Debt Rattle February 20 2022
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- This topic has 130 replies, 28 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by
V. Arnold.
February 20, 2022 at 5:39 pm #102196
ParticipantI love reading your summations/assessments, Noirette.
“…representing a sorry terrified ‘middle class’ fighting to maintain their now rapidly crumbling social and financial status”, for example, is such a handy nuts’n’bolts expression of the whole Good German thing we’re recreating here these days.
“I read that in Canada the Police were arresting / stopping / ppl / vehicles waving Can. flags! The national flag has become a symbol of resistance… to the very Gvmt. of the Nation one supports! ”
Finally, at last, I think we can properly say that we live in interesting times. Assuming there’s major AI assistance involved in all this, either AI knows that this insane behavior is still the statistically most likely way to give them time and reduce functional resistance (rather than “displays” of resistance like, for example, bearing Canadian flags*).
In this instance, bearing Canuck flags is both a display and a strategic tool whereby more and more people think in torch and pitchfork terms. So, crazy as it seems, it just might be crazy enough to work… at least better than anything else they can do at this point. Being wounded animals trapped into a corner, they will bite anything and everything including, as I’m sure we’ll see more and more of, each other.
Always a place for a street-fighting man. Said man makes said place.
February 20, 2022 at 5:56 pm #102197those darned kids
Participantso it’s full on “papers, please” in downtown ottawa.
their false north, not for thee
February 20, 2022 at 6:11 pm #102198phoenixvoice
Participant@ Bosco:
So often, extremists are simply marginalized and ignored. Perhaps, instead, they are “the canaries in the coal mine” and we should be paying thoughtful attention to them.
Just as we are wise to find the impetuses of our own fears and anger and strong emotions.February 20, 2022 at 6:14 pm #102199boscohorowitz
ParticipantI still love this old thing, poshlost hambone cornball and all:
February 20, 2022 at 6:17 pm #102200boscohorowitz
ParticipantEre I go and leave y’all alone awhile, let me say:
“and the times I miss the most,
Are the times nobody knows,
Just me and a buncha friends…”What are your times that nobody knows? I’d like to know.
February 20, 2022 at 6:29 pm #102201phoenixvoice
ParticipantRe Canadian parliament
Well…we now know that the SPEAKER is one of Klaus Schwab’s guys….February 20, 2022 at 6:41 pm #102203chooch
ParticipantHate this guys lack of curiosity. I am seeing more of this as the vaccinators and the tyrannistas continue dehumanize the unvaccinated. There is data to support the unvaccinated fairing better then the double and triple jabbed. Now this is quite subtle but a couple things (I am getting a bit myopic here).
1. How do you truly delineate between the healthy guy that was in no danger of a severe outcome w/o a jab vs the healthy guy who got the jab and did not have a severe outcome? (Both survived Covid)
2. Why didn’t the healthy guy get the 2nd jab (3 to 6 weeks later)?A new, 6th study from Italy shows that natural immunity + 1-dose vaccine protects better than Prior Covid alone, and there was no added protection with more doses @ElenaFlacco
Updated summary of all the highly consistent reports, 5 in the past week— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) February 20, 2022
February 20, 2022 at 6:49 pm #102204phoenixvoice
Participant@ Noirette
“ They have attempted to compensate for their treachery with identity politics simultaneously championing and exploiting ppl who are considered to be ‘put down’ because of intrinsic perso-characteristics, such as skin color, ethnic origins, being F or M, sex orientations, etc.”Well stated. The current obsession of the left with identity has always struck me as a little odd. Last June the UU religion decided that it needed to add an “8th principle” to its very comprehensive 7 principles. The 8th principle:
“ We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”It sounds nice and all…except that it seems to me as superfluous — as in, the 7 principles already covered this. And, “building diversity” makes no sense. Either the congregations are multiculturally diverse because diverse people showed up, or they are not very multiculturally diverse because diverse people didn’t show up. UUs are not evangelical, so what is the point? And — I hate to break it to the UU congregants who enthusiastically supported passage of the 8th principle — but (at least at the congregation I attended) — UUs are not all that multiculturally diverse. And it isn’t because of any overt racism, it is because they tend to be White Affluent Schooled Persons — and the non-whites among them tend to have embraced the WASP culture before showing up in a UU congregation.
This 8th principle could be read as an attempt to exploit multiculturally diverse people by holding them up as mascots. Kind of like my congregation prides itself in its support of one particular immigrant family from Africa.
And now, it appears that the bulk of my UU congregation are WASP ninnies, terrified of a virus, demanding that to attend Sunday Service you must (1) pre-register (to make sure not too many show up), (2) bring your own chair to sit in outside, (3) wear a mask — nose and mouth fully covered required, (4) absolutely NO SINGING. Tyrannical nonsense.
February 20, 2022 at 6:51 pm #102205Figmund Sreud
ParticipantIn front of Canada’s Parliament Building at noon today:
February 20, 2022 at 6:55 pm #102206chooch
ParticipantWalter doesn’t speak caveman but I think he is saying spike proteins in the blood stream is not good.
February 20, 2022 at 7:01 pm #102207Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantI see Queen Elizabeth II has had something positive happen in her life recently.
February 20, 2022 at 7:08 pm #102208Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymasterwhat would you say are the odds that her doctors have given the queen IVM, zinc, quercetin, vit. D, and NOT remdesivir?
February 20, 2022 at 7:12 pm #102209D Benton Smith
ParticipantOthers have already told us what our tomorrow is going to be (according to them), and made it as clear as possible that what they tell us IS going to be our tomorrow whether we like it or not.
Alright. That may sound a little bit “circular” when written out in so many words, but I DO think that I get the gist of their message.
All I can tell them in response is that I don’t like the tomorrow that they are insisting on. Instead, I would rather have more freedom to do what I think is right and to say what I think is true. And therefore, effective immediately, THAT is what I’m going to do. If “world leaders” and their “authorities” don’t like it then they can stop me if you can. Let’s see what they’ve got in the “or else” department. Meanwhile, when the sun comes up tomorrow morning , I am a free human being.
Fine with me if it takes a week or so for others to join in or not (as they so choose). They are free human beings, too, so it’s their free choice. One soul, one vote.
And I’ve got plenty of time between here and eternity.
February 20, 2022 at 7:13 pm #102210Germ
Participant“Safe and Effective” Oh yes, it’s effective alright!
February 20, 2022 at 7:34 pm #102212Figmund Sreud
Participant@phoenixvoice – Well…we now know that the SPEAKER is one of Klaus Schwab’s guys….
Not sure that’s quite accurate. The speaker on duty, at that time, was a deputy speaker – an interim fill for a regular bum ( Anthony Rota MP – Liberal), … who probably was out for a loo session, I presume. Anyway, … he let quite a large bit of the question to be aired very clearly, without realizing it’s importance, … he turned distraught only half way through the question. Most likely because of someone’s interference (voice in his earpiece, perhaps?), … than he improvised a quite an awkward ending. The next MP who who was called up to speak was an NDPer (Charlie Angus MP – NDP) ,he wanted to attack the poser of the original question, … but he was also quashed quite promptly, … and again, by an external command to the speaker. The whole thing worked, … no parliamentary record of mentioning Klaus Schwab!
… fwiw,
February 20, 2022 at 7:36 pm #102213Red
ParticipantFormer NDP MLA in Nova Scotia tells what it was like for her over a couple on terms in government starting in opposition and then moving to power. Some very interesting stuff and I know her personally and have for my six plus decades on this orb. Not sure how long this will stay up.
February 20, 2022 at 7:39 pm #102214Oroboros
ParticipantLike the proverbial monkeys at typewriters, a group effort occasionally yields amazing results
A starling murmuration over Lough Ennell, Co Westmeath. Photograph: James Crombie/Inpho 20, 2022 at 7:41 pm #102215cloudhidden
Participant@ Bosco & DBS
General Strike
Sure glad to see you guys coming around.
If you recall, I said that here on February 12 and got dissed for it.
Love you both.
And Bosc…..when you publish that novel, let us know. I want to buy and read it.
CloudhiddenFebruary 20, 2022 at 7:54 pm #102221deflationista
ParticipantSHOW ME THE DATA!
what would you say are the odds that her doctors have given the queen IVM, zinc, quercetin, vit. D, and NOT remdesivir?
And yet another report about the inefficacy of ivermectin. This time on a Drudge link to the Jerusalem Post.
jpost . com / health-and-wellness / article-697027
Patients administered Ivermectin had a “notably higher” incidence of adverse events.
“Out of the trial participants, slightly more patients from the Ivermectin group (52) progressed to severe disease than those in the control group (43). Additionally, out of the 55 trial participants who experienced adverse events, 33 were from the Ivermectin group, while 11 were from the control group. Out of events identifies as Serious Adverse Events (SAE), four were from the Ivermectin group while only one was from the control group. Adverse events are events that take place while a person is being treated or taking part in a trial, but are not necessarily caused by the treatment administered.”
You should definitely ignore this report. Just like you ignore all of the others. If Malone, Kory, or Kirsch didn’t say it, just ignore! Your health depends on your ignorance!
All you need to do is BEEEEELIEVE.
That’s the secret.
February 20, 2022 at 7:56 pm #102222deflationista
ParticipantAnd then you should also ignore another meta-analysis that was performed and found (among other things) that the cumulative recommended ivermectin doses (advocated by the FLCCC) are greater than the cumulative dose you need to deworm a 1,000 pound horse.
Fucking morons.
It’s proponents call ivermectin “the safest drug in the world” based on studies at its FDA approved dose (IVM 0.2 mg/kg once).
New meta-analysis finds serious side effects (grade 3+) occur often at higher IVM doses (0.4 mg/kg daily).
Conclusion: IVM’s not so safe at high doses!
— Nick Mark MD (@nickmmark) February 20, 2022
February 20, 2022 at 8:12 pm #102223FinalGravity
ParticipantGravity is an immanent algorithm.
February 20, 2022 at 8:23 pm #102224boscohorowitz
Participant“If you recall, I said that here on February 12 and got dissed for it.”
I missed that. Let me say, now, “Hear! Hear!”
Love? For me?
You too, sir, U 2.
February 20, 2022 at 8:23 pm #102225Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantR.I.M. at # 102208
More likely dab of Royal Jelly, sip of Holy water, drop or two of anointing oil and some communion wafers (that might be confused with your list). Nobody will know for sure, tis between Herself and Royal Surgeon.
February 20, 2022 at 8:25 pm #102226boscohorowitz
ParticipantThanx for the advice, defbot. We will. U de MAN!
February 20, 2022 at 8:28 pm #102227boscohorowitz
ParticipantOh, Oroboros: that magical bird murmuration image you posted was SO apt for when I get back to work on a) either finishing Santa as a very long short story, or b) letting it be a novel, putting it aside for now, and finishing up Performance Art.
I won’t say that great minds think alike, cuz mine ain’t great. I will say that greatness comes when mins work together. graci, dudesicle
February 20, 2022 at 8:29 pm #102228Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantFinalGravity at # 102223
What an accelerating thought you have given us. (/rhetorical_sarcasm)
February 20, 2022 at 8:35 pm #102229boscohorowitz
Participant“immanent algorithm”
My dear old Uncle Gayle from NE Georgia liked the old engineering equational joke:
“The dangle of the angle is equal to the mass of the ass providing that the slack of the crack is inversely proportional to the beat of the meat divided by the heat of the movement.”
February 20, 2022 at 8:43 pm #102230chooch
ParticipantAwhile back, Mr. Roboto said (about deflationista),
“I was surprised you posted that, but this comment sheds some light on what it was you thought you were doing. Sometimes I get the impression that you need us to be something for you that we’re really not.”
Or maybe,
A virtuous nemesis?
IVM Misinformation superhero?
Anyway friction and tension are good, just having some fun with it no I’ll will intended.
February 20, 2022 at 8:52 pm #102231Figmund Sreud
Participant… just run into this, The Catastrophe of Canada, … recorded February 19, 2022. Long chat – ~1 hr. – between Jordan Peterson and Rex Murphy:
February 20, 2022 at 9:12 pm #102232Dr D Rich
ParticipantDear Dr. D.
You’re the penultimate person before deflationista I’d thought would be deluded by The Nunchuck team’s soothing and soporific salutations. Were you taken in by their invocation of ‘collaborative’, their declaration of safest possible merhod or their promise to serve the judge tormenting them when the Canadian dollar implodes?
There’s nothing as private as hard cash exchanged between two individuals wearing surgical gloves and also no ledger, their term, of prior transactions or systems log file for every single computer keystroke or screenshot executed by our NSA CIA GOOG overlords.
Maybe what The Nunchuck team does is too complex to explain, understand or distrust.
Explain it to me.I said before that the Government gave the cryptocurrency game away circa 2018 or earlier with NSA RELEASED the EternalBlue exploits WannaCry and WannaMine.
The Nunchuk team said nothing to dispel this notion.February 20, 2022 at 9:13 pm #102233boscohorowitz
ParticipantStock Market Got You Worried? Write a D-Day Note
“Investors need to stop blaming others for their own mistakes. One trick that might help: drafting an explanation of why you failed before your portfolio goes south.”
When Doctor Disco Doom says he’s half-expecting the markets to crash in a few days, I pay close attention. I dunno; I just do. Googling ‘stock market’ under news, the above from 2 days ago sure felt like DD is right.
‘You’re on your own’…’it’s NORMAL to lose’…’remember, nothing i a sure thing’… like aiming the herd as much as possible before the stampede.
February 20, 2022 at 9:33 pm #102234boscohorowitz
ParticipantVisiting Orlov’s site to see what’s up, I saw the free I was right about Ukraine! article from two days ago.
‘So that’s why it’s free,’ I realized. ‘He’s bragging and he is happy to let people worship him for free… for a limited time only, if he can possibly con us to pay for that too.’
“Fine with me if it takes a week or so for others to join in or not (as they so choose). They are free human beings, too, so it’s their free choice. One soul, one vote.”
That reminds me (and then I really do need to go away and reclaim my inner deaf-mute child awhile):
I’ve decided that I will write a brief letter not in my style, send it out there with rototillerman’s nifty 2 Narratives, some other stuff including today’s covid PCR test data, etc., and say that while the letter IS radical, I felt compelled t share it, blah blah… something that breeds some empathetic sympathy for me as a bewildered citizen rather than the classic Deluded Skeptic role we all get relegated to.
“Crazy as it may sound, I feel compelled to share it…”
I’ll send them one at a time, maybe every fifteen minutes so as to avoid spam issues.
I’ll share it when it’s written, probably tomorrow night. Any more politics and I’ll puke on my shoes.
February 20, 2022 at 9:34 pm #102235boscohorowitz
ParticipantPosted the lyrics for us hearing-challenged folks, then removed them: they’re just too gross.
February 20, 2022 at 9:57 pm #102236Veracious Poet
ParticipantFebruary 20, 2022 at 10:07 pm #102237boscohorowitz
ParticipantApparently, size really doesn’t matter after all. It ain’t the brass, it’s the embouchre, what rocks yo mama’s ocean.
VP, or whoever reads his mail to him:
Oh, I forgot: we’re in church. Isn’t that right, dear Church Lady busy counting attendance and helping St. Peter out by having people fill out naughty or nice heavenly pre-auth forms that keep things seemingly pure enough for her to feel her fellow parishioners are worthy of her exaltedly self-righteous company?
This gets so boring, VP, but if you must bring this tiresome nonsense up, I feel compelled to entertain myself out of the annoyance, sadness, and boredom it inspires in me.
This song eerily depicts how your expressions feel to me, except that this number has a good groove, a sly sense of humor, and excellent, often unorthodox and original improvisation on its basic schema.
You don’t.
February 20, 2022 at 10:08 pm #102238aspnaz
Participant“Sadly, the virus itself – particularly the variant Omicron – is a type of vaccine…. ” – Bill Gates
If Omicron is a vaccine then every virus is its own vaccine: why is this particular to Omicron? Yes, its sad for someone who wants to see people locked up and dying in huge numbers, but not for the victims of WEF. Remember, this is the guy handing out cash in a bid to take over the world. Gates is as dodgy as Windows 10.
February 20, 2022 at 10:15 pm #102239aspnaz
ParticipantThat is, it creates both B cell and T cell immunity. … Bill Gates
Actually your immune system creates the immunity, not the virus and definitely not the vaccines which are like using a coal-fired steam hammer to perform a circumcision. I see where this is going: Bill Gates wants his vaccines to replace the natural immune system? Dodgy as Windows 10.
February 20, 2022 at 10:23 pm #102240Doc Robinson
ParticipantRe: “Patients administered Ivermectin had a “notably higher” incidence of adverse events.”
“Out of the trial participants, slightly more patients from the Ivermectin group (52) progressed to severe disease than those in the control group (43). Additionally, out of the 55 trial participants who experienced adverse events, 33 were from the Ivermectin group, while 11 were from the control group. Out of events identifies as Serious Adverse Events (SAE), four were from the Ivermectin group while only one was from the control group. Adverse events are events that take place while a person is being treated or taking part in a trial, but are not necessarily caused by the treatment administered.”Jessica Rose took a closer look at that study.
“It is more than worth mentioning that the people that they enrolled had co-morbidities and that the most commonly reported ‘Severe Adverse Event’ in the [ivermectin] group was diarrhea. Diarrhea isn’t something you can’t easily recover from with hydration and proper nutrition.”
The study results showed that only 1.7% of the ivermectin group wound up on ventilators, compared to 4.0% of the control group (more than twice as many).
The study results also showed that only 1.2% of the ivermectin group died, compared to 4.0% of the control group (28-day in-hospital mortality rate), or as Jessica Rose puts it, “more than 3 times as many people died who were NOT on [ivermectin]”.
She did a deeper dive into the numbers:
“I made a couple ugly tables with RR and odds ratio (OR) calculations complete with chi-square test for both the primary and secondary outcomes. The chi-square statistic reveals that there is no statistically significant difference between the [ivermectin] and the non-ivermectin] groups with regard to succumbing to severe COVID-19. What that means is that although the likelihood of progressing to severe COVID-19 is higher in the [ivermectin] arm, the difference is not significant.”
“May I be so bold as to suggest that perhaps a more accurate conclusion for this paper would be something like, “Although slightly fewer people progressed to severe disease in the non-treatment group, mal-effects including death were reduced in the [ivermectin] treatment arm.”
Let’s talk about risk and 1טeרmEזכiה 20, 2022 at 10:24 pm #102241Red
ParticipantMis-information, dis-information, mal-information all explained very clearly right here:
25 minutes of a fun run down on the above.
Pre-bunk the de-bunk before the bunk is discovered to be bunk? Follow that? Ahh the fun never ends.
February 20, 2022 at 10:37 pm #102242Red
ParticipantThe truth is no defence!
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