Debt Rattle February 15 2022


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle February 15 2022

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  • #101500


    Your mention of Finland’s Winter War with USSR is nice to see. You sure know your history!

    Most people are completely unaware that this war was going on during the quiet period of the so called Phoney War after Poland fell in September 1939 but before France fell in May/June 1940.

    The 3 million Finns fielded just over 300,000 men and suffered 75,000 in casualties in 4 months of bitter winter fighting. It is not known how many Russians were killed but likely 3 or 4 times as many.


    I see under Trudeau ‘s war measures act, any Canadian tow truck drivers who refuse to work for the police can now be arrested for refusing!
    Canadian Freedom in action.
    You are free to do only what Trudeau tells you!


    There is some really interesting stuff in the linked substack article I posted earlier. I have read lots prior to this finding puzzling overlaps between cold, corona and HIV viruses. For the most part too sciencey for me to piece it together but now there are some strange dots starting to emerge that I am not to keen on connecting.

    Stealing from TES, Omicron is like a loaded gun with the safety on. In hindsight, I am thankful to have caught and recovered from Delta. My wife unfortunately had some lingering effects. The main one was that she was losing hair like a chemo patient for awhile. Fortunately, she had an abundance to begin with. Things have stabilized.

    Prince Harry recently did a interview/PSA on the need for everyone to start testing for HIV.

    Then I saw this tweeted recently.

    Here is some background on potential unintended consequences regarding this stuff.

    Adenovirus Vaccine Vectors and HIV Acquisition Risk: The View from the Summit

    In moment, my imagination is running a bit wild and this is mostly food for thought as there are still many questions.

    Highlights from: Covid-18, Omicron and Some Things That Need Explaining

    There are lots of good reasons to believe that SARS-CoV-2 resulted from human tinkering known as GoF. But let me hit what I think are some of the highlights:

    1. HIV-inserts. This virus possesses three proteins that were previously found in the virus that causes AIDS. These have been inserted into the spike protein. Now, this makes some sense as the work Daszak and Fauci were previously obsessed with was an HIV vaccine. And they got lots of help over the years working on various mechanisms to “use” parts of HIV.

    In 2008, UNC researcher Amy Sims proposed a grant that was funded in 2009 and completed in 2011.

    “In the proposed study we will develop human coronaviruses…as vaccine vectors to deliver HIV antigens.”

    The odds of getting all of these HIV elements into one virus through a naturally occurring combination of mutation and recombinations is too far fetched to be believed. “In theory nothing is impossible in science, medicine or genomics. A SARS virus emerging naturally with 3 HIV inserts at its binding sites and also containing a furin cleavage site that doesn’t exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent… that’s seriously crazy talk.”

    Note: If you were to design a pathogen, it would make sense to include a lethal element (SEB) and an immunosuppressive element (HIV). It starts to get interesting doesn’t it?
    Another note: it is a little curious that this SEB part of the spike protein seems to be attenuated or, even, “turned off” in the Omicron variant. More on that later.

    Of the many mutations in omicron the most interesting two are in the SEB domain.

    Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B is a peptide that is classified as a bioweapon.

    When ingested it creates symptoms very similar to COVID and it’s know to trigger cytokine storms

    John Day

    @Boscohorowitz: Does Santa happen to be pals with Keith Richards? Just thinking they have a lot in common.

    McGregor: Thanks for the offer of assistance with the homestead project. If you leave a message at with some version of your email minimally encoded, I will delete it and contact you. (That’s really a couple of clicks too-nice, what you said, though.)

    those darned kids

    wes: i concur with d benton. your concise list gives hope in this dark hour.


    I guess I am going to have to ask TAE experts how you post a photo in finicky Word press.

    I have taken a photo with my tablets camera and the photo now resides in the photo gallery.

    I notice in the comment box heading there are various symbols, like B, /, Link, B-Quote, DEL, IMG, UL, Li, Code, and Close Tags. Below the comment box is an Attachment “Choose File” button.

    Somehow I need to use one of these to place a photo into a comment box.

    I tried the Choose File button of the photo but my photo didn’t take. Maybe the file is over 512K? Maybe I need to reduce the file size somehow?

    I think it is time this old dog learns a new trick in 2022!

    Any help would be appreciated!


    Don:t believe the politicians
    Only believe the written words,listed%20under%20the%20Act%3A%20A%20public%20welfare%20emergency

    “An Act to authorize the taking of special temporary measures to ensure safety and security during national:

    The Act explicitly states the requirement for parliamentary oversight on an emergency declaration. In addition to consulting premiers, an explanation of the reasoning for declaring an emergency has to be presented within seven days to both the House and Senate.
    In order to reach “quorum”—the number of MPs needed for House business to proceed— just 20 MPs need to be in the Chamber, while in the Senate the threshold for quorum is 15 senators.

    D Benton Smith

    @Boscohorowitz Re camels and such

    Sorry Boz, but a mangey camel started trying to ease its way gradually into the tent. It started with just its nose, right, but I just knew it wasn’t going to stop there so I stuck it in the eye with a needle. Seems to have done the trick, for now, but you know how those dam camels are. Can’t blame it too much, though, cause this is a really cool tent.


    Here is a link to someone trying to make sense of the data. It’s the tripple jab driving up hospitalizations.

    My day job demands some attention. Nice mash up today.

    John Day

    @Boscohorowitz: Does Santa happen to be pals with Keith Richards? Just thinking they have a lot in common. Also, thanks for kind words.

    McGregor: Thanks for the offer of assistance with the homestead project. If you leave a message at with some version of your email minimally encoded, I will delete it and contact you. (That’s really a couple of clicks too-nice, what you said, though.)

    Bill7: Thank You.

    John Day

    Oops. Howdat happen? Double-and-a-half post


    D Benton Smith:

    I my experience, camels are the meanist, ornery beasts on planet earth!
    So trying to get a camel through the eye of a needle, I is entirely a moot point!
    Only an Arab could love a camel!

    D Benton Smith

    @chooch Why we are now being “predictively programmed” about HIV/AIDS & other disease upsurges

    The Corona/Covid/Spike/mRNA Vax research has been in high speed development for at least a decade, and maybe twice that. The monsters behind it (with the witting and unwitting help of their Idiot Savant minions) have known for many years that the vax was going to permanently compromise the human immune system and produce Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) and cause a HOST of diseases like rare cancers, tuberculosis, auto-immune disease, etc. etc. etc. This nightmare was considered to be a positive FEATURE not a flaw. Entire lines of medicines, “vaccines” and the campaigns to deliver them profitably to an increasingly sick population are already manufactured and being rolled out as we speak.


    Chooch- I’m wandering in the same woods. Thanks for the link. I’m beginning to see viruses as the nothing more than the spoonrack that can hold the tools to dish up whatever one might want.
    Brave new world, indeed, and when I look at some of the people in it, I cringe.


    When it comes to tennis I’m a Fed-fan big time (what a game!) as a long time serious player and watcher, but facing the ruling-class blizzard as Djokovic now is doing is just so admirable, especailly as he’s never been a favorite, even as a #1:

    I’m 100% sure Djok wants the record for most Majors won, and you cannot win if you are not allowed to play.
    What the PTB did to him in Australia was abominable, but not unexpected.

    Kudos, Novak Djokovic- I admire you; you’re a (old fashioned, now-un word) stud.


    “Your mention of Finland’s Winter War with USSR is nice to see. You sure know your history!”

    Thanx but I don’t. A Quora email feed stuck it under my nose and I loved it. I know my share of history but I’m sure you and, say, Doc Disco, know way-y-y-y more. But damn, ain’t that a boss line? “So many bodies, so little land to bury them in.”

    That’s moxie.


    “I guess I am going to have to ask TAE experts how you post a photo in finicky Word press. I have taken a photo with my tablets camera and the photo now resides in the photo gallery.”

    Wes, it won’t upload from your computer. You have to put your image on some kind of host site: a blog, FB, the dozens of sites solely for uploading pictures and such so that you can then take the URL the hosting site gives you ands paste it into TAE’s IMG (to finally answer your question). If by “photo gallery” you mean an online host site, then you’re almost there. You’ll probably have to remove the http: that WordPress provides in the IMG link loader.


    “Pretty soon boschorowitz will leave in a huff promising/threatening to never return”

    Nah. I’ve accepted that people wanting to be jerks and assholes to me just feel compelled to mess with me, usually in a chickenshit fashion, and there ain’t much I can do about it if they won’t honorably engage. People change. But I will be mostly silent soon for a little bit, and will probably never again be the mega-voluminous poster y’all’ve come to love or loathe. Nothing to do with TAE.

    “I would appreciate them more without the drama and the cycle.”

    The last cycle of silence was me working very hard on not dying. No leaving in a huff involved. Life is often dramatic and always cyclic. I would appreciate people working more on their own posts rather than complaining about mine — unless they have some constructive positive criticism to offer. I may not take their advice, but I’ll receive it kindly.


    Doc Day: Santa can be crusty at times. 1700 years on this wild planet can do that to a fellow, but it can also make a genuine saint of a man.


    Thanx for the info on the HIV aspect, chooch.


    For Wes: Free Image Host Site


    I think T. Pynchon had a fine short-story collection called ‘Slow Learner’- that speaks to my condition.


    Nah [it’s Sponsored Content, if that’s not obvious enough]

    it doesn’t care; it’s doing its job, and getting paid.

    Veracious Poet

    Why we are now being “predictively programmed” about HIV/AIDS & other disease upsurges

    Anyone remember when those Indian scientists published that COVID had HIV inserts, thus a man-made bioweapon, I do…

    They were quickly shouted down by the “experts”, what a sham!

    Sounds like another shoe is about to drop ~ If people don’t wake up pretty soon the psychopaths are going to roll right over them 😐

    Some days it’s hard not to be hopelessly depressed about the state of “humanity”…

    Time to get priorities straight 😐

    those darned kids

    i believe this (japan/korea and masks) was touched upon in these parts awhile back:

    nope, still don’t work.

    those darned kids

    Veracious Poet

    P.S. Those Indian scientists published FEB 2020 for those that missed it.

    Quick retraction of a faulty coronavirus paper was a good moment for science


    Recently I’ve been reading John Fante, who Mike Davis mentioned in his good book on Los Angeles,’City of Quartz’.
    Davis said Bukowski was ‘derivative’ of Fante, and I think he’s right; but I read the former first and feel some bonding
    with him. Fante’s the “better” writer- subtler, more nuanced, all that writerly stuff- maybe even truer, too. I wouldn’t say a thing against him, and he’s likely a better place to start in reading about LA.

    Some say Bukowski wasn’t the best writer. That may be true, but he *could * write*, and he had a strong, honest jaw, and that counts as well. I think he wasn’t lying when he said he could take a punch- a good quality to have, especially now.

    You are missed, Charles Bukowski.


    @ WES
    Regarding photos, they cannot be uploaded to the site, rather they have to be hosted someplace on the web, and then you use the IMG tool to put in a link to the photo.

    Mister Roboto


    @ WES

    You may already be using or accessing a service that is or can host a photo you want to share here. Contact me off of TAE and I’ll see if I may help you out. (If I don’t reply quickly it’s because the kids come home tomorrow, and I am always very busy when they are home.)


    @ Boogaloo 101496
    The Judge’s cards come up! Loud drum roll! The cards read 9.0, 9.0, 9.0 9.0 and 10.0. BZZZZT,
    The crowd goes wild. Sanity peaks around the edge of the bathroom door.
    Take your pick’
    Good on ya.
    Ya done good


    “Banish cleverness, and the people will benefit a hundred-fold.”

    Lao Tse, I think

    V. Arnold

    @ Bill7

    “Abandon holiness
    Discard cleverness and the people will benefit a hundredfold
    Abandon the rules of “kindness”
    Discard “righteous” actions
    and the people will return
    to their own natural affections
    Abandon book learning
    Discard the rules of behavior
    and the people will have no worries
    Abandon plots and schemes
    Discard profit-seeking
    and the people will not become thieves

    These lessons are mere elaborations
    The essence of my teachings is this:
    See with original purity
    Embrace with original simplicity
    Reduce what you have
    Decrease what you want.”
    – Translated by Johathan Star, 2001, Chapter 19
    English Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
    Lao Tzu

    Veracious Poet

    I think they missed the Abandon all hope part 😉


    Thanks for that, V. Arnold.

    Emptiness is seeming like the greatest of virtues at this moment. Working on it badly in Los Osos


    I like this poem by Wallace Stevens:

    The Palm at the end of the mind,
    Beyond the last thought, rises
    In the bronze decor,

    A gold-feathered bird
    Sings in the palm, without human meaning,
    Without human feeling, a foreign song.

    You know then that it is not the reason
    That makes us happy or unhappy.
    The bird sings, its feathers shine.

    The palm stands on the edge of space.
    The wind moves slowly in the branches.
    The bird’s fire-fangled feathers dangle down. <

    For Aunt Judy.


    @WES said:

    What have the trucker achieved so far?

    Truck towing companies have exposed the government and police as helpless without collaborators.


    There was this fellow- Dale, I’ll call him, since that was his true, fitting name- and he mostly ran a bike shop for the owner, a good man named Mearl, who had to concern himself with locks and keys and keeping the roof intact, back in the early 1970s.


    Anyway, a West Coast Bike Shop, stuff like that, on the West Coast in a place called at that time, Ventura.


    Dale- a real good man, too (sorry if I didn’t say that before, there, here) was pretty fresh back from Viet Nam, as were his several friends, who will be later mentioned . I rolled into his (actually Mearl’s) shop in relatively-damn-lovely Ventura in late 1973 looking for a home.
    ideas for the reader abound here..


    Dale was an unassuming guy with an unfortuately viper-like (is that the word?) wife who at the time and perhaps
    fittingly forever worked for the Internal Revenue Service. Your young interlocutor met her only a couple of times..
    whew. Anybody around would know. Anyway,aside from all that that, Dale was good on a bike- damn good, though
    not the best. You shoulda seen him on the rollers (rollers?)- spinning no-hands like you’ve never seens- not that *he*
    would make a big deal about it. Dale was just back from the Conflict Overseas, and just wanted, as far as I could see,
    want all other other of that stripe wanted: a simple life. More about that later! Anyway


    yes, anyway. What shall we talk about now? Oh yeah, Dale. Well Dale was running Mearl’s shop – it’s been so
    lon that nom de plumes are unimportant, and they tire me anyway- it later bacame Matt’s Cycling Center, and beforethat, long after this all-important writer left, it was Matt’s Bike Shop- a damn good name I think; but back then being a bike shop would not get you paid, or laid, or anything like that stuff.



    yes, anyway. What shall we talk about now? Oh yeah, Dale. Well Dale was running Mearl’s shop – it’s been so
    lon that nom de plumes are unimportant, and they tire me anyway- it later bacame Matt’s Cycling Center, and beforethat, long after this all-important writer left, it was Matt’s Bike Shop- a damn good name I think; but back then being a bike shop would not get you paid, or laid, or anything like that stuff.

    Anyway, Dale-fresh-back-from-Nam was a good guy (did I say that before?); actually much better than that,
    despite the viper-IRS–wife (whew, can imagine coming back from VN to that?)

    Anyway, Dale for some reason took kindly to me in late 1973 (Thank you, DB!).


    Detais of My Fabulous Past, cont’d:

    I had some pedals, some JP knock-offs of Campagnolo track pedals. DB wanted them, or said he wanted them,
    and he being the owner of lots of exotic stuff (a few beautiful Cinellis included- we’re talking 1973) he generously
    traded me a pair of road pedals of similar type for the trackies (ask me about the track sometime-especially the Encino one). I went home to East Ventura in glory, glory, glory, in late 1973. A real bike-guy (I had had a garage-shop since 1970) had traded items with me!


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