Debt Rattle December 7 2014


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    Arthur Rothstein Accident on US 40 between Hagerstown and Cumberland, Maryland Nov 1936 • OPEC And American Shale Keep The Oil Price Spiralling Downwa
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 7 2014]


    “Take a look at all of the highly rated financial blogs and you will discover that virtually ALL of them accept donations. Virtually ALL of them. Let that sink in.”
    I dont know where you get your blog ratings, is it, or
    Here I will prove your bullshit is just that.
    What is the total global debt, the one your batshit crazy apes harp about?

    This is from the previous post. Maybe you or Nicole Foss can answer this. So simple three questions. You answer them, I will give you my response and I will leave forever. Hopefully in the process a minority of your blog members will see how clueless you are.

    Diogenes Shrugged


    You asked two remarkably stupid questions, but required that Ilargi answer three.

    Can’t count? Can’t handle your alcohol? Off your medications?

    This TAE village has, for a long time, been in need of an idiot. From all the spittle on your beard and vomitus on your shirt, I’d say you’re a shoe-in for the job. I don’t know what you’re paid to do this, but so far you haven’t earned a penny of it.


    I asked one question douchebag and I was going to ask two more after that.

    “I dont know where you get your blog ratings, is it, or” was a sarcastic question or maybe sarcasm is lost to people who equate everything to an asteroid strike on earth.


    Hey Huck,
    This ain’t Jeopardy. Why not just make your point?


    “This ain’t Jeopardy. Why not just make your point?”
    Do you know why RIM has not answered yet? Because he knows I am about to fuck his stupid ideas.


    Just a suggestion – don’t feed the trolls, folks…

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