Debt Rattle February 12 2022


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    A) Debunk the Funk doesn’t readily identify his paper. No biggire. But then he goes into the classic laundry list of logical fallacies these guys are so infatuated by:

    I mean, first I was supposed to die a month after my second shot. Then it was 3 months. Then it was when I get my next flu shot. Then it was when I get my booster. Anti-vaxxers were wrong at each of these steps and now they just have to make up the next dumb thing.

    A lot of people have Ph.Ds in molecular biology. Big Pharma hires them. Ph.D. is coming to mean PHizer Doctor.


    Oops. I forgot that the Ottawa truckers had decided to open the Windsor bridge (which I think is smart).


    for our tone-def botulism:

    You Can Do It!


    To show how close Zerohedge and TAE are connected, look at the end of this piece:

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Zerohedge, but in instances like this I think: wait a minute, I linked that tweet and that graph, today!; nobody else did.


    Tucker Carlson Today with Dr Robert Malone

    One hour, February 10, 2022

    D Benton Smith

    I agree with @Boscohorowitz . If the truckers yield they are acquiescing to the State’s usurped and EVIL “right” to murder the Truckers, their children and and anyone else the State deems to be subject to government mandate.. If faced with no other choice than that then it is CLEARLY justifiable in Natural Law that the Truckers defend themselves, with deadly force if necessary. There is no law more fundamental than the right of self defense. (well, I suppose there is always the right to be a corpse. NO ONE can take that away from ya !)

    Is there anyone on this site with their head so far up their keister that they have not known for a LONG time that this crisis involves extremely large scale violent loss of life? This fact-to-be has been baked into the cake for a hundred years or more. Musical chairs, and the music is a beat or two from stopping. Choose a side, grab a chair or be no more.


    Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and the female reproductive system

    Again I wonder: How much like the “natural” (cough) spike is the “we made you make it” spike in the “vaccine”?
    They are muddy-ing the waters of “was it the infection? or was it the “vaccine”?”
    The other night I accidentally listened to Fauci on cspan and thought “He’s on the defensive. He’s assuring women there is no threat to fertility caused by the “vaccine”.”


    “(well, I suppose there is always the right to be a corpse. NO ONE can take that away from ya !)”



    For Oroboros, just because TOby he did such a good job of covering that most awesome song:

    Toby Keith Shambala

    Speaking of Shambala as if it had really existed a la Shangri-La, housing , millennia ago, a people called Sparrow, a non-linguistic line of humanity that self-isolated from the rest of humanity circa 10k years ago when they saw how language was turning humanity into something they did not want to: if an albino early pubescent female Sparrow were to leave home, get lost, live ferally for a few years after being more or less enchanted away from her people by a rare reindeer, before encountering St. Nicholas about 1300 years ago, would that reindeer be an albino reindeer:



    or the even more rare black reindeer, so rare I can only share an image of a black deer:


    Asking for Nicholas’ one true love, The Snow Maiden:

    Polar Love Call


    P.S. The Jordan Petersen paper shortage article inspired me regarding which publishing platform to pursue.


    A paper shortage would have to precede a black-out of the internet.


    ‘You don’t come to a knife fight with a piece of paper. You come with a sword.’

    Or at least a rock and scissors. 😉


    “A paper shortage would have to precede a black-out of the internet.”

    I’m curious. Why do you think so? Not disputing, I just drawe a blank.


    I mean, godamighty, you are either the stupidest troll or dumbest robot I’ve ever met.

    Dr. (Debunk_the_Funk) Wilson suggests something that our own Dr. D recommended: “You don’t have to trust me or Bhakdi. Trust the data.

    Ahhhh. “Trust the data.” What a concept! Seems that boscohorrorshitz would rather construct his standard cryptic, bloviations than look at the data.

    Surely, you “lovers of data” will watch this short video because you know, you “want to see the data”. Or “the papers”. Or the “proof”. But I am guessing you won’t, because you are more interested in just repeating what you want to hear and calling me a retard. Smart! Wise strategy. And a strategy that leads one to conclude that 1/3 of the population will be dying horribly in the next 5 years from VAIDS based on completely horseshit information.


    We don’t waste much time watching debunking your posts anymore, defbot. Your reputation precedes them. We wasted ample time debunking previous posts. Reliably 90% shit, sometimes 110%.

    In short, we know you’re wrong. What we don’t know is how much if any of you is biological human or digital software.

    I’m sure that some of what DebunkFunk says is true. If so, I’m sure it’s misconstrued into falsehood.

    Truth is what remains after you give up trying to convince reality that it isn’t real.


    Let’s be honest here. The reason the Globalists launched this authoritarianism on us is their belief that the only opposition they would face is peaceful protest. It’d be nice if peaceful protest would defeat them. Might also be naive thinking it can.

    Did Charlotte Corday have it right? “Kill one and the rest will be afraid.” Given that these political leaders are bullies/cowards, might an assassinated leader back in April 2020 have given them all pause? It’s pretty easy to be motivated to create a totalitarian state when the only opposition you might face is peaceful protesters. But if you know you could be risking your life, then you might think twice about proceeding.

    Yes I know that the assassination of Murat led to the Reign of Terror. Build Back Better means they must first destroy everything. Is there really anything to lose?

    Ok I admit it, we’re all still too comfortable to go that far. Nevertheless there will be a point enough people will have nothing to lose and be angry enough to act upon it. Which is why I hope the truckers succeed. It appears to be the only way to avoid serious violence.


    Meanwhile, in SA: 9 Phoenix officers injured, 2 dead: What we know about the police shooting

    It’s in the air. Cops lost the war the day they let that Berkley security dick pepper spray peacefully protesting students and nothing happened.

    Until people start shooting cops and goons and such, the torture will continue. Bullies are either stood up to or take over.

    If the people leave it up to the “hard men”, they’ll get a hard reward. If one doesn’t stand up and fight for oneself, why should anyone else help you?

    D Benton Smith

    Nobody who has not PHYSICALLY involved themselves in the making of THINGS really understands the meaning of the word “force” . After you have successfully moved a 4 or 5 ton log without machinery, loosened a rusted-on 2 inch hex-nut using hand tools, or welded up some half-inch steel plate, maybe THEN you’ll start to twig on what FORCE is. Force in itself is quite mindless.

    At it’s most fundamental level, force is not good or bad. It is not legal or illegal. It is neither craven nor noble, criminal or justified. It is just FORCE. In human affairs force is frequently associated with “will”. In other words, through an act of “will” a FORCE comes to be directed and applied to something or someone. In those cases then it is a really big deal as to WHO gets to do the directing, and WHOSE “will” gets to be applied.

    In this world we have (more or less stupidly) enabled the elite to be the “will” and us (through our collaborating cooperative action) to supply the force which is then applied to whatever objective the “will of the elite masters” choose.

    Never forget , however, (although you first maybe need to REMEMBER) that the SOURCE of the FORCE is YOU, and the God you serve (whether you choose to be aware of those facts or not).

    It is going to occur in the very near future (maybe moments away) that in order to stay alive you will need to direct and apply FORCE. Choose early and well how to do that.


    “Let’s be honest here. The reason the Globalists launched this authoritarianism on us is their belief that the only opposition they would face is peaceful protest. It’d be nice if peaceful protest would defeat them. Might also be naive thinking it can.”

    I can’t agree carte blanche with the opening statement but I generally agree. They think we’re pansies and they’re mostly right. But not entirely. One stick of dynamite in a pile of dead wood can create the nastiest wood splinter shrapnel you can imagine.


    Best headline all year so far:

    Joe Manchin and Marco Rubio teamed up on a bill to block government funds from being used to give out crack pipes

    I guess mere bread’n’circuses ain’t cutting it any more.


    from the same pinnacle grunge musical era and aptly titled:

    Lie Flow


    “Did Charlotte Corday have it right? “Kill one and the rest will be afraid.””

    Yes, but it has to among the goons who do the actual work. Shoot a president and they just throw the goons at you. Gotta shoot the goons, period. Not that I’m against shooting presidents and such.

    We didn’t shoot King George in 1776. We shot a buncha goons, many of them innocent lads shanghaied to kill foreigners for no good.

    But still, goons. Gotta shoot ’em… or they’ll shoot you. That is generally how the game is played. Mao said something about it. Memes and schemes may break your dreams but docility will get your head busted right quick.


    What Dr. D said about TPTB firing people as first strategy:

    Los Angeles sheriff stripped of his enforcement power after he refused to make his staff get vaccinated despite county-wide mandate

    I’m sure his successor will enjoy great loyalty from his force. Not.

    “The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors decided on Tuesday to relieve Sheriff Alex Villanueva of the responsibility to enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandates, The Los Angeles Times reported.

    The decision to strip him of the responsibility comes after Villanueva has for months refused to enforce the mandate.

    In October, Villanueva said he would not enforce the mandate because he feared losing a chunk of his staff.”


    Just seems apt:

    Mayberry SWAT Team


    A live ammo citizen martyr would be the catalyst that brings the kettle to a boil (pun partially intended). Seems likely and quite imminent.

    Anyone thinks the cops aren’t scared of those truckers and friends, think again.


    Windsor County Jail:

    When they close the cell doors at whatever (I forget PM), the building shakes like a major earthquake. I peed my bridges and then some.

    I wonder if the truckers will slash their tires, empty their tanks, go home, let the goons find out what a job is before them.

    Anyway, this really looks like the kind of thing that gets bloody.


    ” I peed my bridges”

    Freud giggles in his grave


    If the people don’t disperse, they either have to get violent or remove the trucks themselves when merely removing a few key bolts will render the trucks untowable.

    This is going to be a significant event and will take awhile to definitively, undeniably show who’s on top.


    We don’t waste much time watching debunking your posts anymore, defbot. Your reputation precedes them. We wasted ample time debunking previous posts. Reliably 90% shit, sometimes 110%.

    In short, we know you’re wrong. What we don’t know is how much if any of you is biological human or digital software.

    I’m sure that some of what DebunkFunk says is true. If so, I’m sure it’s misconstrued into falsehood.

    Truth is what remains after you give up trying to convince reality that it isn’t real.

    Wow! You have a really strange way of defining debunking. You don’t know what you don’t know. You are Dunning-Kruger. King Dunning-Kruger. You just “know” that I am wrong. You “belieeeeeve” that I am wrong. You don’t waste time “debunking” my claims anymore? That’s funny. No one here ever has. But like I said, you have a really strange way of defining debunking, so maybe you think you have.

    Maybe you prefer some other form of debunking? Maybe the afro guy makes you uncomfortable? Maybe women looking at Malone’s claims are more palatable to you? Why would you not want to know how wrong you are? Or how wrong your “heroes” are? It seems like that would be step #1 for a “seeker of knowledge”:

    You see, it doesn’t take very much effort to shatter your narrative. Or Malone’s.

    I am capable of being contrary. In fact, that’s usually how I start out on any topic. But, when looking at a topic, and I quickly realize that the data behind a certain viewpoint is rather weak (baloney detection), and in some cases fraudulent, and in most cases, just really really dumb, I typically just become very suspicious of the purveyors of that viewpoint. When it keeps happening, you build a picture- of the viewpoint and the people spouting it.

    You people will say the same thing in regards to your viewpoint. And me. That you are the holders of the REAL data. That my data is wrong. And that YOU are the ones who are very suspicious.

    The difference is, when I provide actual data and analysis that pokes trucker convoy size holes in your narrative, with various forms of data, you just ignore it, because of my “reputation”. (Do you know your own reputation?) Or by saying you just “know” that I am wrong. You say YOU provide “the actual” “real” data, but the data you are using, that Malone is using, that Kirsch is using, that Kory is using, is shown, time and time again, to be full of these trucker sized holes. Or fraud. Or just outright lies. Certainly, it is riddled with various logical fallacies and deception. But these lies, in your mind, are not bigger than the lies “they” (Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Fauci, TPTB) have told us for years! And besides, they are contrary, just like you, so goddammit they have to be right!

    So instead of wanting, or even attempting, to disprove your own narrative, which has led you to believe that 1/3 the planet will be dead from VAIDS in 5 years, you just run with it. You don’t even question that claim. Because all of the underlying “data” that you cherry pick to get to that narrative, was already just accepted as true without scrutiny in the first place. And on and on it goes. Throw in some cryptic references to art or philosophy, and some links to YouTube songs, and you can safely assume that this counts as debunking. Dumb all over.


    You haven’t provided any data including a study we can read in the original. You’re just an sleazy dipshit, digital or biological defbot… and everybody here knows it. As a bot, the data from our responses still earns your keep per analysis value, but as a propagandist, you truly suck.

    By the way, Dunning-Kruger works in reverse with geniuses like me. (Well, I fucking am per several IQ tests from way back.) Geniuses, unless they’re mentally unsound otherwise, genuinely questions themselves and their intelligence far more than plain jane half-brights like you. The DK Effect applies far more to you than us, especially your robotic component. U think u so smaht.

    No, you don’t provide data that “actual data and analysis that pokes trucker convoy size holes in your narrative, with various forms of data, you just ignore it, because of my “reputation”.”

    You.don’t. You provide misleading bullshit. Liker I said, your reputation… based entirely on what you say. For all I know you’re gorgeous with divine teeth and ten inch dick. Wowzer. But you’re still you’re just a lying fuck and, like I said, everybody knows it. But whatever gets you through the night, defbot.

    D Benton Smith


    Wait ! What was that screechy grating noise ?! Did one of his/her/its neurons just fire (like fingernails on a chalk board) ?

    Naw. False alarm. Stand down. My mistake. It was just a post mortem twitch. Either that or one last projection contraction of the brain. Hard to tell when there is so little “there” there.

    Mister Roboto

    I know: Perhaps deflationista is the venus space-probe from “The Six-Million Dollar Man” after being forced to get a real job!

    Dr. D

    “Biden Warns Putin that US Military Response on Table in Hour Long Call”

    Biden warns PUTIN? Wtf? Okay man, you’re the one living on the Potomac, 5 minutes from Russia’s robotic, submarine nuclear drones. Suit yourself, no one in America will be sorry for you. Or London.


    The truckers could begin to disperse…really, really, really, really slowly.
    Bosco- pen + paper + information + courier (or thumbtacks) = communication
    I’ve admired the people out there who recognized a simple printing press could become a very useful item.


    Reiner Fuellmich

    “[COVID Vaccine] Sterilizes Men for Good”

    “Dr. Reiner Fuellmich details the COVID vaccine’s “fingerprints” associated with death along with its effect on male and female fertility.

    “It sterilizes women. Maybe for only one pregnancy? We’re not sure about that, but it sterilizes men for good. That’s what the evidence says.”

    This is addressed to Vaxed Canadian Policemen and Vaxed Canadian Military personnal:

    Good chance you all are shooting blankets procreation wise.

    Your sterile ‘baby batter” wouldn’t get your wives, or any other women pregnant due to the toxic spike protein you allow into your bodies through the Vax.

    Well, played Sirs!


    At least we won’t be hearing the patter of little authoritarian feet from your vaxed households.


    Demonstrators not preventing flow of traffic at the bridge.
    Police are preventing flow of traffic.
    Oh my … I’m reminded of a song … There was an old lady who ate a fly. … I think she’ll die …

    Dr. D

    I acknowledge Pancake is addressing data today. I will look into it, thank you.

    L.A. Sheriff, they ARE winning in a way. So long as they drive YOU out, the good men, then they have a united force of bullies caring nothing for the law and taking orders only from superiors like “A Fistful of Dollars”. Just they way they dream of…until the bully knocks off the laptop-hands Board and the Mayor and become the local warlords instead. Just leaving, retreating, as Libertarians generally do just leads to polarization and conflict later…with them having the “official” capacity, if not the support of the people. They know that, thousand years of history. Same playbook in every color revolution because it works.

    We need something else to happen. Something unexpected.

    those darned kids

    So truckers get arrested for felony parking. They get fined a 100,000 canadian. They lose their CDL and can’t drive a truck to make a living to pay the fine. Who’s on first?

    Many (most?) insurance companies won’t insure truck drivers with less than 2 years experience.

    Who drives the trucks?


    I’m seeing calls for the use of force from both sides of this. We should not go there. I speak from my experience. I complied and went to war against people I did not even know, and for a purpose that was supported by lies. In the end, nobody wins, Innocents die.
    Actually, at this point, maybe the truckers should all go home and stay there, along with all the other truckers and the hundreds of thousands of citizens that support this Freedom movement. Go home, stay home.
    No law against staying home…….after all, the governments have been asking us to do this for the last 2 years. Give ’em what they want.
    It’s called a General Strike.
    Do not cooperate.
    Do not comply.
    Follow the Tao

    D Benton Smith


    You advise : do not become violent, do not revert to force. Good advice.

    Unfortunately, you also seem to advise : allow others to use force against you. Very very bad advice.

    You also advise the truckers, et al to just go home. The worst possible advice of all. Yeah, bro, go home and wait for armed people to come to your home and use violent force to stick a needle in your arm. Oh, yeah. Great idea.

    Go hide under yur bed. We’ll come tell you went the bad men have gone away . . . unless, of course, its the bad men who drag you out from under your bed to force inject you with the next “booster”.

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