Debt Rattle February 10 2021
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February 10, 2021 at 9:59 am #69495
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterClaude Monet Houses of Parliament (Sun Breaking through the Fog) 1904 • Nation To Celebrate 1st Anniversary Of Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve (
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 10 2021]February 10, 2021 at 11:18 am #69496anticlimactic
Certainly in the UK where draconian edicts are issued daily.
Today’s edict is a total ban on holidays this year, either in Britain or abroad!
There seems to be another drug which could reduce hospitalisation, by 90% : the steroid budesonide. Sold as Pulmicort by AstraZeneca
February 10, 2021 at 11:24 am #69497V. Arnold
ParticipantClaude Monet Houses of Parliament (Sun Breaking through the Fog) 1904
Monet on a roll…
Outstanding silhouettes of the Houses of Parliament…
They are rather impressive buildings…February 10, 2021 at 12:37 pm #69498Dr. D
ParticipantFrom yesterday:
“Fossil fuel pollution causes nearly 1 in 5 deaths globally each year” Oil is now the leading cause of death. Not cancer, not heart disease, not Covid. People are so math illiterate they don’t even notice CNN is the most fake, made-up, illogical, unscientific adder of random word soup on the internets.
But they are quoting Harvard, so…clearly false. Using a computer model, so false to the false squared.
Maybe someday being catastrophically wrong about everything while shifting money from the poor to the rich will matter, but today is not that day.
This is so important France won’t pay for it. And China doesn’t have to. YOU will.
How about deaths from GREEN fuel?
Achtung Baby! (It’s Cold Outside) – Germany’s “Green” Energy Fail Rescued by Coal and Gas
Its millions of solar panels are blanketed in snow and ice and breathless, freezing weather is encouraging its 30,000 wind turbines to do absolutely nothing at all…”That’s what I say when I hear “wind and solar”: Well, I hope you don’t like air conditioning. Wasn’t the last French heatwave killed more people than Covid because being a moderate climate, they don’t have A/C?
And that’s besides Germany not being a nation, depending on the grid (as well as actual power on slow days) from France and Russia, and therefore their “Green” energy is really badly outdated nuclear plants? Are they really a sovereign nation if they collapse without Russia holding them up? Reminds me of the electric car people. Cars that run on coal using lithium mined at gunpoint in Afghanistan. Good idea!
Batteries CANNOT work. You have to carry around the container, the battery matrix-stuff, which you can only add ions to. It’s impossible for it to be as energy-dense as a tin can of all-energy-no-matrix.
What we really need are cars that run on clean hydrogen — Space Age stuff. …Except Hydrogen can’t be stored: it’s gaseous and must be high-pressurized, not good for wasted energy on pumps, dangerous gas stations and fill ups, can’t be pipelined, explosive if ruptured in an accident, but more importantly, being so small it escapes from any tank you can make.
BUT – and I’m just spitballing here – maybe we could find a way to combine the hydrogen bonds into long chains, we could LIQUIFY it, make it a lot safer on rupture, cheaper to pump, and so easy and safe we could store it in a milk jug. It would revolutionize transportation industry if only we could find this product.
…Congratulations, you’ve just invented “gasoline”, a liquid chain of atomic bonds that are 100% consumable, easily stored, and broken off in a chemical reaction that is astonishingly energy-dense.
Green Energy isn’t even science. Which you can tell since every Green New Deal from Tesla to Solyndra suck up billions of dollars from the poorest taxpayers, hands it to rich insiders, immediately or eventually goes bankrupt, and leaves an infinitely-polluting, non-recyclable white elephant in its wake, where once virgin forests and topsoil used to be. ‘Cause if you’re not concrete-slabbing 5.3 million square feet every day to create another “alien dreadnaught” where nature used to be, it’s just not environmental.
Meanwhile, I can build you a Model A or a golf cart that runs on field-grown biodiesel for $3000. No one cares because it doesn’t cause wars overseas or government-mandated profits on the backs of the poor. You do know Tesla’s fortune is paid for by the people of downtown Baltimore and Flint, Michigan, right? Making the rich richer to be ANTI-environmental. #Winning.
” J&J CEO Says Annual Covid Vaccine Needed “For Years” as MSM Warns Virus Will “Circulate for Decades”
You mean the vaccine that doesn’t work and has side effects like “instant death”? Why not? Note the claim in this headline was made by the “Mainstream Media” who has been wrong about everything for 20 years running. WMD and Ties to Al-Qaeda. RussiaRussiaRussia.
Here’s an idea: STOP BUYING STUFF. The end. Congratulations you’re now more environmental than every politician in Europe, every greenie, and signaling pop star combined. And you’ve blown a hole in the side of billionaires and government too. Sitting at home on your couch. Because it’s SO EASY. And they are just that stupid. But you can’t because that would require responsibility and sacrifice.
“Trump Hid His Calls with Putin. Now, Biden Has Access to Them. (Pol.)”
So the story here is Biden has access to all the calls and found nothing. Got it. So…you’re LYING. Because it’s a day ending in “Y” and it’s an hour o’clock.
“he has intentionally kept a low profile, something that will likely continue this week.”
But I thought he was a narcissist who couldn’t stop Twittering. Now he stopped talking for a month and doesn’t bother him at all. What gives? Maybe because, like everything else said in most of my lifetime, you’re
LyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLyingLying?Nah. I called the NYTimes. They said they weren’t. RussiaRussiaRussia.
By the way, they are so totally NOT lying that someone had to build an App that erases their worst, fakest, most lying reporters off social media newsfeeds so you don’t accidentally read them and their lies. (Lookin’ at you, Luke Harding) I couldn’t approve more. This is what we’ve come to when the Editors and Owners won’t fire are remove them. We have to do their jobs for them, as if I have time.
“Births in China Plummeted 15% in 2020 (ZH)”
There is a book called “Fewer” that describes – and against all scientists, environmentalists, and thinktanks “helping” humanity die as prematurely as possible — that wealth lowers birth rates, and therefore, demographically, all your arguments about overpopulation will turn out to be complete, fabricated, mass-murdering bulls—t, like always, every year for the 200 years since Malthus. Here they are, proven right again. Doing nothing.
But hey, our helping at least destroyed all those concrete square feet and leveled some untouched ore mountains, amirite?
“Biden Continues Push for Assange’s Extradition Ahead of US Appeal Deadline (RT)”
Well what do you expect from a guy who puts kids in cages.
February 10, 2021 at 1:13 pm #69499Basseterre Kitona
Participant• Mark Cuban’s Mavericks Won’t Play National Anthem Anymore (NYP)
I’m mostly ok with this. Playing the national anthem before every game has always felt a bit absurd to me. At a baseball game, you are sitting there in the bleachers, beer in hand and half way through a hot dog when suddenly you are supposed to drop everything and stand at attention. Probably half the crowd was ignoring it anyway until all this kneeling BS arrived. So I don’t have a problem eliminating it to keep politics out of sports. And don’t even get me started on the recent “tradition” of adding God Bless America to the 7th inning stretch.
There is also the absurdity of it just in the sense that being at a baseball game is already pretty darn American thing to do. Imagine if the French paused to sing La Marseillaise everytime the ate coq-au-vin…because you know, they might forget that they are French.
Having said all of that, singing the anthem before big games can add to the ceremonial feel of the affair. Opening Day or a championship game, for example. Also, perhaps first game after something like September 11, 2001. And it is still nice to hear the various anthems at international Olympic style events when an athlete represents his country by winning a gold medal.
But overall, I’m generally for decoupling sports from the state.
February 10, 2021 at 1:23 pm #69500Mr. House
ParticipantNot sure if anyone here watched the superbowl, i caught half of it because my grandma is a huge tom brady fan wanted to watch. Anyways i found it to be so lacking in fun and enjoyment. The ads are usually the best part part due to being funny/silly. Not this year, i didn’t see a Jeep ad with bruce springsteen but it apparently has made some people angry. Didn’t see a single funny ad, everything was trying to be “inspiring” but really just came of as pathetic. Can you imagine what it was like when the first superbowl was played. All the pomp and circumstance removed, just some football in black in white? Anyways i stopped watching at halftime.
February 10, 2021 at 2:35 pm #69501Dr. D
ParticipantFootball, and razors, decided to be political, but I get my politics from news sources, not football games, so they’re all on boycott, forever. The thing sports is selling — their entire POINT — is a break from daily life. But in #OppositeLand, that’s the only place you DON’T get a relaxing break. If you hadn’t noticed, another 15% of all Americans agree. Viewership collapses in every sport in exact proportion to how Woke they are. I.e. China-slave-loving NBA first, PGA let’s-just-play-golf last.
“Conservatives Sit Down For A Relaxing Evening Of Being Insulted By Every Major Corporation In America” BBee
I’m not into being lectured on Justice by corporations supporting active, ongoing human slavery. If I wanted that lecture, I’d call my owner and ask.
February 10, 2021 at 2:45 pm #69502zerosum
Participant“…..more variants will emerge in the coming months, and the possibility that those variants will evade the vaccines.”
How to end lockdown. – Herd immunity
(The following advise is free, therefore, worthless.)
Best covid 19 test Grey hair
Give covid 19 vaccine to everyone with grey hair
Because you cannot get covid19 if you got the vaccineTherefore this will end the pandemic
(for the well-to-do, who can afford to pay for the extra fees/cost that are imposed to go “back to normal” socializing )February 10, 2021 at 2:47 pm #69503absolute galore
ParticipantActually, the first Super Bowl wasn’t quite that long ago. It was filmed so that you could see the red of the Chief’s jerseys and the green of the Green Bay Packers. (Also a historic clash of two great quarterbacks, Len Dawson and Bart Starr.)
I was never a big Springsteen fan. Here he plays–what, a hard-working, salt of the earth rancher? (ie, domesticated, white-collar cowboy. Yet in one shot, pre-hat, he looks almost Native American. ReUnite indeed.) His gravely voiceover may have some sonic gravitas, but his words are sentimental cotton candy platitudes. Not to mention part of the marketing speak of one of our political parties. Guess which one? Gotta think Jeep might just lose a few red state sales. Will the Insurrectionists put all their jeeps up for sale?
I can’t really tell if Dr. D is agreeing or disagreeing with the idea that overpopulation is a problem. To the extent that it is a further drain on resources, definitely a problem, especially as more and more people are transformed from citizens into consumers.. No doubt China will once again be incentivizing baby-making in the coming years.
February 10, 2021 at 3:07 pm #69504John Day
Participant@Polder Dweller: You asked about how the (Vitamin-D) ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline treatment works.
I had a long Friday at work, then did a lot of real life work and arranging in Yoakum from Saturday through Monday, and back to paid work yesterday. (excuses)
Nobody, out of about 40 that I recall hearing back from, has gotten worse after starting the treatment. All but a few, who already have nausea/diarrhea, have kept it down well. Vomiting reduces it’s efficacy, but out of those 3, nobody really got bad, either. A moderate number of people take one pill per day of the ivermectin, no matter what is written on the bottle. They don’t get better quickly.
Almost everybody who takes it and keeps it down feels better within 24 hours.February 10, 2021 at 3:22 pm #69505Susmarie108
ParticipantHi Mr. House,
You were smart to turn the SuperBowl off prior to half-time. I tuned in for half-time only – with a thought that it might be “entertaining”, like last year. Big mistake. Guess I was expecting something like last year….
I’m a high-energy girl who relates to other strong, talented women. Even the beautiful ones! Say what you will about J. Lo and Shakeira, but these two really excelled at their ART. Tell me that this was not an amazing and entertaining only-in-America show moment. Pure energy, unleashed – wild and focused. I get up and dance every time I watch it. Heyyy, why not add a little fun into your mix once in a while?
February 10, 2021 at 3:29 pm #69506Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJohn Day,
Here’s the FDA. Have fun. 😉
COVID-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals
Some of the side-effects that may be associated with ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalization and liver injury (hepatitis). Laboratory test abnormalities include decrease in white cell count and elevated liver tests. Any use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as its benefits and safety for these purposes have not been established. Data from clinical trials are necessary for us to determine whether ivermectin is safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19.
February 10, 2021 at 3:56 pm #69507John Day
ParticipantHeh,heh, heh…
What they don’t sayis that ALL of those side effects are from killing the massive load of filariform worms and other parasites infesting your body, like treating “River Blindeness”. A bunch of kinds of worm corpses are now dead and your body reacts with shock as it tries to clean up the mess.These side effects do not apply to treating COVID.
heh, heh, heh… Don’t be a sucker.
February 10, 2021 at 4:01 pm #69508John Day
ParticipantThe red on that map looks like Bangladesh and West Bengal, one country as part of India , until civil war, threatened by sea level rise. People will have to leave.
February 10, 2021 at 4:06 pm #69509John Day
ParticipantI remain highly suspicious that Hank Aaron died of immune thrombocytopenia causing “a massive stroke”, which would have been the smoking gun, if it was a bleed, not ischemia (dry),
Clammed-up. No information will be allowed out.
“Natural Causes” , is all we will get.
If it was a dry/ischemic stroke, they would have said so.
It would have excluded his death as a side effect.February 10, 2021 at 4:23 pm #69510Susmarie108
ParticipantThe Choreography!
Imagine directing 100’s of dancers to form a “cast” of synergistic support in a huge outdoor stadium venue.
Did you catch that lighted/animated circular center stage? Watch as it turns into a void surrounded by land and waterfalls.
The “beat” through music and dance rolled like thunder throughout. Hello! famous Led Zep rif….they must have put that in there just for me.
The costumes! Give me red fringe and boots or give me death…wait…give me silver and gold body suits or give me….that head of long blonde-ish hair so I can fluff and whip it around for what I do not know (for fun?)….Oh wait…
Give me/I choose to cultivate dedication to my ART so that I offer full expression of my talents and GIFTS in every moment. Across all meduims. In all ways.
A superbowl show like this one is a Monet in its own realm….a V. Arnold critique would be delightful.
February 10, 2021 at 4:49 pm #69511John Day
Participant@Absolute Galore, from yesterday: Vitamin-D deficiency makes the immune system malfunction.
Enough vitamin-D helps the immune system be intelligent and discerning.
Thinking “too much” and “too little” is barking up the wrong tree.
An intelligent immune system is very likely to stop coronaviruses in the nose and throat area.
An angry, overwhelmed and desperate immune system busts loose with cytokine storm, which is too-much-too-late.February 10, 2021 at 5:05 pm #69512Maxwell Quest
Participant“I can’t really tell if Dr. D is agreeing or disagreeing with the idea that overpopulation is a problem.”
I believe the point he was making is that birth rate is strongly correlated with poverty, so when income levels rise the birth rate falls – Japan being a good example of this.
I think we all agree that overpopulation and overconsumption are problems, but these are so multifaceted and complex that humanity is not capable of getting its head around them.
Overconsumption, at first glance, appears to be a cultural problem that is more easily solved. Native American tribes, for example, had a pretty harmonious relationship with nature. Buffalo herds were grateful that their hides and other body parts were not extracted by Walmart-sized processing plants and shipped worldwide. The problem of overconsumption has no chance until the profit motive of Capitalism is solved first, and this may only be investigated by those that are left to pick up the pieces after WW3.
Overpopulation, on the other hand, looks to be a harder nut to crack. We’re getting into biological issues, moral issues, nationalism (power in numbers), etc., and of course resource depletion – a complexity beyond belief. The “pill” has done wonders for sexual liberation without the nasty side effect of birth, but lower life forms have not been too thrilled with all the extra hormones that are being dumped into their ecosystems. There always seem to be three new problems created for every solution we put forth. Almost as if humanity did not have the capacity to understand how nature works. But I’m sure that scientists are working feverishly to come up with another one-size-fits-all solution – a new and more deadly pandemic or thermo-nuclear war for instance.
Three cheers for Dr John Day!! I would trust him with my life. Wouldn’t you?
February 10, 2021 at 5:12 pm #69513Polder Dweller
Participant@John Day
Thanks for the reply, it’s very encouraging.
I’ll pass your info on to the medical professionals I know, but I’ll take an umbrella in anticipation of the inevitable sputum-flecked response I will be sure to receive. There’s just no pleasing some people.
February 10, 2021 at 5:19 pm #69514Mr. House
ParticipantI enjoyed this (lifted from the comments at ecosophia)
February 10, 2021 at 5:26 pm #69515kultsommer
Participant@ a.g.
Thanks for posting the vid of the game even I am not particular fan of it, however beautifully done highlights made it palatable. $ 15,000 (bit over $100,000 in today’s $) per player of a winning team – talking about an insult to today’s in the game. What the beautiful time to live in the US. Stadium full of people who had no mortgage, rent or any other financial problems (up to the point, of course). Peace of mind guaranteed as long as one shows up for honest day of work. Speaking of which brings me to Bruce Springsteen. Never liked any singer who would forcibly push the gravel voice (M. Bolton is another case), but in my mind, somehow, he always represented that “all American construction worker” – specie complacently erased from the job sites across the nation. Proud earner of good living is replaced by low pay and on demand legal and illegal imports from the south, working, what appears, all seven days in a week. Speaking of which brings me to demographics. In my circle of friends, an idea of fewer kids is related to ability to provide decent upbringing for them. I had known some couples who were just “one child over”, which meant that for many activities if they could not pay for all nobody goes to.
Population is swelling from the places and a people who could least afford it. Earth would be helped a lot if, at least, most of sapiens do not leave pile of garbage behind.February 10, 2021 at 6:03 pm #69516John Day
ParticipantJeremy, “Germ” sent this: Ivermectin is bad if it’s a competitor to YOUR products.
FLCCC Alliance Response to Merck’s
public statements on ivermectin’s
efficacy in COVID-191 10, 2021 at 6:29 pm #69517Mr. House
This is just a tragic comedy at this point. If you want people to take you seriously provide the public N95 masks free of charge.
February 10, 2021 at 6:31 pm #69518Mr. House
ParticipantFebruary 10, 2021 at 8:14 pm #69519upstateNYer
Participant@Maxwell Quest: “Three cheers for Dr John Day!! I would trust him with my life. Wouldn’t you?”
I would. He is a treasure. We are fortunate to have him here.
I take D, K-2, Zinc, Quercetine, C. I have Doxy and horse Iverm**tin (are we allowed to use that word?) in the house. My human Iverm**tin is on it’s way from India, a reliable source Dr John Day recommended.
I don’t worry about the C word at all, despite being in NY where fear porn is pumped at us all day, every day. If I die from the C word despite these measures, it was my time to die. I’m good with that.
Thanks also to Raul (the best on the web, in my opinion) and all the other commenters as well. Appreciate y’all more than you realize.
February 10, 2021 at 8:24 pm #69520Dr. D
ParticipantOver time I’ve grown ever more torn and understanding of the bad guy’s take and plan on limiting humans. …Don’t tell.
Yes, the point is the RICHER we get, the less humans, maybe a strange extension of Jevon’s Paradox? However, consumption doesn’t drop. Yet.
However, my own view is a lot closer to “We have enough for everyone’s need, not enough for everyone’s greed.” Humans? It depends. Do we all live like Al Gore and Bill Gates or like Zen monks and Shaker villages? If Shaker villages, I guarantee we’d have more more resources than we can know what to do with. And we wouldn’t waste any of them either, as is our Christian responsibility in the Millennium age.
So that’s where they go so badly wrong. A grown-up culture — even like we has as recently as the 1890s — would be lavish and rich, culturally abundant, with space age inventions daily, while using a fraction, a tenth of the resources today, while being infinitely happier doing it. And of course even more mature, like the two religious groups above, allows ever higher states with ever-lower resources.
While they have the opposite view, of shortage and death, which is fine, but they force it on me and everyone they know making life BOTH more wasteful buy the hundred, AND more miserable by the million. That I can’t allow.
February 10, 2021 at 9:07 pm #69521Mr. House
ParticipantTo do as you say Dr. D they would have to be stewards of humanity, that they most certainly are not.
February 10, 2021 at 10:13 pm #69522Glennda
Participant@ Mr. House
“I enjoyed this (lifted from the comments at ecosophia)”I also enjoyed that link. What a witty writer, with great turns of phrase. I usually can’t read all the comments to JMG’s blog Ecosophia, but this is a keeper. I really like his calling academics, goldfish who think they are whales in our muddy pond of current history. Thanks for sharing that.
@ John Day – thank you for being the light of clarity and reason about treatments for covid. You have a voice I can trust.
@ Ilargi – thank you for this blog. It makes my morning coffee much more eye opening.
February 10, 2021 at 10:22 pm #69523upstateNYer
ParticipantI don’t blame only the wealthy, Mr. House. We all have a responsibility in what has gone wrong here. Ultimately no one is our personal “steward” but ourselves.
Dr D: I hear you and understand where you’re coming from. Isn’t the problem actually just that? We are human. Evolution is not linear and we are not evolving to some mythical higher place that enhances our desirable traits. Technology is destroying us as it provides access to wealth we don’t even begin to need in order to live. Whether uber wealthy or simply sort of middle class, we are flat out spoiled. The more we have, the more we want. (please no one jump in to tell me that he/she personally isn’t like that. It’s on a spectrum. I get that).
I like dogs. Have had dogs for 30+ years. They’re awesome companions. But as companions (ok, pets) they have no “job” that they understand. So they’re able to be puppies until the day they die. Spoiled, pampered, demanding. They wind up with odd behavioral issues no self-respecting wolf or wild dog would ever have.
I think it’s like that. It’s all too easy for humans now (not every human, obviously, but definitely the ones controlling the flow of the overall gig, and that is not JUST the people “in power”). We’re in some ways perpetual children at this point, and technology has accelerated that phenomenon over the past few decades especially.
Dr D, you are also a treasure, although I suspect not everyone would agree. 😉
February 10, 2021 at 10:38 pm #69524upstateNYer
ParticipantPS … the spectrum is a typical bell curve. Dr John Day is on the far left side, under the very low tail, as he bikes around, donates to people in need, grows food, works at a public health clinic, and freely sharing his knowledge and resources with anyone and everyone. Jeff Bezos is on the far [far] left side, way out under that opposite low tail.
February 10, 2021 at 10:41 pm #69525upstateNYer
ParticipantBezos is on the far [far] RIGHT side. Duh. Long day. Tired.
February 11, 2021 at 12:03 am #69526V. Arnold
ParticipantWe’re in some ways perpetual children at this point, and technology has accelerated that phenomenon over the past few decades especially.
Our infantilization started with forced education around 1853. A fascinating read is The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto.
I cannot recommend this book too highly…February 11, 2021 at 1:44 am #69527WES
ParticipantSo just as I expected obiden is aggressively pursuing Julian. It wasn’t very hard to figure this out. All I had to do is look at who has the motive. The same folks who own the RussiaRussiaRussia narrative!
Have you noticed how the RussiaRussiaRussia narrative is be amplified since joe arrived.February 11, 2021 at 2:06 am #69528WES
ParticipantAnother way of looking at falling birth rates.
In today’s social welfare state, an individual is already burdened by pre-existing state (public) family obligations via income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, etc.
Then should this individual decide with another individual to bring a child into this world, they have to take into consideration the ability to take on the double burdens of a state (public) family plus their own private family.
Do they have enough financial resources, and personal energy left to support both? Can they do it well or just poorly?
Further if they do decide to start a private family, do they still have enough financial resources left if one of the two individuals has to reduce their financial resources to start a private family since the burden of supporting the public family never goes away?
Obviously, the falling birth rate answers these questions.
February 11, 2021 at 2:07 am #69529Mr. House
Participant“Ultimately no one is our personal “steward” but ourselves.”
I don’t disagree, and i mind my own business. I’m not the one running up the debt and dictating to others. I live in a small two room apartment, and kept my rent at under 700 dollars since i started renting. You end up having to move alot to make it work, but its doable. I avoid debt like the real plague and save as much as i can because thats the only freedom you have in america. But i do not condone the strong preying on the weak, which is what 90% of our economy is, along with .gov.
February 11, 2021 at 2:16 am #69530WES
ParticipantAnother way to look at the blue and red world map is to realize how rich small Bangladesh is in it’s ability to support human life, compared to most of the land mass in the rest of the world!
Clearly Bangladesh produces more food than Canada, Russia, and Australia put together!
February 11, 2021 at 2:28 am #69531V. Arnold
ParticipantTrump was an abomination as President; how is it that under Biden I find myself thinking back to trump as maybe not so abominable…….. 😉
February 11, 2021 at 2:49 am #69532John Day
Participant@Maxwell Quest: Thank You.
@UpstateNYer: Thank You, too.
@Glennda: You’re Good, too.
@Dr.D: Where does that involuntary population control by elites lead?
I think it is what they do when we start to outgrow our resources.
I think it is the use they provide to the gene pool.
I think we can be much better stewards than that. We know how.
How do we get there from here?
It’s a though problem that requires action, but you just have to keep working it until you start to make progress.
We’re working on it.February 11, 2021 at 4:05 am #69533V. Arnold
Participant@ John Day
How are your banana’s doing? Did they survive the freeze?
Keep on keeping on good doctor…February 11, 2021 at 4:41 am #69534my parents said know
ParticipantOff topic: If time travel exists, it has always existed.
On topic: I thought this was a particularly decent board today. Thanks, all you wonderful, digital folks.
John Day- If by some chance I think I require Ivermectin, how much will I regret losing my little parasitic friends? What percent of us rent space to helminths? -
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