Debt Rattle February 22 2025


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    Doc John

    “How many tanks does the Supreme Court have?” Joe Stalin.

    That was funny!


    “That national debt is just a fiction story written by the robber barons. We don’t owe anybody that money. It was all fraud.”

    If Obama’s birth certificate were proven false, if Biden’s election is found to be a fraud, if Ilyan Omar was found to be naturalized as a fraud, if AOC’s winning her seat was a fraud, etc etc — then all the laws passed, actions taken, are void due to fraud.

    I’d love to see us get to this point at the national AND state levels. Wipe out the past 15 years.

    Like Sargon/Benjamin is saying in that video – they’re not interested in talking anymore, just eradicating everything you’ve been doing. One drop of leftism is poison at this point.

    I think Sargon makes a mistake in even THINKING of talking at this point.

    Once everything gets rolled back to at LEAST 15 years ago, all the stuff you would not discuss, THEN perhaps we can discuss like civilized people. You don’t get to be overbearing insufferable jerks for years and negotiate from those winnings as status quo.

    And of course now it is plain what they were building up to. All the underlying building blocks from decades of previous work.

    Theres a point in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series in which a diplomat shows up and talks with the Foundation people for days. They record all the conversations and have their best semanticists, philologists, and mathematicians analyze what he said to determine for sure what was being communicated.

    They realize that everything he said mathematically cancelled everything else he said – they spent the past week being told absolutely nothing at all!

    That’s what talking would be at this point.

    Leftists think they have a divine right to the underlying assumptions that led to their wins of the past 15 years. If you put the Foundation’s best semanticists, philologists, and mathematicians on it, they’d discover they all semantically break down to “Me win, you lose, because I say. Me good you bad.”

    NO underlying proof, just that insistence. Wander around insie of “ruuulez” that insist you won before having to prove anything.

    Once it’s wiped all the way back to blank slate and they have to prove their underlying basis, their underlying assumptions, THEN talk can truly begin. But you won’t get to just reference “unquestionables” that have no actual content to them except “Me win! Me win!”

    “So I came across a deplorable, so I did a #3, a #5 and ah… yeah then threw in a #2 in at the end”

    No, man. No more free ride ever again.

    D Benton Smith

    We are moving into a digital future, which of course requires ubiquitous AI as a bare minimum requirement for running things digitally.

    Those who think that this is small or unimportant to them personally and immediately have not been paying attention.

    Fortunately for us (I suppose, but with serious misgivings) the AI controlled all-digital way of doing all sorts of vitally important things (which we are already heavily heavily dependent on various AI systems for) are being taken over and run under new management by people who are much nicer than the last ones who were running everything with AI. You know what I mean, things like money, physical security, being able to communicate freely, move around without annoying restraints and keeping ourselves fed. That kind of stuff.

    They say (and many of them believe) that the AI Everything system that they’ve been building at light-speed for over 40 years is going to be a “Good” one, but that promise misses the point almost altogether. The point is whether having such a system AT ALL is good for us in the long run.

    Well, don’t look now but that particular decision point was crossed a long time ago. There is no question about it. We ARE moving into an Artificial Intelligence controlled future whether we like it or not. BOTH main camps of our “leadership” class are in firm agreement upon that.

    Elon Musk even went so far as to say that since mankind’s future IS a future of being run by an AI, then we better do whatever we can to assure that it is an AI which appreciates and values Humanity (in other words, a “Good” AI).

    What a absolute idiots “geniuses” like Musk can be. He states the impossible as though it were not impossible. He states that we need an AI that “likes” us when he knows full well that an Artificial Intelligence is only artificial, and thus cannot actually “like” or actually feel anything at all which requires consciousness to experience.

    Long story short: And AI future is 100% guaranteed suicide. It will work to one degree or another until it doesn’t, and when it doesn’t then everyone who is dependent upon it for their very lives, will then die because the thing they depended upon for their very lives is gone.

    I call such irreversibly bad consequences by another name. I call the “gonesequences”.

    There is only one way to survive it, and I doubt that many have the balls to do what’s necessary.

    The only way to survive is to establish and maintain 100% free, uncensored and uncontrolled freedom of information, t thought, and speech. Nothing less will do. The fatal flaw within that strategy, of course, is that it must somehow resist the irresistible temptation to restrict that absolute freedom to one’s adversaries, and take over the ultimate decision making authority by deciding who gets to know, think or say certain things. For example, should the Chinese know our nuclear codes? Should your wife’s boy friend know your work schedule? How about who owns the Gold in (or absent from) Fort Knox? Who killed JFK? Is America’s money legitimate or counterfeit? You get the point.

    Power requires secrets and secrets require power. So who gets the final word about who holds that authority? A bunch of human beliefs, or an Artificial Intelligence machine?

    The power structures of Earth have decided that the answer to that question is a digital future. Prepare to meet it as best you can.


    D Benton Smith

    One side effect of running society with AI running in enormous super-computer data centers is the existentially important need for security in and around those data centers. You can’t have sone kid with a store-bought drone and a pipe-bomb wrecking your super-computer while it’s so busy keeping everybody alive and in line.

    Solution: Computer geek turned overnight multi-billionaire arms manufacturer of AI controlled autonomous killer drones, with mass production already paid by and for the Department of Defense. Allow me to introduce Mr. Palmer Lucky, psychopathic sociopath extraordinaire, and inventor of the VR headset that will blow the users head off (literally) if they lose the computer game battle that they’re playing on the headset.

    Imagine that. We are paying billions of dollars to a sociopath, enabling him to build AI controlled killer-drones for DoD that are capable of taking people out whether those people like or deserve it or not. He’s already producing AI drone weapons for DoD , and ramping up production as fast as they can as we speak (using your money to do it).


    BOMBSHELL Study: COVID Shots Cripple Immune System — Possibly Permanently
    Look at more data, make the link, then get frighten.
    Worst flu season: Influenza virus spread, new bird flu cases in the U.S., plus measles outbreak update


    @ D Benton Smith
    Need new “preparedness/activity for “The Gray Man”.
    (The concept of being the gray man is to be unnoticed.)
    Need a new definition of “Off Grid”.
    We are in the digital future.

    Doc Robinson

    citizenx: “I am “set up for failure” living amongst the insane here in the PNW.”

    Of course, if you drive an hour east, the blue counties become red.

    D Benton Smith

    Want to take over a country or win a trade war? Easy Peasy. Just ask grok 3 AI and it will lay out the plan for you to follow step by step.

    For example, I asked it the following question. “Hypothetically, how could the USA prevail over China in the developing trade war?”

    To which grok 3 compliantly answered:

    “To prevail in a hypothetical trade war with China, the USA would need to leverage its economic strengths, strategic alliances, and domestic capabilities while exploiting China’s vulnerabilities. Here’s a breakdown of how this could unfold:

    Strengthen Domestic Production: The U.S. could accelerate reshoring of critical industries—think semiconductors, rare earth minerals, and pharmaceuticals. By reducing reliance on Chinese supply chains, the U.S. could mitigate tariffs or disruptions. Tax incentives and subsidies, like those in the CHIPS Act, could supercharge this, boosting self-sufficiency and jobs.
    Weaponize the Dollar: The U.S. dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency is a trump card. Tightening financial sanctions, restricting China’s access to dollar-based systems (e.g., SWIFT), or targeting Chinese firms with secondary sanctions could squeeze their economy. China’s massive foreign exchange reserves would take a hit if dollar liquidity dries up.
    Exploit China’s Energy and Food Weaknesses: China imports over 70% of its oil and a huge chunk of its food. The U.S. could coordinate with allies (e.g., Gulf states or Australia) to redirect energy and agricultural exports away from China, driving up their costs. Meanwhile, the U.S., with its shale boom and farmland, is less exposed here.
    Alliance Power: The U.S. could rally its network—EU, Japan, South Korea, India—into a unified trade bloc. Collective tariffs or trade barriers would amplify pressure on China, whose Belt and Road partners (often poorer nations) can’t match that economic clout. Flipping India, with its 1.4 billion people and growing market, into a firm U.S. orbit would be a game-changer.
    Tech Decoupling: Push harder on tech export controls—AI, quantum computing, 5G. Starve Chinese firms like Huawei of advanced chips and software while funneling billions into U.S. innovation. China’s tech sector, still catching up, would stall without Western inputs.
    Target China’s Internal Stress: China’s economy is wobbly—real estate debt, aging population, youth unemployment. The U.S. could amplify this by flooding markets with cheap alternatives to Chinese exports (via allies like Vietnam or Mexico), undercutting their trade surplus. A psychological ops campaign—highlighting Xi’s failures—might stir domestic unrest too.
    Control the Narrative: Win the PR war. Frame China as the aggressor dumping goods or stealing IP. Use soft power—Hollywood, media, X—to sway global opinion and justify U.S. moves. China’s censorship and propaganda struggle to counter this effectively outside its borders.
    The catch? China’s not defenseless. They’d retaliate with rare earth export bans, U.S. debt sell-offs, or cyberattacks. The U.S. would need airtight execution and public tolerance for short-term pain (higher prices, market dips). Victory would hinge on outlasting China’s centralized system, which lacks the U.S.’s adaptability and alliance depth. Hypothetically, if the U.S. plays this smart, China’s economy could buckle first.

    You might have noticed that what the Trump administration is currently doing to China is precisely what grok 3 AI suggested that I do to win the trade war.

    So is our team taking the advice of AI systems in developing its China policy? I think maybe so.

    And that is super-scary because if I had the power to do what grok 3 said I should do, and if I actually carried out those activities in the real world (because I had the power to do so), then what do YOU think would happen? Would good stuff happen or would bad stuff happen? Would peace prevail or would China and/or the United States escalate to military actions to protect themselves from losing the trade war.

    A word to the wise: EVERYTHING that an AI advises you to believe or do, if followed to the letter, will result in death and destruction eventually because AI does not and can not itself consciously experience the difference between good results and bad results. It just follows the algorithms because that’s all that it is. Ask it how to “win” and it will simply tell you how to “win”, and get away with it.

    Doc Robinson

    @ citizenx

    Even closer to you than Eastern Washington, it’s “red” not “blue” in Granite Falls and Gold Bar, for example.
    (page 76 of 646)


    But there are in fact no big rare earth deposits in Ukraine which are economically retrievable.
    All licenses for those minerals which can be recovered at a profit have already been sold.
    February 22, 2025
    Zelenski Has Yet To Eat The Shit Sandwich
    The first goal is to encourage Zelensky not to publicly criticize the statements and actions of Trump and his administration. In fact, it has already been achieved. After the memorable post of the US president about a “dictator without elections”, Zelensky does not criticize him or other members of the American administration.

    The second goal is to force Kyiv to sign a mineral agreement.

    The third is to encourage Zelensky to accept the format of the peace agreement promoted by the Americans “first a truce, then elections, then the conclusion of a long-term peace agreement.”


    Pope in critical condition

    COVID Shots Cripple Immune System — Possibly Permanently
    Look at more data, is there a link


    Michael Reid

    John Day


    From November 2022, the origin of the term, Brokenism, Alana Newhouse
    The real debate today isn’t between the left and right. It’s between those invested in our current institutions, and those who want to build anew.
    ​ Two years ago, I wrote an essay in which I tried to explore the growing sense, made more glaring during the first year of the pandemic, that whole parts of American society were breaking down before our eyes. The central idea was that we must accept what is broken beyond repair in order to build our communities and institutions anew.
    ​ Among the many people who wrote to me in the aftermath was a man around my age named Ryan, who introduced himself as a West Point graduate and combat veteran, biracial and from a multi-generational Black military family. “I’ve lived and traveled all over the world, but I cherish my family’s deep roots in a small town in rural Ohio,” he wrote. “It seems very dark some days, but your closing nails it: ‘It can almost feel easier to believe it can’t be done. But it can.’”​ As I did with many others who wrote me heartfelt notes, I reached out to Ryan and asked to meet over Zoom. It turned out we had more in common than either of us had guessed, and we began a correspondence that’s endured since then.
    ​ At one point last year, Ryan said something that struck a nerve. “I don’t know what I identify as these days, because everything has gotten so scrambled,” he noted. “I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, I don’t even think I could define myself narrowly as either a liberal or a conservative anymore. The one thing I know that I fundamentally do believe is the premise of your piece, that the dominant institutions of American life—in education, in the arts, in politics—are either totally broken or so weak or corrupt that they’re becoming irrelevant. In a way, the only thing I know that I believe in is … brokenness.”​

    ​A few days ago: The Brokenists Did Not Move Right Frank J. DiStefano
    People haven’t moved politically. It’s a different fight. It’s also transitional. This isn’t the final form of the Republican or Democratic Parties.
    ​ Among the strangest developments of the last decade has been the migration of so many prominent people from the political left to the right.
    ​ I’m thinking about crusading lefty journalists like Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald. Former Democratic Congresswoman and DNC Vice Chair Tulsi Gabbard, who rose to fame supporting Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. Lefty academics like Bret Weinstein, who taught at the proudly activist Evergreen State College. Entertainment industry stalwarts like Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, and Theo Von. Former environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—an honest-to-goodness Kennedy from the Democratic Party’s royal family.
    ​ This odd coalition includes many of the people Oliver Wiseman in The Free Press recently called Brokenists (riffing on a concept first coined by Alana Newhouse). What’s important about these figures is they didn’t really “move right.” In fact, the thing we’re now calling “left” and “right” has nothing to do with liberalism or conservatism.​..
    ..The reality is these people didn’t “move” right because they haven’t moved anywhere. The labels left and right are up for grabs, and these people are the stubborn and independent-minded coal-mine canaries willing to play ball with the other coalition first. What this additionally means is these emerging coalitions are not permanent. This era of Brokenists and Denialists is a transitional phase in a larger transformation.​..
    ..It’s only during the middle of the twentieth century that our modern ideas of left and right consolidated, when Democrats coalesced around the New Deal and Great Society while Republicans coalesced around the ideas of William F. Buckley, Jr.’s Conservative Movement. We’ve all lived our entire lives inside this tiny bubble of human history, so our definitions of left and right feel permanent to us, but they were always just temporary labels in a permanently shifting politics…
    ..We no longer have a left-right spectrum. We have a Brokenist-Denialist spectrum. Everyone who believes the system is broken—and there are a lot of them—is getting pulled into the Republican Party and the right. Everyone who thinks things are fine has become a Democrat on the left. If you were once on the left but started questioning whether the system is broken and needs significant reform, you’ll get pushed out into the coalition of the right. None of this has anything to do with what we classically called liberalism or conservatism, or the twentieth-century right and left.
    ​ This obviously isn’t sustainable, so it will not be sustained.
    ​ This won’t, and can’t, be the final form of either the Republican or Democratic Party. You can’t build a lasting politics around a Brokenist-Denialist spectrum. Eventually, Brokenists have to use their power to do something to actually fix the things they say are broken… This is beginning to happen in some ways, but it’s going to create an epic internal fight…
    ..The Democrats, on the other hand, have backed themselves into defending the indefensible. The current system is, in fact, broken, and everyone knows it. It’s archaic, designed for a mid-twentieth century that no longer exists. It doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do. It’s increasingly corrupted. The identitarian experiment the establishment adopted, and which professional elites seemed to love, proved deeply unpopular. Most important, Americans no longer trust the system.​

    ​ Jim Kunstler, Funny Money
    ​ As “Joe Biden” racked up Democratic presidential primary wins in 2024, the shadowy claque behind him allocated $27-billion to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from the huge Inflation Reduction Act, ostensibly for “climate change action.” The money was stashed at Citibank, where it became a hidden slush-fund to keep payoffs flowing to party favorites no matter who won the 2024 election. An EPA “special advisor on climate action,” one Brent Efron, told a Project Veritas investigative reporter that “President Biden” was “throwing gold bars off the Titanic”.
    ​ The key to understanding how the Democratic Party works is how it uses federal grants to redistribute taxpayer money into jobs programs for its rank-and-file. As seen in the recent USAID scandal, the action revolves around the creation of countless NGOs (non-governmental orgs). They are easily created, poorly supervised, and assembled into large networks of self-serving, inter-dependent organisms whose main mission is paying staffers — and secondarily pretending to do good works, as suggested by a given group’s name is. These staffers make up the matrix of Democratic Party activists, well-paid foot-soldiers in do-nothing jobs who can be called upon to cheer-lead for the party, organize street protests and, most critically, harvest ballots when the time comes.​

    ​ Debts are also retirements. The Answer To 1913 Is 2025: 3 Charts That Show Why The Income Tax, The IRS And The Federal Reserve Should All Be Abolished
    ​The primary reason why we have had an almost unbelievably high standard of living over the past three decades is because we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world. Once upon a time the United States was the wealthiest country on the entire planet, but all of that prosperity was not good enough for us. So we started borrowing and borrowing and borrowing and we have now been living beyond our means for so long that we consider it to be completely normal.
    ​ When President Woodrow Wilson entered the White House in 1913, the U.S. was less than 3 billion dollars in debt.
    Now we are 36 trillion dollars in debt…
    ​ This is what a central bank is designed to do.
    Most people simply do not understand this.​

    The Answer To 1913 Is 2025: 3 Charts That Show Why The Income Tax, The IRS And The Federal Reserve Should All Be Abolished

    John Day

    ​ Celia Farber suspects there will be a discovery that vaccines cause autism: President Trump Again Stresses Catastrophic Autism Rate In American Children: My Interpretation Reading Between The Lines

    ​ Kash Patel Is Already Making Huge Changes at the FBI
    ​ He wasted no time turning his bold rhetoric into action. Following his blistering speech on Friday, he ordered the transfer of 1,500 agents and staff from the bureau’s Washington, D.C., headquarters to field offices across the country.
    ​ Roughly 1,000 will be sent to high-crime cities that the Trump administration designated, where they can focus on fighting crime instead of political games. Another 500 will be reassigned to Huntsville, Ala., which is widely seen as D.C.’s version of exile.​

    Pentagon Purge: Trump Fires Chairman Of Joint Chiefs, Navy Chief And Other Top Brass​

    ​ There is disagreement about what specifically is happening: US has ‘frozen’ weapons sales to Ukraine – MPs
    President Donald Trump earlier accused Kiev of misusing aid and demanded reimbursement​

    ​ US President Donald Trump called the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin “very good.” At the same time, he stressed that the talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky were “not so good.”​

    John Day

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has few supporters left in US President Donald Trump’s inner circle, sources in the US leader’s administration told the New York Post . According to one of them, the best option for Volodymyr Zelensky would be his “immediate departure to France.”​

    ​ Why It’s Crucial To Expose US Provocations in Ukraine
    If you believe that Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked, you will likely compare Putin to Hitler and will likely oppose President Trump’s peace negotiations with Russia… This is why it’s so crucial that people who know the truth about U.S. provocations in Ukraine and about America’s extreme hypocrisy to be fearlessly outspoken in proclaiming: the U.S. intentionally provoked the war, to weaken Russia, to wean Europe from Russian energy, and to make Europe more dependent on the U.S.​ Unless the truth about U.S. provocations is exposed, there will be continued opposition to a peace deal for Ukraine, in both the U.S. and the EU.​

    ​ Thus spake Baerbock: Germany issues warning to US
    Europe should make it clear to President Trump that failure to back “liberal democracies” will come at a price, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has insisted​

    ​ Freidrich Merz is the man expected to win the most votes Sunday. Germany’s likely next chancellor is a BlackRock man
    Under his government, US capital will have free rein to cannibalise the German economy​

    ​Moon of Alabama, Zelenski Has Yet To Eat The Shit Sandwich
    “It’s a sh*t sandwich,” a Trump administration official acknowledged.
    “But Ukraine is going to have to eat it because [Trump] has made clear this is no longer our problem.”
    ​ The Trump administration is increasing its pressure on Ukraine’s (former) president Zelenski to swallow the shit sandwich. It offered a ‘new’ version of it which turned out to be the same as the old one:
    ​ The United States is doubling down on a demand that Ukraine relinquish half of its revenues from natural resources, including minerals, gas and oil, as well as earnings from ports and other infrastructure, according the document, which was reviewed by The New York Times.
    ​ The document, which was dated Feb. 21, states that the revenues will be directed to a fund in which the United States holds 100 percent financial interest, and that Ukraine should contribute to the fund until it reaches $500 billion — the amount President Trump has demanded from the war-torn country in exchange for American aid. That is more than twice Ukraine’s gross domestic product before the war.
    ​ The document does not stipulate that the United States will provide security guarantees for Ukraine in return for access to Ukrainian resources. That key demand from President Volodymyr Zelensky was absent in the first draft agreement presented to him last week, prompting him to decline to sign the deal.
    ​ There was even a threat, twice, to withdraw Starlink access from Ukraine’s army should Zelenski reject the steal.​

    John Day

    U.S. could cut Ukraine’s access to Starlink internet services over minerals, say sources​

    Instead of rare earth metals, the US demands other valuable assets from Kyiv – MP Goncharenko​

    NATO leaders back Zelensky over Trump​: The US president has called the Ukrainian leader a “dictator” over his refusal to hold elections​

    ​ Expendable in 2 months at current attrition rates: Report: European Military Chiefs Propose Sending 30,000 Troops to Ukraine
    In response to the plan, Russia reiterated its opposition to the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine as part of a peace deal​

    ​ Kremlin responds to reports of plans for Western troops in Ukraine
    Any stationing of militaries from NATO countries would be unacceptable, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said​

    John Day

    ​ Rubio explains purpose of Russia-US talks
    ​ The US and Russia sought to restore normal diplomatic relations during this week’s talks in Saudi Arabia because global nuclear powers must communicate to resolve conflicts such as the one in Ukraine, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio has said.​

    ​ And tortured… Gaza hospital director says he doesn’t know why he is being detained
    ‘In the end, I am delivering a humanitarian message, and those receiving treatment at our facility were ordinary civilians,’ says Dr. Husam Abu Safiya
    ​ Abu Safiya gained prominence for his humanitarian role during the Israeli genocide in Gaza and was one of the leading doctors who continued working under bombardment to save the wounded and injured.
    ​ Israeli forces arrested him in late December after storming Kamal Adwan Hospital, forcing him out at gunpoint after the hospital was destroyed and rendered non-operational.
    As the Israeli genocide escalated, Abu Safiya paid a heavy personal price when his son, Ibrahim, was killed during an Israeli army raid on the hospital on Oct. 26.
    ​ On Nov. 24, 2024, Abu Safiya was injured in an Israeli airstrike targeting the hospital, but he refused to leave and continued treating patients and the wounded.​

    ​ Are they sure? Anybody could make mistakes digging up bodies from collapsed tunnels. IDF accuses Hamas of returning wrong body
    The militant group has released the remains of an infant and his brother, but Israel says a third body is not their mother’s​

    ​ Netanyahu accuses Hamas of breaching Gaza agreement over body release forgery
    The Israeli Prime Minister stressed that “Hamas will pay the full price for this cruel and despicable violation of the agreement”​

    ​Caitlin Johnstone, Israel Pushes New Atrocity Narrative Just As Ceasefire Deadline Approaches

    John Day

    On the other hand: Gaza official reports over 350 Israeli violations of ceasefire deal

    ​ An honest mistake? Jerusalem: Jewish man attacks Israeli woman with axe, mistaking her for a Christian
    According to the media reports, police suspect that the attack, which took place in Jerusalem’s Old City, was motivated by “hatred of Christians”.
    ​ Eyewitnesses told the channel that the suspect shouted “Christian” at the victim before violently attacking her inside her home, leaving her with severe injuries.
    The suspect then fled the scene.
    ​ The woman, who is around 70 years old and resides in the Old City, sustained serious injuries and remains in hospital for treatment, the reports added.
    No statement has been issued by Israeli authorities regarding the incident.​

    ​ Israeli army strikes Syria-Lebanon border, citing alleged Hezbollah arms transfers
    Despite the ceasefire, Israel has committed nearly 1,000 violations, killing and injuring dozens in Lebanon, including women and children.
    ​ Late Thursday, the Israeli daily Israel Hayom reported that the Israeli army also carried out airstrikes on the Syrian city of Homs.
    Following the ouster of Bashar al-Assad’s regime on Dec. 8, 2024 in Syria, Israel has conducted dozens of airstrikes targeting Syrian military positions.
    ​ It has also expanded its occupation of the Golan Heights by seizing the demilitarized buffer zone and Mount Hermon, violating the 1974 disengagement agreement with Syria.​

    ​ Apple Nukes End-to-End Encryption In UK After Refusing To Give Backdoor Access
    Apple has elected to remove its most advanced, end-to-end encrypted security feature for cloud data in the United Kingdom after the government ordered the company to build a backdoor for accessing customer data.​

    ​ Doug Casey on the Coming Monetary Reset and Trump’s Impact on Gold and the Dollar
    If the dollar is transformed from a fiat currency into a receipt for gold—which it should be since that’s the only way to stabilize the system for the long term— a massively higher gold price is needed.
    ​ I spelled that out in my 1993 book, Crisis Investing for the Rest of the ’90s. I came up with numbers. Depending on which parts of the money supply you wanted to use, gold would have to be many thousands, perhaps $40,000 per ounce.
    ​ My podcast partner, Matt Smith, has done a great analysis, which has gone viral, discussing this. He found, whether in US dollar terms, Euros, Chinese Yuan, or other currencies, that the likely price for revalued gold is someplace between $20,000 and $30,000 per ounce.​

    John Day

    ​ Yale Researchers Find COVID Spike Protein in Blood 709 Days After Vaccination, Positing Millions of Long COVID Patients May Actually Be Vaccine Injured
    NIH has poured $1.6 billion into Long COVID research, but little or nothing to study vaccine harms, causing patient advocates to hide vaccine injury.​

    ​ Post-Vaccine Brain Fog, Immune Dysfunction Linked to Spike Protein That Can Persist in Body for Years
    Yale University researchers detected the spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccine in the blood of at least one person 709 days after vaccination — a significantly longer time than previously measured.
    ​ The research team also found that many people thought to be experiencing long COVID may instead be suffering from post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) caused by the spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccines.
    ​ PVS symptoms, similar to those of long COVID, commonly include brain fog, dizziness and tinnitus.
    ​ Study participants who were never infected with the virus but who had PVS had “significantly higher” levels of spike protein circulating in their blood — with the protein detected between 26-709 days after they received a COVID-19 vaccine.​

    ​ Pierre Kory MD on that: New Study Provides Legal Support For The Vaccine Injured
    Corporate lawyers beware: “Post Covid Vaccination Syndrome” is now a “real disease.” A new Yale study will hopefully help me and my patients’ lawyers win them compensation in disability hearings.​

    John Day

    ​ HHS Tells CDC to Yank ‘Wild to Mild’ Flu Vaccine Ad Campaign, Shift Focus to ‘Informed Consent’
    CDC officials announced the end of the campaign, designed to appeal to pregnant women and children, during a staff meeting, according to NPR. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making,” STAT News reported.​

    ​Keep your vitamin-D level in the upper normal range. Make it a habit. China Reports New Coronavirus ‘With Pandemic Potential’ Discovered

    ​ NEW STUDY – Vitamin D Protects Against COVID-19 mRNA Injection-Induced Myocarditis
    73.3% of myocarditis cases had low vitamin D—linked to higher inflammation, heart damage, and ICU admissions—while sufficient levels were associated with reduced severity.​


    Pick one.
    Who can you trust to keep their word/agreement/signature.

    1. USA
    2. Ukraine
    3. Israel
    4. Palestine
    5. None of the above

    Michael Reid

    D Benton Smith

    I cannot emphasize enough (and it’s impossible to emphasize too much) that at current rates of expansion the leading Artificial Intelligence System’s cognitive capacity is more than doubling every 12 hours, and accelerating as we speak.

    I suppose we could theoretically reign it in a little by halting the building out of more, bigger and better data centers, but in today’s paroxysm of hyper competitive war with China this is not a realistic expectation. No one is going to slow down anything in the AI race until we run out of GPU’s or electrical generation capacity, so don’t hold your breath.

    The above-described scenario does not even mention the exponential proliferation of innumerable specialized AI “agents”. These privately designed agents are little sub-routines of an AI system which end-users are encouraged to design and assign to specific tasks directed at achieving whatever those innumerable end-users want to use them for. Agents can handle your email replies, help you score better in the stock market, or assist in you in getting away with embezzling a few million from your employer.

    In other words, AI has already escaped, and the effect which that break-out has upon the progression of today’s crises is virtually unpredictable.

    To say that AI is a game changer is gross understatement, bordering on hilarious absurdity. It’s changing HOW it’s changing the game, in an ongoing, evolving and accelerating fashion this already completely out of control.

    I’ll probably have more to say about that as soon as another couple of days go by and the entire landscape has drastically changed unpredictably yet again.

    Looks like we F’ed around and are about to Find Out.


    Dr. John Day:

    Re – Flying Cars

    Q: What could possibly go wrong?

    A: The traffic light turns green!


    Thanks Doc R,
    Thinking about Leavenworth or the Okanagan…and Oliver Anthony’s recent speech regarding the “community of nobody’s” benevolence in action vs screeching leftist selfish dystopian insanity.
    Trying to work with and for, leftists has become an exercise in futility with the proven outcome being canceled and fired, or fu I quit…

    Fauci unmasked: Clearing the record on masks, social distancing, and vaccines

    Fauci’s own words-

    As a public health official and scientist, you’re really not only attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci, you’re attacking sCiEnCe…

    Speaking of yourself in 3rd person, or others directly in front of you, is a sign of sociopathy.
    So Fauci fires and censures any and all scientific dissent…
    Because nothing says “trust the science” like saying “I AM science”

    Why exactly did Biden pardon Fauci ?
    What crimes did Biden pardon Fauci for ?

    Why are covid cult Leftists retarded ?

    Sow the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind

    Excellent stuff, Thanks Dr D !
    Lots of true vindication in his words… Leftists trash deserve to be crushed, every last one of them.
    Crushed right out of existence.

    More from Sargon, trust the “experts”

    Funny stuff- DEI/ Woke cats out of the bag

    Global crimes against humanity, millions killed- crush them.
    No Mercy, no quarter.

    They choose the path where no-one goes

    Walking side by side with death
    The devil mocks their every step, ooh
    The snow drives back the foot that’s slow
    The dogs of doom are howling more
    They carry news that must get through
    To build a dream for me and you, oh

    The pain, the pain without quarter, oh yeah!
    Oh (I hear the dogs of doom are howling more!)

    Dr. D

    Michael Reid. “Winning All Around Us.” Or is it “Whining All Around Us”?

    “Celia Farber suspects there will be a discovery that vaccines cause autism” You mean the discovery we’ve already had for years?

    Listened to RFK’s NIH welcome speech, just the normal stuff, purposeful, heartfelt, saying we should follow the Science, because that’s also how you re-create trust.

    ““It’s a sh*t sandwich,” a Trump administration official acknowledged.
    “But Ukraine is going to have to eat it”

    No, Ukraine hasn’t existed since 2014. BRITAIN is going to have to eat it. Of course Daily Starmer says all Britons are going to die for Ukraine now. …And die they will, since they have no guns. I have not caught up with the Gilt market recently. Stopped bothering since we have no markets, it’s all a matter of how much capital Roths want to blow levitating it and whether they can flip another gold country and steal it.

    Wonder what they’re up to with the Ukraine Metals thing. I don’t believe they actually have any except as a theory. And right now. So…it’s a placeholder chit the U.S. needs when they carve up Ukraine with Russia, I think. Russia will then go “Aw shucks well not to make a big deal of it, it’s easier to concede some of this…” when really US/Russia had this all planned before 2014. US is just getting back a fraction of our cost of diffusing Brzezinski’s “Battering Ram” although they may not have thought it would go this far or cost this much. Clearly Russia did as they have 1M men in reserve still.

    “revalued gold is someplace between $20,000 and $30,000 per ounce”

    Maybe. That can come slowly though. They want to have a 20 year T-Bond where they payout in gold AT THE END. So that’s “Gold backed” but no gold rush now. It’s all about re-instating CONFIDENCE, the $30k is if everything else collapses right now. What if it doesn’t, even as it should? The put those bills out at $6k, the bonds carry on, gold rises $500/year.

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