Debt Rattle February 15 2023


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    Edward Hopper Dawn before Gettysburg 1934   • Palestine, Ohio Train Wreck: It’s The Dioxin (Coppolino) • Russia Wants UN Probe Into Nord Stream B
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 15 2023]


    Mr House. I am a huge fan of Fabio Vighi so thanks so much for posting a link to his latest piece yesterday. If anyone missed it…

    Senile Economics: Bubble Ontology and the Pull of Gravity

    Dr D Rich

    East Palestine getting the Fukushima treatment instead of the COVID attention.

    Skyrocketing morbidity and mortality from tick-borne and other ricketsial diseases throughout western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, New York et al are not getting the attention of COVID hysteria. It’s not just Lyme disease, baby. The same tick will often carry other organisms lthat cause far worse diseases such as anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, tularemia, Powassan virus which make Lyme and COVID look like cake walks by comparison.

    Syria/Turkey earthquakes getting the Boxing Day Tsunami treatment because Iraq War and Ukraine SMO disrespectively.

    Their balloons rate fighter jet attention while our balloons warrant appropriate indifference unless Dr. D is bizzee buzzing China again.

    E-7s always lead and order around O-6s, well, because 7 is one more than 6 and my delusion is one of grandiosity to believe or insist otherwise.


    not being flippant, an earnest interrogative from an old man
    What did you think when the Reagan foreign policy included hostilities with Grenada and Thatcher had the Faulkland Islands adventure? What era found their entrance onto the stage and what did you think the exit of the era would bring?
    What is your opinion of unbridled deregulation at this hour compared to your view in 1985?
    consider these rhetorical, the daily conversation should continue without disruption



    TVASF (what’s fucked in German?)


    That this is acceptable speech in USA speaks volumes about that armed lunatic asylum.

    Good to know he’ll be first in line for his next booster.



    A must watch:



    Sharon Stone’s brother dead at 57: Patrick Stone ‘died after sudden cardiac arrest due to heart disease’



    Mindblowing –



    The Saker can speak for himself but there are many of us here in the west that reject or ignore the ideologies he speaks of. I am weary of speaking in this way about good people (masses) entrapped or manipulated by Overlords and Parasites. The people are good but the system is shit. Rentier Fascist level shit.

    Veracious Poet

    Dr. D


    Point well taken. Here’s the problem: do what? This may literally be the least-bad solution. However, if so we need to do some things to stop next time. Outlaw this form of shipping, better crash-cars, tell us about your long cleanup efforts and free water for a year.

    So…they told them to wear masks and are handing them out, right? After all this “If just ONE life is saved”. “You killed grandma.” Nope. They told them to go home, it’s safe. As their dog was dead in the yard. Died of coincidence.

    Updated version: “If only 10 Million [flyover] lives are killed, the non-masks will be worth it.”

    This may seem like I’m exaggerating when I talk about utter, seething contempt and double standards and the active murder of all rural, flyover Americans, untermensch, the coolies who exist only to give us stuff and die in a hole. But is it? LOOK at the reaction to Ohio. Not even like trouble: it literally doesn’t exist. Literally don’t care. As it moves from one town – don’t care – to one state – don’t care – to a whole river valley – don’t care – to 10 million people, 5 million of which get water from the Ohio – don’t care – who are the urban, blue cityfolk – don’t care – down to winds blowing it all over 5 states – don’t care – and even into New York. Oh wait! Caring is beginning to register at last. But it’s upstate? All 16M people but not in the NYC metro? Whew! False alarm: don’t care.

    What can you say? And God forbid the coolies, the nation’s untouchables should speak up and say, “Hey, this isn’t right! Ain’t I a woman? Ain’t I a man? Ain’t I a U.S. citizen and equal with equal rights?” You racist, white supremacist, violent, toothless, uneducated, worthless bigot. Who do you think you are?

    The violence of NOT EVEN CARING. As the opposite of love isn’t hate: it’s indifference. Treated like chickens in a battery farm. Cattle in the pen. They exist only to serve me and I think no more on them and am aggressively hostile if forced to for even a moment.

    This Palestine was going on for DECADES with joblessness, outsourcing, farming, and opioids. It’s not new. This is the SECOND or THIRD 10M people they’ve killed. There’s no money, hospitals, or water there, but that’s not new. It was already an election issue 30 years ago. 40 years ago. 50 years ago in the Rust Belt and Bethlehem. But killing all those people for my latte was just too attractive. Now, 50 years after crushing my fellow man, it’s like: “What men? I don’t see any men.” This is exactly what Dr. King said in 1960, you Civil Rights worshipers who claim you would be on the front lines, drive across the country for a protest. That you would #Resist and not paste on the badges and man the cattle cars.

    Go put on your blue masks and visit Ohio and tell me all about it.

    When I say the real war is against US, the People, this is what I mean. Did they not just kill more people in Ohio than Ukraine this week? And NO. BODY. CARES. Because they are not “people”, and don’t exist.

    Stoltenberg Denies NATO Involvement In Conflict With Russia (TASS) “

    I’m sorry, WHAT? YOU SANK THE FLAGSHIP. OFFICIALLY. You trained the half a million man army for 8 years. Officially. You gave them $150B in heavy, long range weaponry. Officially.

    I guess you see why they’re “not agreement capable”. With lying like that, no wonder.

    “the foundational myth of the West has been exceptionalism and its inevitable by-product, imperialism.”

    Is that really them, as in really unique in any way? Have you seen China and Japan? Islam in 1100? The great Khan and the Aztecs? It appears to have little to do with Europe.

    [Proclaiming] and basically retired the very *concept* of “truth”

    He’s fishing at something important here, but I don’t think he’s hit it. Same mass psychosis as worldwide, beit in China or Williamsburg?

    ““…the terror attack planning preceded, by months, not only the SMO..”

    Can’t keep track of all the lies. Yes, because WE already knew that, so it doesn’t occur to us but is obvious. Meanwhile, on the outside, it’s a crucial point to communicate to others. …Who also won’t listen, being inside the lie.

    “NATO Eyes Fighting Two Wars – Bloomberg (RT) “

    Maybe they should try fighting one war, since they’re not even doing that. So let me get this straight: you’ve run out of ammunition, in ONE war, that you’re not fighting. So if you run out of ammunition when you’re NOT fighting, is it a concern that you might run out if you DO fight?

    …Talk about lies and why things don’t make sense.

    “a military force strong enough for two simultaneous ground conflicts, arguing for higher Pentagon budgets”

    Good plan, but “higher than what”? As Feynstein said, “The budget deficits are so high, we shouldn’t call them ‘astronomical’ numbers, but ‘economical’ ones.” Exaggerate? Why bother? “Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our own, is still 40,208,000,000,000 km away.” That’s our budget deficit, thanks to a Pentagon that can’t win a war against unarmed goat herders. They sure killed the f– out of Ohio though!

    And you’re moving from a couple, 5k men, to TWO WWII-size armies? Puh-lease. If our $30 Trillion can’t win F-Stan, then it would take $300 Million Septillion to fight two ground wars. Yet somehow people believe it and don’t think this is silly at all. Our leaders are credible and not full of foaming nonsense like a busload of mental patients.

    ““[The objects] do not present a military threat to anyone on the ground.”

    Translation: we don’t know what they are, but we know what they are, their size, intent, capability. Got it? Knowing = not knowing.

    Due to the #EU’s “green” policies, owning a car will be unaffordable to millions of Europeans. “

    That’s okay: YOU will own nothing. Because THEY will own it instead.

    “GOP House Committee on Upcoming Taiwan Trip: “We know that will infuriate the Chinese… But I think it’s incredibly important for us to do that.”

    Ah, RINO diplomacy at its finest.

    Canada Tells NYC To ‘Immediately’ Stop Sending Illegal Aliens

    No comment.

    “Biden Fires Capitol Architect After Inspection Revealed Abuses”

    Even the Federal Architect is long-term corrupt, imagine what the real, important people are like. Remember the cafeteria workers were corrupt, and the the Congressmen wouldn’t pay for their food?

    “Not A Single Student Can Do Math At Grade Level In 53 Illinois Schools…

    Speaking of endless, long term corruption and the people’s non-stop support of it. Discredited yet? Tax protest? Not on your life. We need more government, more helping you heartless wretch pushing grandma down the stairs.

    The other thing from yesterday was Mr. Buttigeig, the man collecting my paycheck, on permanent vacation. So…wow Pete! Union problems! Train failures! Critical for war! Environmental issues far greater than that Tesla you told me to buy! This is like a double-double: transportation secretary, mission-critical, AND Union, AND eco Green New Deal.

    Pete? Calling Pete. Pete? You out there? Only 10 million people counting on you, Mayor Pete, Presidential material.

    Sure enough as we’re neither in Socialism nor Capitalism. The issue is what to do when these magic words are SAID. Either by people who believe in them (College students) or don’t (Nike and the WEF). The point of saying it doesn’t work is for Type A: you’re not helping people but are hurting them badly with your good intent, so please examine your premises, and Type B: you [CEO, WEF, ESG] are all liars, we know it and am warning Type A you aren’t true believers, and not Sharing-Helpers either. Clearly this could work better. It works on some but too few, so although that’s my ethics to tell the truth, the failing is mine. I need a presentation, but what are you supposed to ethically do besides express the truth to those you can non-aggressively reach? Is it ethical to lie to save them? Or to be something I’m not?

    Dr. D

    Tboc, the first thing to do is to separate what happened from what didn’t. We weren’t clued in that everything said in 1980 was ALSO a lie, although Walter Cronkite gave that NYC press Corps dinner expressing they do exactly what they’re told and the agenda was going well. Followed by Rockefeller saying he could not have had such success without the NYC and U.S. media’s wholehearted support.

    Reagan? Well, let’s see: Reagan’s budgets went UP. Highest in U.S. history, and in just 4 years, like exponential. (the only problem being exponential can go on and get MORE exponential) So obviously he needed all that money to pay ever LESS government, right? Common sense.

    Of course not. They had MORE regulation, not less. Every day budget went up, faster than ever. Every day more federal employees, faster than ever, every day those employees regulated and enforced, faster than ever. On and on without interruption to today. Go look at the U.S. budget deficit chart, which is a good proxy for the number of, or incidents of interference by the Federal Government, into “private” life, into private industry.

    Nor is either an accident. Companies had just cottoned on to he concept of regulatory capture, to innoculate them against liability, and to run their competition out of business, which picked up the pace into a fury, such that now we have uncontested monopolies virtually everywhere – all 100% government enforced as indeed they must be. Naturally, poverty, unemployment, and fatal despair – as shown in drug and suicide numbers – are higher than ever, as is the income disparity. St. Reagan started that.

    Now I can explain why and have before, but it takes a long time. The key point is, “did either of the events you say even happen?”

    And maybe you remember, or run across the jokes of the time. For example: “Did anyone really think the government and budget deficits were too small under Carter?” Such that we CLEARLY needed to double both size of government, its reach, and its expense? (now +10x)? And are we lavishly better off because of it now?

    Yes, you can’t get Conservatives to believe this, but at the least we should mock and make fun of them for it.

    The military issue? Yes, totally silly, offensive, and against all Conservative principles. However, this was Reagan’s focus, and having to sideline a lot of his other goals: he, or rather the White Hats behind him, remaining from the Kennedy/Cuba, CIA-Nixon removals, had to END the Cold War, not WIN it. That was priority to stop the CIA from doing another missile crisis and getting the World War they constantly tried for (3-5 times at that point ), as “The Crazies in the Basement” under Reagan: Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the gang, openly fabricating fake numbers on the power and intent of the USSR in order to get the U.S. to kill Russia for “them”. Same “them” as today. Same risk, as you see before you. Russia is no earthly threat, which is why we should nuke them and hand their resources to Europe, finalizing the Unipolar, or if you will, the “One World Government” under the UN and SDR.

    Making stupid invasions of no military worth was to punk the USSR into overspending as we destroyed their economy, specifically the Ruble, using Canada’s gold, Saudi oil, and U.S. wheat to bankrupt them. The plan worked perfectly, did fix things, Unf Pappa “CIA” Bush got in, and after Cheney, Clinton, continued the attack the carcass of Former Russia against every treaty and agreement ever made. That leads directly to today.

    However, Reagan’s plan to play tough, spend the USSR and go around back to bankrupt them to stop WWIII did work. Nothing lasts forever, and now it’s our turn to go after the same “Crazies in the Basement” (now in the White House) and stop WWIII again.

    Reagan: greatest spender, greatest regulator in the history of the United States.


    Aseem is very good at explaining how we got here and is working hard to reverse what is going on.



    New York Times sues EU over von der Leyen’s Pfizer texts

    But we all know that Pfizer and NYT are in bed together, so this must be the NYT helping to destroy the EU, knowing that Pfizer’s Bourla is safe and protected in the USA – the texts won’t damage him or Pfizer – but von der Hitler could be wiped out by the texts. This just goes to show that the NYT is just another tool to be used by the oligarch gangs and their Jewish overlords.


    The ban on civilian and volunteer access to Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine) imposed by Kiev on Monday could be a prelude to a Ukrainian withdrawal from the city, the New York Times reported.

    Probably a prelude to them mining the city with the idea of letting the Russians retake the city and blow themselves up on the mines. Typical “Boy Scouts” war being waged by the Ukraine army which appears to have no success at all, ever.

    John Day

    @WES: Yes, I really designed this house around the 2-cook kitchen.
    I worked a lot in commercial kitchens in college, at the co-ops where I lived, serving 50-100 students meals, and mainly at the hospital where I later did my internship and fellowship.
    Jenny, my wife, learned cooking in her Mom’s small kitchen. Our styles are very different. Sometimes she and “the girls” make tamales for a day or two. We have that capacity, and for canning, and for parties, and it’s just a nice, comfortable, open space for 2 people working with knives.
    The other sink and counter is just out of the right of the picture. Either cooking/prepping space has commanding views within the house and out of the large windows above the sinks.
    2 cook kitchen


    [paraphrase] Hiding something under what awful things they are willing to admit….YES!

    “The Rape of the Mind” is available here.

    John Day

    “How can you be in two places at once, when you’re not anywhere at all?” Firesign Theater,How%20Can%20You%20Be%20in%20Two%20Places%20at%20Once%20When,July%201969%20by%20Columbia%20Records.

    NATO Eyes Fighting Two Wars Life Imitates Firesign Theater (again)


    One of the reasons that so many mfg were moved to China.

    East Palestine, Ohio, Vinyl chloride has contaminated the Ohio river,

    • Palestine, Ohio Train Wreck: It’s The Dioxin (Coppolino)
    FIRST! Set your goals.
    Investigate who are the LIARS

    C19/vaccines/excess mortality
    Hunter’s laptop
    WAR/NATO/Ukraine – Jens Stoltenbergs admits again
    Expensive balloons

    • Russia Wants UN Probe Into Nord Stream Blasts (RT)
    • Kiev Readying ‘Great Event’ To Accuse Russia Of Violating Nuclear Safety (TASS)
    • Stoltenberg Denies NATO Involvement In Conflict With Russia (TASS)
    • How George Soros’ Propaganda Machine Has Corrupted The Media (Livshitz)



    “governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control”
    from the 1989 article:
    “we can expect more ferocious storms, hurricanes, wind shear, dust erosion.″
    “there is time to act, but there is no time to waste.”

    some amusing zerohedge comments

    2010 there won’t be Bangkok anymore.

    In January 2020 at Glacier National Park they had to remove signs that told visitors the glaciers would be gone by 2020.

    Call me when condos in Miami Beach start going for 50 grand.

    Anybody remember when the prospect of rising tides stopped Obama from buying a waterfront mansion on Martha’s Vineyard?

    Me neither.

    I’m as confident in the Climate Change computer models as I am in the Covid-19 computer models.

    It’s all political and a massive grift, just like Coronamania. The biggest tell is the global response to the US’s blowing up of the Nordstream pipelines, one of the biggest environmental disasters in history. Where’s Algor? Where’s John Kerry? Where’s little Greta? Where’s the outrage from the Biden cabal?


    a net increase of 0.002% (in words: zero point zero zero two percent) carbon dioxide is supposedly driving man-made “global warming”?

    You would have to ask “why now?”.

    It has been both warmer in the past, and greater CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere in the past. Much greater. 10x greater CO2 concentrations. In fact CO2 has been declining for millions of years.

    So why would there be “tipping points” now, and not then?

    Does anyone believe a college or scientific group has received a grant in the last 40 yrs to DISPROVE climate change? We get the “science” we pay for…just like covid. Rather than “deniers” being funded…or even allowed to be heard, they are punished, defamed, deplatformed and most have their professional lives destroyed… for science.


    Multiply this conversation hundreds of millions of times across the world.



    @ oxymoron
    I am weary of speaking in this way about good people (masses) entrapped or manipulated by Overlords and Parasites. The people are good but the system is shit. Rentier Fascist level shit.

    You speak for so many, me included.
    My spouse is discovering that those he works with — well-paid banquet servers at fine hotels — tend to have not taken the jab. (It probably helps that they were still largely not employed as banquet servers during the big vax campaign, and since the work is highly seasonal, many have supplementary sources of income, side-businesses, side-hustles, etc.). My spouse has always had fringe ideas, and coworkers often saw his ideas as a little loony. Now, he says, some of them are starting to listen to him as he suggests to invest in precious metals, set aside food, prepare for hard times, etc. One he directed to me to provide advice for container gardening on an apartment balcony.

    The mass of the people are not evil or even stupid for the most part. The people are deluded — entranced by bread and circuses and glamoury from propaganda campaigns. But but by bit people are waking up. Immiseration causes this…and the ecological disaster in East Palestine will speed up the process in the US. And since the people are not stupid, when they figure out what is going on they will be very, very angry and many of them have the intelligence necessary to realize that the means to address this corruption is not violence, but rather by using the legal apparatus that already exists. (Which is why the elites are trying to remove the access of the people to those legal means as rapidly as they can.)

    D Benton Smith


    Two cooks. One kitchen. Both cooks armed with knives. You are a brave brave man.


    If you have not decided ,,,,, Get more info … Read this …
    The Buildup To War In Ukraine – February 15 2022


    The Buildup To War In Ukraine – February 15 2022

    Since The Canadian gov.,(Trudeau, Freeland), have been involve in the Build Up to War then they don’t need to read the truth …. they are lying about it and their participation.


    The Party that controls Oceania is not at war with Eurasia.

    The Party that controls Oceania is not at war with Eastasia.

    The Party that controls Oceania is not at war with Nature.

    The Party that controls Oceania is not at war with the Proles.

    The Party that controls Oceania is not at war with the Laws of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

    The Ministry of Truth tells me every day that Eurasia attacked Oceania and that Putin is an evil dictator who mut be stopped before he takes over the world.

    The Ministry of Truth tells me that we in Oceania are headed for a Better, Brighter Future via electric cars and synthetic food and genetic engineering of humans. So it must be true.

    And if I don’t believe it, there are people from The Ministry of Love who will take me to Room 101, to help me adjust my erroneous thinking and do a better job of loving Big Brother.

    Doc Robinson

    • Palestine, Ohio Train Wreck: It’s The Dioxin (Coppolino)

    Yes, burning PVC or vinyl chloride is really bad news, since if it’s burned somewhere other than at a specially designed incinerator, the incomplete combustion will create dioxin, furans, etc.

    Dioxins are called persistent organic pollutants (POPs), meaning they take a long time to break down once they are in the environment. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause cancer, reproductive and developmental problems, damage to the immune system, and can interfere with hormones.

    Looking for some information about why the vinyl choloride monomer (VCM) was being transported by rail like that in the first place, instead of it being turned into stable PVC at its origin site, I found some related comments on reddit (r/ChemicalEngineering) which seem to be deleted now, but are still cached.

    The explanation given was that most PVC manufacturing sites make the VCM themselves before turning it into PVC, but there are still a few PVC manufacturing sites which get their VCM supply by rail.

    Question on reddit r/Chemical Engineering:
    While all this is true, it does not answer the original question of why the VCM was being shipped and not polymerized at the site where it was created. Having studied this process a good bit in school, I was taught you want to store as little VCM as possible and turn it into PVC ASAP.

    This is the case for most PVC producers. Basically the whole chlorine chain, starting from brine and ending up with PVC (along with chlorine, caustic, VCM and other smaller streams). However, there are a few sites in US, mostly built in the 60s/70s, that are only PVC manufacturing that rely on VCM supply via rail. I worked at one of those sites for a little over 7 years. Every drop of VCM that plant has processed has been provided via rail since then. That particular site was picked for a PVC plant due to cheaper and easy access to “good” water and lower labor costs. What was true when plant was built is still true today, good profit even with relying on rail.

    Another comment, about preventing such disasters:
    Think of it like a flare. In the industry, if an overpressurized vessel didn’t have a safety valve dumping the excess material causing overpressure to the flare system which burns it gradually, the vessel would explode. Similarly, here, instead of letting it explode by itself, they lit it on fire.

    That being said, IMO, it was a complete BS move that has absolutely ruined the lives of people and animals. We’re going to get a ton of cancer cases out of that place. They are downplaying it in the media because big business owns it but this is a Chernobyl-level event. It’s complete BS that they aren’t reporting the severity of it properly. Chickens ten miles away are dying in their coups. If I was the EPA, I’d shut that rail company down and liquidate all their assets to pay for all the damage and havoc that has been caused, most of which we are yet to see.

    From a safety point of view, I have the following recommendations:

    Rails should be inspected and should have security measures to make them tamper-proof. No one should be able to derail a train accidentally or on purpose.

    All throughout the rail lines and all the cities that the rail goes through should have fire departments who are knowledgeable about what is going through their city and how to neutralize it. The rail companies should pay for the chemicals required to neutralize the hazardous chemicals.

    Rail operators should also know how to handle those chemicals safely. The safety datasheets of those chemicals should be made available to all concerned parties.

    Toyota has a hydrogen tank that needs an armor-piercing round to damage it. It doesn’t get damaged in an accident. Maybe we need to use that type of MOC if it works well with the chemicals being handled.

    A train just doesn’t derail on its own. But that’s a political topic for some other time. Be careful about who you elect.


    “I’m as confident in the Climate Change computer models as I am in the Covid-19 computer models.”
    I’m with you there. Having followed the science for 4 decades the changes I’ve witnessed in the weather patterns, and there are changes over my lifetime, aren’t explained by the warming version. The weakening magnetic field goes further to explaining than CO2 levels.


    Some of today’s offering from The Ministry of Shit:

    ‘Hasta la vista, baby: Russia just lost one of its most advanced weapons systems’

    ‘How rich is the Bush dynasty today?’

    ‘Anne Hathaway: “that makes me extremely sad”

    ‘Prince Harry wants to meet with Charles, William before heading to King’s coronation

    ‘In pictures: Princess Anne visits Beehive bunker amid Cyclone Gabrielle response’


    “A train just doesn’t derail on its own.”
    That clip of the sparking and fire under the bed of one of the cars (from CBS) was interesting- people suggested bad bearings, but they could say it was debris placed negligently or maliciously on the tracks.
    I’m so far gone I think immediately of “15 minute cities”, conveniently created by the need to keep everybody away from train tracks wherever they are.


    In case you missed it yesterday. Chemical explosions and mass poisonings.

    Pre-ministerial press conference
    by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meetings of NATO Defence Ministers
    Last updated: 14 Feb. 2023
    Stoltenburg, speaking for NATO, said yesterday that the war in Ukraine began in 2014.

    Lorne Cook, AP: The Associated Press. The war is coming up to virtually it’s one year mark, and I wonder if you have any thoughts on how that’s changed NATO and in particular your job, and is this a job that you want to keep doing as we come into the next summit in Vilnius.
    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:
    In one way, it has not changed NATO. It has just demonstrated the importance of NATO and how important it has been. Actually since 2014, NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcements of collective defense in a generation, because the war didn’t start in February last year. It started in 2014
    . And that triggered a big adaptation of our Alliance with higher readiness of forces, with more presence in eastern part of the Alliance, with more exercises.

    And also, for the first time in many, many years, all Allies started to increase defense spending. So fundamentally, it hasn’t changed NATO. It has only demonstrated the importance of Allies standing together, both in providing support to Ukraine, but also in protecting each other, ensuring that the war doesn’t escalate beyond Ukraine. And when we decided on the morning of the invasion to increase our presence, then we were able to build on the increased presence we have already implemented over the last years.

    We decided the battlegroups in 2016. And we actually increased our presence also in the months ahead of the invasion because the invasion was no surprise. This was an invasion we knew was coming and therefore we were prepared when it happened. For me, it is extremely important to focus on my task as Secretary General in demanding and challenging times for the Alliance and that’s what I have to say about that.

    Dr D Rich

    Did someone say phosgene gas?
    Ahhhhhh, the smell of musty hay in fields of, well, musty hay.
    You don’t have to be a chemist by training as some on this board declare, physicians with rare education in nuclear biological and chemical exposure medicine or educated in the military’s NBC (it seems they the military lumped ’em all together) warfare wing, USUHS/Ft Dietrick to know never burn “plastics’ or roast marshmallows around the burning exotic composites on modern aircraft

    Then again:
    Y’all and Dr. D could talk for hours about Agent Orange, dioxin, Zumwalt’s decision to deploy Agent Orange on one particular victim his son, and the fact that a very special company defoliated most of the powerlines in and around East Palestine and throughout western Pennsylvania each summer for years? decades? during the Vietnam War. AND none of the 7 people on my small street in this smaller town of 400 were included in the Agent Orange settlement let alone did a Stanford or Harvard academic ever draw an association. As Dr. D would express, just where in the f*ck did Asplundh get the f*cking idea to spray defoliant domestically on white deplorable American citizens except from the likes of fellow USNA alumnus Zumwalt and those special religious zealot shits at Stanford, you know, the bail guarantors of Sam Bankman-Fried.

    I insist that I AM the clear-cut winner of Dr. D versus John Day Run-On-Sentence-of-the-Month award.

    In closing, I present Sam Bankman-Fried’s bail guarantors courtesy Zhedge.


    I was thinking this when I heard about them having their very own Bhopal. It will however take quite some time to accumulate the same death toll that Bhopal had in the first hours! I’m optimistic however, that they will hit their target what ever that is! Cannon fodder we is.
    From wiki:

    The Bhopal disaster or Bhopal gas tragedy was a chemical accident on the night of 2–3 December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. Considered the world’s worst industrial disaster,[1] over 500,000 people in the small towns around the plant were exposed to the highly toxic gas methyl isocyanate (MIC).[2] Estimates vary on the death toll, with the official number of immediate deaths being 2,259. In 2008, the Government of Madhya Pradesh paid compensation to the family members of 3,787 victims killed in the gas release, and to 574,366 injured victims.[3] A government affidavit in 2006 stated that the leak caused 558,125 injuries, including 38,478 temporary partial injuries and approximately 3,900 severely and permanently disabling injuries.[4] Others estimate that 8,000 died within two weeks, and another 8,000 or more have since died from gas-related diseases.[5]

    Of course Dow Chemical was the owner along with other partners, (India .gov). Dow of course ended up sold off which stopped the payouts from growing. You know best business practices and all that.

    D Benton Smith

    It’s not that hard to put a targeted government leader into an information bubble so that the only things they get to hear are the things that you want them to hear. Thus Zelenskyy can be made to believe that he will become rich and powerful, or that Ukraine can join NATO, whip Russia, and is winning the war.

    It’s not enough to just bribe them or convince them. You must control the flow of information that reaches them, too. Our clandestine services have no equal in that department. They could stand there with chocolate smeared all over their face and persuade their own mother that it wasn’t them who ate the candy.

    Remember this, fellow paranoids, the psy op being run is of the highest possible expertise, financing, technology & psychological sophistication because it is being played for ALL of the marbles, and failure would very likely be fatal.

    Underestimate that at your own peril.


    CO2 hobgoblin…

    Even though Mars has less than 1% of Earth’s atmospheric pressure, it has more than 13 times the CO2 in it’s atmosphere than Earth does (950,000 PPM @ 0.006 atm vs 415 PPM @1 atm). Average temperature is minus 81 degrees F, compared to Earth’s average of 57 degrees. This is due almost entirely to the weaker sunlight that Mars receives, 44% of Earth’s. Heat is not stored in the CO2 for very long. As described before, spectral drain holes allow it to flow away into the sky.


    Regarding East Palestine.

    If they didn’t ignite the Vinyl Chloride leak, they would have had thousands of dead people and livestock. The ignition destroys a huge amount of the VC and lifts the byproducts into the sky where they can be diluted before it impinges on people. Less lethal than leaving it alone at the derailment. Kind of like Chemotherapy, “We have to almost kill you to save you.” Lighting the leak probably destroyed well over 90% of the VC.

    500 parts per million in air (0.05%) can be anesthetic in its action. Knocks you out, then, laying on the ground, you die. The vapor is just over twice the weight of air so it would form an expanding ground level blanket that would kill everyone in it’s path. The plume would roll on for many miles in unpredictable ways. Vehicles driven into the plume would stall leaving the people inside the plume with no way to get out unless they could sprint for 200 yards without breathing and with their eyes closed. As the plume engulfed your house, and you were “sheltering in place”, enough would seep inside to take you out. Going up onto the roof may save you, maybe. A tall tree would be better.

    Also, this dense creeping plume would be exceedingly explosive. Once it encountered an ignition source it would have flashed back causing a tremendous explosion, destroying everything near the plume and setting many fires everywhere.

    Standard hazmat protocol says to leave a VC fire to burn because putting it out generates a huge danger of re-ignition and explosion with catastrophic results.

    Uncontrolled burning makes many chemical species. Some inert, many very reactive and deadly. Hydrochloric Acid is not toxic, but it is corrosive. Your stomach uses HCL to digest your food. Calculating the amount of Dioxin that is generated in this fire is a difficult exercise prone to errors. I would suspect that this uncontrolled burn has generated a few ounces (maybe) to a few pounds (unlikely) of Dioxin of which there are many different isomers of differing activities and carcinogenic effects. Estimates of downstream and down wind cancer activities is a Thesis level effort. Quick work by water and air sampling analysis can help to elucidate these risks.

    Many people, livestock and wildlife will have shortened lives due to this exposure event.

    If this was a planned event, then what can I say? If it was accidental, then the “experts” will have their say. But with all the money pinching going on and all the Railroad contract disputes it is no mystery how “deferred maintenance” of “curtailed or cursory inspections” could cause this.

    Putting new, severe restrictions on the quality of the transport tankers will drive the price of PVC to new heights and many companies will be put out of business and many more people will be unable to afford the products.

    The people who decided to light the leak had many variables to think of. They could estimate the life cost of leaving the leak alone and the danger of a “flash back” event. But once they lit the plume, the other non-leaking tankers come into the picture. Will they ignite as well? A very tough call, and maybe a career ending one. But it probably saved many lives. The shortened life of others, including very distant people, will be stirred into the mix in the months ahead.

    One can make an argument than everyone who uses PVC is complicit in this event. Since we buy PVC pipe or products that contain PVC we are contributing to the industry as a whole. The fact that companies are cost cutting to try to maintain market share in this new de-industrial future is a truism. Cost cutting will always lead to corner-cutting and something will always go wrong. Sometimes in very bad ways. East Palestine is just one of many coming to a theatre near you.

    John Day

    “Necessities Of Life” is up

    Surplus Energy Economics, Dr. Tim Morgan’s blog, has part 3 in a series explaining “Prosperity” as the economic output remaining after all of the essential needs of sustaining the economy have been met, which is a lot like my “disposable” income after bills, taxes, rent and food. We know that when food, rent and gas prices go up, we are poorer, less prosperous. There are multiple drivers of this. Fuel cost, the “Energy Cost of Energy” is a big one. When gasoline is $6/gallon , everybody feels poorer. The rest of the economy declines, because people have to buy gasoline first. This is pervasive in the economy, but not as apparent. It is why the Biden Administration can sell oil from the strategic petroleum reserve to goose the economy, and its political fortunes, but won’t pay to refill it, which would raise the price of oil/energy and depress the economy.
    “Economics” looks at financial flows, which are assumed to reflect real, physical economy, but fail to actually do that, because they assume that any physical input, like oil, can be substituted-for by some other input, completely dependent upon the monetary price. This has worked in an era where it was possible to drill more oil wells and mine more coal, at a low price, but it does not work when the price of oil can double or triple in a few months, which keeps the economy from growing. These limits of oil supply now appear to be fixed. Saudi Arabia can’t just pump more.
    Economies can only afford to pay so much for energy before they begin contracting as the price exceeds that. The currently prominent economic theory assumes permanent growth, because anything that runs low can be replaced for a price, but we find that the price of oil going above $80/bbl seems to suppress the economy, because what’s left as “prosperity” is needed to fund the non-essential parts of economy, like restaurants, pedicures and vacations.
    Here is a graph of Energy, Economic Output, Prosperity and Prosperity per capita for the world:
    You see how different this is from the purely financial figures which are always reported, but more like what we experience in our lives. Most of us in the advanced economies were more prosperous 20 years ago. There have been lots of events which were blamed, but the trend has been the trend in advanced countries, which support complexities of bureaucracy in government, business, regulation, finance, social and environmental services. China took on a lot of western manufacturing because it could burn dirty coal, pay lower wages, pollute more, and supported lower regulatory, social service and environmental-protection costs.
    Declining prosperity per capita in advanced economies has been “hidden” to some degree by focusing on financial indicators like stock-market prices, which have continued to rise with financial support from cheap credit, but which are in contrast to the actual decline in value of companies as profits decline from increased costs of raw materials and labor, because laborers have to be paid more to buy their own necessities of life, also.
    Increased borrowing with lower interest rates only works until interest rates become negative in real terms, then sudden loss of monetary purchasing power occurs, and this inflation destroys trust in the economy. Trust is as essential as energy to an economy. “Inflation Expectations” are the inverse of trust, and are now being addressed, which is painful. They were addressed from the early 1980s on by reducing the cost of labor, first by reducing the strength of collective bargaining in advanced economies, then by moving manufacturing to developing economies, with very low wages and benefits for workers.
    We can see that prosperity per capita in western countries began to fall about 20 years ago, and prosperity per capita in China is now also in decline, as is global prosperity per capita. Notably, but not graphed, Russian prosperity per capita is still rising, and may rise for even a few more years.
    The upshot of this is that everybody has to pay more of what they make for food, rent and fuel, and has less to spend on everything else. Many people are losing their homes in the US, because they can’t sustain rent costs. Landlords have high taxes, compliance and maintenance costs, which is the cost of fuel and the cost of complexity. A lot of complexity cost is in the profit-taking structure of financial capitalism, which is also imposed on countries like Cuba and Venezuela, which do not subscribe to financial capitalism, through economic and military sanctions. Those countries are now known for having been forced to focus on food, housing, medicine and the minimal essentials of life for a long time. All accounts are that it causes constant anxiety, hardship and suffering. Blame is variously placed.
    A lot of the complexity cost in advanced societies is bureaucracy in general, which tends to grow, whether governmental or private. There are always good reasons, and everybody learns to protect their job in their bureaucracy, but that becomes the main point after awhile. Every ne protocol or procedure adds complexity expense. Every expansion adds not just size, but also complexity, which reduces the work-output of the bureaucracy per $US or other input.
    Reducing bureaucracy is very hard to do. It usually happens through collapse of systems, like the collapse of the USSR. The Russian population declined by 10% in 10 years, as retirees had no income; starved and froze to death. Everybody suffered as the economic life-support system failed. I may be getting into Dr. Morgan’s next essay here, but we all need to consider what form the collapse of bureaucratic institutions in federal, state and local government, and many businesses will affect us. Many of us will lose our jobs, but will still be expected to pay rent and utilities and to buy food and fuel to live. What then?
    #248: The Surplus Energy Economy, part 3

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