Debt Rattle February 21 2022


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle February 21 2022

  • This topic has 147 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Argon.
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  • #102420
    those darned kids

    well, i guess it’s fascism from here on in..

    i better practice!

    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,
    justin trudeau is the greatest thing since maple syrup,


    A lizard with many skins


    I want to call you Count Zero.
    I’ve had nick-names all my life
    Another nick-name won’t make a difference.




    Today without my lord trudeau’s permission, I have been illegally harvesting sap from his lordship’s sugar maple tree. I am feverishly boiling down the sap, using an illegal pot and stove, both items outlawed by his lordship.

    Under his lordship’s War Measures Act, doing so is now illegal and I can be charged with the horrible crime of mischief. It is only a matter of time before they hunt me down. What will be my fate when caught?


    So today Putin playing chess, recognized the 2 breakaway Ukrainian provinces as separate countries, while Biden was playing checkers, with his RussiaRussiaRussia war theatre narrative!

    I am sure Biden didn’t see that move coming!


    What will be my fate when caught?

    Seizure of your assets as per “the Act”


    I doubt his lordship trudeau has thought through the implications of freezing the bank accounts of protesters and thenmaking these War Measures Act powers permament!

    If you are in the business of laundry in money, is Canada still tops on your list, after that cannon ball was fired?

    Hey, China do you still want more Canadian real estate?


    The price of energy keeps going up and filling the Russian war chest.
    SWIFT is not needed. – Trading minerals for energy will work.


    Count Zero:

    Now with your new elevated status, you can probably obtain membership in the WEF!!!


    Re: Rogan Maajid Nawaz and Rogan

    The salient point missed by that clip is that these are “digital” IDs. A digital ID is very different to an ID: most countries give people IDs, whether social security number, national insurance number etc.

    The difference between an ID and a digital ID is that the digital ID will be combined with millions of digital ID readers which can be used to control your every move. For example, to enter a restaurant you have to swipe your digital ID which will let the restauranteur know whether you are allowed to enter the restaurant.

    How does it do this? The system keeps thousands of lines of data on each person and thousands of rules in a central database. It decides whether you can enter the restaurant by feeding your data (as identified by the number in your digital ID) into a few of the rules used for this type of restaurant. The rules make a decision based on your data and the result will be either yes or no. This is done in less than a millisecond. The rules can be expanded and changed as required: for example, one of the rules will force a YES for people with VIP=yes in their data so that they can get anything they want. But if your data contains VIP=no, then you do not get the assumed yes and the other rules will decide your fate.

    The next stage is to implant your Digital ID chip into your hand. As you enter a restaurant a detector reads your chip and determines whether you can enter. If the answer is no then a your ID picture is flashed up to the patron who throws you out. Alternatively, the local police are informed and you are removed from the restaurant and thrown into the gulag.

    I was part of the development team for a similar sort of system for airport baggage handling. The chips were in the baggage labels and the bags were routed to their destination by readers and actuators along the converyors. The readers could read the chips from the edge of the belt so there was no need to get too close to the baggage. The system could even identify which user owned which bag as well as where the bag should go. This was 30 years ago so I am sure the remote chip reading technology is now far superior.


    Now that the west has gone all green, they have lost all the skills required for resource extraction!
    Can’t even make computers, to add zeros by keystrokes to their made from thin air money either!
    No paper and ink to print money either!


    I found the perfect lyrics for what is happening here in Canada.

    The Trees by Rush.

    Wish I could post the lyrics here with two small additions.

    Insert “Canadian” before maple and Insert “WEF” before oak, then it would be perfect!


    What will be interesting to see is whether the Canadian system has any way of containing a runaway government, one determined to destroy the country and its constitution. Is Canada like the USA, totally at the mercy of the billionaires?

    I am now starting to see the advantage of true nationalism that exists in third world countries where the military would step in, overthrow the government to defend the nation against external interests. Of course, the military soon gets bogged down in its own corruption, it is impossible to turn down the power of cash.

    I do not expect such an event in Canada where the military are probably too busy playing video games and would not want to risk their pensions for their country.


    Must keep the “Act” for 30 days because the truckers might come back and plow/charge/attack through the manned cement barricades around the red zone.

    (What is the name of that movie that the liberals are living?
    It doesn’t exist in my universe/reality)


    @deflationista said:

    Maybe you don’t realize how stupid you sound?

    Ironic that such a contrarian should appeal to status to insult others.


    ” Although aggregate groups may have attributes, like “Americans” or “Women”, you cannot reverse from any demographic aggregate to the individual at all. At all.”


    @deflationista said:

    No shame is using a 6 year old disabled boy as a tool for your own anti-vax propaganda campaign.

    Says the supporter of child vaccinations, a person who supports increasing of 40% in the rate of death amongst the pre-lifespan population, a person who cannot comprehend that people can be bad, that the west is in full-spectrum collapse. My suggestion is that you change your name to virtue delusionista.


    @deflationista said:

    This website is run by a bunch of lawyers, why do you believe lawyers more than a government? We all know how you hang on every word of the government as if they were Jesus himself. Is it because this is the Indian government and darkie governments are not as trustworthy as lawyers?


    On the subject of ‘Count Zero’ (congrats – or should that be commiserations? zsum 😉

    I always liked this song by Public Enemy – She watch Channel Zero

    The woman makes the men all pause
    And if you got a woman She might make you forget yours
    There’s a 5 letter word To describe her character
    But her brains being washed by an actor
    And every real man that tries to approach
    The closer he comes He gets dissed like a roach

    I don’t think I can handle
    She goes channel to channel
    Cold lookin’ for that hero
    She watch channel zero

    Two, seven, five, four, eight
    She watched she said
    All added up to zero
    And nothing in her head
    She turns and turns
    And she hopes the soaps
    Are for real, she learns
    That it ain’t true, nope
    But she won’t survive
    And rather die in a lie
    Falls a fool, for some dude, on a tube

    I don’t think I can handle
    She goes channel to channel
    Cold lookin’ for that hero
    She watch channel zero


    Count Zero is both the title of W. Gibson’s 2nd book and an imaginary computer term. From my corner of the junior high cafeteria, it connotes coolness.

    Keep on being cool, Count Zero.


    “What will be my fate when caught?”



    Te Trees by RUsh

    There is unrest in the forest
    Trouble with the trees
    For the maples want more sunlight
    And the oaks ignore their pleas
    The trouble with the maples
    (And they’re quite convinced they’re right)
    They say the oaks are just too lofty
    And they grab up all the light
    But the oaks can’t help their feelings
    If they like the way they’re made
    And they wonder why the maples
    Can’t be happy in their shade
    There is trouble in the forest
    And the creatures all have fled
    As the maples scream, “Oppression”
    And the oaks just shake their heads
    So the maples formed a union
    And demanded equal rights
    They say, “The oaks are just too greedy
    We will make them give us light”
    Now there’s no more oak oppression
    For they passed a noble law
    And the trees are all kept equal
    By hatchet, axe, and saw

    (I didn’t post the song cuz I am one of those who doesn’t enjoy Geddy Lee’s singing although his intonation, power, inflection and range are impressive.


    The name ‘deflationista’ rather speaks for itself, although those lyrics above by Rush provide further detail.

    John Day

    Deflationista was a real commenter to this blog around 2011.
    “Deflationista” appears to be a hybrid entity.


    Deflat. Thanks for long reply. I am of course aware these things have been happening always. The question is do they happen more often these days. And, anecdotally it really seems to be so. And my selection of words was intentional: “seems to be leading cause of nasty coincidences”. Seems to be. Hard thing about this subject is, we are surrounded with so much disinformation, and if it were only from random internet sites, it would be manageable. But since the official government data about this subject seems to follow the old GIGO (garbage in garbage out) model from the information sciences, we will never have the answers. This is mostly about beliefs, who believes this and who believes that. One can always find anecdotal tidbits which seemingly support the opinion he/she wants to support. I am not saying I know anything about this. I just smell heavy odour of the bullshit in the medias.

    I have given up on this subject. I have my beliefs, you have yours, everyone have their own, and they will not be unified, since we dont have the facts. Signal to noise ratio on this subject is too low.

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