racism and neo-Nazism have almost become the official ideology of Western ruling elites. They are directed not only against ethnic Russians, but against all groups living in Russia: Tatars, Chechens, Avars, Tuvinians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Yakuts, Ossetians, Jews, Ingush, Mari and Altai. There are many of us, I might not be able to name every group now, but again, the threat is directed against all the peoples of Russia. The West has no need for such a large and multi-ethnic country as Russia as a matter of principle. Our diversity and unity of cultures, traditions, languages, and ethnicities simply do not fit into the logic of Western racists and colonisers, into their cruel plans for total depersonalisation, separation, suppression, and exploitation. That is why they have started their old rant again: they say that Russia is a ‘prison of nations’ and that Russians are a ‘nation of slaves.’ We have heard this many times throughout the centuries. Now we have also heard that Russia apparently needs to be ‘decolonised’. But what do they really want? They want to dismember and plunder Russia. If they cannot do it by force, they sow discord.”
“I would like to emphasise that we view any outside interference or provocations to incite ethnic or religious conflict as acts of aggression against our country, and an attempt to once again wield terrorism and extremism as a weapon against us, and we will respond accordingly.”
In theory, this new doctrine of Russian national liberation and Russian support for the national liberation of others fighting against the US empire ought to back the Hamas fight against Israel in Gaza, the Palestinian struggle against Israel, and the wider Arab and Iranian fight against the American-Israeli combination...
..What is a stumbling block in current Russian thinking and planning is the war in Palestine, and what stance – military, ideological – Putin should take towards Israel and Palestine. Ilnitsky did not mention the Arab-Israeli conflict in his speech last week, nor in his May interview. Putin did not refer to it either. Putin did mention Jews, however, but only in a list of groups comprising Russia’s multi-ethnic society. Putin’s implication was that he is preserving Russia’s even-handed support for both the Jewish state and the Muslim states of Palestine, the Arab world and Iran in order to forestall and combat “any outside interference or provocations to incite ethnic or religious conflict as acts of aggression against our country, and an attempt to once again wield terrorism and extremism as a weapon against us, and we will respond accordingly.”…
..A well-connected Moscow political analyst concedes there is a potential contradiction between national liberation and terrorism in Russian policymaking and ideology, and that the Kremlin has yet to resolve it between its apparent sympathy for Israel and the majority of Russians and the military who support Palestine. “Being for or against Hamas now makes no difference at all,” the source says, “because its ability to provide any administration in Gaza is now decimated, even if its guerrilla warfighting is not. Statements of a two-state solution carry even less potency and credibility. The government’s actions and narrative must shift to keeping Gaza alive, then autonomous without Israeli occupation, and then pumping in enormous aid and support into the West Bank while beefing up the Northern forces [Hezbollah].”“I believe the Russian and Chinese failure is not in being critical of Hamas.
Hamas is an entirely different matter and you can understand that no one is willing to identify publicly with them. The failure is in not supporting the Palestine cause through the decades. To go into Syria and not defend all of it, this is a failure. To not stand up to Israel in Syria is an even bigger failure. To not stand up against US phobias in every shape and form executed through their wars has been a failure – until now.”
“For Russia, what we are looking at is the start of a new decade-long cycle – the Fatah leadership is old and terminal. Hamas will be largely destroyed. No one will come to its help. Hezbollah will emerge intact – even if it fights now. I therefore see the necessity for an intervention – purely humanitarian – to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza which is at once significant and yet does not provide a military cover to Hamas. The future should be an overwhelming domestic and international movement within Russia and China to break the blockade of Gaza; followed by an air cover against the Israelis for Gaza, Syria and Lebanon.” Seymour Hersh, Anatol Lieven and the desperate DC gambit to end hostilities in Ukraine while claiming ‘victory’
Several days ago, the renowned, Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published on his account an article entitled “General to General. A potential peace is being negotiated in Ukraine by military leaders.”
To be specific, Hersh said that secret talks about a possible peace are presently being conducted by Ukraine’s military commander-in-chief General Valery Zaluzhny and Russia’s highest military officer Valery Gerasimov.
The main attention grabbing paragraph in the article was the following:
“The driving force of those talks has not been Washington or Moscow, or Biden or Putin, but instead the two high-ranking generals who run the war, Valery Gerasimov of Russia and Valery Zaluzhny of Ukraine.”
The next most sensational point in the article was that part of the settlement foresees Russian acceptance of Ukraine joining NATO on condition that NATO formally commits ‘not to place NATO troops on Ukrainian soil’ or to put offensive weapons in Ukraine.
And the final key element in the settlement that would reward Russia for its acquiescence on NATO membership would be Ukraine’s recognition of Crimea as irrevocably Russian and the holding of a referendum in the Donbas and Novorossiya (Zaporozhie and Kherson) oblasts that were liberated by Russia and then joined the Russian Federation, a measure which in effect would be a fig-leaf for formal settlement of the fate of these territories as Russian once and for all…
..The elements in the concessions to Russia that Lieven proposes are somewhat vague. They are considerably more generous than what Seymour Hersh is proposing. No matter. Both gentlemen and dozens of their peers are being encouraged by the policy formulators in the Administration to prepare the Russians to enter into talks and to prepare the American and European publics for an end to the war that is a defeat dressed up as a victory.
As I intimated above, it is entirely possible that there have been direct talks about ending the war between Gerasimov and Zaluzhny in the past couple of weeks, though neither would be an independent actor as Hersh mistakenly believes.
I will go one step further and say that it is entirely possible that the Russian side suggested that it could accept Ukraine’s entry into NATO if there was a public commitment never to post NATO forces on Ukrainian territory and not to deliver offensive weapons to Ukraine. Such things can be monitored and if there are violations they can lead directly to revocation of the agreement before any harm is done to Russian security interests.
The possible advantage to the Russian side would be to offer the Americans a face-saving exit ramp, thereby ending any possibility of dangerous escalation of American – NATO involvement on the ground should the Ukrainian forces collapse.
Vladimir Putin has been very cautious in conducting this war precisely because the Russians have a decidedly low opinion of the professionalism, and at times even of the sanity of their American counterparts. Putin is strong enough in his entourage of elites and in the broad Russian public to make a persuasive case for any settlement that ensures Russian security interests are served and that the sacrifices in men and fortune that this war has cost will be justified by the outcome.
Even in the less attractive peace terms set out by Hersh, the positive results for Russia would be the definitive liberation of most of the Russian speaking territories of Ukraine from rule by Kiev and their incorporation into the Russian Federation, the de facto demilitarization of Ukraine given its losses on the order of one million men dead or incapacitated, and the confidence that Ukraine can no longer be used as an advance attack platform of NATO against his country.The Ukrainian Army is officially on the brink of collapse as both the US and the EU “pull the rug from under its feet”.
Ukraine deal negotiations fail in US Senate
Negotiations between the US Democratic and Republican parties on a bill to protect the border and combat the migration crisis have failed, NBC News reported . The bill is necessary to agree on US President Joe Biden’s request for funding to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.
Republicans, according to the story, say they will block Joe Biden’s request for security and foreign aid “without adequate immigration changes.” 5, 2023 at 10:45 pm #147914John Day
ParticipantRussia sent a robot in Ukraine to transport wounded soldiers
New images shared on Telegram by Russian sources reveal that the Russian military is using ground robots to safely transport injured soldiers from battlefields.Russia sent a robot in Ukraine to transport wounded soldiers
All Four “Pillars Of Civilization” Are Under Attack By An “Anti-Human Death-Cult”; Shellenberger, Carlson Unload On Global Elites
“We know that the pillars of civilization are cheap energy, meritocracy, Law and Order, and free speech and all four of those pillars are currently under attack,” warns Shellenberger in his typically erudite and fact-based manner. The hypocrisy is simply Orwellian.
As Shellenberger recently wrote on his Public substack, flying on private jets to a climate conference to announce plans to make energy even more expensive for working people is bread-and-circuses, except there’s no bread, and the circus consists of rich people celebrating their wealth, morality, and superiority. It’s official: United Arab Emirates STOPS using the U.S. dollar for oil trades
According to reports, the U.A.E.’s decision to switch away from using U.S. dollars in the oil trade marks a broader pivot among the BRICS economic alliance to transition to the use of local currencies for oil transactions.
Along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and Argentina, the U.A.E. is now part of the original five BRICS nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. (Related: Saudi Arabia, UAE and Iran among six countries invited to join emerging BRICS global superpower.)
For many years, the U.S. dollar has been the long-established currency used in the global oil market. As increasingly more countries shift away from it, this de-dollarization process puts America at an ever-worsening economic disadvantage...
..Up to 15 countries are on the U.A.E.’s list of new potential oil and gas deals, including China, Russia and Egypt – all of which are members of BRICS and advocates of de-dollarization.
“This isn’t just about diversifying trade; it’s about making a statement on the global stage,” Hamid adds. “The U.A.E. is not just following a trend – it’s setting one.”
Chances are that de-dollarization, which is gaining momentum on the world stage, will not stop with oil. All global trade is likely to be affected by this shift away from U.S. economic dominance, and Americans need to take notice of what this could mean for their wallets.
The U.S. dollar is already rapidly becoming worthless due to constant dilution by the Fed. MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay working visits to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia later this week, Putin’s aide Yury Ushakov said.
“This will be a working visit. First of all, he will have talks with the Saudi Crown Prince. Prior to that, we will pay a working visit to the United Arab Emirates. I hope these talks, which we deem extremely important, will be useful.” Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window – CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination , Sundance
Everyone in/around U.S. politics knows the Washington Post, owned by Big Tech Amazon, is effectively the PR firm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). No one inside the DC beltway does not understand this basic truth. Therefore, when the husband of State Dept official Victoria Nuland, a man named Robert Kagan, writes an op-ed in the CIA newsletter, effectively calling for President Trump to receive the Julius Caesar treatment, the non-subtle message is for the CIA to repeat their Kennedy performance and kill President Trump. As alarming as this acceptance might sound, there are no intellectually honest people who would deny it.
“A Trump Dictatorship is Increasingly Inevitable. We Should Stop Pretending. Robert Kagan”
…Are we going to do anything about it? To shift metaphors, if we thought there was a 50 percent chance of an asteroid crashing into North America a year from now, would we be content to hope that it wouldn’t? Or would we be taking every conceivable measure to try to stop it, including many things that might not work but that, given the magnitude of the crisis, must be tried anyway?Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window – CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination
December 5, 2023 at 10:45 pm #147915John Day
ParticipantWilliam Makis MD , Fetuses Are Developing Cancers. These May be Turbo Cancers. Worse, DNA Contamination, Contained Within Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP), May be Crossing the Placenta Into the Fetus
Pilar Peters was pregnant with triples in 2022. However, in Dec. 2022, doctors found a lump on one triplet, and babies were born via emergency C-section on Dec. 27, 2022.
Baby Theo was diagnosed with Stage 4 Sarcoma and died on Jan. 31, 2023.
Baby Milo, Theo’s identical twin was diagnosed with Stage 2 Sarcoma on Feb. 1, 2023 and had 6 rounds of chemo, 4 surgeries, 89 hospital inpatient stays.
“In an incredibly rare finding, it was determined that Milo’s tumor was a metastasized site from Theo’s cancer, since they shared a placenta in utero.”
— several more sad cases are presented —
..COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated pregnant women are having babies that develop aggressive cancers while still in utero.
These may be Turbo Cancers, but it is too early to tell.
I will raise a very serious concern that I believe has not been raised by anyone yet:
Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) cross the placenta
When a pregnant woman is vaccinated with an mRNA Vaccine, the LNPs in her blood cross the placenta and deliver Pfizer & Moderna mRNA to the fetus which can then produce the toxic spike protein.
DNA Contamination is also contained within Pfizer & Moderna LNPs, in addition to the mRNA
DNA Contamination is therefore also crossing the placenta, potentially integrating into the genome of the developing fetus.
This could lead to the initiation of an aggressive cancer in utero. Air Force’s Missileer Cancer Study Now Looking at 14 Different Cancers and Environmental Risks at Other Bases
The Air Force said it is now examining whether 14 different cancers may be more prevalent among its active-duty and veteran missileers and expanding an ongoing study to see if service has put their health at increased risk.
Carcinogens that likely cause cancer — such as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs — were detected and cleaned up at three Air Force nuclear missile bases in the U.S. over the past year, the service said in an update Friday. But officials said they’ve only scratched the surface…
..In the 36 cancer cases among missileers the Space Force officer detailed in January, 10 were diagnosed as non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Two developed Hodgkin lymphoma, and 24 developed another form of cancer.
Overall, eight of the 36 missileers with cancer diagnoses, the majority of whom served at Malmstrom sometime between 1997 and 2007, have died. 6, 2023 at 3:47 am #147916WES
ParticipantRussian Ground Robot:
A MoA blogger said “I want one of those”! To take me home from the Pub!
December 6, 2023 at 4:07 am #147917Mister Roboto
ParticipantI think I may have found where deflationista went.
Oliver Stone is moving into "Stop The Steal" territory.
Oliver Stone used to be very left-wing, and even three years ago voted for Biden because he recognized the threat another Trump term would bring. A new low for him.
— Post-Left Watch (@PostLeftWatch) December 5, 2023
December 6, 2023 at 11:49 pm #147964Oroboros
ParticipantNormally anything CNN says is propaganda and lies. Unless their pimps tell them to turn up the heat on Bibi and his blood thirsty minions
Money-Changers in Israel Knew of Oct-7 Attack, Used Short-Selling Activity On Eve of Attack
Seems a number of traders started shorting the value of Israeli companies starting days before the Oct 7 attacks.
Believable, turning a buck and a trick with insider info.
December 7, 2023 at 12:20 am #147966Oroboros
ParticipantDrones in Warfare
A new Russian evacuation drone vehicle
The key to saving wounded is fast evac from combat to a field hospital
The Russians have excellent recovery rate for their wounded.
The Ukronazis either can’t or don’t bother to evacuate their wounded and in some cases have had to BRIBE the evacuation ambulance drivers to take them to good hospital.
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